Cb125 Shine SP

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The vehicle presents you a challenge to master the machine, a challenge to adventure. You
ride through the wind, linked to the road by a vehicle that responds to your commands as
no other does. Unlike an automobile, there is no metal cage around you. Like an air plane,
a pre-ride inspection and regular maintenance are essential to your safety. Your reward is
To meet the challenges safely, and to enjoy the adventure fully, you should become
thoroughly familiar with this owner’s manual BEFORE YOU RIDE THE VEHICLE.
As you read this manual, you will find information that is preceded by a symbol.
This information is intended to help you avoid damage to your vehicle, other property, or
the environment.
When service is required, remember that your Honda dealer knows your vehicle. If you
have the required mechanical “know-how” and tools, your dealer can supply you an official
Honda shop manual on paid basis to help you perform many maintenance and repair tasks.
Accessories shown in the illustration are not part of the standard equipment.
For any query or assistance, please call Customer Care No.:
1800 103 3434 (Toll free)
Pleasant riding, and thank you for choosing a Honda!
● The specifications may vary with each locale.

© Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2017

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. CB125 Shine SP

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This vehicle is designed to carry the rider and one pillion rider. Never exceed the maximum
weight capacity.
This vehicle is designed to be used only on the road.
Pay special attention to the safety messages that appear throughout the manual.
This manual should be considered as a permanent part of the vehicle and should remain
with the vehicle when resold.
All information in this publication is based on the latest production information
available at the time of approval for printing. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. reserves
the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any
No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission.

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Page Page
CATALYTIC CONVERTER---------------- 1 Fuel---------------------------------------- 19
A FEW WORDS ABOUT SAFETY-------- 2 Evaporative Emission Control System--- 21
VEHICLE SAFETY------------------------ 3 Engine Oil--------------------------------- 22
Important Safety Information--------------3 Tyres--------------------------------------- 23
Protective Apparel--------------------------4 ESSENTIAL INDIVIDUAL
Load Limits and Guidelines-----------------5
Ignition Switch---------------------------- 26
Anti-theft Tips------------------------------- 7
Right Handlebar Control------------------ 27
PARTS LOCATION----------------------- 8
Left Handlebar Controls------------------ 27
Serial Numbers----------------------------10 FEATURES------------------------------28
Instrument and Indicators--------------- 10 (Not required for operation)
MAJOR COMPONENTS-----------------12 Steering Lock----------------------------- 28
(Information you need to operate this Headlight Aim Vertical Adjustment------ 29
vehicle) Left Side Cover---------------------------- 29
Suspension-------------------------------- 12 Seat--------------------------------------- 30
Brakes------------------------------------- 13 Storage Compartment-------------------- 31
Clutch-------------------------------------- 18 Document Bag---------------------------- 31

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Page Page
OPERATION----------------------------32 Throttle Operation------------------------ 50
Pre-ride Inspection----------------------- 32 Air Cleaner-------------------------------- 51
Starting the Engine----------------------- 32 Drive Chain-------------------------------- 52
Running-in-------------------------------- 35 Front and Rear Suspension--------------- 57
Riding-------------------------------------- 35 Side Stand-------------------------------- 58
Braking------------------------------------ 36 Wheel Removal--------------------------- 58
Parking------------------------------------ 37 Brake Pad Wear (for Disc & CBS)-------- 62
MAINTENANCE-------------------------38 Brake Shoe Wear------------------------- 63
The Importance of Maintenance--------- 38 Battery------------------------------------ 64
Maintenance Safety----------------------- 38 Fuse Replacement------------------------ 66
Safety Precautions------------------------ 39 Stoplight Switch Adjustment------------- 68
Maintenance Schedule-------------------- 40 Bulb Replacement------------------------- 68
Tool Kit and First Aid Kit------------------ 43 CLEANING------------------------------71
Color Code-------------------------------- 43 STORAGE GUIDE-----------------------73
Engine Oil--------------------------------- 44 Storage------------------------------------ 73
Crankcase Breather----------------------- 46 Removal From Storage------------------- 74
Spark Plug--------------------------------- 46 SPECIFICATIONS----------------------75
Valve Clearance--------------------------- 48 WARRANTY POLICY-------------------77
Idle Speed--------------------------------- 50

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This Vehicle is equipped with a catalytic converter.
The catalytic converter contains precious metals that serve as catalysts. Promoting chemical
reactions to convert the exhaust gasses without affecting the metals.
The catalytic converter acts on HC, CO, and NOx. A replacement unit must be an original
Honda part or its equivalent.
The catalytic converter must operate at a high temperature for the chemical reactions to
take place. It can set on fire any combustible materials that come near it. Mark your vehicle
away from high grasses, dry leaves, or other flammables.
A defective catalytic converter contributes to air pollution, and can impair your engine’s
performance. Follow these guidelines to protect your motorcycle’s catalytic converter.
• Always use unleaded petrol. Even a small amount of leaded petrol can contaminate the
catalyst metals, making the catalytic converter ineffective.
• Keep the engine tuned-up.
• Have your vehicle diagnosed and replaced if it is misfiring, backfiring stalling or
otherwise not running properly.

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Your safety, and the safety of others, is very important. Operating this vehicle safely is an
important responsibility.
To help you make informed decisions about safety, we have provided operating procedures
and other information on labels in this manual. This information alerts you to potential
hazards that could hurt you or others.
Of course, it is not practical or possible to warn you about all hazards associated with
operating or maintaining a vehicle. You must use your own good judgment.
You will find important safety information in a variety of forms, including :
● Safety labels - on the vehicle.
● Safety messages - preceded by a safety alert symbol ! and one of three signal
These signal words mean:
You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.
You CAN be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.
You CAN be HURT if you don’t follow instructions.

●● Safety Heading - such as Important Safety Reminders or Important Safety Precautions.

●● Safety Section – such as vehicle Safety.
●● Instructions – how to use this vehicle correctly and safely.
This entire manual is filled with important safety information–please read it carefully.

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VEHICLE SAFETY Make Yourself Easy to be Visible
Some drivers do not see vehicles because
they are not looking for them. To make
INFORMATION yourself more visible, wear bright reflective
Your vehicle can provide many years clothing, position yourself so other drivers
of service and pleasure if you take can see you, signal before turning or
responsibility for your own safety and changing lanes, and use your horn when it
understand the challenges that you can will help others notice you.
meet on the road. Ride Within Your Limits
There is much that you can do to protect Pushing the limits is another major cause of
yourself when you ride. You’ll find many vehicle accidents. Never ride beyond your
helpful recommendations throughout this personal abilities or faster than conditions
manual. Following are few that we consider warrant. Remember that alcohol, drugs,
most important. fatigue and inattention can significantly
Always Wear a Helmet reduce your ability to make good
judgements and ride safely.
It’s a proven fact: helmets significantly
reduce the number and severity of head Keep Your Vehicle in Safe Condition
injuries. So always wear an approved For safe riding, it’s important to inspect
helmet and make sure your pillion rider does your vehicle before every ride and perform
the same. We also recommend that you all recommended maintenance. Never
wear eye protection, sturdy boots, gloves, exceed load limits, and only use accessories
and other protective apparel (page 4). that have been approved by Honda for this
vehicle. See page 6 for more details.

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Don’t Drink and Ride Helmets and Eye Protection
Don’t mix Alcohol and riding. Even one Your helmet is your most important piece
of riding gear because it offers the best
drink can reduce your ability to respond
protection against head injuries. A helmet
to changing conditions, and your reaction
should fit your head comfortably and securely.
time gets worse with every additional drink. A bright-colored helmet can make you more
So don’t drink and ride, and don’t let your noticeable in traffic, as can reflective strips.
friends drink and ride either. An open-face helmet offers some protection,
PROTECTIVE APPAREL but a full-face helmet offers more. Always
For your safety, we strongly recommend wear a face shield or goggles to protect
that you always wear an approved helmet, your eyes and help your vision.
eye protection, boots, gloves, long pants, Additional Riding Gear
and a long-sleeved shirt or jacket whenever In addition to a helmet and eye protection,
you ride. Although complete protection is we also recommend:
not possible, wearing proper gear can ●● Sturdy boots with non-slip soles to help
reduce the chance of injury when you ride. protect your feet and ankles.
Following are suggestions to help you
●● Leather gloves to keep your hands warm
choose proper gear.
and help prevent blisters, cuts, burns and
●● A vehicle riding suit or jacket for comfort
Not wearing a helmet increases the chance
as well as protection. Bright colored and
of serious injury or death in a crash.
reflective clothing can help make you
Be sure you and your pillion rider always more noticeable in traffic. Be sure to
wear a helmet, eye protection and other avoid loose clothes that could get caught
protective apparel when you ride. on any part of your vehicle.
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Your vehicle has been designed to carry
you and one pillion rider. When you carry a Overloading or improper loading can
pillion rider, you may feel some difference cause a crash and you can be seriously
during acceleration and braking. But so long hurt or killed.
as you keep your vehicle well- maintained, Follow all load limits and other loading
with good tyres and brakes, you can safely guidelines in this manual.
carry loads within the given limits and
Load Limits
Following are the load limits for your
However, exceeding the weight limit or
carrying an unbalanced load can seriously
Maximum weight capacity:
affect your vehicle’s handling, braking and
stability. Non-Honda accessories, improper 170 kg (374.7 lbs)
modifications, and poor maintenance can Includes the weight of the rider, pillion
also reduce your safety margin. rider, all cargo and all accessories
The following pages give more specific Loading Guidelines
information on loading, accessories and Your vehicle is primarily intended for
modifications. transporting you and a pillion rider. You
Loading may wish to secure a jacket or other small
How much weight you put on your vehicle, items to the seat when you are not riding
and how you load it, are important to your with a pillion rider. If you wish to carry more
safety. Anytime you ride with a pillion cargo, check with your Honda dealer for
rider or cargo you should be aware of the advice, and be sure to read the information
following information. regarding accessories on (page 6).

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Improperly loading your vehicle can affect
its stability and handling. Even if your ! WARNING
vehicle is properly loaded, you should ride Improper accessories or modifications
at reduced speeds whenever carrying cargo. can cause a crash in which you can be
Follow these guidelines whenever you carry seriously hurt or killed.
a pillion rider or cargo: Follow all instructions in this owner’s
●● Check that both tyres are properly inflated. manual regarding accessories and
●● If you change your normal load, you may modifications.
need to adjust the rear suspension
(page 12). Accessories
●● To prevent loose items from creating a
We strongly recommend that you use only
hazard, make sure that all cargo is
Honda Genuine Accessories that have been
securely tied down before you ride away.
specifically designed and tested for your
●● Place cargo weight as close to the center
of the vehicle as possible. vehicle. Because Honda cannot test all
●● Balance cargo weight evenly on both sides. other accessories, you must be personally
responsible for proper selection, installation
●● Do not attach large or heavy items (such
as a sleeping bag or tent) to the and use of non-Honda accessories. Check
handlebars, forks or fender. with your dealer for assistance and always
follow these guidelines:
Accessories and Modifications
Modifying your vehicle or using ●● Make sure the accessory does not obscure
non-Honda accessories can make your any lights, reduce ground clearance and
vehicle unsafe. Before you consider making banking angle, limit suspension travel or
any modifications or adding an accessory, steering travel, alter your riding position
be sure to read the following information. or interfere with operating any controls.

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●● Be sure not to use any non-genuine ANTI-THEFT TIPS
electrical equipment or equipment having 1. Always lock the steering.
capacity exceeding vehicle’s electrical 2. Never leave the key in the ignition
system capacity (page 76). A blown fuse switch. This sounds simple but people
can cause a loss of lights or engine power. do forget.
●● Do not pull a trailer or sidecar with your 3. Be sure the registration information for
vehicle. This vehicle is not designed for your vehicle is accurate and current.
these attachments, and their use can 4. Put your vehicle in a locked garage
whenever possible.
seriously impair your vehicle’s handling.
5. Use an additional anti-theft device of
Modification good quality.
6. Put your name, address, and phone
We strongly advise you not to remove any number in this Owner’s Manual and
original equipment or modify your vehicle keep it on your vehicles at all times.
in any way that would change its design Many times stolen vehicles are identified
or operation. Such changes could seriously by information in the Owner’s Manuals.
impair your vehicle’s handling, stability and NAME: 
braking, making it unsafe to ride.
Removing or modifying your lights, ADDRESS: 
mufflers, emission control system or other 
equipment can also make your vehicle

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Front brake fluid
Rearview mirror reservoir
fj;j O;w fejj ÝaV czsd ¶ywbM fjtokZ;j
LihM®ehVj Fuel meter Rearview mirror
Headlight dimmer switch
gsMykbV fMEej fLop ¶;wy ehVj fj;j O;w fejj

switch Front brake lever
ikflax ykbV ÝaV czsd yhoj
Dyp yhoj
Throttle grip
FkzkSVy fxzi
Horn button
gkuZ cVu
Turn signal switch
VuZ flxuy fLop Starter button
Choke lever
LVkVZj cVu
pksd yhoj Fuel filler cap
¶;wy fQyj dSi Ignition switch
bfXu”ku fLop
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Right Side View Left Side View

(10) (11) (12)
(5) (6) (7) (9)

(4) (3) (2) (1) (15) (14) (13)

(1) Oil filler cap/Dipstick (vkW;y

fQyj dSi@fMifLVd) (9) Fuel valve (¶;wy okYo)
(2) Rear brake pedal (fj;j czsd iSMy) (10) Battery (cSVjh)
(3) Footpeg (QqViSx) (11) Main fuse (eSu ¶;wt)
(4) Pillion rider footpeg (fify;u jkbMj QqViSx) (12) Seat lock (lhV ykWd)
(5) Storage compartment (LVksjst dEikVZesaV) (13) Side stand (lkbZM LVSaM)
(6) Air cleaner (,;j Dyhuj) (14) Center stand (lsaVj LVSaM)
(7) Kickstarter (fddLVkVZj) (15) Engine oil drain plug (batu vkW;y Mªsu Iyx)
(8) Reflector (fj¶ysDVj) (16) Gearshift pedal (fx;j f“k¶V iSM+y)

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The frame and engine serial numbers are The indicators are contained in the instrument
required when registering your vehicle. panel. Their functions are described in the
They may also be required by your dealer tables on the following pages.
when ordering replacement parts. (2) (3) (6)
(1) (7)
The frame number (1) is stamped on the
right side of the steering head. The engine
number (2) is stamped on the left side of
the crankcase.
Record the numbers here for your reference.

(5) (4) (8)

(1) Speedometer ¼LihMksehVj½
(2) Reset button ¼jhlsV cVu½
(3) Tripmeter ¼fVªiehVj½
(4) Fuel meter ¼¶;wy ehVj½
(5) Odometer ¼vkWMksehVj½
(2) (6) Turn signal indicator ¼VuZ flxuy bafMdsVj½
(1) Frame number ¼Ýse uEcj½ (7) High beam indicator ¼gkbZ che bafMdsVj½
(2) Engine number ¼batu uEcj½ (8) Neutral indicator ¼U;wVªy bafMdsVj½

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(Ref.No.) Description Function
(1) Speedometer Shows riding speed.
(2) Reset button To reset tripmeter use this button.
(3) Tripmeter Its shows distance travelled since the time it was last
reset to zero.
(4) Fuel meter Shows approximate fuel supply available (page 12).
(5) Odometer Shows accumulated mileage.
(6) Turn signal indicator (green) Flashes when any of the turn signal operates.
(7) High beam indicator (blue) Indicate when the headlight is glowing on high beam.
(8) Neutral indicator (green) Indicate when the transmission is in neutral.

Tripmeter To reset the tripmeter, press and hold the

reset button for more than 3 seconds when
To reset the tripmeter proceed as follows:
the display is in the “Trip”.
Press the reset button to select Tripmeter.


(1) Reset button ¼jhlsV cVu½

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When the fuel meter display flashing and (Information you need to operate this
enters in the last band (2), fuel will be low. vehicle)
and you should refill the tank as soon as
possible. The amount of fuel left in the SUSPENSION
tank with the vehicle set upright when The shock absorber (1) has 5 adjustment
fuel meter display flashing in last band is positions for different load or riding
approximately: conditions.
1.9 L (0.50 US gal, 0.42 Imp gal) Use a pin spanner (2) to adjust the rear
shock absorber. Turning the spring preload
(2) adjuster (3) counterclockwise makes the
shock absorber firm, and turning clockwise
makes it soft.
Always adjust the shock absorber position
in sequence (1-2-3-4-5 or 5-4-3-2-1).
Attempting to adjust directly from 5 to 1
may damage the shock absorber.
Position 5 increases spring preload for a
stiffer rear suspension, and can be used
when the motorcycle is heavily loaded.
(1) Fuel meter ¼¶;wy ehVj½
(2) Last band ¼vk[kjh cSaM½

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For rear shock absorber adjustment visit Front Brake (Disc & CBS)
to your nearest Honda dealer.
This vehicle has a front hydraulic and rear
Standard position: 2 mechanical drum brake.
(3) As the brake pads wear, brake fluid level
There are no adjustments to perform, but
fluid level and pad wear must be inspected
(1) periodically. The system must be inspected
frequently to ensure there are no fluid leaks.
If the control lever free travel becomes
excessive and the brake pads are not worn
beyond the recommended limit (page 62),
there is probably air in the brake system
and it must be bleed. See your Honda
dealer for this service.
Front Brake Fluid Level:
With the vehicle in an upright position,
(1) Shock absorber ¼”kkWd ,ctkcZj½ check the fluid level. It should be above the
(2) Pin spanner ¼fiu LiSuj½ lower level mark (1). If the level is at or
(3) Spring preload adjuster ¼fLizax izhy®M ,MtLVj½ below the lower level mark (1), check the
brake pads for wear (page 62).

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Worn pads should be replaced. If the pads Front Brake (Drum type)
are not worn, have your brake system Brakes are items of personal safety and
inspected for leaks. should always be maintained in proper
The recommended brake fluid is Honda DOT adjustment.
3 or 4 brake fluid from a sealed container, The distance the front brake lever or rear
or an equivalent. brake pedal moves before the brake starts
to engage is called freeplay.
Measured at the tip of the front brake lever
(1), freeplay should be maintained at:
10-20 mm (0.4-0.8 in)

10-20 mm

(1) Lower level mark ¼fupyk Lrj fpUg½

(1) Front brake lever ¼ÝaV czsd yhoj½
Other Checks: Adjustment:
Make sure there are no fluid leaks. Check 1. Front brake adjustment should be made
for deterioration or cracks in the hoses and using the front brake adjusting nut (2)
fittings. at the front wheel.
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2. Adjust the brake lever free play with the Apply the brake several times and check for
front brake-adjusting nut. Turning the free wheel rotation after the brake lever is
nut clockwise will decrease freeplay and released.
turning the nut counterclockwise will
If proper adjustment cannot be obtained by
increase freeplay.
this method, see your Honda dealer.
Make sure the cut-out on the adjusting
nut is seated on the brake arm pin (3) Other Checks:
after making final freeplay adjustment. Check the brake cable for kinks or signs of
(2) wear that could cause sticking or failure.
Lubricate the brake cable with a
commercially available cable lubricant to
prevent premature wear and corrosion
Make sure the brake arm, spring and
(A) fasteners are in good condition.


(2) Front brake adjusting nut ¼ÝaV czsd ,MtfLVax uV½
(3) Brake arm pin ¼czsd vkeZ fiu½
(A) Decrease free play ¼aÝh Iys ?kVk,sa½
(B) Increase free play ¼Ýh Iys c<+k,sa½

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REAR BRAKE 3. If adjustment is necessary, turn the
Adjustment: rear brake adjusting nut (2).
Make sure the cut-out on the adjusting nut
1. Place the vehicle on its center stand.
is seated on the brake arm pin (3) after
2. Measure the distance the rear brake making final free play adjustment.
pedal (1) moves before the brake starts (2)
to take hold.
Free play should be:
20 -30 mm (0.8 -1.2 in)

(1) (B)


20-30 mm (2) Rear brake adjusting nut ¼fj;j czsd ,MtfLVax uV½
(3) Brake arm pin ¼czsd vkeZ fiu½
(A) Decrease free play ¼aÝh Iys ?kVk,sa½
(B) Increase free play ¼Ýh Iys c<+k,sa½

(1) Rear brake pedal ¼fj;j czsd iSMy½ 4. Apply the brake several times and
check for free wheel rotation after the
brake pedal is released.

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If proper adjustment cannot be obtained Rear Brake Fluid Level: (for CBS)
by this method, see your Honda dealer.
With the vehicle in a side right position,
After adjustment, push the brake arm to check the fluid level. It should be above
confirm that there is a gap between the the LOWER level mark (1). If the level is at
rear brake adjusting nut and the brake arm or below the LOWER level mark, check the
pin. brake pads for wear (page 62).
After adjustment, confirm the free play of
the brake pedal.


Cut out
correctly seated (1)

Cut out not

seated (1) LOWER level mark ¼fupyk Lrj fpUg½

Other Checks: Worn pads should be replaced. If the pads

Make sure the brake arm, spring and are not worn, have your brake system
fasteners are in good condition. inspected for leaks.
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The recommended brake fluid is Honda DOT 1. Loosen the lock nut (2) at the lower end
3 or 4 brake fluid from a sealed container, of the cable. Turn the adjusting nut (3)
or an equivalent. to obtain the specified free play. Tighten
the lock nut and check the adjustment.
Other Checks:
2. Start the engine, pull in the clutch lever
Make sure there are no fluid leaks. Check
and shift into gear. Make sure the
for deterioration or cracks in the hoses and
engine does not stall and the vehicle
does not creep. Gradually release the
CLUTCH clutch lever and open the throttle. The
Clutch adjustment may be required if the vehicle should begin to move
vehicle stalls when shifting into gear or smoothly and accelerate gradually.
tends to creep; or if the clutch slips, causing
acceleration to lag behind engine speed.
Normal clutch lever free play is: (3) (2)
10 -20 mm (0.4 -0.8 in) (A)

10-20 mm (B)

(2) Lock nut¼YkkWd uV½

(3) Adjusting nut ¼,MtfLVax uV½
(A) Increase free play ¼Ýh Iys c<+k,sa½
(1) Clutch lever ¼Dyp yhoj½ (B) Decrease free play ¼Ýh Iys ?kVk,sa½

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If proper adjustment cannot be obtained or RES
the clutch does not work correctly, see your
With the fuel valve in this RES position, fuel
Honda dealer.
will flow from the reserve fuel supply to the
Other Checks: carburetor. Use the reserve fuel only when
Check the clutch cable for kinks or signs the main supply is gone. Refill the tank as
of wear that could cause sticking or soon as possible after switching to RES.
failure. Lubricate the clutch cable with a The reserve fuel supply is:
commercially available cable lubricant to
1.9 Ltr. (0.50 US gal , 0.42 Imp gal)
prevent premature wear and corrosion.
Remember to check that the fuel valve is in
FUEL the ON position each time you refuel. If the
Fuel Valve valve is left in the RES position, you may
The three way fuel valve (1) is on the left run out of fuel with no reserve.
side below the fuel tank. RES RES (1) RES
With the fuel valve in the ON position, fuel
will flow from the main fuel supply to the OFF OFF OFF
With the fuel valve in the OFF position, fuel ON ON ON
cannot flow from the tank to the carburetor.
Turn the valve to OFF position whenever ON OFF RES
the vehicle is not in use. (1) Fuel valve ¼¶;wy okYo½

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Fuel Tank filler neck until it snaps closed and locks.
The fuel tank capacity including the reserve Remove the key.
supply is:
10.5 Ltr. (2.77 US gal , 2.31 Imp gal)
Petrol is highly flammable and explosive.
To open the fuel fill cap (1), insert the You can be burned or seriously injured
ignition key (2) and turn it clockwise. The when handling fuel.
fuel fill cap will pop up and can be lifted off. • Stop the engine and keep heat, sparks,
Do not overfill the tank. There should be no and flame away.
fuel in the filler neck (3). • Refuel only outdoors.
(3) • Wipe up spills immediately.

Use unleaded petrol with a research octane

number of 88 or higher.
The use of leaded petrol will cause premature
damage to the catalytic converter.
(1) If ‘‘spark knock’’ or ‘‘pinking’’ occurs at a
(1) Fuel fill cap¼¶;wy fQy dSi½ steady engine speed under normal load,
(2) Ignition key ¼bfXu”ku dh½ change brands of petrol. If spark knock
(3) Filler neck ¼fQyj uSd½ or pinking persists, consult your Honda
After refueling, to close the fuel fill cap, dealer. Failure to do so is considered
align the latch in the cap with the slot in misuse, and damage caused by misuse is
the filler neck. Push the fuel fill cap into the not covered by Honda’s Limited Warranty.
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This vehicle is equipped with evaporative
emission (EVAP) canister, which is designed
to keep gasoline from evaporating into the
atmosphere. Rather than venting a gas
tank to the atmosphere.
If the problem occurs, contact your Honda (2)


(1) Fuel tank¼¶;wy VSd½

(2) Canister ¼dSfuLVj½
(3) One way valve ¼ou os okWYo½

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Petrol Containing Alcohol ENGINE OIL
If you decide to use a petrol containing Engine Oil Level Check
alcohol (gasohol), be sure it’s octane rating Check the engine oil level each day before
is at least as high as that recommended by riding the vehicle.
Honda. The level must be maintained between the
• When certain types of petrol containing upper (1) and lower (2) level marks on the
alcohol are used, problems such as oil filler cap/dipstick (3).
hard starting, poor performance, etc.
may occur.
• If you notice any undesirable operating
symptoms while using a petrol that
contains alcohol, or one that you think
contains alcohol, try another station or
switch to another brand of petrol.
• When a problem resulting from the (1)
use of petrol containing alcohol occurs,
contact your Honda dealer. (2)
(1) Upper level mark ¼Åijh Lrj fpUg½
! WARNING (2) Lower level mark ¼fupyk Lrj fpUg½
Adulterated fuel not to be used. It (3) Oil filler cap/dipstick ¼vkW;y fQyj dSi@fMifLVd½
causes damage to the engine parts and
1. Start the engine and let it idle for 3-5
considered as misuse, damage caused
by misuse is not covered under Honda
2. Stop the engine and put the vehicle
on its center stand on level ground.
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3. After 2-3 minutes, remove the oil filler
cap/dipstick, wipe it clean, and reinsert ! WARNING
the oil filler cap/dipstick without Using tyres that are excessively worn or
screwing it in. Remove the oil filler improperly inflated can cause an
cap/ dipstick. The oil level should be accident in which you can be seriously
between the upper and lower marks on hurt or killed.
the oil filler cap/dipstick. Follow all instructions in this owner’s
4. If required, add the specified oil (see manual regarding tyre inflation and
page 44) up to the upper level mark. maintenance.
Do not overfill.
5. Reinstall the oil filler cap/dipstick. Air Pressure
Check for oil leaks. Keeping your tyres properly inflated
NOTICE provides the best combination of handling,
Running the engine with insufficient oil tread life and riding comfort. Generally,
pressure may cause serious engine damage. under inflated tyres wear unevenly,
adversely affect handling, and are more
TYRES likely to fail from being overheated.
To safely operate your vehicle, your tyres
must be the proper type and size, in good Over inflated tyres make your vehicle ride
condition with adequate tread, and correctly more harsh, are more prone to damage
inflated for the load you are carrying. from road hazards, and wear unevenly.
The following pages give more detailed We recommend that you visually check your
information on how and when to check your tyres before every ride and use a gauge to
air pressure, how to inspect your tyres for measure air pressure at least once a month
damage, and what to do when your tyres or any time you think the tyres might be
need to be repaired or replaced. low.
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Always check air pressure when your tyres similar object. For this reason, even though
are ‘‘cold’’ when the vehicle has been they remain fully inflated, it is important
parked for at least three hours. If you check to regularly check the tyre for embedded
air pressure when your tyres are ‘‘warm’’ objects.
when the vehicle has been ridden for even Inspection
a few miles the readings will be higher than
if the tyres were ‘‘cold’’. This is normal, Whenever you check the tyre pressures,
so do not let air out of the tyres to match you should also examine the tyre treads
the recommended cold air pressures given and side walls for wear, damage, and
below. If you do, the tyres will be under foreign objects:
inflated. Look for:
The recommended ‘‘cold’’ tyre pressures • Bumps or bulges on the side of the tyre
are: tread. Replace the tyre if you find any
bumps or bulges.
kPa (kgf/cm2 , psi) • Cuts, splits or cracks in the tyre. Replace
Front 175 (1.75 , 25) the tyre if you can see fabric or cord.
Rider Only
Rear 225 (2.25 , 33) • Excessive tread wear.
Rider and one Front 175 (1.75 , 25) Also, if you hit a pothole or hard object,
pillion rider Rear 280 (2.80 , 41) pull to the side of the road as soon as you
safely can and carefully inspect the tyres
This vehicle is fitted with tubeless tyre for damage.
in both wheels. Compared with ordinary
tube tyre, the tubeless tyre releases slow
air leak when punctured by a nail or other

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Tread Wear Tyre Replacement
Replace tyres before tread depth at the The tyres that came on your vehicle
center of the tyre reaches the following limit: were designed to match the performance
Minimum tread depth capabilities of your vehicle and provide
Front: 1.5 mm (0.06 in) the best combination of handling, braking,
Rear 2.0 mm (0.08 in) durability and comfort.
Using tyres that are excessively worn or
improperly inflated can cause a crash in
which you can be seriously hurt or killed.
Follow all instructions in this owner’s
(1) Wear indicator ¼fo;j bafMdsVj½ manual regarding tyre inflation and
(2) Wear indicator location mark maintenance.
¼fo;j bfMdsVj yksds”ku fpUg½
Tyre Repair The recommended tyres for your vehicle
If a tubeless tyre is punctured or damaged, are:
Please visit nearest tyre manufacture dealer
and follow his recommendation for repair or Front: 80/100-18M/C 47P
replacement. Rear: 80/100-18M/C 54P
! CAUTION Whenever you replace a tyre, use one that
Repair/Replacement of tubeless tyre by is equivalent to the original and be sure
unauthorized person may render the the wheel is balanced after the new tyre is
tyre useless or tyre can fail while driving. installed.
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The ignition switch (1) is below the



(1) Ignition switch ¼bXuh”ku fLop½

Key Position Function Key Removal

LOCK Steering is Locked. Engine and lights Key can be removed
(steering lock) cannot be operated.
OFF Engine and lights cannot be operated. Key can be removed

ON Engine and lights can be operated Key cannot be removed

Turn signal, passing light control switch
and horn can be operated.

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Starter Button (1) NOTICE
Automatic Headlamp ON (AHO
The starter button (1) is next to the throttle
This means that the Headlamp will get ON
When the starter button is pressed the
as soon as the engine is started.
starter motor cranks the engine. See page
33 for the starting procedure. There is no switch to turn OFF the Headlamp
while riding. “Automatic Headlamp ON”
feature of your vehicle helps other to
recognize your vehicle position in foggy/
dusty environment condition.

Headlight Dimmer Switch (1)

Push the dimmer switch to (HI) to select
high beam or to (LO) to select low beam.
Passing Light Control Switch (2)
When this switch is pressed, the headlight
(1) Starter button ¼LVkVZj cVu½ flashes on to signal approaching cars or
when passing.

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Turn Signal Switch (3) FEATURES
Move to (L) to signal a left turn, (R) (Not required for operation)
to signal a right turn. Press to turn signal STEERING LOCK
Horn Button (4) To lock the steering, turn the handlebar all
the way to the left or right, turn the key (1)
Press the button to sound the horn. to LOCK while pushing in. Remove the key.
(2) To unlock the steering, turn the key to OFF.
Do not turn the key to LOCK while riding the
vehicle; loss of vehicle control will result.
To lock

(3) (B)
(4) (1)

(1) Headlight dimmer switch ¼gSMykbV fMej fLop½

To unlock
(2) Passing light control switch
(1) Ignition key ¼bfXUk”ku pkch½
¼ikflax ykbV dUVªksy fLop½
(A) Push in ¼iq”k&bu½
(3) Turn signal switch ¼VuZ flxuy fLop½
(B) Turn to LOCK ¼ykWd dh vksj ?kqek,sa½
(4) Horn button ¼gkWuZ cVu½
(C) Turn to OFF ¼vkWQ dh vksj ?kqek,sa½

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ADJUSTMENT The left side cover must be removed for
battery & fuse maintenance.
Vertical adjustment can be made by moving
the headlight assembly as necessary. To Removal:
move the headlight assembly, loosen the 1. Remove the seat (page 30).
bolt (1). 2. Remove the screw (1).
Tighten the bolt after adjustment. 3. Carefully pull the side cover (2) out
from the grommets (3).
Obey local laws and regulations.
• Installation can be done in the reverse
order of removal. (3)


(1) Bolt¼cksYV½ (1) Screw ¼LØw½
(A) Up ¼Åij½ (2) Side cover ¼lkbM doj½
(B) Down ¼uhps½ (3) Grommet ¼xzkWesV½ (1)
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(1) (6)
The seat (1) must be removed for air
cleaner inspection, to remove the right & (4)
left side cover or to access the tool kit, first
aid kit and owner’s manual.
1. Insert the ignition key (2) into the seat
lock (3) and turn it clockwise. (3)
1. Align the front prongs (4) under the
front of the seat with the recess (5)
under the frame cross member, and
locating the rear prongs (6) on the
bottom of the seat with the hooks (7)
on the frame.
2. Slide the seat into position and push (7)
(1) Seat ¼lhV½ (2)
down on the rear of the seat.
(2) Ignition key ¼bfXu”ku pkch½
Be sure the seat is locked securely in
(3) Seat lock ¼lhV ykWd½
position after installation.
(4) Front prong ¼vkxs dk izk¡x½
(5) Recess ¼jsfll½
(6) Rear prongs ¼ihNs dk izk¡x½
(7) Hooks ¼gwDl½
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The storage compartment (1) is located The documents bag (1) is in the document
under the seat (page 30) . This compartment compartment (2) on the reverse side of the
is for light weight items. seat (3).
The first aid kit and tool kit should be stored The owner’s manual and other documents
in this compartment. should be stored in the document bag.
When washing your vehicle, be careful not When washing your vehicle, be careful not
to flood this area with water. to flood this area with water.




(1) Document bag¼MkWD;wesaV cSx½

(1) Storage compartment ¼LVksjst dEikVZesaV½
(2) Document compartment ¼MkWD;wesaV dEikVZesaV½
(3) Seat ¼lhV½

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OPERATION 3. Front and Rear brakes - check operation;
Front: make sure there is no brake fluid
PRE-RIDE INSPECTION leakage (pages 13-15).
Rear: adjust free play if necessary
For your safety, it is very important to take (pages 16-17).
a few moments before each ride to walk Rear: make sure there is no brake
around your vehicle and check its condition. fluid leakage (pages 17). (in case of
If you detect any problem, be sure you CBS)
take care of it, or have it corrected by your 4. Tyres - check condition and pressure
Honda dealer. (pages 23-25).
5. Drive chain - check condition and
! WARNING slack (page 52). Adjust and lubricate if
Improperly maintaining this motorcycle 6. Throttle - check for smooth opening and
or failing to correct a problem before full closing in all steering positions.
riding can cause a crash in which you 7. Clutch - check operation, and adjust if
can be seriously hurt or killed. necessary (pages 18-19).
8. Lights and horn - check that turn signals,
Always perform a pre-ride inspection indicators and horn function properly.
before every ride and correct any
Always follow the proper starting procedure
1. Engine oil level - add engine oil if described below.
required (page 22). Check for leaks. This vehicle can be started with the
2. Fuel level - fill fuel tank when necessary transmission in gear by disengaging the
(page 20). Check for leaks. clutch before operating the electric starter/
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To protect the catalytic converter in your Preparation
vehicle’s exhaust system, avoid extending Before starting, insert the key, turn the
idling and the use of leaded petrol. ignition switch ON and confirm the following:
Your vehicle’s exhaust contains poisonous ●● The transmission is in NEUTRAL (neutral
carbon monoxide gas. High levels of carbon indicator light ON).
monoxide can collect rapidly in enclosed ●● The fuel valve is ON.
areas such as a garage. Do not run the engine
with the garage door closed. Even with the Starting Procedure
door open, run the engine only long enough To restart a warm engine follow the
to move your vehicle out of the garage. procedure for High Air Temperature.
Do not operate the kickstarter pedal while Normal Air Temperature (100C to 350C):
the engine is running as engine damage 1. Move the choke lever (1) left all the way
could result. Do not apply excessive force to Fully ON (A), if the engine is cold.
on the kickstarter pedal.
Fold up the kickstarter pedal after the
kickstarter is returned to the pedal stop.
Do not use the electric starter for more
than 5 second at a time. Release the starter
button for approximately 10 seconds before
pressing it again.
(1) Choke knob ¼pkWd ukWc½ (B) (1)
(A) Fully ON ¼iwjh rjg vkWu½
(B) Fully OFF ¼iwjh rjg vkWQ½

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2. a <Using the electric starter> b <Using the kickstarter pedal>
With the throttle closed, press the Lightly depress the kickstarter until
starter button. resistance is felt.
b <Using the kickstarter pedal> Then let the kickstarter return to the
Lightly depress the kickstarter until top of its stroke.
resistance is felt. With the throttle closed, operate the
Then let the kickstarter return to the kickstarter.
top of its stroke.
Kick from the top of the stroke through
With the throttle closed, operate
to the bottom with a rapid, continuous
the kickstarter.
Kick from the top of the stroke through
to the bottom with a rapid, continuous Low Air Temperature (100C or below):
motion. 1. Follow Step 1 & 2 from “Normal Air
3. Immediately after the engine start, Temperature” starting procedure.
operate the choke lever to keep fast idle.
4. About 15 seconds after the engine start, 2. When engine speed begins to pick up,
move the choke lever right all the way operate the choke lever to keep fast idle.
to fully OFF (B). 3. Continue warming up the engine until
5. If idling is unstable, open the throttle it runs smoothly and responds to the
slightly. throttle when the choke lever is at fully
High Air Temperature (350C or Above): OFF (B).
1. Do not use the choke.
2. a <Using the electric starter>
With the throttle slightly open, press
the starter button.

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Flooded Engine RUNNING-IN
If the engine fails to start after repeated Help assure your vehicle’s future reliability
attempts, it may be flooded with excess and performance by paying extra attention
fuel. to how you ride during the first 500 km
(Use the start button) (300 miles).
To clear a flooded engine, turn the ignition During this period, avoid full-throttle starts
switch to ON, and move the choke knob to and rapid acceleration.
fully OFF (B). Open the throttle fully and
crank the engine for 5 seconds. If the engine
starts, quickly close the throttle, then open Review Vehicle Safety (page 3-7) before
it slightly if idling is unstable. If the engine you ride.
does not start, Wait for 10 seconds, then Make sure the side stand is fully retracted
follow the starting procedure. before riding the vehicle. If the stand is
(Use the kickstarter) extended, it may interfere with control
during a left turn.
To clear a flooded engine, turn OFF the
ignition switch and move the choke knob 1. After the engine has been warmed up,
to fully OFF (B). Open the throttle fully the vehicle is ready for riding.
and crank the engine several times with 2. While the engine is idling, pull in the
the kickstarter. Turn the ignition switch to clutch lever and depress the gearshift
ON and open the throttle slightly; start the pedal to shift into 1st (low) gear.
engine using the kickstarter. 3. Slowly release the clutch lever and
at the same time gradually increase
engine speed by opening the throttle.

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Coordination of the throttle and clutch BRAKING
lever will assure a smooth positive start. Your vehicle is equipped with a hydraulically
4. When the vehicle attains a moderate activated disc brake in front and mechanically
speed, close the throttle, pull in the operated rear brakes. Operating the brake
clutch lever and shift to 2nd gear by lever applies the front disc brake. Depressing
raising the gearshift pedal. the brake pedal applies the rear brake.
5. Coordinate the throttle and brakes for (For Drum & Disc)
smooth deceleration. For normal braking, apply both the brake
6. Both front and rear brakes should be pedal and lever while down-shifting to
used at the same time and should not match your road speed. For maximum
be applied strongly enough to lock the braking, close the throttle and firmly apply
wheel, or braking effectiveness will be the pedal and lever; pull in the clutch
reduced and control of the vehicle be lever before coming to a complete stop to
difficult. prevent stalling the engine.
(For CBS)
Both brakes can be applied with the help of
rear brake pedal only. However, for more
effective braking, it is advised to apply both
front and rear brake simultaneously
Important Safety Reminders:
• Independent operation of only the brake
lever or brake pedal reduces stopping
performance in case of disc and drum
brake variant.
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• Extreme application of the brake controls lever may actuate the brakelight, giving
may cause wheel lock, reducing control of a false indication to other drivers. It
the vehicle. may also overheat the brakes, reducing
• When possible, reduce speed or brake effectiveness.
before entering a turn; closing the PARKING
throttle or braking in mid-turn may
cause wheel slip. Wheel slip will reduce 1. After stopping the vehicle, shift the
control of the vehicle. gear into neutral, turn the fuel valve
• When riding in wet or rainy conditions, OFF, turn the handlebar fully to the left/
or on loose surfaces, the ability to right, turn the ignition switch OFF,LOCK
manoeuvre and stop will be reduced. the handlebar and remove the key.
All of your actions should be smooth 2. Use the center stand to support the
under these conditions. Rapid vehicle while parked..
acceleration, braking or turning may Park the vehicle on firm, level ground
cause loss of control. For your safety, to prevent it from falling over. If you
exercise extreme caution when braking, must park on a slight incline, aim the
accelerating or turning. front of the vehicle uphill to reduce the
• When descending a long, steep grade, possibility of rolling off the center stand
use engine compression braking by or overturning.
downshifting, with intermittent use of 3. Lock the steering (page 28) to help
both brakes. prevent theft.
• Continuous brake application can Make sure flammable materials such as
overheat the brakes and reduce their dry grass or leaves do not come in contact
effectiveness. with the exhaust system when parking your
• Riding with your foot resting on the vehicle.
brake pedal or your hand on the brake
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MAINTENANCE Improperly maintaining this motorcycle
or failing to correct a problem before you
A well-maintained vehicle is essential for ride can cause a crash in which you can
safe, economical and trouble-free riding. It be seriously hurt or killed.
will also help reduce air pollution.
Always follow the inspection and
To help you properly care for your vehicle, maintenance recommendations and
the following pages include a Maintenance schedules in this owner’s manual.
Schedule and a maintenance Record for
regularly scheduled maintenance. MAINTENANCE SAFETY
These instructions are based on the This section includes instructions on some
assumption that the vehicle will be used important maintenance tasks. You can
exclusively for its designed purpose. perform some of these tasks with the tools
Sustained high speed operation or operation provided- if you have basic mechanical skills.
in unusually wet or dusty conditions will
Other tasks that are more difficult and
require more frequent service than specified require special tools are best performed
in the Maintenance Schedule. Consult by professionals. Wheel removal should
your Honda dealer for recommendations normally be handled only by a Honda
applicable to your individual needs and use. technician or other qualified mechanic;
If your vehicle overturns or becomes instructions are included in this manual
involved in a crash, be sure your Honda only to assist in emergency service.
dealer inspects all major parts, even if you Some of the most important safety
are able to make some repairs. precautions follow. However, we cannot
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warn you of every conceivable hazard that * Injury from moving parts.
can arise in performing maintenance. Only Do not run the engine unless
you can decide whether or not you should instructed to do so.
perform a given task. • Read the instructions before you begin,
and make sure you have the tools and
! WARNING skills required.
Failure to properly follow maintenance • To help prevent the vehicle from falling
instructions and precautions can cause over, park it on a firm, level surface,
you to be seriously hurt or killed. using the center stand or a maintenance
stand to provide support.
Always follow the procedures and
precautions in this owner’s manual. • To reduce the possibility of a fire or
explosion, be careful when working
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS around petrol or batteries. Use only
nonflammable solvent, not petrol, to
Make sure the engine is off before you
clean parts. Keep cigarettes, sparks
begin any maintenance or repairs. This will
and flames away from the battery and
help eliminate several potential hazards:
all fuel-related parts.
* Carbon monoxide poisoning from
engine exhaust. Remember that your Honda dealer knows
your vehicle best and is fully equipped to
Be sure there is adequate ventilation
maintain and repair it.
whenever you operate the engine.
* Burns from hot parts. To ensure the best quality and reliability,
use only new genuine Honda parts or their
Let the engine and exhaust system
equivalents for repair and replacement.
cool before touching.
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Perform the pre-ride Inspection (Ref. page 32) at each scheduled maintenance period.
The following Maintenance Schedule specifies all maintenance required to keep your
vehicle in peak operating condition. Maintenance work should be performed in accordance
with standards and specifications of Honda by properly trained and equipped technicians.
Your Honda dealer meets all of these requirements.
* Should be serviced by your Honda dealer, unless the owner has the proper tools and
service data and is mechanically qualified. Refer to the Official Honda Shop Manual.
** In the interest of safety, we recommend these items be serviced only by your Honda
Honda recommends that your Honda dealer should road test your vehicle after each
periodic maintenance is carried out.
NOTES: (1) At higher odometer reading, repeat at the frequency interval established here.
(2) Service more frequently when riding in unusually wet or dusty areas.
(3) Service more frequently when riding in rain or at full throttle.
(4) Replacement requires mechanical skill.

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PRE-RIDE X1000KM 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 REFER
CHECK X1000MI 0.6 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 TO
ITEM MONTHS 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 PAGE
** C C C -
** C C -
* I I -
* I I -
The vehicle must be serviced at every 4000 kms or within 4 months whichever is earlier from the date
of previous service. For NOTES refer page 40.
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PRE-RIDE X1000KM 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 REFER
CHECK X1000MI 0.6 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 ANNUAL REGULAR TO
ITEM MONTHS 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 PAGE
DRIVE CHAIN NOTE (4) I EVERY 1000 km (600 mil)I, L 52
NOTE (4) I I I I I I I I 2 YEARS 13,17
Disc & CBS)
I I I I I I I I 63
(for Drum)
I I I I I I I I 62-63
WEAR (for Disc & CBS)
* I I I I I -
** I I I I -
The vehicle must be serviced at every 4000 kms or within 4 months whichever is earlier from the date
of previous service. For NOTES refer page 40.
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The tool kit (1) and first aid kit (2) is in the
The color table is attached below.
storage compartment under the seat.
Some roadside repairs, minor adjustments It is useful during ordering the replacement
and parts replacement can be performed parts.
with the tools contained in the kit.
S.No. Color Color code
• Tool Bag
1. Pearl Siren Blue-A PB123
• Spanner 14x17
• Wrench spark plug 2. Athletic Blue Metallic PB396
• Driver screw (No. 2 +/-) 3. Geny Gray Metallic NHA04
4. Imperial Red Metallic R355
5. Black NH1
6. Pearl Amazing White NHB63

The above color code table helps in

providing the correct color part as per your
vehicle color.

(1) Tool kit ¼Vwy fdV½

(2) First aid kit ¼izkFkfed fpfdRlk fdV½

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Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39. Engine oil quality is the chief factor affecting
engine service life. Change the engine oil
as specified in the maintenance schedule
Good engine oil has many desirable (page 41).
qualities. Use only high detergent, quality When running in very dusty conditions,
motor oil certified on the container to meet oil changes should be performed more
or exceed requirements for API Service frequently than specified in the maintenance
Classification MA schedule.
Viscosity: Please dispose of used engine oil in
Viscosity grade of engine oil should be a manner that is compatible with the
based on average atmospheric temperature environment. We suggest you take it in
in your riding area. The following provides a sealed container to your local recycling
a guide to the selection of the proper grade center or service station for reclamation.
or viscosity of oil to be used at various Do not throw it in the trash or pour it on the
atmospheric temperatures. ground or down a drain.
Used engine oil may cause skin cancer if
repeatedly left in contact with the skin for
prolonged periods. Although this is unlikely
unless you handle used oil on a daily basis,
it is still advisable to thoroughly wash your
hands with soap and water as soon as
possible after handling used oil.

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If a torque wrench is not used for this
installation, see your Honda dealer as soon (2)
as possible to verify proper assembly.
Change the engine oil with the engine
at normal operating temperature and
the vehicle on its center stand to assure
complete and rapid draining.
1. To drain the oil, remove the oil filler
cap/dipstick and oil drain bolt (1) and
sealing washer (2). (1)
2. Operate the kickstarter several times
to aid in complete draining of the
remaining oil. (1) Oil drain bolt
¼vk;Wy Mªsu cksYV½
3. Check that the sealing washer on the (2) Sealing washer ¼lhfyax okW“kj½
drain bolt is in good condition and install
the bolt. Replace the sealing washer 5. Install the oil filler cap/dipstick.
every other time the oil is changed, or
each time if necessary. 6. Start the engine and let it idle for 3-5
Oil Drain Bolt Torque:
7. 2-3 minutes after stopping the engine,
30 N·m (3.1 kgf·m , 22 lbf·ft) check that the oil level is at the upper
4. Fill the crankcase with the recommended level mark on the oil filler cap/dipstick
grade oil; approximately: with the vehicle upright on firm, level
0.9 L (0.9 US qt , 0.8 Imp qt) ground. Make sure there are no oil

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Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39. Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39.
1. Remove the left side cover (page 29). Recommended plug:
2. Remove the crankcase breather tube Standard:
plug (1) from the tube and drain CPR7EA - 9 (NGK)/ UR6DC (BOSCH)
deposits into a suitable container.
3. Reinstall the crankcase breather tube
plug. Never use a spark plug with an improper
heat range. Severe engine damage could
Service more frequently when riding in rain
or at full throttle.
1. Disconnect the spark plug cap (1) from
the spark plug.
2. Clean any dirt from around the spark
plug base.
Remove the spark plug using the spark
(1) plug wrench (2) furnished in the tool kit.
Inspect the electrodes and center
porcelain for deposits, erosion or
carbon fouling. If the erosion or deposit
is heavy, replace the plug. Clean a
wetfouled plug with a plug cleaner,
(1) Crankcase breather tube plug otherwise use a wire brush.
¼ØSaddsl czhnj V~;wc Iyx½
46 CB125 Shine SP Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

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(3) Spark plug gap ¼LikdZ Iyx xSi½

(1) Spark plug cap¼LikdZ Iyx dSi½ (4) Side electrode ¼lkbM bysDVªksM½
(2) Spark Plug wrench ¼LikdZ Iyx jsap½
Tighten the spark plug:
4. Check the spark plug gap (3) using a
• If the old plug is good:
wire-type feeler gauge. If adjustment is
necessary, bend the side electrode (4) 1/8 turn after it seats.
carefully. • If installing a new plug, tighten it twice
The gap should be: to prevent loosening:
0.8 - 0.9 mm(0.03-0.04 in) a) First, tighten the plug:
5. Make sure the plug washer is in good 1/2 turn after it seats.
b) Then loosen the plug.
6. With the plug washer attached, the
c) Next, tighten the plug again:
spark plug in by hand to prevent cross-
threading. 1/8 turn after it seats.

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NOTICE The clearance will change as the engine
temperature rises.
Improperly tightened spark plug can
1. Remove the crankshaft hole cap (1) and
damage the engine. If a plug is too loose,
timing hole cap (2)
a piston may be damaged. If a plug is too
2. Remove the cylinder head cover.
tight, the threads may be damaged.
3. Rotate the flywheel counterclockwise
8. Reinstall the spark plug cap. Take care until the T Mark (3) on the flywheel
to avoid pinching any cables or wires. lines up with the Index Mark (4) on the
VALVE CLEARANCE crankcase. In this position, the piston
may either be on the compression or
Refer to the safety precautions on page 39. exhaust stroke.
Should be serviced by your Honda dealer,
unless the owner has the proper tools and (4)
service data and is mechanically qualified.
Refer to the Official Honda Shop Manual.
Excessive valve clearance will cause noise
and eventual engine damage. Little or (1)
no clearance will prevent the valve from
closing and cause valve damage and power (3)
loss. Check the valve clearance at the (2)
specified intervals when the engine is in
cold condition. (1) Crankshaft hole cap ¼Øsad “kk¶V gksy dSi½
(2) Timing hole cap ¼Vkbfeax gksy dSi½
The checking or adjusting of the clearance
should be performed while the engine is (3) “T” mark ¼*Vh^ ekdZ½
cold. (4) Index mark ¼baMSDl ekdZ½

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The adjustment must be made when the After completing the adjustment, tighten
piston is at the top of the compression the adjusting screw lock nut while holding
stroke when both the intake and exhaust the adjusting screw to prevent it from
valves are closed. turning.
This condition can be determined by (7)
moving the rocker arms. If they are free,
it is an indication that the valves are closed
and that the piston is on the compression (2)
stroke. If they are tight and the valves are
open, rotate the flywheel 3600 and realign
the “T” mark to the index mark.
4. Check the clearance of both valves by
inserting a feeler gauge (5) between (5)
the adjusting screw (6) and the valve
Clearance should be: (5) Feeler gauge ¼Qhyj xst½
(6) Adjusting screw ¼,MtfLVax LØw½
Intake:0.08 mm (0.003 in)
(7) Adjusting screw lock nut ¼,MtfLax LØw ykWd uV½
Exhaust:0.12 mm (0.005 in)
If it is necessary to make an adjustment, Finally, recheck the clearance to make sure
loosen the adjusting screw lock nut (7) that adjusting has not been disturbed.
and turn the adjusting screw so there is a
slight resistance when the feeler gauge in

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Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39.
The engine must be at normal operating
temperature for accurate idle speed
adjustment. 10 minutes of stop-and-go
riding is sufficient.
Do not attempt to compensate for faults in
other systems by adjusting idle speed. See (A) (B)
your Honda dealer for regularly scheduled
carburetor adjustments.
1. Warm up the engine, and shift to
neutral, and place the vehicle on its (1) Throttle stop screw ¼FkzksVy LVkWi LØw½
center stand.
(A) Increase ¼c<+k,sa½
2. Connect a tachometer to the engine. (B) Decrease ¼?kVk,sa½
3. Adjust idle speed with the throttle stop
Idle speed (In neutral): Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39.
1,400 ± 100 min-1 (rpm) 1. Check for smooth rotation of the
throttle grip from the fully open to the
fully closed position at both full steering
2. Measure the throttle grip free play at
the throttle grip flange.
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The standard free play should be 1. Remove the seat (page 30).
approximately: 2. Remove the screws (1) air cleaner rubber
2-6 mm (0.08-0.24 in) cover (2) and air cleaner housing cover (3).
To adjust the freeplay, remove the right 3. Take out the air cleaner element (4) and
replace. (1)
side cover (removal procedure of right side
cover is same as left side cover (page 29)
removal), loosen the lock nut (1) and turn (2) (4)
the adjuster (2).

(2) (1)
(1) Screws ¼LØwl½
(1) Lock nut ¼ykWd uV½
(2) Air cleaner rubber cover ¼,;j Dyhuj jcj doj½
(2) Adjuster ¼,MtLVj½
(3) Air cleaner housing cover ¼,;j Dyhuj gkmftax doj½
AIR CLEANER (4) Air cleaner element ¼,;j Dyhuj ,syhesaV½

Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39. 4. Viscous type air filters should be
The air cleaner element should be replaced replaced regularly. Do not reuse it by
at regular intervals (Ref. page 41). Replace cleaning.
more frequently when riding in unusually 5. If the filter element is cleaned using
wet or dusty areas. pressured air or any solvent, viscous oil
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will be lost and as the base element is DRIVE CHAIN
coarse paper, dust may enter along with
air which will damage the engine. Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39.
6. Replace the air cleaner element if it is The service life of the drive chain is
excessively dirty, torn or damage. Use dependent upon proper lubrication and
Honda genuine air cleaner element adjustment. Poor maintenance can cause
specified for your model. Using the premature wear or damage to the drive
wrong Honda air cleaner element or a chain and sprockets.
non-Honda air cleaner element which
The drive chain should be checked and
is not of equivalent quality may cause
premature engine wear or performance lubricated as part of the Pre-ride Inspection
problem. (page 32). Under severe usage, or when
the vehicle is ridden in unusually dusty or
7. Install the removed parts in the reverse
muddy areas, more frequent maintenance
order of removal.
will be necessary.
! CAUTION Inspection:
Do not use air, oil, water for cleaning of 1. Turn the engine off, place the vehicle
air cleaner element. Replacement should on its center stand, and shift the
be done at regular intervals. transmission into neutral.
2. Remove the inspection cap (1). Move
the drive chain (2) up and down with
your finger. Drive chain slack should
be adjusted approximately to allow the
following vertical movement by hand:
15 - 25 mm (0.59 - 0.98 in)

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3. Rotate the rear wheel slightly and then Chain Case Removal
stop to check the drive chain slackness
again. Repeat this procedure several 1. Remove the bolts (1).
times. Drive chain slack should remain 2. Slide the upper chain case (2)
constant. If the chain is slack only in backwards away from the engine and
certain sections, some links are kinked lower chain case (3) from the swingarm
and binding, kinking can be eliminated carefully.
by lubrication.


(1) (2)
(1) Inspection cap ¼fufj{k.k dSi½
(2) Drive chain ¼Mªkbo psu½
(1) Bolts ¼cksYV~l½
(2) Upper chain case ¼Åijh psu dSl½
(3) Lower chain case ¼fupyk psu dSl½

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3. Inspect the sprocket teeth for possible Adjustment:
wear or damage. Replace if necessary.
Drive chain slack should be checked and
adjusted, if necessary, every 1,000 km
Damaged sprocket Teeth Worn sprocket Teeth (600 miles). When operated at sustained
¼{kfrxzLr LizkWdsV VhFk½ ¼f?klk gqvk LizkWdsV VhFk½ high speeds or under conditions of frequent
Replace Replace rapid acceleration, the chain may require
more frequent adjustment.
¼cnysa½ ¼cnysa½
If the drive chain requires adjustment, the
procedure is as follows:
1. Place the vehicle on its center stand
with the transmission in neutral and the
ignition switch off.
Normal sprocket Teeth 2. Loosen the rear axle nut (1)
¼lkekU; LizkWdsV VhFk½ 3. Loosen the drive chain lock nuts (2).
Good 4. Turn both adjusting nuts (3) an equal
¼lgh½ number of turns until the correct
drive chain slack is obtained. Turn the
If the drive chain or sprockets are adjusting nuts clockwise to tighten the
chain, or counterclockwise to provide
excessively worn or damaged, they should
more slack.
be replaced. Never use a new chain with
worn sprockets; rapid chain wear will result. Align the chain adjuster index marks (4)
with the rear edge (5) of the adjusting
4. Install the chain cases and inspection
cap in the reverse order of removal. slots on both sides of the swingarm.

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(3) 5. Tighten the rear axle nut to:
54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m , 40 lbf·ft)
(2) If a torque wrench is not used for this
installation, see your Honda dealer as soon
as possible to verify proper assembly.
(5) 6. Tighten the adjusting nuts lightly, then
(4) (1) tighten the lock nuts by holding the
adjusting nuts with a spanner.
(3) 7. Recheck drive chain slack.
(2) 8. Rear brake pedal free play is affected
when repositioning the rear wheel to
adjust drive chain slack. Check rear brake
(4) pedal free play and adjust as necessary
(1) Rear axle nut ¼fj;j ,Dly uV½ (page 16.).
(2) Drive chain lock nuts ¼Mªkbo psu ykWd uV~l½ Lubrication:
(3) Drive chain adjusting nuts ¼Mªkbo psu ,MtfLaVx uV~l½
Lubricate every 1,000 km (600 miles) or
(4) Index marks ¼baMSDl ekDlZ½
sooner if chain appears dry.
(5) Rear edge of adjusting slot
¼,MtfLaVx LykWV dk fiNyk fdukjk½ Use any one of the following methods for
lubricating drive chain:
If the drive chain slack is excessive when ●● SAE 80 or 90 gear oil.
the rear axle is moved to the furthest limit ●● Honda recommended chain maintenance
of adjustment, the drive chain is worn and spray.
must be replaced.
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●● Molten grease in greasilator (visit your Removal and Cleaning:
Honda dealer for this service).
When the drive chain becomes dirty, it should
Saturate each chain link joint so that the be removed and cleaned prior to lubrication.
lubricant penetrates between the link 1. With the engine off, remove the drive
plates, pins, bushings, and rollers. chain cases (page 53) and carefully
Replacement chain: remove the master link retaining clip
(1) with a pair of pliers. Do not bend or
LGB 420 BS-116L
twist the clip. Remove the master link.
OR Remove the drive chain from the vehicle.
DID 420 AD-116RB


(1) Retaining clip ¼fjVsfuax fDyi½

2. Clean the drive chain in high flash-point

solvent and allow it to dry. Inspect the
GREASILATOR drive chain for possible wear or damage.
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Replace any chain that has damaged Install the master link retaining clip so
rollers, loose fitting links, or otherwise that the closed end of the clip will face
appears unserviceable. the direction of forward wheel rotation.
Never use petrol or low flash point 7. Adjust the drive chain (page 54) and
solvents for cleaning the drive chain. A rear brake pedal free play (page 16).
fire or explosion could result.
8. Install the drive chain cases (page 54).
3. Inspect the sprocket teeth for possible
wear or damage. Replace if necessary.
Never use a new drive chain on badly FRONT AND REAR SUSPENSION
worn sprockets. Both chain and INSPECTION
sprockets must be in good condition, or
the new replacement chain or sprocket Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39.
will wear rapidly. 1. Check the front fork assembly by locking
4. Lubricate the drive chain (page 55). the front brake and pumping the fork up
5. Pass the chain over the sprockets and and down vigorously. Suspension action
join the ends of the chain with the master should be smooth and there must be no
link. For ease of assembly, hold the chain oil leakage.
ends against adjacent rear sprocket teeth 2. Swingarm bearings should be checked
while inserting the master link. by pushing hard against the side of the
6. The master link is the most critical rear wheel while the vehicle is on the
part affecting the security of the drive center stand. Free play indicates worn
chain. Master links are reusable, if they bearings.
remain in excellent condition, but it is 3. Carefully inspect all front and rear
recommended that a new master link suspension fasteners for tightness.
retaining clip be installed whenever the
drive chain is reassembled.
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Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39. Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39.
Check the side stand spring (1) for damage Front Wheel Removal (for Disc & CBS)
and loss of tension, and the side stand 1. Place the vehicle on its center stand.
assembly for freedom of movement.
2. Raise the front wheel off the ground
If the side stand is squeaky or stiff, clean by placing a support block under the
the pivot area and lubricate the pivot bolt engine.
with clean engine oil.
3. Remove the front axle nut (1).
4. Remove the front axle shaft (2) and the


(1) Front axle nut ¼ÝaV ,Dly uV½
(2) Front axle shaft ¼ÝaV ,Dly “kkW¶V½
(1) Side stand spring ¼lkbM LVSUM fLizax½ Do not depress the brake lever when the
wheel is off the vehicle. The caliper piston will
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be forced out of the cylinder with subsequent Front Wheel Removal (for Drum brake)
loss of brake fluid. If this occurs, servicing 1. Place the vehicle on its center stand.
of the brake system will be necessary. Visit
your Honda dealer for this service. 2. Raise the front wheel off the ground by
placing a support block under the engine.
Installation Notes:
3. Remove the front brake adjusting nut
• Reverse the removal procedure. (1) and remove the front brake cable
• Position the wheel between the fork (2) from the brake arm (3).
legs and insert the front axle from the
4. Remove the front axle nut (4).
right side, through the right fork leg
and wheel hub. 5. Remove the front axle shaft (5) and the
• Tighten the front axle nut to the
specified torque. (3)
Front axle nut torque:
54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m , 40 lbf·ft) (4)
• After installing the wheel, apply the
brake several times and then check if
the wheel rotates freely. Recheck the
wheel if the brake drags or if the wheel (2) (5)
does not rotate freely.
If a torque wrench was not used for (1) Brake adjusting nut ¼czsd ,MtfLVax uV½
installation, see your Honda dealer as soon (2) Front brake cable ¼ÝaV czsd dscy½
as possible to verify proper assembly. (3) Brake arm ¼czsd vkeZ½
Improper assembly may lead to loss of (4) Front axle nut ¼ÝaV ,Dly uV½
braking capacity. (5) Front axle shaft ¼ÝaV ,Dly “kkW¶V½
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Installation Notes: • Adjust the brake (page 14-15).
• Position the wheel between the fork • After installing the wheel, apply the
legs and insert the front axle from the brake several times and then check if
right side, through the right fork leg the wheel rotates freely. Recheck the
and wheel hub. wheel if the brake drags or if the wheel
does not rotate freely.
• Make sure that the tang (8) on the left
front fork leg is located in the slot (9) in If a torque wrench was not used for
the brake panel. installation, see your Honda dealer as soon
(8) as possible to verify proper assembly.
Improper assembly may lead to loss of
braking capacity.
Rear Wheel Removal
1. Place the vehicle on its center stand.
2. Remove the drive chain cases (page 53).
3. Remove the rear brake adjusting nut (1).
Disconnect the brake rod (2) from the
(8) Tang ¼VSax½ brake arm (3).
(9) Slot ¼LyksV½ 4. Disconnect the brake stopper arm (4)
from the brake panel by removing
• Tighten the front axle nut to the the cotter pin (5) stopper arm nut (6)
specified torque. washer and rubber grommet.
Front axle nut torque:
54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m , 40 lbf·ft)
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5. Loosen the drive chain lock nut (7) and 7. Remove the drive chain (10) from the
drive chain adjusting nut (8). driven sprocket by pushing the rear
6. Remove the rear axle nut (9). wheel forward.
8. Remove the rear axle shaft (11), side
(9) (3) (2) collar (12) and rear wheel from the
swingarm. (10) (12)


(8) (1) (4)

(5) (10) Drive chain ¼Mªkbo pSu½
(7) (6)
(11) Rear axle shaft ¼fj;j ,Dly “kkW¶V½
(12) Side collar ¼lkbM dkWyj½
(1) Brake adjusting nut ¼czsd ,MtfLVax uV½
(2) Brake rod¼czsd jksM½ Installation Notes:
(3) Brake arm ¼czsd vkeZ½ ●● Reverse the removal procedure.
(4) Brake stopper arm ¼czsd LVksij vkeZ½ ●● Tighten the rear axle nut and brake
(5) Cotter pin ¼dksVj fiu½ stopper arm nut to specified torque:
(6) Stopper arm nut ¼LVksij vkeZ uV½ Rear axle nut torque:
(7) Drive chain lock nut ¼Mªkbo psu ykWd uV½ 54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m , 40 lbf·ft)
(8) Drive chain adjusting nut ¼Mªkbo psu ,MtfLVax uV½ Brake stopper arm nut torque:
(9) Rear axle nut ¼fj;j ,Dly uV½ 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m , 16 lbf·ft)
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●● Adjust the brake (page 16-17) and drive Inspect the pads at each regular
chain (page 54). maintenance interval (page 42).
●● After installing the wheel, apply the brake Check the wear indicator grooves (1) in
several times and then check if the wheel each pad.
rotates freely. Recheck the wheel if the If either pad is worn to the bottom of the
brake drags or if the wheel does not grooves, replace both pads as a set. Visit
rotate freely. your Honda dealer for this service.
●● Always replace used cotter pins with new
If a torque wrench was not used for
installation, see your Honda dealer as
soon as possible to verify proper assembly. (1) (1)
Improper assembly may lead to loss of
braking capacity.


Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39.
Brake pad wear depends upon the severity
of usage, the type of riding, and road
conditions. (Generally, the pads will wear (1) Wear indicator grooves ¼f?klkoV ladsrd xzwOl½
faster on wet and dirty roads.)

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BRAKE SHOE WEAR (Front Brake) for drum brake

Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39. (1)

(For Drum Brake) (3)
The front and rear brakes are equipped (2)
with brake wear indicators.
(For Disc & CBS)
The rear brake is equipped with a brake (4)
wear indicator.
When the brake is applied, an arrow (1) (4)
(Rear Brake)
attached to the brake arm (2) moves toward
a reference mark (3) on the brake panel (3)
(4). If the arrow aligns with the reference
mark on full application of the brake, the
brake shoes must be replaced.
Visit your Honda dealer for this service.


(1) Arrow mark ¼rhj dk fu“kku½

(2) Brake arm ¼czsd vkeZ½
(3) Reference mark ¼lanHkZ ekdZ½
(4) Brake panel ¼czsd iSuy½
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Refer to the safety precautions on page 39.
The battery gives off explosive hydrogen
It is not necessary to check the battery gas during normal operation.
electrolyte level or add distilled water as
the battery is a maintenance-free (sealed) A spark or flame can cause the battery
type. If your battery seems weak and/or is to explode with enough force to kill or
leaking electrolyte (causing hard starting seriously hurt you.
or other electrical troubles), contact your Wear protective clothing and a face
Honda dealer or battery manufecturer. shield or have a skilled mechanic do the
NOTICE battery maintenance.
Your battery is maintenance-free type Keep children away from the battery.
and can be permanently damaged if the
cap strip is removed. Removal
This symbol on the battery means 1. Make sure the ignition switch is OFF.
that this product must not be
2. Remove the left side cover (page 29).
treated as household waste.
3. Remove the bolt (1) and open the
battery holder (2).
Battery contains lead, which is a hazardous
4. Disconnect the negative (-) terminal
material and if improperly disposed,
lead (3) from the battery, first.
can be harmful to the environment and
human health. 5. Disconnect the positive (+) terminal
lead (4) and remove the positive
Always return the used maintenance-free terminal clip (5) from the battery holder.
battery to the Honda dealer.
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6. Pull out the battery (6) from the battery Installation
box. (4)
(3) 1. Reinstall in the reverse order of
(1) removal. Be sure to connect the positive
(+) terminal first, then the negative (-)
2. Install and route the positive terminal
cable by installing the clip in to
the battery holder as shown in the
(2) illustration
3. Check all bolts and other fasteners are
4. Apply petroleum jelly on both terminals
after connecting.

(1) Bolt ¼cksYV½
(2) Battery holder ¼cSVjh gksYMj½
(3) Negative (-) terminal lead ¼usXksfVo¼-½VfeZuy yhM½
(4) Positive (+) terminal lead ¼ikWftfVo ¼+½VfeZuy yhM½
(5) Clip¼fDyi½
(6) Battery ¼cSVjh½
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The fuse box (1) is located behind the left
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39. side cover.
When frequent fuse failure occurs, it usually The specified fuse is: 15A
indicates a short circuit or an overload in 1. Remove the left side cover (page 29).
the electrical system. See your Honda
2. Open fuse box cover (2).
dealer for repair.
3. Pull out the old fuse and install a new fuse.
NOTICE The spare fuse (3) is attached in the
fuse box.
Never use a fuse with a different rating
from that specified. Serious damage to 4. Close the fuse box cover and install the
left side cover & seat.
the electrical system or a fire may result,
causing a dangerous loss of lights or
engine power.
Turn the ignition switch OFF before checking (2)
or replacing the fuses to prevent an
accidental short-circuit.
Blown Fuse

(1) Fuse box ¼¶;wt ckWDl½
(2) Fuse box cover ¼¶;wt ckWDl doj½
(3) Spare fuse ¼Lis;j ¶;wt½
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The main fuse (1) is located behind the left
side cover. (2)
The specified fuse is : 20A
1. Remove the left side cover (page 29).
2. Disconnect the wire connector (2) of
the starter magnetic switch (3).
3. Pull out the fuse. If the fuse is blown, (3)
install a new fuse.
The spare main fuse (4) is located with
starter magnetic switch. (4)
4. Reconnect the wire connector and
install the left side cover and the seat.
(1) Main fuse ¼esu ¶;wt½
(2) Wire connector ¼ok;j dusDVj½
(3) Starter magnetic switch ¼LVkVZj eSxusfVd fLop½
(4) Spare Main fuse ¼vfrfjDr esu ¶;wt½

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Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39. Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 39.
Check the operation of the stoplight switch The light bulb becomes very hot while the
(1) at the right side behind the engine from light is ON, and remains hot for a while
time to time. after it is turned OFF. Be sure to let it cool
Adjustment is done by turning the adjusting down before servicing.
nut (2). Turn the nut in the direction (A) if Do not put finger prints on the headlight
the switch operates too late and in direction bulb, as they may create hot spots on the
(B) if the switch operates too soon. bulb and cause it to break.
Wear clean gloves while replacing the bulb.
If you touch the bulb with your bare hands,
clean it with a cloth moistened with alcohol
to prevent its early failure.
• Be sure to turn the ignition switch OFF
(B) when replacing the bulb.
• Do not use bulbs other than those
• After installing a new bulb, check that
(1) the light operates properly.

(1) Stoplight switch ¼LVkWiykbV fLop½

(2) Adjusting nut ¼,MtfLVax uV½

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Position Light Bulb Headlight Bulb
1. Remove the front cowl (1) by removing 1. Remove the front cowl (Page 69).
the screws (2). 2. Disconnect the headlight connector.
2. Disconnect the headlight connector (3). 3. Remove the dust cover (1).
3. Pull out the position light bulb (4) out of
4. Remove the headlight bulb (2) while
the head light unit and remove the bulb
pressing the pin (3).
from its holder.
4. Install a new bulb in reverse order of 5. Install a new bulb in the reverse order
removal of removal.
• Install the seat rubber with its
(1) ‘‘Arrow’’ mark (4) facing up.
(4) (1)




(1) Front cowl ¼ÝaV dkmy½ (1) Dust cover ¼MLV doj+½
(2) Screws ¼LØwl½ (2) Headlight bulb ¼gsMykbV cYc½
(3) Headlight connector ¼gSM ykbV dusDVj½ (3) Pin ¼fiu½
(4) Position Light Bulb ¼iksft+”ku ykbV cYc½ (4) ‘‘Arrow’’ mark ¼rhj dk fu”kku½
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. CB125 Shine SP 69

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Stop/Tail Light Bulb Licence Plate Light Bulb
1. Remove the stop/tail light lens (1) by 1. Remove the Licence plate light cover (1)
removing the screw (2). by removing the screws (2).
2. Slightly press the bulb (3), turn it 2. Slightly pull the bulb (3).
counterclockwise and remove. 3. Install a new bulb in the reverse order
3. Install a new bulb in the reverse order of removal.
of removal.


(1) Stop/tail light lens ¼LVkWi Vsy ykbV ysal½
(2) Screw ¼LØw½ (1) Licence plate light cover ¼ykblSal IysV ykbV doj½
(3) Bulb ¼cYc½ (2) Screws ¼LØwl½
(3) Bulb ¼cYc½

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Front/Rear Turn Signal Bulb CLEANING
1. Remove the turn signal lens (1) by Clean your vehicle regularly to protect the
removing the screw (2).
surface finishes and inspect for damage,
2. Slightly press the bulb (3) and turn it wear, and oil or brake fluid leakage.
counterclockwise. Avoid cleaning products that are not
3. Install a new bulb in the reverse order specifically designed for vehicle or
of removal. automobile surfaces.
(3) They may contain harsh detergents or
chemical solvents that could damage the
metal, paint, and plastic on your vehicle.
If your vehicle is still warm from recent
operation, give the engine and exhaust
system time to cool off.
We recommend avoiding the use of high
pressure water spray (typical in coin
operated car washes).
(1) Turn signal lens ¼VuZ flXuy ysal½ High pressure water (or air) can damage
(2) Screw ¼LØw½ certain parts of the vehicle.
(3) Bulb ¼cYc½
Washing the Vehicle
1. Rinse the vehicle thoroughly with cool
water to remove loose dirt.
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2. Clean the vehicle with a sponge or soft 6. Test the brakes before riding the vehicle.
cloth using cool water. Several applications may be necessary
Avoid directing water to muffler outlets to restore normal braking performance.
and electrical parts. 7. Lubricate the drive chain immediately
3. Clean the plastic parts using a cloth after washing and drying the vehicle.
or sponge dampened with a solution Braking efficiency may be temporarily impaired
of mild detergent and water. Rub the
immediately after washing the vehicle.
soiled area gently rinsing it frequently
with fresh water. Anticipate longer stopping distance to avoid
Take care to keep brake fluid or chemical a possible accident.
solvents off the vehicle. Finishing Touches
They will damage the plastic and
painted surfaces. After washing your vehicle, consider using a
The inside of the headlight lens may be commercially-available spray cleaner/polish
clouded immediately after washing the or quality liquid or paste wax to finish the job.
vehicle. Moisture condensation inside the Use only a non abrasive polish or wax made
headlight lens will disappear gradually by specifically for vehicles or automobiles.
lighting the headlight in high beam. Run the Apply the polish or wax according to the
engine while keeping the headlight on. instructions on the container.

4. After cleaning, rinse the vehicle If a surface on your vehicle is chipped or

thoroughly with plenty of clean water. scratched, your Honda dealer has touch up
Strong detergent residue can corrode paint to match your vehicle’s color. Be sure
alloy parts. to use your vehicle’s color code (page 43)
when you buy touch-up paint.
5. Dry the vehicle, start the engine, and
let it run for several minutes.
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Removing Road Salt STORAGE
The salt contained in the road surface 1. Change the engine oil.
freezing prevention medicine which a 2. Empty the fuel tank into an approved
road was sprayed with in winter, and the petrol container using a commercially
seawater becomes the cause which rust available hand siphon or an equivalent
occurs in. method. Spray the inside of the tank
Wash your vehicle by the following point with an aerosol rust-inhibiting oil.
after it runs through such a place. Reinstall the fuel fill cap on the tank.
1. Clean the vehicle using cool water If storage will last more than one month,
(page 71). carburetor draining is very important, to
Do not use warm water. assure proper performance after storage.
This worsens the effect of the salt.
2. Dry the vehicle and the surface of the ! WARNING
metal is protected with the wax. Petrol is highly flammable and
STORAGE GUIDE explosive. You can be burned or
seriously injured when handling fuel.
Extended storage, such as for winter,
requires that you take certain steps to •
Stop the engine and keep heat,
reduce the effects of deterioration from sparks, and flame away.
non-use of the vehicle. In addition, • Refuel only outdoors.
necessary repairs should be made BEFORE
• Wipe up spills immediately.
storing the vehicle; otherwise, these repairs
may be forgotten by the time the vehicle is
removed from storage.

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3. To prevent rusting in the cylinder, 6. Lubricate the drive chain (page 55).
perform the following: 7. Inflate the tyres to their recommended
• Remove the spark plug cap from the pressures. Place the vehicle on blocks
spark plug. Using tape or string, to raise both tyres off the ground.
secure the cap to any convenient 8. Cover the vehicle (don’t use plastic or
plastic body part so that it is other coated materials) and store in
positioned away from the spark plug. an unheated area, free of dampness
• Remove the spark plug from the with a minimum of daily temperature
variation. Do not store the vehicle in
engine and store it in a safe place.
Do not connect the spark plug to the direct sunlight.
spark plug cap. REMOVAL FROM STORAGE
• Pour a table spoon (15-20 cm3) 1. Uncover and clean the vehicle.
of clean engine oil into the cylinder 2. Change the engine oil if more than 4
and cover the spark plug hole with a
months have passed since the start of
piece of cloth.
• Crank the engine several times to
distribute the oil. 3. Check the battery voltage and charge
• Reinstall the spark plug and spark the battery as required. Install the
plug cap. battery.
4. Remove the battery. Store in an area 4. Drain any excess aerosol rust-inhibiting
protected from freezing temperatures and oil from the fuel tank. Fill the fuel tank
direct sunlight. with fresh petrol.
5. Wash and dry the vehicle. Wax all 5. Perform all Pre-ride Inspection checks
painted surfaces. Coat chrome with rust (page 32).
inhibiting oil. Test ride the vehicle at low speeds in a
safe riding area away from traffic.

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Overall length----------------------------------- 2007 mm (79.0 in)
Overall width------------------------------------ 762 mm (29.9 in)
Overall height----------------------------------- 1,085 mm (42.7 in)
Wheel base-------------------------------------- 1266 mm (49.8 in)
Dry weight Drum------------------ 111 kg (244.7 lbs)
Disc------------------- 111 kg (244.7 lbs)
CBS-------------------- 115 kg (253.5 lbs)
Engine oil After draining--------- 0.9 L (0.9 US qt, 0.8 lmp qt)
After disassembly---- 1.0 L (1.1 US qt, 0.9 lmp qt)
Fuel tank---------------------------------------- 10.5 L (2.77 US gal, 2.31 lmp gal)
Fuel tank reserve------------------------------- 1.9 L (0.50 US gal, 0.42 lmp gal)
Passenger capacity----------------------------- Rider and one pillion rider
Maximum weight capacity---------------------- 170 Kg (375 lbs)
Bore and stroke -------------------------------- 52.4 x 57.8 mm (2.06x2.28 in)
Compression ratio------------------------------ 9.2:1
Displacement------------------------------------ 124.7 cm3 (7.61 cu-in)
Spark plug---------------
Standard---------------------------------------- CPR7EA-9 (NGK)/ UR6DC (BOSCH)
Spark plug gap---------------------------------- 0.8-0.9 mm (0.03-0.04 in)
Idle speed--------------------------------------- 1,400 ± 100 min-1 (rpm)
Valve clearance (Cold) Intake ---------------- 0.08 mm (0.003 in)
Exhaust--------------- 0.12 mm (0.005 in)
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Caster------------------------------------------- 26˚00’
Trail length-------------------------------------- 91 mm (3.58 in)
Tyre size, front---------------------------------- 80/100-18 M/C 47P
Tyre size, rear----------------------------------- 80/100-18 M/C 54P
Primary reduction------------------------------- 3.350
Gear ratio, 1st------------------ 3.416
2nd----------------- 1.944
3rd------------------ 1.350
4th------------------ 1.120
5th------------------ 0.958
Final reduction---------------------------------- 2.928
Battery------------------------------------------ 12V-3Ah (M.F) ETZ4
Generator--------------------------------------- 0.14 kW/5,000 min-1 (rpm)
Head light--------------------------------------- 12V-35/35W
Position light------------------------------------ 12V-5W
Stop/tail light----------------------------------- 12V-21/5W
Licence plate light------------------------------ 12V-5W
Turn signal light--------------------------------- 12V-10W x 4
Instrument lights------------------------------- LED
Speedometer lamp------------------------------ LED
Neutral, Turn signal & High beam indicator--- LED
Main fuse---------------------------------------- 20A
Sub fuse----------------------------------------- 15A & 10A
76 CB125 Shine SP Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

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Valid in India only
Warranty Policy
Honda Vehicle & Scooter India (Pvt.) Ltd. (HMSI) gives the following warranty in respect of vehicle
“CB125 Shine SP” manufactured by them.
Proper care and precaution has been taken to ensure the best quality in respect of the material and
workmanship in manufacturing “CB125 Shine SP”.
HMSI would repair or replace at its discretion, those part(s) found to have manufacturing defects during
examination. This repair or replacement of part(s) would be done free of charge at their authorised
workshop, within a warranty period of 24 months from the date of sale or until the vehicle has covered
32000 kms, whichever comes first.
Warranty claims in respect of proprietary parts like tyres and battery are warranted by their respective
manufacturers and should be claimed on them directly by customer.
NOTE: Battery Warranty is applicable from 21 months from Date Of Charging at manufacturer or 18
Months from the Date Of Sale or 20000 Kms whichever is earlier.
In all such cases the decision of the respective manufacturer will be final and binding.
HMSI shall not be liable in any manner to replace them though their dealers will give full assistance in
preferring such claims on their manufacturers.
HMSI undertake no liability in the matter of consequential loss or damage caused due to the failure
of the parts. Delay, if any, at the repairing workshop in carrying out repair to vehicle shall not be a
ground for extending the warranty period nor shall it give any right to the customer for claiming any
compensation for damages.
HMSI reserves the right either to repair or replace the defective part.
Where a defective part can replaced by part/s of alternative brand/s, which are normally used by HMSI
in the course of manufacturing, HMSI reserves the right to carry out the replacement by a part or parts
of any such alternative brands.

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This warranty and any claim arising there from is subject to Gurgaon jurisdiction only.
No claim for exchange or repair can be consider unless the customer:
a. Ensures that immediately upon discovery of case of misalignment and bent), Bushes,
the defect, he approaches any nearest Fasteners, Shims, Washers and Electrical
authorised dealer of HMSI with the concerned Items like Bulbs(LEDs are covered under
vehicle and enables him to remove and warranty), Rubber and Plastic Components
dispatch the part/parts attributing to like Grommets, O-Rings, Bellows as well as
manufacturing defect to the company. Packings, Gaskets, Oil Seals and Consumable
b. Produces Owner’s Manual in original, to like Fuel Filter, Air Cleaner Element, Engine
enable that dealer to verify the details. It Oil, Grease, Suspension Oil and other items
must be expressly understood that claims as specified by HMSI.
forwarded directly to us by the Owner/ 4. Fasteners and clips which needs replacement
customer will not be entertained at all and during maintenance/service will not be
such defective part/parts thus forwarded by covered under warranty.
them will lie at our factory at their own risk, 5. If there is any damage to the painted surface
and this warranty shall not be enforceable. due to industrial pollution or other extraneous
Further this warranty is not applicable to: factors.
1. Any “CB125 Shine SP” on which any free 6. Any damage resulting from unavoidable
and paid services has not been carried out, as natural disaster i.e fire collision, earthquake,
per schedule given in Owner’s Manual. flood etc.
2. Normal maintenance operations like valve 7. Any damage caused by exposure of the
adjustment, cleaning of fuel system, engine product to soot and smoke, chemical agents,
tune-up or such other adjustments. bird-droppings, sea water, sea breeze, or
other environmental phenomenon.
3. HMSI does not warrant normal wear and tear
items like brake pad, brake shoes, Clutch 8. If there is any damage caused due to usage of
Disc, Chain, Chain Sprocket, Wheel Rim (in improper oil/grease, non genuine parts.

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Valid in India only
9. For two-wheelers, which have been used for changes in design or to add any improvement
any commercial purposes as taxi etc. on the vehicle at any time without incurring
10. For maintenance repairs required due to any obligations to install the same on a
misuse while driving or due to adulteration of vehicle previously supplied and sold. Also
oil, petrol or due to bad road conditions. the conditions of this warranty are subject to
alteration without any notice.
11. Recommended fuel quality not used.
This warranty is entirely written warranty
12. Parts of the vehicle that have been subjected given by HMSI for “CB125 Shine SP” and no
to misuse, accident, negligent treatment or other person, including the dealer or its or his
which have been used in conjunction with agent or employee is authorised to extend or
parts and an equipment not manufactured enlarge this warranty.
or recommended for use by HMSI if in the
sole judgment of HMSI, such use prematurely This warranty is given in lieu of and excludes
affects the performance and reliability of the every condition or warranty whether statutory
vehicle. or otherwise not herein expressly set out.

13. Parts of the vehicle that have been altered or EMISSION WARRANTY
modified or replaced in unauthorised manner, Subject to other terms of the warranty policy
and which in the sole judgment of HMSI affect and other conditions and obligations laid down
its performance and reliability. hereunder, the manufacturer certifies that the
14. The vehicle that has not been serviced by components liable to affect the emission of the
HMSI authorised dealer as per the service gaseous pollutants in the vehicle in normal use
schedule or which have not been operated or despite the use to which it may be subjected,
maintained in accordance with instructions comply with provisions of rule 115(2) of the
mentioned in the Owner’s Manual. Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 and further
warrants that if on examination by a service
15. The vehicles used for any competition or race center duly authorized by the manufacturer, the
and/or for attempting to set up any kind of vehicle is discovered to be failing to meet the
record HMSI reserves the right to make any emission standard as specified in the said rule,
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the authorized service center shall take such the event of failure of the vehicle to meet the
corrective measures as may be necessary and emission standard as specified in sub-rule (2)
shall at its sole discretion replace free of charge of Rule No 115 of the Central Motor vehicle
such components of emission control system as Rules.
are specified in schedule. 4. The warranty claim will be accepted only after
A. Conditions the examinations carried out by Authorized
1. This warranty will be in addition to and run Service Centers leads to a firm conclusion
parallel to the product warranty given by the that none of the original settings have been
manufacturer and will apply to components as tampered with and that the components
mentioned later. This warranty is applicable as mentioned in ANNEXURE - II has/have
in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai with a manufacturing defect, and/or, that the
effective from 1st July 2001. Other places vehicle is unable to meet the in-use emission
when included will be covered under warranty standard, in spite of the vehicle being
accordingly. maintained and used in accordance with the
instructions in the owner’s manual.
2. The period of the vehicle’s emission warranty
will be determined starting from the date 5. The methods of examination to determine the
of the vehicle sale. The period of time and warrantable condition of the components will
kilometers that are covered under the be at the sole discretion of manufacturers and
provisions of warranty may vary but should or their Authorized service centers and results
not be less than the minimum warranty of such examination will be final and binding.
period based on the vehicle category. If, on examination, a warrantable condition
is not established, the manufacturers will
For a two-wheeler the emission warranty have to charge all, or part, of the cost of such
period is 30,000 kms or 3 years whichever examination.
is earlier.
6. In case of a vehicle in which the components
3. Warranty claim for the components under covered under Emission warranty, the
Emission warranty as per annexure–II will be manufacturer will replace, at Authorized
admitted, for a prima facie examination, in centers free of charge, the components which
80 CB125 Shine SP Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.

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Valid in India only
are covered as mentioned in Annexure–II, 10. The manufacturer will not be responsible for
but the consumables as mentioned in Owner’s the cost of transportation of the vehicle to
Manual shall be charged as per actuals. the nearest Authorized Service center or any
7. In case of a vehicle in which the components loss due to non-availability of the vehicle
covered under Emission warranty or the during the period of lodging of a warranty
associated parts are not independently claim and examination by the manufacturer
replaceable on account of their being and repairs.
integral parts of a complete assembly, the 11. The manufacturer will not be responsible for
manufacturer will have the sole discretion to any penalties that may be charged by
replace either the entire assembly or by using statutory authorities on account of failure to
some of the parts of the system through comply with the in use emission standards.
suitable repairs or modifications. 12. Emission warranty will be applicable
8. Any consequential repairs or replacement of irrespective of the change of ownership of
parts which may be found necessary to the vehicle provided all the conditions as laid
establish compliance to in-use emission down in this document are met from the date
standards, in addition to replacement of of original sale of the vehicle.
the parts covered under emission warranty, 13. The emission warranty will be applicable only
will not be made free of cost unless such if:
parts are also found to be in a warrantable
condition within the scope and limit of the a. Observes all important instructions and
product warranty. The consumables shall be any other precautions listed in the
charged as per actuals during such repairs or Owner’s Manual for use of the vehicle.
replacement of parts. b. Under all circumstances uses lubricants
9. All the parts removed for replacement under and fuel as recommended by
warranty will be the property of the manufacturer.

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c. Regularly obtains and carries out g. Produces receipts covering maintenance
maintenance in accordance with the of the vehicle as specified in the Owner’s
manufacturers guidelines and enters the Manual from the date of original purchase
details in the Logbook. of the vehicle.
d. Immediately approaches the nearest h. Produces valid certificate of insurance
authorized service center upon discovery and RTO registration.
of failure to comply with the in use 14.
Conditions under which warranty is not
emission standards in spite of having applicable:
maintained and used the vehicle in
A valid ‘Pollution Under Control’ certificate as
accordance with the instructions in the
described in customer obligation D(6) above
Owner’s Manual and having carried out
is not produced.
such repairs and adjustments as may be
required with a view to establish such A vehicle which is not serviced by Authorized
compliance. service center as per the service schedule
e. Produces the ‘Pollution Under Control’ described in the maintenance chart given in
certificate valid for the period immediately the Owner’s Manual.
preceding the test during which the A vehicle, which has been subjected to
failure is discovered, the test having abnormal use, abuse, neglect and improper
been carried out either for obtaining a maintenance or has met with an accident.
new certificate, or pursuant upon being Use of replacement parts not specified and
directed by an officer as referred to in approved by the manufacturer.
sub-rule(2) of Rule 116 of the Central A vehicle, or parts thereof, which has been
Motor Vehicle Rules. altered, tampered with or modified or
f. Produces the Owner’s Manual and Log replaced in an unauthorized manner.
book for verification details.

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A vehicle on which the odometer is not 2. The emission warranty covers only compliance
functioning or the odometer has been with the emission standard as specified in the
changed/tampered with so that the actual sub rule (2) of rule 115 of CMVR. It does not
mileage cannot be readily determined. cover any other performance of these parts
A vehicle which has been used for or routine test and consequent maintenance
competitions, races, rallies or for the purpose or adjustments to establish compliance to the
of establishing records in use emission standard as applicable to the
state, in which the vehicle is registered and is
Examination by the manufacturers or his in use.
Authorized Service Centers of the vehicle
shows that any of the conditions stipulated The parts, which are covered under emission
in the Owner’s Manual with regard to use and warranty, are carburetor and internal parts,
maintenance have been violated. intake manifold, distributor and internal parts,
A vehicle, which has been run on, adulterated ignition coil, muffler etc.
fuel, leaded fuel or lubricant or fuel/ NOTE: The emission warranty is applicable only
lubricants other than those specified by the when a customer enters into emission warranty
manufacturer in the Owner’s Manual with contract.
regard to use and maintenance have been
1. This emission warranty is in addition to
product warranty and shall run parallel to
the product warranty for the vehicle as per
the scope and limit described in the Owner’s
Manual and all conditions described there
in will apply in addition to those exclusively
stipulated in this warranty.

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