HR Basics by IIM Kashipur

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HR Club
IIM Kashipur
Human Resources
What exactly is HR?
Human resource management (HRM or simply HR) is primarily
concerned with the management of people within organisations
and focuses on aligning personal goals of employees with the
strategic goals of the organisation. Human resource plays a key role
in helping organisations deal with a fast- changing environment
and the greater demand for quality employees. Its primary focus is
maximizing employee productivity and protecting the company
from any issues that may arise from the workforce.

Roles and responsibilities of an HR :

According to a research conducted by the conference board, six key people
related activities that human resources should do to add value to the
organisation effectively managing and utilising people. Tying performance
appraisal and compensation to competencies. Developing competencies
that enhance individual and organisational performance. Increasing the
innovation, creativity and flexibility necessary to enhance competitiveness.
Applying new approaches to work process design, succession planning,
career development and inter-organizational mobility.

Key Result Areas (KRA’s)

The KRA’s are set of objectives of an employee in an organization. These refer

to the general areas of outcomes or outputs for which an employee in a
particular role is responsible. The KRA’s are also known as Key Work Outputs
The KRA’s should be S.M.A.R.T i.e. they should be Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant and Time bound. Identifying KRA’s helps individuals in
clarifying their roles, set goals and objectives, focus on results rather than
activities, align their role to the organizations’ business, prioritize their
activities and therefore improve their time management, communicate their
role to others and make value added decisions.
Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance indicators (KPI’s) are defined as a set of
quantifiable measures that an organization uses to gauge the
performance of the organization and its employees to meet its
strategic and operational goals. KPI’s are directly linked to the
overall goals of the company.

Once an organization has set its mission, identified all its stakeholders and
defined its goals it then needs a way to measure progress towards its goals.
KPI’s are utilized to track or measure actual performance against key
success factors.

How does HR system work?

Some HR related concepts:
1. 360-degree performance appraisal – A 360-degree appraisal is a type of
employee performance review in which subordinates, co-workers, and
managers all anonymously rate the employee. This information is then
incorporated into that person's performance review. The feedback is
often used as a benchmark within the employee's development plan.

2. Management by objective - Management by Objectives (MBO) is a

personnel management technique where managers and employees
work together to set, record and monitor goals for a specific period of
time. Organisational goals and planning flow top-down through the
organisation and are translated into personal goals for organisational
members. It aims to improve the performance of an organisation by
clearly defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and
1. McKinsey 7S Framework- The model is based on the
theory that, for an organisation to perform well, these
seven elements need to be aligned and mutually
reinforcing. So, the model can be used to help identify
what needs to be realigned to improve performance, or
to maintain alignment (and performance) during other
types of change.

1. Balance Scorecard - The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and

management system that is used extensively in business and industry,
government, and non-profit organisations worldwide to align business
activities to the vision and strategy of the organisation, improve
internal and external communications, and monitor organisation
performance against strategic goals.

1. Performance Management - Performance management is a process by

which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and
review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the
organization. More than just an annual performance review,
performance management is the continuous process of setting
objectives, assessing progress and providing on-going coaching and
feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and
career goals

What is personality?
The dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychological
systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.
(Environment is the complete surrounding of an individual)


The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others,
and the measurable traits a person exhibits.
What is attitude?
“My personality is who I am and my attitude is who you are.” Our
behaviour towards an individual, group or people surrounding
us changes but our personality is rigid, it does not change.

What is emotional intelligence?

The intelligence that we acquire on interacting with individuals and adapt
accordingly in a conversation with the individual is termed as emotional
For ex, within two conversation with Ravi, I came to know about Ravi’s
reluctance to talk about this family, hence I do not talk about this family
anymore in our conversations. This adaptation is due to emotional

What is a decision making process?

In psychology, decision-making is regarded as the cognitive process
resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several
alternative possibilities.

Six steps involved in decision-making are as follows:

1. Define the problem

2. Identify the decision criteria
3. Allocate weight to the criteria
4. Develop the alternative
5. Evaluate the alternative
6. Implement the best alternative

We measure the output to check the effectiveness and efficiency of the

decision made.
What is span of control?
The number of people or say employees who reports to you is
the span of control.

What does organisational design imply?

In simple terms, organisation design means how various parts of
the organisation and its distinct elements are brought together
in order to make it functional. Organisational design principles
consider how these elements come together, matches, and the
process and ways through which they can be reflected and

What is competitive advantage?

It refers to what sets the organisations apart from others and provides it with
distinctive edge for meeting customer or client needs in the marketplace.
It arises primarily due to the core competence of the organisation.
Core competency is an organization's defining strength, providing the
foundation from which the business will grow, seize upon new
opportunities and deliver value to customers. A company's core
competency is not easily replicated by other organizations, whether existing
competitors or new entries into its market. For example Honda’s core
competence are attributed to manufacturing capability and culture of
innovation which gives birth to lightweight, high revving, reliable engines
which Honda uses in its multiple products like cars, gensets, lawn mowers
etc. Remember products are not core competency.

What is strategy?
Strategy can be defined as “A general direction set for the company and its
various components to achieve a desired state in the future.” It means that
all the organisation’s energy and resources are directed towards a focused,
unifying and compelling output or future state of the organisation.
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