Homework 08-Problems PDF
Homework 08-Problems PDF
Homework 08-Problems PDF
m≪1 g
2 m/s
What is the magnitude of the terminal ve- 2. for both cases counterclockwise with de-
locity (i.e., the eventual steady-state speed creasing magnitude.
v∞ ) reached by the bar? The acceleration
due to gravity is g. 3. for both cases counterclockwise with in-
creasing magnitude.
M gR
1. v∞ =
ℓ B2 4. for both cases clockwise with increasing
M 2 g 2 R2 magnitude.
2. v∞ =
ℓ2 B 2
5. first clockwise, then counter-clockwise.
M g R2
3. v∞ =
ℓ2 B 6. first counter-clockwise, then clockwise.
M g R2
4. v∞ =
ℓ B2 008 10.0 points
M 2 g2 R
5. v∞ = Two coils are suspended around a central
axis as shown in the figure below. One coil
M gR
6. v∞ = is connected to a resistor with ends labeled a
ℓB and b. The other coil is connected to a battery
M gR E. The coils are moving relative to each other
7. v∞ =
ℓ2 B 2 as indicated by the velocity vectors v.
M g R2 Use Lenz’s law to answer the following ques-
8. v∞ = tion concerning the direction of induced cur-
rents and magnetic fields.
douglas (jed3339) – Homework 08 – yao – (54790) 3
− +
E a R b
1. A1, B2, C1
2. A2, B1, C2
3. A2, B2, C1
4. A1, B1, C1
5. A1, B2, C2
6. A2, B1, C1
7. A2, B2, C2
8. A1, B1, C2
5. waterfall N S
sliding contacts
Which graph best represents the induced
010 10.0 points
current i(t) at later times?
Take i > 0 for current flowing in direction
A rectangular conducting loop of wire is ap-
shown by arrows.
proximately half-way into a magnetic field B
(out of the page) and is free to move.
Suppose the magnetic field B begins to de-
crease rapidly in strength.
B B 0
a c
b d
0 x0 2.
What happens to the loop?
1. counter-clockwise. 240 V
2. clockwise. I