Oxford Solutions Intermediate Oxford Solutions Intermediate U6 Progress Test A

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Unit 6 Progress Test A

1 Complete the dialogue with the phrases below and the relative pronouns who, which / that, whose
and where. Add commas where necessary.

• actually makes the instruments • are very expensive • buy his violins • family come from Sicily
• have been here for years • I’m working • I’ve seen on the BBC news programme
• Luigi works in the evenings • makes and sells musical instruments • was very nice of him
Max Hi Cath! Are you enjoying your new weekend job?
Cathy 1
Yes, it’s great. The place __________________________________ is called Melody Makers. It’s a shop
__________________________________ .
Max That sounds great. Are the people in the shop nice?
Cathy 3
Yes, they are. But they’re all people __________________________________ so it’s difficult to make
friends quickly. But the boss Luigi __________________________________ is great. He’s the person
__________________________________ . There’s a big cellar under the main shop,
__________________________________ .
Max What instruments does he make?
Cathy Well, the shop sells lots of instruments, but Luigi only makes violins,
__________________________________ . Some of the people
__________________________________ are famous musicians.
Max Really?
Cathy 9
Yes. A really nice man __________________________________ came in the other day. He thanked me
for helping him __________________________________ !
Max Well, it sounds like you’ve got a really interesting job!

Mark: ___ / 10

2 Write sentences using the words in bold to write defining or non-defining relative
clauses. Add commas where necessary.
1 the skirt / I / buy / cost / £15

2 that / be / the school / my dad / work / as a maths teacher

3 Lucy / photos / be / very good / win / the art prize every year

4 Maira / be / a / nice girl / family / own a shop on the High Street

5 my best friend Jack / write / songs / be / very creative

6 Sally / just / start / work at a sports centre / she / help / disabled athletes

Mark: ___ / 6

Oxford Solutions Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 6 Progress Test A

3 Combine the sentences to write single sentences containing defining or non-defining relative clauses.
1 My boss speaks Mandarin Chinese. He’s British but grew up in Beijing.
2 She’s the new girl. I really want to go out with her.

3 This is a great website. You can download music here.
4 The young entrepreneur started a computer business. I met him on a train.

Mark: ___ / 4

4 Match sentences 1−6 with adjectives and nouns A−F. Then circle the correct word to complete
the sentence.

1 You supported me when everybody was against me. Thank you for your ___________ .

2 You’re very ___________ , but unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world. 
3 Einstein is one of the most ___________ people who has ever lived. 
4 It won’t be easy, but I’m ___________ to work hard and succeed. 
5 Gary is always telling people how good he is. He needs a little ___________ .

6 The doctor is very busy, so you’ll have to be ___________ and wait to see her.

A patient / patience
B modest / modesty
C determined / determination
D loyal / loyalty

E idealistic / idealism
F intelligent / intelligence

Mark: ___ / 6

Oxford Solutions Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 6 Progress Test A

5 Read the text about a TV programme and choose the correct words.

Tonight is the final of Young Person of the Year, the competition which finds amazing
teenagers across the country. There are now three people left in the competition. But who will
win tonight’s big award?
Mandy Driver
Mandy Driver’s life changed when she came over / across a person sleeping in the street.
She was only ten years old, but after that she decided that she wanted to make a change /
difference and help the poor. She appealed with / to local business people for money, and
together with them, she started a charity called Sleep Safe.
Antje Freimann
If there’s an old machine that nobody wants, Antje Freimann will work in / out a way to use it.
In fact, people have called her ‘the queen of recycling’. Antje turns old machines into useful
things for people to use. Then she sells them and gives the money to a charity which pays
for disability / poor support workers.
Peter Betts
Peter takes in / after his father, who was a famous author. When Peter was ten years old, he sat
in / at his desk and wrote his first short story. Since then, he’s written many stories, and he’s
become a very successful children’s writer – but he’s still only fifteen! As well as writing
books, Peter travels around the country and speaks at schools. He talks about his
success and gives advice because he wants to give other young people the self-
confidence / shyness they need to start writing.

Mark: ___ / 8

6 Complete the sentences with the words below.

ask someone out engineer give up initiative look up nurse

1 Lilian’s mum is a(n) ________________ − she builds and repairs machines.

2 I’m going to ________________ this word in the dictionary because I don’t know what it means.

3 It takes courage to ________________ because you don’t want to be embarrassed if they say ‘no’.
4 I can’t tell you what to do all the time. In this job, you need to show lots of ________________ .
5 Kelly’s dad is a ________________ . He works in a hospital in Liverpool.
6 Max wants to ________________ sugar because he says it’s bad for his teeth.

Mark: ___ / 6

Oxford Solutions Intermediate Tests 3 Unit 6 Progress Test A

Use of English
7 Read the dialogues and choose the correct answers.

Dialogue 1
Megan Kelly always wears amazing clothes.
Tessa ___

Megan That’s true.

G Mind you, she can afford them. Her parents are rich.
H For instance, the dress she wore to your party.
I In fact, I really like her clothes.

Dialogue 2
Tamzin Dan didn’t like that big dog at all.
Andy ___
Tamzin Yes, I could see it in his face.

A Consequently, he didn’t go near it.

B No. In fact, he was terrified of it.

C For example, he prefers cats.

Dialogue 3
Receptionist How can I help you?

Woman ___
Receptionist I’ll call someone to help you now.

A I was wondering who could help me with these bags.

B Yes, could you help me with these bags?
C Yes. I’d like to know where to put these bags.

Dialogue 4
Teacher OK, do any of you have any more questions about the school trip?
Girl ___

Headmaster Yes. You’ll get lunch, but bring something to drink.

A That reminds me of the last trip, when I forgot to bring lunch.

B Something else I wanted to ask is what to bring.
C Could I ask whether we should bring anything with us?

Dialogue 5
Rachel We’re going to arrive home late. Look at the time!
Toby ___
Rachel Yes, good idea. They’ll be worried about us.

A Moving on, I hope our parents aren’t worried.

B Another thing I wanted to know is when we’ll get there.
C That reminds me. We should call our parents.

Mark: ___ / 5

Oxford Solutions Intermediate Tests 4 Unit 6 Progress Test A


8 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.

1 Kathy is (najmniej praktyczną osobą) ______________________________ I know! 2
Tonight’s documentary is all about (kreatywności i o tym, jak kreatywni ludzie myślą)

3 (To zaskakujące, że Kelly pokłóciła się) with

Marion because they’re good friends.

4 (Ważne, żeby zarezerwować nasz hotel zanim pojedziemy do Francji.)

5 (Czy Harry jest chłopcem, którego poznałaś na wakacjach?)

Mark: ___ / 10

9 
 Listen to the dialogue. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Put a cross ( ) under T or F.
1 Kelly started a business when she was fifteen.
2 Chris started by making clothes for people that he knew.
3 Kelly started writing software many years ago.
4 Kelly sells her app to people on the internet.
5 A website helped Chris’s designs to become more popular.

Mark: ___ / 5

Oxford Solutions Intermediate Tests 5 Unit 6 Progress Test A

10 Complete the gaps (1−5) in the text with the missing sentences (A−G). There are two extra

Young people change the world

Are teens lazy and selfish? We don’t think so. This week, we look at two teenagers who
started charities − and changed the lives of many people.
Kids Saving the Rainforest

In 1999, Janine Licare and Aislin Livingstone were nine-year-old friends who lived near the
rainforest in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. It is a beautiful natural area. _____ The area
was becoming popular with tourists, and people were cutting down trees to make new
roads and hotels. Animals like monkeys were dying too. Cars often hit them on the roads.
The girls wanted to stop the destruction so they started a charity called Kids Saving the
Rainforest. Soon, they had enough money to buy a small area of rainforest. The charity now
owns this land, so the trees are protected forever. The girls helped the wildlife too. _____
They also build rope bridges which go between trees − so animals like monkeys can use
them to safely cross roads. Because of this, the local monkey population has started to
recover. Kids Saving the Rainforest is still a small charity, but it is growing fast.
Free the Children

In 1995, when Canadian Craig Kielburger was twelve years old, he read a story in a
newspaper. _____ After he read this article, Craig started to find out about child labour. He
discovered that 215 million school children around the world regularly go to work. _____ And
they can’t go to school because they need to earn money for their families. Craig felt angry
when he learned this. So, that year, he started a charity which he called Free the Children.
After that, Craig worked very hard to stop child labour. He travelled to Africa and Asia and met
children who had to work. He thought about the comfortable life which he had in Canada, and
compared it with theirs. Craig’s older brother Marc soon started to work with him, and since
then, their charity has built schools in many countries. _____ Thanks to them, thousands
of poor children have had an education. And the chance of a better life.

A It was about a boy in Pakistan who had to go to work every day.

B Much of the rainforest in Manuel Antonio is now a National Park.

C It has also helped many poor parents to send their children to school.
D Because of this, these children don’t have the chance of a normal life.
E But the girls realised that their beautiful forest was in danger.
F Many of them have dirty, dangerous jobs.
G The charity started a rescue centre to help sick and injured animals.

Mark: ___ / 5

11 Doing part-time work can give students useful experience, but it may stop some people from
concentrating on their studies. Write a pros and cons essay discussing the pros and cons of working
part time as a student. Write 200–250 words.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 75

Oxford Solutions Intermediate Tests 6 Unit 6 Progress Test A

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