College Research Mini Book PDF

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Glue the college’s

logo inside this box

Name of College:


Name ____________________________

Period ___
Choosing a college can be a daunting task. The purpose of this activity is to give
you the opportunity to research a 4-year college that you may consider applying to
during your senior year in high school. Waiting until your senior year to research
colleges is not wise. You will be overwhelmed. The application process for colleges
begins for the Cal State system in October and for the U.C. system in November.
Private schools typically begin accepting applications in December. As you might
imagine, there won’t be much time for researching colleges your senior year. You will
be too busy applying to colleges.

If you know the name of the college you wish to research, you can do a Google
search with the name of the college and then click on the college’s website. You may
also visit and click the “College Search” tab. Then type in
the name of your college in the “College QuickFinder” search box. Use the information
provided on this website and the college’s own website to answer the questions on the
following pages.

Inside this box, glue of a picture

of the college campus

Location, Size, and Type
1. Traveling by car, how far away from home is this college? _____ miles

2. Traveling by car, how far away from home is this college?

___ hours ___ minutes

3. Based on how far away from home your college is, would you live on campus or
commute each day? □ Live on campus □ Commute

4. What major city is this college located in or near? ____________________

5. Near the college, what is there to do for fun?


6. How many undergraduate students (students working on a bachelor’s degree)

attend your college? ______________________

7. How many graduate students (students working on a master’s degree or higher)

attend your college? ______________________

8. Add together the number of undergraduate and graduate students. What size
school is this?
□ Small (fewer than 2,000 students) □ Medium (2,000 – 15,000 students)
□ Large (more than 15,000 students)

9. How large is the campus? ______ acres

10. Is this college private or public? : □ private □ public

11. This college is for: □ co-eds (males & females) □ males □ females

Inside this box, glue of a map
of the college campus

Inside this box, glue a picture

of the dorms or other student
housing facilities

Admission & Academics
1. Which test(s) are required for admission? (Check all that apply)
□ SAT Scores _________ □ ACT Score ________ □ No tests are required
□ Other test(s): ___________________________________________
□ College admissions essay required

2. Is there a minimum grade point average (G.P.A.) required ?

□ Yes □ No If yes, what is the required G.P.A.? ____.____

3. What is the average G.P.A. of the applicants who are accepted? ____.____

4. Of all the students who apply to this college, what percent of applicants are
accepted? ______%

5. How much is the application fee? $____.___

6. What career do you want after graduating from college?


7. Does this college have a major that fits your chosen career? □ Yes □ No
If you answered yes, list the major here: _______________________________
If you answered no, you may consider researching a different college that has
the major you will need for your chosen career.

8. How many students are there to every faculty member (student to faculty ratio)?
____ students to every 1 faculty member

9. What is the average or typical class size? _____ students

Student Reviews
1. Go to and find the search box entitled “Search
for University”. Type in the name of your college. Click “go”. Then answer the
questions below:

What was the overall grade of the college? _____

What was the grade of the education quality? _____

What was the grade of the social life? _____

What was the grade of the extracurricular activities? _____

What was the grade of the surrounding city? _____

Inside this box, glue a picture

of an extracurricular activity,
social activity, or sport

College Expenses
1. How much is tuition per year for undergraduates? $ _______.___

2. How much does it cost for books and supplies per year? $ _______.___

3. How much does it cost to live on campus in the dorms? $ _______.___

4. Are there any additional fees? If so, write them on the line $ _______.___

5. What is the total cost per year to attend if you live on campus?

(add up the numbers you wrote down for questions 1-5) $ _______.___

Financial Aid
1. When is the deadline for applying for financial aid? ______________________

2. What percentage of students receive financial aid? _____%

3. List some scholarships that are available to students:



4. List some other types of financial aid that is available to students:



1. List some activities, clubs, sports, or organizations that are of interest to you:


Student Housing
1. What types of student housing are available to students? (Check all that apply)

□ Same sex dorms □ Co-ed dorms □ Apartments □ Family housing

□ Other: _______________________________________________________

2. Do freshmen have to purchase a meal plan? □ Yes □ No

3. Do freshmen have to live on campus? □ Yes □ No

4. If you choose to live in the dorms, what are your options? (Check all that apply)

□ 1 student per room □ 2 students per room □ 3 students per room

□ Other: ________________________________________________________

1. List at least five academic facilities (buildings) on campus



2. List at least three academic resources available on campus to help you if you
need them. _______________________________________________________


3. List at least three recreational (fun) facilities on campus:



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