PSG Two Marks Q and A PDF

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Course Name: PROTECTION AND SWITCHGEAR Course code: EE6702

Branch :EEE Year/Section :IV/A&B




1. How does the over voltage surge affect the power system?
The over voltage of the power system leads to insulation breakdown of the equipments.
It causes the line insulation to flash over and may also damage the nearby transformer, generators
and the other equipment connected to the line.

2. What are the various types of faults occurring in a power system?

Series Fault: a) One open conductor fault b) Two open conductor fault
Shunt Fault: (a) Symmetrical or balanced fault (i) Three phase Fault (LLLG)
(b) Unsymmetrical or unbalanced fault (i) Line to line fault(LL)
(ii) Line to ground fault (LG) (iii) Double line to ground fault.(LLG).

3. What is meant by symmetrical fault?

The fault is called symmetrical fault if the fault current is equal in all the phases.
This fault conditions are analyzed on per phase basis using Thevenin’s theorem or using bus
impedance matrix. The three-phase fault is the only symmetrical fault.

4. What are symmetrical components?

It is a mathematical tool to resolve unbalanced components into balanced components. The
symmetrical components of three phase system are, i)Positive sequence components.
ii) Negative sequence components iii) Zero sequence components.

5. Define negative sequence component.

It has three vectors equal in magnitude and displaced from each other by an angle 120
degrees and has the phase sequence in opposite to its original phasors.

6. State the essential qualities of protection.

i)Reliability ii) Selectivity iii)Fastness of operation and iv) Discrimination.

7. Give the consequences of short circuit.

Whenever short-circuit occurs, the current flowing through the coil increases to an enormous
value. If protective relays are present, a heavy current also flows through the relay coil, causing it
to operate by closing its contacts. The trip circuit is then closed, the circuit breaker opens and the
fault is isolated from the rest of the system. Also, a low voltage may be created which may damage
systems connected to the supply.
8. What is the need of relay coordination?
The operation of a relay should be fast and selective, i.e., it should isolate the fault in the
shortest possible time causing minimum disturbance to the system. Also, if a relay fails to operate,
there should be sufficiently quick backup protection so that the rest of the system is protected. By
coordinating relays, faults can always be isolated quickly without serious disturbance to the rest of
the system.

9. Define: energizing quantity.

The electrical quantity i.e., current or voltage either alone or in combination with other
electrical quantities required for the functioning of the relay.

10. Define: protected zone.

Protected zones are those which are directly protected by a protective system such as relays,
fuses or switchgears. If a fault occurring in a zone can be immediately detected and isolated by a
protection scheme dedicated to that particular zone.

11. What are the various faults that would affect an alternator?
i)Phase to phase faults ii) Phase to earth faults iii) Inter turn faults iv) Earth faults v)Fault
between turns vi) Loss of excitation due to fuel failure vii) Over speed viii) Loss of drive ix)
Vacuum failure resulting in condenser pressure rise, resulting in shattering of the turbine low
pressure casing.

12. State the significance of double line fault.

It has no zero sequence component and the positive and negative sequence networks are
connected in parallel.

13. What is primary protection?

Primary protection is the protection in which the fault occurring in a line will be cleared by
its own relay and circuit breaker. It serves as the first line of defense.

14. List down the essential qualities of protection.

Reliability, selectivity and discrimination, sensitivity, stability,simplicity and economical,

15. Compare unit protection and non-unit protection system.

Certain protective systems derive their 'restricted' property from the configuration of the
power system and may also be classed as unit protection. A non unit protection system is on that is
activated even when the faults are extrernal to its protected zones.

16. Define selectivity of protective relaying.

The selectivity is the ability of the protective system to identify the faulty part correctly and
to disconnect that part without affecting the rest of the healthy part of the system.

17. Summarize the functions of protective relays.

(i) prompt removal of abnormal component
(ii) avoid interference within effective operation of the rest of the system
(iii) to restrict spreading of the fault
(iv)To improve system performance, reliability, system stability
18. Define the following terms as related to protective relaying: (a)pick up current and (b) plug
setting multiplier.
(i) Pick up current: It is the minimum current in the relay coil at which the relay starts to
(ii) plug setting multiplier=Fault current in the relay coil/ pick up value

19. What are the different types of earthing?

i) Resistive earthing ii) Reactance earthing iii) Resonant earthing

20. State the significance of single line to ground fault.

In single line to ground fault all the sequence networks are connected in series. All the
sequence currents are equal and the fault current magnitude is three times its sequence currents.

21. Differentiate between a fuse and a circuit breaker.

Fuse is a low current interrupting device. It is a copper or an aluminum wire. Circuit breaker
is a high current interrupting device and it act as a switch under normal operating conditions.

22. What is surge absorber? How do they differ from surge diverter?
Surge absorber is a device designed to protect electrical equipment from transient high
voltage to limit the duration and amplitude of the following current. Surge diverter discharges the
impulse surge to the earth and dissipates energy in the form of heat.

23. Define the term “insulation coordination”

Grading of withstand level of apparatus/equipment with the protective levels of surge
arresters and co-ordination at entire voltage level and various other voltage levels.

24. How are arcing grounds avoided?

The presence of inductive and capacitive currents in the isolated neutral system leads to
formation of arcs called as arcing grounds. Arcing grounds are avoided by earthing.

25. What are the effects of power system faults?

Increase in current above rated value, Insulation failure, Equipment damage.

26. What is back up protection?

Back up protection is the second line of defence, which operates if the primary protection
fails to activate within a definite time delay.

27. What is meant by pick-up current?

The minimum current at which the relay armature is attracted to close the trip circuit is called
pick-up current.

28. Write the sources of fault power.

The fault power can be originated from the generation or transmission or from the
distribution side. Also the fault power can be from external sources like lightning.

29. List out the duties of fault limiting reactors.

The duties of fault limiting reactors are to limit the fault current and to eliminate the arcing
30. What are the functions of protective relays?
To detect the fault and initiate the operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the defective
element from the rest of the system, thereby protecting the system from damages consequent to the

31. What is the necessity for earthing?

When earthing is provided it ensures the safety of personnel against electrical shocks and
avoids accidents. The potential of earthed body does not reach to dangerously high value above
earth since it is connected to earth. Also the earth fault current flows through the earthing and may
cause operation of fuse or an earth relay.

32. What is the difference between short circuit and an overload?

On the occurrence of short circuit, the voltage at the point of fault falls to zero and the
current in the network increases abnormally to a higher value. But in the case of overload
reduction in the terminal voltage of the equipment occurs but the voltage will never fall to zero.
Similarly the current also increases to a higher value but not as high as in the case of short circuit.

33. What is a protection zone?

To limit the extent of the power system that is disconnected when a fault occurs, protection is
arranged in zones. Ideally, the zones of protection should overlap, so that no part of the power
system is left unprotected.

34. What is the difference between primary and back up protection?

Primary protection is the protection in which the fault occurring in a line will be cleared by
its own relay and circuit breaker. It serves as the first line of defense.
Back up protection is the second line of defence, which operates if the primary protection fails to
activate within a definite time delay.

35. Why earth wire is provided in overhead transmission lines?

Earthing wire usually consists of a Low Resistance wire connected to earth or buried into
Earth. It's nothing but a Low Resistance path. Whenever there is a fault or abnormal operation or
any external activities, the current flows through the earth wire and charges are discharged into the
ground. If a fault occurs, current follows through earth wire first and the electrical equipment is

36. What do you mean by dead spot in zones of protection?

The unprotected zone at the boundaries are called dead zone

37. How to avoid dead spot?

In practice, various protective zones are overlapped. The overlapping of protective zones is
done to ensure complete safety of each and every element of the system. The zone which is
unprotected is called dead spot. The zones are overlapped and hence there is no chance of
existence of a dead spot in a system. For the failures within the region where two adjacent
protective zones are overlapped, more circuit breakers get tripped than minimum necessary to
disconnect the faulty element. If there are no overlaps, then dead spot may exist, means the circuit
breakers lying within the zone may not trip eventhough the fault occurs. This may cause damage
to the healthy system. The extent of overlapping of protective zones is relative small. The
probability of the failures in the overlapped regions is very low, consequently the tripping of too
many circuit breakers will be also infrequent.
38. Define arcing ground.
In an ungrounded system the capacitive current flows to the earth and it is sufficient to
maintain an arc in the ionized path of the fault. if this current is once maintained, it may exist even
after the earth fault is cleared. This phenomenon of persistence of arc is called arcing ground.

Part A

1. Draw the typical relay circuit.

2. Draw the time-current characteristics of different over current relays.

3. What is IDMT characteristics?

IDMT –inverse definite minimum time – When the core saturates at later stage then the
operating time becomes approximately inversely proportional to the fault current near the pick up
value of the current

4. List any two applications of electromagnetic relay.

Protection of both ac and dc equipment, for differential protection, as auxillary relays etc.

5. What is the need for shading ring provided in an induction type disc relay?
To split the total flux into two fluxes displace in time and space

6. Name the different kinds of over current relays.

Induction type non-directional over current relay, Induction type directional over current
relay & current differential relay.

7. Define operating time of a relay.

Operating time of a relay is defined as the time period extending from the occurrence of the
fault through the relay detecting the fault to the operation of the relay.

8. Define resetting time of a relay.

Resetting time of a relay is defined as the time taken by the relay from the instant of isolating
the fault to the moment when the fault is removed and the relay can be reset.
9. What is ‘Time grading’ of relays.
It is the setting of time of operation of various relays protecting the different sections of a
line and so set that there by nearest to the fault location alone will operate first and clear the fault.

10. What are Over and Under current relays?

Over current relays are those that operate when the current in a line exceeds a predetermined
value. (e.g.: Induction type non-directional/directional over current relay, differential over current
relay) whereas Undercurrent relays are those which operate whenever the current in a circuit/line
drops below a predetermined value.(e.g.: differential over-voltage relay)

11. What is biased differential beam relay?

The biased beam relay is designed to respond to the differential current in terms of its
fractional relation to the current flowing through the protected zone. It is essentially an over-
current balanced beam relay type with an additional restraining coil. The restraining coil produces
a bias force in the opposite direction to the operating force.

12. Give the limitations of Merz Price protection.

Since neutral earthing resistances are often used to protect circuit from earth-fault currents, it
becomes impossible to protect the whole of a star-connected alternator. If an earth-fault occurs
near the neutral point, the voltage may be insufficient to operate the relay. Also it is extremely
difficult to find two identical CT’s. In addition to this, there always an inherent phase difference
between the primary and the secondary quantities and a possibility of current through the relay
even when there is no fault.

13. Outline out the different types of distance relays.

Impedance relay, admittance relay and reactance relay

14. Why is an under frequency relay required in a power system?

An under frequency relay is one which operates when the frequency of the system (usually
an alternator or transformer) falls below a certain value. This relay is used to sense the frequency
of the entire power system.

15. What are the features of directional relay?

High speed operation; high sensitivity; ability to operate at low voltages; adequate short-time
thermal ratio; burden must not be excessive.

16. What are the advantages of static relay over electromagnetic relay?
i) Low power consumption as low as 1mW ii) No moving contacts; hence associated
problems of arcing, contact bounce, erosion, replacement of contacts iii) No gravity effect on
operation of static relays. Hence can be used in vessels ie, ships, aircrafts etc. iv) A single relay
can perform several functions like over current, under voltage, single phasing protection by
incorporating respective functional blocks. This is not possible in electromagnetic relays v) Static
relay is compact vi) Superior operating characteristics and accuracy vii) Static relay can think ,
programmable operation is possible with static relay viii) Effect of vibration is nil, hence can be
used in earthquake-prone areas ix) Simplified testing and servicing.

17. What are the different types of over current relays

i) Definite time ii) Inverse definite minimum time(IDMT) iii) Very Inverse iv) Extremely
18. What is earth fault protection?
The protective scheme used for the protection of an element of a power system against earth
faults is called as earth fault protection

19. What is meant by directional relay?

The relay which is able to sense the direction of power flow and act for a particular direction
of power flow is called directional relay.

20. What is meant by differential relay?

A differential relay is one that operates when the phasor difference of two or more similar
electrical quantities exceeds a predetermined value.

21. What are the types of fuses?

a) Low voltage fuses i) Semi-enclosed rewireable fuse ii)HRC fuse
b) High voltage fuses i) cartridge type ii)liquid type iii)metal clad type

22. Write the function of under frequency relay.

The frequency relay is designed to be used for the protection of power generators and other
AC equipment against over frequency and under frequency. The operation of the relay can be
based on the definite time principle, on the rate of frequency change principle, or on a combination
of these two principles.

23. What is an under frequency relay.

Under frequency relay trips the feeder on load at set value of frequency. So as to give relief
to the generator, thereby saving the unit .Under frequency relay thus aids load shedding
programme to save the grid.

24. List out the different types of distance relay.

Dependent on the ratio of V and I there are three types of distance relays which are i)
Impedance relay which is based on measurement of impedance Z ii) Reactance relay which is
based on measurement of reactance X iii)Admittance or Mho relay which is based on
measurement of component of admittance Y.

25. What is R-X diagram?

The operating characteristics of distance relay is more easily represented using a R-X
diagram. The R forms the x coordinates and X forms the y coordinates.

26. Why impedance relay is called voltage restrained relay?

In impedance relay the torque produced by the voltage element opposes the operating
torque produced by the current element. Hence it is also called voltage restrained relay

27. In what way distance relay is superior to over current protection?

Distance relays are preferred to overcurrent relays because they are not nearly so much
affected by changes in short-circuit-current magnitude as overcurrent relays are, and, hence, are
much less affected by changes in generating capacity and in system configuration. This is because
distance relays achieve selectivity on the basis of impedance rather than current.
28. Where are negative sequence relays employed?
It is necessary to provide the negative sequence protection to the generators against the
unbalanced load condition. The negative phase sequence filter along with the over current relay
provides the necessary protection against the unbalanced loads.

29. Write the effects of arc resistance.

The effect of arc resistance is most significant on short lines where the reach of the relay
setting is small. It can be a problem if the fault occurs near the end of the reach. High fault-arc
resistances tend to occur during midspan flashovers to ground during a veldt fire or on
transmission lines carried on wood poles without earth wires. These problems can usually be
overcome by using relays having different shaped characteristics.

30. What is the significance of PSM and TSM?

Time setting multiplier TSM: It is multiplier of various time current characteristics curves
(i.e. normal inverse, extreme inverse, long inverse, very long inverse, etc.)
Plug setting multiplier PSM: The relay's primary winding is supplied from the power systems
current transformer via a plug bridge, which is also commonly known as the plug setting

31. A relay is connected to 400/5 ratio current transformer with current setting of 150%.
Calculate the plug setting multiplier when circuit carries a fault current of 4000A.
Fault Current = 4000A
C.T. ratio = 400/5
Fault current in the relay coil = 4000 * (5/400) = 50A
Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM) = Fault Current in the relay coil / (Rated secondary C.T.
Current * Current setting)
Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM) = 50 / (5*1.5) = 6.667

32. Where is negative phase sequence relay employed?

The negative sequence relays are used to provide protection against negative sequence
components caused due unbalance fault or unbalanced loads. It is also used for the protection of
generator and motors from over heating due to unbalance load condition.
1. What are the causes of over speed and how alternators are protected from it?
Sudden loss of all or major part of the load causes over-speeding in alternators. Modern alternators
are provided with mechanical centrifugal devices mounted on their driving shafts to trip the main valve of
the prime mover when a dangerous over-speed occurs.

2. What are the uses of Buchholz’s relay?

Bucholz relay is used to give an alarm in case of incipient (slow-developing) faults in the transformer
and to disconnect the transformer from the supply in the event of severe internal faults. It is usually used in
oil immersion transformers with a rating over 750KVA.

3. What are the various faults that would affect an alternator?

(a) Stator faults i) Phase to phase faults ii) Phase to earth faults iii) Stator inter turn faults
(b) Rotor faults i)Rotor earth faults ii)Field over loading iii) Heating of rotor (c)Abnormal Running
Conditions i) Over speeding ii) Over loading iii) Unbalanced Loading iv)Over voltage v)Failure of Prime

4. What are faults associated with a transformer?

a) Overheating b) Winding Faults i)phase to phase fault ii) Earth fault iii)Interturn faults c)Open
circuits d)Through faults e)Over fluxing.

5. What are the main safety devices available with transformer?

Oil level gauge, sudden pressure delay, oil temperature indicator, winding temperature indicator.

6. What are the limitations of Buchholz relay?

(a) Only fault below the oil level are detected.(b) Mercury switch setting should be very accurate,
otherwise even for vibration, there can be a false operation.(c) The relay is of slow operating type, which is

7. What are the problems arising in differential protection in power transformer and how are they
i) Difference in lengths of pilot wires on either sides of the relay. This is overcome by connecting
adjustable resistors to pilot wires to get equipotential points on the pilot wires. ii) Difference in CT ratio
error difference at high values of short circuit currents that makes the relay to operate even for external or
through faults. This is overcome by introducing bias coil.iii) Tap changing alters the ratio of voltage and
currents between HV and LV sides and the relay will sense this and act. Bias coil will solve this. iv)
Magnetizing inrush current appears wherever a transformer is energized on its primary side producing
harmonics. No current will be seen by the secondary. CT’s as there is no load in the circuit. This difference
in current will actuate the differential relay. A harmonic restraining unit is added to the relay which will
block it when the transformer is energized.

8. What is REF relay?

It is Restricted Earth Fault relay. When the fault occurs very near to the neutral point of the
transformer, the voltage available to drive the earth circuit is very small, which may not be sufficient to
activate the relay, unless the relay is set for a very low current. Hence the zone of protection in the winding
of the transformer is restricted to cover only around 85%. Hence the relay is called REF relay.

9. What is over fluxing protection in transformer?

If the turn’s ratio of the transformer is more than 1:1, there will be higher core loss and the capability
of the transformer to withstand this is limited to a few minutes only. This phenomenon is called over
10. Why bus-bar protection is needed?
(i) Fault level at bus-bar is high (ii) The stability of the system is affected by the faults in the bus
zone. (iii) A fault in the bus bar causes interruption of supply to a large portion of the system network.

11. What are the causes of bus zone faults?

i)Failure of support insulator resulting in earth fault ii) Flashover across support insulator during over
voltage iii)Heavily polluted insulator causing flashover iv) Earthquake, mechanical damage etc.

12. What are the problems in bus zone differential protection?

i)Large number of circuits, different current levels for different circuits for external faults
ii) Saturation of CT cores due to dc component and ac component in short circuit currents. The saturation
introduces ratio error.iii) Sectionalizing of the bus makes circuit complicated. iv) Setting of relays need a
change with large load changes.

13. How does the over voltage surge affect the power system?
The over voltage of the power system leads to insulation breakdown of the equipments. It causes the
line insulation to flash over and may also damage the nearby transformer, generators and the other
equipment connected to the line.

14. What is the general connection rule for Current transformers in differential protection?
If the windings of the power transformer are delta connected then the current transformers are star
connected and if the windings of the power transformer are star connected then the current transformers are
delta connected.

15. Write the coordination equation for inverse over-current relay?

Where TA operating time of relay at station A,TB operating time of relay at station B,CBB operating time of
circuit breaker at station B,OA over travel time of relay at station A,F factor of safety

16. What are the disadvantages of time graded protection?

i) Time lag not desirable on short circuits ii) Not suitable for ring mains iii) Difficult to coordinate &
needs changes with new connection iv) Not suitable for long distance relaying

17. Explain secondary of current transformer should not be open.

Current transformers generally work at a low flux density. Core is then made of very good metal to
give small magnetizing current. On open-circuit, secondary impedance now becomes infinite and the core
saturates. This induces a very high voltage in the primary upto approximately system volts and the
corresponding volts in the secondary will depend on the number of turns, multiplying up by the ratio (i.e.
volts/turn no. of turns). Since CT normally has much more turns in secondary compared to the primary,
the voltage generated on the open-circuited CT will be much more than the system volts,
leading to flashovers. Hence as a safety precaution, never open-circuit a current transformer on load.

18. What is meant by time graded system protection?

To ensure selectivity of operation the operating time of the protection is increased from the far end of
protected circuit towards the generating source.

19. Write the function of earth fault relay.

Earth fault relay is used for the protection of an element of a power system against earth fault.

20. What is meant by relay operating time?

It is defined as the time period from the occurrence of the fault through the relay detecting the fault to
the operation of the relay.
21. What are the different types of zones of protection?
i) Primary protection and ii) backup protection

22. State the methods of protection of busbars.

i)Frame leakage protection of busbar ii) Circulating current protection of busbar iii) High
impedance differential protection of busbar

23. List the applications of current transformer.

i)To the supply the stepped down current to the relay coil in the event of any overloading or short-
circuiting of the equipment lines. ii) To measure power of a load in conjunction with a wattmeter. The
secondary of the CT is connected to the current coil of the wattmeter.iii)To measure large currents in
conjunction with medium/Small range meters.

24. Give examples of Unit and Non – Unit Protection Schemes

The concept of 'Unit Protection', whereby sections of the power system are protected individually as a
complete unit without reference to other sections.
eg. Differential Protection, Overcurrent Protection.
eg. of Non – Unit Protection: Distance Protection.

25. Define the term burden on CT.

The secondary load of a current transformer is termed the "burden" to distinguish it from the primary
load. The burden in a CT metering circuit is the largely resistive impedance presented to its secondary

26. Explain why secondary of CT should not be open.

If the primary circuit has current flowing the secondary circuit should never be opened. This can
cause very high voltages to occur due to the Ampere-Turns of the primary that start magnetizing the
core. This results in the core being saturated through a large portion of the cycle.
Part A

1. What is static relay?

It is a relay in which measurement or comparison of electrical quantities is made in a static
network which is designed to give an output signal when a threshold condition is passed which
operates a tripping device.

2. List out the applications of static relays.

i) Protection of generators ii) Protection of transformers iii) Protection of transmission lines,
and iv) Protection of motors.

3. What is a programmable relay?

A static relay may have one or more programmable units such as microprocessors or
microcomputers in its circuit.

4. What is CPMC?
It is combined protection, monitoring and control system incorporated in the static system.
5. What are the advantages of static relay over electromagnetic relay?
 Low power consumption as low as 1mW
 No moving contacts; hence associated problems of arcing, contact bounce, erosion,
replacement of contacts
 No gravity effect on operation of static relays. Hence can be used in vessels ie, ships,
aircrafts etc.
 A single relay can perform several functions like over current, under voltage, single
phasing protection by incorporating respective functional blocks. This is not possible in
electromagnetic relays
 Static relay is compact. Superior operating characteristics and accuracy
 Static relay can think , programmable operation is possible with static relay
 Effect of vibration is nil, hence can be used in earthquake-prone areas
 Simplified testing and servicing. Can convert even non-electrical quantities to electrical in
conjunction with transducers.
6. What is pick up value?
It is the minimum current in the relay coil at which the relay starts to operate.
7. Define target.
It is the indicator used for showing the operation of the relay.
8. Define blocking.
It means preventing the relay from tripping due to its own characteristics or due to additional
9. What are the advantages of numerical relays over conventional relays?
No moving parts and therefore no friction
Easy to replace and service.
Numeric relays are not affected by gravity
Are compact and has modular arrangement
Various characteristics can be obtained.
10. What are the drawbacks of analogue and active analogue filters?
They are bulky, especially inductors require large space
High precision components are needed making them expensive
Their characteristics drift with respect to time and temperature
Filters for very low frequencies need impracticably high component values
They are not programmable and adaptable

11. Draw the block diagram of FIR and IIR filter

12. Compare FIR and IIR filters

IIR filters are difficult to control and have no particular phase, whereas FIR filters make a
linear phase always possible. IIR can be unstable, whereas FIR is always stable. IIR, when
compared to FIR, can have limited cycles, but FIR has no limited cycles. IIR is derived from
analog, whereas FIR has no analog history. IIR filters make polyphase implementation possible,
whereas FIR can always be made casual.
1. IIR is infinite and used for applications where linear characteristics are not of concern.
2. FIR filters are Finite IR filters which are required for linear-phase characteristics.
3. IIR is better for lower-order tapping, whereas the FIR filter is used for higher-order tapping.
4. FIR filters are preferred over IIR because they are more stable, and feedback is not involved.
5. IIR filters are recursive and used as an alternate, whereas FIR filters have become too long and
cause problems in various applications.

13. What is Fourier analysis?

The analysis of a complex waveform expressed as a series of sinusoidal functions, the
frequencies of which form a harmonic series.

14. What is discrete Fourier transform?

As the name implies, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is purely discrete: discrete-time
data sets are converted into a discrete-frequency representation. This is in contrast to the DTFT
that uses discrete time, but converts to continuous frequency. Since the resulting frequency
information is discrete in nature, it is very common for computers to use DFT calculations when
frequency information is needed.

15. What is sampling theorem?

A band limited signal can be reconstructed exactly if it is sampled at a rate atleast twice the
maximum frequency component in it.

16. What is Aliasing?

Aliasing is a phenomenon where the high frequency components of the sampled signal
interfere with each other because of inadequate sampling
17. What is sampling?
Sampling is the process of converting a signal (for example, a function of continuous time or
space) into a numeric sequence (a function of discrete time or space).
State Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem
If a function x(t) contains no frequencies higher than B hertz, it is completely determined by
giving its ordinates at a series of points spaced 1/(2B) seconds apart.

18. What is sample and hold circuit?

A sample and hold circuit is an analog device that samples (captures, grabs) the voltage of a
continuously varying analog signal and holds (locks, freezes) its value at a constant level for a
specified minimum period of time. Sample and hold circuits and related peak detectors are the
elementary analog memory devices. They are typically used in analog-to-digital converters to
eliminate variations in input signal that can corrupt the conversion process.

19. What is digital filter?

In signal processing, a digital filter is a system that performs mathematical operations on a
sampled, discrete-time signal to reduce or enhance certain aspects of that signal.

20. Draw the block diagram of numerical relay

21. Draw the block diagram of static differential relay

22. Draw the block diagram of static over current relay

23. Draw the block diagram of static relay

24. What are the building blocks of static relay?

Rectifier, Comparator, Amplifier, Transducer are some of the building blocks of static relay.

25. What is least error squared technique?

The least error squared technique is directly related to the Fourier technique. If a given
function were to be synthesized by using a dc component, a sine wave of fundamental frequency
and harmonics of this fundamental, then the amplitudes of various components given by the
Fourier analysis are the ones which give the least squared error.
We can directly find out the amplitudes of the components by using the LES
technique. To illustrate the LES technique, let us assume that the fault current consists
 A dc offset
 A fundamental component
 Other harmonic components of higher order

26. List out the applications of static relays.

 Ultra high speed protection of EHV AC transmission lines utilizing distance protection.
 In over current and earth fault protection schemes
 As main element in differential relay
Part A
1. What is dielectric test of a circuit breaker?
It consists of over voltage withstand test of power frequency lightning and impulse voltages.
Tests are done for both internal and external insulation with switch in both open and closed

2. Define composite testing of a circuit breaker.

In this method the breaker is first tested for its rated breaking capacity at a reduced voltage
and afterwards for rated voltage at a low current. This method does not give a proper estimate of
the breaker performance.

3. What is making capacity?

It is the capacity of the circuit breaker to be closed onto a short circuit. It is expressed as
1.414 X 1.8 X symmetrical breaking capacity
4. What are the advantages of synthetic testing methods?
i) The breaker can be tested for desired transient recovery voltage and RRRV. ii) Both test
current and test voltage can be independently varied. This gives flexibility to the test iii) The
method is simple
iv) With this method a breaker capacity (MVA) of five times of that of the capacity of the test
plant can be tested.

5. Write are the types of test conducted on circuit breakers.

i) Type test ii) Routine test iii) Reliability test iv) Commissioning test

6. What are the characteristic of SF6 gas?

It has good dielectric strength and excellent arc quenching property. It is inert, non-toxic, non
inflammable and heavy. At atmospheric pressure, its dielectric strength is 2.5 times that of air. At
three times atmospheric pressure, its dielectric strength is equal to that of the transformer oil.

7. Give the advantage of SF6 circuit breaker over air blast circuit breaker
High electro negativity, compactness, reduced switching over voltages, reduced insulation
time, superior arc interruption and increased safety.

8. What is meant by electro negativity of SF6 gas?

SF6 has high affinity for electrons. When a free electron comes and collides with a neutral
gas molecule, the electron is absorbed by the neutral gas molecule and negative ion is formed. This
is called as electro negativity of SF6 gas.

9. What are the demerits of using oil as an arc quenching medium?

i) The air has relatively inferior arc quenching properties ii)The air blast circuit breakers are
very sensitive to variations in the rate of rise of restriking voltage iii)Maintenance is required for
the compression plant which supplies the air blast

10. What are the advantages of air blast circuit breaker over oil circuit breaker?
i) The risk of fire is diminished ii)The arcing time is very small due to rapid buildup of
dielectric strength between contacts iii)The arcing products are completely removed by the blast
whereas oil deteriorates with successive operations
11. What are the types of air blast circuit breaker?
i) Arial-blast type ii) Cross blast iii) Radial-blast

12. What are the disadvantages of MOCB over a bulk oil circuit breaker?
i) The degree of carbonization is increased due to smaller quantity of oil ii) There is difficulty
of removing the gases from the contact space in time iii)The dielectric strength of the oil
deteriorates rapidly due to high degree of carbonization.

13. What are the advantages of MOCB over a bulk oil circuit breaker?
i) It requires lesser quantity of oil ii)It requires smaller space iii)There is a reduced risk of fire
iv) Maintenance problem are reduced.

14. What are the advantages of oil as arc quenching medium?

i) It absorbs the arc energy to decompose the oil into gases, which have excellent cooling
ii) It acts as an insulator and permits smaller clearance between line conductors and earthed

15. What are demerits of MOCB?

i)Short contact life ii)Frequent maintenance iii)Possibility of explosion iv)Larger arcing time for
small currents v)Prone to restricts

16. Mention different types of circuit breakers?

i)Air break circuit breaker ii)Oil circuit breaker iii)Minimum oil circuit breaker iv)Air blast
circuit breaker v)SF6 circuit breaker vi)Vacuum circuit breaker

17. What are the different types of oil circuit breakers?

i) Plain break oil circuit breakers ii)Arc control circuit breakers iii)Minimum oil circuit

18. What are the advantages of using vacuum as an arc interrupting medium?
High insulation strength and interruption occurs in the first current zero

19. Write any two properties of contact material used in vacuum circuit breaker?
i) Good electrical conductivity to pass normal load currents without over heating.
ii)Good thermal conductivity to dissipate rapidly the large heat generated during arcing

20. What are the basic requirements of circuit breaker?

i)To make or break a circuit either manually or by remote control under normal conditions
ii)Break a circuit automatically under fault condition iii)Make a circuit automatically either
manually or by remote control after the fault is cleared.

21. Write the difference between fuse and circuit breaker.

Fuse is a low current interrupting device. It is a copper or an aluminum wire. Circuit breaker
is a high current interrupting device and it act as a switch under normal operating conditions.

22. Enumerate breaking capacity of circuit breaker.

The breaking capacity of a circuit breaker is expressed in MVA and given as 1.732 X (rated
voltage in kV) X (rated current in kA).
23. Write the ratings of the circuit breaker.
Circuit breaker has three ratings. i) Breaking capacity ii) Making capacity and iii) Short time

24. Define the opening time of circuit breaker.

The time interval which is passed in between the energization of the trip coil to the instant of
contact separation is caused the opening times. It is dependent on fault current level

25. What is meant by current chopping?

At the time of interruption of a large fault current, the arc energy is high enough to keep the
arc column ionized until the arc is interrupted at natural current zero. On keep the arc column
ionized until the arc is interrupted at natural current zero. On the other hand, while interrupting
small inductive currents such as unloaded currents of transformers and currents of shunt reactor,
there is a possibility of overvoltage depending on the value of the chopping current. This small
inductive current is interrupted just before natural current zero and thus induces high transient
voltages, which is known as current chopping.

26. What is resistance switching?

It is the method of connecting a resistance in parallel with the contact space(arc). The
resistance reduces the restriking voltage frequency and it diverts part of the arc current. It assists
the circuit breaker in interrupting the magnetizing current and capacity current.

27. What is an arc?

Arc is a phenomenon occurring when the two contacts of a circuit breaker separate under
heavy load or fault or short circuit condition.

28. Give the two methods of arc interruption?

i) High resistance interruption:-the arc resistance is increased by elongating, and splitting the
arc so that the arc is fully extinguished. ii)Current zero method:-The arc is interrupted at current
zero position that occurs100 times a second in case of 50Hz power system frequency in AC.

29. What is restriking voltage?

It is the transient voltage appearing across the breaker contacts at the instant of arc being

30. What is meant by recovery voltage?

The power frequency RMS voltage appearing across the breaker contacts after the arc is
extinguished and transient oscillations die out is called recovery voltage.

31. Define the term RRRV?

It is the Rate of Rise of Restriking Voltage, expressed in volts per microsecond. It is closely
associated with natural frequency of oscillation.

32. What is the main problem of the circuit breaker?

When the contacts of the breaker are separated, an arc is struck between them. This arc
delays the current interruption process and also generates enormous heat which may cause damage
to the system or to the breaker itself. This is the main problem.
33. Mention the details circuit breaker rating
i)Rated voltage & rated current ii)Rated Frequency iii)Rated breaking capacity, symmetrical
& asymmetrical iv)Rated making capacity v)Rated short time current vi)Rated operating duty

34. What are the factors the ARC phenomenon depends upon?
i) The nature and pressure of the medium ii) The external ionizing and de-ionizing agent
iii) Voltage across the electrodes and its variation with time iv) The nature shape & separation of
electrodes v) The nature and shape of vessel and its position in relation to the electrodes

35. What are the factors the arc resistance depends upon?
i) Degree of ionization ii)Length of the arc iii) Cross section area of the arc

36. What are breaking capacities?

The symmetrical value of breaking capacity is the value of the symmetrical breaking current
which the circuit breaker is capable of breaking at the stated recovery voltage and restriking
voltage under prescribed condition

37. What are the two theories explaining current zero interruption?
i) Recovery rate theory or voltage race theory or slepain’s theory. ii) Energy balance theory
or Cassie’s theory.

38. What are the factors the recovery voltage depends upon?
i) Power factor, ii) Armature reaction &iii) Circuit condition

39. What is the basic requirement of DC circuit breaking?

Lengthening of the arc is basic requirements of D.C circuit breaker. Loss of energy increases
with increasing length of arc and more power will be required to maintain the arc.

40. What are the problems associated with DC circuit breakers?

i) Natural current zero does not occur as in the case of A.C circuit breakers. ii) The amount of
energy to be dissipated during the short interval of breaking is very high as compared to
conventional A.C circuit breakers.

41. What is the purpose of protective spark gap?

A protective spark gap can be used across the circuit breaker to reduce the size of
commutation capacitor. The spark gap acts as an energy dissipating device for high frequency

42. List out the various methods of arc interruptions.

i)High resistance interruption ii)Current zero method.

43. How do you classify the circuit breakers?

i)Air break circuit breaker, ii)Oil circuit breaker, iii)Air blast circuit breaker iv)SF6 circuit
breaker and v)Vacuum circuit breaker

44. What is meant by autoreclosing?

In electric power distribution, an autorecloser is a circuit breaker equipped with a mechanism
that can automatically close the breaker after it has been opened due to a fault.
45. Write the function of isolating switch.
A disconnector, disconnect switch or isolator switch is used to ensure that an electrical circuit
is completely de-energised for service or maintenance. The disconnector is usually not intended
for normal control of the circuit, but only for safety isolation. Disconnector can be operated either
manually or automatically (motorized disconnector).

46. Mention any two advantages of vacuum circuit breakers.

i) They are compact in size and have longer life. ii) There are no fire hazards.iii)No
generation of gas during and after operation. iv)they require less maintenance and quiet in
operation. v) They can successfully withstand lightning surges.

47. Why current chopping is not required in MOCB?

MOCB has superior arc quenching properties when compared to air blast circuit breakers due
to the cooling oil and hence there is no special mechanism required for current chopping.

48. How does a circuit breaker differ from a switch?

Switches are not automatic as they need to be manually turned on or off while circuit
breakers just trips off on certain conditions.
Switches allow users to cut off power supply to a certain area or equipment while circuit breakers
are more preventive in nature.
Circuit breakers are essentially automatic off switches designed for a very specific purpose, which
is to prevent unnecessary electrical circuit damage.

49. Name the materials used for contacts of vacuum circuit breakers.
Compounds of copper and Chromium are used most widely for making the contacts of circuit

50. What is the difference between re-striking voltage and recovery voltage?
Re-striking voltage: It is the transient voltage appearing across the breaker contacts at the
instant of arc being extinguished.
Recovery voltage: The power frequency RMS voltage appearing across the breaker contacts after
the arc is extinguished and transient oscillations die out is called recovery voltage.

51. State the difference between D.C. and A.C. circuit breaking.
DC circuit breaker, like their name suggests, is used for the protection of electrical devices
that operate with direct current. The main difference between direct current and alternating
current is that in DC the voltage output is constant, while in AC it cycles several times per second.

Prepared By Approved by
G. V. Chidambarathanu HOD/EEE

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