Variable Pay Policy 2019-20 v2

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Variable Pay Program FY 19-20

Table of Contents

Overview of the Policy ........................................................................................................................... 2

1. Effective Date of Plan ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Objective .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Definition of Terms Used .................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Summary of VARIABLE PAY Program / Variable Pay ............................................................................................ 3
6 Payment Terms....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
7 Commit Role Holder Payout…………………………………………………………………………………………....5
8 Guidelines for Billability Linked VARIABLE PAY...................................................................................................... 6
9 Guidelines for Revenue, Profitability, and CSAT Linkage for VARIABLE PAY / Variable Pay................ 7
Annexure ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Overview of the Policy
1 Effective Date of Plan
1.1 The plan is effective 1st April, 2019. This plan supersedes the earlier plan of April, 2018.

2 Objective
2.1 To share organization success basis revenue and Margin achievement.
2.2 To reward individual behavior based on the individual role.

3 Eligibility
3.1 This plan is applicable to all employees of Wipro, except for DO&P, from Band A1 to E and
TEAM RAINBOW, eligible for VARIABLE PAY as per employee’s salary stack.
3.2 The program is applicable to employees at offshore & onsite development centers, near-
shore development centers, and those on long term assignments from one country to
3.3 For any acquired entity which has a different variable pay policy, the respective entity
policy will apply.

4 Definition of Terms Used

4.1 Billable Role –The roles in which an employee is expected to be billed and could be
tagged as Billed, Non-Billed or Free
4.2 Billed - Employee working in a project, and his/her time & effort is billed to the customer
4.3 Campus Back-off is only applicable to freshers, in band TRB. For the first 6 months
(183 days) from the date of joining, the billability factor would be considered as 1.00
irrespective of their billing status for the VARIABLE PAY payout. These 183 days would
include the 3 months of training period.
4.4 Career Group/Band - VARIABLE PAY for the entire quarter shall be paid out based on
the policy applicable for the duration spent in each of the bands within the quarter on a
pro rata basis.
4.5 Central Service Functions – Employee working in service functions, not aligned to any
BU/Account/Vertical like ASM/ GT/ FMG/ TT/ LD/ Travel/ GIMS/ FMG/ IMG/ AM/ CTO/CIO
Marketing/ MQ/ CPO/ Legal/Finance, etc.
4.6 Commit – Certain select identified roles in Business, Practices and Delivery will have a
pre-defined Primary Commit for the role. It is the minimum, no compromise metric one
must achieve to be eligible for Variable Pay payout. For the purpose of this policy the
employees who have a commit metric will be defined as commit role holders.
4.7 CSAT Factor – Gating parameter based on customer satisfaction score.
4.8 Free – An employee who is ‘on the bench’ and who is not working on a project.
4.9 Lateral Back-off is only applicable to New Laterals / MBA Campus Hires. For the first 3
months (92 days) from the date of joining, the billability factor would be considered as
1.00 irrespective of their billing status. Other linkages shall be as per the achievement
of the VARIABLE PAY unit and there would be no protection on the other components
linked to variable pay.
Transfer Back-off is applicable for employees moved in or moved out of any company
code other than specified below.

For these employees while arriving at final utilization, the days spent in other company
code will be considered as transfer backoff and same will be dedicated from total spent
days in a quarter.
WT* Wipro Technologies
WE21 Wipro Arabia Limited
WE22 Wipro Airport IT Service Limited
WE23 wipro Infotech Egypt SAE
WE24 Wipro Bahrain
WE26 Wipro Gulf LLC
4.10 Manager Evaluation – Component applicable for C1- Band E, with 20% weightage,
determined by Manager Evaluation along with the Quarterly performance appraisal.
4.11 Non Billed - Employee who is working in a project, but his/ her time & effort is not billed
to the customer.

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

4.12 PSP - Employees can check their billability status on the Personal Staffing Page (PSP)
under My Day at Work on MYWIPRO portal. PSP will highlight to the employee his/her
status on billability
4.13 Support – Employees aligned to vertical/ BU belonging to roles which by design are not
to be billed.
4.14 Unavailable/Blank Days – Days for which there is a data discrepancy in the SAP
records of the employee. To correct these records employee needs to get in touch with
his/her staffing manager.
4.15 Delivery Role – this includes VDH, PDH, DM, ADH, PGM and PD who are part of regular
variable pay(non-sales/non-delivery incentives). For these roles, the business metrics
are Revenue and Execution Margin. Role holders in this category are basis inputs from
GDE team.
4.16 Tagging - an employee’s role is identified in system based as per appropriate flags and
cost centers in appropriate system. This identification of different roles will vary as per
the applicable plans mentioned in Section 5.

5 Summary of VARIABLE PAY Program: The tables below show the VARIABLE PAY linkages applicable
for various bands and employees who are not in commit roles.

Table 1

Band Role Type Revenue OM EM ACV Individual Manager CSAT

Utilizn. assessment
B3 & below Support 50% 50% - - M
Billable - - 100% - M

C1 & above Practice Head 40% 40% 20% M

Delivery Plan 40% 40% 20% M
Billable 40% - 40% 20% M
Support 40% 40% - 20% M
Service Functions B3 and Below 50% 50% - - M
C1 and Above 40% 40% - 20% M
Band E Support Non-Commit 40% 40% - 20% M

Digital and Consulting Plans are mentioned in detail in Annexure

*** - M: Moderating Criteria

Note - B3 and below support includes presales, advisor and alliance roles

5.1 All financials metrics applicable for variable pay calculation would be measured on a year to
date plan achievement basis.
5.2 The payout for employees will be independently computed based on the quarterly target
variable pay for that quarter.
5.3 Most Prominent VARIABLE PAY Unit as mentioned above shall be determined as stated in
section 9.2 of this policy. List of VARIABLE PAY Units is mentioned in Annexure 3
5.4 CSAT will be gating/moderating criteria. MQ team to provide CSAT scores, based on Pulse &
PCSAT survey. Details are mentioned in the Annexure. This is applicable for all Bands
5.5 Identification of Central Service Functions would be as per cost centre tagging.

6 Payment Terms
6.1 Band B3 and below employees on billable roles will receive actual VARIABLE PAY with
the next month payroll after the quarter end, example: for Apr-May-Jun quarter, payout
will be made along with July payroll. For USA payouts will be as per the bi-weekly payroll
calendar (People PracticesAmericasUSAMy FinancialsBiweekly Payroll calendar).
6.2 For all other Bands and B3 and below employees in Service Functions and other Support
roles VARIABLE PAY / Variable payouts would be made in the second month payroll after
the quarter end as already mentioned in the policy document, example: for Apr-May-
Jun quarter, payout will be made along with August payroll. For USA payouts will be as
per the bi-weekly payroll calendar (People PracticesAmericasUSAMy
FinancialsBiweekly Payroll calendar)

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

6.3 In case employee is on an overseas assignment, VARIABLE PAY program applicable will
depend on whether fixed salary is lower or higher than minimum wages specified for the
6.4 If fixed salary is lower than minimum wage norms, a part of VARIABLE PAY will be paid
out at 100% as a fixed VARIABLE PAY Allowance to comply with these minimum wage
provisions. The rest of the VARIABLE PAY will be paid as per VARIABLE PAY policy;
6.5 For employees in the US, VARIABLE PAY allowance is payable bi-weekly and for other
countries VARIABLE PAY is payable quarterly (payout cycle being June, September,
December& March). For USA payouts will be as per the bi-weekly payroll calendar
(People PracticesAmericasUSAMy FinancialsBiweekly Payroll calendar
6.6 Employees who are at onsite (in the host country) on a long-term assignment, will be
paid VARIABLE PAY / Variable pay as per their onsite salary (host country salary) for the
period he/she is onsite and offshore (home country) VARIABLE PAY for the period he/she
is offshore (in the home country).
6.7 If the employee has returned to offshore during the quarter, the onsite VARIABLE PAY/
Variable pay will be paid separately through the offshore salary or any other mode
depending on the income tax requirements of the respective countries
6.8 The earnings under this program are subject to tax deduction as applicable under the
local laws/ rules and regulations.
6.9 The management reserves the right to make changes to the program at any time during
the year or thereafter. In the event of an exceptional circumstance, or when in doubt on
the interpretation of the policy, the management’s decision on the payout would be final
and binding.
6.10 VARIABLE PAY/ Variable payouts are subject to adjustments against payments due under
the payment of bonus act. Bonus in any financial year will be guaranteed for employees
based out of India and covered under the Indian Payment of Bonus Act 1965 (Act”) as
indicated below
In case, the employee’s salary (as defined under the Act) is less than INR 7,000 per
month, the bonus would be guaranteed at 20% of the employee’s salary else the bonus
would be guaranteed at a minimum of INR 1400 per month or 20% of the prescribed
monthly minimum wage as notified by the state government of the place of work in India
whichever is higher. In case the amount paid as bonus does not meet the minimum
criterion, the balance will be paid along with November month payroll. The eligibility
would be computed, prorated and adjusted on an annual basis.
For this clause, bonus is defined as the sum of the bonus component mentioned in the
salary stack and the VARIABLE PAY. Salary is defined as sum of Basic component and
meal coupons declared monthly
6.11 Employee on Fixed Term Contracts – For employees on Fixed term contracts, across all
geographies, VARIABLE PAY payout will be pro-rated and paid till the last date of the
contract. FTEs would not be required to be active till the last day of the quarter for
payout. This however does not apply for voluntary attrition cases.
6.12 Mid Quarter Promotions – In case of mid quarter promotion, employees would receive
pro rata payout as per applicable plan for the duration spent on each of the bands. For
promotions to Band E, the Band E plan is applicable for the entire quarter.
6.13 All employees on the rolls of the company as on last working date of the quarter will be
eligible for payout under the program. If an employee resigns, is dismissed for any
reason whatsoever or the employee's Contract of Employment comes to an end prior to
the completion of a particular quarter, that employee will not be eligible to receive a
VARIABLE PAY/ Variable payment for that quarter. This does not apply to employees on
Fixed term contracts.
6.14 All Band E Employees on non-commit roles will be eligible for True up in every quarter
based on YTD achievements.
6.14.1 The most prominent unit for the true up in every quarter is arrived based on the
where the employee has spent the maximum number of days in the quarter. In
case the employee moves in the middle of a quarter from 1 unit to the other then
the BU/SL/Account where employee spends maximum number of days during the
quarter, would be considered as the VARIABLE PAY measuring unit for all
VARIABLE PAY computations for that quarter. E.g: If an employee, “X” has been
tagged to Insurance vertical for 60 days and for the rest of the days in the quarter
tagged to Communications then in this case the employee’s VARIABLE PAY would
be linked to Insurance vertical.
6.14.2 In case the employee spends exactly equal number of days across 2 or more
VARIABLE PAY units the most recent VARIABLE PAY unit is used as the most
prominent VARIABLE PAY unit. Hence, if an employee spends 45 days in

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Communications, 45 days in Insurance, then the most recent unit will be
considered as the prominent unit.
6.14.3 In case an employee is allocated across 2 or more VARIABLE PAY units equally
throughout the quarter the final VARIABLE PAY unit will be determined as follows: If the employee is tagged to 2 units, then all eligibilities would be split
in the ratio of 50:50 and the achievement against each is individually
determined. For Employees who are tagged to 3 units, one primary unit is selected
where linkage would be 50%, the other 2 units would have a weightage
of 30% and 20% based on the selection of secondary unit.
6.14.4 The most prominent unit for Annual true up is arrived based on the where the
employee has spent the maximum number of quarters in the year. In case the
employee has moved across multiple units and the employee spends exactly
equal number of quarters in 2 or more units, then the most prominent unit will
be considered as the most recent unit.
6.14.5 Manager Assessment inputs will be considered independently for each quarter.
Manager Assessment is not subject to True-up.

6.15 Company Multiplier applicable to all Band E Employees

This multiplier will be applied on business linked payout for Band E employees
irrespective of the variable pay plan they are a part of.

The payout factor will be decided by the Executive Directors based on company
performance. The factors would be 0.9/ 0.95/ 1.0/ 1.05 or 1.1. This factor will be applied
on the business linked payouts on a quarterly basis.

6.16 Recovery of Variable Pay processed would follow the below logic.
6.16.1 Variable pay paid out in a quarter, due to be recovered on account of scenarios
including Factor and achievement change, Target revision, Billability change, Unit
Mapping change, Support flagging change or any other scenario as approved by C&B
Head, would be adjusted in the subsequent quarter’s variable pay payout.
6.16.2 In case Variable pay due for recovery is higher than the variable pay payout in
the next quarter, the same is carried forward till subsequent variable pay payouts within
the Financial year. In case of any variable pay payout from Q1 to Q3, pending adjustment
after Q4 payout will be recovered from the subsequent month salary.
6.16.3 For variable pay recovery on account of payout in Q4 of the Financial year, the
recovery would be done from the Q1 Variable pay of the subsequent Financial Year. In
case of pending recovery after Q1, the same would be adjusted from subsequent month
6.16.4 In case an employee exits with a pending recovery from any previous quarter
payouts, the same will be recovered from the Final Settlement of the employee.

7 Commit Role Holder Payout

7.1 Commit metric will be the overall gating criteria for variable pay eligibility against
business metrics. Payout towards business metrics will be zero if the commit is not met.
This is applicable for each of the quarters including Q4 (year-end payout).
7.2 Manager Evaluation – Since Commit roles have a Manager evaluation parameter, only
80% of the quarterly target variable is linked to primary and secondary metric/s.
Manager evaluation component is paid irrespective of Commit met.
7.3 Upon meeting the commit in a quarter, each of the metrics - commit and secondary,
would be independently computed and paid to a cap of 100% of the respective metric.
Amount paid in Q1-Q3 will not be recovered if FY commit is not met.
7.4 If Commit is met (or exceeded) in a quarter, 100% of the commit linked metric (in
addition to Manager evaluation if applicable for the role) will be paid. Secondary metric
will be independently computed based on factor table and paid to a cap of 100%.This is
applicable to Q1, Q2 and Q3.
7.5 If the Commit is not met in a quarter, no Variable Pay will be paid in the quarter except
the manager evaluation. However, the role holder will have the opportunity to make up
the shortfall in Commit in subsequent quarter(s). Also any excess beyond commit in
earlier quarters will first go towards meeting the commit in the subsequent quarters. So
in quarters when quarterly commit is not met, but YTD commit is met then any lost

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

variable of the previous quarter is made up subject to a cap of 100% of commit linked
variable pay.
7.6 In case the commit role holder is in Band E, then the Company Performance multiplier
detailed in Section 6.15 would be applied on the business linked payout.

7.7 Q4/year end pay out - Q4 pay-out will be derived based on full year achievement on
commit & secondary/tertiary metrics.

7.7.1 If Commit is met for the year, variable pay is computed independently on primary
(commit) and secondary (and for some roles tertiary) parameters for the full year
achievement based on the factor tables in Annexure 2b.
7.7.2 If annual Commit is not met, any Variable pay paid against commit metric in prior
quarters when the Commit was met individually or YTD basis will not be
7.7.3 Cases where, at the end of the year the primary commit is met, but may fall
below the threshold on their secondary metric would lead to recovery of the
variable paid in Q1 to Q3 on that secondary (and/or tertiary) component.
7.8 Moving out of Commit role in the middle of FY
7.8.1 Employee who move out of commit role in mid-year, will not have YTD true-up for
the duration spent in commit role. i.e. payout done as per commit policy for the
respective quarter will be the final payout for employees who move out of commit

8 Band E non-commit role holders Pay out

8.1 The Company Performance multiplier detailed in Section 6.15 would be applied on the business
linked payout for all Band E employees, irrespective of the plan.

8.2 All Band E Employees on non-commit roles will be eligible for True up in their pay outs every
quarter based on YTD achievements.

9 Guidelines for Billability Linked VARIABLE PAY

9.1 Billability Factor Calculation Approach
Day Type Code Treatment for VARIABLE PAY
Approved Paid Leaves (AL, SL, etc.) AL Billed
Unpaid Leaves (XML, LOP, SBL, etc.) LOP Excluded from Numerator & Denominator
Transfer Back-off TR Excluded from Numerator & Denominator
Campus Back-off CB Billed
Lateral Back-off LB Billed
WIPRO Holidays WH Same % as on the previous working day
Weekly-off WE Excluded from Numerator & Denominator
Billed, Investment & Support Days BIS Combined % to be displayed after factoring leaves and back-offs

Billability percentage shall be directly used to determine the individual billability factor as
per the slabs defined in Annexure 2
AL + CB + LB + WH + BIS
𝐵3& 𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 % =
Total Days − LOP − TR − WE

AL + CB + LB + WH + BIS
𝐶1& 𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 % = ÷ 𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡
Total Days − LOP − TR − WE

Investment: SDH can approve some cases under Investment category for a certain period. For
purpose of VARIABLE PAY computation, investment days will be considered billed to the extent of
investment percentage. The reason codes for investment tagging are below:
Strategic Training
SBU/ Vertical Deal Chase
COE investments
Strategic Training
COE investments
Waiting for work permit post selection
Billable Project
Waiting for background verification customer specific

9.2 Movement from billable role to support role - If an employee moves from billable role to a
support role or vice-versa then his/ her linkage will be determined based on the number of days spent
Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

in billable/ support role. Higher of the two will determine the linkage for the quarter as explained below:
10.2.1 If an employee is tagged as support for more than 50% of the quarter, then
his/her VARIABLE PAY will be completely linked to plan applicable to the function as
explained in VARIABLE PAY summary table 2-3. Billing linkage will not be applicable.
10.2.2 If an employee is tagged as support for less than 50% of the quarter then his/her
VARIABLE PAY will be completely linked to plan applicable to the role as explained in
VARIABLE PAY summary table 1.
9.3 Fresher’s in Band Team Rainbow – For the first 6 months (183 calendar days) from the date
of joining, Billability factor would be considered as 1.00 irrespective of their billing status for the
VARIABLE PAY payout. These 183 days would include the 3 months of training period. This is referred
to as campus back-off.

9.4 New Lateral /MBA campus hires - For the first 3 months (92 calendar days) from the date of
joining Billability factor would be considered as 1.00 irrespective of their billing status. Other linkages
would be as per achievement of the VARIABLE PAY unit and there shall be no protection. This is referred
to as lateral back-off.

9.5 Leave as per Policy – Approved paid leaves, taken during unbilled days, as per policy will be
considered utilized. Un-paid leaves will not be considered while arriving at total eligible days for
VARIABLE PAY computation

Paid Leaves Un-paid Leaves

Annual Leave Extended Maternity Leave
Sick Leave** Sabbatical for Higher Studies
Maternity Leave (ML)* Loss of Pay Leave
Transfer Leave
Industrial Injury Leave
Adoption Leave

*for details on applicability of variable pay while on Maternity leave – refer section 11

**Applicability of sick leave for variable pay computation will vary and depend as per Geography
definition of leave.

9.6 Billability status on Wipro holidays – The billability status on a Wipro holiday would be same
as the billability status on the last working day before the Wipro holiday, e.g. if an employee is billable
on 14th August 2017 then on 15th August 2017, the employee would be considered billable, however if
an employee is non-billable on 14th August 2017, then the employee would be considered as non-
billable on 15th August 2017. The same would be applicable to employees who are partially billable.

9.7 Billability Measurement – Utilization would now be based on actual working days in a quarter
instead of calendar days. Hence weekly-offs are not part of the numerator or denominator while
computing utilization. However, utilization would continue to be computed considering partial billability.
• 50% Billed and 50% Non-billed = 50% Utilized
• 40% Billed and 60% Non-billed = 40% Utilized
• 40% Billed and 60% Investment = 100% Utilized
9. 8 C1-D2 Billable – will have a band-wise differentiated target for individual billability as a percentage
of total net work days in the quarter. This includes roles as per section 4.2
C1 : 90%
C2 : 70%
D1-D2 : 60%

9.9 If an employee is in two different projects with 50% allotment each for a particular quarter, in
such a case employee would be paid based on home side cost center for the concerned quarter.

10 Guidelines for Revenue, Profitability, and CSAT Linkage for VARIABLE PAY/ Variable pay
10.1 Role/Stream Determination:
10.1.1 Commit role holders’ Role mapping would be done basis the Role updated under the Role
Master in SAP.
10.1.2 Employees who are tagged to Central Support Functions would be determined by the no.
of days spent by the employee in Central Support Functions Cost center
Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

10.2 Linkage of an employee will be to the most prominent VARIABLE PAY unit (BU/
Vertical/Service Line), the employee is tagged to, in the quarter.
10.3 For employees working in Flex Projects Most prominent VARIABLE PAY unit shall be
determined as follows:
10.3.1 For employees in single tenanted flex projects, i.e. where the employee is
allocated for a single customer flex center only, the final unit shall be the Vertical/SBU
to which the project belongs to. employees in multi tenanted flex projects i.e. where the employee is
allocated to more than one customer or in case determination of single/multi
tenanted flex unit is not possible, the final VARIABLE PAY unit would be the home
structure of the employee, i.e. if the employee belongs to a service line e.g., BAS,
the final VARIABLE PAY unit shall be BAS, if tagged to a vertical, e.g., Insurance,
then final VARIABLE PAY unit shall be Insurance.
10.4 Movement of employee from one BU/SL/Vertical to another BU/SL/Vertical
10.4.1 In case the employee moves in the middle of a quarter from 1 VARIABLE PAY unit
to the other then the BU/SL/Vertical where employee spends maximum number of days
during the quarter, would be considered as the VARIABLE PAY measuring unit for all
VARIABLE PAY computations for that quarter. E.g. If an employee, “X” has been tagged
to Insurance vertical for 60 days and for the rest of the days in the quarter tagged to
Telecom then in this case the employee’s VARIABLE PAY would be linked to Insurance
vertical Gross Margin/Revenue/Attrition. Similarly, if an employee spends 30 days in
Telecom, 35 days in Insurance and rest of the days in BAS, then he/she would get
VARIABLE PAY linked to Insurance vertical
10.4.2 In case the employee spends exactly equal number of days across 2 or more
VARIABLE PAY units the most recent VARIABLE PAY unit is used as the most prominent
10.4.3 In case an employee is allocated across 2 or more VARIABLE PAY units equally
throughout the quarter, final VARIABLE PAY unit will be determined as follows:
If employee is allocated equally across 2 or more accounts throughout
the duration of the quarter then the most prominent VARIABLE PAY
unit shall be the home SL/SBU/Vertical.
10.4.4 In case any of the financial parameters and/or CSAT cannot be reckoned for
BU/Vertical/Service Line during a quarter, the unit of variable pay would be based on
next higher level.
10.4.5 In case a Service Line employee loaned to a vertical/BU, he/she will be considered
for VARIABLE PAY based on respective Vertical/BU as per plan applicability
10.5 Manager Assessment – 20% weightage of all C1 and above employees’ VARIABLE PAY/
Variable pay would be arrived at basis the Manager assessment, done along with the quarterly
appraisal. The manager mapped to the employee for performance evaluation would also be
responsible for VARIABLE PAY component decision. The payout for Manager assessment
component is as per the table below

In case of no manager inputs, 15% would be assumed as default payout- this would
apply only in case employees themselves are not self-appraisal/L1 submission defaulter.

10.6 IBM rebadged employees irrespective of billable/support flag as per system will be
measured on support plan as below:
for B3 and below employees – 50% IT Services Revenue + 50% IT Services OM
for C1 and above employees – 40% I&ES Revenue + 40% IT Services OM + 20%
Manager Evaluation (With CSAT scores as applicable as multiplier)

10.7 For assignees in KSA, Bahrain and Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Qatar who are eligible for variable
pay, and exit in mid quarter with full & final settlement at onsite and come back to offshore will be paid
variable pay as per the QPLC/variable pay % of previous quarter. Even for those employee who exit

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

post quarter closure, but due to non-availability of data(financials/billability/CSAT) at the time of Final
Settlement – the QPLC of previous quarter to be applied.

If the previous quarter pay % is not available at time of return, past quarter(s) pay %
will be addition, if for scenarios where previous quarter payout is not available
in system, in particular, if employee was not on a QPLC plan in previous quarter or for a
new joiner – 100% QPLC pro rata to be paid at the time of FS.

11. Applicability of Variable Pay for employees on Maternity Leave

Applicability of Variable Pay for employees on Maternity Leave

11.1 Section 11.1.1, 11.1.2 and 11.1.3 applies to employees based in India, US, UK, Europe and Australia who
are applying for Maternity leave on or after April 01, 2019

11.1.1 For all B3 below support employees, irrespective of their role tagging will be paid as - (50% Revenue of
IT Services and 50% OM of IT Services) *CSAT of IT Services
And for all C1 above support employees will be paid as (40% Revenue of the unit and 40% OM of the
unit) * CSAT of the unit – Manager evaluation weightage of 20% will be protected and paid full 100%
Unit would be BU/SL/IT Services – derived based on most prominent number of days as per cost center in the
appropriate system

11.1.2 Pay-out cycle - All such support employees will be paid QPLC pro rata as per their ML duration in the
2nd month following the end of the concerned quarter

11.1.3 For all billable employees, 100% variable pay will be paid pro rata as per their ML duration in the 1st
month (for B3 below) and 2nd month (for C1 above) following the end of concerned quarter

11.2 For employees who are on Maternity Leave before April 01, 2019 or applied Maternity Leave* before April
01, 2019 will be paid 100% Variable Pay on pro rata basis for concerned quarter.

*since there is also a provision to change ML dates for employees, the policy will apply as per the final ML date
that employee will update.

11.3 Also, for all employees in other Geos, which is not listed in above clause, will be paid 100% Variable Pay on
pro rate basis for concerned quarters

12. Applicability of Variable Pay for exiting employees with Full and Final Settlements on or
after April 01st 2019

For B3 and below billable employees – If exit is before 20th of the first month post quarter end, pay-out will be
average of last 2 quarters variable pay-out. If exit is on or after 20th day of the first month post quarter end,
pay-out will be paid as per concerned quarter achievement.

For all other roles – if exit is before 20th of the second month post quarter end, pay-out will be paid average of
last 2 quarters variable pay. If exit is on or after 20th day of the second month post quarter end, pay-out will be
paid as per the concerned quarter achievement.

For scenarios where last two quarter variable pay-outs are not available in system (new joiners, moved to non-
sales role from sales or delivery incentive plans, or any other reason)

• To be paid as per last quarter variable pay out

• If last quarter variable pay-out also not available – to be paid as per last quarter company performance
– 50% Revenue at IT Services + 50% OM at IT Services on pro rata basis

13 Maximum VARIABLE PAY/ Variable Payout & Threshold Level

Overall Variable payout will be capped at 300% for all roles covered under the scope of this policy.

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


Annexure 1 – VARIABLE PAY Calculation Formulae for Non-Commit Roles

B3 and Below

All Streams in billable roles:

(100%*Billability Factor) * Unit Level CSAT Factor

All Streams in Support roles including Presales, Advisor and Alliance roles*:

{(50%* IT Services Revenue Achievement Factor) + (50%* IT Services OM Achievement

Factor)} * IT Services CSAT Factor

*Note – B3 and below employees in India-SRE will be measured at Wipro Limited Revenue and Wipro Limited
OM with Wipro Limited CSAT as moderating factor.

C1 and Above

Practice Head Plan:

{(40% SL/Practice ACV Achievement factor) + (40% SL/Practice Revenue Achievement Factor)} * Unit CSAT
Factor + (20% Manager assessment factor)

Delivery Plan – this will be applicable to role holders signed-off by GDE team:

{40%* BU/vertical/SL Revenue Achievement Factor+ 40%* BU DU/vertical DU/SL DU Execution Margin
Factor} * Unit CSAT Factor + (20%*Manager assessment Factor)

Delivery plan – employees in Model A and working in verticals, financial achievement will be measured on SL DU
execution margin + SL revenue.

Specialists tagged as billable for the most prominent part of the quarter (includes Consultants):

{(40%* Unit Level Revenue Achievement factor) + (40%*Unit Level Individual Utilization Factor)}*Unit Level
CSAT Factor + (20%*Manager assessment Factor)

Unit can be BU/Vertical/SL/IT Services as per employee cost center tagging

Other Delivery Roles and Specialists tagged as support for most prominent part of quarter:

{(40%*Unit Level Revenue Achievement Factor) + (40%* Unit Level OM Achievement Factor)}*Unit Level CSAT
Factor + (20%*Manager assessment Factor)

Unit can be BU/SL/IT Services as per most prominent days basis cost center tagging

Central Service Functions (Not aligned to SBU/SL’s – Legal, Fin, CTO, TA, TT,SHG)

Band B3 and below

{50%* IT SERVICES Revenue Achievement Factor+50%*IT SERVICES OM Achievement Factor}
Band C1-D2
{40%* IT SERVICES Revenue Achievement Factor+40%*IT SERVICES OM Achievement Factor}
*IT SERVICES CSAT Factor+ (20%*Manager assessment Factor)

Central Service Functions (Aligned to SBU’s and SL’s –HR, WMG, MQ)
Band B3 and below
{50%* IT Services Revenue Achievement Factor+50%* IT Services OM Achievement Factor} *
IT Services CSAT Factor
Band C1-D2

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

{40%* Unit Revenue Achievement Factor+40%* OM Achievement Factor }* Unit CSAT Factor +
(20%*Manager assessment Factor)

Unit can be BU/SL/IT Services as per employee system tagging

Consulting Plans – C1 and above employees

BU Consulting Head

{40% Domain Consulting Revenue Factor + 40% GCG led SBU Revenue Factor } * Unit CSAT Factor + (20%
* manager assessment factor)

BU Consulting Head – DRs

{40% Vertical Consulting Revenue Factor + 40% GCG led SBU Revenue Factor } * Unit CSAT Factor + (20%
* manager assessment factor)

SL Consulting Head and their DRs

{40% SL Consulting Revenue Factor + 40% GCG Revenue Factor } * Unit CSAT Factor + (20% * manager
assessment factor)

For SL consulting Head plan in Digital consulting the business metrics will be digital consulting revenue and
Wipro Digital revenue

Geo Consulting Head and their DRs

{40% GCG Revenue Factor + 40% Digital Consulting Revenue Factor } * Unit CSAT Factor + (20% *
manager assessment factor)

Digital Plans – C1 and above employees

Digital Engg. Head Plan, Transformation Program Office and Digital Support Plans

{40% Wipro Digital Revenue Factor + 40% Wipro Digital ACV Factor} * Unit CSAT Factor + (20% *
manager assessment factor)

COE Plan –C1 and above employees

{40% Wipro Digital Revenue Factor + 40% COE Billable Person-month growth Factor} * Unit CSAT Factor +
(20% * manager assessment factor)

COE Plan –B3 and below employees

{50% Wipro Digital Revenue Factor + 50% COE Billable Person-month growth Factor} * Unit CSAT Factor

COE Plan applicable for 6 COE in Digital - Buildit, Architecture, Digital Consulting, Design, MarTech, and Agile

Practice Plan

{40% Digital Experience(DX) ACV Factor + 40% Wipro Digital Revenue Factor} * Unit CSAT Factor + (20%
* manager assessment factor)

Practice Plan applicable for practices in DX

I&ES Plan

I&ES SL Head’s DRs Plan

{40% I&ES Revenue Factor + 40% I&ES Execution Margin Factor} * Unit CSAT Factor + (20% * manager
assessment factor)

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Annexure 2a – Factor Tables for Non Commit Roles

Applicable to employees with a linkage to individual utilization

90.00% - 100% 1.00
50.00% - 89.99% Linear
0.00% – 49.99% 0.00

Applicable to employees with a linkage to revenue/ACV/TCV achievement on Non-Commit roles

Revenue/TCV/ACV Achievement Factor

0 % - 90% 0
> 90-95% 0.8
> 95-99.99% 1
> = 100-105% 1.2
> 105-110% 1.4
> 110%-115% 1.6
> 115%-120% 1.8
> 120% 2

Applicable to employees with a linkage to OM/EM achievement


Less than -2.0% 0

-2.0% to - 1.51% 0.6
-1.50% to - 1.01% 0.7
-1.00% to - 0.51% 0.9
-0.50% to - 0.01% 1
0.00% to 0.49 % 1.2
0.50% to 0.99 % 1.4
1.00% to 1.49% 1.6
1.50% to 1.99 % 1.8
>/= 2.0% 2

CSAT Moderator


Above 6.6 1.2

6.01 - 6.60 1
5.01 - 6.0 0.8
5.00 – 0.00 0

Billable Person month growth achievement - Applicable to employees with a linkage to Billable
person month growth, applicable to Wipro Digital COE Plan

Billable person month growth Achievement Factor

0 % - 59.99% 0
60% - 110% Linear
>110% 1.1 times of
Achievement %
>180% 2

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Collection Performance Level - Applicable to employees in India SRE and SL/Common employees in
C1 and above bands


<50% 0
50.01% - 60% 0.7
60.01% - 70% 0.8
70.01% - 80% 0.9
80.01% - 90% 1
90.01% - 100% 1.5
>100% 2

• Collection multiplier will apply as final multiplier, instead of CSAT to SRE and SL/common employees in C1
and above bands
• All SRE tagged employees will have Collections Multiplier only as the final multiplier
• All SL / Common employees will have 50% linkage to Collections multiplier and 50% to CSAT
• Collections multiplier will not apply to PRE-tagged employees
• Any collection from Arbitration cases will not be included in Collection computation for multiplier purpose.
• Collections target will include Products number for Products Head

Annexure 2b – Factor Tables for Commit Role Holders

For Commit components, the factor table applicable would be as below.


Commit Metric achievement Payout

Below Commit 0
Commit to Target Linear between 1 and 1.3
At Target 1.4
100% to 105% 1.4
>105% to 110% 1.7
>110% to 115% 2
>115% to 120% 2.3
>120% 2.6

Operating Margin/Execution Margin

Commit Metric achievement Payout

Below Commit 0
Commit to Target Linear between 1 and 1.3
At Target 1.4
0.00% to 0.49% 1.4
0.50% to 0.99% 1.7
1.00% to 1.49% 2
1.50% to 1.99% 2.3
>/=2.0% 2.6

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

For Commit role holders, the non-commit components’ factor table applicable would be as below.
Revenue / ACV


0 % - 90% 0
> 90-95% 0.8
> 95-99.99% 1
>= 100-105% 1.2
> 105-110% 1.4
> 110%-115% 1.6
> 115%-120% 1.8
> 120% 2

Operating Margin/Execution Margin

OM/EM Achievement Factor

Less than -2.0% 0

-2.0% to - 1.51% 0.6
-1.50% to - 1.01% 0.7
-1.00% to - 0.51% 0.9
-0.50% to - 0.01% 1
0.00% to 0.49 % 1.2
0.50% to 0.99 % 1.4
1.00% to 1.49% 1.6
1.50% to 1.99 % 1.8
>/= 2.0% 2

CSAT Moderator


Above 6.6 1.2

6.01 - 6.60 1
5.01 - 6.0 0.8
5.00 – 0.00 0

Annexure 3 – Variable Pay Units

Category Unit Name SBU

IT Services IT Services
Wipro Limited Wipro Limited
Geo Leveraged Geo LG
Vertical CBU - CPG CBU
Vertical CBU - NME CBU
Vertical CBU - RDAT CBU
Vertical CBU - THP CBU

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Vertical ENU – ENR ENU
Vertical ENU – EPC ENU
Vertical ENU - Utilities - APAC ENU
Vertical ENU - Utilities - Europe ENU
Vertical ENU - Utilities – Americas ENU
Vertical ENU - Utilities – Group ENU
Vertical COMM - EGM COMM
Vertical COMM - ME COMM
Vertical COMM - NA COMM
Vertical MFG - Europe MFG
Vertical MFG - NA MFG
Vertical HEALTH – Pharma and Devices HEALTH
Vertical HEALTH - Healthcare and Services HEALTH
Vertical BFSI - BFS Americas BFSI
Vertical BFS- WGS BFSI
Vertical BFSI - Insurance BFSI
BFSI – Securities and Capital
Vertical BFSI
Vertical BFSI – SUB BFSI
Vertical BFS(Banking) – Group BFSI
Vertical TECH - Apple TECH
Vertical TECH - PSP TECH
SL Data Analytics & AI DAAI
Practice MAS-SAP MAS
Practice MAS- ACS MAS
Practice MAS- AEM MAS
SL Digital Digital

Note for employees in Leverage Geos

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

• All employees in non-commit roles where cost center rolls to SBU/SL/vertical, as per plan applicability,
will get measured at that respective SBU/SL/vertical
• All employees in non-commit roles where cost center rolls to the Leveraged Geo only, i.e. Middle East,
CE, APAC, Canada, LATAM and Africa, they will get measured at overall LG level.
• Operating Margin achievement applicable for LG support will be IT services (like Service Lines).

Annexure 4 – Manager Assessment Highlights and FAQs

Weightage – 20% of target VARIABLE PAY to be determined by Manager rating

Payout – Payout against 20% can range from 0% to 25% (0-125% of target payout)
Manager Evaluation in case of appraisal defaulter/no input given by L1 –
1. If the employee is a self- appraisal defaulter, employee will not get a payout irrespective of
whether the manager has given ME inputs or not for that employee.
2. If the manager has not given an input to the employee and employee is not a self- appraisal
defaulter, only then will the employee get a 15% default payout.

No change in the manager inputs post closure of quarterly appraisal cycle

Default manager evaluation-

1. Variable Pay Manager Evaluation – For manager:

Inability to complete the self-appraisal within the published timelines will result in a 0% payout on
the Manager Evaluation component of Variable Pay.

All managers who have 3 or more reportees and have not closed the reviews as per Perf Nxt
timelines are considered as L1 Review defaulters. The impact is in proportion to the number of
reviews not closed by the cut off as explained below:

L1 reviews not done Manager Evaluation component impact

>=75% of reportees Payout reduced to zero
>=50% and <75% of reportees Payout reduced by two levels
>=25% and <50% of reportees Payout reduced by one level

2. Variable Pay Manager Evaluation – For reportee:

Inability to complete the self-appraisal within the published timelines will result in a 0% payout on
the Manager Evaluation component of Variable Pay.
Additionally, in a scenario where a reportee has not received Manager Evaluation input, payout for
the reportee will be defaulted to 15%.

However, if the said reportee is playing a manager role and has not given Manager Evaluation, same
logic as mentioned above will also apply.

Annexure 5 – Customer Satisfaction factor computation for Wipro Limited –

1. Effective date
April 1st 2019. Applicable from first quarter of FY20.

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

2. Objective
To reward individual based on customer satisfaction

1 Customer feedback mechanism

Customer satisfaction scores are arrived based on the Annual Satisfaction survey, Quarterly pulse
survey, Project satisfaction survey and Vendor score cards.

Feedback Mechanism Frequency

Annual Satisfaction Survey Quarter-4

Project Satisfaction Survey End of project; once in year for long duration AMS projects and for Programs;

Pulse Survey Quarter-1, Quarter-2, Quarter-3

Vendor score cards Vendor Survey as s applicable

1.1 Annual Satisfaction Survey:

Annual CSAT survey is administered once a year, in the last quarter of the FY, to get
feedback from CxO, Senior and Middle managers of customer organization. This survey is
administered through a neutral third party to ensure objectivity and free expression from
customer. This survey is available both online and via interviews. Annual survey focuses on
the overall strength of the relationship, with feedback sought across various facets of
engagement including core delivery, engagement & account management, people
engagement and Wipro’s value addition to customers

1.2 Project Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Project CSATs are obtained to enhance customers experience while dealing with Wipro.
Customer feedback is obtained on Projects and Programs at different points of time during
execution. Questionnaires are built considering all aspects of customer interactions with
Wipro. Questions are categorized into Delivery, Quality, Service and Project Management

1.3 Pulse Survey

Pulse survey is a leading indicator administered once in a quarter for the Q1, Q2 and Q3 of
the financial year. Quarterly Pulse survey seeks feedback on
Overall customer experience with Wipro
Value addition
Meeting commitments on deliverables
Account management/ Engagement /relationship

1.4 Non receipt of Vendor Score Card or any form of CSAT

If the Vendor score card is not received in consecutive of 3 quarters for the account then CSAT factor
will be 0.8 If there is no CSAT (either of PCSAT, Pulse/ACSAT Scores or Vendor Score Card) from
customer in consecutive 3 Quarters then the CSAT factor will be 0.8 for that account.

2 Eligibility criteria for ACSAT and PULSE SURVEY


Wipro Limited, DO&P - All MEGA/GAMA & -NA-

KEY GROWTH accounts

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Wipro Limited excl. DO&P - KEY NURTURE
>=USD 10 Mn in Q1, Q2 Q3 Projected revenue
DO&P - KEY NURTURE accounts Revenue >USD 1 Mn collated from DO&P P&L team


All accounts -Wipro Limited >= USD 1 Mn

excl. India

All accounts – India >= USD 0.5 Mn

* Additional accounts based on request from business shall be included in polling

Pulse and ACSAT surveys

4.1 Minimum response guideline for ACSAT and PULSE SURVEY



< 10 million 3 5

10 million to 50
5 8

> 50 million 8 12

3 CSAT- Factor for VARIABLE PAY calculation:

CSAT factor is a multiplication factor for the VARIABLE PAY program on business pay out. CSAT
factor table given below is based on the customer satisfaction score and level of satisfaction
captured through quarterly pulse survey, Project customer satisfaction survey and Annual customer
satisfaction survey. Vendor score cards will be mapped to a standard conversion scale agreed.
CSAT Factor and Scoring Band is as illustrated in the Factor Tables section

3.1 CSAT Score computation guidelines for Q1, Q2, Q3 based on pulse survey & PCSAT
CSAT score that positions VARIABLE PAY units in specific scoring band is arrived as below:
Average PCSAT score CSAT score to be
Average score of 6 pulse
from all projects in the arrived from Pulse
questions from all contacts
Vertical in the survey score, PCSAT
polled in that quarter in the
respective Quarter score and Vendor
Vendor score card Score card
At vertical level scores
At Vertical level minimum 5
minimum 5 PCSATs to
Pulse responses to be
be received to qualify
received to qualify for Pulse
for PCSAT score
CSAT score to be
Average score of 6
arrived from Pulse
questions from all contacts Average PCSAT score Vendor score card
SBU survey score, PCSAT
polled in that quarter in the from all projects in BU scores
score and Vendor
business unit
Score card

* Service Lines to be mapped to the same IT services level band as applicable

* DO&P PCSAT score will not be considered for VARIABLE PAY calculations of BU / Vertical /
Account / Wipro level

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

* If the BU / Vertical has not met the PCSAT initiation / coverage criteria or Min. Response Criteria
for Pulse/ACSAT, for the Qtr then the CSAT factor will be considered at the next higher level but
capped to a max of 1.0
* If the Account has not met the Min. Response Criteria for Pulse/ACSAT, for the Qtr. then the
CSAT factor will be considered at the next higher level but capped to a max of 1.0

3.2 CSAT score computation guidelines for Q4 based on ACSAT survey

Mean score of questions related to the same aspects as in the Pulse survey will be considered to
arrive at CSAT score for the specified VARIABLE PAY units at Vertical or SBU level.
Vertical Average PCSAT Vendor
Mean score of questions
score for the score card
related to the same
projects in the scores
aspects as in the ACSAT
respective Quarter
survey CSAT score to be arrived
from ACSAT survey
At Vertical level
At Vertical level score, PCSAT score and
minimum 5
minimum 10 responses Vendor Score card
PCSATs to be
to be received to qualify
received to qualify
for ACSAT score
for PCSAT score

SBU Mean score of questions Vendor

CSAT score to be arrived
related to the same Average PCSAT score card
from ACSAT survey
aspects as in the ACSAT score from all scores
score, PCSAT score and
survey projects in BU
Vendor Score card

* DO&P CSAT score will not be considered for VARIABLE PAY calculations of BU / Vertical / Account
/ Wipro level

* If the BU / Vertical has not met the PCSAT initiation / coverage criteria or Min. Response Criteria
for Pulse/ACSAT, for the Qtr then the CSAT factor will be considered at the next higher level but
capped to a max of 1.0
* If the Account has not met the Min. Response Criteria for Pulse/ACSAT, for the Qtr. then the
CSAT factor will be considered at the next higher level but capped to a max of 1.0

4 PCSAT - Considerations:

Criteria for Eligible Projects:

• All Auditable projects
• Projects and Programs closed, pseudo closed and due for closure during the quarter
• Open and closed programs during the quarter



• Pulse survey is administered to a random, stratified sample of respondents at all 3 levels (CXO, Senior
and Mid), in the 2nd month of every quarter, who have been ‘actively involved’ with Wipro. ACSAT
survey is administered to all active customer contacts in the account.
• For MEGA/GAMA and KEY GROWTH accounts, a minimum number of responses for pulse/ACSAT
survey are required for the score to be considered valid for the quarter.
• CXO may not be mandatory for Pulse survey, however for ACSAT survey it is recommended to poll
CXO for focused accounts.


• All feedbacks should be initiated through Direct mode.

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

• To initiate feedbacks in proxy mode, explicit approval has to be taken from Customer Advocacy group
before initiating feedback.
• Customer First Satisfaction feedbacks (Start Green and Transition) are considered.
• BU, Vertical and focus accounts to qualify PCSAT targets of Initiation 90% and Coverage 50% for
PCSATs to be considered in computation.
• Simple Average of PCSAT overall rating obtained for all eligible projects in the defined period.

5.3 Vertical VARIABLE PAY Computation

• Condition1: Minimum of five Pulse responses and five PCSAT responses needs to be received at
Vertical level.
• Condition2: There will be a check on whether the accounts polled cover 60% of BHC for the vertical
including Pulse / ACSAT , PCSAT and vendor score card. Data to be taken at the beginning and end of
the Quarter and average to be taken to arrive at this score. Else, BU VARIABLE PAY band will apply.



• An account can be exempted from the ACSAT/ pulse survey, under these circumstances:
• account closed down and if BHC=0
• account relationship (waiver for initial 3 months)
• customer feedback is captured through customer driven surveys
• any account in Wipro Limited excluding India with annual revenue <USD 1 mn (applicable for only
ACSAT survey) while it is <0.5 mn USD for India
• Any other request apart from standard exceptions need COO approval


• Termination of Accounts (Programs/ Projects) due to legal or commercial issues. This has to be
backed by evidence from legal team.
• ZCOP Effort <= 150 days.
• Closure of current project due to new contract as per Finance guidance and if last PCSAT received is
less than 3 months.
• Accounts where PCSAT is not provided by customer.

Detailed SOP is available in Quality Knowledge Management site.


Version No Change Description Revised By Approved By Date

1.0 Original Document C&B Head – C&B March 28th 2019
1.1 Final units updated, Digital and C&B Head – C&B July 16th 2019
Consulting plans and CEO table
updated, payout section for
Band E

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Version 1.1 VARIABLE PAY for Non-sales FY19-20

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

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