Guardians of The Tomb Dungeon Magazine - 001
Guardians of The Tomb Dungeon Magazine - 001
Guardians of The Tomb Dungeon Magazine - 001
other beings in the area. In fact, no
wildlife inhabits this area at all, and no
birds are seen or hearda fact that a
druid (and possibly a ranger or barbar-
ian) would notice at once.
62 Issue No. 1
Words carved on the northern face man in rotting robes, with dried, dark bright light; AL CE). These shadows
of the stone platform say, in an old skin pulled over his features like fragile were originally followers of Kholum
variant of the common tongue: paper. The body is that of Kholum the who were slain as thieves and reincar-
Master Thief though by now characters nated by their deity as shadows to
KHOLUM THE SWIFT may believe Kholum to be a lich, vam- guard their former guildmasters tomb.
Lord of the Night pire, magic-user, etc. The skeleton is not Over the centuries, these shadows have
undead. Clutched in the skeleton's left been joined by the spirits of grave-
Of the best I was, but you must put hand is an old steel dagger with a clean robbers, wanderers, and others who
aside the old ways and see that every- blade. The dagger, like the skeleton, is were trapped in the tomb, until a small
thing here has a place. If you steal not magical. An old cloth pouch contain- army of these creatures lurks in the
from me, I steal from you. Why tempt ing 47 gems (each of 100 gp value) lies area. By day, the shadows hide in the
futility and disturb my sleep when all on Kholums ribcage. Also in the pouch forest and avoid all contact with living
things must be where they are? is a slip of paper, reading I STEAL creatures, though their presence drives
Things taken will come full circle, for FROM YOU in ancient Common. The away all wildlife. At night, the shadows
though the day calls you master, my paper is very fragile and breaks apart gather at the tomb if summoned by
servants rule the night. with rough handling, requiring a mend- magical triggers on the gems and statu-
ing spell to reassemble. ettes mentioned above. There, the
This inscription is an oblique reference to The, skeleton does not respond to a shadows attack intruders mindlessly
the traps and the guardians of the treasure. speak with dead spell, nor does move until slain or until dawn comes, at
The odd debris, upon examination, under an animate dead spell (due to which point they leave again.
proves to be bits of armor, weapons, and past protective enchantments). The The shadows float over the water of
equipment, from many years ago, left gems radiate magic and evil. the lake as they approach the shrine,
lying on the floor of the building to rust In addition, treasure may be found in then rise into the air and enter the
and rot. No bones are present, however the palms of the double statues hands. tomb through the grated ceiling win-
(the owners were turned into undead Each palm holds a colored glassteel dows. The DM should count the number
shadows). Most of the debris is clustered crystal statuette of a man 8 high, col- of PCs and NPCs inside the tomb, dou-
near the four doorways or in corners of ored blue (northeast), green (southeast), ble that number, and add a random
the shrine's interior. None of the debris red (southwest), and amber (northwest). number from 1-12 to get the total num-
is magical. The statuettes, because of their work- ber of shadows who will attack. These
The two statues, standing with widely manship, are each worth 750 gp. Each shadows will pass by anyone who is not
separated feet and joined at the back for also radiates both magical evil in the tomb unless they are attacked, in
support, are of Kholum, the thief buried auras. None of the four statuettes is which case they counterattack.
in this tomb. Each figure holds its arms immediately visible from the ground. Not all shadows present in the area
out at shoulder-height, palms up; their The moment that either the gems on come with each visitation; perhaps 100
palms correspond with the median com- the body or the statuettes in the hands shadows are present in the area around
pass points, (northeast, southeast, south- of the twin statues are handled, each of the shrine to Kholum, each new group
west, and northwest). The statues are the four entrances to the tomb is appearing only at dusk if summoned by
20 tall, their palms 16 from the instantly sealed by a wall of stone spell the magical traps in the tomb. If a
ground, and they rest atop a single 3 - cast at the 18th level of magic-user whole group of shadows is slain, and if
tall, 12 -square stone platform. The ability. These walls of stone can only be the gems and statuettes are left behind
statues are cast from solid bronze and removed by a dispel magic or disinte- without being further molested, the
are now covered with verdigris. The grate spell, each spell affecting but one surviving characters (minus any who
statues have eyes of engraved glassteel doorway. These walls remain in place were turned into shadows to join the
crystal (500 gp value) which catch all for but one day, disappearing again at unliving guardians) may escape at
light and reflect it, giving everyone dawn on the day following that on dawn when the walls of stone vanish.
inside the shrine the impression that which the treasures in the tomb were Anyone who levitates up to the ceiling
they are being individually watched. disturbed. Anyone caught in the door- bars may attempt to bend bars to
The eyes radiate faint magic. way as the walls appear is hurled into escape, but note that strength-draining
Anyone making a detect traps or locate the tombs interior, taking 2-16 hp dam- by the shadows may harm this escape
secret doors roll discovers that several of age from the blast. method unless done during the daytime.
the engraved words on the stone are on Within 2-5 turns following sundown, These magical traps can be activated
sections of stone that may be pressed or within 2-5 turns if the theft occurred any number of times, even if the walls
into the platform, as either a trap or at night, the guardians of the tomb of stone are continuously destroyed. The
secret door trigger. If any characters approach the shrine through the sur- treasure was meant only to cause the
push in the given words from the epi- rounding forest, drifting through the deaths of an unlimited number of
taph STEAL FROM ME a secret trees like shadows which in fact they beings bait for the living cast by the
door (3 x 6) opens in the space are (AC 7; MV 12"; HD 3 + 3; #AT 1; dead. Only the use of a wish or an exor-
between the heels of the-stone statues, Dmg 2-5; SA drain one strength point cism can remove the trigger on the
on the stone platform. per strike, turn victim into shadow at 0 tombs traps. The shadows in the area
The secret door reveals a stone-sar- strength; SD + 1 or better weapon must then be dealt with, as they will
cophagus with a lid weighing 300 lbs. needed to hit, immune to charm/sleep/ wander away, no longer bound to the
Lifting the lid reveals the skeleton of a hold spells, surprise 90% in absence of tomb of Kholum the Swift.
64 Issue No. 1