Syllabus - Math 23EE - Engineering Mathematics For EE

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Puerto Princesa City

Approval Sheet

Course Title: Engineering Mathematics for EE

Course Code/ Number: Math 23EE

Revision Level Effective Date Details of Origination/Revision Author/Subject Matter Expert

00 Aug. 5, 2019 Rodriguez, M. E. F.

Prepared by Recommending Approval Approved

Name and Signature of Faculty Member Name and Signature of Department Chairperson Name and Signature of College Dean

Date: Date: Date:

Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Puerto Princesa City


PSU Vision A premier State University in Southeast Asia that provides excellent and relevant higher education for sustainable development.
PSU Mission The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade the quality of life of the people by providing quality higher education opportunities through excellent
instruction, research, extension, production services and transnational collaboration.
PSU Shared Values E – Excellence ; L – Leadership ; A - Advocacy for Sustainable Development ; S – Social Responsibility ; T – Teamwork ; I – Integrity ; C – Commitment
Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective communicators, research-oriented learners,
and value laden individuals.
College Goals To produce competent, well-disciplined, productive and morally upright graduates equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technical know-how; to engage in
technical research, extension, innovation and development that will contribute to the advancement of architecture and engineering professions.

Program Objectives Graduates of the program are expected to apply technical development mainstreams in power, electronic and computer engineering including equipment/instrument

Specifically, to:
• possess a solid foundation in electrical engineering, sufficient to enable careers and professional growth in related fields.
• identify and solve engineering problems drawing on a strong foundation in the basic sciences and mathematics.
• communicate effectively and contribute as members of multidisciplinary teams.
• appreciate a diversity of opinion, consideration of ethical issues, and of the context of one’s profession.
• conceive, design, implement and operate products, processes, and systems in enterprise and societal contexts.
Course Title Engineering Mathematics for EE
Course Code Math 23EE
Course Description This course covers the study of mathematical methods for solving engineering problems such as complex number, complex variables, Cauchy-Riemann
equation, Laplace transforms, z transform, Fourier series and Fourier transform, power series solutions of ordinary differential equations, hypergeometric
equations such as Legendre and Bessel functions and partial differential equations.
Credit Units 3
Course Prerequisites Differential Equations
Link to Program Outcomes
Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
At the end of the semester, the student should be able to: a b c d e f g h i j k l
1. solve problems on complex numbers and variables; D P I
2. solve differential equations using Laplace transforms and power
series method;
3. determine the z transform of a sequence; D P I

Doc Ref. No.: 00 Revision Level: 00 Effective Date: Aug. 5, 2019 Page Number: 1
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Puerto Princesa City

4. obtain the Fourier series and transform of a function; and D P I

5. obtain solution of partial differential equations. D P I
Legend (for program outcomes):
I – Introduced concepts/principles
P – Practiced with supervision
D – Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision
Course Outcomes At the end of the semester, the student should be able to:
1. solve problems on complex numbers and variables;
2. solve differential equations using Laplace transforms and power series method;
3. determine the z transform of a sequence;
4. obtain the Fourier series and transform of a function; and
5. obtain solution of partial differential equations.
Course Format Lecture-Discussion, Problem Solving

Time Course Intended Learning Course Content/ Subject Matter/ Teaching and Textbooks/
Assessment Tasks Resource Materials
Frame Outcomes Outcomes Topic Learning Activities References
Week 1 1. Explain how the vision I. Orientation Lecture-Discussion Essay Writing on LCD Projector PSU Student
and mission of the VMGO Laptop Handbook
university, the goals of a. Vision and Mission of the
the college and University
objectives of the b. Goals of the College and
program affect their lives Objectives of the Program
as students and as c. Course Policies, Grading
professionals in the System
Week 2-3 CO-1 1. Apply arithmetic II. Complex Numbers and Lecture-Discussion Seatwork on LCD Projector Kreyszig, E.
operations on complex Complex Variables Problem Solving Complex Numbers Laptop
numbers. and Complex O’Neil, P. V.
2. Solve the powers and a. Introduction Variables
roots of a complex b. Operations on Complex Zill, D. G.
number. Numbers Assignment on
3. Apply principle of limits c. Powers and Roots Complex Numbers
and differentiation rules d. Functions of a Complex and Complex
Variable Variables

Doc Ref. No.: 00 Revision Level: 00 Effective Date: Aug. 5, 2019 Page Number: 2
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Puerto Princesa City

on a given complex e. Cauchy-Riemann Equations

variable. f. Exponential and Logarithmic Quiz on Complex
4. Show analyticity of a Functions Numbers and
complex function by g. Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Complex Variables
satisfying the Cauchy- Functions
Riemann equations. h. Inverse Trigonometric and
5. Solve transcendental Hyperbolic Functions
functions of a complex
Week 4-6 CO-2 1. Determine the Laplace III. Laplace and Inverse Laplace Lecture-Discussion Seatwork on LCD Projector Kreyszig, E.
transform of a function Transforms Problem Solving Properties of Laplace Laptop
by using the definition or Transforms Nagle, R. K.
tables and its properties. a. Introduction
2. Determine the inverse b. Definition of the Laplace Assignment on O’Neil, P. V.
Laplace transform of a Transform Inverse Laplace
function by using tables c. Properties of Laplace Transforms
or by using method of Transforms
partial fractions. d. Inverse Laplace Transforms Quiz on Laplace and
3. Solve initial value e. Solving Initial Value Problems Inverse Laplace
problems by using the Transforms
method of Laplace
Week 7-8 CO-3 1. Find the z transform of a IV. Z Transform Lecture-Discussion Assignment on Z LCD Projector James, G.
sequence by using the Problem Solving Transform Laptop
definition and its a. Introduction
properties. b. The Z transform Quiz on Z Transform
2. Find the inverse z c. Properties of the Z Transform
transform of a function. d. Inverse Z Transform Problem Set on all
Midterm topics
Week 9 Midterm Exam
Week CO-4 1. Obtain a Fourier series V. Fourier Series Lecture-Discussion Assignment on LCD Projector James, G.
10-11 representation of a Problem Solving Fourier Series Laptop
periodic function and a. Periodic Functions O’Neil, P. V.
sketch the graph of the b. Fourier’s Theorem Quiz on Fourier
function. c. Functions of Period 2 Series Rainville, E. D.,
2. Use linearity property to d. Even and Odd Functions et. al.
confirm the Fourier e. Linearity Property

Doc Ref. No.: 00 Revision Level: 00 Effective Date: Aug. 5, 2019 Page Number: 3
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Puerto Princesa City

series expansion f. Functions of Period T

Week CO-4 1. Determine the Fourier VI. Fourier Transforms Lecture-Discussion Assignment on LCD Projector James, G.
12-13 transform of a function. Problem Solving Fourier Transforms Laptop
2. Apply the properties of a. Introduction O’Neil, P. V.
the Fourier transform to b. The Fourier Transform Quiz on Fourier
determine the Fourier c. Properties of the Fourier Transforms
transform of a function. Transform
Week CO-2 1. Solve ordinary VII. Power Series Solution of Lecture-Discussion Seatwork on Power LCD Projector Rainville, E. D.,
14-15 differential equations by Differential Equations Problem Solving Series Solution of Laptop et. al.
using the power series Differential
method. a. Power Series Method of Equations Zill, D. G.
2. Find the general solution Solving ODEs
of a differential equation b. Bessel Equations Quiz on Power
using Bessel’s equation c. Legendre Equations Series Solution of
and Legendre’s Differential
equation. Equations
Week CO-5 1. Use the method of VIII. Partial Differential Equations Lecture-Discussion Assignment on LCD Projector Rainville, E. D.,
16-17 separation of variables Problem Solving Partial Differential Laptop et. al.
to obtain solutions of a a. Remarks on Partial Equations
differential equation. Differential Equations
b. Some Partial Differential Quiz on Partial
Equations of Applied Differential
Mathematics Equations
c. Method of Separation of
Variables Problem Set on all
Final topics
Week 18 Final Examination
Course References 1. Boyce, W. E., Diprima, R. C., Meade, D. B. (2017). Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (11th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
2. Bronson, R., Costa, G. B. (2006). Schaum’s Outline of Differential Equations (3rd ed.). New York, NY: The Mc-Graw Hill Companies, Inc.
3. Dela Fuente, R. A., Uy, F. B., Templo, P. T., Ocampo, J. L. (2014). Simplified Differential Equations. Manila, Philippines: Merriam & Webster Bookstore, Inc.
4. Gillesania, D. I. T. (2014). Engineering Mathematics – Volume 1 (3rd ed.). Cebu, Philippines: Cebu DGPrint, Inc.
5. James, G. (2011). Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics (4th ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson Education, Ltd.
6. Kreyszig, E. (2011). Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7. Nagle, R. K., Saff, E. B., Snider, A. D. (2012). Fundamentals of Differential Equations (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
8. O’Neil, P. V. (2012). Advanced Engineering Mathematics (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Doc Ref. No.: 00 Revision Level: 00 Effective Date: Aug. 5, 2019 Page Number: 4
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Puerto Princesa City

9. Rainville, E. D., Bedient, P. E., Bedient, R. E. (2002). Elementary Differential Equations (8th ed.). Singapore: Pearson Education Asia Pte. Ltd.
10. Zill, D. G. (2018). Advanced Engineering Mathematics (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Additional Materials Calculators
Course Requirements Grading System:

Quizzes - 30%
Assignments/Seatworks - 10%
Problem Set/Project - 10%
Major Exams - 50%

Final Grade = 50% Midterm Grade + 50% Tentative Final Grade

Passing Grade = 60% = 3.00 (Zero-based)

Course Policies a. Tardiness
A student will be marked “late” if he/she enters the class 5 minutes after the indicated time. Any student who comes to class 15 minutes after the scheduled
time or always late for two consecutive meetings shall be marked “absent”. Any student who incurred absences in more than 20% of the class hours (equivalent
to 8 sessions) may be dropped from the rolls and given a grade of “UD” or “5.0” depending on his/her class standing.

b. Missed work or exam

Any student who missed to take a quiz/exam may be given a make-up quiz/exam provided that he/she presents a valid excuse letter signed by the College

c. Late Outputs
Outputs should be submitted on time. Late assignments will not be accepted by the instructor. Late projects will be accepted by the instructor but will have
corresponding deductions.

d. Cheating
Honesty should be practiced at all times. A student caught cheating shall be given a grade of 5.0.

e. Use of Technology
Cellular phones should be turned off or in silent mode while the class is in progress. Using laptops, notebook PCs, smart phones and tablets shall be prohibited
unless the instructor is aware of the purpose and permits student’s request.

f. Cleanliness of Classroom
Cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom should be observed anytime.

Doc Ref. No.: 00 Revision Level: 00 Effective Date: Aug. 5, 2019 Page Number: 5
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
Puerto Princesa City

g. Magna Carta for Women

Pursuant to Section 16 of the IRR of RA 9710 also known as the “Magna Carta for Women”, the class shall observe equal access and non-discrimination to all
students. It shall ensure that gender stereotypes and images in the educational materials shall be observed. Gender-sensitive languages shall be used at all

h. Intensive Review
The students are required to undergo intensive review class in Mathematics and English which will be scheduled by the Department Chairman on the First
Week of every semester subject to approval by the CEAT Dean and VPAA.
Consultation Period Every Tuesday and Friday, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Faculty Room

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