Light On Yoga Sutras II.44to46

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Light On The Yoga Sutras



This is about the fourth niyama: (self-study) B. K.S. Iyengar (LYSP 148)
-i a- prayoga
svadhyayad ishta devata sanprayogah

Self-study leads towards the realization of God or communion with one’s desired deity.

by study which leads to

the knowledge of the (from ,
Self, Self-study or
reading the scriptures (abl. sg. m.) self-study;
learning from one self
,i a
(iic.) loved; sought out
the desired
(nom. sg. f.) godliness;
personal God; ideal

union, , sa prayoga
communion, (from ,
sa prayoga coming in
sa prayoga)
contact with the
(nom. sg. m.) connected
with; oneness

Commentary on II.44
B. K.S. Iyengar (LYSP 148)

Study of the Self has two paths. One is for communicating from the skin, through the inner sheaths towards the seer; the other is
from the seer to the outer layer of his abode. Though consciousness exists in the body, it needs to be tapped through the practice
of and , in which the intelligence acts as a bridge to connect awareness of the body with the core, and vice
versa. This connecting intelligence alone brings harmony of body, mind and soul, and intimacy with the Supreme Soul
(I ).
Light On The Yoga Sutras

Traditionally, has been explained as the study of the sacred scriptures and recitation of mantra, preceded by the
syllable U (see I.27-28), through which the gains a vision of his tutelary or chosen deity, who fulfils all his desires.


This is about the fifth niyama: (surrender to God) B. K.S. Iyengar (LYSP 148-49)

- t
samadhi siddhih ishvarapranidhanat

Surrender to God brings perfection in .

absorption, profound meditation,

superconsciousness transcendent state; samadhi; the goal of yoga
, siddhi (from ( , siddhi, attainment; capability; powers)
siddhi accomplishment, success
(nom. sg. f.) supernatural power

(iic.) God; personal God
by surrender, by resignation, by , pra
application (abl. sg. n.) devotion to a higher idea; accepting one’s fate

Commentary on II.45
B. K.S. Iyengar (LYSP 148-49)

is attained through clarity of intelligence and intensity in thought to surrender to God. The power of comes to

Light On The Yoga Sutras

him who takes refuge in God.


This is about being steadfast, lasting happiness B. K.S. Iyengar (LYSP 148-49)


Steadfas, happiness in the asanas.

sthira Firm, fixed, steady, steadfast, lasting

sukham Happiness, delight
Asanam Postures, Poses

Commentary on II.46
B. K.S. Iyengar (LYSP 148-49)

Asana is perfect firmness of body steadiness of intelligence and benevolence of spirit. The sutras II.46-48 define Asana and the
Light On The Yoga Sutras

effects of its practice.

The definition is as follows: Whatever asana is performed, it should be done with a feeling of firmness, steadiness and endurance
in the body; goodwill in the intelligence of the head, and awareness and delight in the intelligence of the heart. This is how each
Asana should be understood, practiced and experienced.

Each asana has five functions to perform. These are :

1. Conative – the exertion of the organs of action
2. Cognitive – the perception of the results of that action
3. Mental
4. Intellectual
5. Spiritual

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