Engineering Mechanics Part B Part C Questions
Engineering Mechanics Part B Part C Questions
Regulation – 2017
Introduction – Units and Dimensions – Laws of Mechanics – Lami’s theorem, Parallelogram and
triangular Law of forces –– Vectorial representation of forces – Vector operations of forces -
additions, subtraction, dot product, cross product – Coplanar Forces – rectangular components –
Equilibrium of a particle – Forces in space – Equilibrium of a particle in space – Equivalent
systems of forces – Principle of transmissibility .
(ii) Predict the tension in each cable for the given Figure. (5)
3. (i) Consider the 75 kg crate shown in the diagram. This crate was
lying between two buildings and it is now being lifted onto a
truck, which will remove it. The crate is supported by a vertical
cable, which is joined at A to two ropes which pass over pulleys
attached to the buildings at B and C. Determined the tension in
each of the ropes AB and AC. (5)
4. Determine the magnitude and direction of force F shown in figure
so that particle ‘O’ is in equilibrium.
9. Two smooth circular cylinders each of weight 1000 N and radius BT-2 Understanding
15 cm are connected at their centers by a string AB of length 40 cm
and rest upon a horizontal plane, supporting above them a third
cylinder of weight 2000 N and radius 15 cm as shown in Figure.
Predict the force S in the string AB and reactions on the floor at the
points of contact D and E.
12 Members OA, OB and OC form a three member space truss. A BT-4 Analysing
weight of 10 KN is suspended at the joint ‘O’ as shown in fig.
Analyze magnitude and nature of forces in each of the three
members of the truss.
13 Find out the resultant of the system of forces given below: BT-5 Evaluating
(i) 20N inclined at 30º towards north of east.
1. A car is pulled by two ropes as shown in Fig. If the cable BT-3 Applying
AB can withstand a maximum tension 3750N, determine
the tension in the cable AC and its angle with Horizontal,
so that the resultant force 6000N is directed along X- axis.
2. A boat B is in the middle of a canel 100m wide and is BT-6 Creating
pulled through two ropes BA 150 m long and BC, 100 m
long by two locomotives on the banks as shown in fig. If
the pull in BC is 150 N , Find the pull Q in BA, so that boat
moves parallel to the banks. Find also the resultant pull on
the boat.
12. What are the reactions at a fixed support of a plane beam that
are possible?
13. The position vector and force are [2i-3j+4k]m and [10i+20j-
30k] N respectively, find the moment of force about origin.
14. List the different types of beams?
15. Predict how you will reduce a force into an equivalent force-
couple system.
16. A line of action of a 50 N force is passing through the points a
[1,8,7]m and B [7,1.6,2.2]m. The coordinates being given in m.
What is the moment of the force about a point C[4,6,3] ?
17. Discuss about the equation of equilibrium of a rigid body.
18. Find the moment of 20 N force about the point 'O' as shown in
4. Find the pin reaction of A and the Roller reaction at B. For the beam
shown in Fig
5. Illustrate the system of forces shown in fig to a force – couple
system at A
7. Four tug boats are used to bring a large ship to its pier. Each tug
boat exerts a 5000 N force in the direction as shown in Fig.
Determine the equivalent force - couple system at point 'O' and
the point on hull where a single more powerful tug boat should
push to produce the same effect as the original four boats.
8. Determine the tension in cable BC as shown in figure. Neglect BT-4 Analysing
the self-weight of AB.
11. Blocks A and B of weight 200N and 100N respectively, rest on BT-1 Remembering
a 30 inclined plane and are attached to the post which is held
perpendicular to the plane by force P, parallel to the plane, as
shown in fig. Assume that all surfaces are smooth and that the
cords are parallel to the plane. Determine the value of P. Also
find theNormal reaction of Blocks A and B.
12. A Fixed crane shown in Fig. has a mass of 1000kg and it is BT-5 Evaluating
used to lift a 2400 kg weight. It is held in a place by a pin at A
and a rocker at B. The centre of gravity of the crane is located
at G. Determine the components of the reactions at A and B.
13. A rod AB of weight 200 N is supported by a cable BD and the BT-3 Applying
corner of wall and floor surface as shown infig. Show that the
reaction at A and tension in the cord.
14. Find the reactions at points A & B. BT-4 Analysing
4. Calculate the reactions R1, R2 and R3 for the two beams BT-4 Analysing
AB and CD supported as shown in Fig,. There being a
Hinge connecting B and C.
Centroids and centre of mass– Centroids of lines and areas – Rectangular, circular, triangular
areas by integration – T section, I section, – Angle section, Hollow section by using standard
formula -Theorems of Pappus – Area moments of inertia of plane areas – Rectangular, circular,
triangular areas by integration – T section, I section, Angle section, Hollow section by using
standard formula – Parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem –Principal moments of
inertia of plane areas – Principal axes of inertia-Mass moment of inertia –mass moment of
inertia for prismatic, cylindrical and spherical solids from first principle – Relation to area
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Define centroid and centre of gravity of a area BT-1 Remember
2. State parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis BT-1 Remember
3. Define principal axes and principal moment of inertia. BT-1 Remember
4. Find the polar moment of inertia of a hollow circular BT-5 Evaluating
section of external diameter ‘D’ and internal diameter ‘d’
5. Locate the centroid and solve the moment of inertia about BT-3 Applying
centroidal axes of a semicircular lamina of radius ‘r’
10. Discuss about the expression for finding mass moment of BT-2 Understanding
inertia of a cylinder of radius ‘R’ and height ‘h’ about its
11. State the Pappus guildinus area theorem BT-1 Remember
12. State the Pappus guildinus volume theorem BT-4 Analyse
13. Discuss about the Polar moment of Inertia and state its
14. Compare and contrast the Area moment of Inertia with
mass moment of inertia.
15. Define Radius of gyration.
16. Determine MI of an isosceles triangle with base 150mm
and sides of 125mm about its base.
Part B
1. Find the moment of inertia of shaded area as shown in
figure about Ixx axis and Iyy axis.
Q.No Questions
Two bodies of 9 kg and 13.5 kg are suspended on two ends
of a string passing over a pulley of radius 275 mm and
mass moment of inertia = 16.5kg m2 as shown. Determine
the tensions in the strings and the angular acceleration of
the pulley.
Q.No Questions
2. Two rough planes are joined together. One of them is horizontal and the other is inclined at
45ᴼ to the horizontal. A 100 kg block is on the inclined plane and is connected to a 60 kg
block on the horizontal plane through a cable passing over a smooth pulley at the junction
of the planes. A dragging force of A is applied on 60 kg block at an angle of ϴ to the
horizontal. Find the magnitude of the force and the value of ϴ for the motion is about to
start. Assume µ = 0.25
3. A block and pulley system is shown in figure below. The coefficient of kinetic friction
between the block and the plane is 0.25. The pulley is frictionless. Find the acceleration of
the blocks and the tension in the string when the system is just released. Also find the
time required for 100 kg block to come down by 2 m.
4. A flywheel is fixed to the shaft of a motor. The unit attains the rated speed of 1200rpm in 4
seconds. But when it is switched off, the unit comes to rest in 70 seconds. Find the
revolutions executed by the unit a) To attain the rated speed, and b) To come to rest after
being switched off when the acceleration is uniform.
5. Two blocks 'A' and 'B' of masses mA = 280 kg and mB =
420 kg are jointed by an inextensible cable as shown in Fig.
Assume that the pulley is frictionless and µ = 0.30 between
block 'A' and the surface. The system is initially at rest.
Determine (i) Acceleration of block A (ii) velocity after it
has moved 3.5 m and (iii) velocity after 1.5 seconds.
6. Block (2) rests on block (1) and is attached by a horizontal rope AB to the wall as shown
in fig. What force P is necessary to cause motion of block (1) to impend? The co- efficient
of friction between the blocks is
¼ and between the floor and block (1) is 1/3. Mass of blocks (1) and (2) are 14kg and 9 kg
7. Block A weighing 1000 N rests on a rough inclined plane whose inclination to the
horizontal is 45°. It is connected to another block B, weighing 3000 N rests on a rough
horizontal plane by a weightless rigid bar inclined at an angle of 30° to the horizontal as
shown in fig. Find the horizontal force required to be applied to the block B just to move
the block A in upward direction. Assume angle of friction as 15° at all surfaces where
there is sliding.
8. A 7m long ladder rests against a vertical wall, with which it makes an angle of 45° and
on a floor. If a man whose weight is one half that of the ladder climbs it, at what
distance along the ladder will he be, when the ladder is about to slip? Take coefficient
of friction between the ladder and the wall is 1/3 and that between the ladder and the
floor is ½.
9. An effort of 200 N is required just to move a certain body
up an inclined plane of angle 15°, the force is acting
parallel to the plane. If the angle of inclination of the plane
is made 20°, the effort required being again parallel to the
plane, is found to be 230 N. Predict the weight of the body
and coefficient of friction.
14. In the engine system shown in figure, the crank AB has a constant clockwise angular
speed of 3000 r.p.m. For the crank position indicated, Analyse (i) the angular velocity of
the connecting rod BP (ii) velocity of piston P
1. Two weights each of 100N are suspend from a compound pulley as shown in Fig,. Find
(1) Angular acceleration of the pulley
(2) Linear acceleration of the blocks A&B
(3) Tension in the string.
Take weight of the pulley as 300 N and its radius of gyration 0.25m.
2. Two blocks A and B of weights 300N and 400N
respectively are connected by a string as shown in Fig,.
The coefficient of static friction under the block A is 0.2
and under the block B is 0.4. Determine the angle at which
the bodies will slide down the plane.