Top Home Hazards

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Top home hazards

1. Falls - Whether its slipping on a wet floor after a shower or falling down the stairs, injuries
due to falls are one of the most common household hazards.
According to the Home Safety Council, falls account for:
o More than 40% of all nonfatal home injuries.
o More than one-third of all injuries resulting in an emergency department visit.
o More than one third of all unintentional home injury deaths.
Falls are worse for young children and older adults. Very few deaths from falls occur in
adults under 60.
Steps to take to minimize the risks:
o Staircases: Make sure all staircases have solid handrails, adequate lighting, and
safety gates if there are small children in the home.
o Bathrooms: Secure rugs to avoid slipping and pooling of water on slick surfaces.
Make sure showers and bathtubs have safety rails to assist family members old
and young in safely getting in and out.

2. Poisoning - Accidental poisoning due to high levels of carbon monoxide in the home is
becoming more common. What makes carbon monoxide so threatening is that it’s virtually
impossible to detect by smell, sight, or sound.
While we mostly think of poisoning as something that happens to children when they get
into cleaning supplies and other household products, it’s something that actually affects
people of all ages. You would probably be surprised to hear that most unintentional deaths
by poisoning in the home are due to the following:
o Heroin
o Appetite depressants
o Anesthetics like cocaine
o Also, amphetamines, caffeine, antidepressants, alcohol, and motor vehicle
exhaust gas.
Here are some of the things that children are most often poisoned by:
o Household and cleaning products
o Personal care and beauty products
o Medicines
o Vitamins
o Plants
o Lead
o Carbon monoxide

Steps to take to minimize the risks:

o Detectors and Alarms: You can keep your family safe by installing a carbon
monoxide detector that will alert you if carbon monoxide reaches dangerous levels
in your home. As an extra measure, secure your home with a monitored home
security system that also has a carbon monoxide detector.

3. Fires/burns - Everything from candles to an unattended iron could lead to an accidental

fire in your home, but there is a lot you can do to prevent a fire from starting.
According to the Home Safety Council, residential fires and burns are the third leading
cause of unintentional home injury deaths and the ninth leading cause of home injuries
resulting in an emergency department visit.
And while you may just be thinking that burns just come from open flames, a huge
percentage of burns are actually caused by hot water.
Steps to take to minimize the risks:
o Fire Alarms: Make sure fire alarms are installed on all levels, and regularly check
and change the batteries to make sure you’ll have adequate warning in the unlikely
event there is a fire.
o Candles: Never leave candles unattended or near loose cloth like drapes or throw
o Appliances and Outlets: Make sure that all appliances are in good working order
and that no wires are frayed. Don’t overload electrical outlets, in fact it’s smart
practice to unplug small appliances like toasters when not in use.

4. Choking and suffocation – From a bit of dinner going down the wrong way to a youngster
accidentally swallowing a small item, choking is scary. The biggest household choking
hazards come from small toys and hard foods that easily block airways, like nuts.
According to the Home Safety Council, obstructed airway injuries are the fourth leading
cause of unintentional home injury death in the United States. In fact, unintentional
choking and suffocation is the leading cause of death for infants under the age of one.

The three main types of obstructed airway injuries are:

o Suffocation: when the nose and mouth are obstructed by an external item like a
plastic bag. Because they have limited mobility, infants are at a huge risk for
suffocation. 60% of infant suffocation occurs in beds and cribs when an infant’s
face becomes buried in soft bedding or a pillow or an adult rolls on top of them.
o Choking: When something blocks the airways internally. This is usually from bits of
food or parts of toys. Children, who don’t always chew their food properly, are
especially at risk for choking on small, round foods that perfectly block the airway.
o Strangulation: When there is some sort of external compression around the airway
from an object like the chord from a blind. Children easily get things wrapped
around their necks like drawstrings, ribbons, necklaces, pacifier strings, and
window blind cords. An average of one child a month dies due to strangulation from
a window chord. Children can also easily become strangled by openings that trap
their heads like spaces in furniture, cribs, playground equipment, and strollers.

Steps to take to minimize the risks:

o Look Around: To keep your home choke-free, regularly inspect toys for loose parts
and scour floors for small toys or other items that have rolled under furniture
where little hands might easily find them.
o Keep Dangers Out of Reach: Be sure to keep small, hard foods like nuts or hard
candies out of reach of children, and make sure everyone takes time to properly
chew their food at the dinner table.

5. Sharp Objects - It’s not difficult to understand the danger of sharp objects. Unfortunately
there are a number of necessary items with sharp edges that are used both inside and
outside your home.
Steps to take to minimize the risks:
o In the Kitchen: Accidents with kitchen knives or graters can lead to a nasty cut that
might even need stiches. The best way to steer clear of cutting yourself – or worse
– is to make sure all sharp objects are properly stored, and even locked up if there
are children in the home.
o In the Yard: Rakes, saws, and lawn mowers all present a potential threat. Always
clean up tools after use and lock them in a shed or garage where children can
accidentally stumble across them. When items are in use, be sure you are free from
distractions, and avoid rushing while using a lawnmower or weed whacker.

6. Paints and Chemicals

Steps to take to minimize the risks:
o Paint: Even paint that isn’t lead-based needs to be properly stored and kept out
of reach of children. And never put paint in a container other than the one it came
in. If your child mistakes paint for a drink or other item, you can end up in a scary
o Chemicals: Keep all household cleaners in a cupboard with a safety lock to keep
kids from accidentally finding them. Lock up pesticides and items like turpentine
in a cupboard in the garage or shed.

7. Window Cords - Cords on window dressings like blinds or curtains can present a
strangling hazard to small children and infants.
Steps to take to minimize the risks:
o Location: Never place a crib or bed under a window with dangling cords.
o Cut It Out: To keep children from getting tangled up, either secure all cords out of
reach or trim them to a length that is only accessible to the adults in the home.
Better yet, trade out window treatments for designs without cords.

8. Bathrooms - The old rumor that most household accidents happen in the bathroom
persists because it’s true. In addition to risk of slipping and falling, the bathroom is also
home to chemicals in soaps, makeup, and perfumes. With so many potential dangers
lurking in this one, small room, it’s crucial to be careful.
Steps to take to minimize the risks:
o Medications: Put locks or safety latches on cupboards that contain medications
and toiletries. If you have prescription narcotics it’s wise to keep them in a
completely separate place, safely locked where no one but the person who needs
them is able to gain access.
o Slipping: Install grab bars and other supports to help people get in and out of the

9. Stoves - Stoves present a danger, and not just because they’re hot. In addition to burning
danger from hot implements, an improperly installed stove can easily tip over and crush
toes, fingers, or worse.
Steps to take to minimize the risks:
o Burns: Try to use the back burners when possible. This makes it more difficult for kids to
accidentally touch a hot stove top. Never rest tempting items like cookies or toys on the
stove top, even when it’s not in use.
o Tipping: Avoid tipping by making sure your stove is tightly secured and unlikely to topple
over when opening the oven. You can also install anti-tip brackets to minimize the
likelihood of a free-standing range falling over.
Household Toxins
In addition to the top five household hazards, there are potentially many toxic compounds hiding
in your home. These harmful chemicals are literally everywhere and you may not realize that they
are making you sick.
While it is not possible to rid your home of all toxins, you can prevent short and long term health
problems by minimizing their existence.
Here are six toxins to look out for:
1) Asbestos - What it is: A natural, fibrous material found in housing insulation, drywall, and toys
that has been known to cause cancer.
2) Lead Paint - What it is: In the past, lead was used as an ingredient for some types of household
paint to add extra sheen. Sanding and scraping this paint can lead to lead dust that can get
breathed in or otherwise ingested.
3) Carbon Monoxide - What it is: An odorless, colorless, and flammable gas that is poisonous to
humans and pets and can build up due to a faulty stove, furnace, or chimney. According to the
EPA, low levels can cause headaches, dizziness, disorientation, nausea, and fatigue. Higher levels
can cause impaired vision, headaches, vomiting, and even death.
4) Mold - What it is: Mold spores can easily grow within 24-48 hours when there’s moisture. It can
live on dust, wood, drywall, paint, paper, cotton, or oil. Mold spores can trigger asthma symptoms
and allergic reactions.
5) Radon - What it is: A cancer causing radioactive gas, which comes from uranium that is naturally
found in soil. One out of fifteen homes have high levels of the gas.
6) Bisphenol A (BPA) - What it is: A chemical used in plastic production that can often be found in
water bottles, baby bottles, plastic wraps, and food packaging—especially the liners of canned
foods. There is some concern about its effects on the brains of fetuses and children.

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