3.1 Meaning and Aims of Socialization:: Robert

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:Meaning and aims of socialization 3.

 Socialization is the process by which children and adults learn from
 Many people think that socialization is especially important for children
and infants.
 Psychologist now realize that socialization continuous all across the life
span, as long as people continue to learn from social experiences.
The process beginning during childhood by which individuals acquire the
values, habits, and attitudes of a society. (Robert Karen).
Socialization is that process by which a living organism is changed into a person
and a social being. It is with the help of this process that a younger generation
learns the adult role which it has to play subsequently.
 The process continues from generation to generation.
 It starts with a birth of an individual and continues till death and
even after death.
 Through this process of socialization a child learns to behave as
per the expectations of the society.
 An individual learns the reciprocal responses of the society so that
he can anticipate the behavior of others towards him as well as his
own behavior towards others.
Socialization the process of cultural learning and social development whereby
a new person acquires necessary skills and education to play regular part in a
social system, is aimed at following:
 Develop a self-concept
 The Basic Discipline
 The Accepted Aspiration
 The Appropriate Roles
Develop a self-concept:
 Critical elements of self-concept developed during childhood and early
adulthood include: a sense of trust in oneself and other people.
 Elements of self-concept critical to adulthood and later life are a sense
of generativity or productivity.
The basic discipline:
 Socialization inculcates basic disciplines, ranging from toilet habits to the
methods of science.
 The individual is taught the accepted ways by which he may express his
The Accepted Aspirations:
 Socialization teaches skill. Only by acquiring the needed skills, an
individual can fit into a society.
 In simple societies, traditional practices are handed down from
generation to generation and are usually learned by imitation and
practice in the course of everyday life.
 In societies with advanced technology, central task of socialization is
inculcating the abstract skills through formal education.
The Appropriate Roles:
 Role performance is very important in the process of socialization.
Parsons defines socialization as “the acquisition of the requisite
orientations for satisfactory functioning in a role.”
 Social roles, thus, remain central to the process of socialization.
 If the individuals have to play a functional and predictable part in social
interaction, they need to be trained of the accepted social roles. For
instance, roles of mother, father, parents, children etc.
3.2 Agencies of socialization:
Agencies of socialization are the various groups or institutions that play a
significant role in socialization of an individual and in shaping that person's
3.3 Stages of social development:
Social Development refers to how people develop social and emotional
skills across the lifespan, with particular attention to childhood and
adolescence. Healthy social development allows us to form positive
relationships with family, friends, teachers, and other people in our lives.

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