ALUMNI Homecoming Programme Script

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DIVINE : What a performance!

Thank you Atomic Siopao

band for that wonderful performance!
To spice up your night we are now ready to give the first
special award. May we request Honorable Mayor to please
hand the award to the winners?
Best in batch Uniform goes to_____________
Most Represented batch is no less than_____
Early Bird is_____________________
Youngest Batch Attendee is of course awarded to___
Of course if there’s an award for the youngest we have also
for the Oldest Batch. The award goes to batch_______
The most awaited prize, the 2016 BatchSIKLABAN winner.
Congratulations to batch _________________
RAQUEL:Ok, great for that, lets hear it this time from Atomic
Siopao band!
So let’s enjoy the night once more with the music of

Let us then be entertained by ________________band

DIVINE: Ok, let’s now draw our grand raffle prize


no less than__________Congratulations & happy new year!

It has been a great Alumni Homecoming party. As we come to its

closing we would like to thank you all for making this event a
success! Our deepest gratitude too to all the donors and sponsors!
May your generosity be recompensed a thousand fold! Rest
assured your bequests and gifts be used in the improvement of
the physical facilities of our dear Alma mater La Salette! A
million thanks and May God bless us all! Have a safe trip
PROGRAM FLOW AND SCRIPT FOR THE LA SALETTE DIVINE: Now, we shall have our first batch of Raffle Draw.
12.26.16 May we call in ___________________________to please do
“COMING BACK, GIVING BACK” the honors in drawing the first minor prize.

8:00 AM THANKSGIVING MASS And the winner of the first minor prize
9:00 AM MOTORCADE PARADE is:_________________
6:00 PM Arrival & registration of LSR Alumni
Once the crowd is gathered in the covered court, host welcomes.
RAQUEL: That’s it friends. Congratulations to our winner!
Just wait and Enjoy more of the other prizes as the night
Dear guests, former teachers, peers and fellow alumni of La
goes deep ladies and gentlemen.
Salette, Magandang gabi at Mabuhay sa ating mga Salettinians!
Our next performers are those with strong knees and have
It has been 2 and a half decades since our Batch “91 left La Salette successfully beaten Arthritis. Ladies and gentlemen let us all
welcome the batch_________________. Let us give them a
and pursued our lives and careers in different parts of the country
big big hand!
and abroad. This years theme “Coming back, giving ba ck” provides
RAQUEL : That was great! It doesn’t seem so obvious you
an unequaled opportunity to see old friends, meet new ones, learn
are aging!
about the different changes happening in LSRC and remininsce the
Just joking folks!
era that made us into successful human beings we are now. Our
We are now about to draw the second minor prize!
years in LSR were memorable years. We had a great time to grow The privilege is given to __________________________ to
up. We had no money, but learned to enjoy what was available. We draw us the second winner. Please madam/sir?
didn’t have computers, games, and cellphones but we were free to And the winner of the second minor prize
learn about nature and enjoy life through our physical activities and is:_______________
interaction with each other and teachers. Several of us were poor,
but not poverty stricken because even then we knew we had a DIVINE :Good evening La Salette! Are you guys enjoying
purpose in life. This purpose kept us going and probably lead us yourselves with the booze, the food and the fun? Well,
there’s more! Let’s give it up to a real entertaining music
back to give back to our dear alma mater. from Atomic Siopao Band
DIVINE: Thank you for that heartwarming remarks Ana!
their powers will till reign in the organization. With this, we call in
Our next speaker for tonight was once the Captain ball Honorable Mayor Jonathan “Totep” Calderon, Alumni President of
of LSR Volleybal Team and the Corps Commander of the CAT
Batch ’91 to be assisted by all the officers and members of the host
or Citizen’s Army Training ladies and gentlemen, let us all
welcome Mrs. Jocelyn Santiago - Lopera, the General Auditor batch for the passing of the Key of Responsibility.

of Batch ’91 in her inspirational talk. Likewise, the President of Batch ’92 Mr. Noel Acosta Represented by Mr.

Genesis Aliling & Mrs Sharisma Saddul Soriano to be assisted by all the
RAQUEL: What an encouraging message! Thank you for your
thoughts Joy! members of Batch ’92 in the acceptance of the Key of Responsibility.

DIVINE: Now, I’m out of spell – and so do you. Surely, we now know who will be the next host
And to join us on stage to call on and acknowledge
Our Jubilarians and Alumni by batches, please welcome for 2017 Grand Alumni Homecoming. The responsibility to host the homecoming
POLICE SUPERINTENDENT NELSON VALEJO is indeed quite a challenge. In behalf of the Jubilarians and Alumni we wish you
good luck batch ’92!
batches, and lets them stand,Raise their hands, shout,
holler, etc.) At this point, we would be remiss not to pay tribute to our former teachers, both

those present and those present in spirit, and the great contribution
DIVINE: Thank you Colonel Vallejo for your indulgence!
and impact they had upon our lives. For most, if not all of us, our
This once in a lifetime gathering of friends, heroes,
formative teen years were a time of growth, adventure, excitement,
great men and great deeds is certainly the best venue for
detailing matters relevant to the association. and experimentation. But there were also times of uncertainty, fear,

sadness and pain. The best thing for being sad is to learn something.
May we then give a hand to Dr. Carlos C. Calderon,
President of LSR Alumni Association to present us his report. Learning is the thing for you. In the larger scheme of things, it didn’t

matter so much that you, our teachers, taught us Biology,

RAQUEL: Thank you very much sir for the comprehensive and
mathematics, English, music, or drama. What mattered most was that
enlightening statement on the status of the
because of your mission and dedication, you taught us the life long,
value of learning and the effects it can have on our own, as well as
One wouldn’t normally give personage’s exact rank and title.
others lives. And for that, we sincerely thank and honor you.
However successors of the throne must be recognized so that
And now, May we request our Batch President Honorable Mayor RAQUEL: Good evening Fellow Salettinians.
Totep Calderon to please come up the stage for the giving back to
our dear teachers, to be assisted by the Batch officers here Welcome to our Grand Homecoming Celebration. It is
present. indeed so heartwarming to see great faces, old faces,
familiar faces,
RAQUEL:As a way of expressing our indebtedness, we would like to Beaming faces . . . these are the faces of 2016 JUBILARIANS
present humble tokens of gratitude to the following teachers :
1. M_______________________________________________
2. M_______________________________________________ DIVINE: To formally commence with our program may we all
3. M_______________________________________________ rise and invoke the presence of the Almighty in our midst as
4. M_______________________________________________ Madam Maria Cristina Calixtro, leads us a prayer.
5. M_______________________________________________ After which is the expression of our patriotism by singing
6. M_______________________________________________ our national Anthem along with an instrumental music.
7. M_______________________________________________
8. M_______________________________________________ RAQUEL: To welcome you this evening to this grand
9. M_______________________________________________ celebration,
DIVINE :There you have it ladies and gentlemen, our honorees for We bring you first, the High School Class of 1991 in their
tonight! A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THEM PLEASE. Thank you Dance Addict 101 the 90s Dance Hits Throwback!
Batch ’91 Take it away!
This time, dear Jubilarians and fellow Alumni, please SEAT
BACK and relax .Enjoy the BATCH “siklaban” as foods and DIVINE: There you have it ladies and gentlemen , the Host
wines are served on your tables. Batch in their knee breaking and jiggling dance of the 90s.
May we all give them a very warm applause!
RAQUEL:To showcase their talents. Let’s all welcome them
with a resounding clap, Batch_______! At this juncture, may we all welcome the General
Secretary of Batch ’91 to deliver her opening and
DIVINE Whooh! What a performance! You really still have
welcome address.
that jolt! Your dance showed you defied aging! Come on
Ladies and Gentlemen, MRS. ANA BUMANGLAG
folks once again a big big hand for Batch_________!


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