CWTS02 Syllabus 2019-2020

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Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No.


Republic of the Philippines

Labangan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Website: Email address: [email protected]
Tele/Fax: (043) 457-0231 CERTIFIED TO ISO 9001:2015
CERT. NO.: 50500643 QM15

National Service Training Program

Labangan Campus



A premier higher education institution that develops locally responsive, globally competitive and innovative professionals and life-long learners.
The OMSC exists to produce intellectual and human capital by developing excellent graduates through outcomes-based instruction, relevant research, responsive
technical advisory services, and sustainable production.
1. Promote consciousness among the youth and develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being.
2. Inculcate in the youth patriotism, nationalism, and advance the involvement in public and civic affairs.

COURSE TITLE: National Service Training Program (NSTP-CWTS 2)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) 2 is equal to CWTS 1. It is designed to immerse students in activities that will arm them
with the capability to contribute in the upliftment of the general welfare and the quality of life of the community and the enhancement of its facilities especially those
that are develop to improving the health, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, and moral of the citizens.
Transform of the youth into responsible citizens imbued with values of Pro-God, Pro-Country, Pro-People, and Pro-Environment for local and national
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

At the end of the degree, graduates of NSTP-CWTS program must have an ability to:
 Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific fields or practice
 Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino.
 Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
 Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
 Preserve and promote “Filipinos historical and cultural heritage”
 Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes.
 Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of environment.
 Develop alternative teaching approaches to diverse learners.
 Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional delivery and educational assessment.
 Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing, and reporting.
 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development adolescent learners.
 Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in secondary curriculum.
 Create and utilize materials appropriate to the secondary level to enhance teaching and learning.
 Design and implement assessment tools and procedures top measures secondary learning outcomes.
COURSE OUTCOMES: (knowledge, values and skills all learners are expected to demonstrate at the end of the course)
 Demonstrate environmental consciousness.
 Participated in different health and sanitation programs.
 Attended different education and training.
 Participated in entrepreneurial activity in the community.
 Demonstrate increase safety and disaster preparedness.
 Participated in local sports program in the school or community.
 Demonstrate high morale.
 Applied knowledge on moral of the citizenry and social welfare concerns to the including basic human right vote.
 Improve their recreational skills and build self-discipline, team work and sportsmanship.
 Evaluate the needs of an assigned community.
Week Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content Textbooks/ Teaching/Learni Resource Assessment
References ng Activities Materials
1-2 1. Demonstrate  Planting Trees  RA913 and • Lecture  Blackboar  Quiz on the
environmental  Clean-up Drive IRR d, chalk, terminologies and
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

consciousness and  Waste Management  RA 9163 •Video  Whiteboard legislations about

various means.  Clean Air Act  Philippine Presentation/ marker, environment.
2. Practically aware Constitute of Movie  LCD and 
Reflection Paper
about the different 1987 Clip/Film laptop about the
legislation about the showing computer film/movie/short
environment. clip about
3. Increase awareness on •Field Work  Venue, awareness.
environmental Letter of  Group sharing about
problems. Approval, the experiences
Transportati they’ve had in field
on work.
3-5 1. Experience and  Feedings  School and  Community  Letter of  Submit an output of
participate to the  Medical/Dental Student immersion Approval, their community
community work Handbook Venue, immersion.
about sanitation  Circumcision  Field Work Transportatio  Submit a
2. Critique different n documentation and
programs and services an integrative paper.
about health and
6-8 1. Critically analyze  Seminar and Workshops  RA913 and  Blackboard,  Recitation about the
current issue on  Population management IRR  Lecture chalk, current issues on
diseases.  Current issue on diseases: discussion  Whiteboard diseases.
EBOLA virus, marker,  Activity paper of the
2. Explain the importance meningococcemia, and  Group different perspective
of attending seminars MDF (Malaria, Dengue sharing of the student about
and workshops. and Filariasis) stress management
3. Spread awareness about  Dangerous drugs and responsible
managing stress and prevention and control parenthood.
responsible parenthood.  Stress management
 Responsible parenting
9-10 1. Discuss the different  Candle making  Guest  Guest  Reflection paper
strategies of  Cooking Lecturing Lecturer, about the learning
entrepreneurship and its  Cosmetology  Project Venue, input of the guest
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

types.  Haircutting proposal Micropho lecturer.

 Handicrafts making nes,  Report and present
 Animal husbandry  Application Speaker, the total income and
2. Learn to how to have and  T-shirt printing Activity LCD, experiences in
make different types of Gardening Projector applying their
business.  Paper, entrepreneurial
Pen skills of their chosen
3. Participate in business.
entrepreneurial activity in  Output of Project
the community Proposal
11-13 1. Demonstrate increase  Fire  Text on  Lecture  Blackboar  Role play about the
safety and disaster  Earthquake disaster  Video d, chalk, lecture that had
preparedness.  Tsunami Rescue and Presentation/  Whiteboard been discussed.
2. Articulate the different  Typhoon relief Movie Clip/ marker,  Analysis Paper
 Flood Operations Film  LCD and about the
terminologies about
 Strom Surge  EO 579 Showing laptop Movie/Video or
disaster preparedness and computer Film showing.
 PowerPoint
risk management.  Rubrics  Simulation activity
3. Employ awareness in the  Coordination of the students
 Interview
people around their letter to the about disaster
community. LGU, Venue, preparedness and
 Pen, Paper, risk management.
Interviewee  Summary Paper
about the
conducted in the
community about
 Midterm
14-15 1. participated in local  Sport Programs   Interactive   Insights about the
sports program in the  Sport Clinic Discussion sportfest
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

school or community  Sport Officiating  Sportfest competition

2. Build camaraderie  Sports Competition Competition  Group sharing
between different  Discussio about the topic
departments and students n about learned about the
the benefit discussion.
through sports.
3. Improved their of Zumba  Culminating
 Video Activity
recreational skills and
build self-discipline, team
works and sportsmanship  Workshop

16-17 1. Develop spiritual values  Values Education Program   Multimedia  LCD and  Bible Games
of the students. Presentation laptop 2.1. Bible drill
2. Impose high morale and  PowerPoint computer 2.2. Bible quiz
values about the word of Presentation 2.3. Bible verse
God to students.  Group
17-18 1. Be knowledgeable about  The right of suffrage  Philippine  Lecture  Pen and  Echo-seminar
applying moral of the  History of Election Constitute of discussion Paper Test about the seminar
citizenry and social  Elections and Democracy 1987  Seminar- they’ve attended.
welfare concerns to the  The Election Process workshop  Student’s  Recitation about
including basic human  Voter Behavior  Interactive Survey Results their discussion of
right to vote discussion the topic.
evaluate the needs of an  Pole Survey
assigned community

19-20 1. Evaluate the needs of an  Community Needs  EO 579  Community  Places of  Student’s output
assigned community Assessment Immersion immersion, of their
 Social and Resources  Seminar- Letter of community
Mobilization Workshop approval, project
 Networking and Venue,  Final
Linkaging Examination
 Overview of Community
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

GRADING SYSTEM Attendance 30%

Class Participation 30%
Final Narrative Report 20%
Examination 20%
1. Students having seven (7) absences without valid reasons will be dropped from the class. Students are required to
present admit to class slip from the Office of Student Affairs and Services after being absent in the previous meeting.
2. Three (3), not necessarily consecutive, tardiness without further notice is equivalent to one (1) absence.
Incomplete Grade:
1. Students who were not able to take the midterm/final examinations will receive an incomplete grade.
2. Incomplete grade should be complied within one year.

Prepared by: Noted: Approved:


_____________________ Vice President for Academic Affairs

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