QUIZ Landing Gear - Diploma. Different Questions

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QUIZ # 2

1. Heat generated by braking action is dissipated through the wheel and tyre by:
A) radiation and conduction. *
B) convection and cooling.
C) conduction and convection.

2. The compensating port in a independent brake master cylinder will:

A) maintains uniform brake pressure at all times.
B) vents fluid to atmosphere during thermal expansion. *
C) automatically maintain disc to brake lining clearance.

3. The rotating discs of multi-disc brake unit is segmented to:

A) prevent rapid wear of friction pads.
B) prevent heat distortion and brake drag. *
C) increase friction surface and improve braking.

4. The clamping force is applied to the rotors and stators of hydraulic operated
multiple discs brake by the movement of the:
A) torque plate and the pistons.
B) torque plate and the thrust plate.
C) pressure plate and the pistons. *

5. In a single disk brake without automatic adjustment, the lining wear is determined
by measuring the distance between the disc and:
A) brake housing with the brake released.
B) brake housing with the brake applied. *
C) lining with the brake applied.

6. What is the function of spool spring in the power brake control valve?
A) Increases the pressure exerted on the spool
B) Aids pilot in applying the brake
C) Provides artificial feel to the pilot *

7. When there is a impending skid the flapper valve will:

A) unbalance and moved towards pressure nozzle *
B) position in the centre of the two nozzles
C) control the discharge of the fluid equally from each nozzle

8. Tyre wears excessively on the shoulder of the tread indicates that:

A) Tyre operated with inadequate inflation pressure *
B) Tyre operated with excessive inflation pressure
C) Excessive brake usage

9. What component in an anti skid system circuit conserve the main hydraulic system
pressure by limiting the flow of fluid to the brakes after initial brake application?
A) A modulator *
B) A maintaining valve
C) A pressure reducing valve

10. A contributory cause of tyre creep could be:

A) over inflation.
B) worn tread pattern.
C) under inflation. *

For Training Purposes Only. 1 ACD 20401

Rev: 00 Jul 2010
11. When tyre fitted to an aircraft has been moved beyond its maximum creep mark,
it must be:
A) deflated, reversed backwards in line with the creep mark.
B) deflated, and moved forwards in line with the creep mark.
C) deflated, removed and inspected for damage before re-use. *

12. Remedy for a deform flat tyre which has developed in a nylon casing tyre due to too
long standing in one position is by:
A) jacking up, deflating the wheel and re-inflating to correct pressure.
B) towing the aircraft for short distance. *
C) inflating to normal pressure plus 25% and then reducing pressure to normal.

13. When tyre fitted to an aircraft has been moved beyond its maximum creep mark, it
must be:
A) deflated, reversed backwards in line with the creep mark.
B) deflated, and moved forwards in line with the creep mark.
C) deflated, removed and inspected for damage before re-use. *

14. Heat generated by braking action is dissipated through the wheel and tyre by: L2
A) heat and conduction.
B) convection and cooling.
C) conduction and convection. *

15. Dry operation of the aircraft wheel bearing is indicated by:

A) discolouration of roller surface.
B) rusting on the roller surface. *
C) slight chipping on the roller surface.

16. What factor generally determines the method you should use for bleeding brake
systems? L3
A) The type and design of the brake system to be bled *
B) The type of hydraulic fluid used in the brake system
C) The amount of air in the brake system

17. A contributory cause of tyre creep could be:

A) over inflation.
B) worn tread pattern.
C) under inflation. *

18. The landing gear doors clearance depends upon the:

A) volume of hydraulic system used.
B) length of the landing gear actuating cylinder.
C) length of the door linkage and the adjustment of the doorstops.

19. In wheel assembly eddy current inspection, checking for crack is used on:
A) bead seat area
B) disk drive key slot area
C) wheels bolts

20. Almost all wheels must be statically balanced when they are built if the diameter is:
A) less than 10 inches
B) more than 10 inches
C) 8 to 9 inches

21. In multi disk brake, the plate that sit on the torque tube is;
A) rotating disk
B) stationary disk
C) floating disk
For Training Purposes Only. 2 ACD 20401
Rev: 00 Jul 2010
22. In a single disk brake, to maintain a constant clearance between the lining and the
disk when the brake is released is;
A) automatic adjuster
B) return spring
C) spring retainer

23. In expander tube brake system, when the brake is released the fluid will flow back
to the system by;
A) flat steel spring
B) return spring
C) automatic adjuster

24. In master cylinder brake, the fluid from the wheel unit is vented to the atmosphere
through the;
A) filler plug
B) piston
C) compensator port

25. Power brake on large aircraft operated by the pressure from the;
A) main hydraulic system
B) brake master cylinder
C) boosted brake master cylinder

26. In order to ensure the safety of the pneumatic brake control valve it is;
A) wire locked using stainless steel wire
B) wire locked using copper wire
C) Not locked for easy operation

27. In power brake system, to reduce the system pressure and increase volume of
hydraulic fluid is by the used of;
A) pressure reducer
B) deboosters
C) pressure regulator

28. Oleo strut landing gear, the toe in and toe out may be adjusted by repositioning the
A) tapered shims between the torque links
B) tapered shim between landing gear leg and wheel axle
C) washers between the torque links

29. When parking brake is on but if the master cylinder piston has a faulty seal the
brake will;
A) become spongy
B) fade
C) drag
L; 3
30. In power brakes system, to hold brake pressure in the event of hydraulic system
failure is;
A) accumulator
B) brake control valve
C) brake check valve
L; 3

31. Yellow line or mark on the aircraft tube is the indication of:

A) heavy spot of the tube. *

B) light spot of the tube.
C) tread reinforced tube.

For Training Purposes Only. 3 ACD 20401

Rev: 00 Jul 2010
32. What are the recommended environment conditions for storing an aircraft tyre?

A) Damp and cool

B) Dry and cool *
C) Damp and warm

33. When tyre fitted to an aircraft has been moved beyond its maximum creep mark,
it must be:

A) deflated, reversed backwards in line with the creep mark.

B) deflated, and moved forwards in line with the creep mark.
C) deflated, removed and inspected for damage before re-use. *

34. Hydroplaning or aquaplaning in an aircraft could be minimized by:

A) installing of chined tyres.

B) correct tyre inflation pressure.
C) proper design and placement of grooves in the tyre. *

35. When there is a impending skid the flapper valve will:

A) unbalance and moves over. *

B) position in the centre of the two nozzles.
C) control the discharge of the fluid equally from each nozzle.

36. What may contribute to slight sponginess after the brake system has been properly

A) Worn brake lining

B) Weak brake unit piston return spring
C) Deteriorated brake system flexible hoses *

37. What is the significance of red spot or triangle on the sidewall of the aircraft tyre?
A) Heavy spot of tyre
B) Light spot of tyre *
C) Location of awl vent marks

38. Inflation pressure of the tyres mounted or assembled on the wheels means for
storage or shipment should be limited to:
A) between 20 psi to 30 psi. *
B) between 50 psi to 75 psi.
C) 50 % of its maximum inflation pressure.

For Training Purposes Only. 4 ACD 20401

Rev: 00 Jul 2010

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