Table of Content
1 PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................3
2 SCOPE............................................................................................................................3
3 INPUT............................................................................................................................3
4 OUTPUT........................................................................................................................3
5 RESPONSIBILITY.............................................................................................................3
6 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................3
7 EQUIPMENT DETAILS.....................................................................................................3
8 ELECTRICAL FEEDER DETAILS..........................................................................................4
9 ABBREVIATIONS.............................................................................................................4
10 LIKELY CAUSES...............................................................................................................4
11 PLANT RESPONSE..........................................................................................................4
12 OPERATOR ACTION........................................................................................................5
13 FINAL CORRECTIVE ACTION............................................................................................6
14 RECORDS.......................................................................................................................7
15 REFERENCE....................................................................................................................7
16 SAFETY..........................................................................................................................7
17 Environment..........................................................................................................................7
1 Purpose
This procedure is intended to provide guidance and instructions for operation of
APH during APH fire condition.
2 Scope
This procedure is applicable to APH A and B located in boiler 3*660 MW of
3 Input
Not applicable
4 Output
Not applicable
5 Responsibility
Boiler Field Operator, Boiler Desk Operator, Shift in-charge
6 System Description
Air pre-heater is an integral part of steam generation. It is mounted in the flue
gas path below back pass side walls bottom ring header. It comes in flue gas
path after economiser. It functions as heat exchanger between flue gas and air
(primary and secondary air). There are 2 nos. of regenerative (rotary) air pre-
heaters for each unit.
An air pre- heater fire can happen during plant start up and shutdown when
there is a possibility of a large volume of un-burnt particles reaching the air pre
heater. These un-burnt particles get deposited in the pre-heaters elements and
get ignited when the temperature rises and particles that are still burning reach
this area.
Hot end temperature will be monitored by hot spot detector to monitor fire in
APH. APH soot blowers have provision of steam supply from aux. steam header
and steam supply for soot blowing during start-up
7 Equipment Details
Air pre-heater
33-VI(T)- 2200- Tri-Sector
Model Type
SMR Rotary(Ljungstrom)
Main motor model Y20012-6-B5 Rated power 22kW
9 Abbreviations
APH- Air Pre-heater
HFO- Heavy Fuel Oil
ESP- Electro Static Precipitator
10 Likely causes
10.1. Defective oil burner, leading to deposition of un-burnt oil on AHP
heating elements, especially after cold start- up.
10.2. Ineffective soot blowing or not doing APH soot blowing regularly,
especially when oil elevation is in service.
10.3. Oil spillage on heating elements during maintenance.
10.4. HFO oil temperature low during oil firing resulted in poor combustion.
10.5. Pulverised coal powder is too coarse or the combustion is adjusted
improperly, leading to entry of unburned pulverised coal in the boiler tail
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Document Control No SESI-TSPL-OPN-SOP-BTG-012 Date 22.09.2017
Prepared By. Reviewed By Approved by
SOP for APH fire
11 Plant response
11.1. APH inlet and outlet flue gas temperature rises, gas exhaust
temperature rise, gas pressure is abnormal, and oxygen becomes
11.2. Sudden rise of secondary air/ hot PA air temperature.
11.3. APH current will hunt, bearings, casing temperature rises.
11.4. APH fire sensing temperature suddenly rises/ alarm sounds.
12 Operator action
12.1. Charge the soot blowing line immediately from auxiliary header and
start APH soot blowing.
12.2. Reduce the load to 330MW if the load is higher. In case the fire is
detected in both APH, trip the boiler and stop all ID and FD fans
12.3. In case fire is in one APH, stop respective ID, FD and PA fans.
Close the interconnection dampers in FD side and PA side ducts.
12.4. Call mechanical maintenance crew and fire fighting crew at the
12.5. Close PA and secondary air inlet and outlet damper.
12.6. If any of the secondary or primary air dampers is not closing then
trip the boiler and stop all ID and FD fans.
12.7. Close the flue gas inlet damper of the particular APH.
12.8. Please note that no isolation available on APH flue gas outlet side
for particular APH. So APH will be under negative pressure.
12.9. Discharge the respective pass ESP fields.
12.10. Open drain lines (2 nos. in each APH) in flue gas outlet duct to
drain fire fighting water.
12.11. Evacuate the area near APH.
12.12. Charge the fire water spray line of APH to quench the fire.
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Document Control No SESI-TSPL-OPN-SOP-BTG-012 Date 22.09.2017
Prepared By. Reviewed By Approved by
SOP for APH fire
12.13. Line up the APH washing line (2 valves for each APH) also and
charge the APH washing line (cold end and hot end).
12.14. Give the firewater spray in the APH guide, support bearing areas if
the fire is severe.
12.15. Continue to run APH motor or manually as long as possible.
12.16. Ensure that firewater tank level is maintained.
12.17. In case, APH rotor stops due to jamming and evidence of fire is still
there. In such case arrange the fire water hose near one of the
manhole door.
12.18. APH will be under negative pressure.
12.19. Crack open one of the manhole doors with necessary PPE.
12.20. Give water spray continuously on the manhole door and further
open the manhole door if the flame is not gushing out.
12.21. Inject the fire water jet through the manhole door in to APH to
quench the fire. Ensure safe distance from manhole door.
12.22. Open other manhole doors also with same method, and give
firewater jet to APH through them.
14 Records
14.1. Field Boiler Operator Log Book
14.2. Boiler Desk operator Log Book
15 Reference
SEPCO APH manual
16 Safety
16.1. Fire fighting system should be in charged condition.
16.2. Fire detection system should healthy and detect fire.
16.3. Proper approach to reach the APH.
16.4. Open the duct drains in ducts before spraying fire fighting water to
16.5. Immediately isolate the respective APH in case you observe fire, to
minimise damage.
16.6. Don`t open manholes in case of fire.
16.7. Keep away from the system and allow skilled person to act their
17 Environment
17.1. While starting/ Stopping and during running of the equipment,
check for any oil leakage/ Spillage, water leakage and for any
abnormal sound.
17.2. If any oil Leakage / Spillage is there, try to avoid the same spilling
on the ground by some temporary measures. Then inform to
maintenance department for arresting the same either online or
offline depending upon the condition. As a preventive measure to
avoid any spillage/leakage of oil, maintenance team will be