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Wahyuni Sukanti 1, Diananto Prihandoko2, Agus Suyanto3

Student of Environmental Engineering of Yogyakarta Institute Technology
(STTL YLH) e-mail: [email protected] 2,3)Lecturer of Environmental
Engineering of Yogyakarta Institute Technology (STTL YLH)


One of the technological innovations that can reduce organic waste is the use
of larvae of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) as the subject of waste reduction. This research
aimed to determine the value of the best reduction efficiency and bioconversion rate
from the bioconversion process of vegetable waste using BSF larvae and the effects
of adding organic compost in one of the treatment doses.
The number of larvae used in each treatment dose was 576 larvae. The doses
given were 22 mg dry weight/larvae/day (D22), 32 mg dry weight/larvae/day
(D32), 42 mg dry weight/larvae/day (D42) and 52 mg dry weight/larvae/day (D52).
The addition of organic compost to D22 with a ratio (50:50) of vegetable waste and
compost is called K22.
The results showed that within 14 days, BSF larvae were able to reduce
organic waste by 98.65% to provide organic waste as much as 22 mg of dry
weight/larvae/day. Whereas in the K22 treatment, the value of reduction efficiency
was 58.22% and the biomass conversion rate was 1.56%, so that the addition of
compost did not increase the bioconversion process of vegetable waste
significantly. The results of economic analysis on the processing of the Kotagede
Market scale have an NPV value of 7,183,710 which means that the value of
NPV>0 and the IRR value of 12.87% means IRR> MARR so that processing is
feasible. In TPA Piyungan scale processing has value of NPV 45.934.557.342
which means that the value of NPV>0 and the IRR value is 941.10% means
IRR>MARR so that processing of bioconversion can be accepted and feasible.

Keywords: Black Soldier Fly Larva, organic waste, economic analysis, organic

INTRODUCTION about 65 million tons of waste per day

Background produced by the people of Indonesia.
The Ministry of Environment and This amount increased one ton
Forestry states that by 2016 there are compared to 2015 production of about

64 million tons of waste per day. If the organic waste from household waste
issue of waste is not immediately and the dose treatment are 52, 42, 32,
addressed by the government and the and 22 mg dry weight/larvae/day
community then in 2020 the volume of during 14 days. The research resulted
waste in Indonesia will increase until that the best reduction efficiency is
fivefold (IRSDP BAPPENAS, 2011). 78% from the dose of 22 mg dry
The conversion of organic wastes weight/larvae/day.
with black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia According to the aforementioned
illucens L.) is an interesting organic research, the writer will test the
waste processing and new recycling reduction efficiency of BSFL and
technology that should be developed change the waste of household to the
in Indonesia. According to Makkar et vegetable waste from traditional
al. in Dortmans, 2015, the Black market. The writer will add the
Soldier Fly (BSF) originates from additional treatment that the vegetable
southern parts of the USA and South waste of D22 combine with organic
America and, through human activity, compost. Furthermore, economic
is now spread over the tropic, sub- analysis will be conducted to see the
tropic and warm temperate regions of cost comparison between organic
the world. The reason why BSF adapt waste processing in market scale
so easily in other regions is because of processing and Piyungan landfill.
their wide range of habitats.
Based on the research of Zanna Objevtives
(2017) on Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia 1. To determine the best value of
illucens) as Bioconversion of Organic reduction efficiency made by BSFL
Waste about measuring the value of on organic waste indicated the
reduction efficiency and amount of value from Dry Matter Reduction
waste that capable to reduce by BSFL (DMR) from each treatment (D22,
with Dose treatment (52, 95, 134, 182) D32, D42, D52) expressed in mg
mg dry weight/larvae/day during 8 dry weight/larvae/day
days with the waste of food from 2. To find out the bioconversion rate
household restaurant. The result of organic waste made by BSFL
shows that the highest efficiency value indicated from the value of
is achieved in D52 which is 71,35%, Biomass Conversion Rate (BCR)
while the lowest efficiency happened from each treatment (D22, D32,
at D182 that is 47,08%. The more the D42, D52) expressed in mg dry
amount of organic waste is given the weight/larvae/day.
smaller the efficiency of reduction can 3. To find out the effectiveness of
be achieved. The immediate research adding organic compost to organic
that done by Prihandoko et al. (2017) waste D22 with ratio 50:50 (K22)
about BSFL conducted with the

based on the value of reduction Laboratory of Institute Technology
efficiency and bioconversion rate. of Yogyakarta (STTL “YLH”).
4. To know the result of economic
Research Period
analysis of organic vegetable waste
The research is conducted since
bioconversion process made by
October 2017 - May 2018.
BFSL for market and TPA
Piyungan scale processing? Research Object
The object of research is the
Benefits of Research
amount of organic vegetable waste
The implementation of this research is
derived from the traditional market
expected to provide these following
which is converted by the Black
Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) and its
1. Minimize the accumulation of
economic analysis.
waste, especially organic waste that
exist from traditional markets. Technique of Data Collection
2. This research is expected to be one 1. Primary Data
solution of organic waste Primary data is obtained directly
processing that is effective and from experimental observation and
efficient both for society and laboratory analysis data, such as
government. weight of larvae and prepupae, weight
3. Increase scientific knowledge of of residue, temperature and pH.
the author in applying the 2. Secondary Data
knowledge that has been obtained Secondary data is obtained from
in the real fields. research-related studies and derived
from proven and accountable sources.
Research Location Research Variables
1. Research is conducted in the 1. Independent Variables
boarding house of researcher in a. The amount of organic waste
Jalan Tamansiswa, Margoyasan PA that be reduced of BSFL are
II/486,RT.29/RW.07,Gunungketur, Dose of (22, 32, 42, 52) and 22
Pakualaman, Yogyakarta. mg dry weight mixed of organic
2. Vegetable waste sampling is taken waste and organic compost with
from Kota Gede traditional market weight ratio 50:50 (K22)
that located in Jalan Mandorakan b. The type of waste that feeds to
172 B, Kota Gede, Yogyakarta. BSFL is vegetable waste from
3. The measurement of some Kotagede traditional market.
parameters that become indicators 2. Dependent Variables
of research will be conducted at Fixed variables (dependent
Environmental Engineering variables) of this research are biomass
conversion rate, treatment efficiency,

weight of pre-pupae formed, organic The BSFL used in this research
waste residue and economic analysis activity is larvae that have been 7 days
Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal from the beginning of hatching time. It
Rate Return (IRR). aims to ensure that the larvae is in the
best condition to consume the organic
Research Tools waste, or in the other words, the larvae
1. A temperature gauge to ensure the aged 3 days after being mini larva (4
stability of the ambient days after hatching). Bioconversion
temperature. activity begins on the 8th day and will
2. Organic waste disposal equipment, end when the larvae begin to change
in this activity used knife to ensure into pre-pupa and leave the container.
uniform size of organic waste The bioconversion activity is expected
provided. to end on the 21th day, because this
3. Digital weighing scale of gram study was carried out for 14 days.
unit with precision 2 digits of
numbers behind commas to weigh 2. Preparation of Organic Waste
the weight of larva, pre-pupa and Conversion Process Container
pupa. The container used has a size (50
4. Weighing scale of gram units x 37 x 30) cm. Another criterion that
without numbers behind the must be considered is the maximum
comma to weigh the weight of height of the garbage pile that is 7.5-
organic waste fed and the residual 10 cm. This must be considered to
organic waste generated avoid anaerobic conditions during the
5. The container for BSFL process bioconversion process. The container
with the dimension 50 x 37 x 30 used has 3 channels, consisting of two
cm channels located on the top side on the
6. The cover of BSFL container left and right sides. The channel on the
7. Pre-pupae container top side of the top serves as a place for
8. Gloves and masks as Personal Prepupa to walk out by passing the
Protective Equipment (PPE). semicircular channel installed with a
slope of 35o. The diameter of the pipe
Bahan Penelitian
that is used as a leachate for the
1. Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL)
conditions in the container is not
2. Vegetable waste from traditional
submerged in water which can cause
odor. At the bottom of this hole a filter
3. Organic compost
wire with a diameter of 0.2 cm is
Research Preparation installed to prevent the larvae from
1. Preparation of BSFL (Black running out.
Soldier Fly Larva)

 K22 treatment is dose 22 mg dry
weight of organic waste/larvae/day
plus organic compost = 53 g wet
weight/day. So that the amount of
organic compost (50%) used is the
same as the amount of organic
waste (50%) is 26.5 g wet weight.

Conducting Research
Figure of BSFL Feeding Bucket
1. Description
The research was conducted
using five process containers that were
3. Preparation of Organic Waste
separated from each other. Organic
Organic waste to be used in this
waste will be given once according to
research activities is organic vegetable
the required dose for 14 days. The
waste from traditional markets
treatment that will be studied consists
consisting of various types of
of 5 treatments, namely 4 treatments
vegetable waste such as kale, spinach,
that are distinguished from the amount
cabbage, and others that took from
of organic waste that will be given and
traditional market. Waste that has
one more treatment will be added
large size will be chopped or crushed
organic compost.
to get the uniform size. The number of
larvae given for each treatment was
576 larvae for each treatment.
According to Zanna (2017), the
calculation of amount of organic waste
in dry weight that will be given for
each treatment dose are: Table of Input Value of BSFL Container
 Dose of 22 mg dry weight in Each Treatment
vegetable waste /larvae/day = 53 gr
wet weight/day 2. Sampling for Parameters
 Dose of 32 mg dry weight Measurements
vegetable waste /larvae/day = 77 gr The first sample taken on the 1st
wet weight/day day of the research activity begins (8th
 Dose of 42 mg dry weight day of larvae age), and considered as
vegetable waste /larvae/day = 101 input data. Data measurement
gr wet weight/day performed on the input is the amount
 Dose of 52 mg dry weight and weight of vegetable waste fed, as
vegetable waste /larvae/day = 125 well as the weight of larvae in wet and
gr wet weight/day dry conditions. The second sample

will be taken on 14th day (21st day of to dark brown that is when the larvae
larvae age), considered as output. The turned into pre-pupa.
measured data at the output is the 1. Organic Vegetable Waste Feeds
weight of the vegetable waste residue to BSFL
and the weight of the larvae in wet and Organic vegetable waste used in
dry conditions. According to WHO this research activities is organic
2005, the amount of sample taken for vegetable waste from traditional
larval research is 20-30 larvae. market. It consisted of various types of
Temperature and pH measurement vegetables such as leafy vegetable
will be done to maintain the ideal (Ipomoea aquatica), spinach
condition of BSFL process. (Amaranthus sp), china cabbage
Measurement and analysis procedures (Brassica rapa) and cabbage
of several parameters in the study: (Brassica oleracea).
 The measurements of pH done - Organic waste feed to BSFL in D22
using pH tester treatment is 742 gram wet weight
 Temperature measurement is done and consists of different types of
by using Hg thermometer vegetables, which are 371 g of china
 The weight of the larvae is analyzed cabbage (50%), 113 g of leafy
by weighing the weight of the larva vegetable (15%), 185 g of cabbage
and the pre-pupa by the number of (25%) and 74,2 g of spinach (10%).
each sample amounting to 20-30 - Organic waste feed to BSFL in D32
larvae when it becomes the larva treatment is 1078 gram wet weight
(input) and when it becomes pre- and consists of different types of
pupa (output) to then averaged. vegetables, which are 431,2 g of
 Weight determination in dry weight china cabbage (40%), 269,5 g of
is carried out by inserting into the leafy vegetable (25%), 215,6 g of
oven at 105°C for 24 hours. cabbage (20%) and 161,7 g of
spinach (15%).
RESULT AND DISCUSSION - Organic waste feed to BSFL in D42
Bioconversion Process Observation treatment is 1414 gram wet weight
Observation on BSFL (Black and consists of different types of
Soldier Fly Larvae) ability in vegetables, which are 636,6 g of
bioconversion of organic waste was china cabbage (45%), 141,4 g of
conducted for 14 days. The BSFL used leafy vegetable (10%), 424,2 g of
in the research is 7 days after hatching cabbage (30%) and 212,1 g of
so that the research activity ends at the spinach (15%).
age of 25 days larvae. The end of - Organic waste feed to BSFL in D52
research activity is marked by the treatment is 1750 gram wet weight
change of skin color BSFL from white and consists of different types of
vegetables, which are 1050 g of

china cabbage (60%), 175 g of leafy Residu
vegetable (10%), 350 g of cabbage The result of BSFL
(20%) and 175 g of spinach (10%). bioconversion process of organic
- On K22 treatment, feed consist of waste used is residue. Weight of
organic compost 371 g and organic residue is value of output vegetable
vegetable 371 g. Its organic waste in the calculation formula.The
vegetable waste consists of different residue is further likely to be utilized
types of vegetables, which are 222,6 as compost or organic fertilizer due to
g of china cabbage (30% of total the residue of bioconverted organic
feed), 51,94 g of leafy vegetable (7% waste in the form of organic matter,
of total feed), 58,36 g of cabbage containing micro and micro nutrients.
(8% of total feed) and 37,1 g of However, the type and amount of
spinach (5% of total feed). substances contained will of course
depend on the type of organic waste
2. Environmental Factors
feed to BSFL. In this study, the
Observation (pH and
organic waste feed to BSFL is
vegetable organic waste that vary
The environmental factors
types of vegetable. The parameters
monitored during the bioconversion
that analyze are pH, temperature, color
process in this research are pH and
and odor
temperature. Those parameters are
used to ensure that BSFL is in Tabel of Result Analysis of Residue
optimum condition so that it can
perform maximum bioconversion
process. The pH and temperature
measurements are performed daily
starting on 1st day to 14th day.
Table of Results Measurement of pH
And Temperature on 1st day until 14th
Reduction Efficiency of Organic
day Observation Process
Vegetable Waste
One of the objectives of this
research is to know the efficiency that
could be achieved by BSFL in organic
vegetable waste bioconversion. This
research varies the dosage of organic
vegetable waste fed to BSFL in order
to know the best efficiency value or
known as Dry Matter Reduction
(DMR). DMR shows the reduction
efficiency in dry weight. The dosage

variation of organic vegetable waste efficiency. This is due to the high
are D22, D32, D42 and D52. After the competition among larvae to get
14th day, it can be compared between nutrients from organic waste.
the weight of the organic vegetable
waste fed to BSFL (input) and the Bioconversion
weight of waste remaining The bioconversion carried out
(output/residue). Through this by BSFL on organic waste will
comparison value, it obtained the convert the organic vegetable waste
ability of BSFL in reducing organic into mass in BSFL, volatile gases or
waste. emissions released into the air and
organic matter residues from un-
Table of Weight of Organic
converted organic waste. BSFL
Vegetable Waste Input and Output,
weight data can be obtained from
Efficiency and Organic Waste
laboratory results. Input data of BSFL
Reduction in Each Treatment
was gained from 25 larvae of 7th day
larvae age and weighed by digital
scale. Meanwhile output data of BSFL
was gained from 25 pre-pupae of 21st
day larvae age taken randomly and
weighed by digital scale
1. Biomass Conversion
To express the biomass
conversion during the bioconversion
Based on Table above, the value process, BSFL consumed organic
of the efficiency of bioconverted vegetable waste that resulted weight
organic waste in dry weight or Dry gain. The weight gain of BSFL can be
Matter Reduction (DMR) is obtained measured from the weight of larvae in
98.65% for treatment D22, 97.22% for the beginning (input) and the weight
treatment D32, 97.17% for treatment of pre-pupae at the end of
D42, and 96.86% for treatment D52. bioconversion process (output).
Therefore, the highest efficiency of
Table Laboratory data of BSFL’s
organic vegetable waste
Weight for Each Treatment
bioconversion is treatment D22 and
the lowest is treatment D52. The value
of efficiency shows the percentage of
success of a process in achieving the
desired target. From those values, it is
known that the lower the dosage of
organic vegetable waste feed, the
higher the BSFL bioconversion

Table Weight of Total Larvae in on the first day (input) until the last
Treatment day (output) of bioconversion process
and expressed by grams in dry weight
and wet weight.

Table Percentage (%) of BSFL

Weight Gain

Based on tables above, it is

known that the highest percentage of
BSFL weight gain is in treatment D52
which is 61,43% in dry weight, while
the lowest is in treatment D22 which
is 32,50% in dry weight. The more the
amount of organic waste fed to the
BSFL, the higher the percentage Figure Mass Balance Chart of
BSFL weight gain. This is due to the Bioconversion Process in Each
difference in competence among Treatment (a) D22, (b) D32, (c) D42,
BSFL in each treatment. The level of (d) D52
BSFL competition in getting nutrition Vegetable waste residue and
on treatment D52 will be lower when
vegetable waste consumed are
compared to the BSFL competition on calculated as percentages of the
treatment of D22. vegetable waste added; vegetable
2. Bioconversion of Organic waste consumed is further divided into
Vegetable Waste pre-pupae weight and other (emissions
The organic waste bioconversion to the air, etc), both expressed as
process by BSFL can be known from percentages of the consumed feed
weighing the amount of organic waste

Table Distribution of Vegetable Figure Mass Balance Flow Chart of
Waste Loss in Bioconversion Process Vegetable Waste Loss Distribution
(a) D22, (b) D32, (c) D42, (d) D52

3. Biomass Conversion Rate (BCR)

The value of Biomass Conversion
Rate (BCR) indicates the rate of
biomass conversion that occurs during
the bioconversion process of organic
vegetable waste. Biomass in the
bioconversion process by BSFL is an
organic vegetable waste that is
converted into pre-pupae weight or the
weight gain of larvae in the last day of
Table BCR of Each Dose Treatment

The Effectiveness of Adding

Organic Compost in Dose
Treatment D22
Vegetable Waste Reduction
Efficiency of K22
This bioconversion research also
aims to see the effectiveness of
organic compost addition to the dose
treatment of 22 mg vegetable waste
dry weight/larvae/day (K22) to
compare to D22 treatments so that it
will get the best efficiency value.

Table Weight of Organic Vegetable Table Weight of Total Larvae in K22
Waste Input and Output, Efficiency and D22 Treatment
and Organic Waste Reduction in
Treatment of D22 and K22

Table Percentage (%) of BSFL

Weight Gain in K22 and D22
Bioconversion Result of K22
The bioconversion result made by
BSFL at the treatment of additional
organic compost named K22.
Bioconversion result is discussed in
terms of biomass conversion,
bioconversion of organic vegetable 2. Bioconversion of Organic
waste and Biomass Conversion Vegetable Waste of K22
Reduction (BCR). Then it would be Treatment
compared to the treatment of D22. Bioconversion of organic
1. Biomass Conversion of K22 vegetable waste can be seen from the
The biomass conversion is the mass balance that calculated by
actual weight of the pre-pupae after weighing the amount of initial organic
feeding. The weight gain of BSFL can vegetable waste (input) and residue of
be known from the beginning of the vegetable waste conversion (output).
bioconversion process (input) to the
end of the bioconversion process
Table Laboratory data of BSFL’s
Weight for K22 and D22 Treatment

Figure Mass Balance Chart of

Bioconversion Process in K22
Furthermore, bioconversion of
organic vegetable waste separated into
vegetable waste residue and vegetable

waste consumed that finally converted cannot increase the value of BCR. So
to biomass and emissions. it can be concluded that the percentage
of BCR is strongly influenced by the
Table 4.1 Distribution of Vegetable type of nutrients contained in the
Waste Loss in Bioconversion Process organic waste feed to BSFL.

Economic Analysis of Organic

Waste Treatment Using BSFL
Economic analysis of the
bioconversion process of organic
waste by BSFL for market and TPA
Piyungan scale processing. Economic
analysis of organic waste using BSFL
is conducted because of promising
investment and also helps the
government to overcome organic
waste problem especially in
Yogyakarta. Data needed in this
economic analysis are Process
Figure Mass Balance Flow Chart of
Equipment, Land and Building,
Vegetable Waste Loss Distribution of
Manpower, Raw Material (organic
K22 Treatment
waste and BSFL eggs) and Product.
3. Bioconversion of Organic The data processing of economic
Vegetable Waste of K22 analysis will use data analysis Internal
The value of Biomass Conversion Rate Return (IRR) and Net Present
Rate (BCR) indicates the rate of Value (NPV).
biomass conversion that occurs during
the bioconversion process of organic Data Needed in BSFL Economic
vegetable waste. Analysis
Table BCR of Each Dose Treatment 1. Equipment Needed
According Hakim in Pangestu
(2017), the equipment used in the
production of BSFL is in terms of
Rearing Area, Larva reactor, Breeding
House, Packing Equipment, Sitting
Scale, Trolley, Water Pump and
Based on the result of comparison
between treatment K22 and D22
research showed that the additional of
organic compost on the treatment

Table Equipment Needed amount of waste generation in 2013 is
145.215.194 kg/year or
397,850kg/day or ± 400,000kg/day.
Based on the BPLH of DKI Jakarta in
Kurniawati (2014), the composition of
garbage in several cities in Indonesia
is mostly organic material that has a
percentage of 75%. So if using the
data the amount of organic waste in
TPA piyungan is ± 300.000 kg/day.

2. Land and Building In addition to organic waste,

The location of the organic waste other raw materials are BSF eggs.
treatment unit will be conducted at According to Putranto in Pangestu
Kota Gede Market and TPA Piyungan. (2017), 1 gram of black soldier fly
So it means that purchasing the land is eggs can produce 3000 larvae, and for
not necessary, because it is provided in 1 kg of garbage can be converted by
the market and Piyungan landfill. 10,000 BSF larvae per day. While
According to the Hakim in Pangestu According to Hakim in Pangestu
(2017), the assumption of the building (2017), it takes 5-10 grams of eggs
price is about Rp.1,000,000,- per m2. each processing 1 ton of waste.
So the building for Kota Gede market
scale is about 10 m2, with total cost 4. Manpower
Rp.10.000.000,- and for TPA Based on the amount of organic
Piyungan scale is about 500 m2 with waste, the manpower needed in Kota
total cost Rp.500,000,000,-. Gede market is less than TPA
Piyungan. The less amount of organic
3. Raw Materials waste treats, the less office hours and
Raw materials used are organic salary of manpower.
waste from garbage of Kota Gede
market and TPA Piyungan. Table Manpower Needed in Kota
a. Kotagede Market Gede Market
According to Mariana Jawa (2017)
the average of organic waste in Kota
Gede market is 156,25 kg/day or
57.031,25 kg/year. The type of Table Manpower Needed in TPA
organic waste consists of vegetables, Piyungan
fruits, fish, meat, chicken, and others.
b. TPA Piyungan
Based on data from Sekber
Kartamantul in Kurniawati (2014) the

5. Product (pre-pupae) sales from the
The production of BSFL in this bioconversion process as animal feed.
unit produces the product in the form It prices Rp.10,000 per kilogram for
of semi-compost that means the BSF pre-pupae. On the scale of
compost from bioconverted residue Kotagede market, it sales
needs further compost process to make Rp.4.277.344,- and TPA Piyungan
it in accordance with the standard of scale is Rp.8.212.500.000,-.
compost quality. The best value of
residue (product) from total waste BSFL Economic Analysis Result
input in this research is in D52 The economic analysis will
treatment which has percentage of analyze the data above by using Net
3,14 %. The amount of residue can be Present Value (NPV) and Internal
estimated from the results of the study Rate Return (IRR) method. Its
are: calculation will be conducted on the
a. Kotagede Market scale of Kotagede Market and TPA
The organic waste in the Kotagede Piyungan.
market is 156,25 kg per day. It means
Table Results of BSF Economic
that from 156,25 kg/day organic waste
will be residue (products) of 4,9
kg/day or 1.791 kg/year.
b. TPA Piyungan
The amount of organic waste in TPA
Piyungan ± 300.000 kg/day. It means
a. Kotagede Market
that from 300,000 kg/day of organic
The results of economic analysis
waste will be residue of 9.420 kg/day
of BSFL in Kotagede Market scale as
or 3.438.300 kg/year.
The residue will be sold at a  Net present value (NPV) in the
cheaper price than the organic period of 10 years is 7.183.710
compost price. Expect organic waste means that the value of NPV>0,
residues will be processed into better then organic waste treatment using
quality compost at the composting BSFL is feasible and may be
site. The selling price of semi-compost implemented.
products (residues) is Rp.2.500 per kg.  The value of Internal Rate Return
Hence the total sales of semi-compost (IRR) is 12,87%. It means the value of
on the scale of Kotagede market is IRR > MARR specified as 10%, then
Rp.4.477.500,- and at TPA Piyungan organic waste treatment using
scale is Rp.8.595.750.000,-. BSFL is feasible and may be
In addition to semi-compost implemented
(residue) sales, there are also larvae b. TPA Piyungan

The results of economic analysis respectively are 32,50%, 48,08%,
of BSFL in TPA Piyungan scale as 55,12% and 61,43%
follows: 3. K22 treatment which is using the
 Net present value (NPV) in the same dose as treatment of D22 with
period of 10 years is additional of organic compost ratio
45.934.557.342 means that the 50:50 has the value of reduction
value of NPV > 0, then organic efficiency that seen from DMR
waste treatment using BSFL is value is equal to 58,22. Biomass
feasible and may be implemented. conversion based on BCR values is
 The value of Internal Rate Return 1,56%. Larval weight gain of K22
(IRR) is 941.10%. It means the value treatment is 30,77%. These values
of IRR > MARR specified as 10%, are lower than D22 treatment. It
then organic waste treatment using means that the usage of organic
BSFL is feasible and highly compost addition is not really
recommended to implement. effective in increasing the process
of organic vegetable waste
4. Economic analysis result using Net
Present Value (NPV) and Internal
Rate Return (IRR) of Kota Gede
1. The efficiency value that can be
Market and TPA Piyungan scale.
done by BSFL in converting the
The organic vegetable waste BSFL
organic vegetable waste is
bioconversion on Kota Gede
inversely proportional to the
Market scale has a value of NPV of
amount of waste fed. The value of
7.183.710 which means the value
efficiency will be higher if the
NPV > 0 and the value of IRR is
amount of waste provided less and
12,87% which means the value of
vice versa. The highest efficiency
IRR > MARR (10%) then the
that seen from DMR value is at
project is feasible. On the scale of
treatment D22 that is equal to
TPA Piyungan, it has value of NPV
98,65% and the lowest is at
of 45.934.557.342 which means the
treatment D52 that is equal to
value NPV > 0 and the value of IRR
is 941,10% which means the value
2. The highest biomass conversion
of IRR > MARR (10%) then the
rate based on BCR values on each
project is feasible and highly
treatment is at treatment of D52 that
recommended to implement.
is 2,36%. The other treatment D22,
5. These values of calculation are only
D32, D42 respectively were 1,68%,
valid for certain percentage and
2,22%, 2,25%. The percentage of
types of vegetable waste in
larval weight gain of each treatment
accordance to this research, due to
that D22, D32, D42, D52

the differences value among Pengomposan Limbah
percentage of each treatments. Organik Kota Menggunakan
Black Soldier Fly. Badan
Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pertanian : Jakarta
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