Solid State Notes Jee Main and Advanced PDF

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Solid state

(i) Describe general characteristics of solid state.
(ii) Distinguish between amorphous and crystalline solids. In amorphous solids, the arrangement of constituent particles has
only short range order and consequently they behave like super cooled liquids, do not have sharp melting points and are
isotropic in nature. In crystalline solids there is long range order in the arrangement of their constituent particles. They have
sharp melting points, are anisotropic in nature and their particles have characteristic shapes.
(iii) Classify crystalline solids on the basis of the nature of binding forces. Properties of crystalline solids depend upon the
nature of interactions between their constituent particles. On this basis, they can be divided into four categories, namely:
molecular, ionic, metallic and covalent solids. They differ widely in their properties.
(iv) Define crystal lattice and unit cell. The constituent particles in crystalline solids are arranged in a regular pattern which
extends throughout the crystal. This arrangement is often depicted in the form of a three dimensional array of points which is
called crystal lattice. Each lattice point gives the location of one particle in space. In all, fourteen different types of lattices are
possible which are called Bravais lattices. Each lattice can be generated by repeating its small characteristic portion called unit
(v) Explain close packing of particles.
(vi) Describe different types of voids and close packed structures.
(vii) Calculate the packing efficiency of different types of cubic unit cells. Close-packing of particles result in two highly efficient
lattices, hexagonal close-packed (hcp) and cubic close-packed (ccp). The latter is also called facecentred cubic (fcc) lattice. In
both of these packings 74% space is filled. The remaining space is present in the form of two types of voids-octahedral voids and
tetrahedral voids. Other types of packing are not close-packings and have less efficient packing of particles. While in body-
centred cubic lattice (bcc) 68% space is filled, in simple cubic lattice only 52.4 % space is filled.
(viii) Correlate the density of a substance with its unit cell properties.
(ix) Describe the imperfections in solids and their effect on properties. Solids are not perfect in structure. There are different
types of imperfections or defects in them. Point defects and line defects are common types of defects. Point defects are of three
types- stoichiometric defects, impurity defects and non-stoichiometric defects. Vacancy defects and interstitial defects are the
two basic types of stoichiometric point defects. In ionic solids, these defects are present as Frenkel and Schottky defects.
(x) Correlate the electrical and magnetic properties of solids and their structure. Solids show many types of magnetic properties
like paramagnetism, diamagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism. These properties are used in audio,
video and other recording devices. All these properties can be correlated with their electronic configurations or structures.

Solids have unique properties that are determined in large measure by the orderly packing of the particles within them. This order
is revealed even when we examine the external features of crystals. For example, you must have seen crystals of one of our most
familiar chemicals, sodium chloride (ordinary table salt). Notice that each particle is very nearly a perfect little cube. You might
think that the manufacturers went to a lot of trouble and expense to make such uniformly shaped crystals. Actually, they could
hardly avoid it. Whenever a solution of NaCl is evaporated, the crystals that form have edges that intersect at 90° angles. Cubes,
then, are the norm, not the exception, for NaCl.
When most substances freeze, or when they separate as a solid from a solution that is being evaporated, they normally form
crystals that have highly regular features. The crystals have flat surfaces, for example, that meet at angles which are characteristic
for the substance. The regularity of these surface features reflects the high degree of order among the particles that lie within the
crystal. This is true whether the particles are atoms, molecules, or ions.

Solids are the form of matter which have high density, low compressibility, definite shape & volume, considerable mechanical
strength, rigidity, high force of attraction, no translatory motion and vibrating about fixed position.

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Types of Solid :
True solids : Solids which retain their shape against mild distorting forces.
Pseudo solids : They can be easily distorted by bending or compressing forces. They are also called as super cooled liquid i.e.,
Types of true solids :

Crystalline Solids Amorphous Solids

Crystalline solids : In this type of solids the atoms or molecule are arranged in a regular pattern in the three dimensional network.
They have well defined geometrical pattern, sharp melting point, definite heat of fusion and anisotropic nature. Anisotropic
means they exhibit different physical properties in all directions. The electrical and thermal conductivities are different directions.
They are generally incompressible. The general examples of crystalline solids are as Quartz, diamond etc.
Amorphous Solids : In this type of solids, the arrangement of building constituents is not regular. They are regarded as super
cooled liquids with high viscosity in which the force of attraction holding the molecules together are so great, that the material
becomes rigid but there is no regularity in structure. They do not have sharp melting points. They are isotropic as they exhibit
same physical properties in all the directions. The general examples of this solids are as glass, rubber, plastics etc.

Difference between crystalline and amorphous solids :

Property Crystalline solids Amorphous solids

1. Shape They have definite and regular They do not have definite and
geometrical form. regular geometrical form.
2. Melting point They have definite melting point They do not have definite melting point
3. Heat of fusion They have a definite heat of fusion They do not have definite heat of fusion
4. Compressibility They are rigid and incompressible. These may be compressed to any appreciable
5. Cutting with a They are given cleavage i.e. they They are given irregular cleavage
Sharp edged tool break into two pieces with plane i.e. they break into two pieces with
surfaces. irregular surface.



Time Time
6. Isotropy and They are anisotropic. They are isotropic.

According to attractive force which hold crystal together are generally of five types and thus crystal can be classified into five
1. Ionic Crystals : The lattices in ionic crystal consists of alternative positive and negative ions in equivalent amount arranged in
an order so that the potential energy of the ions in the lattice is minimum. Such crystal are normally found in ionic compound.
They are relatively hard, have high melting points, and are brittle, properties reflecting strong attractive forces between ions of
opposite charge as well as repulsions that occur when ions of like charge are near each other. Ionic compounds do not conduct
electricity in their solid states but in their molten states conduct electricity well. This behavior is consistent with the mobility of
ions in the liquid state but not in the solid state. Ex. NaCl  Na+ + Cl–
2. Covalent Crystals : In covalent crystals, atoms at their lattice point are held together by shared pairs of electrons between them.
The covalent bonding extends through out the crystals in spatial direction and has no small molecules in the conventional sense.
These solids are sometimes called network solids because of the interlocking network of covalent bonds extending throughout
the crystal in all directions. Ex. Diamond, Graphite.
3. Molecular Crystals : In molecular crystals, the repeating unit is chemically identifiable atoms or molecules which do not carry a
net charge. Molecular bonds are formed for those elements or compounds whose electronic configuration is such that there is
little transfer of electrons between their atoms. Ex. Noble gases.
Such solids tend to be soft and have low melting points because the particles in the solid experience relatively weak intermolecu-
lar attractions. In crystals of argon, for example, the attractive forces are exclusively London forces. In SO2, which is composed
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of polar molecules, there are dipole-dipole attractions as well as London force.
The molecules having H-atom attached on N, O or F give hydrogen bonding crystals. The existence of H-bonding in the crystal
lattice is beyond doubt. Ex. Ice Crystal etc.
Metallic Crystals : In metallic crystals, the lattice consists of assemblage of positive ions immersed in a sea of mobile electrons.
The binding force is due to :
(a) Attraction between positive ions or ion cores of the metal and electron cloud.
(b) The mutual repulsion of free electrons. (c) The mutual repulsion of ion cores.


Basic terms :
Crystal : A crystal is a homogeneous portion of a solid substance made by regular pattern of structural units bonded by plane
surface making definite angles with each other.
Space lattice : The arrangement of constituents like atom, ions and molecules in different sites in three dimensional space is
called space lattice.
Unit cell : The smallest repeating unit in space lattice which when repeats over and over again, results in a crystal of the given
substance called unit cell.
Crystallographic axis : The lines drawn parallel to the lines of intersection of any three faces of the unit cell which do not lie in
the same plane OX, OY, OZ.
Interfacial angle : The angle between the three
crystallographic axis ,  .
Primitives : The three sides of a unit cell a, b, c.
Law of constancy of symmetry :
(a) According to this law, all crystals of a substance have the same elements of symmetry.
(b) A crystal possess following three types of symmetry. a X
Y b

Plane of symmetry : It is an imaginary plane which passes through the centre of a crystal can divide it into two equal portions
which are exactly the mirror images to each other.

Diagonal plane
Rectangular plane of symmetry
of symmetry

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Axis of symmetry :
(a) It is an imaginary line about which the crystal may be rotated so that it presents the same appearance more than once in a
complete rotation through 360º.
(b) The axes of symmetry are called diad, triad, tetrad and hexad respectively. It is the original appearance and is repeated twice
(180º), thrice (120º), four times (90º) and six times (60º) in one rotation.
(c) These axes of symmetry are also called as two fold, four and six fold respectively.
(d) Five fold symmetry is not found in crystals.


(i) Axis of two fold symmetry. (ii) Axis of three fold symmetry (iii) Axis of four fold symmetry. (iv) Axis of six fold symmetry.

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Centre of symmetry : Y
It is a point in the crystal that any line drawn through it intersects the surface of the
crystal at equal distance on either side. Only simple cubic system have one centre of
symmetry. Other system do not have centre of symmetry. Centre of

Elements of symmetry : X
(a) The total number of planes, axes and centre of symmetries possessed by a crystal is Z
termed as elements of symmetry.
(b) A cubic crystal possesses total 23 elements of symmetry.
(i) Plane of symmetry (3 + 6) = 9
(ii) Axes of symmetry (3 + 4 + 6) = 13
(iii)Centre of symmetry (1) = 1
Total symmetry = 23
Hauy’s law of rational indices : The intercepts of any face of plane of a crystal on crystallographic axes can be expressed by
small multiples of three unit distance a, b, c or some simple integral multiple of three unit distances.

(a) On the basis of geometrical consideration theoretically there can be 32 different combinations of elements of symmetry of crystal.
(b) But on the other hand Bravais showed that there are only seven types of crystal system.
These are : (i) Cubic (ii) Tetragonal (iii) Orthorhombic (iv) Trigonal or Rhombohedral
(v) Hexagonal (vi) Monoclinic (vii) Triclinic
(c) There are 14 Bravais lattices under seven crystal systems as follows :

The Bravais Lattices :

Crystal Axial Axial Space Unit cell

system distance angles lattice

1. Cubic a=b=c  =  =  = 90º a. Simple :


Lattice points at the
a eight corners of the unit
x cells.
b. Body centered :

Points at the eight

corners and at the body
c. Face centered :

Points at the eight

corners and at the six
face centeres

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2. Tetragonal a=bc  =  =  = 90º d. Simple :

a Points at the eight

x corners of the unit cell

e. Body centered :

Points at the eight

corners and at the body

3. Orthorhombic abc  =  =  = 90º f. Simple :


Points at the eight
a corners of the unit cell

g. End centered :

Also called side centered

or base centered points
at the eight corners and
at two face centres
opposite to each other

h. Body centered :

Points at the eight

corners and at the body

i. Face centered :

Points at the eight

corners and at the six
face centres

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4. Rhombohedral a=b=c  =  =   90º j. Simple :

or Points at the eight
Trigonal corners of the unit cell.

5. Hexagonal a=bc  =  = 90º k. Simple :
= 120º

i. Point s at the twelve
corners of the unit cell
a out lined by thick line.

ii. Points at the twelve

corners of the
hexagonal prism and
at the centres of the
two hexagonal faces.

6. Monoclinic abc = = 90º   Simple :

Po int s at the eight
a corners of the unit cell.
b x
m. End centered :

Points at the eight

corners and at two face
centres opposite to the
each other.

7. Triclinic abc     90º n. Simple :

Points at the eight
corners of the unit cell.
b a
z x

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S.No. Crystal system Space lattice Examples

1. Cubic Simple Pb, Hg, Ag, Au, Cu, Diamond, NaCl,
KCl, ZnS, Cu2O, CaF2 and Alums.
2. Tetragonal Simple SnO2, ZnO2, TiO2, NiSO4, ZrSiO4, PbWO4,
White Sn.
3. Orthorhombic Simple KNO3, K2SO4, PbCO3, BaSO4, Rhombic sulphur,
MgSO4, 7H2O.
4. Trigonal or Rhombohedral Simple NaNO3, CaSO4, Calcite, ICl, Quartz, As, Sb, Bi.
5. Hexagonal Simple ZnO, Pbl2, CdS, HgS, Graphite, Ice,
Beryl, Mg, Zn, Cd.
6. Monoclinic Simple Na2SO4. 10H2O, Na2B4O7. 10 H2O,
CaSO4. 2H2O, Monoclinic sulphur
7. Triclinic Simple CaSO4 . 5H2O, K2Cr2O7, H3BO3.


Simplest crystal is to be studied in cubic system. Three types of cubic systems are following.
(a) Simple Cubic (sc) : Atoms are arranged at the corners of the cube.
(b) Body Centered Cubic (bcc) : Atoms are arranged at the corners and at the centre of the cube.
(c) Face Centered Cubic (fcc) : Atoms are arranged at the corners and at centered of the each faces.
Atomic radius : It is defined as the half of the distance between nearest neighbouring atoms in a crystal. It is expressed in terms
of length of the edge (a) of the unit cell of the crystal. a
(a) Simple cubic structure [sc]
Radius of atom ‘r’ =
2 r r
(b) Face centered cubic structure (fcc) ‘r’ =
2 2

3a a
(c) Body centered cubic structure (bcc) ‘r’ =
4 a
 =  =  = 90º
Number of atoms per unit cell / unit cell contents :
The total number of atoms contained with in the unit cell for a simple cubic called the unit cell content.
(a) Simple cubic structure (sc) :
Each corner atom is shared by eight surrounding cubes.
Therefore, it contributes for 1/8 of an atom.
 Z= 8×
(b) Face centered cubic structure (fcc) :
(i) The eight corners atoms contribute for of an atom and
thus one atom per unit cell.
(ii) Each of six face centered atoms is shared by two adjacent unit cells and therefore one face centred atom contribute half of its
Means 6 × = 3 atom per unit cell.
(iii)So, total Z = 3 + 1 = 4 atoms per unit cell.

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(c) Body centered cubic structure (bcc) :
(i) Eight Corner atoms contribute one atom per unit cell.
(ii) Centre atom contribute one atom per unit cell.
(iii)So, total 1 + 1 = 2 atoms per unit cell.
Z=8 × + 1=2
Number of Atoms in unit cell :
nc n f ni
It can be determined by the simplest relation =  
8 2 1
where nc = number of atoms at the corners of the cube
nf = number of atoms at six faces of the cube
ni = number of atoms inside the cube

Cubic unit cell nc nf ni Total atom in

per unit cell
1. Simple cubic 8 0 0 1
2. Body centered cubic 8 0 1 2
3. Face centered cubic 8 6 0 4

Co-ordination number (C.N.) :

It is defined as the number of nearest neighbours or touching particles with other particle present in a crystal is called its co-
ordination number. It depends upon structure of the crystal.
sc structure : Co-ordination no. = 6. Ex. NaCl.
fcc structure : Co-ordination no. = 12. Ex. Copper.
bcc structure : Co-ordination no. = 8. Ex. CsCl
Density of lattice matter :
(a) It is defined as the ratio of mass per unit cell to the total volume of unit cell.
mass per unit cell Z  At. wt.
(b) Density of lattice matter = 
volume of unit cell N  volume of unit cell
Where Z is the number of atoms per unit cell and N is the Avogadro number.
Packing fraction (P.F.) : It is defined as ratio of the volume of the unit cell that is occupied by spheres of the unit cell to the total
volume of the unit cell.
(a) Simple cubic unit cell : Let the radius of atom in packing = r
Atoms are present at the corner of the cube, each of the eight atom present at the
eight corners shared amongst eight unit cells. Hence number of atoms per unit cell = 8 × =1
4 3
a r
again r = therefore, P.F. = 3 3 = 0.52, % P.F. = 52%, % of void = 100 – 52 = 48%
2 (2r)

(b) Body centered cubic unit cell : Number of atoms per unit cell = 8 × +1=2
2  r 3
3a 3
r= ; P.F. = = 0.68 ; % P.F. = 68%, % of void = 100 – 68 = 32%
4 (4r / 3)3
(c) Face centered cubic unit cell : Number of atoms per unit cell = 4
4  r 3
2a 3
r P.F. = = 0.74 ; % P.F. = 74% ; % of void = 100 – 74 = 26%
4 (4r / 2)3
It conclude that order of P.F of fcc > bcc > sc

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X-ray diffraction or electron diffraction techniques provides the necessary information regarding unit cell. From the dimensions
of the unit cell, it is possible to calculate ionic radii.
Let, cube of edge length ‘a’ having cations and anions say NaCl structure.
Then : r + r = a/2 ; Where r and r are radius of cation and anion. Cl¯
c a c a

(a / 2)2  (a / 2) 2 a a/2
Radius of Cl– = 
2 4 90º
For body centered lattice say CsCl. Na+ Cl¯
3a a/2
rc + ra =
In ionic crystals, the co-ordination number of any ion is governed by the radius ratio.
radius of cation rc
Radius ratio = 
radius of anion ra

rc/ra Coordination number of cation Structural arrangement Example

0-0.155 2 linear ..... F– – H+ ... F–
0.155-0.225 3 Plane Boron oxide
0.225-0.414 4 Tetrahedral ZnS
0.414-0.732 4 Square planar [Ni(CN)4]–2
0.414-0.732 6 Octahedral Sodium halides
AgCl, MgO
0.732-1.00 8 Cubic CsCl, CsBr, TlCl

Example 1 :
Classify each of the following solids as ionic, metallic, molecular network (covalent) or amorphous.
(a) Tetra phosphorous decaoxide (P4O10) (b) Graphite (c) Brass
(d) Ammonium phosphate (NH4)3PO4 (e) SiC (f) Rb
(g) 2 (h) LiBr (i) P4
(j) Si (k) Plastic
Sol. Ionic : d, h; Metallic : c, f; Molecular : g, i, j; Covalent network : a, b, e; Amorphous : k.
Example 2 :
A metallic element exists as cubic lattice. Each edge of the unit cell is 2.88 Å. The density of the metal is 7.20 g cm–3. How many
unit cell will be present in 100 g of the metal -
(A) 6.85 × 102 (B) 5.82 × 1023 (C) 4.37 × 105 (D) 2.12 × 106
Sol. (B). The volume of the unit cell = (2.88 Å) = 23.9 × 10 cm –24 3

m 100
The volume of 100 g of the metal =  = 13.9 cm3.
 7.20

13.9 cm3
Number of unit cells in this volume = = 5.82 × 1023
23.9  10 24 cm3
Example 3 :
Why is the coordination number of 12 not found in ionic crystals?
Sol. The co-ordination number greater than 8 is not possible because the radius ratio in the range 0.732 to 1.0 forms a cubic void, the
geometrical shape with maximum co-ordination for ionic solids.
Example 4 :
Fraction of total volume occupied by atoms in a simple cube is -
 3 2 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 8 6 6
Sol. (D). In a simple cubic system, number of atoms a = 2r

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4 3 4 3
r r
Volume occupied by one atom 3 3 
 Packing fraction = = 3
 3

Volume of unit cell a (2r) 6
Example 5 :
Explain the term ionic radius ratio and its significance in case of ionic crystals. Calculate the ratio for the alkali metal bromides on
the basis of the data given below and predict the form of the crystal structure in each case. Ionic radius (in pm)
Li+ = 74 ; Rb+ = 148 ; Na+ = 102 ; Cs+ = 170 ; K+ = 138 ; Br¯ = 195
Sol. If = 0.225, the cation would fit exactly into the tetrahedral voids and have co-ordination number four..

If = 0.414, the cation would fit exactly into the octahedral voids and have co-ordination number six.

r 74
For LiBr : = = 0.379 f.c.c. (Li+ ions filling alternate tetrahedral voids)
r 195

r 102
For NaBr :  = = 0.523 f.c.c. (Na+ ions fill all the octahedral voids)
r 195

r 138
For KBr :  = = 0.708 f.c.c. (K+ ions fill all the octahedral voids)
r 195

r 148
For RbBr :  = = 0.76 b.c.c. (Rb+ ions fill the body cavity)
r 195

r 170
For CsBr : = = 0.872 b.c.c. (Cs+ ions fill the body cavity)
r 195
Example 6 :
Copper crystallises into a. f.c.c. lattice with edge length 3.61 × 10–8 cm. Show that the calculated density is in agreement with its
measured value of 8.92 g cm–3.
Density  Av. No.  Volume of unit cell
Sol. Atomic mass =
n = 4 (for f.c.c.)
63.55  4
density = = 8.97 g/cm3
6.023  10 23  (3.61  108 )3
The calculated value 8.97 g/cm³ is closer to given value 8.92 g/cm³
Example 7 :
CuCl has face centred cubic structure. Its density is 3.4 g cm³. What is the length of unit cell?
Sol. Molecular mass of CuCl = 99
n = 4 for face centred cubic cell
n  mol.wt. 4  99
Density = = V   3
a  6.023  10 23

4  99
or 3.4 = or a = 5.783 × 10–8 cm = 5.783 Å
a  6.023  1023

Example 8 :
The unit cell of metallic silver is face-centered cubic (or cubic closed-packed) with a = b = c = 4.086 Å. Calculate (a) the radius of
an Ag atom, (b) the volume of an Ag atom in cm3, (c) the percentage of the volume of a unit cell that is occupied by Ag atoms, and
(d) the percentage that is empty space.
Sol. (a) One face of the fcc unit cell can be visualized (figure) as consisting of (parts of) five Ag atoms describing two right triangles
that share a hypotenuse. The hypotenuse, h, is four times the radius of the silver atom. We can use the Pythagorean theorem to

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4 3
evaluate rAg. (b) The volume of a sphere is r . (c) We can use the length of the edge of the unit cell to find its total volume.
The volume occupied by the Ag atoms is equal to the number of atoms per unit cell times the volume of each atom. These two
values can be used to calculate the required percentage. (d) The percentage that is empty space is 100% minus the percentage
that is occupied.

(a) h  a 2  a 2  2a 2  2 (4.086Å) 2  5.778Å  4rAg 4.086Å
rAg   1.444Å
4 3
(b) The volume of an Ag atom is r Ag
V  (1.444Å)3  12.61Å3
We now convert Å3 to cm3.
 108 cm 
? cm 3  12.61 Å3   23
  1.261  10 cm
 Å 

 1  1
(c) The entire fcc unit cell contains 8    6    4 Ag atoms. Each Ag atom has a volume of 1.261  10 23 cm3 . Thus, the
8 2
volume of four Ag atom is
1.261  1023 cm3
VAg atoms  4Ag atoms   5.044  1023 cm3
Ag atom
Because the unit cell is cubic, its volume is a3.
 108 cm 
Vunit cell  (4.086Å)3  68.22Å3  23
  6.822  10 cm
 Å 
The percentage of the volume of the unit cell occupied by the silver atoms is
VAg atoms 5.044  1023 cm3
%Ag volume   100%   100%  73.9%
Vunit cell 6.822  10 23 cm 3
(d) % empty space = (100.0 – 73.9%) = 26.1%

Q.1 A solid X melts slightly above 273K and is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. To which of the following categories does
it belong -
(A) Ionic solid (B) Covalent solid (C) Metallic (D) Molecular
Q.2 Amorphous solids -
(A) Possess sharp melting points (B) Undergo clean cleavage when cut with knife
(C) Do not undergo clean cleavage when cut with knife (D) Possess orderly arrangement over long distances
Q.3 A binary solid (A+ B–) has a rock salt structure. If the edge length is 400 pm and radius of cation is 75 pm the radius of anion is-
(A) 100 pm (B) 125 pm (C) 250 pm (D) 325 pm
Q.4 Close packing is maximum in the crystal -
(A) Simple cubic (B) Face centred (C) Body centred (D) None of these.
Q.5 TiCl has structure similar to CsCl, the co-ordination number of Tl+ is -
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 10 (D) 8
Q.6 If a is the length of unit cell, then which one is correct relationship -
(A) For simple cubic lattice, Radius of metal atom = a/2 (B) For bcc lattice, Radius of metal atom =
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(C) For fcc lattice, Radius of metal atom = (D) All
2 2
Q.7 The pure crystalline substance on being heated gradually first forms a turbid liquid at constant temperature and turbidty
completely disappears. The behaviour is a characteristic of substance forming –
(A) allotropic crystal (B) liquid crystals (C) isomeric crystals (D) isomorphrous crystals
Q.8 How many number of atoms are there in a cube based unit cell having one atom on each corner and atom on each edge of cube–
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 9
Q.9 The maximum percentage of available volume that can be filled in a face centred cubic system by an atom is-
(A) 74% (B) 68% (C) 34% (D) 26%
Q.10 Ice belongs to which of the following structures –
(A) Cubic (B) Hexagonal (C) Orthorhombic (D) Tetragonal
Q.11 A certain metal fluoride crystallises in such a way that F atoms occupy simple cubic lattice sites, while metal atoms occupy the
body centres of half the cubes. The formula of metal fluoride is -
(A) M2F (B) MF (C) MF2 (D) MF8
(1) (D) (2) (C) (3) (B) (4) (B) (5) (D)
(6) (D) (7) (B) (8) (C) (9) (A) (10) (D)
(11) (C)


In order to understand the packing of the constituent particles in a crystal, it is assumed that these particles are hard spheres of
identical size. The packing of these spheres takes place in such a way that they occupy the maximum available space and hence
the crystal has maximum density. This type of packing is called close packing.
It is of two types :
Close packing in two dimensions : The two possible arrangements of close packing in two dimensions.
Square close packing : In which the spheres in the adjacent row lie just one over the other and show a horizontal as well as
vertical alignment and form square. Each sphere in this arrangement is in contact with four other spheres.



Fig. One and two surfaces of square lattice.

Hexagonal close packing : In which the spheres in every second row are seated in the depression between the spheres of first
row. The spheres in the third row are vertically aligned with sphere in first row. The similar pattern is noticed throughout the
crystal structure.

Fig. One and two surfaces of hexagonal lattice

Comparison between Hexagonal Close Packing and Square Close Packing :
1. Hexagonal close packing is more dense than square close packing.
2. In hexagonal close packing about 60.4% of available space is occupied by spheres. Whereas, square close packing occupies
only 52.4% of the space by spheres.
3. In square close packing the vacent spaces (voids) are between four touching spheres, whose centres lie at the corners of a
square are called square voids. While in hexagonal close packing the vacent spaces (voids) are between three touching spheres,
whose centres lie at the corners of an equilateral triangle are called triangular voids.
12 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
Close packing in three dimensions : There are also two different ways to arrange spheres in three dimensional close packing.
Hexagonal close packing : To arrange the spheres vertically above those in the first layer so that each sphere of the third layer
lies strictly above a sphere of the first layer. This arrangement if continued indefinitely in the same sequence is represented as
AB AB AB .................




Fig. Hexagonal close packing (hcp) structure

The arrangement is found to represent hexagonal close packing (hcp) symmetry which means that whole structure possesses
one six fold of symmetry. The same appearance obtained by rotating crystal to 60º.
Cubic close packing : To arrange the spheres on the other set of hollow marked B. In this way the spheres in fourth layer will
correspond with those in the first layer. This arrangement, If continued indefinitely in the same sequence, is represented as ABC
ABC ABC ............ This arrangement possesses cubic close packing (ccp).
This structureless four 3-fold axes of symmetry which are passing through the diagonals of the cube.




Fig. Cubic close packing (ccp) structure

Body centred cubic arrangement : This structure will be obtained if the spheres in first layer (marked A) of cubic closed packing
are slightly opened up and thus none of these is in contact with each other.
One can put the second layer of the spheres (marked B) on the top of the first layer in such a way that each sphere of the second
layer is in contact with four spheres of the layer below it.

In hcp as well as ccp only 74% of the available space is occupied, the rest space is called interstitial voids.
Tetrahedral Voids : Each sphere in the second layer rests on the hole in
the three touching spheres in the first layer. The centres of these four
spheres are at the corner of a regular tetrahedron.
Radius ratio = r = 0·225
Octahedral Voids : The interstitial void formed by combination of two
triangular voids of the first and second layer is called octahedral layer.

Radius ratio = r void = 0·414

r sph er e
Octahedral voids are larger than tetrahedral voids.

GyaanSankalp 13
Solid state


Binary ionic solids are classified as AB and AB 2 type : If –ve ions constitute the space lattice and all octahedral holes are
occupied, then the ionic solid is of AB type. If an ion associated two tetrahedral voids and both are occupied, the ionic solid is
of AB2 type. If half of the tetrahedral holes are occupied, the ionic solid is of AB type.
Structure of NaCl – Rock-salt structure (AB type) : Chloride ions are considered as having cubic close packed structure.
Sodium ions occupy octahedral holes. There are six octahedral holes around each chloride ion. The co-ordination no. of Na+ &
Cl– is 6 : 6. The ionic radii ratio = 0·414 (actual = 0·525). The no. of NaCl units per unit cell = 4. NaI, KCl, RbI and RbF, FeO also
have rock-salt structure.
Caesium chloride structure : (AB Type)
Cl– ions are at the corners of a cube whereas Cs+ ions is at the centre of the cube and vice versa. The co-ordination no. is 8 : 8
The radius ratio = 0·93 (actual = 0·732). The no. of CsCl units per unit cell is 1. CsBr, CsI also have this structure.
At 760K CsCl structure changes into NaCl structure. The co-ordination no. of ionic solids changes with influencing temperature
and pressure. High pressure increases the co-ordination number. High temperature decreases the co-ordination number.
Zinc Blende Structure (Zinc Sulphide) : (AB type)
Sulphide ions have ccp lattice and zinc ions occupy half or total of tetrahedral voids.Co-ordination No. is 4 : 4. Radius ratio is
0·40 (actual ·225). 4 ions per unit cell CuCl, CuBr, CuI, AgI have this type of structure
Structure of Calcium fluoride or fluorite : (AB2 type)
Ca+2 ion have FCC lattice and Fluoride ions occupy all the tetrahedral voids in lattice. The co-ordination no. of calcium and
fluoride ions in CaF2 is 8 : 4. No. of CaF2 units per cell is 4. SrF2, CdF2 have the same structure.
Antifluorite structure or structure of Na2O : (AB2) type
O– 2 ions have ccp lattice and Na+ ions occupy all tetrahedral voids. Co-ordination number of Na2O is 4 : 8.
Structure of Fe3O4 (Magnetite) : Fe+3 and Fe+2 ions are present in the ratio of 2 : 1. In Fe3O4 oxide ions are arranged in ccp
Fe+2 ions occupy octahedral voids. Fe+3 ions distributed equally between octahedral and tetrahedral voids. MgFe2O4 have
same structure as Fe3O4.
Normal spinel structure : MgAl2O4
In this mineral oxide ions are arranged in ccp. Mg+2 ions occupying tetrahedral voids. Al+3 ions are arranged in a set of
octahedral voids. Ferrites (ZnFe2O4) and magnetite also possess spinel structure. In spinel structure of magnetite Fe+2 occupy
octahedral voids while Fe+3 occupy a set of tetrahedral voids.
Structure of Calcium carbide (CaC2) :
It has similar structure to NaCl. The cubic symmetry is distorted in CaC2. The carbon atoms are associated in pairs which are
aligned parallel. FeS2 has been found to be similar to that of CaC2. S2 units in FeS2 are not aligned parallel.
Structure of Titanium dioxide : TiO2 (Rutile structure)
Each Ti+4 ion is surrounded by six O–2 ions arranged in a distorted octahedron. Each O2– ion is surrounded by three Ti+4 ions
arranged in a plane triangular manner. Its structure is not cubic as one of the axes is shorter than the other by 30%.

Any deviation from the perfectly ordered arrangement constitutes a defect or imperfection. These defects sometimes called
thermodynamic defects because the number of these defects depends on the temperature. Crystals may also possess additional
defect due to the presence of impurities. Imperfection not only modify the properties of solids but also give rise to new
Electronic imperfection : Generally, electrons are present in fully occupied lowest energy state. But at high temperatures, some
of the electrons may occupy higher energy state depending upon the temperature.
For example, in the crystals of pure Si or Ge some electrons are released thermally from the covalent bonds at temperature above
0 K. These electrons are free to move in the crystal and are responsible for electrical conductivity. This type of conduction is
known as intrinsic conduction.
The electron deficient bond formed by the release of an electron is called a hole. In the presence of electric field the positive holes
move in a direction opposite to that of the electrons and conduct electricity.
Atomic imperfection : The defect which arise due to irregularity in the arrangement of atoms or ions are called atomic imperfec-
tion. Point defect is caused by missing as misplaced atoms or ions.
1. Stoichiometric defect : The compounds in which the number of positive and negative ions are exactly in the ratio indicated by
their chemical formula are called stoichiometric compound. e.g. NaCl (1 : 1)
These solids show following types of defects :

14 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
(a) Schottky defect : This type of defect is created when same number of
positive ion and negative ion are missing from their respective posi-
tions leaving behind a pair of holes. Schottky defect is more common
in ionic compounds which high co-ordination number and where the
size of positive and negative ions are almost equal.
The presence of large number of schottky defects in crystal results in
significant decrease in its density.
Ex. NaCl, KCl, CsCl, KBr etc.

(b) Interstitial Defect : This type of defect is caused due to the presence
of ions in the normally vacant interstitial sites in the crystal. + — + —
(c) Frenkel Defect : This type of defect is created when an ion leaves its M X M X
correct lattice site and occupies an interstitial site. Frenkel defects are
— + — +
common in ionic compounds which have low co-ordination number X M X M
and in which there is large difference in size between positive and
negative ions. — + —
Ex. ZnS, AgCl, AgBr, AgI etc. X M X
Influences : Makes solid crystals good conductor. In Schottky defect holes, M+
lower the density. In Frenkel defect ions in interstitial sites increases the — + — +
dielectric constant.
Frenkel Defect
2. Non Stoichiometric Defect : There are many compound in which the
ratio of positive and negative ions present in the compound differs M+ X— M+ X—
from that required by ideal formula of the compound. Such compounds
are called Non-stoichiometric compounds.
e.g. VOx (Where x can very between 0.6 to 1.3). In these compounds X— M+ e— M+
balance of positive and negative charges is maintained by having extra F - Center
electrons or extra positive charge. So, these defects are of following
M+ X— M+ X—
types :
(a) Metal excess defects due to anion vacancies : A compound may have
excess metal ion if a negative ion is absent from its lattice site, leaving a hole X— M+ X— M+
which is occupied by electron to maintain electrical neutrality. The holes
occupied by electrons are called F-centres and are responsible for the colour Metal excess defects
of the compound. F-centres are responsible for paramagnetic nature of solids. due to anion vacancies
Ex. : The excess sodium in NaCl makes the crystal appears yellow. Excess potassium in KCl makes it violet. Excess lithium in LiCl
makes it pink. Greater the number of F-centres greater is the intensity of colour. This type of defects are found in crystal which
are likely to possess schottky defects.

(b) Metal excess defects due to interstitial cations : It may occur if an

extra positive ion is present in an interstitial site. Electrically neutrality M+ X— M+ X—
is maintained by the presence of an electron in the interstitial site.
This type of defects are exhibited by the crystals which are likely to
exhibit “Frenkel defects.” X— M+ X— M+
X —
M+ X—
X— M+ X— M+
Metal excess defects
due to interstitial cation

GyaanSankalp 15
Solid state
(c) Metal deficiency due to cation vacancies : The non-stoichiometric com- + — + — +
pound may have metal deficiency due to the absence of metal ion from M X M X M
its lattice site. The charge is balanced by an adjacent ion having
higher positive charge. X



This type of defects are generally shown by compounds of transition

— —
Influence : These defects imparts colour to crystal. These defects M+ X X M+
impart semiconductor nature to crystal. Metal excess compound – n-type M+
semi conductor Metal deficient compound – p-type semiconductor
X— M+ X— M+ X—

Metal deficiency
due to cation vacancies
Example 9 :
In a crystal both ions are missing from normal sites in equal number. This is an example of -
(A) F - centres (B) Interstitial defect (C) Frenkel defect (D) Schotty defect
Sol. (D). Schottky defects are arised when one positive ion and one negative ion are missing from their respective positions leaving
behind a pair of holes. These are more common in ionic compounds with high coordination number and having almost similar size
of cations and anions.
Example 10 :
Frenkel defect is noticed in –
(A) AgBr (B) ZnS (C) AgI (D) All
Sol. (D). Frenkel defect is arised when the cations are missing from their lattice sites and occupy interstitial sites. As a result of Frenkel
defect, density remains unchanged but dielectric constant increases.
Example 11 :
A compound is formed by two elements X and Y. Atoms of the element Y (as anions) make ccp and those of the element X (as
cations) occupy all the octahedral voids. What is the formula of the compound ?
Sol. The ccp lattice is formed by the element Y. The number of octahedral voids generated would be equal to the number of atoms of
Y present in it. Since all the octahedral voids are occupied by the atoms of X, their number would also be equal to that of the
element Y. Thus, the atoms of elements X and Y are present in equal numbers or 1:1 ratio. Therefore, the formula of the compound
is XY.
Example 12 :
Atoms of element B form hcp lattice and those of the element A occupy 2/3rd of tetrahedral voids. What is the formula of the
compound formed by the elements A and B ?
Sol. The number of tetrahedral voids formed is equal to twice the number of atoms of element B and only 2/3rd of these are occupied
by the atoms of element A. Hence the ratio of the number of atoms of A and B is 2 × (2/3) :1 or 4 : 3 and the formula of the compound
is A4B3.

Q.1 Transition metals, when they form interstitial compounds, the non-metals (H, B, C, N) are accommodated in -
(1) Voids or holes in cubic - packed structure (2) Tetrahedral voids
(3) Octahedral voids (4) All of these
Q.2 Frenkel defect is noticed in -
(1) AgBr (2) ZnS (3) AgI (4) All
Q.3 In a crystal both ions are missing from normal sites in equal number. This is an example of–
(1) F–centres (2) Interstitial defect (3) Frenkel defect (4) Schottky defect
Q.4 The number of tetrahedral and octahedral voids in hexagonal primitive unit cell are :–
(1) 8, 4 (2) 2, 1 (3) 12, 6 (4) 6, 12
Q.5 The flame colours of metal ions are due to –
(1) Frenkel defect (2) Schottky defect (3) Metal deficiency defect (4) Metal excess defect
Q.6 KBr shows, which of the following defects :–
(1) Frenkel defect (2) Schottky defect (3) Metal excess defect (4) Metal deficiency
Q.7 Which of the following defect, if present, lowers the density of the crystal -
(1) Frenkel (2) Schottky (3) Edge dislocation (4) Constitution of F - centres.
Q.8 Hexagonal close packing is found in crystal lattice of –
(1) Na (2) Mg (3) Al (4) None of these

16 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
Q.9 Schottky defect is noticed in -
(1) NaCl (2) KCl (3) CsCl (4) All
(1) (D) (2) (D) (3) (D) (4) (C) (5) (D)
(6) (B) (7) (B) (8) (B) (9) (D)

Electric Properties : On the basis of electrical conductivity the solids can be broadly classified into the three types:
(a) Metals (conductors) (b) Insulators (c) Semi-conductors.
Electrical conductivity of solids may arise through the motion of electrons and positive holes (electronic conductivity) or
through the motion of ions (ionic conductivity). The conduction through electrons is called n-type conduction and through
positive holes is called p-type conduction. Pure ionic solids where conduction can take place only through motion of ions are
insulators. However, the presence of defects in the crystal structure increases their conductivity.
Unlike metals, the conductivity of semi-conductors and insulators is mainly due to the presence of interstitial electrons and
positive holes in the solids due to imperfections. The conductivity of semiconductors and insulators increases with increase in
temperature while that of metals decreases.
The electrical behaviour of some oxides of transition metals (belonging to fourth period) is given in table. It may be noted that
these oxides show wide variation in their electrical behaviour.
Electrical Properties of Some Trasition Oxides
TiO(M) VO(M) MnO(I) FeO(I) CoO(I) NiO(I) CuO(I)
Ti2O3(M-I) V2O3M(I) Cr2O3(I) Mn2O3(I) Fe2O3(I)
TiO2(I) VO2(M-I) CrO2(M) MnO2(I) V2O5(I)
M = Metal ; I = Insulator ; M-I = shows a transition from metal to insulator behaviour at a certain temperature.

On the basis of magnetic properties, substances are classified into the following three types.
(i) Paramagnetic substances : Substances which are weakly attracted into the magnetic field are called paramagnetic. These
substances lose their magnetism on removing the magnetic field. Paramagnetism is caused by the presence of unpaired electrons
and since most of the transition metal atoms have unpaired d-electrons, they are paramagnetic in behaviour. These possess
permanent magnetic dipole. Ex. TiO, VO2, CuO, O2, FeSO4, Ti2O3, VO
(ii) Diamagnetic substances : Substances which are repelled by magnetic field are called diamagnetic. It is the property of the
completely filled electronic subshells.
Since most of the transition metal ions have unpaired d-electrons, they show paramagnetic behaviour. The exceptions are Sc3+,
Ti4+, Zn2+, Cu+, etc. which do not contain any unpaired d-electrons and hence these are diamagnetic. The presence of an
unpaired electron in an element causes it to behave like a permanent magnet. As a result of permanent magnet, a paramagnetic
substances when placed in an applied magnetic field, takes up a parallel position to the field.
It is important to note that diamagnetic substances show a decrease in weight while paramagnetic substances show an increase
in weight in presence of a magnetic field.
(iii) Ferromagnetic substances : The substances possessing unpaired electrons are further classified in three different groups based
on the alignment of magnetic moments of unpaired electrons.
(a) Ferromagnetic substances (b) Antiferromagnetic substances (c) Ferrimagnetic substances
(a) Ferromagnetic substances : The substances which are strongly attracted by magnetic field are termed as ferromagnetic substances.
This type of substance have alignment of all the unpaired electrons in the same direction (orientation) These substances are
permanently magnetised i.e. these substances show magnetism even in the absence of magnetic field. Examples are Ni, Fe, Co
and CrO2.
(b) Antiferromagnetic substances : When equal number of unpaired electrons are aligned in opposite directions, their magnetic
moment (electron spin) will compensate each other magnetic moment. Such substances are termed as antiferromagnetic
substances. For example, MnO, Mn2O3 and MnO2.
(c) Ferrimagnetic substances : When unequal number of unpaired electrons are aligned in opposite directions, the net magnetic
moment is not zero. Such substances are termed as ferrimagnetic substances ex. ferrite Fe2O3.
It has been observed that the ferro-magnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic substances show paramagnetic nature at
higher temperatures. This arises due to randomisation of spins at higher temperature ex. Fe3O4 is ferrimagnetic at room temperature
but becomes paramagnetic at 850 K. Alignment of magnetic dipoles.
     Ferromagnetic
ABABAB Antiferromagnetic
A B A B B B Ferrimagnetic
GyaanSankalp 17
Solid state
Magnetic Properties of Some Transition Metal Oxides
TiO(p) VO(p) MnO(af) FeO(af) CoO(af)NiO(af) CuO(p)
Ti 2O3(p) V2O3 (af) Cr2O3(af) Mn2O3(af) Fe2O3(af)
Ti2O2(p) VO2(p) CrO2(f) MnO2(af) Fe3O4(fe)
p = paramagnetic ; af = anti-ferromagnetic ; fe = ferrimagnetic ; f = ferromagnetic ; d = diamagnetic.

A dielectric is a substance in which an electric field gives rise to no net flow of electric charge. This is due to the reason that
electrons in a dielectric are tightly held by individual atoms. However, under the effect of applied field displacement of charges
takes place, resulting in the creation of dipoles.
(i) Piezoelectricity : A dielectic crystal which has a resultant dipole moment can produce electricity or show electrical property
when external pressure is applied. Such a crystal is known as piezoelectric crystal and this property is called piezoelectricity.
The mechanical stress caused by the applied pressure results in electric current because of the displacement of the ions in the
crystals. Such piezoelectric crystals find applications as pick-ups in record players since electric signals are produced on
applying pressure.
(ii) Pyroelectricity : Some polar crystals upon heating produce small electric current. This phenomenon is known as pyroelectricity.
Actually certain atoms or ions get displaced upon heating.
(iii) Ferroelectricity : In certain piezoelectric crystals, the dipoles are permanently polarised even in the absence of applied electric
field. However, the direction of polarisation may change on applying current. This phenomenon is known as ferroelectricity and
the effect involved is called ferroelectric effect. The examples of some ferroelectric solids are.
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) Potassium tartarate or Rochelle’s salt (KOOCCH(OH)CH(OH)COOK) and barium
titanate (BaTiO2).
(iv) Anti-ferroelectricity : When the dipoles in alternate lattices point up and down, the two dipoles cancel on another so that there
is no resultant dipole moment. Such crystals are known as antiferroelectric crystals and the phenomenon is called
antiferroelectricity. For example, lead zirconate (PbZrO3) is an antiferroelectric solid.
Super Conductivity : It was first discovered by Kammerlingh Onnes (1913).When electrical resistance of a substance becomes
zero at absolute zero the substance possess super conductivity. The temperature at which substance behaves like super
conductor is called transition temperature.
Uses : (a) In electronics (b) In building magnets (c) In power transmission (d) In levitation transportation (trains which move
without rails).
Substances T.T.
Ex. : Y Ba2 Cu3 O7 90K
Bi2 Ca2 Sr2 Cu3 O10 105K
Ti2 Ca2 Ba2 Cu3 O10 125 K
Mercury 4K
Most of the metals 2–5K
Niobium 23 K
1. All noble gases have ccp structure except. He which has hcp structure.
2. Out of the seven crystal system triclinic is the most unsymmetrical system (a b c, 90º).
3. Piezoelectric crystals are used as pick ups in record players.
4. The conductivity of insulators is of the order of 10–22 ohm–1 cm–1 whereas conductivity of semiconductors lies in the range
10–9 to 102 ohm–1 cm–1.
5. In NaCl crystal, if there are 14 Na+ ions, then there are 13 Cl– ions. Out of 14 Na+ ions, 8 are on the corners and 6 are on the face-
centres. Then 12 Cl– ions are on the edge centres and 1 Cl– at the body-centre. It can be vice-versa also.
6. The space occupied by hard spheres in fcc and hcp is 74%, in bcc it is 68%, in simple cubic it is 52% and in diamond it is 34%.
Thus only fcc and hcp are close packed structures.
7. hcp is present in Be, Mg, Ca, Cr, Mo, V, Zn.
8. Lead zirconate (PbZrO3) is an example of anti-ferroelectric crystal.
9. ccp is present in Fe, Cu, Ag, Au, Pt, Al and Ni.
10. Halides of all alkali metals (except those of Cs) and those of NH4+, oxides and sulphides of alkaline earths (except BeS) and
halides of silver (except AgI) have rock-salt (NaCl) type structure.
11. bcc is present in all alkali metals.
12. Beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18) is a cyclic/ring silicate, pyroxenes and asbestos are chain silicates, clay is a sheet silicate and quartz is a
three dimensional silicate.

18 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
13. TiO2, NaCl and benzene are diamagnetic, Fe, Ni, Co, CrO2 are ferromagnetic, MnO is anti ferromagnetic, ferrites are ferrimagnetic,
Barium titanate (BaTiO3), sodium potassium tartarate (Rochelle salt) and potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) are ferro-
electric solids.
14. Amorphous silica is used for making photovoltaic cell (used for converting sunlight into electricity).


Example 1 :
Copper crystallises into a fcc lattice with edge length 3.61 × 10–8 cm. Show that the calculated density is in agreement with its
measured value of 8.92 g cm–3.
Sol. For a fcc lattice, z = 4 ; Edge length, a = 4.077 × 10–8 cm ; Density,  = ?
Atomic mass of copper, M = 63.5 g mol–1
Using the relationship,

ZM 4  63.5g mol 1

Density,  = = or  = 8.97 g cm–3
NA  a3 6.02  1023 mol 1  (3.61 108 cm)3
The calculated value of density is 8.97 g cm–3. This value agrees well will the measured value of 8.92 g cm–3.
Example 2 :
Silver crystallizes in fcc system. Its density and atomic mass are 10.6 g cm–2 and 107.9 mol–1. Calculate the length of the unit cell
edge (Avagadro number = 6.0 × 1023).
Sol. Molar volume of silver = = 10.18 cm3/mol
No. of atoms of silver in unit cell = 4
6  10 23
No. of unit cells per molecule = = 1.5 × 1023

10.18cm3mol 1
Volume of a unit cell = = 6.79 × 10–23 cm3/unit cell.
1.5  1023 mol 1

Length of the edge = 3 –8

6.79  1023 = 4.08 × 10 cm = 4.08 Å
Example 3 :
A crystal plane intercepts the three crystallographic axes at -
(A) (2a, 3b, c) (B) (a, ) (C) (6a, 3b, 2c) (D) (2a, –3b, –4c)
Where a, b and c are the unit lengths along x, y and z axes respectively. Calculate the miller indices of planes.
Sol. (A).

a b c a b c
2 3 1 Intercepts 2 3 1 Intercepts
1 1
1 1 Reciprocals 1 1 Reciprocals
2 2
3 1 3 1
3 2 6 Clear fractions 3 2 6 Clear fractions

Thus , the miller indices of the plane are 3, 2, 6 and hence the plane is designated as (326) plane.

a b c Intercepts a b c Intercepts
1   6  2
Reciprocals Reciprocals
1 1 1 1
(B) (C) 1 1
  6
3 2
1 0 0 Clear fractions Clear fractions
1 2 3

Thus, the miller indices of the plane are 1, 0, 0 and hence the Thus, the miller indices of the plane are 1, 2, 3 and hence the
plane is designated as (100) plane. plane is designated as (123) plane.
GyaanSankalp 19
Solid state

a b c Intercepts
2  –4
1 1 1
(D) – –
2 3 4
6 –4 –3 Clear fractions

Thus, the miller indices of the plane are 6, –4, –3 and hence the plane is designated as  6 4 3  plane.
Example 4 :
Calculate the distance between 111 planes in a crystal of Ca. Repeat the calculation for the 222 plane. (a = 0.556 nm)
Sol. We have,
h  k2  2

0.556 0.556
d111 = = 0.321 nm and d222 = = 0.161 nm.
12  12  12 2 2  22  2 2
The separation of the 111 planes is twice as great as that of the 222 planes.
Example 5 :
Analysis shows that nickel oxide has the formula Ni0.98 O1.00. What fractions of the nickel exist as Ni2+ and Ni3+ ions ?
Sol. From the valence numbers, it is clear that three Ni2+ are equivalent to two Ni3+. So, three Ni2+ ions would be replaced by two Ni3+
ions. In other words, when two Ni3+ ions replace three Ni2+ ions, then there is a net loss of 1 Ni2+ ion. From the given formula.
Total loss of Ni from one molecule of NiO = (1 – 0.98) = 0.02
Therefore, Total Ni3+ ions present in one molecule of NiO = 2 × 2.02 = 0.04
Total number of Ni2+ and Ni3+ ions in one molecule of NiO = 0.98
So, out of 0.98 atoms of Ni, only 0.04 atoms are present as Ni3+. Therefore,
Percentage of Ni as Ni3+ = × 100 = 4.1%
Thus, 4.1% of the total Ni in Ni0.98 O is present as Ni3+.
Therefore, percentage of Ni present as Ni2+ = 100 – 4.1 = 95.9
Example 6 :
Aluminium crystallizes in a cubic system with an edge length of 4.05 Å. If has a density of 2.7 g cm–3. To what unit cell type does
it belong and what is the radius ? (Atomic mass of Al = 27).
Sol. Molar volume of Al = = 10 cm3 mol–1
Let ‘x’ be the no. of atoms in an unit cell.
6.0  10 23
 no. of unit cells per mole =
Volume of unit cell = (4.05 × 10–8)3 = 66.43 × 10–24 cm3.

10cm 3mol 1 10x

Volume of a unit cell is also given by unit cell/mole = cm3/unit cell.
6  10 23 6  1023
10x 66.43  1024  6  1023
23 = 66.43 × 10–24 ; x = = 3.98  4.
6  10 10
Since there are 4 atoms in a unit cell, it must be a fcc structure.
(AB)2 = (AC)2 + (BC)2 = (4.05 × 10–8)2 + (4.05 × 10–8)2 = 32.805 × 10–16
AB = –8
32.805  1016 = 5.73 × 10

5.73  10 8
AB = 4 radii or radius of Al atom = = 1.43 Å
20 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
Example 7 :
Ferric oxide crystallises in a hexagonal close packed array of oxide ions with two out of every three octahedral holes occupied by
ferric ions. Derive the formula of the ferric oxide.
Sol. There is only one octahedral hole for every one sphere (or particle) in the structure.
Thus, no. of oxygen atoms = No. of octahedral holes = 3 (say).
and no. of iron (ferric) ions = 2
(only 2 out of 3 are occupied by ferric ions)
Therefore, formula of ferric oxide = 2Fe + 3O = Fe2O3
Example 8 :
A compound formed by elements X and Y, crystallizes in the cubic structure, where X is at the corners of the cube and Y is at the
six face centres. What is the formula of the compound ? If side length is 5 Å, estimate the density of the solid assuming atomic
weight of X and Y as 60 and 90 respectively.
Sol. From eight corner atoms, one atom (X) contributes to one unit cell.
From six face centres, three atoms (Y) contribute to one unit cell.
So, the formula of the compound is XY3.
Z  Mm
As we know that,  = , here Z = 1.
NA  a3
Molar mass of XY3
Mm = 60 + 3 × 90 = 330 gm
1  330
 = gm/cm3
6.023  1023  (5 10 8 )3

a = 5Å = 5 × 10–8 cm = gm/cm3 = 4.38 gm/cm2
6.023 10 125  1024

Example 9 :
Gold (Atomic radius = 0.144 nm) crystallises in a face centred unit cell. What isthe length of a side of the cell ?
Sol. In a fcc structure, if r is the radius of the atom, Face diagonal =4r
If a is the edge length of the unit cell, face diagonal is equal to 2 a. So, 2 a = 4r
a= × 0.144 nm = 0.407 nm
Thus, the length of a side of the unit cell is 0.407 nm.
Example 10 :
KCl crystallizes in the same type of lattice as does NaCl and CsF in the CsCl type of structure. The molar mass of CsF is twice that
of KCl and the ‘a’-value for KCl is 1.5 times that of CsF. Calculate the ratio of the density of CsF to that to KCl.
a 13 74.5
Sol. For KCl we write × N0 = 
4 1

a 32 2  7.45
For CsF we write × N0 = 
1 2

a 13 1 2
Dividing, = ×  Further a1 = 1.5 a2
4a 32 2 1

(1.5) 3  a 32 1 2 2 (1. 5) 3
 = ×    = × 2 = 1.69
4 a 32 2 1 1 4
Example 11 :
Copper metal crystallises with fcc structure. The density of the crystal is of the crystal is 2698 Kg/m3 and atomic weight of Cu
is 26.98 kg/ k.mol. X-rays of wavelength 0.1537 nm are diffracted by the crystal and the Bragg’s angle is 19.2°. Identify the crystal
plane (in terms of its miller indices) which caused this diffraction.
Sol. Density = it is fcc lattice  Number of atoms in unit cell = 4
GyaanSankalp 21
Solid state
2698 =
a x 6.023 x1023

a3 = = 6.6412 x 10–26 m3 ; a = 4.05 x 10–9 m ;  = 2d sin 
2698 x 6.023 x10 23
0.1537 = 2d sin 19.2°
d= = 0.2336 nm
2 x 0.3289
This is the distance between the planes in the crystal, causing diffraction.
a = dhk / h 2  k 2  2
a 0.4046
h 2  k 2  2 = d =
nm = 1.732

 h 2  k 2   2 = (1.732)2 = 3  It is (III) plane.

Example 12 :
If in diamond, there is a unit cell of carbon atoms as fcc and if carbon atom is sp3, what will be the number of carbon atoms per
unit cell ?
Sol. Since unit cell is fcc, the number of atoms should be 4, but since carbon atoms are arranged tetrahedrally, the atoms should also
be present in alternate tetrahedral voids. The number of tetrahedral voids in fcc is 8 and hence the total number of carbon atoms
per unit cell = 4 + 8 × = 8.
Example 13 :
Determine the Miller indices of the shaded plane. Coordinate of the Z
corners of the plane are shown in the figure- (0, 1, 1)
Sol. A plane parallel to the plane between (0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0) and (0, 1, 1)
will intersect the axes at x = a, y = –b and z = c.
a b c
(0, 0, 0) Y
1 –1 1 intercepts
1 –1 1 reciprocals
1 –1 1 clear fractions (1, 1, 0)

Thus the Miller indices are 1, 1, 1 or  1, 1, 1  .
Example 14 :
A metal crystallises with a bcc structure with a density of 19.3–3 Calculate the length of the body diagonal of the unit cell.
(Atomic weight of metal = 183.9)
Sol. In bcc structure, the unit cell contains 2 atoms.
a3 183.9
× 6.023 x 1023 =
2 19.3

183.9 2 183.9x2x1024
a3 = × cm 3 = Å3 = 31.64 Å3  a = 3.162 Å
19.3 6.023 x10 23 19.3 x 6.023 x10 23
Body diagonal = 3 a = 5.48 Å
Example 15 :
XY is an ionic solid which crystallizes in bcc arrangement where the radius of X+ and Y– are respectively 1.10 Å and 1.64 Å. If all
the X+ ions are replaced by A+ so as to form AY (which is also in bcc arrangement), the density is found to be 3.932 g/cc per unit
cell. Out of XY and AY, which one is more ionic ? Atomic mass of A+ and Y– are respectively 22 and 30 amu.
Sol. In case of AY,
(1 22)  (1 30)
 = = 3.932 ; a = 2.8Å
6.023  1023  a 3
22 GyaanSankalp
Solid state

In bcc, 
3a = 2 rA  rY 
3 2.8Å = 2  rA
 1.64  Å ; r  = 0.784 Å
Since the radius of A+ is smaller than that of X+, its polarizationis more and hence AY is more ionic than XY.
Example 16 :
In a body-centred unit cell of side length 3.65 Å, calculate the interplanar distance for [200], [110] and [222] planes.
Sol. For a unit cell, the interplanar distance is given by dhkl = ; where a is the side length.
h  k2  l 2

For body centred cubic lattice, d200 = a/2 ; d110 = a/ 2 ; d222 =
2 3
Given a = 3.65 Å
3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65
 d200 = = 1.825 Å ; d110 = = 2.58 Å ; d222 = = = 1.054 Å
2 1.414 2  1.732 3.464
Example 17 :
The edge length of the cubic unit cell of lead is 4.92 Å. The density of lead is 11.55 g/cc. What is the type of cubic lattice taken
up by lead ? (Atomic mass of lead = 207.2.)
Sol. Molar volume of the solid = × 6.023 × 1023
a = side length, n = number of atoms in the unit cell
molar mass 207.2 (4.92  108 )3  6.023  1023
Also, molar volume = = =
density 11.55 n
= 17.939 ; n = 4
The lattice type is fcc.

GyaanSankalp 23
Solid state

(C)  287 pm , 6.5 g/cc (D) 143.5 pm , 4.5 g/cc
Q.1 Sodium metal crystallizes in bcc lattice with cell edge 4
= 4.29Å. The radius of sodium atom will be- Q.11 Lithium borohydride crystallizes in a orthorhombic system
(A) 1.50 Å (B) 1.86 Å with 4 molecules per unit cell. The unit cell dimensions are
(C) 2.80 Å (D) None of these a = 6.8 Å , b = 4.4 Å and c = 7.2 Å . If the molar mass is 21.76,
Q.2 The space lattice of graphite is then the density of crystals is
(A) Cubic (B) Tetragonal (A) 0.6708 g cm–3 (B) 1.6708 g cm–3
(C) 2.6708 g cm –3 (D) None of these
(C) Rhombic (D) Hexagonal
Q.3 The edge length of cube is 400pm. Its body diagonal would Q.12 This does not crystallize in hexagonal crystal system .
be- (A) graphite (B) PbI2
(A) 500 pm (B) 693 pm (C) SiO2 (D) diamond
(C) 600 pm (D) 566pm Q.13 An alloy of copper, silver and gold is found to have copper
Q.4 The unit cell dimensions of an orthorhombic lattice (with constituting the ccp lattice. If silver atoms occupy the edge
edges : a, b, c and the angles between them being centres and gold is present at body centre, the alloy has a
, , ) formula-
(A) a = b = c;  =  =  = 90º (A) Cu4Ag2Au (B) Cu4Ag4Au
(B) ) a  b = c;  =  = 90º,   90º (C) Cu4Ag3Au (D) CuAgAu
(C) ) a = b  c;  =  = 90º,   90º Q.14 The radius ratio, r A/rB for an atom A to fit into a simple
(D) ) a  b  c;  =  =  = 90º cubic B lattice is-
Q.5 Number of formula units in KBr cubic unit cell is 4. Struc- (A) 0.414 (B) 0.225
ture of KBr is – (C) 0.732 (D) 0.500
(A) edge centre (B) fcc Q.15 The number of atoms per unit cell in a BCC lattice is-
(C) bcc (D) hcp (A) 4 (B) 1
Q.6 A metallic element exists as cubic lattice. Each edge of the (C) 2 (D) 6
unit cell is 2.88 Å. The density of the metal is 7.20 g cm–3. Q.16 The anions (A) form hexagonal closest packing and atoms
How many unit cell will be present in 100 g of the metal- (C) occupy only 2/3 of octahedral voids in it, then the
(A) 6.85 × 102 (B) 5.82 × 1023 general formula of the compound is-
(C) 4.37 × 10 5 (D) 2.12 × 106 (A) CA (B) A2
Q.7 The following represents tetragonal unit cell – (C) C2A3 (D) C3A2
(A) a = b = c ; = 90º Q.17 Number of atoms in the unit cell of KBr with 654 pm edge,
(B) a = b  c ; = 90º 2.75 g/cc density are –
(C) a = b = c ;  90º (A) 1 (B) 2
(D) a = b = c ; 90º 120º (C) 4 (D) 6
Q.8 Fraction of total volume occupied by atoms in a simple Q.18 This one is amorphous –
cube is- (A) Fe metal (B) fused quartz
(C) Wurtzite (D) NiAs
 3 Q.19 The lattice parameters of a crystal are a = 5.62 Å, b = 7.41 Å
(A) (B)
2 8 C = 9.48 Å. The three co-ordinates are mutually perpen-
dicular to each other. The crystal is –
2  (A) tetragonal (B) orthorhombic
(C) (D)
6 6 (C) monoclinic (D) trigonal
Q.9 Iron crystallizes in a b.c.c. system with a lattice parameter Q.20 Non - stoichiometric form of NaCl is
of 2.861 Å. Calculate the density of iron in the b.c.c. sys- (A) Pink (B) Yellow
tem (Atomic weight of Fe = 56, NA = 6.02 × 1023 mol–1) (C) Violet (D) Red
(A) 7.92 g ml–1 (B) 8.96 g ml–1 Q.21 Iodine crystal are-
(C) 2.78 g ml –1 (D) 6.72 g ml–1 (A) Metallic solid (B) Ionic solid
Q.10 Chromium metal crystallizes with a body centred cubic lat- (C) Molecular solid (D) Covalent solid
tice . The length of the unit cell edge is found to be 287 pm. Q.22 The unit cell cube length for LiCl (just like NaCl structure)
The atomic radius and density are : is 5.14 Å . Assuming anion-anion contact, the ionic radius
for chloride ion is
3 (A) 1.815 Å (B) 2.8 Å
(A) 124.2  10-14m , 5.5g/cc (B)  287 pm , 7.5 g/cc
4 (C) 3.8 Å (D) None of these
24 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
Q.23 Which of the following is molecular crystal- Q.36 Argon crystallises in a structure in which the atoms are
(A) Noble gas (B) Ice located at the position (0, 0, 0) (0, ½, ½) (½, 0, ½) (½, ½, 0).
(C) A and B both (D) None The unit cell is –
Q.24 In a crystal some ions are missing from normal sites. This (A) simple cube (B) bcc
is an example of- (C) fcc (D) hcp
(A) F-centres (B) Interstitial defect Q.37 In the unit cell of an fcc system the number of octahedral
(C) Frenkel defect (D) Schottky defect and tetrahedral holes are
Q.25 The ratio between packing fraction of bcc and fcc is – (A) 4,4 (B) 4, 8
(C) 1, 8 (D) 4, 1
0.68 0.74
(A) (B) Q.38 A solid X melts slightly above 273 K and is a poor conduc-
0.74 0.68 tor of heat and electricity. To which of the following cat-
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 2 : 1 egories does it belong-
Q.26 Frenkel defect is noticed in- (A) Ionic solid (B) Covalent solid
(A) AgBr (B) ZnS (C) Metallic (D) Molecular
(C) AgI (D) All Q.39 Xenon crystallizes in face centre cubic lattice and edge of
Q.27 A solid PQ have rock salt type structure in which Q atoms the unit cell is 620 pm, then the radius of Xenon atom is-
are at the corners of the unit cell. If the body centred atoms (A) 219.20 pm (B) 438.5 pm
in all the unit cells are missing, the resulting stoichiometry (C) 265.5 pm (D) 536.94 pm
will be- Q.40 A binary solid A+B– has zinc blende structure with
(A) PQ (B) PQ2 B– ions constituting the lattice and A+ ions occupying
(C) P3Q4 (D) P4Q3 50% tetrahedral holes formula of the solid is
Q.28 Graphite in an example of- (A) A2B (B) AB
(A) Ionic solid (B) Covalent solid (C) AB2 (C) AB4
(C) Vander waal’s crystal (D) Metallic crystal Q.41 The unit cell of a metallic element of atomic mass 108 and
Q.29 At room temperature, sodium crystallises in a body centred density 10.5 g/cm2 is a cube with edge length of 409 pm.
cubic cell with a 4.24 Å. The theoretical density of sodium The structure of the crystal lattice is-
is- (Atomic mass of sodium = 23.0 g mol–1) (A) fcc (B) bcc
(A) 2.05 g cm–3 (B) 3.45 g cm–3 (C) hcp (D) None of these
(C) 1.00 g cm –3 (D) 3.55 g cm–3 Q.42 An intermetallic compound A B crystallises in cubic struc-
Q.30 Which of the following expressions is correct for a CsCl ture where A and B atoms have co-ordination number 8 .
unit cell with lattice parameter a ? The crystal unit cell belongs to :
a (A) fcc (B) hcp
(A) rCs+ + rCl– = 2a (B) rCs+ + rCl- =
2 (C) bcc (D) antifluorite
Q.43 What is the simplest formula of a solid whose cubic unit
(C) rCs+ + rCl– = a (D) rCs+ + rCl– = 3a/2 cell has the atom A at each corner, the atom B at each face
2 centre and a C atom at the body centre-
Q.31 Diffraction studies of tungsten crystals using x - rays of (A) AB2C (B) A2BC
= 1.85 Å showed first order reflection at 36° (C) AB3C (D) ABC3
(sin 36° = 0.588). The distance between the successive Q.44 The unit cell dimensions of a cubic lattice (edges a, b, c
layers in a tungsten crystal is and the angles between them,, and ) are
(A) 3.14 Å (B) 1.57 Å (A) a = b = c,  = =  = 900
(C) 5.17 Å (D) None of these (B) a = b  c,  = =  = 900
Q.32 Which is amorphous solids- (C) a = b = c, = = 900,  900
(A) Rubber (B) Plastic (D) a  b  c, = = 900,  900
(C) Glass (D) All Q.45 The most efficient packing of similar spheres is obtained in
Q.33 The limiting ratio r +/r- for a tetrahedral system with co- (A) the simple cubic system and the body centered cubic
ordination number 4 is : system
(A) 0.155 (B) 0.225 (B) the simple cubic system and the hexagonal close
(C) 0.414 (D) 0.732 packed system
Q.34 The crystal system is which a  b c and the angles (C) the face centered cubic system and the hexagonal close
   is packed system
(A)Triclinic (B) Monoclinic (D) the body centered cubic system and the face centered
(C) Hexagonal (D) Cubic cubic system
Q.35 A face centred cubic element with atomic mass 60 has a cell Q.46 A mineral is composed of Ca , Ti and oxygen . With Ca+2 at
edge 300 pm. Its density is – cube corners , Ti ions in the centre and oxide ions in the
(A) 6.23 g/cc (B) 1.48 g/cc face centre of the unit cell . The formula of the mineral and
(C) 3.3 g/cc (D) 4.18 g/cc the oxidation state of Ti are :
GyaanSankalp 25
Solid state
(A) Ca Ti2 O3 ; + 2 (B) Ca Ti O3 ; + 4 Q.57 Sodium metal crystallizes in a body centred cubic lattice
(C) Ca Ti3 O4 ; + 2 (D) Ca Ti O2 ; + 2 with the cell edge a = 4.29 Å. The radius of sodium atom is
Q.47 Copper metal has a face-centred cubic structure with the (A) 1.8574 Å (B) 2.8574 Å
unit cell length equal to 0.361 nm. Picturing copper ions in (C) 3.8574 Å (D) None of these
contact along the face diagonal. The apparent radius of a Q.58 Close packing is maximum in the crystal which is-
copper ion is- (A) Simple cube (B) bcc
(A) 0.128 (B) 1.42 (C) fcc (D) None
(C) 3.22 (D) 4.22 Q.59 In a face centred cubic arrangement of metallic atoms, what
Q.48 Choose the correct matching sequence from the possibili- is the relative ratio of the sizes of tetrahedral and octahe-
ties given dral voids ?
(a) Crystal defect (1) AB AB AB.....type crystal (A) 0.543 (B) 0.732
(b) hcp (2) Covalent crystal (C) 0.414 (D) 0.637
(c) CsCl (3) Frenkel Q.60 A solid has a bcc structure. If the distance of closest ap-
(d) Diamond (4) Face centered in cube proach between the two atoms is 1.73 Å. The edge length
(e) NaCl (5) Body centered in cube of the cell is :
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(A) 200pm (B) 3 / 2 pm
(A) 3 1 2 5 4
(B) 3 1 5 2 4 (C) 142.2 pm (D) None of these
(C) 3 5 1 2 4 Q.61 Which of the following figures represents the cross-sec-
(D) 5 3 4 2 1 tion of an octahedral site ?
Q.49 A compound alloy of gold and copper crystallizes in a
cube lattice in which the gold atoms occupy the lattice
points at the corners of a cube and the copper atoms oc-
cupy the centres of each of the cube faces. The formula of
this compound is- (A) (B)
(A) AuCu (B) AuCu2
(C) AuCu3 (D) None of these
Q.50 Select the correct statement (s) -
(a) The C.N. of cation occupying a tetrahedral hole is 4.
(b) The C.N. of cation occupying a octahedral hole is 6.
(c) In schottky defects, density of the lattice decreases,
(C) (D)
(A) a, b (B) b, c
(C) a, b, c (D) a, c
Q.51 The Number of Space lattices and crystal systems are
_________ and _______ respectively. Q.62 A body centred cubic arrangement is shown : O is the
(A) 7 and 14 (B) 14 and 7 body centre; A, B, C, D,......., H are the corners. What is the
(C) 32 and 7 (D) 7 and 32 magnitude of the angle AOB ?
Q.52 A fcc lattice has a lattice parameter a = 40 pm. The molar
volume including all empty space is –
(A) 10.8 ml (B) 96 ml
(C) 8.6 ml (D) 9.6 ml
Q.53 Among the following types of voids, which one is the
largest void-
(A) Triangular system (B) Tetragonal system (A) 120º (B) 109º 28'
(C) Monoclinic system (D) Octahedral (C) 104º 31’ (D) 70º 32’
Q.54 In the structure of diamond, the carbon atoms appear at Q.63 Lithium borohydride (LiBH4), crystallises in an orthorhom-
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 bic system with 4 molecules per unit cell. The unit cell
(A) 0 0 0 and (B) and dimensions are : a = 6.81 Å, b = 4.43 Å, c = 717 Å. If the
2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2
molar mass of LiBH4 is 21.76 g mol–1. The density of the
1 1 1 3 3 3
(C) 0 0 0 and (D) 0 0 0 and crystal is-
4 4 4 4 4 4 (A) 0.668 g cm–3 (B) 0.585 g cm2
Q.55 Bragg’s equation is- (C) 1.23 g cm–3 (D) None of these
(A) n = 2 sin  (B) n = 2d sin 
(C) 2n = d sin  (D)  = (2d/n) sin 
Q.56 The rank of a cubic unit cell is 4. The type of cell as-
(A) Body centred (B) Face centred
(C) Primitive (D) None of these
26 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
Q.64 In an f.c.c. unit cell, atoms are numbered as shown below.
The atoms not touching each other are (Atom numbered 3 a3 3
(C) (D) a3
is face centre of front face). 2 2
Q.67 A crystal formula AB3 has A ions at the cube corners and
B ions at the edge centres. The coordination numbers of A
and B are respectively
(A) 6 and 6 (B) 2 and 6
(C) 6 and 2 (D) 8 and 8
Q.68 A metal crystallizes in two cubic phases, face centred cu-
bic (fcc) and body centred cubic (bcc) whose unit cell
length are 3.5 and 3.0 Å respectively. Calculate the ratio of
(A) 3 & 4 (B) 1 & 3 density of fcc and bcc.
(C) 1 & 2 (D) 2 & 4 (A) 2.123 (B) 1.259
Q.65 Compute the percentage void space per unit volume of (C) 5.124 (D) 3.134
unit cell in zinc fluoride structure. Q.69 A spinel is an important class of oxides consisting of two
(A) 15.03% (B) 22.18% types of metal ions with the oxide ions arranged in ccp
(C) 18.23% (D) 25.07% layers. The normal spinel has 1/8th of the tetrahedral void
Q.66 A rhombohedral unit cell is occupied by one type of metal and one half of the octahe-
shown. What is its volume ? dral voids occupied by another type of metal ions. Such a
Side length = a Å. spinel is formed by Zn2+, Al3+ and O2– with Zn2+ in tetra-
hedral void. Give the simplest formula of the spinel.
a3 3 (A) ZnAl2O4 (B) ZnAl2O3
(A) (B) a3
3 2 (C) ZnAlO (D) None of these

ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE MAY (B) the sphalerite crystal structure is an expanded fcc an-
BE CORRECT ion lattice with cations occupying one type of tetrahedral
 3  (C) in the fluorite crystal structure, cations occupy half the
Q.1 In the fluorite structure if the radius ratio is  2  1 , cubic holes of a primitive cubic array of anions
 
(D) None of these
how many ions does each cation touch ? Q.6 Which of the following crystals have 6 : 6 coordination ?
(A) 4 anions (B) 12 cations (A) NH4I (B) MgO
(C) 8 anions (D) No cations (C) MnO (D) ZnS
Q.2 TiO2(rutile) shows 6 : 3 coordination. Which of the follow- Q.7 Which of the following statement is correct ?
ing solids have a rutile-like structure ? (A) A rutile (TiO2) structure consists of an hcp anion lat-
(A) MnO2 (B) ZnS tice with cations occupying half the octahedral holes
(C) KCl (D) SnO2 (B) the wurtzite structure is derived from an expanded hcp
Q.3 The intermetallic compound LiAg has a cubic crystalline anion array with cation occupying one type of octahedral
structure in which each Li atom has 8 nearest neighbour holes
silver atoms and vice - versa. What is the type of unit cell? (C) in the fluorite structure (CaF2), anions occupy both
(A) Body - centred cubic types of tetrahedral holes in an expanded fcc lattice of
(B) Face - centred Cubic cations
(C) Simple cubic for either Li atoms alone or Ag atoms (D) None of these
alone Q.8 The hcp and ccp structure for a given element would be
(D) None of these expected to have
Q.4 Which of the following compounds represent a normal 2 : (A) the same coordination number
3 spinel structure ? (B) the same density
(A) MgIIAl2IIIO4 (B) CoII(CoIII)2O4 (C) the same packing fraction
(C) Zn(TiZn)O4 (D) Ni(CO)4 (D) all the above
Q.5 Which of the following statements are correct ? Q.9 Which of the following statements are correct ?
(A) the crystal structure of rock salt is an fcc array of an- (A) the coordination number of each type of ion in a CsCl
ions in which the cations occupy all the octahedral holes crystal is eight
(or vice versa) (B) a metal that crystallizes in a bcc structure has a coordi-
nation number of twelve
GyaanSankalp 27
Solid state
(C) a unit cell of an ionic crystal shares some of its ions Statement 2 : The empty space at the centre of six spheres
with other unit cells placed octahedrally is the octahedral void.
(D) the length of the unit cell is NaCl is 552 pm Q.18 Statement 1 : Due to the presence of strong coulombic
(given that rNa+ = 95 pm and rCl– = 181 pm) forces between the ions, and close-packed structure, ionic
Q.10 Choose the correct statements– solids are hard.
(A) Vacancy defects lower the density of the substance Statement 2 : In ionic solids, the shearing stress is different
(B) Interstitial defects increase the density of the substance in different directions.
(C) Schottky defects, preserve the electrical neutrality of Q.19 Statement 1 : The stability of a crystal gets reflected in its
the crystal. melting point.
(D) Frenkel defects do not affect the density of the crystal. Statement 2 : The stability of a crystal depends upon the
Q.11 Pick up the correct statements – strength of the interparticle attractive force. The melting
(A) The ionic crystal of AgBr has Schottky defect point of a solid depends on the strength of the attractive
(B) The unit cell having crystal parameters, a = b  c, force acting between the constitutent particles.
= = 90º, = 120º hexagonal Q.20 Statement 1 : The melting point decreases in the order.
(C) In ionic compounds having Frenkel defect, the ratio Water > ethyl alcohol > diethylether > methane
r+/r– is high Statement 2 : The strength of the intermolecular forces
(D) The coordination number of Na+ ion in NaCl is 4 between these molecules follow the order
Q.12 Select the correct statement (s) Water > ethyl alcohol > diethylether > methane
(A) In NaCl crystal, each ion has an octahedral coordina-
(B) The C.N. of an atom in hcp structure is 12. (Q.21-Q.23)
(C) Diamagnetic materials are attracted by the magnetic Each question contains statements given in two columns
fields. which have to be matched. Statements
(D) An octahedral hole is smaller than a tetrahedral hole. (A, B, C, D) in column I have to be matched with state-
ments (p, q, r, s) in column II.
ASSERTION AND REASON QUESTIONS Q.21 Match the column correctly –
(Q.13-Q.20) Column I Column II
Note : Each question contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) (A) Irregularly in the arrangement (p) SiO44–
and STATEMENT-2 (Reason). Each question has 5 choices of particles in a crystal
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) out of which ONLY ONE is cor- (B) Cubic (q) Potassium
rect. Chloride crystal
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 (C) Tetrahedral (r) Crystal defect
is a correct explanation for Statement-1. (D) Glass (s) Amporphous
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 solid
is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1. Q.22 Match the column correctly –
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False. Column I Column II
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True. (A) Zns Crystal (p) fcc
(E) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is False. (B) CaF2 crystal (q) hcp
Q.13 Statement 1 : In AgCl crystal, frenkel defect can be (C) NaCl crystal (r) Distance between closest
particles is ( 3 / 4) a
Statement 2 : Ag+ is a small sized atom.
Q.14 Statement 1 : Glass is an amorphous material, whereas (D) Diamond crystal (s) Only one type of voids
quartz is a crystalline substance. are occupied
Statement 2 : Glass has only short range order, whereas Q.23 Match the following :
quartz has a long range order. Column-I Column-II
Q.15 Statement 1 : The number of the nearest neighbours of (A) Normal spinel (p) 50% tetrahedral
any constitutent particle is called its coordination number. structure void are & 100% octahedral
Statement 2 : Coordination number of atoms in a cubic unoccupied
close packed structure is 8 (B) inverse spinel (q) 87.5% tetrahedral &
Q.16 Statement 1 : In hexagonal close packing, the third layer structure are occupied 50% octahedral void
duplicates the first layer. (C) Diamond (r) 100% tetrahedral void
Statement 2 : In hcp pattern is AB AB AB ........ are occupied
Q.17 Statement 1 : A tetrahedral void is formed when one sphere (D) Na2O (s) 50% octahedral &
(or particle) is placed in the depression formed by three 87.5% tetrahedral voids
particles placed in a plane. are unoccupied

28 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
PASSAGE BASED QUESTIONS Q.27 In hcp structure, the packing fraction is –
Passage 1- (Q.24-Q.26) (A) 0.68 (B) 0.74
Solids are not perfect in structure. There are different types (C) 0.50 (D) 0.54
of imperfections or defects in them. Point defects and line Q.28 In hexagonal close packing of sphere in three dimensions
defects are common types of defects. Point defects are of (A) In one unit cell there are 12 octahedral voids and all are
three types - stoichiometric defects, impurity defects and completely inside the unit cell
non-stoichiometric defects. Vacancy defects and interstitial (B) In one unit cell there are 6 octahedral voids and all are
defects are the two basic types of stoichiometric point completely inside the unit cell
defects. In ionic solids, these defects are present as Frenkel (C) In one unit cell there are 6 oxtahdral void and of which
and Schottky defects. Impurity defects are caused by the three are completely inside the unit cell and other three are
presence of an impurity in the crystal. In ionic solids, when from contributions of octahedral voids which are partially
the ionic impurity has a different valence than the main inside the unit cell
compound, some vacancies are created. Nonstoichiometric (D) In one unit cell there are 12 tetrahedral voids, all are
defects are of metal excess type and metal deficient type. completely inside the unit cell
Sometimes calculated amounts of impurities are introduced Q.29 How many six fold axis of symmetry does a hexagonal
by doping in semiconductors that change their electrical closed packing have –
properties. Such materials are widely used in electronics (A) 2 (B) 3
industry. Solids show many types of magnetic properties (C) 1 (D) 4
like paramagnetism, diamagnetism, ferromagnetism, Passage 3- (Q.30-Q.31)
antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism. Solids have definite mass, volume and shape. This is due
Q.24 The presence of Frenkel defects in a crystal ........ its density to the fixed position of their constituent particles, short
(A) decreases (B) increases distances and strong interactions between them. In
(C) does not change amorphous solids, the arrangement of constituent particles
(D) increases or decreases depends on material has only short range order and consequently they behave
Q.25 A group 13 element if added in small amounts to germanium, like super cooled liquids, do not have sharp melting points
one gets, and are isotropic in nature. In crystalline solids there is
(A) n-type (B) p-type semiconductors long range order in the arrangement of their constituent
(C) insulator (D) rectifier particles. They have sharp melting points, are anisotropic
Q.26 An atom containing an odd number of electrons is – in nature and their particles have characteristic shapes.
(A) paramagnetic (B) diamagnetic Properties of crystalline solids depend upon the nature of
(C) ferromagnetic (D) anti-ferromagnetic interactions between their constituent particles. On this
basis, they can be divided into four categories, namely:
Passage 2- (Q.27-Q.29) molecular, ionic, metallic and covalent solids. They differ
Close-packing of particles result in two highly efficient widely in their properties.
lattices, hexagonal close-packed (hcp) and cubic close- Q.30 The material that softens on heating to finally flow like a
packed (ccp). The latter is also called facecentred cubic liquid is –
(fcc) lattice. In both of these packings 74% space is filled. (A) liquid (B) crystalline solid
The remaining space is present in the form of two types of (C) amorphous solid (D) polycrystalline solid
voids-octahedral voids and tetrahedral voids. Other types Q.31 Amorphous silica is used in
of packing are not close-packings and have less efficient (A) conductivity cell
packing of particles. While in body-centred cubic lattice (B) photoelectric cell
(bcc) 68% space is filled, in simple cubic lattice only 52.4 % (C) standard hydrogen electrode
space is filled. (D) None of these
Q.32 Which one of the following is a pseudo solid ?
(A) CaF2 (B) Glass
(C) NaCl (D) All
SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS with in your unit cell ? What is the formula of salt ?
Q.1 Calculate : (i) The P.F. and (ii) The density of diamond. Q.3 One unit cell of a mineral is composed of A+2 and C–2 and
B+n. A+2 ions at corners, C–2 ions at face centres and B+n
at the centre of the cube are present. What is the oxidation
Q.2 number (+n) of B+n ion.
Q.4 As determined by X-ray methods, the side length of the
unit cell of NaCl crystal is 0.5827 nm. The density of this
Pattern shown is a two dimensional model of a crystal. crystal is 2.165 g/cc. Calculate the percentage of NaCl units
Small spheres represent cation A and larger spheres repre- missing from the unit cell.
sent anion B. Sketch two unit cells. How many ions are
GyaanSankalp 29
Solid state
Q.5 Titanium oxide crystallises with Ti ion in one-half of Q.11 Calcium metal has a face-centred cubic unit cell with a side
octahderal holes in ccp array of oxide ions. What is the of 5.56 Å. Calculate the Avogadro number if the density of
formula of the compound ? the metal is 1.54 gms cm–3. (At. wt. of Ca = 40.0)
Q.6 In crystalline solid, anions C are arranged in cubic close- Q.12 The face diagonal of a cubic close packed unit-cell is 4Å.
packing, cation A occupy 50% of the tetrahedral voids and What is its face length ?
cation B occupy 50% of octahedral voids. What is the Q.13 Sodium bromide has a unit cell edge of 5.97 Å. It has a FCC
formula of the solid ? lattice similar to NaCl. Calculate its electro-static energy.
Q.7 A solid contains A+ and B– ions. The structure of solid is Q.14 Tungsten has a bcc lattice. If the density of the metal is
fcc for B– ions and A+ ions are present in one fourth of 19.30 gms cm–3 calculate its metallic radius. (At. wt. of
tetrahedral voids as well as in one fourth of octahedral Tungsten = 183.9).
voids. What is the simplest formula of solid ? Q.15 Tungsten has a density of 19.35 g cm–3 and the length of
Q.8 Silver crystallises in a cubic closest packed arrangement the side of the unit cell is 316 pm. The unit cell in the most
with edge of the unit cell having a length of 407 pm. What important crystalline form of tungsten is the body-centred
is the radius in pico meters (pm) of Ag atom ? cubic unit-cell. How many atoms of the element does 50 g
Q.9 If the radius of a rubedium atom is 248 pm and the lattice of the element contain.
type is body centred cubic, what is its density? Q.16 Calculate the number of atoms in a cubic based unit-cell
Q.10 A metal crystallizes into two cubic phases, face-centred having one atom on each corner and two atoms one each
cubic (fcc) and body centred cubic (bcc) whose unit-cell body diagonal.
lengths are 3.5 and 3.0Å respectively. Calculate the ratio of Q.17 Sodium metal crystallizes in body-centred cubic lattice with
the densities of fcc and bcc. cell edge a = 4.29Å. What is the radius of sodium atom ?

PREVIOUS YEAR IIT-JEE QUESTIONS Q.7 Read the following statement and explanation and answer
Q.1 CsBr has bcc structure with edge length 4.3. The shortest as per the options given below:
inter ionic distance in between Cs+ and Br– is: [1995] Assertion: In any ionic solid [MX] with Schottky defects,
(A) 3.72 (B) 1.86 the number of positive and negative ions are same.
(C) 7.44 (D) 4.3 Reason: Equal number of cation and anion vacancies are
Q.2 Chromium metal crystallizes with a body centred cubic lat- present. [2001]
tice. The length of the unit cell edge is found to be 287 pm. (A) If both assertion and reason are correct, and reason
Calculate the atomic radius. What would be the density of is the correct explanation of the assertion.
chromium in gl/m3? [1997] (B) If both assertion and reason are correct, but reason is
Q.3 Which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?[1998] not the correct explanation of the assertion. 2.
(A) The coordination number of each type of ion in CsCl (C) If assertion is correct, but reason is incorrect
crystal is 8. (D) If assertion is incorrect, but reason is correct
(B) A metal that crystallizes in bcc structure has a coordina- Q.8 A substance AxBy crystallizes in a face centred cubic (fcc)
tion number of 12. lattice in which atoms 'A' 'occupy each corner of the cube
(C) A unit cell of an ionic crystal shares some of its ions and atoms 'B' occupy the centres of each face of the cube.
with other unit cells. Identify the correct composition of the substance AxBy
(D) The length of the unit cell in NaCl is 552 pm. (A) AB3 (B) A4B3
(rNa+ = 95pm, rCl– =181 pm). (C) A3B
Q.4 The coordination number of a metal crystallizing in a ,hex- (D) Composition cannot be specified [2002]
agonal close-packed structure is [1999] Q.9 You are given marbles of diameter 10 mm. They are to be
(A) 12 (B) 4 placed such that their centres are lying in a square bound
(C) 8 (D) 6 by four lines each of length 40 mm. What will be the ar-
Q.5 A metal crystallises into two cubic phases, face centered rangements of marbles in a plane so that maximum number
cubic (fcc) and body centred cubic (bcc), whose unit cell of marbles can be placed inside the area? Sketch the dia-
lengths are 3.5 and 3.0 Å, respectively, Calculate the ratio of gram and derive expression for the number of molecules per
densities of fcc and bcc. [1999] unit area. [2003]
Q.6 In a solid 'AB' having the NaCI structure, 'A' atoms occupy Q.10 A compound A8 has rock salt type structure. The formula
the corners of the cubic unit cell. If all the face-centered weight of AB is 6.023 Y amu, and the closest A - B distance
atoms along one of the axes are removed, then the resultant is Y1/3 nm, where Y is an arbitrary number. [2004]
stoichiometry of the solid is [2001] (a) Find the density of lattice. .
(A) AB2 (B) A2B (b) If the density of lattice is found to be 20 kg m–3, then
(C) A4B3 (D) A3B4 predict the type of defect.

30 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
Q.11 In which of the following crystals alternate tetrahedral voids Paragraph for Question Nos. 14 to 16 [2008]
are occupied? [2005] In hexagonal systems of crystals, a frequently encountered
(A) NaCl (B) ZnS arrangement of atoms is described as a hexagonal prism.
(C) CaF2 (D) Na2O Here, the top and bottom of the cell are regular hexagons
Q.12 The edge length of unit cell of a metal having molecular and three atoms are sandwiched in between them. A space-
weight 75 g/mol is 5A which crystallizes in cubic lattice. If filling model of this structure, called hexagonal close-packed
the density is 2 gm/cm3 then find the radius of metal atom (hcp), is constituted of a sphere on a flat surface surrounded
(NA = 6 × 1023). Give the answer in pm. [2006] in the same plane by six identical spheres as closely as
Q.13 Match the crystal system/unit cells mentioned in Column I possible. Three spheres are then placed over the first layer
with their characteristic features mentioned in Column II. so that they touch each other and represent the second
[2007] layer. Each one of these three spheres touches three spheres
Column I Column II of the bottom layer. Finally, the second layer is covered
(A) Simple cubic and face-centered (p) have these cell with a third layer that is identical to the bottom layer in
cubic parameters relative position. Assumed radius of every sphere to be ‘r’.
(B) cubic and rhombohedral (q)are two crystal Q.14 The number of atoms on this hcp unit cell is
systems (A) 4 (B) 6
(C) cubic and tetragonal (r) have only two (C) 12 (D) 17
crystallo-graphic Q.15 The volume of this hcp unit cell is
angles of 90° (A) 24 2r 3 (B) 16 2r 3
(D) hexagonal and monoclinic (s) belong to same
crystal system (C) 12 2r 3 (D) 64r 3 / 3 3
Q.16 The empty space in this hcp unit cell is
(A) 74% (B) 47.6%
(C) 32% (D) 26%

GyaanSankalp 31
Solid state
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Q 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Q 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Q 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Q 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Q 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
Q 67 68 69
(13) (C). ccp lattice = fcc lattice
3 3
(1) (B). For bcc, r = a= × 4.29 = 1.86 Å 1 1
4 4  Zcu = 8 × 8 + 6 × = 4
(2) (D). In graphite, the carbon atoms are arranged in regular 2
hexagons in flat parallel layers and this fact is responsible 1
for its softness and lubricating action. ZAg = 12 × =3
(3) (B). Since in body centre cubic, the body diagonal
(Each edge centered atom is contributed by 4 unit cell)
= 3a  3  400pm = 692.82 pm or say 693 pm ZAu = 1
(6) (B). The volume of the unit cell  Formula of alloy = Cu4 Ag3 Au
= (2.88 Å)3 = 23.9 × 10–24 cm3. (16) (C). Hexagonal close packing contains 6 atoms per unit
cell and hence the number of octahedral voids per unit cell
m 100 is 6.Hence, number of A atoms per unit cell = 6
The volume of 100 g of the metal = = = 13.9 cm3
 7.20
Number of unit cells in this volume and number of C atoms per unit cell = 6 × =4
13.9 cm3 The formula of ionic compound is given as simplest for-
= = 5.82 × 1023 mula and hence formula is C2A3.
23.9  10 24 cm3
(21) (C). Molecular solids are the substances having molecules
(8) (D). In a simple cubic system, number of atoms a = 2r
as constituent units having interparticle forces such as
Volume occupied by one atom Vander Waal’s forces or hydrogen bonds.
 Packing fraction =
Volume of unit cell (27) (C). In rock salt structure, atoms at the corner are also
present at the face centres and hence
4 3 4 3
r r 1 1
3 3  ZQ = 8 × +6× =4
= 3 = 3 = 6 8 2
a (2r)
And, the atoms at body centre also present at edge cen-
ZM tres. But from question, body centres are missing and hence
(9) (A). For b.c.c., Z = 2, Now, d = and V = a3
NV 1
ZP = 12 × = 3.
2  56
 d= = 7.92 g ml–1  Formula of resulting solid - P3Q4.
(6.02  10 )  (2.861 10 8 ) 3
(28) (B). Graphite is a covalent solid having sp2 hybridised
carbon atoms.

32 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
(29) (C). The value of Z for a bcc unit cell is 2. (49) (C). One-eight of each corner atom (Au) and one-half of
Volume V = (4.24 A)3 each face-centred atom (Cu) are contained with in the unit
ZM 2  23 cell of the compound.
 = = = 1.00 g/cm3
NV (6.023  10 )  (4.24 10 8 )3
23 1
Thus, the number of Au atoms per unit cell = 6 × = 3. The
(32) (D). Amorphus solids neither have ordered arrangement formula of the compound is AuCu3.
(i.e. no definite shape) nor have sharp melting point like (50) (C). Since tetrahedral holes are surrounded by 4 nearest
cyrstals, but when heated, they become soft until they neighbours. So, the C.N. of cation occupying tetrahedral
assume the properties usually related to liquid. It is there- hole is 4. Since octahedral hole is surrounded by six near-
fore they are regarded as super cooled liquids. est neighbours. So, C.N. of cation occupying octahedral is
(37) (B). In an fcc system, number of atoms in the unit cell is , 6. In schottky a pair of anion and cation leaves the lattice.
So, density of lattice decreases.
At the corners 8× =1 (53) (D). The vacant spaces between the spheres in closed
8 packed structure is called void. The voids are of two types,
1 tetrahedral voids and octahedral voids. Also radius of tet-
At the face centres 6 × =3 rahedral voids and octahedral voids are r void = 0.225 ×
rsphere and rvoid = 0.411 × rsphere respectively. Thus, octa-
Total = 4
hedral void is larger than tetrahedral void.
For each atom there is one octahedral void and two
tetrahedral voids. (55) (B). Bragg’s equation is n  = 2d sin 
(39) (A). For fcc lattice (56) (B). The number of atoms present in sc, fcc and bcc unit
cell are 1, 4, 2 respectively.
4r = 2 a ; where a = 620 pm (58) (C). The close packing in the crystal is 0.52, 0.68 and 0.74
1 1 for simple cubic, bcc, and fcc respectively i.e. the close
or r = ×a= × 620 pm = 219.20 pm. packing is maximum is fcc.
2 2 2 2
(59) (A). Consider one tetrahedral void. If the side length of the
Z M tetrahedron is  and if d is the distance from the centre to
(41) (A).  = ; Here, M = 108, NA = 6.023 × 1023 the corner, then
N  a3
Put on these values and solving we get-  1 4
2 = 2d2 – 2d2 cos  = 2d2  1   = × 2d2
a = 409 pm = 4.09 × 10–8 cm,  = 10.5 g/cm2  3  3
z = 4 = number of atoms per unit cell.
So, the structure of the crystal lattice is fcc. 8
= d, but if a is the side length of the unit cell
(43) (C). An atom at the corner of a cube is shared among 8 unit 3
cells. As there are 8 corners in a cube, number of corner
1 = and d = r1 + r2, where r1 is the radius of the corner
atom (A) per unit cell = 8 × = 1. 2
atom and r2 the radius of the void.
A face-centered atom in a cube is shared by two unit cells.
As there are 6 faces in a cube, number of face centred 8 a
 (r1 + r2) = ,
1 3 2
atoms (B) per unit cell = 6 × = 3.
2 a 3 3a
An atom in the body of the cube is not shared by other  r1 + r2 = × =
2 8 4
 Number of atoms (C) at the body centre per unit cell = 1  a
Hence, the formula of the solid is AB3C. but  = 2r1.  r1 = =
2 2 2
(44) (A). It is based on the definition of the cubic lattice.
(45) (C). The hexagonal close packing and the face-centred 3a 2a a
cubic system have the closest packing as their packing  r2 = – = ( 3 – 2)
4 4 4
efficiency is 74 %.
For the octahedral void, if the radius of the void is r3 ,
(47) (A). For a face-centred cube, we have.
then 2 (r1 + r3) = a
2a 2  0.361 a a
radius = = nm = 0.128 r1 + r3 = ,  r3 = – r1
4 4 2 2
(48) (B). Crystal defects are refferred as Frenkel and Schottsky

GyaanSankalp 33
Solid state
 a  a  a 2 
= –
a a

2 2 a  c =
2 i
2 3
j +
3 k
2 2 2 4 4 4   
 ratio of the sizes of tetrahedral to octahedral voids  a .( b × c )
3 2 
1.732  1.414 0.318 a 0 0
= a = = = 0.543 a a 3 3 2 a3
2  1.414 0.586 0 = a3 ×

2 2  =
2 2 2
a a a 2
3 2 2 3 3
(62) (D). AO = OB = a=
2 (67) (C).
 a2 = 22 – 22 cos 
a2 = 22(1 – cos )
Co  ordination of cation
3 Co  ordination no of anion
a2 = a2 (1 – cos )
charge of cation 3
2 = charge of anion = = 3
 1 – cos  = 1
Now Co-ordination no. of A is as shown so of B is 2.
1 n  Mm
cos  = ,   = 70º32’
3 (68) (B).  =
NA  a3
ZM For fcc centred cubic cell n = 4, a = 3.5 Å
(63) (A). We know that,  =
NV 4  Mm
 (fcc) = N  (3.5)3 ................. (i)
4  (21.76g mol ) A
= For bcc lattice
(6.023 1023 mol1 ) (6.81 4.43  7.17 10 24 cm 3 )
n = 2, a = 3.0 Å
= 0.668 g cm–3
(64) (C). Atoms along one edge or at corners do not touch each 2  mm
(bcc) = ................. (ii)
other in fcc cell. N A  (3.0)3
(65) (D). Anions occupy fcc positions and half of the tetrahe- From equations (i) and (ii)
dral holes are occupied by cations. Since there are four
anions and 8 tetrahedral holes per unit cell, the fraction of (fcc) 4 33 4333
volume occupied by spheres per unit volume of the unit   = × 3 = = 1.259
(bcc) 2 (3.5) 2  3.5  3.5  3.5
cell is
(69) (A). Let the no. of tetrahedral voids = a
4  1 4    r 3 
4   ra3    8   rc3   c
No. of octahedral voids = a/2
=  3  2  3  = 1     1/8 th tetrahedral voids is occupied by Zn2+
3 3 2 r
  a  
16 2ra  No. of Zn2+ = a/8
1/2 of octahedral voids occupied by Al3+
 for tetrahedral holes, r = 0.225 a a
a  No. of Al3+ = =
2 2 4
Ratio of Zn2+ : Al3+

= {1 + (0.225)3} = 0.7493 1 : 2
3 2 For 1 mole Zn2+, Al3+ = 2
 Void volume = 1 – 0.7493 = 0.2507/unit volume of unit cell. Total +ve charge = 2 + 3 × 2 = 8  No. of O2– = 4
% void space = 25.07%  The simplest formula will be ZnAl2O4
    
(66) (C). The volume is a . ( b × c ). Take a = a . i
  a  a 3 
Now b = (a cos ) i + (a sin ) j = i + j
2 2

34 GyaanSankalp
Solid state
(1) (BC). In flourite structure, cations form the lattice & an- (23) (A)  q ; (B)  r ; (C)  p ; (D)  r
ions occupy each of tetrahedral voids. Normal spinel Structure : (AB2O4)
(2) (AD) (3) (AC) no of A+2 in tetraheral void = 1
(4) (AB) (5) (ABC) no of A+3 in octaheral void = 2
(6) (AB) (7) (ABC)
(8) (AC) (9) (AC) 1 1
th of the tetraheral & of the oclaheral void are occu-
(10) (ABCD). 8 2
(A) Vacancy defects lower the density of the substance pied.
(B) Interstitial defects increase the density of the substance Inversespinel structure :
(C) Schottky defects, preserve the electrical neutrality of no. of A+2 in octahedral void = 1
the crystal. no. of A+3 in tetrahedral void = 1
(D) Frenkel defects do not affect the density of the crystal. no. of A+3 in octahedral void = 1
Hence all statements are correct. 1
(11) (BC) (12) (AB) Thus of the octahedral & of the tetrahedral void are
2 8
(13) (A) (14) (B)
(15) (C) (16) (A) occupied
(17) (B) (18) (B) Diamond - Alternate tetrahedral void are occupied.
(19) (A). The stability of a crystal depends upon the strength Na2O – All tetrahedral void are occupied.
of the interparticle attractive force. The melting point of a (24) (C) (25) (B) (26) (A)
solid depends on the strength of the attractive force acting (27) (B)
between the constitutent particles. Therefore, the stability (28) (B). hcp = AB AB AB ........... pattern repeat
of a crystal gets reflected in its melting point. 1
(20) (A). Assuming that the melting poins are mainly affected No. of tetrahedral voids = 3 + 1 + ×6=6
by the intermolecular forces, the strength of the
So in one complete unit cell total tetrahedral voilds = 12,
intermolecular forces between these molecues follow the
out of which 8 are completely inside but rest are shared by
other unit cells.
Water > ethyl alcohol > diethylether > methane.
Octahedral voids = 3 = represented by (x).
Hence, the melting point decreases in the order.
So total octahedral voids = 6 = All are completely inside.
Water > ethyl alcohol > diethylether > methane.
(29) (C) (30) (C)
(21) (A)  r, (B)  q, (C)  p, (D)  s
(31) (B) (32) (B)
(22) (A)  pqrs, (B)  prs, (C)  ps, (D)  prs

(1) (i) Effective number of atoms in the diamond cubic unit cell
12  1.660 1027  8
1 1 = = 4400 kg m–3 = 4.4 gcm–3
= × 8 (corner atoms) + × 6 (3.57  1010 )3
8 2
(FC atoms) + 1 × 4 (atoms fully within the unit cell) = 8. (2) fcc = 4, bcc = 2, AB (3) +4
(4) In a unit cell of NaCl, the number of Na+Cl– units are 4.
4 4 a 3 nM
Volume of each atom =  r3 =    Density of the crystal =
3 3  8  a3N
where ‘r’ is the radius of the atom and ‘a’ is the lattice n is the number of Na+Cl– units in the unit cell.
d  a3  N
Volume of atoms in unit cell n=
P.F. = Volume of unit cell
2.165  (0.5627  10 7 )3  6.023  1023
= = 3.969
4 a 3
8     Number of missing Na+Cl– units = 4 – 3.969 = 0.031
3  8 
= = 0.34 0.031
a3 % of missing Na+Cl– units = × 100 = 0.775
Mass of atoms in unit ell
(ii) Density =
Volume of unit cell (5) TiO2 with Ti+4 (6) A2BC2

GyaanSankalp 35
Solid state
(7) The structure is fcc for B– and hence Electrostatic energy
1 1 e2 (4.8  10 10 ) 2
ZB = 8 × + 6 × = 4. =– =– = – 10.92 × 10–12 ergs.
8 2 r 2.11  10 8
fcc contains 8 tetrahedral voids and four octahedral voids (14) Let the unit cell edge = a Å
per unit cell and hence. Volume of unit cell = a3 × 10–24 cm3
1 1 This volume is occupied by two tungsten atoms
ZA = 8 × + 4 × = 3. Volume by one mole of W atoms
4 4
 formula of solid = A3 B4. a 3 1024  6.023 1023
(8) 144 pm (9) 1.51 g/cm3 = cm3
(10) 1.26
(11) Unit cell volume = (5.56 × 10–8)3 = 171.88 × 10–24 cm3 183.9  2 10
Density of W = g.cm3
40 a 3  6.023
Volume of 1 mole of Ca = = 25.974 cm3
1.54 183.9  2  10
Number of unit cells per mole a3 = = 31.64 Å or a = 3.163 Å
6.023 19.30
25.974 In a bcc arrangement, the atoms at the corner of a unit cell
= = 1.511 × 1023
171.88 10 24 are in contact with the atom at the centre of the cell. Thus
the metallic radius will be equal to one quarter of the length
Since there are four atoms per unit cell,
of a body diagonal of the cell.
Avogadro number = 1.511 × 1023 × 4 = 6.04 × 1023
(12) 2.83Å Length of body diagonal = 3a 2 Å = 30.01 = 5.479 Å
(13) For an FCC structure.
unit cell edge, a = 8 r where r is the radius of the atom Metallic radius = = 1.37 Å.
a 5.97 108 (15) 1.614 ×1023 atoms (16) 9 atoms
or r = = = 2.11 Å (17) 1.8576 Å
8 2.8284

(10) (a) 5.0 kg/m3, (b) metal excess defect
(1) (A) (2) 124.27 pm, 7.30 g/ml (11) (A) (12) 217 pm
(3) (ACD) (4) (A) (13) (A)  p, s ; (B)  p, q ; (C)  q ; (D)  q, r
(5) 1.259 (6) (D) (14) (B) (15) (A)
(7) (A) (8) (A) (16) (D)
(9) 25

36 GyaanSankalp

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