Tema nr.2 - Serban Ana Maria IEDM ID 10583

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PAGINA 34 – EX.1.
1. Choose the appropriate possessive pronouns or adjectives:
a. My father’s car is new. Mine is very old and ugly.
b. We have been looking for these magazines. Someone took them from our room.They belong
to us We’re using the pictures for a project of ours.
c. There are five billion people in our world and they live in all different corners ot it.
d. This is her car. She bought it two months ago.
e. My results are better than yours .
f. Is that book yours as I think I saw you when you lent it to your friend,Tom.
g. I don’t think this is one of Emma’s pens. I know she has lost her calculator, but I haven’t
heard her say she has lost a pen . What do you think?
h. My speciality is paleontology. I have specialized in the study of prehistoric life through the
evidence of fossils.
i. After we have acquired some knowledge about the oil industry and the kind of work that is
involved, we will prove our knowledge later.
j. Your article on drilling wells in blazing deserts is a good one.

PAGINA 56 – EX.1.
1. Decide which is the correct verb form:
a. I saw a very good programme on TV last night.
b. While I was learning for my Chemistry exam, somebody was knocked at the door.
c. How did you cut your finger? While I was fixing the wire, I was dropped the knife.
d. I was listening to the news on the radio when the phone was started to ring.
e. An American jet pilot was took off from Washington, but the jet’s engines went going wrong.
f. We produced 10,000 drilling bits last year.
g. Chemistry played an essential part in the development of the refining process 20 years ago.
h. Our crew included a seismic shooter and the man who set off the blast.
i. When the exploration was completed, the drilling crew moved in.
j. The first important commercial product from crude petroleum was kerosene, which quickly
was replaced whale oil in the kerosene stoves in the 50’s.

PAGINA 70 – EX.2.
2. Complete this conversation by putting the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or
simple past:
Maria: Hello, Dan.
Dan: Hello. I haven’t heard from you for a long time.
Maria: I saw you in town two or three weeks months, but you didn’t see me. I was on a tram.
Dan: Well, how are you? I remember that you were learning for your chemistry test. …. you
pass it yet?
Maria: Yes, I have. I pass in December. I didn’t pass my Physics exam yet. But what about
you, Dan? Anything exciting happen to you lately?
Dan: No, not really. My brother is still out of work.
Maria: He graduated from school in autumn?
Dan: Yes. He didn’t do very well in his exams and he hasn’t found a job yet.
Maria: Are you still working at Scott’s?
Dan: Yes. They just gave me a pay rise.
Maria: Well, that’s one piece of good news.

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