LESSON PLAN: Personal Information: Speaking and Writing

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M Heraldo Romero Sanchez

LESSON PLAN: Personal Information

January 30, 2020 To do before class
Bring to class
Background information
Course level: 7-3 Grade (24 students) Additional examples to explain the
Background of the course: Key vocabulary
The students know how to express their ideas in
the present tense. Also, they can elaborate WH
and yes/no questions and answer adequately.

 Make a review of preview knowledge

Skill focus
 Speaking and writing

 Conjugation of Verb to be and do – does

 Numbers, occupations,

Time Procedures
(55 min) Warm up:

5 min To ask them what they remember about the

structure of the questions with verb to be and
5 min

To ask the easy questions to remember

15 min Communicative activities

To Ask directly to one student one of this

questions, after ask to other classmates about
what his/her partner was answering

To ask each one of them:

I.E.M Heraldo Romero Sanchez

 What is your name?

 Where are you from?
 How old are you?
 Where are you from?
 Where do you live Potential trouble spots:
 What is your phone number? Contingencies
 What is your father´s name?
 The students probably do
 What does he do?
not remember numbers,
occupation and the
Writing activities
10 min structure of the sentences
To write their own answer on their notebooks


 To write on their notebook the tittle

first period

 Active student participation in the

 Extra points for class participation

Comments/ Evaluation

Next topic is going to be about personal information as mother´s name, occupation, number of
brothers and sisters, names, favorite subjects, favorite colors, hobbies, pet´s name

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