Fluid Lab Weir

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Environmental Science Dr.

David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor



Weir Flow Theory…………………………………………………………..…. 3
Experiment Procedures……………………………………………………….…6
Weir Flow Calculations ……………………………………………………….. 7
Weir Flow Questions ………………………………………………………….. 9


Continuity and Flow Theory……………………………………………..……. 11
Experiment Procedures………………………………………………….………13
Continuity Calculations ……………………………………………………….. 14
Continuity Questions …………………………………………………………..15


Hydrostatic Theory …………………………………………………………….17

Hydrostatic Procedures …………………………………………………………24
Hydrostatic Calculations….…………………………………………………….25
Hydrostatic Questions ………………………………………………………….27

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor

Weir Flow Experiment

• To demonstrate the use of sharp crested weirs for discharge measurement in open channels;
• To experimentally determine weir coefficients for rectangular and V-notched patterns; and
• To compare the experimental coefficients with values reported in the literature

The measurement of water flowing in open channels is important in many aspects of our society.
For example, water flowing in rivers and streams must be monitored to assure adequate water supplies for
residential and industrial uses. In agriculture, water is often conveyed to farmers in open channels for
irrigating fields, and such allocations are strictl controlled. It is also important to measure water flow
during flooding events for water level prediction in order to avoid property damage and loss of life.

Most methods for measuring water flow in open channels involve placing an "obstruction" in the
channel that extends from one channel boundary to the other. Water backs up and then spills over or
through the obstruction. Large obstructions, which are capable of measuring open channel flow in rivers,
are called dams1. In smaller streams and canals we use weirs to measure water flow, which are smaller and
more structurally simple. Weirs are the most common method of measuring flows in open channels, and
they are widely applied in both the field and the laboratory. They will be the focus of today's laboratory

Weirs used for the purposes of flow measurement are most often sharp crested, so that the water
springs" clear of the notch (Fig. 1). The two most common shapes of weirs are rectangular and V-notched
(Fig. 2). As might be expected, the V-notch weir is better suited for measurement of low flow rates since
the head increases more rapidly in proportion to the discharge. Most V-notched weirs are designed with a
vertex angle of 90 degrees.

Fig.1 Flow over a Sharp-Crested Weir

Although dams are useful for measuring water flow, their principal purpose is water storage or impoundment.

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor

Fig. 2 - Common Weir Geometries

The analysis of water flow over a sharp crested weir is at best a exceedingly complex problem,
and a rigorous analytical solution is not possible. We will therefore make certain simplifying assumptions
in order to solve the problem. It will be assumed that:
 The fluid is incompressible
 The fluid friction is negligible.
 The flow is irrotational.
 The flow is steady and two-dimensional.
 The fluid velocity upstream of the weir very small relative to the velocity of the water passing
over the weir and can be neglected.

We begin with a fundamental equation that relates the flow rate, the width of weir, and the depth
of water passing over the weir. From considerations of continuity and Bernoulli's Theorem, the generic weir
equation may be written as

Q=CLHn Eq. 1

where : Q = flow rate over the weir (L 3 V)

C= coefficient of discharge, also known as the weir coefficient (dimensions vary)
L= length of weir over which water flows (L)
H= depth of water (head) behind the crest of the weir, measured a minimum distance of 4 Yb
back from the "brink" of the weir (L)
n = an empirical exponent (dimensionless)

The values of C and n depend on the geometry and construction details of the weir, so they are best
determined by field or laboratory experiment. The values of C and n are empirical constants for a
particular design of weir, and they define the working equation for the weir.

Experimental analysis of a weir begins by expressing Eq. I in logarithmic form as

log Q = log C + log L + n log H Eq. 2

This simplifies to

logQ= nlogH+logCL Eq. 3

Note that Eq. 3 has the familiar form of a linear equation, y = mx + b, so the values C and n can be
evaluated by plotting measured value of Q (ordinate) and H (abscissa) on a log-log plot. A best fit straight
line is then drawn through the data. The exponent n is determined by measuring the slope of the line using
a simple linear scale. In order to evaluate C, we extend the line to a value of H = I (i.e., log H = 0). At this
point then Eq. 3 reduces to Q = C L, so that C is calculated by C = Q/L.

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor

When evaluating a V-notch weir it is necessary to modify Eq. 1 by eliminating the length term.
Thus, the generic expression for a V-notch weir is

Q=CH n Eq. 4

From analytical considerations it can be shown that the exponent n should have the following
theoretical values:

For rectangular notch weirs => H3/2

For V-notch weirs => H5/2

The values of C are sensitive to the geometry and scale of the particular weir (i.e., 0.1m vs. 1 m vs. 10 m).
In practice, weirs can have a wide variety of designs, although the fundamental principle remain
the same: place an obstruction in the channel and develop a relationship between water depth and flow rate.
For example, with narrow-crested weirs the shape of the surface of the crest greatly affects the form of the
nappe. The cross sections and nappe form for five types of narrow-crested weirs are shown in Figure 3, as
an illustration.

(a) narrow square-edge; (b) rear-edge rounded; (c) sloping rear faced;
(d) medium square-edge; and (e) "ogee" crest weir.

(from L.C. Urquhart, Civil Engineering Handbook, 4th Ed. McGraw-Hill, 1959)

Fig. 3 - Cross Sections of Various Narrow-Crested Weirs

Another weir variant is the broad-crested weir shown in Figure 4 (a). With this type of weir the depth of the
water remains constant over the majority of the extra-wide crest. It is also possible to use weirs where the
downstream side of the weir is partially under water, which is known as a submerged weir or drowned weir
(Figure 4 (b)).

(a) Broad-Crested Weir (b) Submerged or Drowned Weir

(from L.C. Urquhart, Civil Engineering Handbook, 4 h Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1959)

Fig. 4 - Other Weir Variants

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor

Part I - Rectangular and V-Notch Weir - Fl Hydraulics Bench
F-1 Hydraulics Bench
Stilling Baffle and Delivery Diffuser
Rectangular Weir Plate
V-notched Weir Plate
Micrometer Hook and Point Gauge
Graduated Measuring Vessel
Stop Watch

Part 2 - Unknown Weirs and Hydraulic Jump - C4 Flume

C4 Multi-Purpose Teaching Flume (5 meter)
Two Weirs of Unknown Type

Part I - Rectanuular and V-Notch Weir - F1 Hydraulics Bench
I . Remove the n-ficrometer hook and point gauge from the FI bench and examine it carefully. Make
some practice readings. Demonstrate to the instructor that you understand how to use it.
2. Install the rectangular notch weir plate, stilling baffle, and delivery nozzle.
3. Establish the initial datum depth by positioning the depth gauge so that the tip at the end of the
hook portion is against the back center of the weir plate.
4. Adjust the depth gauge so that the tip of the gauge is even with the bottom of the notch in the
weir plate. Record the value on the gauge. This is the zero datum for H.
5. Move the depth gauge to a position approximately 10 cm behind the weir plate.
6. Power on the F1 Hydraulics Bench and slowly open the flow control valve until water just begins
to flow over the brink of the weir. Make sure that the nappe of the water springs clear of the plate.
Allow at least two minutes for the water level to stabilize.
7. Now adjust the depth gauge to coincide with the water surface. The hook point gauge is capable
of high accuracy readings if you exercise care in its use. Record your value of H.
8. Now measure the flow rate Q using a 5-liter measuring vessel and a stop watch. Calculate the
flow rate.
9. Now you are going successively increase the flow over the weir in increments making at least
three more measurements for a total of four, repeating the above procedure. The highest reading
should be about 0.25 inches below the top of the weir plate. Record the water depth and flow rate
for each level.
10. Plot your results on the provided log-log paper to regress the values of weir coefficient C and
exponent n. Use the procedure described in the "Background" section above.
11. Now install the V-notch weir plate in the F1 Bench.
12. Repeat all of the above steps, except it is recommended with the V-notch weir that you begin with
the highest flow rate first (-0.25 inch below top of plate) and then work your way downward.
13. Plot your results for the V-notch weir on the provided log-log paper to regress the values of weir
coefficient C and exponent n. Use the procedure described in the "Background" section above.

Part 2 - Unknown Weirs and Hydraulic Jump - C4 Flume

1 . Power on the C4 Flume.
2.Carefully examine the two unknown weirs and identify their type.
3.Sketch and label the structures and the water flow patterns along the length of the flume.
4.Adjust the flow rate and observe the effect on the flow patterns. Now adjust the slope and observe
the effect.

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor

Rectangular Weir

Weir width, L = 2.0 inches

Initial Datum Depth = inches

Trial # Depth H Volume Time Q Q

(in) (in) (liters) (sec) (1/sec) (10sec)

Plot log Q vs. log H on attached sheet.


Summary from log-log plot:

Experimental Experimental Reference

C n n

Working Weir Equation:

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor
V-Notch Weir

Angle of notch, Ө = 90 degrees

Initial Datum Depth = ______________ inches

Trial # Depth H Volume Time a a

(in) (in) (liters) (sec) (l/sec) (in3/sec)

Plot log Q vs. log H on attached sheet.


Summary from log-log plot:

Experimental Experimental Reference

C n n

Working Weir Equation:

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor

1. Summarize the working equations for the one weir tested. How do the coefficients and exponents
compare with reference values (cite sources)? Compute the units of C.

2. How much effect do you think that scale may have on the coefficients (i.e., 0.1m, Im, 10m, 100m).

Environmental Science Dr. David Washington
CET 413 Fluid Lab Associate Professor

3. Use your working equations to compute flow rates for the following values of H: 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5

4. Draw a sketch of the flow conditions and control structures demonstrated in the C4 flume. What kinds
of weirs are these? Describe the effects of increasing/decreasing flow rate and slope.


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