Estimation Hidraulic Parameters For Hydraulic Bulge Forming of Tubular Components

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the design of dies a

The bulge forming of tubular components is accomplished by the application of

hydrostatic pressure to tube blanks either in free expansion mode or using a die bearing the
shape of the component to be formed. The pressure is transmitted via a medium such as a
liquid(e.g. hydraulic fluid or water), an elastomer(e.g. rubber or polyurethane), or a soft
metal(e.g. lead or a lead alloy). Bulge forming using pure internal pressure has a major
limitation of producing excessive thinning of the tube wall which leads to the rupture of the
tube for only moderate expansions. Mowever, if a compressive axial load is applied to the
ends of the tube simultaneously with the internal pressure, metal can be fed into the
deformation zone during forming enabling more expansion and less thinning.

In the language of solid mechanics, bulge forming is actually biaxial stretching of the
material by applying internal hydrostatic pressure. In order to increase the level of stretching,
the onset of plastic instability needs to be delayed. This can be done by keeping the biaxi
tensile stress within a limit. There are two ways to achieve this. One is to feed additional
blank material into the deformation zone and the other means is to control the hydrostatic
0924-0136/97/$17.00 0 1997 Elsevier Science S.A All rights rieservd
PII 0924X9136 (%) 02549-6
10 M. Ahmed, MSJ. Hashtni /Jottmal of MaterialsProcessing i’echnology64 (1997) 9-23

Documented knowledge of the process dates back to as early as 1939 in a

Grey et al.( 1) for the manufacture of seamless metal fittings having branches
a copper tube blank of approximately tee shape with the application of axial load
hydraulic pressure. Crawford(2) described a process where in a soft metal was poured in the
copper tube blank and endwise pressure was applied to both the filler metal and the
whilst they were restrained in a die. An improved method of this process was paten
Stalter(3) to increase the productivity of the process and to remove the disadvantages caused
by the shrinkage of the filler metal on pouring.

The basic principle of the application of internal pressure and axial load for bulge
forming process remaining the same, development continued on various aspects of the
process- products of newer shape and material9 newer tooling/die configuration 9 experimental
and theoretical investigation for better machine & die design and product analysis. Smith(4)
reported the manufacture of kitchen tap spouts made of brass. Patents(5 and 6) were r
for the manufacture of elbows using two die blocks that could slide across one
Remmerswaal et al. (7) used a die arrangement that could move perpendicular to a
produce an angular Z-shaped product. Boyd et a!.(8) experimented with a si
configuration and varied the gap between the die and blank and manipulated the internal

Powell et al.(g) used the sliding die process co bend aluminium tubes. They
formulated a mathematical equation to calculate the internal pressure from the flow stress,
the relative wall thickness and the geometry given by the bend angle. A relcitively close
correlation between the theoretzcal and practical results was presented. Yoshitomi et al. (IO)
described a multiple ram hydraJic bulge forming equipment which could be applied for the
production of large size structure parts as well as small ones.

Al-Qureshi( 11) presenter.!experimental evidence showing the difference between the

axisymmetrical bulging of thin walled tubes using rubber faming technique with
polyurethane and the hydraulic forming process. It was shown that greater circumferential
expansion of thin walled tubes was obtainable using rubber faming technique. The rubber
insert, however, created greater frictional forces than the hydraulic fluid and this led to
greater circumferential and longitudinal strains.

Limb et a1.(12) carried out bulge forming of tubes of different metals and alloys in
varying wall thickness. It was found in the study that increasing the internal pressure
incrementally in steps during the axial load application is most satisfactory method of bulging
thin walled tubes. However, thickening of the main branch wall was present. It was also
observed that bulge dome was more pronounced if there was no lubricant between the tube
and the die where as a flatter dome was obtained with lubricants in the interface.

Al-Qureshi( 13) presented a theory predicting the limiting bead height, the total applied
load, and the total ram movement required to form circumferential cylindrical bead in a tube.
It was found to be in remarkably close agreement with experimental results obtained using
This paper presents a brief review of the developments in bulge forming in general
and discusses the general requirements for the U-b_.ll-icw of die/tool and machine for the
process. An estimation of the internal pressure, axi load and clamp load based on which
the subsequent design of dies, punches and accessories can be carried out is presented.
Finally the paper concludes with a discussion on the effects of different variables on the
design and the operation of the process.

2.0 P

Two main groups of products that can be manufactured by bulge forming are
axisymmetric and asymmetric tubular components. Typical industrial products belonging to
both of these groups are fittting components such as tee branches,cross branches,angle
branches, staggered branches,elbows etc., stepped hollow shafts,bicycle wheel hub, rear axle
M. Ahmed, MSJ. Hashmi /Journal of Materials Processing Technology 64 (1997) 923

Fig. 1 : Schematic Diagram of Typical Components

casing of cars, nozzles and missile venturi. Schematic diagrams of typical components are
shown in figure 1.

Most common tooling arrangement for bulge forming consists of two die halves. The
blank is placed within the halves by splitting them and putting together either by clamping
or pressing through a ram. A plunger that can slide into the die provide the axial load. The
plunger has a punch at the tip that fits into the tube blank.Figure 2 shows schematic diagram
of such an arrangement. The plungers at each end are connected to hydraulic cylinders for
drive(not shown in the figure). The placing of the die-blank-plunger composite on the
machine structure can be horizontal as well as vertical. However, most arrangements are
It is also evident from this figure that the greater t
wider is the formability

f the three materials analyzed experimen

that the more stronger and tougher the material the more the area of the
It was also found that material with higher ductility has bet
carried out in bulge rming was using annealed blank material. Thiruva~~dche~va~~
Eua(23) experitnente rming with interstage annealing.However, they did not compare the
formability with that of single annealing,

The basic machine tool for bulge forming is a press together wi es

and other accessories. In fact, the design involves determination of the ry
and selection of accessories.
14 hf. Ahm&, MSJ. Hashmi /‘Journal of Materials Processing Technoloe 64 (1997) 9-23

a, R-M- to faming with tab

bhak in pnisftfm.

b, P-*t fth axial


f UAt F

Fig. 2 : Schematic Diagram of Typical Die Arrangement

Al. Ahmed. A&J. Hashmi 1Journal of Mater& 64(I 993
Processrng Technoiog)l 9-23

0 - I
0 IC 2c I* 4c

Figure 3: The forming limits of a tube of 24.12mm diameter and wall thickness of
(a) 1.03mm and (b) 1.37mm
16 M. Ahmed, MSJ. Hashmi /Journal of Materials Processing Technology 64 (1997) 9-23

The formability of the process discussed in the previous section points to tw

parameters of design. These are internal pressure and axial load. They are dependent
geometry and material characterstics of the blank. These key parameters are then u
the design of dies, punches and their drives. The design process can be illustrated using a
simple flow diagram as shown in figure 4.

Punch material and
Clamping mechanism,
drive mechanism

Figure 4: Hydraulic Bulge Forming Design Process

From the figure we can see that apart from the determination of the technical
parameters there are also operational aspects of the system. One of the main objectives of
design is to obtain a defect free product out of the process. Therefore, it is worth looking
at the causes of defect and incorporate appropriate measures in the design. Various causes
of defect in bulge forming are:
i. improper ratio of internal pressure and axial load;
ii. uneven application of axial load at the ends;
. ..
111. fluid entrapment between the die face and the blank;
iv. improper die corner radius; and
V. lack of precise alignment between die/blank and punch.

The implications for design from these causes are:

i. very good control of internal pressure;
ii. very good control of axial load;

111. perfectly even application of axial load;

iv. good drainage provision on die surface;
a=Di/2 b=D0/2 t=(DO-Di)/2

Figure5: Schematic diagram of the die-punch-blank system showing geometric parameters

The analysis is based on the following two assulnptio~s~

1) the mean diameter of the tube will not change significantly;
2) the deformation will be under plane strain condition i.e. Ed = 0.

Since e. = 0, the volume constancy wound give E, = -E, and the deviatoric stress,
a, = 0. However, the normal hoop stress, a, = )/2(0~+ ux ) or (a, - aO)= %(a, - a, ). But
from the yield criterion (+a,) = S, where S is yield stress of the tube material. Therefore,
(a,-a(l) = S/2.
18 M. Ahmed, hd.SJ. Hashmi /Journal qf Materials Processing Technology 64 (1997) 9-23

For an element within the deformation zone the equilibrium of forces in ra

direction gives,

da, + 5-J, -2mk

drr= X

where m is the friction factor and k is the shear strength. Substituting the value of (a,-~&=
S/2, equation (1) can be written as

da,+ s
v-= -2mk
dr 2r X

Using S = 2k and rearranging equation (2),


which upon integration gives

0, = +++c (4)

Atr=a,a,= pi , where pi is the hydraulic pressure at the inner wall of the tube. Applying
this boundary condition,

C = -pi+ZSlna+mSa
X (5)


%I+ +$ (a-r)
Or = -pi+z (6)

The axial stress at the inside surface of the deformation zone at radius r = a, is a,, = (a, -
S) =(-pi - S). The radial stress at the outer surface of the tube within the deformation zone
is given by a, = pOwhen r = b. Thus,
e total axial force is made u

The contribution ue to the axial friction a

Therefore, the total axial force required from each punch including the friction would be

The internal pressure required to initiate yielding is based on the thick cylinder
theory. Following Tresca and von-Mises yield criterion respectively, the desirable internal
pressure would be

(J,(b2-a21 or a,(b2-a2)
Pi= Pi=
2a2 J-sa2
20 M. Ahmed, M.SJ. Hashmi / Joutnal of Materials Processing Technology 64 (1997) 9-23

6.0 Discussion

Following the theoretical estimation procedure developed in the preceeding section

typical values of the internal pressure, axial load and clamping load may be derived for
certain materials and blank geometries. Figures 6, 7 and 8 illustrate such values of internal
pressure, axial load and clamp load for typical blank sizes and copper and stainless steel
blank material. The internal pressure that has to be maintained for a particular size of tube
blank(28mm OD) is as figure 6a. Figure 6b shows the internal pressure for copper tube of
varying diameter.

2,800 k PO=Suggested Maxtmum InterfIal PreSSUre.
L PS=Mmlmum Internal Pressure Requwed
2,600 r PO ,/j

,1..-_.’ s’stee’ ,

SOOk:/ ,’ I -

500 1,000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4,000 4.5CD 5,000

Yield Stress, Ys (bar)

i PO= Suggested maxlmum internal pressure
! j
P3= fblinimum internal pressure
h 800’..
r .


"0 20 4C 60 8C 100 120 140

DO (mm)

Figure 6: Internal pressure required (a) for particular size of different material (b) for
different diameter tube blank
Ys=EOO bar


DO (mm)

E-4006 i
% : ,,,’ ,,,-
p=o 3
0 .’
,’ /
Lz /’
E i
2200' / u=o 1

_- _----

0 2@ 4C 60 80 1oc 12@ 146

DO (mm)

Figure 7: Punch load for different diameter and friction factor

22 M. Ahmed,MU. ffashmi/Jountal of Materials Processing Technorogy64 (7997) 9-23

The magnitudeof the clamp load depends on the maximum internal p

blank size. Figure 8 depicts typical range of clamp load that would be requir
of blank geometry and yield stress. Selecting the clamp load for the design of die/tool one
should take note of the final yield stress which the material may attain during the deformation

1 ,200 I
I- DO=114 mm

s/steel /I’
/’ 4

copper : ’ /
DO=56 mrr
X,=SOmm I

DO=28 mm

500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3.500 4,000 4.500 5,000
Yield Stress, Ys (bar)

Figure 8: Clamp load for different material and blank geometry


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“Bulge Forming of


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Compressive Force

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