Achievment Tests

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Unit 3: Achievement Test

.A. Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the list below
.Use the underlined words to help you

Rare secret

Educational condition


.-------------We learned a lot from watching the show. It was .1

.------------The map was very old and torn. It was not in good .2
.-----------There are not many of these stamps. They are very .3
.-----------I can´t tell you the story. It’s a .4
My sister has a large collection of dolls. There are about 100 .5
.in her collection -----------

B. Choose two words from the list below that are related to each of the
.Boldfaced words. Write the words on the lines

Expert is worth collector

Antique value historical

------------------ --------------------- price .1
------------------ --------------------- person .2
------------------ --------------------- old .3

Complete the paragraph with the simple present tense froms of the verbs

My brother and i----------- old cions and banknotes. Some of the

collect .1
-------------Coins----------- very beautiful. My brother often
be 3. buy .2
.New items from other collectors. He----------- some coins from the 1700s
have .4
--------------------My brother----------------- people to touch the items. I
not/ like 6. not/have .5
----------------A large collection of coins and banknotes. My collection
not/be .7
Very valuable, but I have fun looking at it. Why--------- we---------- to
like .8
To collect these things? We--------------- a lot about history from our
9. learn
Hobby. We---------------- items from our collection.
10. not/sell

Reading Comprehension
.Read the paragraph below. Decide if the sencentences are true or false

Computure Auctions

?What do you want to buy--- a computure, a movie, a doll, some stamps

Many collectors buy items for their collections online. There are many
Different auctions. Each auction has a list of items. Collectors look for the
Types of items they want. They read descriptions and often see pictures of
the items. Then, they decide. Is there an item they want? How much is it
.worth?The collectors fill in prices. One collector wins. The others lose
Computure auction are open all day and all night! There is always
.Something for sale

.Many collectors buy things at auctions on the computure .1-----

.Only stamps are sold at these auctions .2-----
.Many people see the different items .3-----
The collectors read the prices for the items and check the ones they .4-----
.The auction is open all the time .5-----

Unit 4: Achivement Test

.Circle the choice that best completes the sentences

.------------Mr. Thomas donates money to the youth group. He's very .1

a. generous b. dangerous
Some of the young people are--------. They may have problems in the .2
a. supportive b. at risk
.----------The new girl is negative. She seems very .3
a. upset b. positve
.---------This club is not fof little kids or adults. It's for .4
a. teenagers b. parents
?How many people are----------- of this group .5
a. friends b. members
.-----------Martina is a good example for others to follow. She's a great .6
a. actress b. role model
.Some places are not safe. We--------- those places .7
a. avoid b. support
.Bob is a---------- for Robert .8
a. friend b. nickname
.That’s a great organization. Many people-------- and help it .9
a. support b. avoid
.------------- That’s not a safe thing to do . It's .10
a. dangerous b. respectful

.A. Complete the conversations with the pronouns and possessive adjectives
he / him / his .1

?-------------ERIN: Who is----------? Do you know

-.----------.MARCOS: Yes, I do

I / me / my .2

?ERIN: Where's --------book? Can---------- use your book

.MARCOS: Sure, here it is. Just give it to--------- when you're finished

she / her / her .3

?ERIN: I have to call Susana tonight. Do you have------- phone number

.MARCOS: I don’t know it-------is in my next class.I'll ask-------to call you
.ERIN: Thanks

.B. Read the sentences. Fill in the correct pronouns and possessive adjective

I my you your he his

She her we our they their
?Where are Susana and Thomas? Are---------- in the cafeteria .1
Erin and I like to play tennis on Saturdays.------ usually play in the .2
.Sam lives near the school.-------- house is on Westwood Road .3
.Are you going to class? Where is------- book .4
.The students finished-------- papers and gave them to the teacher .5

Reading Comprehension
Read the paragraph below. Then read the statements. They are all false.
.Rewrite them to make them true

Students Care

Brian cares about his friends, classmates, and the people in the town. Brain
started a group at school. It's called SWT—Students Working Togather. Fifteen
other students are now members of the group. They meet after school.
Sometimes they help classmates with homework. Other times they play games
and read books with younger kids at the library. Every fall, the group of teens
rakes leaves for older people in town. In the winter, they clear snow from
sidewalks. And in the spring, they volunteer to wash windows and clean. Brian's
group helps many people all the year long. Do you want to help, too? Call at 555-

.Brian and his friends help fifteen people .1

.SWT is a group that meets before school .2

.The members of the group sometimes read to kids in the classroom .3

.The members of SWT arepaid to wash windows .4

.They work during the summer and on weekands .5

Unit 6: Achievement Test

.Match the underlined words with the definitions

When the airplane landed at a. trip 1-----

we were glad to get off ,8:00
The plane. b. good looking
There was a famous musician .2-----
on the plane. Everyone wanted c. someone who flies an airplne
.To talk to him
He was very handsome and d. newspaper, radio,TV .3-----
.all the girls liked him
We need to get on the air- e. depart, leave .4-----
.Plane. It's ready to take off
The flight from Londan to f. competition .5-----
.Montreal was very long
Do you want to be in the g. arrived . 6-----
contest?- You might win a
prize. h. wel – known
My uncle is a pilot. He flies .7-----
.airplanes around the world
There were many reporters .8-----
from the media at the big


Complete the paragraph with the simple past tense forms of the verbs
.provided. Some of the verbs are regular and some are irregular
Last summer, my brother and I-------- to Austria. We-------- the trip togather
travel 2. plan .1
.We-------- some friends in Vienna. After that, we-------in Salzburg for a few days
visit 4. stop .3
We------- backpacks, so we--------- some hiking,too. My brother------- to learn
carry 6. do 7. try .5
.Some German there. We-------- in Austria for three weeks. Then, we----- home
stay 9. fly .8
.We--------- a great time

Reading Comprehension
.Read the paragraph below. Write answers to the questions

Around the world in a Ballon

In March 1999, two men made an incredible trip. They flew around the world in
a bolloon without stopping. Wim Verstraeten and Bertrand Piccard planned a
long time before they made the trip. Many people helped them and followed their
trip. The two men started on March 1, 1999, in Switzerland. The baloon climbed
high to 21,000 feet. It was very cold up there. The wind pushed the baloon over
Asia. They crossed the Pacific Ocean. They flew over the Americas. Finally, they
went acroos the Atlantic Ocean to North Africa. They raced along at 120 miles
per hour. After nineteen days, they completed the trip around the world. They
.finally landed in Egypt. It was time for a big celebration

?In what year did the men make the trip around the world .1

?In what country did they start the trip .2

?What oceans did they cross .3

?How fast did they race along .4

?Where did they land .5

Unit 7: Achievement Test

A. Two of the three choices correctly complete the sentence. Cross out the
.Choice that does not make scence

.-------------You need a ticket or pass to ride on the .1

a. subway b. truck c. train
.The------------ is always full of cars at five o'clock in the afternoon .2
a. commuter b. highway c. tunnel
.------------------Ialways ride the subway. It's .3
a. heavy b. convenient c. not expensive
.The city needs---------for these problems .4
a. committees b. solutions c. flights
I was late for work because there was a problem with--------- on my way .5
.to work
a. my car b. a solution c. a traffic jam

.B. Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the list below

helicopter commute heavy

tunnel metting

.We saw a----------- fly over the city .1

?How do you---------to work? Do you drive or take a train .2
.-----------There were too many cars on the road. The traffic was .3
.Iprefer to take the bridge over the river. Idon't like to use the------under it .4
.The people are planning a-------------- to talk about problems .5

.Use the words to write sentences comparing the cities

Hong Kong / big / Venice .1

Mexico City / old /Las Vegas .2

Vienna / expensive / AnKara .3

New Orleans / relaxing / Los Angeles .4

Vancouver / friendly / New York City .5

Reading Comprehension
Read the paragraph below about Paul. Decide if the sentences are true or
.false. Write T or F

No More Commuting

.For years, Itook the train to work. Every morning, I got on the train at 6:30
The train is fast. It only takes 55 minutes to get to the city. But then, I got on
the subway. Then I rode another 20 minutes. For the last part of the daily
trip, I walked ten minutes to the offic. I got there about 8:15. At 4:00. I
!started the trip back home. So every day, I traveled almost four hours a day
!That's too much
.But now, I have a solution to the problem. I work at home. I sleep until 8:00
I get up and walk to the computer. I do my work. I finish before 4:00. No more
.trains and subways for me. Now, I have time for things I want to do. I'm free

.Paul didn’t like the trip to work .1----

.The train was too slow .2----
.Paul has a longer trip now to work .3----
.Paul had plenty of time to do things he wanted to do .4----
.Paul was happier before .5----

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