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VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)



Smriti Rekha Das

Research Scholar
Department of Education Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva
Viswavidyalaya, Nagaon

Abstract: Adolescence is the most impressive period of human life not only for
physical development but also for the mental, intellectual and emotional development.
Maturity is always related to development. Social development of the child is
associated with other features of growth. A socially mature person is able to adapt
himself successfully in his surroundings. Some social qualities like group
compatibility, kindness, sympathy, empathy, emotional adjustability, courtesy and
politeness, self confidence, co-operation, leadership and cheerfulness should be
developed amidst the society. To study the level of social maturity among the lower
secondary school students 200 samples are taken from the Matia block of Goalpara
district, Assam where 100 are boys and 100 are girls. Descriptive survey method is
used and Social Maturity Scale by Nalini Rao is used for data collection. To study the
level and difference of social maturity mean, median, standard deviation skewness,
kurtosis and z-test are used to analysis the data.

Keyword- Social, maturity, secondary school,

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Adolescence is the most impressive period of human life not only for physical
development but also for the mental, intellectual and emotional development. An
adolescent has to cope up himself/herself with the family, school and society which are
regarded as a complex task. Besides these complexities an adolescent grows up to the
maximum with all the capacities. Adolescent becomes a socially responsible person
and emotionally mature for adjustment in the society. Man is a social animal and
without society man cannot survive. So, it is the responsibility of every person to
develop the social qualities within him/her for better adjustment and it is easy when the
person becomes socially mature.

1.1.1 Concept of Maturity

Maturity is the capacity to handle and react to the situation in a proper way.
Maturity also comprehends being aware of the correct time and location to behave and
knowing when to act, according to the circumstances and the culture of the society one
lives in. It is difficult to define in a single sentence. Firstly maturity is to know oneself,
one’s potentiality, quality, capability etc. A matured person is usually aware when to
act, how to act, what to act according to the demands of the situation. It also helps the
people to make differentiation between two things that is right and wrong, truth and
false, virtue and vice. A person becomes mature according to the age and physical
development. Learning and experiences of life are that two things which increases a
person’s maturity level. It is being one’s own individual and that can be attained only
by carefully investigating the contents of mind like the ideal of one, role models, path
of life and the beliefs, values, morals, religions, self worth etc. Maturity is nothing but
to achieve the development of sensibility to ignore the negative factors and to take

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

right decision in critical situations and to accept the reality. It is an attitude built by
experience of a person throughout his life. A matured person can control his emotions
in any situation; maturity begins to grow when one can sense his concern for others
outweighing his concern for himself.

1.1.2 Social Maturity

Maturity is always related to development. Social development of the child is

associated with other features of growth. As the child grows up not only develops in
physical, mental, emotional and attitudinal behavior, but side by side with this in his
social behavior also. Child’s mental development is clearly characterized by the social
development. When the child mixes with the other members of his family and society
we can learn about the earliest signs of intellect in his behavior. The language he uses
also involves intellectual symbols. Language is considered as the principal mode of
communication of thoughts and feelings with others. In this way social process begins.
If the language ability develops social relations are automatically develops. Similarly,
social and emotional problems are linked. Most of the emotional states of the child
have social significance and many of the social problems create emotional problems.
The end of the maturity marks the growth and development. From the early age
maturity of structure and function comes in some aspects of development whereas in
other it comes later development comes from maturation and learning (Srivastava,
1987). Social maturity is a long process to be socially mature. Social development is
depending upon attainment of social maturity. A socially mature person is able to
adapt himself successfully in his surroundings. Some social qualities like group
compatibility, kindness, sympathy, empathy, emotional adjustability, courtesy and
politeness, self confidence, co-operation, leadership and cheerfulness should be
developed amidst the society. A socially mature person should be able to make
judgments, decisions and take proper action in face of problems and critical issues.
Without conflicting with others one can pursue healthy competition with the people
around himself. A person with social maturity is cooperative and he is capable of
taking responsibility for his own actions.

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

The level of social maturity of a person can be judged by taking into

consideration the relation between his conduct and the normal adjustment for his age
and group viz. motor, emotional and abstract mental control.

1.1.3 Secondary Education in Assam

Education in India as well as in Assam comprises of four stages- Pre-Primary,

Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education. Formal education started from the
elementary stage and secondary education is the second stage of formal school
education. Secondary education is that formal stage of education which covers the
adolescence period of an individual of development. Secondary education is like a
bridge course between primary and higher education. In India, secondary education is
also divided as lower secondary and higher secondary. It comprises the age group 14-
16 for lower secondary stage and 16-18 for higher secondary stage. Secondary
education occupies a very important role in the educational ladder. After completing
secondary education a student can pursue any general, technical, industrial, agricultural
and commerce & business education. The progress of a country largely depends on
expansion and improvement of secondary education. The success of higher education
in the field of science and technology is also dependent on the existence of the co-
ordinate system of secondary education which not only identifies the special talent but
also provide basic knowledge and information. Secondary education also helps to
contribute to the development of habits, attitudes and qualities of character which will
enable the citizen to become worthy and responsible for a democratic country.
Vocational efficiency which develops productivity for increasing of national income of
a country can be met through developing of secondary education properly and in a well
organized manner. Another important role of secondary education is to enhance
understanding and appreciation of international and national relations. Development of
leadership qualities in any field like social, political, industrial and cultural is to be
developed during secondary education of Education and training is given in the
secondary level to help the students to develop their complete personality in the area of

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

physical, moral, mental, social and practical. It develops whole into a self disciplined
individual who appreciates work and manages time properly. In Assam, Rastriya
Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) was launched on 2nd March 2009 for
universalization of access and improvement of quality of secondary stage of education.

1.2 Need and Importance of Study

Study of social maturity of the learner especially at the lower secondary stage
is important because from this stage the student started to develop their learning
capability, reasoning power, vocational capability which is helpful to take future
decisions of their life. This stage is like a bridge between childhood and adolescence
which is regarded as the most crucial stage of human life. So, this stage should be
handled carefully. Social maturity helps the students to take proper decisions of their
life and also to adjust themselves among the peers, family, society and community.
Without social maturity problems may face by the lower secondary school students.
So, the researcher has selected to find out the level of social maturity, differences of
social maturity in terms of gender of the lower secondary school students of Matia
Block of Goalpara District of Assam. This study is important because in the Matia
Block of Goalpara District there is no study has been conducted in this particular area
and the researcher is interested to study the social maturity of the lower secondary
school students.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The present study has been entitled as “Study on the Level of Social Maturity
of Lower Secondary School Students of Matia Block of Goalpara District, Assam.”

1.4 Delimitations of the Study

The study has been undertaken by the researcher has the following delimitations

i) The study is delimited to the social maturity in the dimension of

personal adequacy, interpersonal adequacy and social adequacy of the

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

lower secondary school students of Matia Block of Goalpara District,

ii) The study is delimited to the government lower secondary school of
Matia Block of Goalpara District, Assam.
iii) The study is delimited to the students of class ix of government lower
secondary school of Matia Block of Goalpara District, Assam.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

Following objectives are taken for the completion of the study

i) To study the level of social maturity of the lower secondary school

students of Matia block of Goalpara district, Assam
ii) To study the difference of social maturity of lower secondary school
students of Matia block of Goalpara district, Assam in terms of gender.

1.6 Hypothesis of the Study

Following hypothesis is taken for the present study

Hypothesis (1): There is no significant difference of social maturity of the

lower secondary school students of Matia block of Goalpara district, Assam in
terms of gender

2. Review of Related Literature

2.1 Review of Related Literature on Social Maturity

Kumar & Ritu (2013) studied on “Social Maturity of Senior Secondary School
Students in relation to their Personality” and found that there is a positive relationship
between social maturity and personality of senior secondary school students. There is

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

no significant difference between social maturity of male and female secondary school
students. There is no significant difference between personality of male and female
secondary school students.

Wartynghah (2013) studied on “A Study on Social Maturity of Secondary School

Students in Shillong Town” and found that most of the secondary school students in
Shillong Town are having average social maturity i.e. 82% followed by above average
category 12.5% below average category 4.5% students and only 1% students are fall
under superior category. There is significant difference between social maturity of
male and female of secondary school students, the female students having high social
maturity than the male counterparts. There is no significant difference between social
maturity of urban and rural students of secondary schools. There is no significant
difference between social maturity of govt. aided and private unaided secondary school

Sevak, D.D. (2016) studied on “ Study of Social Maturity self control and adjustment
of higher secondary school students” and found that there is significant difference
between Gujarati and English medium and science and arts stream with the dimensions
of work orientation, ability to take stress, social commitment, communication and
social tolerance in respect of social maturity. There is significant difference between
boys & girls with the dimension of work orientation, communication, cooperation and
social commitment in respect of social maturity. There is no significant difference
between Gujarati & English medium and science & arts stream excluding the
dimension of work orientation, ability to take stress, cooperation and social tolerance
in respect of social maturity. There is significant difference between Gujarati and
English medium and boys & girls with the total level of social maturity in respect of
social maturity.

Mishra, A., Dubey S. & Kumari, M. (2017) studied on “A Study on Social Maturity of
Adolescent in Sultanpur City” and find that maximum number (66.66%) boys
respondent were had high social maturity and (70%) girls respondent were had high
social maturity. As per data most of the (68.33%) respondent had high social maturity.

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

The result shows that majority of boys sample (36.66%) respondent had high social
maturity who belonged to the urban area in location and in girls sample (33.33) percent
respondent had high social maturity who belonged to the rural area in location.

3. Methodology

3.1 Methods

The researcher has used Descriptive Survey Method for the present study. The
study is descriptive in nature. Descriptive studies are more than just a collection of
data; it involves in measurement, classification, analysis, comparison and
interpretation. So, the investigator chooses the Descriptive Survey Method to collect
the valid and reliable data.
3.2 Tool Used

A Social Maturity Scale by Nalini Rao(2018) is used for the present study.

3.2.1 Social Maturity Scale

In this present study the researcher has used the Social Maturity Scale by
Nalini Rao (2018) having 90 items and the dimensions are personal adequacy,
interpersonal adequacy and social adequacy. The response options available for the
items are: strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree with the scores of 4, 3,
2 and 1 for positive items and 1, 2, 3 and 4 for negative items respectively. For
determining the reliability of Social Maturity Scale, test-retest reliability was applied
and reliability was found to be .98.

3.3 Population

The students of lower secondary stage of government high school of Matia

block of Goalpara district of Assam are selected as the population. In the Matia block
all total 13 high schools are there and 1929 students are studying at class ix where 900

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

is boys and 1029 is girls and the researcher has taken the class IX students of Matia
block as a population.

3.4 Sample

In this study 200 samples are taken from which 100 is boys and 100 is girls by
using purposive sampling method from the Government High School of Matia block of
Goalpara district, Asaam.

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation

4.1 Objective Wise Analysis

The researcher studied level of social maturity of the lower secondary students
with the help of mean, median, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. Difference
of social maturity in terms of gender is also analyzed with the help of z-test. Objective
wise analysis of data is presented below:

4.2. Objective 1

To study the level of social maturity of the lower secondary school students of
Matia block of Goalpara district, Assam.

In order to analyze the first objective percentage values are calculated to study
the overall level of social maturity of lower secondary school students of Matia block
of Goalpara district, Assam as shown in table 4.1

Table 4.1: Percentage of Overall Social Maturity of Lower Secondary School

Students of Matia Block of Goalpara District, Assam.

Sl. No. Levels No of Students Percentage

1 Very High Level Maturity 0 0%
2 High Level Maturity 13 6.5%
3 Above Average Level Maturity 34 17%

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

4 Average Level Maturity 114 57%

5 Below Average Level Maturity 9 4.5%
6 Low Level Maturity 15 7.5%
7 Very Low Level Maturity 15 7.5%
Source: Field Survey 2019

No of Students
1 Very High Level
2 High Level Maturity

3 Above Average Level

4 Average Level Maturity

5 Below Average Level

6 Low Level Maturity

Figure 4.1: Percentage of Overall Level of Social Maturity of Lower

Secondary School Students of Matia Block of Goalpara District, Assam

Table 4.2: Level of social maturity of lower secondary school students of Matia
block of Goalpara district, Assam

N Mean Median Standard Skewness Remarks Kurtosis Remarks

200 212.76 221 36.68 -0.93 Negatively 0.68 Platykurtic
Source: Field Survey2019

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

Level of Social Maturity

50 Level of Social Maturity

Figure 4.2: Graphical Representation of Level of Social Maturity of Lower

Secondary School Students of Mat
Matia Block of Goalpara District, Assam

From the above table regarding the first objective that is to study the level of
social maturity of lower secondary school students of Matia
Matia block of Goalpara district,
Assam and it has found that mean of 200 samples of lower secondary school students’
is 212.76 and median is found 221. Standard Deviation for the same sample is 36.68.
The divergence from normality i.e. skewness and kurtosis are also analyzed for the
same sample. Value of Skewness is found -0.93
0.93 and it is negatively skewed
skewe from the
normality that means the Normal Probability Curve is inclined more to the left. Value
of kurtosis is found 0.68 and the curve is Platykurtic and it means there are few
individuals whose scores are near to the average score for the particular sample group
and the Normal Probability Curve representing such a distribution becomes flatte
in the middle.

4.3 Objective 2

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

To study the difference of social maturity of lower secondary school students

of Matia block of Goalpara district, Assam in terms of gender.

In order to study the difference of social maturity of boys and girls of lower
secondary school students of Matia block of Goalpara district, Assam the following
null hypothesis has been formulated.

Hypothesis (1)

There is no significant difference of the social maturity of the lower secondary

school students of Matia block of Goalpara district, Assam in terms of gender.

In order to test the formulated null hypothesis the mean, standard deviation and
z test of boy’s and girls’ social maturity are calculated.

Table 4.3: Difference of Social Maturity between Boys and Girls of Lower
Secondary School Students of Matia Block of Goalpara District, Assam

Gender No of Mean Standard Z- Critical Significance Hypothesis

Sample Deviation test Value at 0.01 level
Boys 100 211.53 40.85
Girls 100 213.99 32.13 - 2.58 NS Accepted
Note: NS indicates not significant Source: Field Survey (2019)

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)



100 Girls


No of Mean Standard Z-test Critical
Sample Deviation Value

Figure 4.3: Graphical Representation of the Difference of Boys and Girls of Social
Maturity of Lower Secondary School Students of Matia
Matia Block of Goalpara
District, Assam.

The above table no 4.3

4 shows that mean and standard deviation for boys is
211.53 and 40.85 respectively. Again mean and standard deviation for girls is 213.99
and 32.13 respectively. The calculated z-test
z value is -0.47
0.47 which is much less than
critical value 2.58 at 0.01% level of significance and it is not significant. Hence, the
null hypothesis is accepted and it can be conclude that there is no significant difference
in social maturity between boys and girl students of lower secondary school of Mat
block of Goalpara district,
istrict, Assam.

5. Findings and Conclusion

5.1 Findings of the Study

The researcher comes to the findings and discussion after analyzing the data.
The main objectives of the present study are to find out the level and difference of

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

social maturity of lower secondary school students of Matia block of Goalpara district,
Assam. The major findings are-

• The scores of lower secondary school students of Matia block of Goalpara

district, Assam regarding social maturity was found negative value of skewness
(-0.93) and it is negatively skewed from the normality that means the Normal
Probability Curve is more inclined to the left in the distribution of social
maturity. It therefore reveals that the lower secondary school students of Matia
block of Goalpara district of Assam posses average level of social maturity.
• The kurtosis score of lower secondary school students of Matia block of
Goalpara district regarding social maturity was found positive value (0.68)
which is greater than .263. So the distribution of scores of social maturity is
Platykurtic and it means there are few individual whose scores are near to the
average score and represent a flattened distribution in the middle.
• The z-test value of boys and girls of lower secondary school students of Matia
block of Goalpara district of Assam regarding social maturity is found (0.47)
which is much less than the critical value (2.58) at 0.01% level of significance
and it is not significant.
• Hence, it is found from the study that there is no significant difference of social
maturity of lower secondary school students of Matia block of Goalpara
district, Assam in terms of gender as the null hypothesis is accepted.

5.3 Discussion of the Study

This study shows that the most of the lower secondary school students of Matia
block of Goalpara district, Assam have average level of social maturity. This study is
supported by related studies conducted by Wartynghah(2013) had found average social
maturity among the secondary school students of Shillong town. Again this study is
not supported by the related study conducted by Mishra, A., Dubey, S. & Kumari, M.
(2017) had found high social maturity among the adolescents in Sultanpur city. This

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)

study has found that there is no significant difference between the male and female
students regarding social maturity of lower secondary schools of Matia block of
Goalpara district of Assam and it is supported by the related study conducted by
Kumar, D. & Ritu (2013) has found no significant difference between social maturity
of male and female secondary school students. This study is not supported by the
related study conducted by Sing, R., Pant, K. & Laitonjam, V.(2013), Wartynghah
(2013), Sevek, D.D. (2016), Mishra, A., Dubey, S. & Kumari, M. (2017) and found
that there was significant difference between male and female regarding social

5.4 Conclusion

The findings and discussion of the study reveals that most of the lower
secondary school students have average level of social maturity. In the distribution of
the social maturity most of the scores are high and average score and the Normal
Probability Curve is negatively skewed which is more inclined to the left. From the
study it is found that there is no significant difference of social maturity of lower
secondary school students of Matia block of Goalpara district, Assam in terms of

VOL.3 NO.2 (ISSN 2455-7706)



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