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An RF Amplifier for a

FM - Radio Receiver
88-108 MHz
Hongwu Tong E98
Fredrik Sverin E99

Radio Project 2003

Electroscience, Lund University
An input amplifier for a FM-radio receiver with RF selection (88-108
MHz) has been designed in the radio project. It has about 25 dB gain
in the frequency rang 88-108 MHz. Mirror frequency rejection is
between 5 dB to 9 dB. Noise figure is about 7 dB at resonant
frequency. The amplifier works well, when it is connected to the rest
of circuits to receive FM broadcast signals.


1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 4
2 PROJECT DESIGN ........................................................................................ 5
2.1 TRANSISTOR SELECTION ........................................................................... 5
2.2 S-PARAMETERS MEASUREMENT............................................................... 7
2.3 PROPERTY OF THE TRANSISTOR ................................................................ 8
2.4 TRANSISTOR BIASING ............................................................................. 10
2.5 FREQUENCY SELECTION ......................................................................... 11
2.6 COMPLETE DESIGN CIRCUIT ................................................................... 12
3 MEASUREMENT AND RESULT .............................................................. 13
3.1 GAIN ....................................................................................................... 13
3.2 COMPRESSION POINT .............................................................................. 14
3.3 THIRD ORDER INTERCEPT POINT ............................................................ 15
3.4 NOISE FIGURE......................................................................................... 17
4 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................. 18
5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ 18
6 REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 18

1 Introduction
The input amplifier with RF selection (88-108 MHz) should have low
noise, high gain and frequency selection. The specification of the
amplifier is as follows:

1 low noise, maximum 2dB more than Fmin

2 gain: Gt ≥ |S21|2
3 mirror frequency rejection: 20 dB
4 generator impedance: 50Ω
5 load impedance: 50Ω

In order to fulfill the specification, an appropriate transistor was first

chosen and its S-parameters were measured. The input stage has been
designed by using a common-emitter amplifier. To compromise
between gain and noise, an appropriate operating point is necessary.
The amplifier has an inductor tap parallel resonant circuit at its
collector to restore the amplifier gain. The frequency of the parallel
resonant circuit can be shifted by changing the value of the parallel
capacitor. The detail of the project design will be described in chapter
2. Different measurements and results can be found in chapter 3,
followed by the conclusion in chapter 4. Chapter 5 is
acknowledgement and reference is in chapter 6.

2 Project Design

2.1 Transistor Selection

In the project, BFR92A transistor is used. It has high power gain, low
noise figure and low intermodulation distortion. To compromise
between gain and noise, an appropriate operating point should be first
considered. From figure 1 (gain as a function of collector current),
figure 2 (gain as a function of frequency) and figure 3 (minimum noise
figure as a function of frequency), an appropriate operating point was
decided. IC = 10mA, VCE = 10V. The values of Fmin and opt for the
operating point are not available in the datasheet, but from circles of
constant noise figure for other operating points, one can see that Fmin
in the project is between 1.7 dB and 2.4 dB.

Figure 1: Gain as a function of collector current

Figure 2: Gain as a function of frequency

Figure 3: Minimum noise figure as a function of frequency

for VCE = 10 V

2.2 S-Parameters Measurement
After the decision of the operating point, the S-parameters of the
transistor have been measured. The setup of the measurement is shown
in figure 4.


Figure 4: The setup of the S-parameters measurement (page 97 in [2])

From the Network Analyser, one can see the S-parameters from
frequency 75 MHz to 150 MHz. The S-parameters diagram is shown
in figure 5.

Figure 5: S-parameters of the transistor between 75 MHz and 150 MHz

From the S-parameters of the transistor, the stability of the transistor at
the operating point can be checked. K = 0.41 and the |∆| = 0.64 at
frequency 100 MHz, where ∆ = S11 · S22 – S12 · S21 and
K = (1 - |S11|2 - |S22|2 + |∆|2) / (2 · |S12 · S21|). The transistor is only
conditionally stable at the operating point, since K < 1. The maximum
stable gain is calculated to ensure that the transistor is capable of
providing the gain specified above. Since GMSG = |S21 / S12| = 30.22 dB,
the gain of the amplifier could be at least |S21|2 = 25.83 dB, so the
specification could be fulfilled.

2.3 Property of the Transistor

By using Matlab simulation program, the property of the transistor is
investigated. The input stability circle and output stability circle are
shown in figure 6.

Output stable area

Input stable area

Figure 6: Input stability circle and output stability circle

In order to find the stable areas for output and input, the point Γ = 0 is
chosen. If ΓS = 0, then ΓL = |S22| < 1. If ΓL = 0, then ΓS = |S11| < 1. The
stable areas for input and output can also be found in figure 6.

The input amplifier should have high gain and low noise, but the
maximum gain is seldom obtained for the same source impedance that
gives the minimum noise figure. Compromising between gain and
noise figure should be made. Different gain circles are simulated and
shown in figure 7.

Available gain circle at 28 dB

Available gain circle at 26 dB

Available gain circle at 25 dB

Figure 7: Different available gain circles

Since Fmin, opt and rn for the operating point are not available in the
technical data for BFR92A, some approximation values are chosen to
investigate the noise property of the transistor. Fmin = 2.30dB,
Γopt = 0.22 + 0.09i, rn = 0.440. Different noise circles are shown in
figure 8.

Noise circle at 2.5 dB

Noise circle at 2.9 dB

Noise circle at 4.3 dB Optimal noise point

Figure 8: Different noise circles of the transistor

If one choose ΓS = 0.2517 - 0.4340i, ΓL will be in the output stable
area, which is shown in figure 9. ZL = 247 + 113i Ω.

Available gain circle at 25 dB

Noise circle at 4.3 dB

Output stable area ΓL

Input stable area


Figure 9: Complete analyse circles of the transistor

From this simulation, one can get some feelings about the transistor.
Some modification has been made, when real circuit is designed.

2.4 Transistor Biasing

It is a very important part of the design, because the biasing circuit
forces the transistor into desired operating point. The desired
properties of the transistor can only be kept if the biasing circuit can
maintain the operating point independent of temperature. The biasing
circuit must be designed in such a way that it does not change gain,
noise figure and stability of the design.

There are some different biasing circuits: current driven biasing,

voltage driven biasing and active biasing. In the project, a current
driven biasing circuit is used which is shown in figure 10. It has
moderate bias stability, less sensitive to current gain and high loop
gain. The values of the components are: RC = 180 Ω, RB1 = 6.53 kΩ,
RB2 = 2.28 kΩ, RB3 = 18.5 kΩ. VCC = 12V.

VCC +12V





Figure 10: Biasing circuit

2.5 Frequency Selection

The input amplifier should have high gain in the frequency range 88-
108 MHz. It can be realised by using Butterworth or Chebyshev band
pass filter, but the order of such filter is very high, if the mirror
frequency should be rejected. Such filter can not be used in a real life
because of the dominate parasite effects in the components at high

In the project, a parallel resonant circuit is used to select the frequency,

which can be shifted by changing the value of the capacitor. In order to
get high Q value, the load is connected to an inductor tap, which is
wired at the lab. L = 79.4 nH. C can be changed between 5-56 pF. The
parallel resonant circuit with inductor tap is shown in figure 11.


Figure 11: The parallel resonant circuit

2.6 Complete Design Circuit
The complete circuit is shown in figure 12. In order to isolate the
signal design from the bias design, a RFC (radio frequency choke) is
used, which provides a high impedance path at high frequencies.

Figure 12: The complete circuit

3 Measurement and Result
3.1 Gain
Figure 13 shows a measurement of the amplifier circuit with a network
analyser from 60 MHz to 160 MHz. In the window showing the
parameter S21, there are two markers, one for 88 MHz, which are the
resonance frequency that are chosen, and the other is the mirror
frequency at 109.4 MHz. This resulted in a difference in gain of 9 dB.
In the specification it should have been 20 dB, but it wasn’t possible
for this construction to achieve. There was also a change in gain for S21
between different resonance frequencies, which are to be seen in table

Frequency (MHz) Gain S21 (dB)

88 25.3
100 25
108 24.7
Table 1: Gain S21 for different frequency

Figure 13: Result of gain measurement

3.2 Compression Point
Checking of the design was also made. First there was a measurement
of the compression point at different frequencies, 88 MHz, 100 MHz,
and 108 MHz, which are to be seen in figure 14, 15, and 16
respectively, and the compression points for the different frequencies
can be viewed in table 2. These figures are measured with power
sweep in the network analyser.

Frequency (MHz) Compression point (dBm)

88 -9.25
100 -8.75
108 -9.13
Table 2: Compression point for different frequency

Figure 14: Compression point for 88 MHz

Figure 15: Compression point for 100 MHz

Figure 16: Compression point for 108 MHz

3.3 Third Order Intercept Point

There was also a measuring of the third order intercept point, which
was measured with the help of two signal generators a combiner, and a
spectrum analyser, which can be viewed in figure 17.

Figure 17: Setup for IIP3 measurement

Two strong signals f1 and f2 with equal magnitude are present in the
input of the amplifier. When the two signals are strong enough, 3rd
order intermodulation products will be appeared at the frequency
2f1 - f2 and 2f2 - f1, which are shown in figure 18.

f1 f2



Figure 18: Measurement of the third order interception point

There were two measurements for the intercept points. One is for
f1 = 90 MHz, f2 = 89 MHz (figure 19) and another one is for
f1 = 102 MHz, f2 = 101 MHz (figure 20), which were made by plotting
the output power verses the input power.

f1 = 90 MHz, f2 = 89 MHz

f1 or f2


2f1 – f2 or 2f2 – f1


Figure 19: Third order intercepts point for 90 or 89 MHz


f1= 101 MHz, f2 = 102 MHZ

f1 or f2 IIP3

2f1 – f2 or 2f2 – f1

Figure 20: Third order intercepts point for 101 or 102 MHz

3.4 Noise Figure

In figure 21 it’s possible to see the measurement of the noise figure. At
resonance frequency the value for the noise figure was about 7.5 dB,
which was a little higher than the specification. There it should not
have been more than 4.30 dB. There are two reasons for this result.
One reason is that the input amplifier has a little higher noise; another
reason is that there is noise in the shielded room.

Noise Figure /dB Gain /dB

10.00 19.00

9.00 18.00

8.00 17.00

7.00 16.00

6.00 15.00

5.00 14.00

4.00 13.00

3.00 12.00

2.00 11.00

1.00 10.00

0.00 9.00
88 MHz 2 MHz / DIV 108 MHz

Figure 21: Noise figure

The amplifier was also tested when an antenna was connected to its
input. This gave a good result, because it received a lot of stations,
even some stations that are not very strong. There was some noise, but
it was not that easy to cancel.

4 Conclusion

The functionality of the amplifier was quite good for the FM-band. It
was possible to find many different Swedish stations. The gain was as
it should be, but the noise was a bit harder to cancel.

There were many things that could have been better, like the noise, but
the time wasn’t there. The noise parameter for the design was missing,
which did it harder to get the best performance. A way to decrease the
noise is to choose a lower IC.

It should probably be a good thing to have a matching network, but

then it was to be iterated into the design. Another way to get a better
match is to use a good simulation program and test different values. It
was also possible to make the wires shorter.

A problem for the design was the magnitude of the mirror frequency
rejection, which should have been larger. It can be solved by adding
series resonant circuit for mirror frequencies.

5 Acknowledgement
We would like to say thank you to Göran Jönsson, who helped us with
his knowledge, and also the people from Ericsson, who had helped us
with experience from the real life.

6 References
[1] L.Sundström, H.Börjesson and G. Jönsson, ”Radio Electronics”, Lund

[2] L.Sundström, L. Durkalec and G. Jönsson , “Radio Electronics,

Exercises and Laboratory Experiments”, Lund 2001

[3] L.Sundström and G. Jönsson, ” Radio Electronics Formulas and Tables” , Lund

[4] Philips Semiconductor - Technical Data BFR92A


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