3 disconnected from the electricity supply (paragraph B)
4 a cable that carries telephone signals (paragraph C)
5 to gain control of something (paragraph D)
2 Answer the questions with the names Susan, Anni, Bill
and Sussy. Unplugged Who … 1 … plays a musical instrument? A Susan Maushart’s three teenage children are relaxing at home in Perth, Australia. Fifteen-year-old Bill is 2 … used social networking sites? playing his saxophone. Fourteen-year-old Sussy and and eighteen-year-old Anni are playing a board game 3 … wanted to be alone when they used media in the same room. Ask the three of them how they technology? and prefer to spend their free time, and they will tell you 4 … continued to chat to her friends from home after the that it is by doing things together. However, it has not experiment started? always been like that. 5 … spent more time in a public building after the B Six months earlier, the family spent their time in a experiment started? very different way. Sussy and Anni constantly updated 3 Read the text again and choose the correct alternatives. their social networking pages and chatted online to classmates and acquaintances. Bill shut himself 1 Susan’s family has / hasn’t always done things together. off in his bedroom with his video games. Susan also 2 Susan didn’t like her children’s online friends / disappeared with her laptop to write ‘crucial’ emails. the way the family used media technology. They lived in the same house but spent their free 3 Sussy and Anni reacted in the same / a different time with their online friends instead of talking to way to the experiment. each other. Susan was not happy about the situation, 4 The experiment was a success from / so she took a very unpopular decision. All the media wasn’t a success at the beginning. technology in the house would be unplugged – for 5 Susan thinks we can / can’t live without media six months! technology in the modern world.
C At first, things didn’t go to plan. Sussy became
addicted to the ‘old’ landline telephone to keep in contact with her friends. However, Bill soon adapted to the situation: he learnt how to play the saxophone and, eventually, sold his games computer. Anni sometimes needed to use a computer to do homework, so she used the computers at the local library. With time, the two sisters also began to appreciate the benefits of chatting with the family after meals and playing board games together. In addition, Sussy started doing much better at school.
D After six months, the experiment was over. Susan
says that it is not realistic for people who live in the modern world not to use media technology. However, all the family agree that they will not let it take over their lives again.