Copa Truck Regulations
Copa Truck Regulations
Copa Truck Regulations
The 2019 COPA TRUCK will be organized by the Promoting Company More Brazil Sports, according to a
contract signed with the Brazilian Confederation of Automobile - CBA.
1.1 - COPA TRUCK is a category of trucks specially prepared for motorsports, using only mechanical horses
produced and / or mounted and / or sold in the national market, by automakers officially installed in Brazil,
(FORD, SCANIA, MERCEDES, VOLVO, VOLKSWAGEN / MAN, DAF and IVECO), and if authorized by the
Promoting Company.
1.2 - COPA TRUCK - 2019 will be a competition, composed of a maximum of 28 (twenty eight) riders. The
Promoting Company may issue an invitation letter to additional pilots for promotional reasons, but they will not
1.3 - All riders and / or registered teams are subject to all the contents of this Sporting Regulations, Addendums,
the Special Rules of the Race and the CDA / CBA.
1.4 - The driver and / or team, when requested by the Organization, must present the documentation of the
competition vehicle, proving its origin.
1.5 - It is defined in a maximum of 6 (six) trucks, the participation by truck brand, except for the best interest of the
category, understood and authorized by the Promoting Company. VW and MAN are considered as a single brand.
1.6 Riders who participated in at least 6 stages of the previous year do not need to participate in prequalification
training if there are more than 28 entries. Article 1.3 except for invited riders as per article 1.2
Article 2 – PENALTIES
2.1 - Whenever penalties are imposed for unsportsmanlike or technical irregularities, drivers and / or teams shall be
punished as determined in the 2019 CDA - Sporting Code.
2.2 - Smoke Punishment: First Free Practice: You will be called to box, through black flag with orange circle, to
regulate your engine. If you are called for the second time you will lose all of your training time and will be
penalized with 5 minutes opening the track for the next activity.
Qualifying Training: Will be excluded in any session, starting at the end of the grid.
Races: Will be called to box, through the black flag with orange circle, accompanied by the number as many times
as needed. Failure to comply within three turns will result in a black flag.
Box: Fine of 10 UPs.
(a) The smoke emission shall be assessed visually by the Technical Commissioners with the aid of cameras and
other devices available.
There shall be no appeal to decisions and punishments carried out as provided for in this regulation.
3.1 - It is mandatory for the driver and team to sign with the Promoter Company the Accreditation Agreement and
Other Covenants, prior to their first participation in the championship.
3.2 - Registration in each stage will only be made until the beginning of the first free practice session, in each
event, unless otherwise authorized by the sports stewards. The registration fee will be R$ 3,600.00 paid at the
evidence office.
3.3 - Trucks must leave the reserved spaces, which will be used by the Promoting Company or its Sponsors, as
described in this regulation and in the Accreditation Agreement and Other Covenants.
3.4 - All tires used by competition trucks throughout the event must have their logo letters painted.
3.5 - The riders classified from 1st to 5th place must go to the podium to receive their trophies. Unless justified by
reason of force majeure.
3.6 - For riders to go to the podium to receive their trophy, it is mandatory to wear the cap to be set and provided
by the Promoting Company.
3.7 - All riders must carry at all stages, CBA-issued Sports Ballot, PGC-A. It may be permitted by the CBA for a
driver holding the PGC-B sports ballot to participate, provided that he / she performs training (s) with a
participating competition truck travelling a minimum of 200 km.
You will then be screened by the CBA at the track where your first participation takes place, at the scheduled time
in the RPP, before registering for the championship.
3.8 A rider of another nationality, affiliated with another ASN, must also carry the sports ballot of his country valid
for 2019, as well as the authorization of the originating ASN. All pilots need to inform their blood group, HR
factor and whether they are allergic to any medications.
3.9 - Any demonstration by the pilot or team through any of its members, by any means, that assaults, offends,
leaves doubts about the behavior or positioning of other pilots, teams, organization, race direction is prohibited. ,
race stewards, as well as negative comments on the performance or quality of the products supplied such as tires,
fuels, etc. Failure to comply with this item will result in a fine of 100 (one hundred) UPs, in addition to the
penalties provided for by the CDA.
3.10- The driver can only register for each event in a single truck. When an “Extra Training” is foreseen at the
official time, any qualified driver, as per article 3.7, may participate in it. A spare truck may not be used during any
event except as provided in article 3.10.
3.11 - In case of accident of the competition truck, which is considered unrepairable or unfit for use by the
Technical Commissioner, and provided that the starting Grid is not complete, the driver may use another properly
prepared truck. for competition and inspected by the Technical Commissioner.
3.12 - According to the CDA it is mandatory to wear HANS, overalls, gloves, balaclava, helmet and sneakers,
approved by CBA or FIA, in perfect condition and within the identifiable expiration date.
3.13 - It is forbidden to conduct private free practice in the 30 (thirty) days prior to the event at the designated race
track, the team and the drivers involved may not participate in the stage following the irregular training.
3.14 - After the start of the Championship (1st Registration), the teams and riders may only perform a maximum of
15 (fifteen) days of unofficial training, and they must inform the Promoting Company officially, the days and race
tracks where they will be held. the workouts.
3.15 - Required to be maintained on the competition trucks, in perfect condition, throughout the season, including
the interim between races, including events in which the trucks may participate, as well as photos for journalistic,
advertising and / or other purposes. of all specified stickers.
Article 4 – CALENDAR
4.1 - The Copa Truck stages will take place at the dates and places provided for in the calendar approved by CBA,
provided that they are confirmed by the Promoting Company.
Article 5 – HOURS
5.2 - Technical inspections, at the discretion of the Sports and or Technical Commissioners, may be carried out at
any time. Prior to the first participation in the championship, a truck eligibility survey will be required.
6.1 - Races: There will be two, per stage, lasting according to the Special Rules of the Races, with realignment on
the grid and inversion of the first eight (8) runners-up from the 1st race to the new start of the 2nd Race.
6.2 - Starts: Alignment two by two, respecting perfect alignment, at a constant speed of maximum 80 km/h. The
start will be a green flag flapping on the PSDP and / or turning off the red lights. Restarts: Indian queue alignment,
respecting perfect alignment, at a constant speed of up to 80 km / h. The Penalty for infringement will be Drive-
6.3 Grid of 2nd Race: Riders completing the 1st Race must drive slowly to form the new grid for the 2nd Race.
Trucks will be allowed into the Box that require repairs. The truck that leaves before the box closure, at the same
time as the five-minute plate, must be replaced at the end of the grid for Race 2, otherwise it will drop from the
box. Vacant places on the grid must be respected for the start.
6.4 - Maximum Grid: The race will consist of 28 (twenty-eight) trucks, and may be increased according to the
interest of the Promoting Company, provided that the limit of the race track, according to CDA.
6.5 - Podiums: will be determined by the result of each race, plus the time (s) of the punishment (s) applied. Later
judgments may alter the final result of the races. Riders arriving in the top three in the first race must go to the
indicated location and receive the trophy. And the top five in the second for the final podium of the event.
6.6 - Starting lap presentation: If necessary the truck may be pushed by the inspectors or rescuers, but may not
return to its original position in the Grid, starting at the last position of the Grid.
After the box is closed the truck should go to the exit of the box where it will start.
6.7 - Presentation lap: At the presentation lap and at the required entry of the safety car (neutral race), all
overtaking is prohibited.
6.8 - Closed Park: All vehicles crossing the start / finish line at the end of the qualifying practice or race shall
immediately go to the Closed Park. The penalty will be disqualification.
6.9 - Interruption of the race: in this case, only vehicles that arrive by their own means in the Boxes or in the place
designated by the Sports Commissioners may start.
6.10 - Red flag: If it is necessary to interrupt the race, it will be by presentation of the red flag; The safety car may
be used when a driver or competition officer is in danger and the yellow flags shown are insufficient to protect
6.11 - Participation in at least one free practice: The starting driver must participate in at least one free practice,
except for reasons of force majeure, provided it is requested and accepted by the Sports Commissioners.
Penalty is exclusion from the event.
7.1 - PILOTS
7.2 - At each stage points will be awarded as follows:
In each stage will be awarded points to the automakers, according to the score in each race, considering only the
two best placed trucks of each brand. MAN and Volks will be considered single brand.
Article 8 – AWARDS
8.1-Trophies: those classified from 1st to 3rd place in the first race and from 1st to 5th in the second race.
8.2 - Cup Awards: According to the calendar, each two stages will constitute a “Cup”. The top three riders in each
Cup will be honored with Gold, Silver and Bronze Cups respectively. If there is a tie, the tiebreaker will be the
highest number of 1st places, and if the 2nd place tie persists and so on, if the tie persists the result will be
considered the best result of the last of the 04 World Cup events.
8.3 - Grand Final: To dispute the title of “Brazilian Champion” everyone will start this stage with zero points,
except holders of Gold, Silver or Bronze Cups, who will be entitled to a “score for each Cup won” as below, plus
100 points bonus: Gold Cup: 12 points each Cup. Silver Cup: 10 points each Cup. Bronze Cup: 08 points each
Example: The driver holding 01 Gold Cup, 01 Silver and 02 Bronze will add 12 + 10 + 16 = 38 + 100 = 138 points
to start the title race. In case of a tie the same criteria as in Article 8.2 will be used.
First paragraph: If due to force majeure the Grand Final is not held, the score up to the last stage will define the
final result of the championship.
9.1 - The number of the truck shall have measures in accordance with the Accreditation Agreement and Other
Covenants. Required on windshield and side.
9.2 - On the truck, overalls and helmet, the name and blood type of the driver must be written.
9.3 - It is mandatory and the responsibility of each pilot and / or team the permanence of a portable extinguisher of
12 (twelve) Kg., In the area of his Box, besides those eventually placed by the promoting Company.
9.4 - The Podium ceremony will be held immediately after the end of each race.
9.5 - The Boxes used by the competitors must be preserved and returned at least in the same conditions received,
and their disassembly is allowed only at the scheduled time.
9.6 - All team members must be properly uniformed to participate in the starting grid, as well as in a position
defined by the event's organization, as shown in article 12.2.
9.7 - It is mandatory to identify the brands of automakers on competition trucks, with the original logo and front
9.8 - All teams will be required to discard the lubricant used at each stage, at the locations indicated by the
organization or race track administrator.
9.9 - All teams must comply with and follow the minimum standards required by the organisation regarding the
setting up of Box and Time Tent.
9.10 - All trucks must have at least one on-board camera facing the front of the truck and all in the same position,
indicated by the Technical / Sporting Commissioners, and this camera will be available to the CBA and its
representatives in the race.
Article 10 – GENERAL
10.1 - Refueling: Prohibited during qualifying practice and racing, except those authorized by the Sports
Commissioners. Penalty: exclusion from the activity in which the offense was committed.
10.2 - Use of the track: prohibited for riders and / or team, outside the schedule, established in the official race
program, except with the permission of the Promoter in conjunction with the Race Direction.
10.3 - Fuel: Fuel must be supplied for sale on the racetrack, and use for any purpose other than fueling competition
vehicles is prohibited.
10.4 - Replacement of drivers: If a driver changes his marque during the Championship, he will keep his points, but
his score so far will not be transferred to another marque.
10.5 Repairs (Truck): Throughout the event, except as provided in article 10.6, repairs outside the box garage are
prohibited. No spillage of any liquid on the floor. Canvas / plastic tray should be used when needed. Penalty: Fine
of 10 UPs.
10.6 - Repairs (vehicle) in the classification and tests: It can only be done in the Box area. The vehicle cannot enter
the pit garage, regardless of any weather conditions.
10.7 - Repairs (vehicle) on the track: During training and / or testing, any mechanical service performed on the
track may only be performed by the driver himself, with the tools on board his vehicle, after the truck is driven by
the driver. rescue to safe area Penalty: exclusion from the activity.
10.8 - Interruption of the race: with the red flag, the trucks that present technical problems should go, by their own
means, to the Boxes, from where they must start, for the continuation of the race.
10.9 – SPEED
a) Radar: If there is no official speed limiting device placed by the organization on the trucks, the maximum speed
allowed on the radar, installed at one or more points on the track, shall be 160.9 km / h. during any time of the
event. Except for starts and starts if the radar is between the start line and the first corner. Penalty: In the race,
Drive-Through. In qualifying and free practice, the loss of the lap and of the latter, if the radar is before the
finish line.
b) Box Area: The maximum allowed speed is 50 km / h, measured from the speed plate at any point. Penalty: This
will be the initial 5 minute loss on the next activity. If it is in the classification will be the loss of the best lap.
c) Overspeed in the Box area during the race: the driver will receive on the PSDP a DRIVE THROUGH signpost
accompanied with the truck no. for three (3) laps; From the presentation of the first plate, the pilot will have up to 3
(three) turns to enter the Box, running it from the speed identification sign to the Box exit.
d) Speeding in the last laps: If speeding in the Box area or on the radar area occurs when 10 minutes or less is left
before the end of the race, the penalty will be increased by 20 seconds to your time at the end of the race for each
e) Observation: According to the circuit and at the discretion of the Race Direction, for safety purposes, the
maximum speeds allowed in this regulation may be changed through the Specific Race Regulation.
10.10 - For all items and sub-items of the technical regulation the Penalties will be applied as indicated by each
10.13 - Penalties in each race: All penalties, including disqualification will be met by the Race. Except “Stage
Exclusion”, which occurred in the first race. In this case the pilot will also be excluded from the second race.
10.14 - Unsportsmanlike Attitude: In the event of an incident involving two or more trucks, if the drivers found
guilty cannot return to the track, or there is not enough time for effective punishment during the race, the drivers
will be punished in the next race.
(a) Warning: if the penalty was a warning, in the next race in which he participates, the rider will already be
b) Drive Through: If the penalty was Drive Through, in the next race that participates the driver loses 15 positions
on the starting grid.
d) Exclusion or disqualification: If the appropriate punishment is exclusion or disqualification, the rider in the next
race will start last. e) Safety repair: at any time during the event the rider may receive, at the discretion of the sports
stewards, after hearing the technical steward, the black flag with orange circle signage accompanied by the truck
number. In this case you will have to box and do the repair.
f) Technical infractions: For all items and sub-items of the technical regulation the penalties will be applied as
indicated by each one.
g) Technical inspection: after classification and race will be complete (weighing and measurements) performed by
the Technical Commissioner and Responsible Company, the first 5 trucks. And at least 01 at the choice of the
11.1 - On Friday there will be pre-qualification training, if necessary, “Extra Training” (if included in the schedule)
and free practice according to the official RPP schedule.
11.2 - On the Saturday before the race, a free practice will be performed according to the official RPP schedule.
11.3 - The Qualifying Training, which decides to start the Grid, will be held in 2 sessions, the first with all trucks
together lasting 15 minutes and the second will be the “Top Qualifyng” lasting 10 minutes with the 8 best placed
trucks. There will be a 15 minute break. All after closing, should go to parc fermé.
The first 8, after disclosing the result, should go to the box exit where they will remain in a closed park regime. If a
truck is in your box at the end of the first session, you should immediately proceed to the box exit.
11.4 - The driver / truck that does not participate in the qualifying training, in the order determined in this
regulation, will be considered as without time and will start at the end of the Grid.
11.5 - The driver / truck is not required to remain on the track at all times, but if he / she is qualified, he / she must
immediately go to parc fermé.
11.6 - If one or more of the eight (8) drivers qualified for TOP QUALIFING cannot get out with their truck (s) by
their own means, they will be considered as timeless and will start at the end of the TOP QUALIFING, taking into
account the lap obtained in the Qualifying Training only between them.
11.7 - Rain interruption: In case of lack of grip on the track, due to weather conditions (rain), the qualifying
training and / or TOP QUALIFING training may be interrupted with red flag and all pilots / trucks that have
already participated will have your laps canceled.
11.8 - In the event of the provisions of article 11.7, there will be an interval of 20 (twenty) minutes, for all
participants to change the 6 (six) tires of their trucks for rain tires, which will be checked by the technical
commissioners after the training.
11.9 - Statement of Rain Condition: If, up to 20 minutes before the scheduled start of the qualifying session, the
track is poorly adhered (rain) or there is an imminent risk of rain, the Race Director shall declare a rain condition.
In this case the training will last 30 minutes, with all trucks at the same time on the track, using the 6 rain tires
during the whole training.
11.10 - In the event of this training, there will be no TOP QUALIFING, and the starting grid will be defined by the
final result of this training.
11.11 - If the situation referred to in article 11.7 occurs in the interval between the qualifying training and the TOP
QUALIFING, it will last for 10 minutes, with all 8 trucks at the same time on the track, with the trucks
obligatorily, throughout the workout using the 6 rain tires. This will allow 20 minutes to change the tires in front of
their respective boxes.
11.12 - Trucks entering the Box during drills mentioned in Articles 11.8 and 11.9 will not be able to exchange wet
tires for dry tires, all other repairs are allowed except fuel refueling (diesel).
11.13 - The interruption of training is the sole decision of the Race Direction and not subject to any complaint or
11.14 - All infractions will be punished by the Commissioners, according to this regulation and the CDA.