Utilization of Organic Garbage As Eco Garbage Enzyme For Lettuce Plant Growth

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Utilization of Organic Garbage as "Eco Garbage

Enzyme" for Lettuce Plant Growth (Lactuca Sativa
Ni Wayan Yuliandewi1, I Made Sukerta2, IGN. Alit Wiswasta3
Department of Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management
Post-graduate Program, Mahasaraswati University Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Abstract: Waste is a material that is wasted from all the results of human activities or natural processes that are not utilized. Based on
the form, the waste is classified into three parts one of which is solid waste which is often called the waste. Dump trash that increasingly
pollute the environment requires a technique to manage waste into something useful, especially organic market waste. Alternative
market waste processing, especially organic vegetables and fruit skin waste that is done is making an eco-friendly bio pesticide called
eco garbage enzyme. Eco garbage enzyme will be applied as a bio pesticide to be used on hydroponic vegetable crop of lettuce. This
study aims to process organic waste market as eco garbage enzyme and to know its influence on the growth of lettuce plant. The method
used in this research is descriptive quantitative. This research produces eco garbage enzyme which is the result of semi aerobic
fermentation that can be applied as an environmentally friendly bio pesticide. Eco garbage enzyme gives a real influence on root
length, stem circumference, and dry weight of lettuce plant with the best concentrations of eco garbage enzyme is 10 cc / L.

Keywords: eco garbage enzyme, lettuce, garbage

1. Introduction load in TPA Final Disposal). According to a study of Fairus,

et al. (2011), the utilization of organic waste can be used as
Waste is a material that is wasted from all the results of alternative energy of biogas and briquette precursors. Besides
human activities or natural processes that are not utilized. being used as biogas and briquettes, waste management can
Based on the form, the waste is classified into three parts one be used as a pesticide. This is supported by the results of
of which is solid waste which is often called the garbage. research conducted Yuantari (2011) mentions many farmers
Garbage can be positive and negative economic value, which use organochlorine pesticides in eradicating pests which
is a positive economic value of waste if it can be utilized into according to farmers can improve yield but very dangerous
something useful and has a high value. Garbage can be sorted for health and pollute the environment. Based on the many
/ processed based on the nature and the material phase of the findings that mention pesticides interfere with health and
waste. Based on the material phase can be divided into three pollute the environment, the findings of pesticides are
categories namely solid phase, liquid, and gas. According to environmentally friendly implemented by efforts to reduce
Slamet (2002), sorting by nature is divided into two types: environmental pollution and produce healthy harvest. Dump
organic and inorganic waste. In addition, the garbage can trash that increasingly pollute the environment requires a
also be sorted based on the classification of household waste, technique to manage waste into something useful, especially
commercial waste, building waste, and public facility waste. organic market waste.

The waste management / segregation planning is made of a This is supported by the research of Jana, et al. (2006) shows
law that is expected to be able to handle the garbage problem the observations made in the market of market waste piles
in order to be managed. Looking at urban especially Badung which has the largest percentage of organic waste
Denpasar city, handling of garbage management is very reached 71.51%, its makes a discovery in managing organic
urgent considering the daily garbage reaching 850 ton / day waste to be used as compost. Alternative market waste
(Ris, 2016). The government hopes that the handling of processing, especially organic vegetables and fruit skin waste
waste management based on Law No. 18 of 2008 can be that is done is making an eco-friendly bio pesticide called eco
implemented. In addition, Law No. 32 of 2009 on garbage enzyme.
Environmental Protection and Management can also be used
for basic waste management. Garbage management is also Eco garbage enzyme is the utilization of fruit and vegetable
inseparable from Bali Provincial Regulation No. 5 of 2011 leather waste mixed with brown sugar and water which is
on waste management which mentions waste management is then fermented. According Saravan, et al (2013) mentioned
an effort to handle garbage in changing the characteristics, the effectiveness of eco garbage is very effective to manage
composition, and amount of waste. Particularly the city of waste in composting to minimize pest disturbance. In
Denpasar, the government has implemented the garbage bank addition, according to research results Bo, et al (2007)
of Denpasar City in accordance with the Decree of the Mayor mentions vegetable waste is very effective in the formation of
of Denpasar No. 188.45 / 195 / HK / 2015 which states the volatile fatty acids (VFA) and nutrients such as nitrogen
sorting and processing of organic and inorganic waste into content that is useful for plants. The market waste
goods of economic value and efficient to reduce the waste management, especially vegetable and fruit bark waste used
as eco garbage enzyme will be applied as an environmentally
Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2018367 DOI: 10.21275/ART2018367 1521
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
friendly bio pesticide that will be used on hydroponic 2.2 Population and Sample
vegetable crop lettuce so as to realize healthy life style.
This study uses lettuce vegetables due to the results of 2.2.1 Population
research Shinde, et al. (2012) showed that lettuce vegetables This population size research is the whole vegetable crop of
can grow well when given pesticides. This is supported by lettuce contained in hydroponic paralon of 100 plants.
the results of Miskiyah research, et al. (2009) which mentions
the most contamination of pesticide residues in lettuce plants. 2.2.2 Sample
Utilization of market organic waste, especially vegetable and This research uses 25 samples of plants
fruit waste as an "eco garbage enzyme" in lettuce plants
needs to be done to reduce the pile of market organic waste 2.3 Data Analysis
and chemicals contained in pesticides by replacing artificial
pesticides with natural pesticides. The data obtained in this study will be analyzed using a
variety analysis using BNT Test processed using SPSS
2. Research Methods version 23.0

This study included experimental research with quantitative 3. Findings and Discussions
descriptive method due to the treatment of experimental
group to perform preparation and identify stem 3.1 Organic Waste Management Process Becomes Eco
circumference, stem length, wet weight of plant, dry weight Garbage Enzyme
of plant, and number of leaves. This research will be
designed using single factor experiment that is because this The process of making eco garbage enzyme is conducted for
research is only influenced by one factor that is 2 months starting from September until November with the
concentration. The study was also designed from the first step is to process and sort the market waste, especially
preparation stage of eco garbage enzyme materials, the organic waste of vegetable and fruit waste. The preparation
manufacture of eco garbage enzyme, testing on growing of eco garbage enzyme is done by weighing the material from
vegetables lettuce. The design of the research is the method fruit and vegetable waste, brown sugar, and water with the
performed by Rosukan (1986) shown in the following ratio of vegetable and fruit waste 3, brown sugar 1, and water
diagram. 10 which is then stored in 5 L plastic bottle.

Eco garbage enzyme is fermented semi-aerobic for 2 months

and produces a light brown solution. The eco garbage
enzyme solution was then tested to determine the macro and
micro nutrient content. Based on the results of the highest
macro element content test of potassium macro element (K)
of 203 mg / L and phosphorus (P) of 21.79 mg / L. Potassium
content (K) will be shown in the growth of many leaves and
not perforated. In addition to the potassium macro element,
in the eco garbage enzyme solution of phosphor (P) which
can be shown in a good root system on the growth of lettuce
plants. A macro nitrogen element (N) with a small content in
the solution of the eco garbage enzyme will affect the high
growth of the lettuce plant.

3.2 Effect of Eco Garbage Enzyme as Environmentally

Friendly Pesticide an Against Lettuce Plant

Giving eco garbage enzyme results in improved growth

measurements of lettuce plants, this is supported by the
results study of Saparinto (2013) is showed that lettuce plants
that grow well have a height of 30 cm. Table 1 shows the
average result of eco garbage enzyme concentration on plant
Figure 1: research design
2.1 Place and Time of Research
Table 1: The average effect of eco garbage enzyme on plants
Concentration of eco Average of Harvest Results
This research was conducted at UPT Laboratory. Lab. garbage enzyme I II III IV V
Analytical UNUD and Hydroponic Bali and held for 5 0 cc/ L 9.50a 12.75a 16.18a 25.00a 32.00a
months. 2.5 cc/ L 6.95a 11.50a 12.83a 21.53a 29.63a
5 cc/ L 7.88a 11.88a 14.08a 22.95a 33.00a
7.5 cc/ L 8.88b 13.08b 15.18b 24.73b 33.38a
10 cc /L 10.20b 13.90b 16.08b 26.63b 33.63b

Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2018367 DOI: 10.21275/ART2018367 1522
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Description: The same letter on the back of the numbers in are supported from the results of research Cahyono (2005)
each column shows no significant difference in the BNT test which indicates a lettuce bar has a diameter ranged from 2 -
of 5% 3.5 cm. The result of BNT test analysis in analyzing the
effect of giving eco garbage enzyme to the lettuce stem
The average difference in plant height is the best tendency in circumference gave no significant effect, this is because the
plant height which is affected by eco garbage enzyme with value of Fcalculate analysis result of 0.80 is lower than 5% Ftable
concentration of 10 cc / L, this is because the effect of low BNT.
macro element N is 0,056%. This is also supported by the The average effect of giving eco garbage enzyme on lettuce
result of 5% BNT test analysis which shows the amount of root growth is shown in Table 4.
Fcalculate due to the effect of eco garbage enzyme 0.70 so it is
not significant because the level of significance is less than Table 4: The average effect of eco garbage enzyme
Ftable BNT 5%, it shows the giving of eco garbage enzyme concentration on root growth of lettuce plant
gives unreal effect against lettuce height. Concentration of eco Average of Harvest Results
garbage enzyme I II III IV V
Here is the result of the average effect of eco garbage enzyme 0 cc/ L 7.38a 7.68a 11.25a 14.75a 11.50a
on the number of lettuce leaves shown in table 2. 2.5 cc/ L 5.63b 8.28b 4.08b 11.00b 21.00b
5 cc/ L 6.20c 9.45c 9.38c 14.75c 21.50b
Table 2: The average effect of eco garbage enzyme 7.5 cc/ L 7.73d 9.73d 14.53d 15.50c 21.50c
10 cc /L 9.55e 10.05e 14.98e 15.83d 22.00d
concentration on the number of lettuce leaves
Concentration of eco Average of Harvest Results
garbage enzyme I II III IV V Description: The same letter on the back of the numbers in
0 cc/ L 6.00a 6.75a 6.25a 8.25a 11.75a each column shows no significant difference in the BNT test
2.5 cc/ L 6.75b 5.75b 4.75b 7.00b 14.00b of 5%
5 cc/ L 6.00c 6.00c 4.75c 7.75c 14.75c
7.5 cc/ L 6.00c 5.75c 7.00d 9.00d 16.25d Based on the average in table 4 shows the best long-term
10 cc /L 7.25c 8.00c 7.75d 9.50e 18.75e tendency to increase the growth of lettuce plants that is the
concentration of eco garbage enzyme of 10 cc / L. The effect
Description: The same letter on the back of the numbers in showed an unreal effect on the growth of lettuce with eco
each column shows no significant difference in the BNT test garbage enzyme can be shown from BNT test result which
of 5% shows that the value of Fcalculate analysis results of 0.75 does
not exceed the value of FTable BNT 5%.
Table 2 shows the average effect of eco garbage enzyme
concentration on the number of leaves that produce the The average of wet weight measurements can be seen in
highest mean at the concentration of eco garbage enzyme at Table 5 which shows the highest tendency of wet weight
10 cc / L, this is because the high macro content of K in eco obtained by the concentration of eco garbage enzyme 10cc /
garbage enzyme solution causes more and less hollow leaves L, this is because the number of cells and the size of the
or diseased. Based on the results of analysis using 5% BNT increase and reflect the protoplasm increases. The process of
test which shows the value of Fcalculate due to the effect of eco protoplasm is through a metabolic process in which water
garbage enzyme on the number of leaves valued at 0.73 so and inorganic salts are converted into food reserves in
not significant because far from Ftable BNT 5%. This shows photosynthesis processes useful for generating energy in the
the provision of eco garbage enzyme that does not give a real process of plant growth. Here is the average table of wet
effect on the number of leaves on the lettuce plant. lettuce weight measurement results shown in table 5.

The average effect of eco garbage enzyme concentration on Table 5: The average effect of eco garbage enzyme
the circumference of lettuce stem is shown in Table 3. concentration on wet weight of lettuce plant
Concentration of eco Average of Harvest Results
Table 3: The average effect of eco garbage enzyme garbage enzyme I II III IV V
concentration on the circumference of lettuce stem 0 cc/ L 0.97a 2.06a 6.57a 13.08a 46.38a
Concentration of Average of Harvest Results 2.5 cc/ L 0.51a 1.97b 2.91a 11.10a 79.10a
eco garbage enzyme I II III IV V 5 cc/ L 0.71a 1.05b 3.30b 24.78a 80.38a
0 cc/ L 0.15a 2.10a 2.38a 2.13a 3.00a 7.5 cc/ L 0.73a 1.05b 8.48c 24.90b 80.38b
2.5 cc/ L 0.14b 1.80b 1.93b 2.18b 3.20b 10 cc /L 1.05a 5.05b 9.26c 25.30b 81.48b
5 cc/ L 0.14c 1.70c 1.65c 4.75c 3.40c
7.5 cc/ L 0.13c 1.70 d
2.68 d
4.88 d
5.62d Description: The same letter on the back of the numbers in
10 cc /L 1.08d 2.50 d
2.70 e
5.30 e
5.80e each column shows no significant difference in the BNT test
of 5%
Description: The same letter on the back of the numbers in
each column shows no significant difference in the BNT test Based on the results of BNT test analysis showed Fcalcuulate
of 5% value of 0.74 which gives no significant effect between eco
garbage enzyme concentrations on wet weight of lettuce
Based on table 3 shows the highest average that is at the plant. This is because the increase in wet weight can occur if
concentration of eco garbage enzyme 10 cc / L. The results there is an increase in the number of leaves on the lettuce

Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2018367 DOI: 10.21275/ART2018367 1523
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
plant. 4.1.2 Giving eco garbage enzyme to the growth of lettuce
plants gives a real effect on stem circumference, root
Table 6 shows the average effect of eco garbage enzyme growth, and dry weight of plants;
concentration on dry weight of lettuce plant. 4.1.3 The best concentration trend of eco garbage enzyme for
lettuce growth is concentration 10 cc / L.
Table 6: The average effect of eco garbage enzyme
concentration on dry weight of lettuce plant 4.2 Suggestions
Concentration of eco Average of Harvest Results
garbage enzyme I II III IV V The advice given is:
0 cc/ L 0.04a 0.13a 0.44a 0.61a 1.08a 4.2.1 the need for further research on the application of eco
2.5 cc/ L 0.00a 0.02b 0.19b 0.45b 1.63b garbage enzyme in fruit and tuber crops, this is due to
5 cc/ L 0.01b 0.03c 0.10c 0.89c 1.72c high eco garbage enzyme test result with macro
7.5 cc/ L 0.02c 0.10d 0.55d 1.00d 2.79d phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) elements which is a
10 cc /L 0.04d 0.22e 0.58e 2.21e 6.07e
much needed element in fruit plants and bulbs;
4.2.2 An application of eco garbage enzyme is necessary to
Description: The same letter on the back of the numbers in contribute to the use of waste so as to provide a clean
each column shows no significant difference in the BNT test environment without waste.
of 5%
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Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2018367 DOI: 10.21275/ART2018367 1524
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2018367 DOI: 10.21275/ART2018367 1525

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