DLL Math10

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The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra (sequences, series, polynomials, polynomial
equations, and polynomial functions); geometry (circles and coordinate geometry); and statistics and probability (combinatorics and probability, and
measures of position) as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections,
representations, and decisions in real life.

Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

key concepts of understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key
A. Content sequences, concepts of sequences, concepts of sequences, concepts of sequences,
Standards: polynomials and polynomials and polynomials and polynomials and
polynomial equations. polynomial equations. polynomial equations. polynomial equations.

The learner is able to formulate The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to
B. Performance and solve problems involving formulate and solve formulate and solve formulate and solve
Standards sequences, polynomials and problems involving problems involving problems involving
polynomial equations in sequences, polynomials sequences, polynomials sequences, polynomials
different disciplines through and polynomial equations and polynomial equations and polynomial equations
appropriate and accurate in different disciplines in different disciplines in different disciplines
representation. through appropriate and through appropriate and through appropriate and
accurate representation. accurate representation. accurate representation.

The learner proves the The learner proves the The learner factors The learner factors
C. Learning Remainder Theorem and the Remainder Theorem polynomials. polynomials.
Competencies: and the Factor (M10AL-lh-1) (M10AL-lh-1)
Factor Theorem Theorem
(M10AL-1g-2) (M10AL-1g-2) a. Factor polynomials a. Factor polynomials
a. Find the remainder using a. Prove the Factor b. Use synthetic b. Use synthetic
the Remainder Theorem. Theorem. division and remainder division in factoring
theorem in factoring polynomials
b. Evaluate the given b. Use the Factor
polynomial function. Theorem to determine c. Appreciate the use of
whether the binomial c. Appreciate the use of synthetic division in
c. Develop patience on how synthetic division in factoring
(x-r) is a factor of the
to solve exercises in factoring
remainder theorem. given polynomials.
c. Develop patience on
how to solve exercises
in factor theorem.

II. LEARNING CONTENT: PATTERNS AND ALGEBRA: Remainder Theorem/Factor Theorem/Factoring Polynomials

III. LEARNING SIMPLIFIED MATHEMATICS 10 by Arnold V. Garces and Criselle Espanola-Robes


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Page 87-104 Page 87-104 Page 87-104 Page 87-104
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages Page 87-104 Page 87-104 Page 87-104 Page 87-104
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning resources
(LR Portal)
B. Other Learning

A. Review
previous lesson or
Presentation of
new lesson

B. Motivation Determine the Activity : Activity : Activity: True or False

remainder when the DECODE MY CODE (THINK- PAIR-
1) (x - 2) and (x + 3) are
first number is divided Evaluate the polynomial at the SHARE)
by the second number. given values of x. Next, determine the Use remainder factors of x2 + x - 6
1. 30, 7 letter that matches your answer. When theorem to find the
2) (3x - 1) and (x + 2)
2. 125, 15 you are done, you will be able to missing factor in
3. 200, 10 decode the message. each of the are factors of 3x2 + 5x
4. 356, 14 A. P(x) = x3 + x2 + x + 3 following.
5. 169,13 x -2 -1 0 1 2 1. x3 – 8 = (x – 2)
3) The factors of 2x3 +
P(x 3x2 - 2x - 3 are
) 2. 2x3 + x2 – 23x +
(x - 1) ,(2x - 3)
20 =
me and (x+1)
ssa (x + 4)(_____)
ge 3. 3x3 + 2x2 – 37x +

A. 17 C. –3 E. 5 I. 18 12 = (x – 3)(_____)
M. 3 N. 78 O. 2 O. 30 Guide questions
P. 6 R. 0 S. –6 T. 23 1. What are the
Guide question: other factors of the
1. How did you find the value of a polynomial
polynomial expression P(x) at a given equation?
value of x? 2. How did you
2. What message did you obtain? arrive at your
3 What
processes did you
used to get the
C. Presenting Factor Theorem. Activity : Use
lessons where the A polynomial f(x) has a factor (x−k) if and
concepts are only if f(k)=0 where f(x) is a polynomial of synthetic division
clarified The remainder theorem degree n≥1 and k is any real number.
states that when a to show
polynomial, f(x), is a. (x + 2) and (3x
divided by a linear
polynomial , x - a, the – 2) are factors of
remainder of that division
will be equivalent to f(a). 3x4 – 20x3 + 80x –
In other words, if you 48.
want to evaluate the
function f(x) for a given b. (x – 7) and (3x
number, a, you can
divide that function by x -
+ 5) are not factors
a and your remainder will of
be equal to f(a).
It should be noted that 6x4 – 2x3 – 80x2 +
the remainder theorem
74x – 35
only works when a
function is divided by a
linear polynomial, which
is of the form x + number
or x - number.
D. Discussion- Show the Proof. Answer the following questions and Answer the Determine the value of k
Leading to 1st Verify if the given is the verify. following questions so that
formative correct remainder and verify.
assessment when P(x) is divided by Is x+2 a factor of 3x4 - 20x3 + 80x - 1. (x-2) is a factor of x3 +
(question and x-r 48? Why? 1. How can we say kx2 - 7x + 2
that x - 7 is a
P(x) = x3 - 2x2 + 4x - 1 Is 3x - 2 a factor of factor of 6x4 – 2x3 (x+1) is a factor of 2x4 +
÷ 3x4 - 20x3 + 80x - 48? Why? – 80x2 + 74x – 35 3x3 + kx2 + 2x - 2
(x-1), R=2
2. Is (x-1) a factor
P(x) = x4 - 3x3 + 5x + 3 of
÷ (x-2), R=5 3x3 - 8x2 + 3x + 2

P(x) = 2x6 - 4x5 + x - 3

÷ (x+1), R=2
E. Discussion and Use the Remainder Use the Factor Theorem to determine Which of the Activity: Find my Factors
Practicing Skills- Theorem to find the whether the given binomial is a factor following binomials
Leading to 2nd Use any method to find
remainder R in each of of the given polynomials. are factors of the
formative the following and check 1. P(x) = 4x4 – 3x3 – x2 P(x). the factors of
assessment using synthetic + 2x + 1 1. P(x) = 8x + 12x
4 3
(collaborative x5-4x4-6x3+17x2+6x-9
division. a. x – 1 b. x + 1 c. x – 2 -10x2 + 3x + 27
learning) 1. P(x) = x - x + 2
4 3 2. P(x) = 2x4 – 3x3 + 4x2 + 17x + 7 A. 2x - 3
a. x – 1 a. 2x – 3 b. 2x + 3 B. 2x + 3
b. x + 1 c. 3x – 2 C. 3x - 2
c. x – 2 2. P(x) = 2x4 - 3x3
2. P(x) = 3x3 + 4x2 + + 4x2 + 17x + 2
17x + 7 A. 2x - 3
a. 2x – 3 B. 2x + 3
b. 2x + 3 C. 3x - 2
c. 3x – 2

Use the Remainder Use the Factor Theorem to determine Find the missing Find the factors of the
Theorem to find the whether the given binomial is a factor
F. Developing factor in each of following polynomials
remainder R in each of of the given polynomials.
mastery- 3rd the following. 1. P(x) = x3 – 7x + 5 the following.
formative 1. (x4 – x3 + 2) ÷ a. x – 1 b. x + 1 c. x – 2 1. x2 + 4x - 5
assessment 2. P(x) = 2x3 – 7x + 3
(x + 2) 1. x3+2x2-11x+20= 2. x3 + x2 - 9x - 9
(individual work) a. x – 1 b. x + 1 c. x – 2
2. (x3 – 2x2 + x + 6) ÷
(x – 3) (x+5)(______) 3. 3x3 + 7x2 - 4
3. (x4 – 3x3 + 4x2 2. 3x3 - 17x2 + 22x
– 6x + 4) ÷ (x – 2)
– 60 =

3. 4x4 - 2x3 - 4x2 +

16x – 7 = (2x-
G. Valuing: Which of the following Apply the factor theorem to answer Solve the following Factor the following
Finding practical binomial divisors will the following problem. problems: polynomials
applications of give a remainder of -3, Show that
concepts and when P(x) = x5 - 3x3 - 1. A rectangular
skills in daily 4x + 3 is divided by x-r garden in a backyard
living has an area of 1. x3 - 3x2 – x - 1
1. x+1 a.(x+2) and (3x-2) are factors of (3x2 + 5x – 6) square
2. x-1 2. 9x2 - 12x - 8
meters. Its width is (x
3. x+2 3x4 - 20x3 + 80x - 48. + 2) meters. Find the x3 + 2x2 - 19x - 20
4. x-2 length of the garden.

b. (x-7) and (3x+5) are not 2. If one ream of

factors of 6x4 - 2x3 - 80x2 + 74x - 35. bond paper costs
(3x – 4) pesos,
how many reams
can you buy for
(6x4 – 17x3 + 24x2
– 34x + 24) pesos?
H. Generalization The Remainder The Factor Theorem How do we factor How do we factor
Theorem Let P(x) be a polynomial. polynomials using polynomials using
If the polynomial P(x) A. If P(r )=0, then x-r is a factor of P(x) synthetic division? synthetic division?
is divided by (x – r), the If x-r is a factor of P(x), then P(r )=0 Step 1: Arrange Step 1: Arrange the
remainder R is a the coefficients of coefficients of P(x) in
constant and is equal P(x) in descending descending powers of x,
to P(r). powers of x, placing 0s for the missing
R = P(r) placing 0s for the terms. The leading
Thus, there are missing terms. The coefficient of P(x)
two ways to find the leading coefficient becomes the first entry of
remainder when P(x) is of P(x) becomes the third row.
divided by (x – r), the first entry of the
that is: third row. Step 2: Place the
(1) use synthetic Step 2: Place value of r in the upper left
division, or the value of r in the corner. In this example,
(2) calculate P(r). upper left corner.
imilarly, there are two In this example, Step 3: multiply r with
ways to find the value Step 3: multiply r the first coefficient of x the
of P(r): with the first write the product below
(1) substitute r in the coefficient of x the the coefficient of x then
polynomial expression write the product add
P(x), or below the 2nd
(2) use synthetic coefficient of x then Step 4 Repeat step 3
division. add
Step 4 Repeat Step 5.write the
step 3 quotient, Note that the
Step 5.write the exponent of q(x) is one
quotient, Note that less than the largest
the exponent of exponent in original
q(x) is one less equation
than the largest
exponent in
original equation
I. Evaluation Give the remainder Determine the value of A so that Solve. Answer the following:
when P(x) is divided by
The volume of a
x-r. Use synthetic 1. If (x-1) is one of the
division A. x-1 is a factor of 2x3 + x2 + 2Ax + 4 rectangular solid is
1. P(x)= 3x100 - 2x75+3 factors of
(x3 + 3x2 + 2x – 5)
a. x - 1 x3 + 4x2 – x - 4, What
b. x + 1 x+1 is a factor of x3 + x2 - 2Ax - 16 cubic cm, and its
are the other two factors?
height is (x + 1)
2. P(x) = x5+3x3 - x+1
a. x - 2 cm. What is the
b. x + 3
area of its base? 2. What is the value of m
if (x+3) is a factor of x3 +
mx2 + 2x - 3?

J. Application A. Follow up
A. Follow up Find the factors of Are (x-1) (x+2) (x+1)
A. Follow up polynomial
Use the remainder 1 Determine whether x-3 is a factor of 1) 24 x2 - 22 x - factors of
theorem to find the 35
remainder when P(x) is a. 2x3 - 13X2 - 17X + 12 2) 2x3 + 3 x2 - 17 x3 - 2x2 + 3x - 2
divided by x – r b. 3X3 - 14X2 + 3X – 18 x - 30
3) x3 - 3 x2 - x + B. 1.What is polynomial
1.3x4 + x - 1, (x+2) B. Determine the real roots of (x+1)(x- 3
2. x3 + 2x2 + x - 2, (x+1) 3)=0 4) x3 + 4 x2 - 7 x
B. What is Factor +2
Theorem? 4) 18 x3 - 57 x2 - 2. How to find the roots
85 x + 100 of polynomial equations?

V. Remarks/

VI. Reflection
a. Numbers of
learners who
earned 80% in the
b. Number of
learners who
needs additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

c. Which
strategies work

d. Difficulties

e. Are there
innovations that
you discovered
that is worthy of
sharing to your

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