Sps Mariano Florendo Vs CA, G.R. 101771, December 17, 1996

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G.R. 101771, December 17, 1996

 Mrs. Florendo was an employee of the Landbank of the Philippines (LBP) from May 1976 to
August 1984.

 In July 20, 1983, before she resigned, she applied for a housing loan of P148,000, payable in 25
years with 9% per annum interest rate from the bank’s Provident Fund.

 The parties executed a Housing Loan Agreement, Real Estate Mortgage and Promissory Note.

 In March 1985, the bank increased the interest rate from 9 to 17% pursuant to the (Landbank's)
ManCom Resolution No. 85-08 and in a PF (Provident Fund) Memorandum Circular.

 The Spouses questioned the increase but the bank still kept demanding them to pay the new
monthly amortization of P2,064.75 The spouses continued paying the rate under the original
contract which is P1,248.72.

 Did the respondent bank have a valid and legal basis to impose an increased interest rate on the
petitioners' housing loan?


January 29, 1973 PD No. 116 became effective
July 29, 1974 CB Circular No. 416 was issued
February 6, 1976 CB Circ. 504 was issued
December 1, 1979 CB Circ. 706 was issued
1982 CB Circ. 905, lifting any interest rate ceiling prescribed
under or pursuant to the Usury Law, as amended, was
July 20, 1983 loan was perfected
1985 ManCom Resolution No. 85-08, which was the basis of
LBP’s claim for the increase in the interest rate

The law and Central Bank issuances had already come into existence prior to the perfection of
the housing loan agreement and mortgage contract, and thus it may be said that these
regulations had been taken into consideration by the contracting parties when they first entered
into their loan contract.

 In light of the CB issuances in force at that time, respondent bank was fully aware that it could
have imposed an interest rate higher than 9%  per annum rate for the housing loans of its
employees, but it did not.

 In the subject loan, the respondent bank knowingly agreed that the interest rate on petitioners'
loan shall remain at 9% p.a. unless a CB issuance is passed authorizing an increase (or
decrease) in the rate on such employee loans and the Provident Fund Board of Trustees acts
accordingly. Thus, as far as the parties were concerned, all other onerous factors, such as
employee resignations, which could have been used to trigger an application of the escalation
clause were considered barred or waived. If the intention were otherwise, they — especially
respondent bank — should have included such factors in their loan agreement.

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