Ampatuan Case Digest

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G.R. No.

190259 June 7, 2011


HON. RONALDO PUNO, in his capacity as Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local
Government and alter-ego of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and anyone acting in his stead and
on behalf of the President of the Philippines, ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES (AFP), or any of
their units operating in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), and PHILIPPINE
NATIONAL POLICE, or any of their units operating in ARMM, Respondents.



 November 24, 2009- the day after the gruesome massacre of 57 men and women, including some news
o Proclamation 1946 (Pres. Gloria) placing: "the Provinces of Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat and
the City of Cotabato under a state of emergency."
 She directed the AFP and PNP "to undertake such measures as may be allowed by the
Constitution and by law to prevent and suppress all incidents of lawless violence" in the
named places.
 November 27 – (P. Gloria) AO 273 "transferring" supervision of the ARMM from the Office of the President
to the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).
o But, due to issues raised over the terminology used in AO 273, the President issued AO 273-A
amending the former, by "delegating" instead of "transferring" supervision of the ARMM to the
 PETITIONERS filed this petition for prohibition under Rule 65
o Proclamation 1946 as well as AOs 273 and 273-A be declared unconstitutional and that respondents DILG Secretary,
the AFP, and the PNP be enjoined from implementing them

 WON Proclamation 1946 and AOs 273 and 273-A violate the principle of local autonomy under Section
16, Article X of the Constitution, and Section 1, Article V of the Expanded ARMM Organic Act;
o NO. The DILG Sec. did not take over the administration or operations of the ARMM
 DILG merely acted as the alter ego of the President
 WON President Arroyo invalidly exercised emergency powers when she called out the AFP and the PNP
to prevent and suppress all incidents of lawless violence in Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat, and Cotabato
o NO.
 The President did not proclaim a national emergency, only a state of emergency in the
three places mentioned.
 she did not act pursuant to any law enacted by Congress that authorized her to exercise
extraordinary powers.
 The calling out of the armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence in such places
is a power that the Constitution directly vests in the President. She did not need a
congressional authority to exercise the same.
 Section 18, Article VII of the Constitution
o The President shall be the Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the
Philippines and whenever it becomes necessary, he may call out such
armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion.
 WON the President had factual bases for her actions.
o YES. Since petitioners are not able to demonstrate that the proclamation of state of emergency
in the subject places and the calling out of the armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless
violence there have clearly no factual bases, the Court must respect the President’s actions.
 They simply alleged that, since not all areas under the ARMM were placed under a state
of emergency, it follows that the takeover of the entire ARMM by the DILG Secretary had
no basis too.
 The Court may inquire into the factual bases for the President’s exercise of the above
power, it would generally defer to her judgment on the matter
 If the petitioner fails, by way of proof, to support the assertion that the President acted
without factual basis, then this Court cannot undertake an independent investigation
beyond the pleadings.
 The factual necessity of calling out the armed forces is not easily quantifiable and cannot be
objectively established since matters considered for satisfying the same is a combination of several
factors which are not always accessible to the courts. Besides the absence of textual standards that
the court may use to judge necessity, information necessary to arrive at such judgment might also
prove unmanageable for the courts. Certain pertinent information might be difficult to verify, or wholly
unavailable to the courts. In many instances, the evidence upon which the President might decide
that there is a need to call out the armed forces may be of a nature not constituting technical proof.
 On the other hand, the President, as Commander-in-Chief has a vast intelligence network to gather
information, some of which may be classified as highly confidential or affecting the security of the
state. In the exercise of the power to call, on-the-spot decisions may be imperatively necessary in
emergency situations to avert great loss of human lives and mass destruction of property. Indeed,
the decision to call out the military to prevent or suppress lawless violence must be done swiftly and
decisively if it were to have any effect at all. x x x.
 Integrated Bar of the Philippines v. Hon. Zamora - it is clearly to the President that the
Constitution entrusts the determination of the need for calling out the armed forces to
prevent and suppress lawless violence. Unless it is shown that such determination was
attended by grave abuse of discretion, the Court will accord respect to the President’s

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