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The text discusses various topics related to health, environment and technology including obesity, dieting, recycling, families and relationships.

The text discusses various causes of obesity and discusses diets and lifestyle changes that can help with weight loss and maintenance. It also discusses medical interventions for more severe cases.

The text discusses issues like pollution, recycling, energy sources, and their impacts. Possible solutions discussed include reducing plastic waste, promoting alternative energy, and sustainable practices.

100 Argumentative Essay Topics

 Obesity and Dieting

 Environment and Recycling
 Families and Relationships
 Technology

Obesity and Dieting

1. Why are Americans rapidly becoming more obese?

2. What can be done to help children keep a healthy weight?

3. How can people lose weight and keep it off?

4. Is weight gain caused by genetics, environment or some other factor?

5. How do naturally thin people stay that way?

6. What is the relationship between food, exercise and weight?

7. Are low carbohydrate diets (like the Paleo diet, the Adkins Diet and the South Beach Diet) really the best?

8. Do meal planned diets like Jenny Craig, and Nutrisystem really work to help people keep weight off?

9. Why are Weight Watchers and other calorie counting diets often considered the best by doctors? Is this


10. Is weight really a matter of "calories in, calories out?"

11. What is the best diet for a young adult?

12. Can Vegetarian diets be healthy?

13. Why are so many people now choosing to go on gluten free diets?

14. Is sugar really bad for you?

15. Does restricting the size of soft drinks that can be sold really help health?

16. Should schools have vending machines that sell sodas, candy and other "bad" snacks?
17. What can schools do to promote better health in students?

18. Does intermittent fasting really help you to be more fit?

19. How can morbidly obese people lose weight safely?

20. Is the T.V. show "The Biggest Loser" helpful in motivating people to be healthy? Does the show create

negative or positive feelings about morbidly obese people? Does it exploit the contestants?

21. What causes anorexia? How can it be prevented? How can you help an anorexic friend? Why are more

young men becoming anorexic?

22. What is morbid obesity? How does morbid obesity affect a person's health?

23. What should we do about the cost of healthcare for overweight people? Should there be a greater

insurance premium for people who are obese?

24. Is surgery a good option for people to lose weight?

25. Are sugar substitutes helpful for dieting?

26. Is fat really bad for you? Is a low fat diet the best?

Environment and Recycling

1. What can we do to help people around the world have clean water to drink?

2. Is hunting good or bad for the environment?

3. Should Rhino horns be removed to prevent them being poached?

4. Can we protect wild areas and animals by promoting eco tourism?

5. Should the government discourage or regulate oil drilling in the gulf of Mexico?

6. What are the dangers of using fracking to

7. Does recycling really make a difference?

8. Should all states adopt a deposit on soft drink bottles and cans In order to promote recycling?

9. Should schools require students to bring refillable containers for water and other beverages rather than

disposable ones?
10. Should supermarkets charge for plastic bags in order to encourage the use of reusable bags?

11. Should your city do more to encourage recycling? Or should your campus do more?

12. What causes people to litter? What can motivate people to clean up after themselves?

13. What causes earthquakes? What can we do to reduce death or damage from earthquakes? Or how can

we better predict them?

14. Does being a vegetarian or vegan help the environment?

15. Can using LED lights make a difference?

16. How can composting help save the environment?

17. What is Hazardous Household Waste and why is it important not to throw it in the regular trash?

18. What is deforestation? How does it happen? Can it be stopped?

19. What is fracking? Is fracking worth the risks? Does Fracking hurt drinking water?

20. What is a carbon footprint? How can we change our carbon footprint?

21. What are the dangers of people living in cities with high pollution like Beijing?

22. Is nuclear energy really safe?

23. What should be done with nuclear waste?

24. What is the best way to handle our trash? Are landfills a good idea?

25. Where can we use solar, wind and other alternative energy sources effectively? What is the best way to

encourage alternative energy use? Government regulations? Incentives? Helping companies that produce

the products? Advertisement?

Families and Relationships

1. Should mothers stay home with their children?

2. Do long distance relationships work?

3. Is divorce something that kids recover from?

4. Are teenage marriages a good idea?

5. Who should do the chores in a family?

6. What are helicopter parents? How do these type of parents help or harm their children?

7. Is it good to be an only child?

8. Is doing sports together a good thing for families?

9. How have video games impacted family life?

10. Why do some people treat their pets as family members? Is this a good or bad thing?

11. How important are grandparents to children today?

12. How does inter-racial adoption affect a family?

13. Are large families better for children?

14. How does birth order effect children?

15. Are older people better parents?

16. Have cell phones and social media made families closer or not?

17. How should you use social media in a dating relationship? How should you not use it?

18. Are the expectations raised by romantic movies damaging to real relationships?


1. What is nanotechnology? How has nanotechnology already changed our lives?

2. How will nanotechnology affect dentistry?

3. How will nanotechnology be used in medicine?

4. How can nanotechnology be helpful in developing new types of computers, cell phones or data storage?

5. Does using cell phones make people more or less connected?

6. Do cell phones cause a cancer risk?

7. What should be the laws about using cell phones while driving?

8. Has social media and texting hurt or improved the lives of teenagers?

9. Why are children better at understanding new technology than their parents?

10. Do violent video games cause people to act out violently?

11. Should schools use video games to teach students?

12. Can students study better using digital textbooks on a tablet than they can by using books, pens and


13. Will paper and books become obsolete?

14. What is the difference between reading on a screen and reading a book?

15. Should everyone get a microchip of their personal information to avoid identity and credit card theft?

16. Should parents be able to choose the genetics of their children?

17. What is nanotechnology? How has nanotechnology already changed our lives?

18. How will nanotechnology affect dentistry?

19. How will nanotechnology be used in medicine?

20. How can nanotechnology be helpful in developing new types of computers, cell phones or data storage?

21. Are smart watches going to replace cell phones?

22. What is the next big leap in technology?

23. Which is better, the PC or the Mac?

24. If we can help people live longer through technology, should we? Is there a balance between quantity and

quality of life?

25. How can 3-D printers be used effectively?

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