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PROGRAMME No. 02/2020(Item No.20)



(Category No.126/2018)

Introduction to Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management: Concept, objectives and functions -

organisation and administration of Human Resource Department - qualities of
Human Resource Manager- professionalization of Human Resource
Management in India - fundamentals of HRM: Job Analysis and Design of
Jobs - Human Resource Planning: Recruitment, Selection, On-boarding and
Human Resource Development (HRD) & HRIS

Human Resource Development (HRD): Concept, Overview, Origin and

Need for HRD - approaches to HRD - HRD Competencies - Competency
Building and Development - Need Analysis - Task and Performance Analysis
- Types of Training - Training Evaluation - models of evaluation - Employee
Development: approaches to Employee development - Transfers and
Promotions - Technology in Training.

Human Resource Information Systems

HRIS- role in the operation of human resources management function -

strategic advantage - HRIS Life Cycle/HR responsibility in each phase of
HRIS development - HRIS Planning and Implementation - Tools for HRIS
Development - HRIS in large and small organisations - HRIS /ERP Systems -
introduction to SAP-HR module. Use of software and online applications in
Industrial Relations & Labour Welfare

Industrial Relations- conceptual framework and approaches - role of

Government, employers and trade unions in industrial relations ILO -
evolution of industrial relations and industrial conflicts; Industrial Discipline-
Standing orders , Service Rules , Code of discipline - model Standing Order-
Domestic Enquiry- principles of natural justice - misconduct and disciplinary
procedures, punishment, Positive Disciplinary Intervention.
Labour Welfare: historical perspective, concept and objectives, theories
and principles -Statutory, Voluntary and Mutual Welfare measures - role of
management and trade Unions- Welfare of special categories of labour:
female Labour, child labour, disabled, migrant labour, rural labour, contract
labour and apprentices.
Industrial Conflict, Trade Union Movement & Resolution of Conflict

Nature of Industrial Conflict - characteristics of Labour and Trade

Union movement in developed nations - Indian trade union movement -
purpose functions, structure, and problems of Trade Unions in India - Trade
Union Act, 1926 - recognition of Trade Unions - Collective Bargaining:
Concept, approaches, types, pre-requisites and process - Joint Management
Councils and Quality Circles - grievances and grievance handling procedure -
Industrial Disputes Act,1947: closure, strikes & lockouts - Industrial
Relations Machinery: bi-partite & tri-partite Agreement, Labour Courts &
Industrial Tribunal - collective agreements - recommendations on National
Commission on Labour - Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act,
1946 - provisions relating to public servants under Indian Penal Code,1860-
provisions relating to complaint and cognizance of offences under the Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1973
Industrial Sociology
Industrial Sociology : Nature and Scope of Industrial Sociology -
Development of Industrial Sociology - Industrialisation and Industrialism -
causes and consequences of Industrialization - Industrial and Post-Industrial
Society - Industrialisation and Social Change - Industrial Organisations:
Formal and Informal.
Industrial Sociology
Industrial Sociology : Nature and Scope of Industrial Sociology -
Development of Industrial Sociology - Industrialisation and Industrialism -
causes and consequences of Industrialization - Industrial and Post-Industrial
Society - Industrialisation and Social Change - Industrial Organisations:
Formal and Informal.
Labour and the Constitution of India
Preamble- fundamental rights- directive principles of State policy -
writ jurisdiction of the Supreme court and High courts - Public Interest
Litigations- Initiatives of the ILO and UN- Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, 1948- International Covenants of 1966- Convention on the
Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women,1979 - ILO
conventions ratified by India.
Other Laws relating to Workplace

Law relating to sexual harassment of women at workplace- minimum

wages- payment of wages- bonus- gratuity- employees compensation- inter
State migrant workers- maternity benefit- shops and commercial
establishments- prohibition of child labour- casual, temporary and badli
workers- head load workers-beedi and cigar workers- contract labour-
domestic workers- sales promotion employees-motor transport workers-
equal remuneration-agricultural workers- Relevant Acts and Rules applicable
in Kerala.

NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above,
questions from other topics prescribed for the educational
qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper.
There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in
the question paper

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