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Lesson Plan For Methods

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Grade Level: high school youth 13 to 17 Date: 3/4/23
Unit: Sexual risk HIGHLIGHT those that apply:
Lesson # 1
1. Students will comprehend concepts related to health
NYS HEALTH EDUCATION STANDARDS promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

HIGHLIGHT those that apply: 2. Students will analyze the influence of family, peers,
culture, media, technology, and other factors on health
1. Personal Health and Fitness - Students will have the behaviors.
necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain
physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain 3. Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid
personal health. information, products, and services to enhance health.
2. A Safe and Healthy Environment - Students will acquire the
knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe 4. Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal
and healthy environment. communication skills to enhance health and avoid or
3. Resource Management - Students will understand and be able reduce health risks.
to manage their personal and community resources.
5. Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-
Health Education Overarch Skill (Select One): making skills to enhance health.
q Self-Management
q Relationship Management 6. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting
skills to enhance health.
Health Education Skills Focus (Select One)
q Stress Management 7. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-
q Decision making enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
q Planning and Goal setting
q Advocacy 8. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for
q Communication personal, family, and community health.
Functional Knowledge Area (check one)

q HIV/AIDS q Physical Activity & Nutrition q Family Life/Sexual Health

q Alcohol & Other Drugs q Tobacco q Violence Prevention
q Sexual Risk q Mental Health q Unintentional Injury
q Other Required Health
Objectives/ Student Learning Target: Lesson Goal (s):

Today I will recall information learned about sexual risk and 1.Students will be able to remember the best prevention
decision making when it comes to being faced with a sexual strategies if faced with a difficult decision during a sexual
encounter or problem, so I can advocate to make the decision that encounter after today`s lesson.
best fits my needs and others.
I will know I have it when I have completed 80% to 90% of my 2. students can communicate with other peers and
sexual risk booklet after the lesson. interpersonal relationships to get for them to know what is best
for their health.
Enduring Understandings: Essential and Guiding Questions:
Individuals need knowledge, communication, skills and sexual Essential: Why is decision making so important when it comes
health resources. to sexual health or any problem?
How will I be able to advise others with decision making based off what I have
How can I reduce my health and safety risk?

Materials needed Adaptations for students with special needs:

Pen, pencil, sexual risk booklet , electronic device Extended time on booklet
Paper` Work with partner
Use computer and use reading app for those who need extra help.
Lesson Summary – Including specific functional knowledge, skills, teaching Assessment Information (Evidence)
strategies (Overview of lesson) (Method of monitoring student learning)
Anticipatory Set: (usually 5 minutes in length) Is the assessment (Circle One):
Instant activity: To understand where students are with their information on sexual risks Formal or Informal
to see what they can recall from 7th grade they will be taking a survey on their own risk. Identify the assessment moment (Circle
Directions: When you walk in, I would like for you to grab a sexual risk booklet and tear Diagnostic, Formative or
out the first page with the questionnaire on it. Grab a seat away from another individual. Summative
Do not write your name on the paper just answer the questions. These questionnaires will Assessment Type (Circle One):
be anonymous. (Written on board) No talking! This is a silent activity! Information Recall, Product,
Process or Performance
Teacher Modeling: Show the students on the smart board what they will be looking
at and explain to them the questions and what they mean if they were wondering.

Problem that could go wrong: Student discussing their answers with other
Solution for that problem: Redirect the students to stay focus and answer the
questions on the page without talking.
Lesson Summary – Including specific functional knowledge, skills, teaching Assessment Information (Evidence)
strategies (Overview of lesson) (Method of monitoring student learning)

How will you check for understanding before moving on?

After collecting the paper have an open discussion on how they felt about the
questionnaire and what they found the most difficult about it?

Content/New Learning: 25 mins Is the assessment (Circle One):

students will be doing group instructional strategy. Will go on to near pod and watch Formal or Informal
video and follow along with presentation. They will write down words of what they think of Identify the assessment moment (Circle
when they see the words on the posters. They may think about something that they One):
heard in the board room. Diagnostic, Formative or
Directions: Take out computers open near pod, watch video in the beginning and Assessment Type (Circle One):`
follow ago with presentation. Then Grab one marker and find a poster on the wall Information Recall, Product,
and stand near it. There are posters around the room with words on them that say Process or Performance
sex, STD/STI, pregnancy, condom, abstinence, HIV/AIDS, trust, honesty. Write one
word that you think of when you see these words on each poster. What do these
words mean to you? You get one minute to do so I will start a timer. Don’t start
until you hear me say go. don’t move to the next poster until the next timer starts.
You get 1 minute for each poster I will set a Timer!

After you are done with the first activity, we will be getting into groups of 3 then
you will be now reading about other individuals' stories and you, and your group
must produce the best solution for that scenario. These scenarios are different
from the stories you heard from actual individuals. These will be small snips of
scenarios you will not know any background to or another person’s point of view
in the problem. You will get 10 minutes! I will set a timer!
The decision-making process will be used when solving the problems in the
1. Identifying the problem
2.Generating alternatives
3.Evaluating alternatives
4.Choosing an alternative
Lesson Summary – Including specific functional knowledge, skills, teaching Assessment Information (Evidence)
strategies (Overview of lesson) (Method of monitoring student learning)
5.Implementing the decision
6.Evaluating decision effectiveness
Teacher Modeling walk around the room and explain what they should be putting on
each poster. Along with showing the timer as I go. Making sure that each student is
included in a group.

Problem that could go wrong: students not wanting to part take in the activity.
Solution for that problem: go up to the students and explain to each of them I
would like for them to participate in the lesson going on or they will get points off.

How will you check for understanding before moving on?

What was interesting about these two activities?

Lesson Activities/Guided Practice: 25mins Is the assessment (Circle One):

Formal or Informal
Group instructional strategy Identify the assessment moment (Circle
Directions: We will be going down to our resource center today and talking to Diagnostic, Formative or
individuals that may be having an issue with something at home or even in school. Summative
Your goal as a class while we are in a board room area is do listen to their problem Assessment Type (Circle One):
and try and help with a solution. For this to be successful you all must be great Information Recall, Product,
active listener, giving them eye contact and looking at them when they talk. After Process or Performance
they are done students may raise their hands and give their advice. Anything that
is said during the board room meeting stays in the room it does not leave the room
due to HIPAA. Everything that is talked about is confidential.

After we have finished our board room discussion with individuals we are going
back to the classroom.

Teacher Modeling: sit down at the table and be an active listener when it comes to
helping to solve individual’s problems. Raise my hand after I have heard their story
and give my solution.

Problem that could go wrong: students not wanting to part take in the activity.
Lesson Summary – Including specific functional knowledge, skills, teaching Assessment Information (Evidence)
strategies (Overview of lesson) (Method of monitoring student learning)
Solution for that problem: go up to the students and explain to each of them I
would like for them to participate in the lesson, or they will get points off

How will you check for understanding before moving on?

Was there a time when you felt that you couldn’t help to solve a person’s problem and

Closing: (usually 5 minutes in length) Is the assessment (Circle One):

Student will be going back to their seat to end the lesson. They will be completing a Formal or Informal
reflection. On page 3. Identify the assessment moment (Circle
Directions: open your booklets to page 3 you will be completing the reflection on One):
that page it is based off today`s lesson make sure you read directions before Diagnostic, Formative or
answering the questions. I will set a timer for you to complete the reflection. Summative
Assessment Type (Circle One):
Teacher Modeling: this is a silent assignment student should be answering based Information Recall, Product,
Process or Performance
Problem that could go wrong: A student doesn`t understand the questions
Solution for that problem: by reading the question aloud to them then explaining it
with an example.

How will you check for understanding before moving on?

What did you like about todays lesson? and why?

Homework/Independent Practice: Is the assessment (Circle One):

Formal or Informal
Student will be matching terms to their definitions on pages 5 and 6. Identify the assessment moment (Circle
Directions: On pages 5 and 6 there are vocabulary you must match each term to Diagnostic, Formative or
its definition for homework it its due the next time in class. So is the whole packet! Summative
If you don’t know some of the definitions, you are able to look them up, but you Assessment Type (Circle One):
Lesson Summary – Including specific functional knowledge, skills, teaching Assessment Information (Evidence)
strategies (Overview of lesson) (Method of monitoring student learning)
must give me the resource you used to get the definition. (URL, book, etc.) Information Recall, Product,
Wikipedia is not a creditable website. Process or Performance

Teacher Modeling this homework is independent. Make sure if you don’t understand
something email me. All work it book must be done.

Problem that could go wrong: student not completing homework on time.

Solution for that problem: giving student a one-time extension only to hand in the

How will you check for understanding to ensure homework is complete?

My email is open for question if you have any questions. I will be collecting the whole
packet next class.

References, research, theories, model program and resources:

Lesson Plan & Resource Finder - teachers: Teaching sexual health. Teachers | Teaching Sexual Health. (2021, December 7). Retrieved March 8,
2023, from https://teachingsexualhealth.ca/teachers/lesson-plans-resources/resource-finder/
Lunenburg, F. C. (2010, November 4). The decision making process - national forum. Sam Houston University. Retrieved April 7, 2023, from
We offer up-to-date, evidence-based information and strategies for parents and teachers to deliver effective sexual health education. Teaching Sexual
Health. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 8, 2023, from https://teachingsexualhealth.ca/

Wyatt. (2009). Sexual Risk Taking: For Better or Worse. American Journal of Health Education /, 40(6), 333–340.

This lesson plan format was adapted by the Department of Public Health and Health Education at SUNY Brockport from the Greece
CSD Health Lesson Plan Format.
On August 21, 2021, Revision 4
References for the development of this form:

1. Harmon, K, Marzano, R., (2015) Practicing Skills, Strategies & Processes, Classroom Techniques to Help Students Develop
Proficiency. Learning Sciences International, West Palm Beach, FL.
2. Herbert, PC, Lohrmann, DK,. (2011) It’s All in the Delivery! An Analysis of Instructional Strategies From Effective Health Education
Curricula, Journal of School Health, 81:258 – 264.
3. Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards. (2007). National Health Education Standards: Achieving Health Literacy
(2nd ed.). American Cancer Society. Standards only available online at:
4. Student Support Services Center. (n.d.). School Health and Health Education. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from
5. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (2005). A Guidance Document For Achieving the New York
State Standards In Health Education. Albany: NY, New York State. Available online
at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/GuidanceDocument4.25.update.pdf
6. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (2015). Health Education. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from
7. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (1996). Learning Standards for Health, Physical Education
and Family and Consumer Sciences. Albany: NY, New York State Education Department. Available online
at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/health/healthPEFACSLearningStandards.pdf
8. https://www.sno.wednet.edu/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=3581&dataid=13232&FileName=Sexual%20Health

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