Eye Contact

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Eye Contact
Importance of
Eye Contact

Eye Contact
Our "EYES" are a very important aspect of the non-
verbal signals that we send to others on a daily
basis. It seems that we can easily read the thoughts
of others by simply watching their "EYES." A
person's eyes tell us a great deal about what they are
thinking. Incredibly, most of us can sense whether
or not another person is focused on us when we are
speaking to them. Their eyes tell us if they are
bored, interested, want to engage, etc. The more we
watch people's eyes, the more highly developed our
awareness of reading their thoughts will become

Read and write your answers to these questions:

1. A very important aspect of the non-verbal signals that we

send to others on a daily basis. What is this? ____

2. We can easily read this just by simply watching their “EYES?”

What is this? ________

3. The more we watch people's eyes, the more we highly

developed this. What is this? _________

Eye Contact
It is actually possible for us to know what another
person is thinking, even from great distances (up
to 100 to 150 feet). It is known as "EYE
CONTACT." How awesome is that? So, what are
we seeing and how are we interpreting this
particular body language signal as we attempt to
engage in conversation with them? We are
watching for "EYE SIGNALS" such as the direction
in which the eyes move, what the eyelids are
doing, the flexibility of widening and closing the
eyelids, the movement of the pupils as they widen
and contract, etc.

Read and write your answers to these questions:

1. It is actually possible for us to know what another person

is thinking, even from great distances. Through what?

2. What are we seeing and how are we interpreting this

particular body language as we attempt to engage in
conversation with them? ___________

Eye Contact
Little thought was given to "EYE MESSAGING“
until researchers in the 1960's developed what is
known as the Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(NPL) Theory. This research determined that eye
messages are important factors when observing
one's behaviors and thoughts. They concluded that
when one's eyes move to the left or to the right, the
person is doing one of two things: When the eyes
move to the right, the person's brain is imaging
(creating or feeling). When the eyes move to the
left, the person's brain is recalling or remembering

Read and write your answers to these questions:

1. Little thought was given to “EYE MESSAGING” until

researchers in the 1960's developed this. What is

2. When the eyes move to the right, what is the person’s

brain is thinking? _______

3. When the eyes move to the left, what is the person's brain
is thinking? _________

Eye Contact
Research indicates that when a person is actively
involved in an interesting dialogue with someone
else, 80% of the time their eyes remain focused on
the person's face. They tend to focus on the
person's eyes first, and after a few moments they
move down to the person's nose, lips, etc., and then
back to the eyes again. Periodically, they will look
away at another object in the room and then glance
back to the person's eyes. They then repeat the
same pattern, especially during long conversations.

Read and write your answers to these questions:

1. Research indicates that when a person is actively

involved in an interesting dialogue with someone else,
80% of the time their eyes remain focused on what?

2. Where is the person tend to focus on looking more when

having a conversation? _______

Eye Contact
Studies also shows that eye contact is often
referred to as an indication of whether the person
is telling the truth or lying. A person who tries to
deceive someone may distort their eye contact so
that the other person will not recognize the
deception. This distortion is a widely recognized
indication that the person is without a doubt not
telling the truth. Some people appear to be very
persistent or aggressive in their approach, and
their eye contact indicates that they are very
determined to convey their message to the receiver
for whatever reason.

Read and write your answers to these questions:

1. Studies also shows that eye contact is often referred to as

an indication of whether the person is telling what?

2. It is a widely recognized indication that the person is

without a doubt not telling the truth. What is this?

Eye Contact
What are the “EYES”
Telling You?

Eye Contact
Write the correct words t0 the given “Eye
Signals”. Choose from the list.

Looking Straight Up Looking Down

Quickly Looking Up & Staring
Down or Sideways

Eye Contact
Write the correct words t0 the given “Eye
Signals”. Choose from the list.

Lowering Heads, Eyes and Eyelids Looking to the Right

Looking Up to the Right Looking to the Left

Eye Contact
Write the correct words t0 the given “Eye
Signals”. Choose from the list.

Looking Down to Left Looking Up to Left

Squinting Eyes Widening Eyes

Eye Contact
Write the correct words t0 the given “Eye
Signals”. Choose from the list.

Dilate Eye Pupil Blinking Eyes

Rubbing the Eyes Winking Eyes

Eye Contact
Write the correct words t0 the given “Eye
Signals”. Choose from the list.

Rolling Eyes Direct Eye to Eye Contact

Eye Contact
Class Performance

Eye Contact
What Are The “Eyes” Telling You?

Eye Contact
What Are The “Eyes” Telling You?

Eye Contact
What Are The “Eyes” Telling You?

Eye Contact
What Are The “Eyes” Telling You?

Eye Contact
What Are The “Eyes” Telling You?

Eye Contact

Eye Contact

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