Dup Manifesto 2019

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The document outlines the Democratic Unionist Party's (DUP) manifesto and 12-point plan to improve Northern Ireland and the UK.

The 12 points focus on healthcare, schools, the economy, protecting the vulnerable, life issues, the environment, crime, communities and celebrating Northern Ireland.

The DUP wants to boost skills and productivity through infrastructure investment and business rates reform while avoiding a hard border in Ireland after Brexit.

Let’s Get

the UK Moving


Leader’s Message
he Democratic Unionist Party has set The outcome of this election is not assured. This
out our 12-point plan to deliver on the manifesto and our 12-point plan for a brighter
people’s priorities on health, education, future would be the basis on which we would
jobs, childcare and protecting the vulnerable negotiate with those seeking our support. We
through having a working Assembly back and will talk to both Conservatives and Labour but
an All-Party Executive in place. we are clear we will not support Jeremy Corbyn
We are now offering our manifesto for the United as Prime Minister.
Kingdom, the sister document for our plan to get Others seek a mandate to do nothing in this
Northern Ireland moving again. election – nothing in the Assembly and nothing in
For Northern Ireland to truly flourish then it needs Parliament. The DUP seeks a mandate to turn up, a
the United Kingdom to succeed and likewise for mandate to work, and a mandate for:
the UK to truly flourish it needs all its constituent • Working with others to get things done for
parts and regions to succeed. This can be aided by Northern Ireland.
a strong and unified voice for Northern Ireland in • Our plan to get Northern Ireland
Parliament. The DUP is that voice. Moving Again.
The UK needs to do much more to fulfil its true • Protect Northern Ireland’s place in the Union.
potential. This should include:
• No borders in the Irish Sea and protection of
• Delivering for Northern Ireland the UK single market after Brexit.
• Helping Family Incomes Grow • Keep Corbyn out of Downing Street.
• National Infrastructure Investment that Take time to read our manifesto and our 12-point
delivers for the UK plan for Northern Ireland.
• Truly Internationally Competitive
• Leaving the European Union as One
United Kingdom
• A Global UK
Rt Hon Arlene Foster MLA - Leader,
• Our Green and Pleasant Land Democratic Unionist Party
• A Long-Term National Defence Approach
• Next Generation Unionism



Deputy Leader/Parliamentary
Party Leader’s Message
t the last Westminster election, the The DUP voted against Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal
votes of people in Northern Ireland and we will use our votes and our influence to
helped return the strongest ever team seek to correct that which would endanger the
of DUP Members of Parliament. economic and constitutional position of Northern
Working together, the DUP has been able to Ireland within the United Kingdom.
speak up for Northern Ireland’s interests and Unionists cannot afford the luxury of staying
had the strength to deliver for people, securing at home, wasting their vote on candidates and
an additional £1.5 billion for Northern Ireland’s parties that cannot win, or voting for those who
hospitals, schools and roads. are at best ambivalent about the Union. The party
This investment has been making a real difference that has most Members of Parliament elected
in every community across Northern Ireland. This after this election will be seen as the voice of
is what can be delivered when you turn up but the Northern Ireland.
DUP wants to do more. The DUP has a positive plan for the future of
On 12th December, there is a new opportunity our country, and a track record of working for
to move Northern Ireland in the right direction; Northern Ireland. While others talk about delivery,
to elect people who believe in Northern we can stand over what has been achieved as a
Ireland and who will go and do the job they are result of the votes cast for our party.
elected them to do. On 12th December vote for the DUP plan for a
At this election we are seeking a positive mandate Brighter Future; vote to protect Northern Ireland’s
to send the strongest Unionist team to speak up place in the United Kingdom; vote to get Northern
for Northern Ireland at Westminster; Ireland Moving Again.

A mandate
• To protect Northern Ireland’s place in the
United Kingdom.
• To get Northern Ireland moving again with a Rt Hon Nigel Dodds
re-established Executive and Assembly. Deputy Leader, Democratic Unionist Party
• To deliver a strong DUP team which will not
support a Corbyn Government.
• To support a party that has delivered over £1.5
billion for everyone in Northern Ireland and
wants to get more done.
• To send a message that there can be no
borders in the Irish Sea.



Manifesto Summary
10 Key Points
1.1 Delivering for 5 Leaving the European
Northern Ireland Union as One United
Northern Ireland needs represented by a Kingdom
strong team with the record of delivering
for all by working with other parties. The DUP is committed to a deal that
works for the whole of the United
Kingdom and which does not leave
Northern Ireland behind, with no border
2 Helping Family in the Irish Sea.
Incomes Grow
With austerity over, unemployment low
and the economy growing it is time to
6 A Global UK
ensure that people feel the benefits in A compassionate foreign aid programme
their incomes and in their lives. to support an effective voice across
the world for economic growth, human
rights and support for terrorist victims
3 National Infrastructure underpinned by a new approach to
Investment that delivers
for the UK
7 Our Green and
Infrastructure investment that works for
the whole of the country and drives a re- Pleasant Land
balancing of the national economy.
A renewed approach to agricultural
support, a new UK wide approach to
environmental protection and a just
4 Truly Internationally transformation to meet the 2050 Net
Zero target.
A plan to spread growth across the United
Kingdom driven by a business-friendly
environment with workers valued to drive
up productivity.


8 A Long-Term National 10 12-point plan for

Defence Approach Northern Ireland
Our national defence has been degraded Action at a national level that helps
with a long-term approach needed to deliver our 12-point plan to get Northern
reverse this, our anti-terrorism protections Ireland moving again in key areas such as
upgraded and raising the standards of health, education and crime.
veteran support.

9 Next Generation
Reforming Parliament and politics and
reshaping the relationships with the
devolved institutions and pro-active
engagement and promotion of the ties
that bind us.

Reasons to vote DUP

4 The strongest unionist team to speak up for Northern Ireland at Westminster.
4 For a strong DUP team who will not support a Corbyn Government.
4 Protect Northern Ireland’s place in the United Kingdom.
4 Support a party that has delivered over £1.5 billion for everyone in Northern Ireland and wants
to get more done.
4 Send a message that there can be no borders in the Irish Sea.
4 To get Northern Ireland moving again with a re-established Executive and Assembly taking
meaningful decisions on health and education.


Delivering for Northern Ireland

he DUP Confidence and Supply • £540k for suicide prevention.
Agreement with the Conservative • £403k to talking therapies.
Party has delivered much for Northern
Ireland. Even our opponents accept that • £610k for the recovery model.
more has been achieved for Northern Ireland • £190k to prevent substance misuse.
as a result of electing ten DUP Members of
Parliament who held the balance of power. • £189k for forensic mental health services.
With such an unpredictable election it is very • £165k Mental Capacity Act training.
possible it could happen again.
• £274k ‘Think Family’- to improve outcomes
Extra resources alone cannot solve every problem, where parents have mental health issues.
but additional money has been able to provide
vital investment. Without it we would have seen Multi-Agency Street Triage has been introduced
more and more front-line services slip back and involving two police officers, a mental health
no support for new services to develop. More and nurse and a paramedic working together to
better could have been achieved with a working respond to people with mental health problems,
Assembly but the value of Confidence and Supply and new crisis intervention/ de-escalation services
funding has been vital in key services like our NHS are being trialled in Londonderry and Belfast
and our schools. • The new multi-disciplinary teams in primary
care include mental health workers.
More for our health service
The Confidence and Supply Agreement is also
The injection of funding from the Confidence and providing a further £50 million specifically to
Supply Agreement has proved absolutely essential. mental health over five years. In the first year this
As well as allocations for immediate in-year resulted in:
pressures, £200 million was secured for health
transformation. The £100 million in the first year • £900,000 for Belfast Trust Acute Mental Health
has been invested in a range of transformation Facility.
initiatives including funding extra capacity to • £2.7 million to sustain and increase access to
help with waiting lists. It has permitted progress mental health services.
on multidisciplinary teams in primary care,
elective centres and workforce development, with • £1.8 million for additional expenditure on
examples including: medications.
• £30m towards Elective Care Waiting Lists. • £4.6 million for psychological therapies.
• £750,000 to Day Case Elective Care Centres More for children
for varicose veins in Lagan Valley and Omagh, Our children and the next generation of
and cataracts at Mid Ulster, Downpatrick and Northern Ireland have been supported through
South Tyrone Hospital. Confidence and Supply. £16.5million received by
• £2.5m reform of Elective Care pathways. the Department of Education has benefited local
schools in a number of ways including:
• New HIV prevention clinic in Belfast Health
Trust with more patients getting treated. • 38 Sure Start projects received £6.4million,
benefiting 39,000 children.
• £6.4m for improving the nursing and
midwifery workforce. • Literacy and numeracy projects have received
£700,000, with 40,000 registered users having
A number of mental health projects were funded
access to classroom resources.


• Nurture Provision received £1.3million, with investment from the national government over
a number of schools receiving £70,000 per 10-15 years to further bolster local economic
annum to support ongoing programmes. It is a growth and specialisation of economies. These
fact that this scheme would have been under funds are matched by investment from local
threat of closure but for C&S support. councils, devolved institutions and the private
• Early Years Pathway Fund, which supports sector. They aim to raise growth to the next
5,600 children by aiming to improve the level and help create the jobs of the future our
development of those most at risk of not children will need.
reaching their full potential within the school Prior to the agreement, no Council in Northern
system, has received £2.3 million. Ireland had ever had such a deal. No Northern
• Extended Schools have received £5.8 million, Ireland Council had ever been proposed for one
which has safeguarded the fund for the by the national government. The DUP made
foreseeable future. such growth deals a priority for Councils in
Northern Ireland.
Schools across Northern Ireland benefited from
this investment: This will be the long-lasting legacy of the
Confidence and Supply Agreement.
- Belfast, 126 schools receiving £2,328,726
- Londonderry City and Strabane, 71 schools
receiving £1,282,867
- Fermanagh and Omagh, 40 schools receiving
- Causeway Coast and Glens, 41 schools receiving
- Mid and East Antrim, 22 schools receiving
- Antrim and Newtownabbey, 25 schools receiving
- Mid Ulster, 22 schools receiving £360,896
- Lisburn and Castlereagh, 17 schools receiving
- Ards and North Down, 15 schools receiving
- Newry Mourne and Down, 67 schools receiving
- Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, 27
schools receiving £494,292
The lasting effect of this real investment in real
lives will be to help our future generations achieve
a better, well-educated and ambitious future for
themselves as well as their community.
More Jobs
Many councils and parts of the United Kingdom
have made City and Growth Deals with the
national government. These deals represent extra


Helping Family Incomes Grow

he era of austerity is over. Public • The two-child limit on Universal credit
spending and tax policy should should be raised to 3 and then 4 in this
reflect that. Parliamentary term.
The DUP believes money is better in your pocket The People’s Choice
than the government’s. A successful economy
is built upon a strong working population, an The new and older generations have seen a
entrepreneurial spirit and a welcoming financial transformation in how they access and watch
environment. their film, television and music entertainment-
including Netflix, Amazon, Now TV, Spotify,
People should be as free as possible to enjoy the AppleTV etc. Each person gets to decide which
fruits of their labour while ensuring the necessary services they want and what they are willing
level of public services. to pay- free to choose what they spend their
Those that have worked hard all their lives should money on. This transformation has made the BBC
not be penalised in retirement. licence fee, a regressive tax on the poorest, an
Personal Taxes and Incomes
The licence fee should be abolished. People
The gradual increase in the personal tax should be free to choose how they spend this
allowance has been positive for all taxpayers, extra £154.50 a year on whatever they want.
but especially for the lowest paid, taking them
out of the tax system entirely. The DUP were to The BBC boasts of the quality of what it produces.
the fore in calling for increases in the personal However, this is not an argument against change,
tax allowance, which has subsequently benefited but for it. This confidence in its product is
many people in Northern Ireland. We want to surely what can make it flourish as a successful
see new reforms progressed that will benefit the subscription-based service and grow beyond the
lowest paid the most. UK as a high-quality global brand. Freedom for
licence fee payers will also mean freedom for the
In this Parliament the DUP will support: BBC to grow to something even bigger and better,
• The Personal Tax allowance should rise in line and create fairer competition for media outlets
with inflation each year. nationally and locally.
• Over the Parliamentary term, National Supporting Older People
Insurance allowances should be raised until The DUP has a strong record as a champion
they match personal tax allowances. of older people. We will continue to do so in
• The DUP will support a rise in the National Parliament by supporting:
Living Wage (NLW) to £10.50 by the end of • The restoration of the free BBC licence to all
the Parliamentary term and reducing the NLW those aged over 75, for as long as it continues
starting age to 21. to exist.
• Robust action against companies who fail to • The pensions ‘triple lock’ protection
comply with the National Living Wage. and retaining winter fuel payments as a
• The freeze on benefits should end, with rises in universal benefit.
line with inflation. • Action on the unfair treatment of women
• The Working Tax Credit should increase by the pensioners with a suitable compensatory
rate of inflation plus 0.5%. scheme established.


Family Budgets and Taxes Fairness in Public Sector Pay

VAT and other indirect taxes are a key strain on With the end of austerity, there needs to be
family budgets and leaving the European Union a prioritisation of the public sector pay rises
effectively will give the UK the flexibility it needs especially in our NHS, police and armed forces.
to act. This means pay rises should not only take account
The DUP will support: of inflation but of the need to uplift rates to
restore the full value of public sector pay.
• Zero rating of domestic electricity and
gas to reduce bills and encourage take up Social Care & the Blood Scandal
of more environmentally friendly heating
The United Kingdom faces a growing ageing
technologies. This needs to be complemented
population with higher and more complex health
by energy efficiency programmes that make
needs. The decline of family and community
these viable alternatives to oil for off gas grid
networks increases the demands on public
and rural homes.
services. The costs of social care are a significant
• Zero rating on sanitary products. burden and fear for older people and their families.
• Reduce the Insurance Premium Tax by 1% This needs a national solution.
every year of the Parliamentary term. The DUP calls for:
• Zero rating for new Electric Vehicles for
domestic use, reducing VAT rating for new • A Royal Commission, drawn across parties and
Hybrid cars in addition to existing government constituent parts of the UK, to be appointed
support and increasing the charge point grant to produce proposals for supporting and
up to £750. sustaining a modern Social Care system. It
would report within 18 months of the new
• Abolish Domestic Air Passenger Duty- it Parliament meeting.
is a faux environmental tax that has a
disproportionately negative impact on the Another national health issue needing resolution is
peripheral parts of the UK. those affected by the contaminated blood scandal.
The DUP supports:
• Maintaining the freeze in fuel duty.
• Establishing a compensation panel for the
Pension Changes victims and families of those who suffered
The Government was right to ensure people make from receiving contaminated blood products. 
greater pension provision. People should have
the resources to enjoy a comfortable retirement.
However, there have been a series of changes
to the pension system combined with changes
to defined benefits schemes which are creating
significant disincentives for people to progress
in key organisations and operate optimally in
the NHS without punitive tax bills. These often
function as stealth taxation.
The pension system must:
• Scrap the tapered annual allowance and
review the annual allowance for defined
benefit schemes.
• Within two years establish comprehensive,
user-friendly pensions dashboards for
self-employed people with the necessary
legislation to compel pension schemes to
share data.


National Infrastructure
Investment that delivers for the
United Kingdom
orthern Ireland is on the geographic In the midst of the fevered debate about the
periphery of the Atlantic Ocean, likelihood or viability of this connection too
British Isles and Europe. Even if within many have chosen to ignore the importance
Northern Ireland we had a fully upgraded of that route for business and people and
road network, expanding public transport, up the expensiveness of the NI-Scotland
to date airports, modern shipping ports and crossing currently, costs which are about to
the latest digital infrastructure the networks increase even more with the Shipping Low
and connectivity beyond our shores are Sulphur Surcharge. The route’s inclusion as a
crucial to us. European super-highway is a testament to its
What is built or not built in Great Britain matters importance but also deeply ironic since it is
to Northern Ireland. anything but super.
In particular, the A77 to the Central belt of
Spend Better – Cancel HS2 Scotland and the A75 to the North of England
The economic case for HS2 simply does not are badly maintained, under-invested and
stand up. The scale of investment in one route not fit for Northern Ireland’s purposes. With
cannot be justified. It is about making more of alternative routes for Scottish businesses, the
England a suburb of London than rebalancing and areas being lesser populated and not an SNP
expanding the economy of the United Kingdom, stronghold, the likelihood of them being made
and an unwillingness to stop a poor project simply a priority by the Scottish government is low.
because money has already been spent. Therefore, the DUP proposes:
The money should still be invested and spent • The national government should make
better on: investment in these roads a national
infrastructure priority, especially the A75 as
• Expansion of the public transport bus fleet and
Northern Ireland’s main connection to the
shifting it to alternative energies and away
Northern Powerhouse.
from diesel. Buses, often overlooked, are the
main form of public transport. Build Heathrow’s Third Runway
• For the rail network the priorities should be The UK needs more international air linkages and
the Northern Powerhouse Rail (HS3), overhaul following extensive research the conclusion is that
of bottlenecks in the UK rail system and the third runway at Heathrow represents the best
upgrading of rolling stock. solution for the UK. Such a positive and strategic
• Investment in the strategic road network intervention must also deliver for the regions of
including in more and better lorry park the UK.
The expansion of Heathrow must be on the
• If the feasibility study on a bridge between condition of designated slots for regional
Northern Ireland and Scotland concludes interconnection and that this investment has an
positively, this should also be pursued with the impact across the UK. Northern Ireland is well
national government and devolved institutions placed to host one of the Heathrow construction
working together to take it forward.


hubs due to be set up as part of its airport

expansion programme. If chosen, this project will
act as a catalyst for long term economic growth
across the Province and further underpin the local
reputation for excellence in the construction and
manufacturing sectors.
This extra national capacity needs to be
complemented by establishing a new Air Routes
Task Force.
Digital Infrastructure
Digital network infrastructure, which connects us
to the Internet, and to each other, is increasingly
recognised as core economic infrastructure, like
electricity, gas and water. They are central to
tackling the UK’s productivity problem. The DUP
will support:
• Full fibre networks for the UK.
• 5G network rollout.
Interconnection is central to a future energy
strategy especially to those countries with
stronger access to renewables.
The DUP supports:
• The pursuit of a strong interconnection
strategy including with Iceland (and
examination of Icelandic interconnection
making landfall in Northern Ireland).
The National Infrastructure Commission should
aspire to be just that, truly national. Therefore,
in addition to the members appointed by the
national government, the devolved institutions
should be able to nominate a suitably
experienced appointee.


Truly Internationally Competitive

ur economy will be driven forward by • Significantly increased funding for
investment in strategic infrastructure the Small Business Research Initiative
in a business-friendly environment, (SBRI) - This has proved a considerable
but equally if not more important will be our success, both in terms of supporting small
people and their skills. business growth and the development of
To achieve these goals the DUP will support: innovative products across a whole range
of sectors.
• A ‘UK’ Growth vision – The central tenet
of economic growth should not simply • Strengthening the regional identifiers
be strong growth in the national GDP e.g. ‘Made in Northern Ireland’ across
but that growth is spread throughout. the United Kingdom, as a key element of
The development of Industrial Strategies growing global exports promotion and
across the UK needs to be complementary linked to the new Industrial strategies.
and co-ordinated. This should ensure • No diminution of workers’ rights - The
regional specialisations and maximise the development of a successful and productive
opportunities for UK supply chains. workforce is built on a clear framework of
• Corporation Tax rates kept under review to respect between employers and employees
ensure they remain competitive against our and maximising certainty for both. The
main economic arrivals. UK’s workers’ rights are substantially better
than most
• Increase the Employment Allowance for
National Insurance payments to £4,000. • Boosting productivity by overhauling and
expanding post start-up business support,
• Introduction of time-limited capital to aid those businesses wanting to scale
allowances for businesses to support up in size and expand. There has long
capital investment. been a gap between start-up and mature
• Abolish and replace the Apprenticeship business support and this should be urgently
Levy – This levy is a stealth tax that is addressed across the UK.
not contributing to our local and national • A UK wide programme to identify and develop
skills shortage and our productivity a new generation of entrepreneurial business
problem. It should be replaced by a private leaders, those with the ambition to think
sector focused levy co-designed between globally and with the drive to create and lead
employers and government with any businesses of the future.
resources it raises ringfenced for skills.
This will show a clear pathway between • Fair Banking for Small Businesses by taking
their contributions and the provision of forward the proposed banking reforms of
apprenticeship services. the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Fair
Business Banking.
• Develop a long-term plan between
government, industry and universities to • Overhaul of corporate governance and
increase Research and Development in the UK audit to restore trust in business and reduce
to 3% of GDP. the likelihood of corporate collapses such
as Carillion and Thomas Cook as well as
• Make the UK a partner of choice for systematic abuses of small businesses by the
international research collaborations likes of Lloyds and HBoS.
both with EU programmes and global


• A UK wide enterprise strategy which • a new Trade Advisory Board

harnesses the skills and experience of those • the appointment of Northern Ireland Trade
in sectors such as advanced manufacturing, Ambassadors
engineering and technology to create and
lead in the sectors of the future. These will • the creation of new trade, investment and
be the businesses which create future jobs innovation hubs in key global markets
and the UK has a history of leading in new • a Trade Accelerator Plan including an
industries. That time has come again – to enhanced range of initiatives to help
lead, into the future. support both new and existing exporters to
• Delivery of the Northern Ireland International explore new markets
Trade plan including:

Leaving the European Union as

One United Kingdom
he DUP is committed to a deal that between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and
works for the whole of the United consequentially higher prices and less choice for
Kingdom and which does not leave consumers as GB businesses opt for ‘not available
Northern Ireland behind. in Northern Ireland’.
We have been clear that without change, Northern Ireland trades far more with Great
we would not vote for the Prime Minister’s Britain than it does with the Republic of Ireland,
agreement. These proposals, as currently framed, European Union and rest of the world combined.
are not in Northern Ireland’s longer-term interests, Yet the proposals put forward would see our East-
and they are clearly without support within West trade subject to the rules of the EU Customs
Unionism. Union, notwithstanding that Northern Ireland
In the last Parliament, it was the votes of the DUP would remain part of the UK customs territory.
that altered the course of events. When tested the The DUP will continue to work to shape a solution
DUP stood strong. in Northern Ireland’s interests.
In our view without change in key areas it would The prism through which the DUP will judge each
be bad for Northern Ireland economically. situation and vote is what is best for Northern
The Articles of Union, the founding document, was Ireland economically and constitutionally within
not only about a constitutional Union but a trade the Union.
and economic one as well.
There must be unfettered access for Northern
Ireland to and from the Great Britain market.
The customs and consent arrangements must be
revisited. The one-sided approval mechanism for
the Assembly takes no account of
power sharing.
Furthermore, the East-
West checks as proposed
would lead to excessively
bureaucratic burdens for trade


A Global UK
f the United Kingdom’s goal is a Global UK trade. Many Commonwealth members are
then it must ensure it has a clear plan and transforming economically and socially. The
strategy to achieve it. UK must seek to deepen these relationships
both on an individual and collective basis.
Foreign Development Aid
• Defending British Sovereignty - The DUP
The United Kingdom ranks amongst the most supports the people of the Falklands and
generous in the world in its commitment to Gibraltar. Their expressed desire to remain
Foreign Development Aid. According to the linked to the United Kingdom is admirable and
OECD’s Development Assistance Committee must be respected and if necessary defended.
the UK is the second largest donor in cash terms
and sixth largest donor in GNI contribution. This Libyan Assets and Victims
commitment is also reflected in the public support The weaponry supplied by the Libyan government
for many UK charities who work abroad. to the PIRA cost so many lives. The DUP supports:
The DUP supports: • UK victims properly compensated from the
• The UK target of 0.7% of Gross National Libyan seized assets.
Income (GNI) being dedicated to Foreign Aid. Defending Fundamental Human Rights
• The target should be on a 5-year rolling basis. The DUP successfully urged the government to take
The annual nature of the spending target can seriously international human rights abuses against
mean substantial amounts of money being Christians and other faith groups. This work needs
allocated in short-time frames and poorly to be continued in the next Parliament through:
spent. This maintains the commitment and • Retaining and strengthening role of the Special
ensures better value for money. Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief with
• A proportion of this new long-term budget necessary financial and administrative support.
should be assigned for environmental work • Implementation of the recommendations of
with a bond scheme considered to provide the Truro Review.
long-term investment for major initiatives
• Prioritising the protection of Freedom of
such as reforestation.
Religion and Belief and other human rights in
• Regular reviews of safeguarding practices by trade negotiations and trade deals, regardless
agencies supported through foreign aid to of the UK’s future relationship with the
prevent a repeat of past abuses by aid workers. European Union.
Representing British Interests Effectively • Retaining the Foreign Secretary’s Human
There must be a proactive and positive plan for UK Rights Advisory Group, and ensure that
global engagement: there are at least three representatives from
• Maintaining a diplomatic presence across civil society which specialise on Freedom of
the world - The UK’s influence on the world Religion and Belief.
stage and ability to be an effective player is Immigration system
dependent on a strong global presence and a The United Kingdom should develop a points-
Foreign and Commonwealth Office with first based immigration system that will be built
class people and skills. The next government around attracting the best of global talent to the
must ensure that such work is properly funded United Kingdom and addressing the skills gaps
with clear goals for what the UK wants and within our labour market.
needs to achieve.
The system must also address localised labour
• Commonwealth – The Commonwealth needs through not only a national skills gap list
countries represent a global network that but supplementary lists for the constituent parts
we have consistently underappreciated of the United Kingdom.
and underutilised especially on issues of



Our Green and Pleasant Land

he primary custodians of our rural • Future agriculture support should be outside
areas are the farming community. Their the Barnett formula – the significance and
commitment and strength of connection differences of farming communities across
to their farms and businesses are vital to the UK cannot be reflected through a
sustaining rural communities, producing high basic formula. Funding allocations made to
quality food and improving our environment. agriculture and related areas must be ring
fenced in any future budget decisions.
Farming and Fisheries support
• Increase in support - UK contributions to CAP
The DUP has a clear vision for our farmers and is are greater than what UK farmers receive. That
committed to ensuring the necessary policy and additional funding should, in the first instance,
financial support to enable all of the different be ring fenced for agriculture and be directed
sectors to become more profitable, sustainable at delivering efficiencies, adapting to changes
and productive. in markets, increasing profitability on family
During the last Parliament through our Confidence farms and delivering high environmental and
and Supply Agreement we secured commitments animal welfare standards.
to the same level of direct support in cash terms • A Free and Fair Trade policy – We want to see a
as currently received through the Common trade policy that opens up opportunity for our
Agriculture Policy. We also ensured that the needs agri food businesses and farming communities.
of our farmers are reflected in the forthcoming UK At the same time, we recognise that the UK
Agriculture Bill and will continue to make changes market is lucrative for those seeking trading
to the Bill in preparation for the UK leaving the arrangements in a post Brexit scenario.
European Union. We must ensure that sensitive sectors like
Future agriculture policy is best delivered agriculture are afforded protection in our new
through devolution reflecting the needs of each trade policy. The DUP will not support trade
constituent part of the United Kingdom. The agreements that allow the UK market to be
Agriculture Bill allows this flexibility. In order to flooded with products that do not meet the
take full advantage of this opportunity and keep high standards of food safety, environmental
our farming and food sector moving forward and animal welfare standards that are
we want to see devolution restored and a local demanded of our farmers.
minister in charge of developing that new vision • While the DUP will work to secure a Free
for agriculture. It is regrettable that we do not Trade Agreement with the EU in a post Brexit
have willing partners with whom to form an scenario if this is not realised we believe that
Executive at Stormont. the UK tariff schedule should ensure reciprocal
As we leave the EU we will have the opportunity tariffs are placed on all agri food products
to shape a new agricultural policy to produce the which are imported from the EU. We would
amounts of food we want, to the standards we also place a much more sustainable Tariff Rate
need, to make our environment better and deliver Quota and Tariff Rate on all imports from the
on climate change goals. rest of the world to ensure UK farmers have a
The DUP believes: level playing field for competition.
• Currently direct support for farms under the • DEFRA in particular must strengthen its
CAP is linked to land holding. We believe that ability to open new export markets for British
this should change and that future government produce across the world - we would urge the
policy needs to reflect the national need Government to build upon the work they have
for food security and rewarding productive, done in recent years by employing more staff
sustainable farming systems and proven in this area, greater advertising presence and
environmental benefit. conduct significantly more trade missions.


• Government must also do more in terms The DUP is committed to an end to the
of encouraging British people to buy British remote management from Brussels and a new
through more and better advertising beginning for the fishing industry, to achieve
campaigns and revisiting Government this we will support:
procurement priorities.
• a new fisheries bill for the UK which
• Fairness and transparency in the food supply will ensure that we take back control of
chain is essential. Far too often farmers our territorial waters, secure fair quota
find themselves to be the weakest actors arrangements through annual fisheries
within the chain and are at the mercy of agreements, prioritise access to UK inshore
large supermarkets, food processors and zones to UK fishing vessels and deliver an
the food service sector who dictate price. environmentally responsible and sustainable
This has been especially true for the beef fisheries management regime. In order
sector in recent months. The powers of the to grow the opportunity for our fishing
Supermarket Ombudsman Office needs to industry we will work with national and
be revisited and strengthened so that unfair local government to improve facilities
practices are tackled. at harbours within Northern Ireland so
• Reform of the tax treatment of Conacre that greater amounts of our catch can
land should be undertaken so that there is a be landed and processed at local ports
greater incentive for land owners to release thereby boasting the local economy and
land for productive farming. employment prospects in coastal areas.
• We believe that animal heath schemes, like
the BVD eradication scheme, provide an Protecting Our National Natural Wealth
important vehicle to driving efficiency on Our land, our waters and our air are our natural
farms. This should be widened out to include wealth. It is a common desire that these
Johne’s disease in cattle. Tackling TB also should be passed on to the next generation in
needs a holistic approach, continuing with better condition than we found them. Many
the status quo will not solve the problem and of the issues around the environment do not
is at a massive cost to the taxpayer. stop at the boundaries of the constituent parts
• With the importance of reforestation, the of the United Kingdom nor the borders of the
new programme must encourage tree- United Kingdom. The integrated nature of our
planting and make agro-forestry a realistic economy reinforces the need to work together
and viable option for farmers and landowners and work well. Therefore, we believe a national
with the necessary re-skilling programmes to approach to environmental protection is what
enable them to re-focus their land use. is needed.


The Food Standards Agency is a non-ministerial • The transition and transformation this involves
government department. This enables it to have: must be a just one for poorer sections of the
• a sufficient degree of independence from community and regions.
government Same Distance Travelled
• greater and more diverse range of expertise Each constituent part of the United Kingdom’s
than regional organisations could attract and work on climate action must be based on the
sustain. distinct opportunities and challenges they face.
• provides proper regional structures and The Committee on Climate Change (CCC)
integration into a national framework. recognises this and has recommended different
targets for the four constituent parts of the UK
• prevents duplication and ‘silo’ mentality. that would still enable the nation to achieve its
• provides a common framework of Net Zero target. The same distance travelled
enforcement. This helps maintain a level in each part of the UK will deliver the national
playing field for businesses across the UK. target but not require a common local target
everywhere. It must be recognised that Northern
The DUP believes this is the appropriate model
Ireland is the UK region with the greatest distance
and supports:
to travel and sectors that will be the most difficult
• An Office of Environmental Protection to transform.
based on the FSA model. This will provide In the recent CCC report on Net Zero, it
the best use of resources, access to highest recommended a target for Northern Ireland of 78-
expertise, best crisis management and a 80% reduction in CO2 by 2050. However, with no
consistency of approach. Assembly or Executive it has never been asked for
Northern Ireland has led the way in the United a formal recommendation. The DUP will:
Kingdom in reducing the use of plastic bags • Support a Northern Ireland Executive request
through the levy but we must do more at every for a formal recommendation from the CCC
level to reduce our dependence on single use on a CO2 2050 target.
plastic of all kinds and reduce its pollution of • Adopt that target and use the Programme for
our seas and the ensuing dangers to wildlife. Government and the strategies and plans that
The UK’s Net Zero Target – Northern flow from it to put it into practical action.
Ireland’s Contribution to a Just Transition Cleaner Transport and Cleaner Air
The United Kingdom is a world leader on climate The primary challenge of transport and air quality
action and this was reflected in Parliament’s is tackling the pollution from diesel engines and
decision to increase our CO2 target from 80% older vehicles. This can be achieved by:
of 1990 levels to Net Zero. The significance
and scale of this change should not be under- • Bringing forward the ban on sale of all new
estimated. With the exception of sustaining the conventionally powered petrol and diesel cars
NHS, it is the greatest long-term policy and to 2035.
financial challenge for all levels of government • A Diesel Scrappage Scheme targeted at cities
for decades to come. If poorly planned and and regions adopting Ultra Low Emission
implemented, these shifts in all aspects of our Zones or where diesel ownership levels are
lives can have a disproportionately negative greater than 30% of domestic vehicles.
impact on poorer sections of the community • Require the installation, checking and cleaning
and poorer regions of the UK. With higher levels of particulate matter filters on all petrol cars
of poverty and presently one of the less well- through the annual Ministry of Transport
developed regions of the United Kingdom, this (MOT) test. This is a very low-cost measure.
means it is vital for Northern Ireland that:
• The development of a national Compressed
• The national commitment is implemented National Gas Fuel network for HGVs, buses
fairly and properly resourced. and coaches.


A New Long-Term National

Defence Approach
he DUP does not believe that the This is further exacerbated by the displacements
current defence arrangements for of large numbers of refugees within which small
the United Kingdom are adequate numbers of those with malevolent intent seek
enough to cope with either the existing or to hide. This places additional burdens on the
the emerging threats of the 21st Century. defence, security and intelligence apparatus of
It is clear from the decision-making of the the country. There is an ever-greater need to
Ministry of Defence that they do not have strengthen the ability of our forces to deploy
confidence in its own Defence and National rapidly and to adapt to new threats.
Security Reviews. The dissident Republican terrorist threat is a
Part of our Confidence and Supply Agreement major concern to all our citizens in Northern
was a commitment to the UK maintaining Ireland and Great Britain. The intelligence
the NATO target of 2% of GDP for the community and our security forces must be given
Defence Budget. However, this was always a a budget and rules of engagement that enable
minimum target, a floor not a ceiling, and 2% them not only to gather the intelligence required
is significantly below the traditional proportion to deter the threat from Republican splinter
of GDP that the UK has spent on defence. While groups but also to actively pursue such terrorists
the public discussion has focused on the impact and defeat them.
of public spending restrictions over the last This is the DUP’s Plan to strengthen the UK’s
decade defence has seen a steady reduction defences and support service personnel and
over 30 years. veterans.
The result is the British military industrial 1. National strategic defence &
complex is no longer in a position to security review
reconstitute large numbers of manpower or
materiel to meet the needs of a national crisis. Post-Brexit, the UK must reconsider its strategic
Therefore, Defence needs to embark on a position in terms of Defence and Security.
medium-term strategy of enhanced investment Government needs to give a clear strategic
to restore the size of our Armed Forces to a vision of the UK’s place in the world and our
position that more accurately reflects the strategic aims and ambitions. A Review needs
threats we face and the strategic ambition to be conducted, independent of government,
to retain P5 status at the UN and play a in order that we have an honest assessment of
leading role in NATO. We must always retain our current capability and capacity. That will
generate a clear indication of the ‘gap’ between
the capacity to operate independently in the
what we need to do and what we are currently
national interest when required whilst ensuring
able to do. Then decisions can be taken about
that we offer credible support to our key
the level of funding required to close the ‘gap’ or
strategic ally, the US, and other partners.
the level of risk Government is willing to take on
Conflicts in the Middle East, instability in National Security.
Eastern Europe, international terrorism and
the proliferation of cyber-attacks illustrate the 2. 2% plus spending target – A new
multiplicity of threats, both conventional and UK target for Defence spending
unconventional, and not just from states but also The National Strategic Defence and Security
trans-national groups of linked terror movements. Review would be the basis to establish a new UK


defence spending, a target we call ‘2% plus’ to 5. Playing a full role in international
plan for systematic defence spending increases. military and security relationships
In addition to this new target there should be The DUP supports our participation in
a long-term (5 year) capital settlement for NATO but shares the American concerns
equipment needs of the Armed Forces. This that other members are consistently failing
will enable better planning, sustainable defence to fulfil the minimum spending target.
contracts and as a result greater value for money. The development of the European Union
Defence Force attempts to hide this chronic
3. Full implementation of the Armed Forces underinvestment, and contributes to
Covenant across the United Kingdom incoherent responses to threats already dealt
Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom with by existing international structures such
with both an immense contribution to, and debt as NATO and the United Nations.
to, our Armed Forces for the protection they
provided in the successful execution of Operation 6. A Cybersecurity leader for the
Banner. This is partly why fulfilling the Military United Kingdom
Covenant is particularly important for us. Cyber activity continues to evolve as a dominant
We believe that the Military Covenant should be threat to global security. The knowledge
reviewed and updated. The DUP supports the economy in Northern Ireland has developed a
introduction of the Office for Veterans Affairs to cybersecurity specialism and DUP believes this
co-ordinate cross government efforts to ensure is a critical area where Northern Ireland could
the Covenant is fully implemented. The DUP is contribute to countering the growing threat to
conscious how equality legislation in Northern national and global security. We support the
Ireland has been used to hamper the fulfilment expansion of cybersecurity research and the
of both the spirit and the practical elements of creation of a National Cyber Security ‘hub’ in
the Covenant here. It wishes to see this situation Northern Ireland.
ended and veterans in Northern Ireland to be 7. Investing in a success story –
treated equally to veterans right across the United Northern Ireland and Reserve Forces
Kingdom. The DUP also believes that British
military veterans living in the Republic of Ireland The contribution and role of Reserve Forces is
should also have unfettered access to the benefits a key element of Defence capability. Northern
of the Covenant. Ireland’s contribution to UK reserves is
disproportionate to our size and this contribution
For serving soldiers the DUP supports the needs to be matched by the necessary
recommendation of the Defence Select investment in facilities and infrastructure in
Committee to remove Crown Protection to force Northern Ireland. The DUP wants a £15m
action to reduce deaths in training. investment package to upgrade reserve training
4. Maintaining our independent nuclear facilities at Ballykinler, Enniskillen, Ballymena,
deterrent, and tackling nuclear proliferation Coleraine, Londonderry and Belfast.

The DUP supports the UK’s independent nuclear As recognition of past service the DUP will
deterrent and will continue to support Trident’s support:
renewal. We believe the UK should use all A new Combined Military Museum for Northern
international forums to completely overhaul the Ireland in partnership with national museums to
approaches to counter proliferation and prevent develop a prestigious tourist attraction.
the likes of Iran and North Korea developing and
further proliferating such capabilities. We believe 8. A review of the present
that all of the funding of the nuclear deterrent terrorism legislation
programme should be ring-fenced outside of the The DUP believes that considering the multi-
Defence budget, recognising the unique nature of faceted evolving and insidious nature of the
this National critical strategic asset. terrorist threat it is time to review whether


present arrangements need to be updated or Kingdom, should be welcomed when they choose
upgraded. to settle in the UK. The DUP supports:
This review should include: • Waiving indefinite leave to remain fees for
• An updated legal framework for intelligence former service personnel and their families
led anti-terrorism investigations and applying to take up their right to settle here.
operations in the UK 11. Resisting attempts to rewrite the past.
• A UK wide definition of a victim which Ninety percent of those who died during the
excludes perpetrators. Troubles were killed by paramilitaries yet the
• Changes to the glorification of terrorism balance of investigations is disproportionately
offences with an examination of the 20-year against former police officers and soldiers. A one-
time limit. sided approach only serves those who want to
re-write the past and glorify terrorism.
• Consideration of Intelligence and Security
Committee membership representing all It is only natural that the public are outraged to
regions of the UK see former soldiers who stood against the brutal
terrorism of the seventies and eighties instigated
9. Legal Protections for Soldiers and Veterans by the IRA, now being hounded while those who
The fundamental failures of the Iraq hid behind balaclavas to avoid justice are given
Historical Investigations Team (IHAT) and the ‘hero’ status and places on Policing Boards.
disproportionate focus upon security personnel Our troubled past can only be dealt with
in Legacy Investigations demonstrate a clear effectively in an honest and holistic manner,
need to provide better protections for those who not the partial way republicans would wish.
saw active service or contributed to the fight Government needs to ensure terrorists are
against terrorism. With IHAT veterans hounded pursued, with full police powers to conduct
on a series of false allegations and in Northern effective and comprehensive investigations and
Ireland Legacy Cases almost all security force arrest suspects. We will do everything we can
related deaths are being reinvestigated while to assist innocent victims to obtain a measure
only a fraction of paramilitary killings have of justice.
been. The Defence Select Committee proposed
a Qualified Statute of Limitations. The DUP 12. Bringing Armed Forces Day
recognises the importance of all service to Northern Ireland
personnel upholding the very highest standards It is unacceptable that Northern Ireland has
in order to maintain the reputation of the forces never hosted the main national event for Armed
and the colleagues they serve alongside. We are Forces Day in the UK. The DUP wish to see
supportive in principle of exploring protections Northern Ireland host the main national event
for the armed forces where they would not lead at some point in the life of the next Parliament
to an amnesty or be restricted to operations and regularly thereafter. It would be a welcome
outside the United Kingdom. addition to a programme of events to celebrate
10. Valuing Soldiers’ Service Northern Ireland’s Centenary in 2021.

The condition and maintenance of much Army

housing is unacceptable. Decent housing provision
for Service personnel and their families should be
the minimum not the target.
The DUP supports:
• A new long-term plan for Army housing and
maintenance of stock.
Armed Forces Personnel, born outside the United


Next Generation Unionism

ith Northern Ireland’s centenary In terms of political institutions, the DUP supports
less than two years away, we are immediate action to:
seeking to develop a long-term • Repeal the Fixed Term Parliament Act – this
vision for Unionism and Northern Ireland legislation has shown itself not to be fit for
beyond 2021. purpose and should be repealed.
The Northern Ireland of today differs markedly • Reform political donations – The differential
to how it was at the founding of the state back treatment of donations in Northern Ireland
in 1921, or compared to 1971, or even since should end. Parliament should promote
the Belfast and St Andrews Agreements. The openness, transparency and fairness in
composition of society is different. Demographics political donations by implementing the same
and attitudes have changed. We have new migrant regime across the UK.
communities. The role of women has transformed. • Carry on with practices to reduce the
The influence of faith across society is diminishing. membership of the House of Lords.
Our world feels much smaller as the result of • Withhold expenses and allowances from
more accessible travel and greater connectivity. Members who fail to represent their
The UK has changed and continues to change, as constituents fully within the Parliamentary
does the Republic of Ireland. Chamber.
The inherent strength of the United Kingdom • UK cabinet to meet at least once a year in
has been its ability to evolve. It has consistently Belfast and when re-established to meet twice
achieved the balance between change and abiding yearly with the Northern Ireland Executive.
by the founding principles of the Acts of Union. By the end of the Parliamentary term:
• A National Convention for the Union
As we leave the European Union, it is time again
underpinned by a committee comprising
to discuss the next steps in how we develop the
representatives from the four constituent
United Kingdom, strengthen the institutions and
parts of the UK to map out a new vision for
traditions that bind us and protect our democracy.
the Union.


• Expand the role and importance of the under- In terms of cultural wealth and linkages the
utilised British Irish Council based upon the DUP supports:
Nordic Council model. • The establishment of an organisation to
• Overhaul the Joint Ministerial Committee, promote and encourage interaction, dialogue,
or replace it with a more effective and practical collaboration around our British
alternative for co-ordination and identity and developing deeper relationships
collaborative working between HMG and between all parts of the UK, be they cultural,
devolved governments. business, sporting or any other sphere. We
• National UK Departments to carry out envisage a new body or structure that would
administrative operations in Northern Ireland. have a wealth of opportunities for research,
education, advocacy, media, conferences and
• Legislation to support the democratic exhibitions. Cultural connections could be a
process across the UK by reducing the scope key part of its work.
for voter fraud.
• National Access to our National Cultural
• Legislation to reform the House of Lords Wealth - National cultural institutions have
making it: become less London centric but they remain
• Smaller than the House of Commons. too England centric. Access to our national
cultural wealth is not enjoyed equally, and
• The election of two-thirds of its what practical barriers do exist do not justify
membership through a list system this. The DUP supports a new National
with seats allocated on the basis Cultural Wealth Plan to increase touring
of strengthening the regional exhibitions, display artefacts in other national
representation. museums and create shared exhibition space
• Reform its practices and traditions to reflect across the UK for the likes of the Imperial War
the changes in its representation. Museum, V&A or Tate Gallery to place long
and short-term exhibitions.


Our 12 Point Plan To Get

Northern Ireland Moving Again
1.1 Let’s Get the Assembly 4.4 Let’s Get Our Economy
Moving Again Moving Again
Delivery from Westminster is much The Assembly and Westminster has helped
needed but its impact is impaired by no deliver a jobs revolution in Northern
Assembly. The DUP want to work with Ireland. Now it is time to do the same
others to secure a balanced deal and we for skills and productivity backed up by
remain willing to set up an Executive infrastructure investment and a business
immediately. rates system fit for our modern economy.
We want to see a sensible Brexit deal but
no borders in the Irish Sea.
2.2 Let’s Get Our NHS and
Mental Health Services 5.5 Let’s Continue Protecting
Moving Again the Vulnerable
Developing next generation healthcare The DUP were the first advocates of a
by implementing Bengoa and investing mitigations package for Welfare. We
in new services, GPs and health staff, want an Assembly back to produce a
tackling waiting lists, embracing AI new package based on expert advice
and new technology and prioritising and end the ‘Cliff Edge’ created by
prevention. A new future for mental Sinn Fein’s boycott.
health services by boosting prevention,
leading on trauma and increasing
investment to transform services.
6.6 Let’s Protect Mothers &
Unborn Life Again
3.3 Let’s Get Our Schools The dangerous vacuum of law and
Moving Again guidance created by the Creasy
amendment. This must be matched by
Ensure the Barnett uplift in education gets promoting a culture of choosing life
to school budgets; lifting the burden of in Northern Ireland through perinatal
bureaucracy on principals and teachers; services and valuing children through
an action plan on Adverse Childhood baby boxes and childcare.
Experiences; and 30 hours for 38 weeks
childcare provision for 3-4 year olds.


7.7 Let’s Protect Our Green 10.

10 Let’s Lead the Way on
and Pleasant Land Fighting Crime
The DUP is committed to passing on our Northern Ireland to lead on justice
natural wealth to the next generation in a innovation, tackle paramilitary criminality
better state than we found it with a new and strengthening and improving our
Environmental strategy and action on air, police service.
land and water pollution. We will support
our farmers and rural communities.
11 Let’s Make the
8.8 Let’s Protect Our Assembly Better
Animals Better The DUP wants an Assembly back today
but any new Assembly will have to
Northern Ireland to lead on animal undergo far-reaching reform to deliver
protection in the United Kingdom with more and deliver better.
new offences and tougher sentences
matched by public education.
12 Let’s Get Northern
9.9 Let’s Build Stronger Ireland Celebrating Again
Communities Again The Centenary of Northern Ireland can
become a showcase of what Northern
Action to bolster social housing, Ireland and all its people have achieved.
new approaches to affordable Positive celebrations exploring shared
housing and improving quality in values with a physical legacy and
the private let market while placing commitment to the Northern Ireland we
economic regeneration at the centre will shape for the Next Generation.
of community regeneration and
programmes with positive social and
cultural development.


Belfast BT4 3BU

91 Dundela Avenue

Email: [email protected]
Democratic Unionist Party


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