Hiv Aids Portfolio

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Teacher: Miss.

Class: 6L
Time: 40 Minutes

Incurable Diseases: HIV/AIDS Awareness

Student Information:
Previous Knowledge:
 Students have learned about personal care and how to care for your body in
previous health lessons as well. Students have also done work with positive body
image. This is the first lesson on incurable diseases, so students do not have
background knowledge on this.
Summary Overview:
 During this lesson, students will have the opportunity to learn about and explore
the causes and effects of HIV/AIDS. Students will engage in a PowerPoint
slideshow, where they can engage and help to read out the information. They will
be able to show what they know by completing an awareness t-shirt worksheet
where they will identify one or two facts about how HIV is spread, and how
people can protect themselves from infection. Students will also be asked to
complete an exit slip at the end of class; this will give students an opportunity to
tell one thing they learned during this class.

Curriculum Objectives:
General Outcomes:
 Wellness Choices: Students will make responsible and informed choices to
maintain health and to promote safety for self and others.

Specific Outcomes:
 Personal Health, W-6.6: Students will examine and evaluate the risk
factors associated with exposure to blood-borne diseases- HIV, AIDS,
hepatitis B/C; e.g., sharing needles, body piercings, tattooing, helping
someone who is bleeding, being sexually active.

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to…
1) Define an incurable disease and give examples by participating in class
discussion. (Knowledge)
2) Explain what HIV/AIDS is, as well as describe the causes and preventive
measures that can be taken to avoid contracting the disease by participating in
the slideshow and being attentive to the videos. (Analyze)
3) Design an awareness t-shirt for HIV by identifying and including two facts
about how HIV is spread and how people can protect themselves from
infection. (Creating)
Groups Visual
Pairs Auditory
Individuals Kinesthetic

 No specific adaptations/differentiation will be required for this lesson. All
students, regardless of level, should be able to participate and be successful with
the given task.
 There are 2 students in this class who will need extra supports.
 These students will also require a bit more support to stay on task and
ensure success. Student A will likely need to verbalize their thoughts
before putting them down on paper, but Student B should be successful if I
give them verbal cues to think about; allow for extra time to be spent with
them during circulation time.


 Lined paper and pencils (student notes)

 HIV/AIDS PowerPoint
 2 videos from PowerPoint
 HIV Awareness T-shirt activity (1 per person)
 Coloured pencils, markers, etc.
 Exit slip papers


Introduction Time
 Welcome students into class, ensure students are settled and focused before
beginning the lesson.
 Discuss what we are going to be doing today:
o We will talk about what HIV/AIDS is, as well as the causes and
preventative measures.
o After we learn about HIV/AIDS, you will have the opportunity to
visually represent your learning.
2 min
 Before we begin, we need to remember what we have talked about in
previous health classes to get our brains working… Students do not have
background knowledge of incurable diseases. Talk this through with
o Ask Students: Can anyone tell me, with quite hands please, what is
an incurable disease?
o Ask for some examples… Alzheimer’s disease, Diabetes,
Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Lupus, Asthma, etc.
o NOT cancer- some cancer can be cured
o Why are these incurable? What does incurable mean?

Body Time
What is  Begin going through the Powerpoint slides, you
HIV/AIDS? should have students help read out the slides as
you go through them
 Tell students that they can take notes of they wish.
 Begin by watching the first video to help introduce
the students to HIV/AIDS
15 min
 Resume going through the slides again- encourage
students to take notes if they wish.
 Finish the information by playing the final video
for students.
 Ask Students: does anyone have any questions
about what we talked about?
HIV Awareness  Transition: Have students remain in desk to hear
T-Shirt instructions about activity, once you have explained
choose one student to help pass out the worksheet
 Explain to students what we will be doing: you will
be designing a t-shirt that includes one or two facts
about how HIV is spread and how people can
protect themselves from infection- this will spread
awareness of the infection.
o Students should ensure that the t-shirt
15 min
looks visually appealing, so people would
want to wear it!
o You can use words, a logo, illustrations, etc.
 Allow students time to work- there can be
discussion, this is not a silent work period. If
students get too loud and unfocused then we will
return to silent work time.
 When students are finished, they can hand in their
worksheet to a pile on Ms. Forster’s desk.
Conclusion Time
 Concluding thought (1-2 minutes)
o Ask students: why do we think it’s important to learn about
o We need to learn about these sorts of things so we can gain a
deeper understanding of various incurable health problems 8 min
that affect many people around the world.
o We learn, so we can be mindful and keep our own bodies safe
from infections.
 Write on board for Exit Slip: What was one thing you learned from this
lesson today?
o Give students a slip of paper, tell them to write down an answer
to the question on the board.
 Thank students for their participation in the class.


 Students will be assessed formatively during this lesson. I will take into consideration the
completion and effort put into the T-shirt design worksheet, as well as their exit slip. I
will be wandering around the room to make sure students are focused.
 Their assessment will also be based on class participation while going through the
PowerPoint slides. If students participate, are focused and engaged, then the lesson will
be considered a success.

Teacher Notes:
 Make sure that the YouTube videos are loaded and ready to go for presentation; test
volume and quality.
 Have pre-cut sheets of paper for exit slip that are ready to go and on desks (to be filled
out right at the end of class)

Reflection: : How did the lesson go? Is there anything you would do differently next time? What
worked well/ not so well?

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