CHN Lecture
CHN Lecture
CHN Lecture
⁃ A part of the United Nations that deals with 1. Capacity- in reference to capacity-
major health issues around the world. The building to strengthen the national health
World Health Organization sets standards for research system
disease control, health care, and medicines;
2. Priorities - to focus research on
conducts education and research programs; and
priority health need particularly in low and
publishes scientific papers and reports
middle income countries
⁃ A specialized agency in the United Nations
3. Standards- to promote good research
(UN) provides global leadership on health
practice and enable the greater sharing of
matter in the Philippines.
research evidence, tools, and materials
Vision Statement
4. Translation - to ensure that quality
- A world in which everyone can live evidence is turned into products and policy
healthy, productive lives
5. Organization - to strengthen the
- Placing health at the center of the
research culture within WHO and improve the
global agenda
management and coordination of WHO
- Engaging countries and strengthening
research activities.
Setting norms and standards and promoting and
monitoring their implementation. WHO
- To oversee global health issues while develops norms and standards for various
leading research initiatives health and health -related issues, such as
- To publicize fact-based policy options so pharmaceutical products including vaccines and
all information is disseminated globally other biological products used in immunization,
- To aid individual countries to cope with practices in maternal and child care, and
health issues within their borders environmental conditions.
To attain its objective, WHO carries out the ⁃ Articulating ethical and evidence-
following core functions: based policy options. Through its
Department of Ethics and Social
⁃ Providing leadership on matters
Determinants, WHO is evolved in various
critical to health and engaging partnerships
issues on health ethics. In collaboration
where joint action is needed. WHO has 193
with other governmental and
members of countries and 2 associate
nongovernmental organizations, WHO has
members. WHO and its members work with UN
worked on bioethical concerns such as
agencies, NGO's and the private sector. The
those related to human organ and tissue
transplantation, reproductive technology ensure that all people enjoy health,
and public health response to threats of justice, and prosperity. It is critical that
infectious diseases like AIDS, influenza, and no one is left behind
tuberculosis. - 3 target (ensure health and promote
well being for all at all ages)
⁃ Providing technical support, catalyzing
- By 2030 reduce the global maternal
change, and building sustainable
mortality rate to less than 70 per
institutional capacity. WHO offers technical
100,000 live births
support training to its member countries in
- By 2030 end preventable deaths of
the fields of maternal and child health,
newborn and children under 5 years of
control of diseases, and environmental
age with all countries aiming to reduce
health services. WHO is involved in
neonatal mortality to at least as low as
monitoring the health situation and
12 per 1000 live births and under 5
assessing health trends. WHO has
mortality to at least as low as 25 per
developed guidance and tools and
1000 live births
measurement, monitoring and evaluation.
- Infectious disease
MDG (old) o By 2030 end the epidemics of
aids, tuberculosis, malaria and
- millennial development goals neglected tropical disease and
- created 2000 combat hepatitis, waterborne
- The declaration expressed the disease and other
commitment of the 191 member states, communicable disease
including the Philippines, to reduce - Non communicable disease
extreme Poverty and achieve seven o By 2030 reduce by one third
other targets now called the Millennium
preparative mortality from non
Development Goals (MDG's) by the year
communicable disease through
prevention and treatment and
8 MBG TARGETS promote mental health and
well being
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger - Substance abuse
2. Achieve universal primary education o Strengthen the prevention and
3. Promote gender equality and empower treatment of substance abuse,
women including narcotic drug abuse
4. Reduce child mortality and harmful use of alcohol
5. Improve maternal health - Road traffic
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, MALARIA and Other o By 2020, have the number of
disease global deaths and injuries from
7. Ensure environmental sustainability road traffic accidents
8. A global partnership for development - Sexual and Reproductive Health
SDG (sustainable development goal) o By 2030 ensure universal
access to sexual and
- Aims to transform our world. They are reproductive health care
call to action to end poverty and services, including for family
inequality, protect the planet, and planning, information and
education and the - On the national level, director is set by
interpretation of reproductive department of health by virtue of
health into national strategies mandate of the local Government Code
and programmers (R.A. 7160) LGU’s should have operating
- Universal health coverage mechanisms to meet the priority needs
o Achieve universal health and service requirements of their
coverage including financial risk communities. Basic Health Services are
protection, access to quality regarded as priority services for which
essential health care services LGU’s are primary responsible.
and access to safe, effective,
Department of Health
quality and affordable essential
medicine and vaccines for all - The department of health is the
- Environmental health principal health agency in the
o By 2030, substantially reduce Philippines. It is responsible for
the number of deaths and ensuring access to basic public health
illness from hazardous services to all filipinos through the
chemicals and air, water, and provision of quality health care and
soil population and regulation of providers of health goods
contamination and services.
RA 7160 (The 1991 local government code) The Rural Health Unit (RHU)
- Was enacted to bring about genuine - The RHU commonly known as Health
and meaningful local autonomy. This Center is a primary level health Facility
will enable local government to attain in the municipality. The Focus of RHU is
fullest development as self reliant preventive and promotive health
communities and make them more services and the supervision of BHSs
effective partners In the attainment of under its jurisdiction. The
national goal recommended ratio of RHU to
Catchment population is 1 RHU : 20,000 2. Prepares the FHIS (Field Health Service
populations Information System) quarterly and annual
reports of the municipality for submission to the
Barangay Health Station
Provincial Health Office.
- The BHS is the first contact health care
3. Utilize the nursing process in responding to
facility that offers basic services at the
health care needs, including needs for health
barangay level. It is a Satellite station of
education and promotion of individuals, families
the RH. It is manned by Volunteers
and catchment community,
Barangay Health Workers (BHW’s)
under the supervision of Rural Health 4. Collaborate with the other members of the
Midwives (RHM) health team, government agencies, private
business, NGO's and people organizations to
Rural health Unit Personnel
address the community's health problems.
The municipal health Officer (MHO) or Rural
Health Physician Heads
Classification of Health Education (DOH AO-
The health services at the municipal level and
carries out the following
Forms of health services delivery in the
Roles and functions
1. Administrator of the RHU
Public Sector Private Sector
o Prepares the Municipal Health Plan and
-Financed Through Taxes -Profit and non profit
budget -Budgeting is done at health provider
o Monitors the implementation of basic local and national level -Usually market driven
health services -Healthcare services are -Services are not free
o Management of the RHU staff free at the point of care
2. Community physician -LGU direct delivery of
o Conducts epidemiological studies public health services
o Formulates health education campaigns -DOH- provides technical
on disease prevention assistance
o Prepares and implements control
measures or rehabilitation plan
3. Medico-legal officer of the municipality
o The revised implementing rules and
regulations of RA 7305 of the Magna
Levels of health care services and Facilities
Carta of Public health workers stipulate
that there be one rural health physician The DOH issued administrative order 2012-0012
to a population of 20,000. (rules and regulations governing the new
classification of hospitals and other health
The Public Health Nurse (PHN):
facilities in the Philippines) that provides for a
1.Supervise and guides all RHMs in the new classification scheme of health facilities
Classification of Hospitals
a. According to Ownership
- Government - Filipino Attain the best possible health
- Private outcomes with no disparity
b. According to scope of services 3. Responsiveness
- General Facilitate/hospitals- PGH, - Filipinos feel respected, valued and
JRMMC empowered in all of their interaction
- Specialty Centers/Hospital- PHC, NKTI, with the health system
the health system we aspire for
c. According to Functional Capacity
- Equitable and Inclusive to all
- Uses resources efficiently
The health referral system - Transparent and accountable
- Provides high quality services
- A referral is a set of activities
undertaken by a health care provider or During the Last 30 years of health sector
facility in response to its inability to reform, we have undertaken key structural
provide the necessary health Reforms and continuously built on programs
intervention to satisfy a patients need. that take us a step closer to our aspiration
- A functional referral system is on that
ensures the continuity and
complementation of health and medical - Devolution
services - Use of generics
- It usually involves movement of a - Milk codes
patient from the health center of first - Philhealth (1995)
contact and the hospital at first referral - DOH resources to promote local health
level system development
- When hospitals intervention has been - Fiscal autonomy for government
completed, the patient is referred back hospitals
to the health center. The accounts for - Good governance programs
the term two way referral system. (ISO,IMC,PGS)
- Funding for UHC
Referral system
Persistent Inequities In Health Outcomes
- Every year, around 2000 mothers die
due to pregnancy related complications
All for the health towards health for all 2. A filipino child born to the poorest
Family is 3 times more likely to not reach
his 5th birthday, compared to one born to
1) Financial Protection the richest family
- Filipinos, especially the poor, 3. Three out of 10 children are stunted
marginalized and vulnerable and are
Poor Quality and Undignified care synonymous
protected from high cost of health care
with the public clinics and hospitals
2. Better health Outcomes
1. Long wait times
2. Privacy and confidentiality - Dengue, lepto, ebola, zika
3. Limited autonomy to choose provider 2. Non communicable disease
4. Poor record keeping - Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and
5. Less than hygienic restrooms, lacking their risk factors-obesity, smoking,
amenities diet ,sedentary lifestyle
6. Overcrowding and under provision of - Malnutrition
care 3. Diseases of rapid urbanization and
Restrictive and Impoverishing healthcare costs
- Injuries
1. Every year 1.5 million families are - Substance abuse
pushed to poverty due to health care - Mental illness
expenditures - Pandemics, travel medicine
2. Filipinos forego or delay care due to - Health consequences of climate
prohibitive and unpredictable user fees changes/disaster
or co payments
Guarantee 2: Services are delivered by
3. Php 4,000/months health care expenses
networks that are
considered catastrophic for single
income families 1. Fully functional
2. Complaint with clinical practice
Attain Health related SDG targets
Financial risk protection/Better health 3. Available 24/7 and even during
outcomes responsiveness disasters
4. Practicing gatekeeping
Values: equity, quality, efficiency, 5. Located close to the people
transparency, accountability, sustainability, 6. Enhanced by telemedicine
Guarantees 3: services are financed
3 guarantees: Achieve predominantly by philhealth
Guarantees 1: all life stages and triple burden 1. Philhealth as the gateway to free
of disease affordable care
Pregnancy-newborn-infant-child-adolescent- - 100% of filipinos ae members
adults-elderly - Formal sector premium paid through
- First 1000 days/reproductive and sexual - Non formal sector premium paid
health/maternal, newborn, and child through tax subsidy
health/exclusive breastfeeding/food 2. Simplify philhealth
and macronutrients - No balanced billing for the poor/basic
supplementation/immunization / accommodation and fixed co-payment
adolescent health/ geriatric health/ for non basic accommodation
health screening, promotion and 3. Philhealth as man revenue sources for
information public health care provides
1. Communicable disease - Expand benefits to cover
- HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria comprehensive range of services
- Diseases for elimination
- Contracting networks or providers Legal Basis: L.O.L. 949- the legal basis for PHC in
within SDNs the Philippines signed by Pres. Ferdinand
Marcos, October 19, 1979
Our Strategy
Goal of ph
A- Advance quality, health promotion and
primary care - Health for all filipinos by the year 2000
B- Cover all Filipino against health related
Theme: health in the hands of the people by
financial risk
H- Harness the power of Strategic HRN
- To strengthen the health care system by
I- Invest in eHealth and data for
increasing opportunities and supporting
decision making
the conditions wherein people will
E- enforce standards, accountability, and manage their own health care.
Key strategy to achieve the goal:
V- value all clients and patients, especially
- Partnership with and empowerment of
the poor marginalized and vulnerable
the people
E- elicit multi-sectoral and multi-
Cornerstone/Pillars of PHC
stakeholder support for health
1. Active community participation
Primary Health Care in the Philippines
2. Inter and intra sectoral linkages
Primary Health Care (PHC) 3. Use of appropriate technology
4. Support system made available
- WHO defines PHC as essential health
care made university accessible to 8 essential elements of Primary Health Care
individual’s and families in the
- Education about prevailing health
community by means acceptable to
problems and how to prevent and
them through their full participation
control them
and at cost that the community and
- Food supply and proper nutrition
country can afford at every stage of
- Adequate supply of safe water and
basic sanitation
History of PHC - Maternal and child health, family
WHAT: first international Conference for PHC
- Immunization against infectious
WHEN: September 6-12 1978 diseases
- Prevention and control of endemic
WHERE: Almaty (then called alma ata), disease
Kazakhstan, USSR - Treatment of common infections
WHO: UNICEF/WHO, Dr. Dizon/Dr. Villar - Essential drugs
Key principles
1. 4 a’s
Accessibility - Providing linkages between the
- Distance/travel time required to get to government and the nongovernment
a health care facility/services. The home organization and people’s organizations
must be w/in 30 min from the brgy 6. Recognition of interrelationship
health stations between the health and development
Affordability - Health being a social phenomenon
- Considerations of the individuals, recognizes the interplay of political
family, community and government can socio cultural and economic factors as
afford the services its determinant. Good health therefore,
- The out of pocket expense determines is manifested by the progressive
the affordability of health care improvements in the living conditions
- In the Philippines, government and quality of life.
insurance is covered through philhealth 7. Social mobilization
Acceptability - It enhances people participations or
- Health care services are compatible governance, support system provided
with the culture and traditions of the by the government, networking and
populations developing secondary leaders
Availability 8. Decentralization
- Is a questions whether the health - This ensures empowerment and that
service are offered In health care empowerment can only be facilitated if
facilities of is provided on a regular and the administrative structure provides
organized manner local level political structures with more
2. Community participation substantive responsibilities for
3. People are the center, object and development initiators.
subject of development
Level of disease prevention
- Thus, the success of any undertaking
that aims at serving the people is 1. Primary prevention
dependent on people’s participation at - intervening before health effects occur,
all levels of decision making: planning, through measures such as vaccinations,
implementing, monitoring and altering risky behaviors (poor eating
evaluation. Any Undertaking must also habits, tobacco use), and banning
be based on the peoples needs and substances known to be associated with
problems a disease or health condition
4. Self Reliance 2. Secondary prevention
- Through community participation and - screening to identify diseases in the
cohesiveness of peoples organization earliest stages, before the onset of signs
they can generate support for health and symptoms, through measures such
dare through social mobilization, as mammography and regular blood
networking and mobilization of local pressure testing
resources 3. Tertiary prevention
5. Partnerships between the community - managing disease post diagnosis to slow
and the health agencies in the provision or stop disease progression through
of quality of life . measures such as chemotherapy,
rehabilitation, and screening for the country that will cover a period of
complications. six years.
October 25-26, 2018 (the global conference on 1) Financial risk protection through expansion in
primary health care in astana, Kazakhstan) enrollment and benefit delivery of the National
Health Insurance Program (NHIP);
Universal Health Care (UHC)
2) Improved access to quality hospitals and
Universal Health Care (UHC), also referred to
health care facilities; and
as kalusugan pangkalahatan (KP)
3) Attainment of health-related SDG
- is the "provision to every Filipino of the
highest possible quality of health care SOURCE OF FUNDING
that is accessible, efficient, equitably
• Revenue of government from Sin Tax Reform
distributed, adequately funded, fairly
Law (RA 10351)50% of PAGCOR Income
financed, and appropriately used by an
informed and empowered public" • 40% of PCSO Charity Fund
Objective of UHC • DOH Funding from the national Budget
- "To provide all Filipinos access to • PhilHealth subsidy from the national
comprehensive and cost-effective government
health care that covers all spectrums of
services." These includes promotive, • Premium contributions from PhilHealth
preventive, curative, rehabilitative and members
palliative care.
- The Aquino administration puts it as the
availability and accessibility of health
services and necessities for all Filipinos.
- It is a government mandate aiming to
ensure that every Filipino shall receive
affordable and quality health benefits.
This involves providing adequate
resources health human resources,
health facilities, and health financing.
- February 2019 - ratification of republic
Act 11223, Universal Health Care Act,
"An Act Instituting Universal Health
Care for All Filipinos, Prescribing
Reforms in the Health Care System, and
Appropriating Funds.
- October 2019 - RA 11223 (UHC Law)
was signed and specified a timeline
transition for the healthcare system in
healthcare providers can expand family capacity
by changing parenting, and therefore changing
child behaviors.
* When the nurse views the family as a "Case finding." Is another reason to work with
context, the primary focus is on the health and families. While assessing an individual and
development of an individual member existing family.
within a specific environment (i.e., the client's
"Improving nursing care." The nurse can provide
better and more holistic care by understanding
* Although the nurse focuses on the nursing the family members and its members.
process on the individual's health status, the
The family is in the foreground and individuals
nurse also assesses the extent to which the
are in the background. The family seems as the
family, and their ability to help the client meet
sum of individual family members. The focus is
the psychological need must also be considered
concentrated on each and every individual as
Dunst and Trivette (2009) reviewed 20 years of they affect the whole family. From this
system theory and importance of early perspective, a nurse might ask a family member
childhood interventions, adding that system who has just become ill. Tell me about what has
theory provides direction in understanding how been going on with your own health and how
you perceive each family member responding to FAMILY HEALTH NURSING PROCESS
your mother's recent diagnosis of liver cancer.
- is a systematic approach which help family to
Parke (2002) stated that there are three develop and strengthen its capacity to meet its
subsystem of the family that are most health needs and solve health problems.
important: parent-child subsystem, marital
Family health nursing process is closely related
subsystem, and sibling-sibling subsystem.
to community health nursing process.
Parke (2002) stated that there are three
The main objective or goals of family health
subsystem of the family that are most
nursing process are health promotion,
important: parent-child subsystem, marital
prevention from disease and control of health
subsystem, and sibling-sibling subsystem.
There are different phases of family health
* The family is seen as one of the many nursing process.
institution of the society, along with health,
education, religion and economic situation.
1. Assessment Phase
* It is a part of a larger system
2. Planning Phase
* The family as a whole interacts with other
institutions to receive, exchange or give 3. Implementation Phase
communications and services.
4. Evaluation Phase
Developmental Stages and Functions of the
Data Collection
- The process of identifying the types or kinds of ASSESSMENT
data needed
(Initial Data Base)
- Specify the methods necessary to collect data
Family Structure and Characteristics
METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Socio-economic and Cultural Factors
Home Environment
1. Observation
Health Status of each Family Member Home environment
Values, Habits, Practices on Health
1. Housing
Promotion, Maintenance and Disease
Adequacy of living space
Sleeping arrangement
Family Structure and Characteristics Presence of breeding or resting sites of
vectors of disease (e.g.mosquitoes,
1. Members of the household and
flies, rodents, etc.)
relationship to the head of the family.
Presence of accident hazards
2. Demographic data: age, sex, civil status,
Food storage and cooking facilities
position in the family.
Water supply: source, ownership,
3. Place of residence of each member:
sanitary condition
whether living with the family or
Garbage disposal: type, sanitary
4. Type of family structure: e.g.
2. Kind of neighborhood: e.g congested,
matriarchal or patriarchal, nuclear or
3. Social and health facilities available
5. Dominant family members in terms of
4. Communication and transportation
decision making especially in matters of
facilities available
6. General family relationship/dynamics: Health Status of each Family Member
the presence of any obvious/readily
observable conflict between members; 1. Medical and nursing history indicating
characteristic, current or past significant illnesses or beliefs
communication/interaction pattern and practices conducive to health and illness.
among members. 2. Nutritional assessment (specially for
vulnerable or at-risk members)
D - death
A – addiction They are limited to 3 points -
PURPOSE: To provide a basis for estimating the 3. Knowledge of Health Condition: This system
nursing needs of a particular family is concerned with the particular health
condition that is the occasion of care.
Health Care Need
4. Application of the Principles of General
A family health care need is present when: Hygiene: This is concerned with the family
action in relation to maintaining family
1. The family has a health problem with
nutrition, securing adequate rest and relaxation
which they are unable to cope.
for family members, carrying out accepted
2. There is a reasonable likelihood that
preventive measures, such as immunization.
nursing will make a difference in the in
the family's ability to cope. 5.
Relation to Coping Nursing Needs: 6. Health Attitudes: This category is concerned
with the way the family feels about health care
* COPING may be defined as dealing with
in general, including preventive services, care of
problems associated with health care with
illness and public health measures.
reasonable success.
7. Emotional Competence: This category has
* When the family is unable to cope with one
to do with the maturity and integrity with which
or another aspect of health care, it may be said
the members of the family are able to meet the
to have a "coping deficit"
usual stresses and problems of life, and to plan
SCALING CUES IN FAMILY COPING INDEX for happy and fruitful living
The following descriptive statement "cues" to 8. Family Living: This category is concerned
help you rate the family. largely with the interpersonal with the
interpersonal or group aspects of family life - - is a tool that helps the nurse outline
how well the members of the family get along the family's structure.
with one another, the ways in which they take - It is a way to diagram the family
decisions affecting the family as a whole
Family health tree
9. Physical Environment: This is concerned
- This provides a mechanism for
with the home, the community and the work
recording the family's medical and
environment as it affects family health.
health histories.
10. Use of Community Facilities: generally
Assessment tool
keeps appointments. Follows through referrals.
Tells others about Health Departments services ECOMAP
General Considerations in Family Coping Index - another classic tool that is used to
depict a family's linkages to its supra-
1. It is the coping capacity and not the
systems. This portrays an overview of
underlying problem that is being rated.
the family in their situation, it depicts
2. It is the family and not the individual that is the important nurturant or conflict-
being rated. laden connections between the family
and the world.
3. Rating should be done after 2-3 home visits
when the nurse is more acquainted with the Home Environment
1. Housing
4. The scale is as follows: Adequacy of living space
Sleeping arrangement
0-2 or no competence
Presence of breeding or resting sites of
3-5 coping in some fashion but poorly vectors of disease (e.g. mosquitoes,
flies, rodents, etc.)
6-8 moderately competent
Presence of accident hazards
9 fairly competent Food storage and cooking facilities
Water supply: source, ownership,
sanitary condition
5. Justification- a brief statement that explains Garbage disposal: type, sanitary
why you have rated the family as you have. condition
These statements should be expressed in terms 2. Kind of neighbourhood: e.g congested,
of behavior of observable facts. slum
3. Social and health facilities available
6. Terminal rating is done at the end of the 4. Communication and transportation
given period of time. This enables the nurse to facilities available
see progress the family has made in their
competence; whether the prognosis was a. Adequacy of living space
reasonable; and whether the family needs
further nursing service and where emphasis
should be placed. TA (in sqm) = length of the houseX width of the
TSR = Number of household members × - With a source, reservoir piped
corresponding space requirement for the m distributor network and household taps
- One or more faucet per household
- Fit for densely populated urban
Adults (13 y/o and above) = 15 sqm communities
Infants (below 12 months old) = 0 sqm LIGHT - refers to such materials as bamboo,
nipa, sawall, coconut leaves, and cardboard.
Compare the TFA (Total Floor Area) with the
TSR ( Total Space Requirement) STRONG - refers to a predominantly concrete
MIXED- refers to a combination of light
NOT CROWDED IF: TFA > TSR materials, wood, and/or concrete. Typically
f. Water Facilities Approved Type of Water concrete floor or foundation and light walls, or a
Facility concrete 1st floor and light 2nd floor.
Antipolo Type - toilet house is elevated and the Open Burning- regularly piles garbage and later
shallow pit is extended upwards to the platform burned in open air. This is uncontrolled burning
(toilet floor) by means of a chute or pipe made which is usually done for yard and street
of metal, clay, aluminum or board. sweeping. It may be allowed in rural areas
where it will not worsen already existing air
Types of Excreta Disposal
Burial Pit- garbage placed in a pit and covered
- On site toilet facilities of the water carriage when filled up. There is no
type with water-sealed and flush type with
intention to dig it up later for use as fertilizer.
septic vault/tank disposal
This should be located 25 meters away from any
Water Sealed Latrine- an Antipolo type, bored well used for water supply.
hole or any pit latrine where in sealed toilet
Composting - involved buying or stacking of
bowl is placed instead of platform hole plus
alternating layers of organic-based garbage and
with septic tank.
treated soil arranged to hasted rapid decay and
decomposition into compost.
Types of Excreta Disposal LEVEL III This organic mixture can later be used as
- Water carriage types of toilet facilities and/or
to the sewerage system to a treatment plant Garbage Collection
* Hepatitis C