Biñan Integrated National High School Senior High School Pre-Final Exam Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

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SCHOOL 11. A natural event like volcanic eruption or tsunami
which hits an uninhabited area does not qualify as a
Senior High School
disaster. It becomes a disaster only if________.
PRE-FINAL EXAM a. It hits a vulnerable population and properties
c. If there are no victims
DIRESTIONS: Choose the correct answer and write it on For items 12-17, choose from the choices below.
your answer sheet. Strictly no erasure. M. Earthquake hazards
Y. Volcanic Hazard
1. The entire activities that aimed at reducing the severity L. Hydrometeorological Hazard
of impact before, during and after the disaster. O. Geological Hazards
a. DRR D. Fire Hazards
b. DRRM E. Hazards
c. DRRR N. Disaster
2. All of the following are part of the color code warning 12. These are hazards caused by the movements of plates
system EXCEPT underneath the Earth crust.
a. Red 13. A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity
b. Blue or condition that may cause loss
c. Green of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage,
3. These are systematic efforts to minimize vulnerabilities loss of livelihoods and services, social
and disaster risks: to avoid and to limit the risk of a and economic disruption, or environmental damage
hazards. 14. These are hazards caused by the interaction of the
a. DRR atmosphere, land and water bodies.
b. DRRM 15. Hazards caused by the natural earth processes.
c. DRRR 16. Hazards caused by the chemical reaction called
4. The color that indicates FULL ACTIVATION in the oxidation.
Disaster Warning symbol and Colored Alert Status. 17. Hazards caused by ejection of hot materials beneath
a. Red the earth through a vent
b. Blue For items 18-22, choose form the choices below.
c. Green A. Lightning D. Thunder
5. The agency that overseeing the country’s disaster B. Thunderstorm E. Avalanche
efforts since 2010. C. Tsunami F. Storm
a. NDRR 18. .A violent transient type of weather condition
b. NDRRM that involves lightning and thunder.
c. NDCC 19. Abrupt, natural visible voltage electrical
6. Tsunami in Indian Ocean happens in what year?
discharge which takes place when positive and
a. 2010
negative charges join within the clouds.
b. 2009
c. 2004 20.The sound that follows a flash of lightning caused
7. The DRRM law mandates this agency to by the sudden expansion of the air in the path of
make/formulate a NDRRM plan. electrical discharge.
a. Office of Civil Defense 21. A large mass of snow, ice ,rocks or other material
b. Philippine Air Force inn swift motion down a mountainside.
c. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology 22. A disturbance of the atmosphere marked by
8. Which of the following does not belong to the group? wind and usually by rain or thunder and lightning.
a. Earthquakes For item 23-27.
b. Tsunamis
H- Hazard
c. Storm surge
9. All of the following are hazards EXCEPT ONE. D– Disaster
a. A typhoon passing over a remote area and 23. A super typhoon with storm surge affecting
unpopulated island Leyte
b. A volcano erupting in isolation area
24. A typhoon passing over a remote and
c. A strong typhoon with storm surge affecting
Leyte unpopulated area
10. Which of the following hazard s falls under 25. A volcano erupting in an isolated and
hydrometeorological? unpopulated island
a. cyclone
26. An avalanche in a ski resort
b. animal contagion
27. A tsunami wave 5 m high off the coast of Japan 43. There are ____ RDRRMC in our country.
For item items 28-33, choose from the following a. 17
choices. b. 18
A. NDRRMC c. 19
B. NDCC 44. The DRRM Law took 21 years in the making,
C. CBDRRM with 7 congresses before it was officially declared
D. PAG-ASA and signed on _______.
E. DENR a. May 17, 2010
F. PHIVOLCS b. May 27, 2010
28. Manages the country’s disaster program c. May 7, 2010
29. Manages the community including school’s 45. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of
disaster program. the DRRM law?
30. Agency that manages disaster program before a. Top-down and centralized
DRRM Act. b. Bottom-up and participatory
31. Agency that monitors volcanic eruptions and c. Disaster mainly a reflection of people’s
earthquakes vulnerability
32. Government agency that manages and monitors 46. The DRRM law transforms the Philippines’
the resources of the country. Disaster Management System from Disaster Relief
33. Government agency that monitors tropical and Responds to _______________.
depressions, typhoon and other atmospheric a. Disaster Analysis
phenomenon b. Disaster Treatment
34. The DRRM Act is also known as c. Disaster Risk Reduction
a. DRRM bill 47. One of the DRRM guiding principle is
b. RA 7060 a. Temporary not permanent solution
c. RA 10121 b. Personality not institutional
35. The DRRM Act of 2010 is a law that _______. c. Preemptive evacuation is better than cure.
a. strengthens disasters in the country 48. One of the main objectives of DRRM law is to
b. weakens disaster risk management in the a. prevent the disaster from happening
country b. enhance the community with the
c. strengthens the disaster risk management necessary skills to cope with the impact of
of the country disaster
35.Which of the following is not a DRR activity? c. to be more reactive rather than proactive
a. Building code 49. According to the NDRRM framework, the DRRM
b. Forecasting and dissemination laws focused more on the PROACTIVE rather rha
c. Rehabilitation REACTIVE. Which of the following is a good example
For items 36-42, choose form the choices below. of a Proactive response?
A. DRR B. DRRM a. Emergency management
36. Evacuation b. Rehabilitation programs
37. Public awareness campaigns c. Disaster Risk Reduction Programs
38. Hazard and vulnerability analysis 50. According to the paradigm shift mandated by the
39. Forecasting DRRM law, which of the following takes half of the
40. Relief operations Disaster Risk Management?
41. Rescue operations a. Mitigation
42. Building code revisions b. Response
c. Rehabilitation

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