People V Jaca

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G. R. No. 34866, August 18, 1931


Severa Jaca and Proceso Rasalan were charged before the lower court of Tayabas for
feloniously putting to death a 3-day old child whom Severa Jaca had given birth to.

Two eyewitnesses, Aurea Zabella and Agapita Navaja, both of them related to the
appellant, the first by consanguinity and the second by affinity, testify that Proceso
Rasalan wrapped up the baby in a cloth which asphyxiated it—resulting in its death.
Tomas Jaca, the appellant's father-in- law, testified that when the latter handed to
him the corpse of the newly-born child in order that he might secretly throw it into
the river, Proceso Rasalan revealed to him that he had killed it in order to conceal
the dishonor of Severa Jaca, which cast a reflection upon them, for Severa was the
witness Tomas' daughter, and the defendant's sister-in-law.

Even though the evidence for the prosecution pointed to Proceso Rasalan as the
offender, Margarita Jaca, the latter's wife, affirmed that it was Aurea Zabella, the
midwife who attended Severa Jaca in her delivery, who caused the death of the child.
However, this accusation of Margarita Jaca against Aurea Zabella was not supported
by the evidence of record. The appellant himself did not blame Aurea for the death
of the infant, for he assured in his testimony that he had only heard the child cry
once, and when Aurea Zabella, who was assisting the woman in labor, went to attend
to the babe, she found it already dead. Also, The defendant questioned the veracity
of the three witnesses, especially of the two last, Agapita Navaja and Tomas Jaca,
alleging that they had a grievance against him and his family.

The Court of First Instance of Tayabas acquitted Severa Jaca, but convicted Proceso
Rasalan of the crime charged and sentenced him to life imprisonment, the accessories
of the law, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased, in the sum of P1,000, and one-
half the costs.

Proceso Rasalan appealed from the sentence, making the following assignments of

1. In basing the judgment upon the testimony of the witnesses for the
prosecution, namely Aurea Zabella, Agapita Navaja, and Tomas Jaca.
2. In finding the appellant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
3. In admitting as evidence against the appellant, Exhibit C of the prosecution,
being the defendant's alleged confession.
4. In sentencing the accused.

Whether or not the lower court erred in finding the accused guilty of the crime


NO, the lower court did not err in finding the accused guilty of the crime of

The Supreme Court had held that it has been established in the record that the crime
charged was committed, and that the defendant committed it. The infant really died,
through asphyxiation, was amply shown by the testimony of Doctor Potenciano, who
examined the exhumed corpse, thus corroborating the other witnesses for the
prosecution. They gave credit to the witnesses for the prosecution because the
grievance that the defendants claimed the witnesses of the prosecution had towards
the accused was not sufficient to make the witnesses tell a falsehood in accusing their
own relative of so serious crime.

Inasmuch as the accused was not an ascendant of the dead child, he incurred,
according to the law (art. 409, par. 3, Penal Code) the penalty for murder and was
guilty of the crime charged. The appealed decision was affirmed.

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