Pre Test - Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Nueva Ecija
Atate, Palayan City


2ND SEMESTER, S.Y 2019-2020
NAME: _______________________________________ SCORE: ________________
SECTION: ______________ DATE: _____________________

DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of your choice. Write your answer before the number.
_____1. It refers to a situation where a sudden incident or event has occurred and normally used local
responses will suffice to care for the situation without calling in outside help.
a. hazard b. disaster c. emergency d. calamity
_____2. It is an event or occurrence that has the potential to cause harm to life and damage property and the
a. hazard b. disaster c. emergency d. calamity
_____3. It refers to the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
a. recovery b. response c. preparedness d. mitigation
_____4. It is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human,
material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community
or society to cope using its own resources.
a. hazard b. disaster c. emergency d. calamity
_____5. The following are activities of risk management EXCEPT
a. psychological counseling c. vulnerability analysis
b. hazard mapping d. mitigation development
_____6. The following are items you need to have in your disaster supplies kit, except:
a. flashlight b. radio c. fresh fruits d. dried fruits
_____7. It is the direct impact of global warming.
a. El Nino b. Greenhouse effect c. climate change d. Greenhouse gases
_____8. It is an event caused directly and principally by one or more deliberate or negligent human actions.
a. natural hazard b. man-made hazard c. natural disaster d. man-made disaster
_____9. A tornado is described as a violently rotating column of air extending from a/an _________ to the
a. cloud b. sky c. thunderstorm d. hail
_____10. The level of vulnerability is highly dependent upon the economic status of individuals, communities
and nations.
a. Physical Vulnerability c. Economic Vulnerability
b. Social Vulnerability d. Environmental Vulnerability
_____11. Vulnerability and __________________ are dangerous when they unite
a. preparation b. hazards c. prevention d. management
_____12. What is the order of the survival law of 3s?
a. food-water-air b. water-air-food c. water-food-air d. air-water-food
_____13. Which among the following is an emergency?
a. car accident c. loss of lives due to 9.0 magnitude earthquake
b. flood d. death of approximately 3,000 people in the province due to flash flood
_____14. It is an intense low pressure system which is characterized by strong spiral winds towards the center,
called the “Eye” in a counter-clockwise flow in the northern hemisphere.
a. typhoon b. tornado c. cyclone d. earthquake
_____15. It is the inundation of land areas which are not normally covered by water.
a. flood b. storm surge c. cyclone d. drought
_____16. This is useful to people who are trapped in rubble to alert rescuers.
a. yelling b. whistle c. first aid kit d. flashlight
_____17. These are items that aid in maintaining hygiene are important to have after any devastating disaster
not only for personal reasons, but also for people to avoid falling ill due to unsanitary practices.
a. Toiletries b. Whistle c. First aid kit d. Radio
_____18. It is meant to ensure you and your family members will have all of the necessary items for basic
a. response b. evacuation c. disaster supplies kit d. disaster risk reduction
_____19. It consists of giant sea waves generated by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions under the sea- bed.
a. earthquake b. flood c. storm surge d. tsunami
_____20. It comprises conditions determined by physical, social, economic, and environmental factors or
processes, which increase the susceptibility of a community, school, or certain area in a locality to the impact of
a. risk b. hazard c. exposure d. vulnerability
_____21. It may be determined by aspects such as population density levels, remoteness of a settlement, the
site, design and materials used for critical infrastructure and for housing.
a. Physical Vulnerability c. Economic Vulnerability
b. Social Vulnerability d. Environmental Vulnerability
_____22. It is a weather condition that produces lightning and thunder, heavy rainfall from cumulonimbus
clouds and possibly a tornado.
a. typhoon b. thunderstorms c. global warming d. climate change
_____23. Infrastructures are examples of vulnerability.
a. true b. false c. maybe d. it depends
_____24. The following are essential components in determining s risk EXCEPT one
a. hazard occurrence probability c. vulnerability of elements at risk
b. elements at risk d. disaster mitigation
_____25. These are elements of the physical environment, harmful to man and caused by forces extraneous to
a. natural hazards c. natural disasters
b. man-made hazards d. man-made disasters
_____26. It refers to the inability of people, organizations and societies to withstand adverse impacts to
hazards due to characteristics inherent in social interactions, institutions and systems of cultural values. a.
Physical Vulnerability c. Economic Vulnerability
b. Social Vulnerability d. Environmental Vulnerability
_____27. It is the probability of harmful consequences, or expected loss of lives, people injured, livelihoods,
disruption of economic activities and damages to the environment.
a. exposure b. risk c. vulnerability d. hazard
_____28. Exposure factors include children.
a. true b. false c. maybe d. not sure
_____29. Global warming is the process of warming the earth caused by the so-called enhanced green-house
effect which traps the solar radiation in the atmosphere due to the presence of _________ gases.
a. toxic b. poisonous c. greenhouse d. hot
_____30. Disasters like typhoon, volcanic eruption are considered
a. natural b. man made c. artificial d. regular
_____31. The following are impacts of disaster EXCEPT
a. loss of lives b. disease c. orderliness d. loss of services
_____32. It is a shaking of the ground caused by sudden slippage of rock masses below or at the surface of
the earth.
a. landslide b. tsunami c. thunderstorm d. earthquake
_____33. It occurs when a hazard impacts on vulnerable people.
a. vulnerability b. resilience c. exposure d. disaster
_____34. To ensure you are always prepared for an emergency, it is also crucial to check on your disaster
supplies kit approximately every _____ months.
a. 2 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
_____35. It is defined as a deficiency of rainfall over an extended period – a season, a year or several years.
a. El Nino b. Global warming c. Drought d. Greenhouse effect
_____36. It is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
a. civil disorder b. bomb threats c. rebellion d. terrorism
_____37. This is a contamination of food with biological contaminants such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and
a. poison b. food poisoning c. anthrax d. epidemic
_____38. People can survive for ___ without food.
a. 3 minutes b. 3 days c. 3 weeks d. 3 months
_____39. It is a broad term that is typically used by law enforcement to describe one or more forms of
disturbance caused by a group of people.
a. civil disturbance b. riot c. civil unrest d. bomb threat
_____40. It is a rise of seawater above normal sea level on the coast, generated by the action of weather
elements such as cyclonic wind and atmospheric pressure.
a. landslide b. flood c. flashflood d. storm surge
_____41. These are the people or school buildings or other elements which would be affected by the hazard if
it occurs.
a. hazard occurrence probability c. vulnerability of elements at risk
b. elements at risk d. disaster mitigation
_____42. It is the likelihood of experiencing a natural hazard at a given location or region.
a. hazard occurrence probability c. vulnerability of elements at risk
b. elements at risk d. disaster mitigation
_____43. A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human,
material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community
or society to cope using its own resources.
a. disaster b. risk c. disaster risk d. risk reduction
_____44. The following incidents are considered emergency EXCEPT
a. Economic crisis b. Car accident c. Drowning d. Allergy attack
_____45. It aims to restore the affected area to its previous state.
a. recovery b. response c. preparedness d. mitigation
_____46. This phase includes the mobilization of the necessary emergency services and first responders in the
disaster area.
a. recovery b. response c. preparedness d. mitigation
_____47. It is a low pressure area rotating counterclockwise and containing rising warm air that forms over
warm water in the Western Pacific Ocean.
a. cyclone b. typhoon c. tornado d. thunderstorm
_____48. It includes identifying health and safety hazards, determining probability of their occurrences,
estimating their potential impacts to the schools and the communities at risk, enumerating and implementing
the following risk reduction measures.
a. disaster risk b. resilience c. disaster risk reduction d. disaster risk management
_____49. It is concerned with issues and decisions that must be made after immediate needs are addressed.
a. mitigation b. preparedness c. response d. recovery
_____50. It refers to the 'elements at risk' from a natural or man-made hazard event; it is a necessary, but not
sufficient, determinant of risk.
a. risk b. hazard c. exposure d. vulnerability


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