EmberGen Pre Order Brochure
EmberGen Pre Order Brochure
EmberGen Pre Order Brochure
[email protected]
EmberGen is nearing the end of its alpha development stage and it is NOT
production ready yet. EmberGen can generate flipbooks for your games within
seconds, but we cannot guarantee that our texture outputs are optimal. With
that said, we are sure that you will be more than impressed by the current
software. By pre-ordering, you will get instant access to the software and 15%
off via the discount code "EARLYBIRD".
Any projects that you save within EmberGen may not work once an update is
released, due to conflicts within each version. Once the software is deemed
production ready, new features should not impact saved projects. Assuming
development stays on track, we expect the software to be production ready
within the next few months.
We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing what you create
with EmberGen!
Nick Seavert
Founder & CEO
JangaFX Software
EmberGen is a standalone node-based application built for simulating fire,
smoke, explosions, and other gaseous phenomena in real-time. EmberGen gives
artists the ability to create instant iterations for simulations, renders, and data
exports. EmberGen allows artists to create compelling visuals within minutes.
Final Renders
Motion Vectors
Normal Maps
6 Point Lighting Data
Smoke Channel
Fire Channel
Temperature WORK WITH MY
OpenVDB (soon)
And more to come! ENGINE?
Yes! EmberGen is compatible with
All data can be computed and
any game engine. EmberGen
exported within seconds. No need
exports sprite sheets and image
to create complex export setups,
sequences (coming soon), which
as all data exports are automated.
every engine supports.
*Pricing here is for studios with revenue between $1m and $100 million USD
If your studio makes more than $100m in revenue, please contact
[email protected] for enterprise pricing and services.
If you’re actively subscribed to our suite, and we release a new standalone tool, you
will automatically get access to it. For instance, we plan to release tools that aid in
the creation of liquids and other VFX assets. By subscribing to our suite, you will be
supporting the development of these future tools.
We use a hybrid licensing model that allows you the flexibility of a subscription, and
the freedom of a perpetual license similar to a rent-to-own model. Once you
subscribe and pay for 12 consecutive months (12 monthly payments in a row or 1
annual payment) you will get a perpetual license. If you want to keep this perpetual
license updated, you have to stay subscribed. If you cancel your subscription, you
can no longer update that perpetual license. Perpetual licenses allow you to use the
software at its current version indefinitely. If a bug makes the software unusable and
you no longer have updates, we will up date your license to a software version that
fixes this bug on a case-by-case basis.
For example, if you pay for 15 months consecutively and then cancel, your perpetual
license will be updated until the end of your last payment period. If you pay for less
than 12 months, and then cancel, you will not get a perpetual license. If you buy the
suite, your perpetual license will work across all tools within it.
For annual subscriptions, each consecutive year gets cheaper up until year 3 as you
can see in our charts above. After year 3, that is the price you are locked into for the
rest of your subscription duration. Monthly licenses do not get this discount.
Not if you have a node locked license (all licenses unless they are explicitly a floating
license). Your license key is locked to your specific machine hardware upon
activation, but may be deactivated and moved to another machine if needed. If you
need the ability to use EmberGen across multiple PC's, look into a floating license
(for studios) or purchase a license for each workstation.