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Spirochetes are a unique phylum of bacteria distinguished by their helical shape and location of flagella between the inner and outer membrane. Some species of Spirochetes can cause diseases like leptospirosis, Lyme disease, and syphilis in humans.

Spirochetes have long, helically coiled shapes between 5-250um in length and 0.1-0.6um in diameter. Their flagella run lengthwise between the inner and outer membrane. This causes their twisting motion which allows movement. They also lack genes for important oxygen-detoxifying enzymes.

Syphilis has three stages - primary, secondary, and tertiary. The primary stage involves skin lesions. The secondary stage has widespread skin lesions. The tertiary stage can involve various organ systems if left untreated, including the cardiovascular and nervous systems.


Spirochaetes (also spelled spirochetes) belong to a phylum of distinctive diderm (double-

membrane) bacteria, most of which have long, helically coiled (corkscrew-shaped) cells.
Spirochaetes are chemoheterotrophic in nature, with lengths between 5 and 250 µm and
diameters around 0.1–0.6 µm. Spirochaetes are distinguished from other bacterial phyla by
the location of their flagella, sometimes called axial filaments, which run lengthwise between
the bacterial inner membrane and outer membrane in periplasmic space (Fig. 101). These
cause a twisting motion which allows the spirochaete to move about.

Fig. 1 Spirochetes - structure.

When reproducing, a spirochaete will undergo asexual transverse binary fission. In addition,
the spirochetes are microaerophilic or anaerobic and are extremely sensitive to oxygen
toxicity. The complete genome sequence has revealed there are no genes for catalase or
superoxide dismutase.
The order of Spirochaetales is divided into two families:
1. Spirochaetaceae
2. Leptospiraceae
Two of the four genera of Spirochaetaceae, Treponema and Borrelia, include species that are
pathogenic to man. Among Leptospiraceae, only one genus, Leptospira, has pathogenic
Fig. 2 The order Spirochaetales.

Disease-causing members are Leptospira species, Borrelia burgdorferi, B. garinii, B. afzelii,

Borrelia recurrentis, Treponema pallidum subspecies, Brachyspira pilosicoli and Brachyspira
aalborgi (Table 6).

Disease-causing Disease
Leptospira species leptospirosis
Borrelia burgdorferi Lyme disease
B. garinii
B. afzelii

Borrelia recurrentis relapsing fever

Treponema species treponematoses
Brachyspira pilosicoli intestinal spirochaetosis
Brachyspira aalborgi

Table 1 Disease - causing members of Spirochetes.

Treponema pallidum is a spirochaete bacterium with subspecies that cause treponemal
diseases such as syphilis, bejel, pinta, and yaws. Classification of the pathogenic treponemes
is based primarily upon the clinical manifestations of the respective diseases they cause
(Table 7).
Subspecies Disease
T. pallidum subsp pallidum Venereal syphilis

T. pallidum subsp pertenue Yaws

T. pallidum subsp endemicum Endemic syphilis

T. carateum Pinta

Table 2 Classification of the pathogenic treponemes.

The clinical course of syphilis evolves through three phases. The initial or primary phase
(primary syphilis) is characterized by one or more skin lesions (chancres) at the site where
the spirochete penetrated. Although spirochetes are disseminated in the blood soon after
infection, the chancre represents the primary site of initial replication. Histologic examination
of the lesion reveals endarteritis and periarteritis (characteristic of syphilitic lesions at all
stages) and infiltration of the ulcer with polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages.
Phagocytic cells ingest spirochetes, but the organisms often survive. Clinical manifestations
of the primary stage include regional lymphadenopathy. In the secondary phase (secondary
syphilis), the clinical signs of disseminated disease appear, with prominent skin lesions
dispersed over the entire body surface. Spontaneous remission may occur after the primary or
secondary stages, or the disease may progress to the late phase (tertiary syphilis) of disease,
in which virtually all tissues may be involved. Tertiary syphilis may include gummatous
syphillis where gummatous lesions may form on any organ or tissue, cardiovascular syphilis,
which usually manifests as aortic disease and neurosyphillis. Neurosyphilis can manifest as
acute syphilitic meningitis, meningovascular syphilis or as paresis or tabes dorsalis. It usually
arises in tertiary syphilis, but can occur as early as 3 months post infection. Over 40% of
patients with secondary syphilis experience some central nervous system involvement Each
stage represents localized multiplication of the spirochete and tissue destruction. Although
replication is slow, numerous organisms are present in the initial chancre, as well as in the
secondary lesions, making the patient highly infectious at these stages.

Congenital Syphilis

In utero infections can lead to serious fetal disease, resulting in latent infections, multiorgan
malformations, or death of the fetus. Most infected infants are born without clinical evidence
of the disease, but rhinitis then develops and is followed by a widespread desquamating
maculopapular rash. Teeth and bone malformation, blindness, deafness, and cardiovascular
syphilis are common in untreated infants who survive the initial phase of disease.
Syphilis has several clinical manifestations, making laboratory testing a very important aspect
of diagnosis. The etiological agent, Treponema pallidum, cannot be cultured, and there is no
single optimal alternative test. Serological testing is the most frequently used approach in the
laboratory diagnosis of syphilis. Syphilis has diverse clinical manifestations and shares many
clinical features with other treponemal and nontreponemal diseases. Therefore, it is
mandatory that the clinical diagnosis is always supported by appropriate laboratory tests and
that the test results are interpreted with reference to the patient's history and physical
examination findings.
Although 1T.pallidum cannot be grown in culture, there are many tests for the direct and
indirect diagnosis of syphilis. Direct diagnostic methods include the detection of T. pallidum
by microscopic examination of fluid or smears from lesions, histological examination of
tissues or nucleic acid amplification methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Indirect diagnosis is based on serological tests for the detection of antibodies.


T. pallidum is an obligate human parasite, which does not survive outside its mammalian host
and cannot be cultivated continuously under in vitro conditions. Optimal conditions for time-
limited cultivation in tissue culture consisted of temperature between 33°C-35°C, atmospheric
oxygen concentration in the 1,5% - 5% range, 20% fetal bovine serum in the culture medium
and the testes extract. Stable propagation of T. pallidum strains can only be achieved in
mammalian hosts, usually rabbits.


Because T. pallidum is too thin to be seen by light microscopy, darkfield microscopy or
special fluorescent stains must be used. The diagnosis of primary, secondary, or congenital
syphilis can be made rapidly by darkfield examination of the exudate from skin lesions (Fig.

Fig. 3 T. pallidum- darkfield microscopy.

T. - Treponema
Darkfield microscopy method may be used in the early stages of syphilis when a suspected
syphilis sore (chancre) is present. It involves obtaining a scraping of the sore, placing it on a
slide, and examining it with a special dark-field microscope. Material collected from oral and
rectal lesions should not be examined because nonpathogenic spirochetes can contaminate the
specimen. Because of the limitations of darkfield microscopy, a more useful test for detecting
T. pallidum is the direct fluorescent antibody test (uses a labeled antibody to directly react
with the antigen).
Fluorescein-labeled antitreponemal antibodies are used to stain the bacteria. A monoclonal
antibody reagent is available that is specific for pathogenic treponemes, so oral and rectal
specimens can be examined.



Serological tests fall into two categories: nontreponemal tests for screening, and treponemal
tests for confirmation.

Nontreponemal tests

Nontreponemal tests measure immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies (also called
reagins) developed against lipids released from damaged cells during the early stage of
disease and that appear on the cell surface of treponemes. The antigen used for the
nontreponemal tests is cardiolipin, which is derived from beef heart.

VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
RPR Rapid Plasma Reagin
USR Unheated Serum Reagin ( modification of the VDRL test)

Table 3 Nontreponemal tests.

The two tests used most commonly are the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
test and the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test. Both tests measure the flocculation of
cardiolipin antigen by the patient's serum, both tests can be performed rapidly. Only the
VDRL test should be used to test CSF from patients with suspected neurosyphilis. Other
nontreponemal tests in use include the unheated serum reagin (USR) test and the toluidine red
unheated serum test (TRUST). All nontreponemal tests have essentially the same sensitivity
(70% to 85% for primary disease, 100% for secondary disease, 70% to 75% for late syphilis)
and specificity (98% to 99%).
VDRL test

Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test utilizes an antigen which consists of

cardiolipin, cholesterol and lecithin. The antigen particles appear as short rod forms at
magnification of about 100x. Aggregation of these particles into large or small clumps is
interpreted as positivity (reactive) (Fig. 104).

Fig. 4 Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test.

RPR test

Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test is the most commonly used non-treponemal test for the
diagnosis of syphilis. The test takes the form of a flocculation assay in which a cardiolipin
antigen and the patient's anti-cardiolipin antibodies form an antigen–antibody lattice, which
can be visualised when carbon particles are trapped within it.

Fig. 5 Rapid plasma reagin test.

Treponemal tests

Treponemal tests use T. pallidum as the antigen and detect specific anti - T. pallidum
antibodies. The treponemal test results can be positive before the nontreponemal test results
become positive in early syphilis, and they can remain positive when the nonspecific test
results revert to negative in some patients who have late syphilis.

FTA-ABS Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption

MHA-TP Microhemagglutination Treponema pallidum

TP-PA T. pallidum particle agglutination

Table 4 Treponemal tests.

Historically, the most commonly used treponemal test was the fluorescent treponemal
antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test.

FTA-ABS test

FTA-ABS (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption) test is an indirect fluorescent

antibody test. The patient's serum, which has been diluted 1:5 in sorbent (an extract from
cultures of Treponema phagedenis, Reiter treponeme), is layered on a microscope slide to
which T. pallidum subspecies pallidum has been fixed. If the patient's serum contains
antibody, the antibody will coat the treponeme. Next, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-
labeled antihuman immunoglobulin is added; this combines with the patient's IgG and IgM
antibodies that are adhering to T. pallidum, and results in a visible test reaction when
examined by fluorescence microscopy.

Fig. 6 Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Test - visible test reaction.

TP-PA test

Treponema pallidum Particle Agglutination (TP-PA) test or one of a number of specific

enzyme immunoassays (EIAs). The TP-PA test is a microtiter agglutination test, based on
the agglutination of colored gelatin particle carriers sensitized with T. pallidum antigen.
Patient sera are incubated with sensitized particles in microtiter wells and unsensitized gelatin
particles in control wells. Patient sera containing specific antibodies will react only with the
antigen sensitized colored gelatin particles to form a smooth mat of agglutinated particles in
the microtitration tray (+ or ++). A compact button formed by the settling of the non-
agglutinated particles in the microtiter wells containing sensitized particles indicates lack of
specific antibody in patient sera (-). A variety of specific EIAs have been developed and
appear to have sensitivities (80% to 95% for primary disease, 100% for secondary and late
syphilis) and specificities (96% to 99%) similar to the FTA-ABS and TP-PA tests.

Fig. 7 Treponema pallidum Particle Agglutination Test.

MHA-TP test

Microhemagglutination Treponema pallidum test is based on the principle of agglutination

and pattern recognition. The test uses fixed chicken erythrocytes sensitized with components
of the pathogenic T. pallidum (Nichols Strain). Hemagglutination occurs in the presence of
Treponema pallidum antibodies in specimens.

Fig. 8 Microhemagglutination Treponema pallidum test.

The upper, left-hand well contains a positive control test. The red cells have had treponemal
antigens attached and antibodies in the serum have caused these cells to agglutinate and form
a mat across the bottom of the well. These antibodies can be presumed to be specific for
treponemes, since identical red cells that have not had the treponemal antigens attached do not
cause haemagglutination, as seen in the bottom, left-hand well. A negative serum test is
shown in the centre well, where no agglutination is observed. On the upper, right-hand of the
well is a patient's sample. The agglutination formed by the patient's serum support positive
syphillis infection.

Interpretation of the results of serological tests

Because positive reactions with the nontreponemal tests develop late during the first phase of
disease, the serologic findings are negative in many patients who initially have chancres.
However, serologic results are positive within 3 months in all patients and remain positive in
untreated patients with secondary syphilis. The antibody titers decrease slowly in patients
with untreated syphilis, and serologic results are negative in approximately 25% to 30% of
patients with late syphilis. Thus the limitation of the nontreponemal tests is reduced
sensitivity in early primary disease and late syphilis. Although the results of treponemal tests
generally remain positive for the life of the person who has syphilis, a negative test is
unreliable in patients with AIDS.
Successful treatment of primary or secondary syphilis and, to a lesser extent, late syphilis,
leads to reduced titers measured in the VDRL and RPR tests. Thus these tests can be used to
monitor the effectiveness of therapy, although seroreversion is slowed in patients in an
advanced stage of disease, those with high initial titers, and those who have previously had
syphilis. The treponemal tests are influenced less by therapy than are the VDRL and RPR
tests, with seroreversion observed in less than 25% of patients successfully treated during the
primary stage of the disease.

Fig. 9 Syphilis - stages and possible results.

Diagnosis of neurosyphilis and congenital syphilis

Diagnosis of neurosyphilis and congenital syphilis can be problematic. The diagnosis of

neurosyphilis is based on clinical symptoms and laboratory findings.
A VDRL test on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is highly specific but not sensitive. Thus a positive
VDRL confirms the diagnosis, but a negative test does not rule out neurosyphilis. In contrast,
the FTA-ABS CSF test has high sensitivity but low specificity because of passive transfer of
antitreponemal antibodies from blood to CSF. In this case, a positive FTA-ABS CSF test is
consistent with neurosyphilis but is not diagnostic, and a negative test would essentially rule
out the diagnosis.

Positive serologic test results in infants of infected mothers can represent a passive transfer of
antibodies or a specific immunologic response to a congenital infection. These two
possibilities are distinguished by measuring the antibody titers in the sera of the infant during
a 6-month period. The antibody titers in noninfected infants decrease to undetectable levels
within 3 months of birth but remain elevated in infants who have congenital syphilis.


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