Brain Training For Dog - The-Airplane-Game PDF

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Some key takeaways are that the document discusses training techniques like the smacking sound and airplane game to improve a dog's attention and intelligence. It also promotes a dog training course that teaches additional brain games and techniques.

The smacking sound technique teaches a dog to associate a smacking noise the trainer makes with receiving a treat, so that the dog learns to pay attention whenever it hears the sound.

The airplane game has the trainer hold a treat outstretched with both hands while the dog maintains eye contact. When the dog looks at the trainer, the trainer says "yes" and drops the treat. The goal is to get the dog to focus on the trainer despite distractions.


About the Author .................................................. 04

Introduction ........................................................ 06

The Smacking Sound ............................................ 07

The Airplane Game ............................................... 09

More Brain Games ................................................ 17

Brain Training for Dogs ...........................................................

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Dogs more intelligence

About the Author

Adrienne Farricelli has been

working professionally with
dogs for more than a
decade. She got her start in
2006 working in an animal
hospital, and in 2007 she
started volunteering at the
local shelter, where she
fostered and trained pets in need of temporary homes.

She is currently a certified dog trainer and behavior

consultant. She holds dual certification in dog training. In
2010, after undergoing more than 200 hours of
apprenticeship under a master dog trainer, she became
certified by the Italian Association for Dog Trainers and
Canine Consultants. After teaching basic and advanced
obedience classes in Missouri and spending the summer
teaching Canine Musical Freestyle, she obtained
certification by the Certification Council for Professional
Dog Trainers (CPDT-KA®) in the United States.

Ms. Farricelli is a force-free trainer using scientifically

based training methods focused on the rewarding world of
positive reinforcement training. CCPDT requires her to

continue her education, so she is often attending seminars
to keep up-to-date with the latest dog training and
behavior-modification trends.

Adrienne publishes a dog blog on PetHelpful and her work

has appeared in such online publications as: USA Today,
Daily Puppy, Nest Pets, Paw Nation, E-how, and several
print publications such as Everydog magazine and the
APDT Chronicle of the Dog. Recently she contributed a
chapter to the book Puppy Socialization: An Insider's
Guide to Dog Behavioral Fitness, by Caryl Wolff, which
includes contributions from renowned experts Dr. Ian
Dunbar, Dr. Carmen Battaglia, Dr. Ed Bailey, Dr. Michael
Fox, and Peter and Nancy Vollmer.

Adrienne currently lives in Arizona with her beloved

Rottweilers, Petra and Einstein, and her husband, Alex.


Hello, Adrienne here! In this free e-book you will learn

how to play “The Airplane Game,” which is one of the
games from my Brain Training for Dogs online dog
training course. It is designed to improve your dog’s
ability to pay attention to you despite distractions. If you
enjoy this game, be sure to check out the full course:

Brain Training for Dogs contains another 20 fantastic

games you can play with your dog to improve his
intelligence, obedience, and behavior. It also contains
simple guides for teaching basic obedience commands, as
well as many tips and secrets I’ve picked up over my
years of experience working as a professional dog trainer.

As my gift to you, when you pick up Brain Training for

Dogs, you will also be given access to Behavior Training
for Dogs, my guide to stop common doggy behavioral
problems dead in their tracks.

And there’s more… You also get free access to Adrienne’s

Archive, a huge archive covering just about every doggy
behavior problem you could possibly think of.

The Smacking Sound

Before we start playing “The Airplane Game,” I thought I’d

teach you a neat trick you can use to get your dog’s
attention whenever you need it. To do this we will use a
special type of noise known as the “smacking sound.” But
before we can harness its power, we will first need to
teach our dog to associate the sound with food.

To do this, with
your dog in a
quiet room,
make a
smacking sound
as though you
were kissing the
air, then
immediately give Once I have trained Einstein to respond to my

him a treat. It smacking sound, I can use it whenever I want

doesn’t matter to get his attention.

what he’s doing

when you give him the treat (so long as he’s not doing
anything bad like tearing up the sofa), the idea is simply
to show him that whenever he hears the sound, he gets
treats. After doing this for a while, you should notice that
your dog looks at you for his treat whenever you make

the sound. With continued practice, you can start using
the smacking sound in everyday life when you want to
grab your dog’s attention!

Keep in mind, however, that the smacking sound may be

less effective at times when your dog is too worked up.
For example, if he has seen something outside that he
reacts strongly to, your sound may go unnoticed. One
remedy for this is the “Look at That” game found in the
Brain Training for Dogs online training course. In “Look at
That,” we will work specifically on teaching your dog to
pay attention to the smacking sound despite strong

Einstein Says: Don’t like using the smacking sound?

No problem! You can replace the smacking sound with
any other sound you like, such as a whistle or a pop.
Just make sure the sound you choose is loud enough to
be heard in busier environments, and that it is a sound
you can make yourself.

The Airplane Game

Objective: Your dog must make eye contact despite the

distraction of a cookie.

You Will Need:

• Dog cookies or other large treats

This little brain game will teach your dog that looking into
your eyes is what magically grants him a treat. Whether
you own a puppy, an adult dog, or a rescue dog, this
game is a great way to bond and help him view you as a
source of rewards and pleasure! It also improves your
dog’s ability to pay attention to you despite distractions.

The only things you will need to play this game are some
larger treats that protrude from your fingers (a dog cookie
may work well at first) and the ability to act like an
airplane, so let’s get started!

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How to Train The Airplane Game

Find a quiet area with few distractions. When you’re ready

to begin, hold a dog cookie in one of your hands, letting it
protrude from your fingers so your dog sees it. Now,
stretch your arms out as though you were an airplane,
while keeping the cookie in clear view.

Here I am doing my best airplane impression! Notice the large cookie

protruding from one hand.

- 11 -
If your dog is highly food motivated, he’ll likely look at the
cookie in your hand and perhaps even drool. If he’s the
type of dog who gets frustrated, he may bark or paw at
you, and if he’s a jumper he may attempt to jump up and
grab it! Ignore these behaviors and keep the cookie firmly
held so he can’t get it.

Now, wait
patiently until
your dog looks
into your eyes.
The moment he
makes eye
contact with you,
say “yes” and let
the cookie fall to
the ground so he
can get it.

Einstein makes eye contact! At this point, say

“yes” and immediately drop the treat! Bingo! Your dog
has just
discovered that eye contact is what makes you drop the
“bomb” (treat)! As he gets good at this you can use
smaller, bite-sized treats. This will help him pass the
exam with “flying” colors (ha, get it?), as he won’t spend
precious seconds chewing on a cookie!

- 12 -
Troubleshooting Problems

In some cases, your dog may not notice the treat in your
hand. If so, try moving the hand with the cookie around a
little to grab his attention. If you really need to, you can
lower the hand, let him sniff the cookie, then raise it back
up into position. This may lead to jumping, but ignore the
jumping behavior and wait for him to make eye contact.

If your dog still

doesn’t make
eye contact, you
may need to
give him a little
hint. In the Brain
Training for Dogs
course, the
“Look into My
I make the smacking sound from “Look into My
Eyes” game will
Eyes” so Einstein makes eye contact. When he
teach your dog
looks into my eyes I say “yes” and drop the
to make eye
whenever you make the smacking sound we learned
about earlier (see page 7). Once your dog has mastered
“Look into My Eyes,” you can use the smacking sound
during “The Airplane Game” as a hint.

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Increase the Challenge

Once your dog gets the hang of this game, you can make
it more intriguing by replacing the dog cookie with even
higher-value items like your dog’s favorite bone. You can
even add a touch of unpredictability by hiding different
treats in your hand so your dog doesn’t know what they
are until you let them fall to the ground.

To add even more fun and unpredictability, randomly

change the hand that holds the treat.

- 14 -
The Exam

When you’re ready, start your timer (a stopwatch works

well) and complete three repetitions of “The Airplane
Game” exercise in a row. This means holding up a treat
with your arms outstretched, waiting for your dog to make
eye contact, then dropping the treat—and repeating this
two more times. As soon as you’re finished, stop the timer
and check the grade table on the following page to find
out how well your dog scored.

Here’s a video of Einstein and me completing the exam:

You may have noticed that I use a clicker instead of

saying “yes.” In the Brain Training for Dogs course I will
teach you all about clickers and how to use them to take
your training to the next level.

Einstein’s Tip: to complete the challenge faster, use

small treats that your dog eats in one bite, and don’t
toss the treat across the room, just let it fall to the
ground. This one’s a joint effort between dog and owner
to get the ‘A’ grade!

- 15 -
The Airplane Game Grade

Dog Name Dog Name

Date Time Grade Time Grade

A Under 11 seconds
B 11 – 15 seconds
C 16 – 20 seconds
D 21 – 25 seconds
E 26 – 30 seconds
F Over 30 seconds

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To Learn More
More Brain Games

In the full Brain Training for Dogs course you will discover
20 more great games you can play with your dog to
skyrocket his obedience, behavior, and intelligence.

The course also contains simple techniques for teaching

basic obedience, and plenty of training tips and secrets
I’ve picked up over my years of experience as a
professional trainer, so don’t miss out.

Get access to Brain Training for Dogs here:

You will also get access to Behavior Training for Dogs and
Adrienne’s Archive, which provide force-free solutions for
just about ANY doggy behavior problem you could possibly
think of.

These bonuses are free to you when you invest in Brain

Training for Dogs today.

Thanks for reading,

Adrienne and Einstein

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Learn More Hidden Intelligence Brain Training For Dogs

Learn More About Simple Training Techniques to make your Dogs more better

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