Front-End Web Development
Front-End Web Development
Front-End Web Development
Front-End Web 1
Get Started with Web Development
Development 3a Use a Scripting Language to Build Dynamic Web Apps Java Script Introduction
3b Introduction to TypeScript 2
to complete the Front-End 6 Use UI Framework to Build a Responsive Web UI Introduction to Bootstrap—A Tutorial
Web Development track. 7 Use a Framework to Build a Dynamics Web UI Introduction to jQuery
8b Introduction to ReactJS
Use Open Source Web Tools to Support Dynamic Build Scenarios Using Open Source Web Tooling to Improve Development Proficiency
Front-End Web Q: Why are the Microsoft Q: Do changes affect tracks Q: Do I get credit for courses Q: What if my track is still
Professional Program completed before July? that are no longer part of in progress?
Development tracks changing? A: No. If you completed a full my track? A: If you have yet to complete
A: Tracks are routinely evaluated track before July 1, updates A: If you completed a previous a skill, refer to the new
Starting July 1, we’re updating for industry relevance. In some won’t affect you. You can still requirement before July, you requirements. If a course
the courses and skills required cases, we may replace a course, take new courses, but it’s still get credit. If you didn’t is currently on edX, you can
to complete the Front-End add new courses and skills, or not required to keep your successfully complete before take it now. Credit will appear
Web Development track. simply rename an existing option. track certificate. July, you need to follow the on your dashboard once
new track requirements. changes take effect July 1.