Boiler Startup Checklist

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aevedanta wr cai aside steag Sorcupchack sree : Jswies 2549) 2) cor coy Baw PUMP —Faraneter ——] Pre checks ye [me Pest cheers eee Be. | Ee framing fsorcing | inte are work pvt en BC coed do 1 fnwoict nes macnnany nearibe |<) | y (ener ary ations sures? 03 [tomers i 1 ftspenirmesenatincrcrin La) Jeter sen) v ptr egg 38 cockat one [Sires lr tings 2 ponerse been s lta aidhance wun ene eo | are ap Re RTT fsa tr cont pny ne esestare tanec re fetiens 00) Manes eae | nace) are nance te ei ice tne = | 8 frowned A\ | feiss tte et) Be |S4 | ls pt cn nt tr «ler prose 3 aa © [iceman arts, alia te mina nclo-tig 1 tts senses ies +) counwonmergame | M2 Réomnanc ton Seto cnr bea eect of « [ec exbasn doe bowers jreceoess fete, an ne eit kez) (aim batt dcargevave tts be fy ecoro, (ara Su eve ee fseeatoamibe=} 12 fot nw scot its ur vl ) aL ge ae \ amore? Pump Started, Enswrad No Lkg oh water § fump Rurning i, ete Nema Cond” # ag vedanta 9 00 wi dows steag arp chick sheet foarte: ulin pon Ae AD TerioaeToIoPEe BCW PUMP Parameter rec ye | se Font checks tet fat | Peate oes Faring sting | “Cane [7 rare worker 8 od anno = | fomanted mana machinery neat ne | 1 lenecctor ay sbeemat unesoy | lcrpren 7D) fra mira contin ec ry ie 2 fet ran tran A Jc ary ate ehgesa 3 fics Meserring tobe checedttors fe) | lea maaan eum ated i owe rake a enare pr awe alooS anos T mre new wor cniyisromeytited [2] | , lauren drm tienson eos | y | Le] 4 |invenes 0) fasten ent fnawsryibeor9) lrarenamcenaywertnensamm [~“| | fomatar trctorneate-somte~ly 128 | exe B Yipeneararoee) fom eorn oe) erased compscraeetine est tarer || |, itr pump sees OME) 6 0-234 02.68 © Wisc pen cea) e loutngnctertestuisbe noma etm | 7] | 5) canicarunennton No Racers nelation| 7 Tigercat cat enor eros & rote cise a [tcwnsstecn coe Gotreiero | weseiet) lsat age, armies, ree | ofc, sao el tment | mero) Jrrmote suterevaive izsnonere |, w Een) 1 fission nt er etm 8) {as nare caro mse emo | oe |—_toree agp 4 | tones sogtension \ rau ‘ Wx Flew Starting of Pumb , Ensuow Neb Het dir Lig azoundl te Pum Fanart Bx ns woates TR 4 Pare b Running ney mak Good™ i Pump prson Giviy Adrsh 7 OR: ibaa =r eres PP 4°00 MW Jrarsugud stea Beavers Mamaia thet 9g Ol ar: TPPIQR-BTG/OPESE axe gu ( ; Bow PUMP BS (tn sia) Z Parameter ] jan. Desires Pre checks Yes | RR Pest Checks. ore Proved l(itiek lbmre work perl on BEY se i No — T= [Sewtncntmciny verte || | letekteramatestemaroy | eee one - 1 [hack for ery Wbration(FO) _ oa 2 Iocaithy(Foy esc tor any ater sags nd zireegesne take ciechesit arg | 4 [nronm matainance team wo attend > Jeutdown/ Bentsen) | eer era pnp aes oa Ta levine sw ner avy prop ed , fsretnetope clea prey Je msncminivarmensiim |e] |, kt mean wa » Nepenectraroer) So mise 60 mis (Dee) nr panos at te & hear Inka np cs 2048) >0.2bos 8 Vine onen conditienFO) | « [cooing water tw sraus be norma return |e | Com Recammendatin No Recommendation} 7 Jie rotometer i rotating) (FO) ewe marc 6 mate chit 2 |tovtarbeendonetabencrten | occ Loctonses tari, wessre | 9 lot fs anal wamets ety lower ri out care vv 2st 10 cceiFO) Ns 11 nan orm teat e fteonoaniot) 12 [sar ton scarey masa dramterd] | ee eel sro6 Cw CE ] VEDANTA UniTED = dante “TPP 4"600 MW .Jharsuguda Sst gq » sucinchcasiee ea a al Vv me DATE aul . TRP/QR-BTGIOPE/S8 Mill a Parameter re checks ves | ne rostcnecks ft, starting [ae stating | OeShet Leaievan amr cantando | {Cntr Tom at oper | fetectnene mcsney sartte | A + lesa train norma. v| = pref DEE) [cnn a) No abormat | t= 4 ainsi Csiro Now Fomcatretatingpartsare ercea |) || fe a ti Sherating bypass air . Qo stems [a ceereeXFO} _ oe. “ iz eerie Jil noise level wontons a Pescegionercennenconticn [| [fests aterm | = | 30% peattin(FO} L |motor stare (DE /Z0} vss Ror pur wl op lose jequpmen cloming snd & Jafter 5 minutes of Mill start in - ot 9 eases, done (DE/ZO/FO) ‘ Jouto. (CE) =I | — [Check local pressure and temperature [Ensure No oll leakages 5 lgege ere fitec and are in working | ss lobworved trom presureand | yee | Cenatnfee/F0) lemperture une 20) rare rocks & protection eC Ku ubreaion pon 6 [ofall is tube of tem ras beon | rum for 30 minutes intarvaton) 7 | on bear test mode) (DED ode, 020) Tare OOCW puro renning & suppy&| (Gradually mereare the fooding| yw frm avo PLP ot pump cooler & | 7 (epuratety attain al | secs open 103 evel OF argued 0 Pa and Taare verse water pump rang Pt jouat Set ter iis 8 lene opening of supply & return mv | 9 mee so ms-c0mes | L4/90| SS/HO- |eso ct cece owl Sear foesiF0) s [tar winding tero.—ater = 4 [ew 1? Pump seen & doch 9 [tocea0 mese=t0 mes salsa, Sale have open consion0) pana tar earn ep. 4 | Esure Motor tube oi pump suction & co lrovnte30 mes mts 29/24 | YS lars dscargevaive open concition(Z0) © (e810), Esore MT abe of level 0 tar one commendations Ne Recommenclat yon lersre ater stopping standby pum B' ep. Eure ol level in both metor 41 lippumpt presure ts normal(0.d | ©” " |_ os put other pump in standby Start HP pump after starting P & | ensure pressure>4 MpatDF) art NcTor ibe of pumpyro.s ms) |, = {ton RGB pump & ensure is presure| fermat-0.2 Mpa)(D€/20) buten [Br eter cooing fan & ensures rections permal(OE/20) [Ban jeewae: jets aa ar otaem a wea Nora Pressure>hipa.Crsicheck ts bat 17/88 rasing pump & ensure running [nna oy |] 1 lar bal sear sae ensure its rennin jamal eo) [iri mtr breaker to Be invackio neti, Dc supply on, toca pus clea and coal feactr omer ensure mil steam nering mV open | ae 20 Feenition (20) [Tere mit ie tee al coer 7" lapen (FO) GA Jersure all clasiier ofl gate n open conditson (FO) ‘race Bunker alt wbrater power so 23 avaiable @ air blaster supply mtv should ne in open condotion\i no any fire 9 2 \ [Frsuce from local that ml shel % enclose gate closed & locked{(DEIZO) [check fo Sowing motor tobe in 25 | esergaged Cond tion(0E/20) rane ol the cope Purge MOVS close 2 |conciion (OE/FO) Esse lumber bearing an pinion bearing 27 | esine nena connected conciton (20) 28 [erswe C46 in epencenion FO) [Ears Bal charging WOVs i clase 29 [condition and feedback coming inthe lal pannel. (FO) Jenne HG, AD, capaci Ar 30 feamper(de/Nae} 87055 Damperide/Ne Link Before startna coal feeder ensure Seal 31 [apres healt andi MOY & HIV [open Feeder outet sate open VIALS GSS] SY YA ‘23 |Frare feeder rsd et lowiegtFO) Frau all te protections and wceiock 23 an alo values have Been chechod( vet} [Ensure steam inerting even for minimum] 2 |omine \py 4g [art mt emuing Heeping tance fr teal boxtFO} ame & signa 46 Sanat ste gnaturg(OP) Nama Si After MiM stawted Merawud Pyar oS) Noval. aan 7 Rarnavbh? vedanta seo oso steag] Star-Up chock sheet ewe ‘wraroors a6, | Parameter | pre checks ves | ne rencmcs fas pe suring | Pa | leat pet a dos and = [conten fram Toca Operator 1 [mtecerment macho neartbe | 1 erat ait running normal i = [etesesironees Lindt: aster me jmaintain Classifier outlet flow = | | feeatrsprswensoet | || I apereanag Oyo - © ba jp [> tenis 2 [ose ses | lGempecaDE 20 yp Bite exe arg Giscarnnrnem [o-| |, Moeotors (oe liganel peattveFO) |mator start (DE/Z0) —— sae tot ung va ses ca lego | | eer seaa ee 4 Trouscheeping done (DE/ZO/FO} Bay eral pee ad pee sur oar eae Fee sancme nwo | | | 5 lessen trom presse ana | es eotrenoe Fo empertre guage 0) [motor scart (02/20) sre Bo HF pun WAT ap fers 7 || a laters mason asta] ols 4 ‘hausekeeping done (DEZO/FO) [ao (08) |EeK eal presae ond temperature Ensure Woot teakager = 1B |gaupes ere fitted and are in working od '5_|ebserved from pressure and — {endonet/FO} emperatare gages 20) = ae cs € pee ENS TS fare lt aeition pune] = 6 [stu is ube ot pstem rasbeen | 6 faeries tev one tn resi test mode) Dee) _| ce coe) | Tt DOEW pong rosin up Frat meen ds] —— a lun nivot wit cltpumg cooler & | 2 [ana oaratey matin it etn casa open (9) set mre 3 ar Ir sevice water purp Tring a ora esr ars [a0 | 455 2 ensure cpening of sup ret mtv |< 8 fatter-10 mts. 30:ms-coms | % 3] 3 30 fe cose jun bearrg ibe r0y hiker abaeg tare ae | 3 [oe HP? L? Pry suction & decharge| 7 ee ae | so =40)|so= eon ae hates open ovatntZ0) loser) |) ator bearer a SEES 4p | Sere motor abe oa scion co aeeegre iam ets | as—go | 50-68] charge valve gen ceraion20) ezen, [rare ate ot eat aE Sa One| > : =a 14 le pum pressure moet. 11| con Reconmendasne 10 Recomme relation Ios}. Pu wher param ston | shrimp stersanegive | eieprue>4 Mpa) [Ratha pomp ros mE] 4 43 [rs ster stoping sandy puro 1 |i tire of evel bh meter 4 [Start RGB ofl pump & ensure its prosurs| al 4 |e? wea Ot/20) gs [arerste cringe mares | 15 lfrecton noma) [ar Reo sen 8 ore emis ea Noma resire 1p Crxchec ts Ieat stains pane esure ering |nermal (ZO) ee stb gar saP a ene eeoming |” remel 20} Tanah ear Bea Tobe ack Jeenditon, Dc sureiy on, local push we [natn released and col feeder cower ey {naure mil steom inertine AV ope 2 | candtion (20) [ensure rik gate nal 4 cernor 7 Jogen (FO) SEN [Ensure all clair ofl gate in open condition (FO) [sure Bunker al vibvater power soy 23 [avaiabie Gir bastersuaply mi shoud Ie in qpen candi any iret 2 Ensure fom oat that nl ste 2 encosure gate closed & lcked0E0) [check fo Slowing motor to bein 5 | esengaged Cantition(OC20) Fre al ti ea pie Purge NOY ose 28 Jeon (DEO) AT SP AEN Ensure Pur beeing anepien Be 27 easton comme conan 20) 28 [mare CAG m een coneonFO) Trae tal agg HO cae 28 [contin ad eecback come nthe {ec panet (0) - Tense AG AS caps 30 [semperoe nde) yp Ibamgeibe he) une tor ring ol TaeF ERATE SOL 31 fprmrestreteatiy ord ts mov eure | /~ nen Feeder cle ste open. N a2 [Ease feeder nd igh slowing ®O) [Ears ale reteconé and rack [3 |and alarm values have been IhechedtDet) | rae tea) Herng given for rnin ihe | x |omes vw Ixar mil ensuring ecpig distance from terminal x10) * om | Hare saat Famats Cy Capaulty sie olainpr Snopuiatine re VEDA LTD sevecant ‘on 00s dee stead fx oT Oe TeaTHTEe SCANNER AIR FAN 4 rararatae ee iE rowcmcs (vg [rune_| “tine aa ee Troure the start of Scamne’ air 4 eager man macnnery wart] | | Janina & Cheer any ~ ei |abnormat sound (FO) ara pare ee ward |] g [etek tora vation 2 [(s60" desreeNFO) Junusual soxmnd (FO) ~ on ick at bs be TPL Facccearent ering constion |_| |, [otchecit ana trate |. 3 Ipeaitny(rO) jdamper Ichangesaccordingly.(DE/FO) J Tenure interlocks & protections checking || 1, |ohecitor any ate eakage fem oe 4 lof scanner air fan has been done (Dee) |individual flame scanners (FO) a B | ernre sr even merce?) | + ers cence. {fame tare care etre] eas we tte () Cog ao | ie aS Gore { ie Rooarba DENS searmer ats Fan , Erawud Fan Running AF ie: crating’ at beeed cond", HoRPEeK & Noabnmas Sound 4 YeDANra unten gevedonts “TPP 4600 HW Jharsuguds steag Slop chor Sheet a DANII ra Ee Z SCANNER AIR FAN CS7B San mech fe [wm] | mom la Rie Ee lure te san of Samer a =e Loe 4 pesos 27 |_| 5 fanimtcat check tor om poe sbormal sound 0) ig iekalvatne are we warded —|7) [Eber ay vt areal 2 | er deseoitor luna nd (FO) [check he bth he Rand PC lok cata earthing condition pte et and artr a 3 NpeathyiFo) sarper chanraconigy. (DEO) Ramiele enuacas cain ina bas ro polk 4 Tscmerartuntarbecn dane Oo) [~~ | | * fc taneseamen 0) a} +5 | enue saF scion ter cleanestfoy [7 cea secommersetoms | Ne hecommerdadionn | ear iil fle seanner caine) 7 ects ae ted 0) ane Spat pre 8 Senate oem ee “gre & Senate KCSaheo gyvedanta ‘VEDANTA LIMITED ‘TPP 4600 MW ,Jharsuguda Start-Up Check sheet steag W uw 7 “THPIQR BTGIOPESE pa: SEAL AIR FAN 4 — Parameter pre Checks peal ponchece feet ate | onsves * cheek starting [staring | Limit = |_| aan fe uwanted man & machinery near | , |Frre the stare of ea ai fan Ihe machine (FO) (Fo) ~ | escalate prs are eres | 3 | eck tor ky viration © - [260 cerceFO) ‘usual sound (FO) | Fheckequpmentearthing condtion | — | |, | emuredicrarzecamver | ~ | — 3 NheatintF 0» opened fully (D9E/F) cooing watertSerice water) Ve | = 14 lo valve open for bearing. and check 4 [check for any air leakage (FO)) tre on in view las FO) icv poston should be closed ~ Check DEINDE eating ol | ar 5 |ocert0y 3 sump level ofl. | 38 Toto winding tempat Be en eee | Noman sdme-somte |21121 | 4 0] B3}110 008 Provideay(Det/FO) (De8/FO) Fan Bearing temp ~ after otra. As 7 |biccharge mor closed(DeE/FO) | ro mts 30 rtse-60 ts 70 Deg ra (DeE/FO) oS og [Cate DENDE bearing ot sump - 8 | CBM Recommendations Ne Recomme volatiber levelosox FO) 4g | Check power supply Heal [sh button released (De/FO) sand |cneckedeE) lEsure all the protections and Jinestock and alarm values heve been Rarmors Rai tart fan ensuring Keeping distance | Irom termina box(FO) Narne & SignaturesOP) Name & Signatere(SiC) STEAG i agter stent oR fx 9? santat > of 9 A sea ate Fan, Emuned Fan We Panning ner mas VEDANTA LinTED agyedanta ‘TPP 4°600 MW ,Jharsuguda eatin ees steag (DATES thy 1 UNIT ~ TRP/QR-BTG/OPE/58 I SEAL AIR FAN ® (Gens. by) Parameter re Checks ves | wr e set. at. | ese oss cheers JStarting |starting Limit Sinan & chiney Fo urwantedan& machinery near |v Err he tart of Sea fan 4 line machine FO) 1 ac |cneck all rotating parts are guarded Check for Any vibration or oe) 2 Jeo cenreeif0) 2) usual sore (FO) creck equipment earthing condition | 4 | Ero discharge damper 3 TreateiFO) opened fully (DeE/FO) Icoting waterService water) J/L & 4 lodt valve open for bearing. and check | 4 | check for any air leakae FO) the fw in view alass (FO) Gv poston should be closed = | Check DEPNDE Bern of sump level "Nator waning terp.~after~ ¢ [Betlon mor opened Of |e] to ms-30 nts--60 mts 10 Desc Provided(DeE/FO) (weesFo) Fan Bearing temp ~ after mov closed(De8/FO) 7 | toms 30 rts-60 mts 70 Dest 7 Discharge mov closec(DeE/FO) Na ears [Check DEINDE Bearing cit sum we 8 | comRecommendetions | pt levetes0% FO) = ig heck power supply Healthinass and | lush button released (DcE/FO) [Eure all the protections and 9 |itertock and alarm values have been | 4 ; chechea(Dee) [Start fan ensuring keeping distance from terminal boxFO) Name & SggaturetstC) se | We VEDANTA UTED TP 1800 hag Sar-Up chcesteee steag vars Trp STaOPUR PAFAN Parameter eck | Pre checks ves | na Pest checks (Bets Jatt. | Desired starting [Starting | Limit + linmarce en & machinery near the iqvomert.(FO/DeE) emoce work pert 08 PAF closed and No | [check or cutet gas damper 1 opening or aot within 0 see (ees) [mre motor coupling gard i pace(260, 2 [Ensure no abnarmal sound fom Fan (DeE/FO) Me jsreenFO [ack equipment ening condition Ensure fan vibration wor 3 mma) bs ee = sre rane of ut cs as eae esos sini me ste A las \eE/F0) iftan i stared ater 1 month of Itotor winding temp.-after= NEN Bares caer enue in + fomos0 mu toms eto lene (osu) =e or bere Tepe a § [trate tote ot stem fas een eres Lo line bree test mee (over) 7 |Check power supply Healthiness and 7. [Check for any air leakage (FO) Wendy ne Sk [apes butorressd (DITO) [ae guge, vanities preaure 4 forces Msn it otreents 8 lence torany atetage (0] pay fest oetiro) " B ksihewncrinconvanemen 17] [o| cannecmmanstion | x, frcommenslanP [enero " 40 [8 PAF ot tank Lev norma [e303 (Fo) ftsue one of tie LP & HP purptol Pte sins amerrores |” |] fou) tree eon pumet | i er fen tn running condition(De€/FO) [tum tine(ee/z0) hor {ute motor bearing ot sump levels |r" P2mal>50x) & oil flow is showing 1% + [sue APH, scanner alr fan, Attesst 1 | [PF FOF are in running (DE/FO) Reena Ens Fon Reming Newnes (oral! Fan, pres stextny ot “pgous throug h Coed ~0K gt sevice water ® Le Pump Pr- OK % He amp A= OK: 4 checks: “ Check A fan gulet damper closed and [blace pitch positien miaimum (DEZFO) Icheck outlet damper after APH of Primary air duct open (08€/20) 6 [Check the primary air path he, from PAF [up to mills & further cl furnace is through (CAD/CAG of atleast 2 to 3 mils shouts be open) ” [Ensure outlet dampers of other PA fan is Ilosed vt i's notin servicoy and interconnection damper in open condition (DE/FO) lo" 8 Ensure PA fan motor cooling fan run |concicton.(0€/FO) 6 ‘start fan ensuring keeping cistance from terminal boxtFO) teas Name ina OOF Name & slgnature(SiC) Lisie YEDANTA LuatTED aq oh Fan, Eno Roravias ASE, Sho TRG nerman, Cond 4 uf amb Pw 0k ibeicds. woker Steed thie TPP 4°600 MW har Start-Up chee sre owe 8 _ PA - FAN~ Parameter Pre Checks ves | aR a oxchects et. fates — sarng [searing | “Cini cw pio PA oad nd No los sea a 1 eben machine eae , [ech tor ot der | opm F028) frei ret witinsosee |e motor coupking guard in place(360 | few wy lense no atsomat sand 2 r = een “ rom Fan oezzr0) fe [neck exsinment earthing condition es lensure ton vibration | foe 2 former) bre] eos ngure manholes of ducts closed. [Fan Bearing temp -- after oe v7] | 4 fromts-30 mts mts uy YS les _ |ee/F0) i Be fone nated ater 1 month of oto winding em fuming enue motor megaring "| | 5 ftom ea | oa las cee etsr0) more ters & protections checking [ator baring emp.afer - lf Pa fan & ts Lube oil system has been 6 ms—-20 mts60 mts ye | Use foo lone cn reser test mode) eesroy [check power supply Healthiness and |e“ 7 leneek tor any airteakage FO)] “| lcs pr baton released (OE/FO) oct nen trenton, presse | male 1B |swtches, RTD: and field instruments | L~ €:|check for any olteakage FO) hay a8 FO) = gnwarulation ening waierire@ ort wave open tor | pi” |» | comRecommendatons | ve AEC Pre pump (FO) Era aro tank evel ral eS esoeyr0) rare ane othe UF & HP pano(al s/s1em) fs in service & other pumps in | Standby. Ensure LP & HP oil pump of ltr fan in rumingceniton\DeE/FO) 4 te fan running contin De FO) fraure motor bearing oll sump level beast flow s showing fern tote /20) |_| —— a ere ar, camerairtan Atos? || | 1FOF are in inning (OE/FO) i Ennunad oe Danan oper fuss § ¥ He Pump feo ag h coabire, OK (check PA fan cutlet damper closed and blade pitch positon minimum (DE/FO) 5 [check outlet dame after APH of Primary at uct open (DeE20) 6 [Gheak the primary ar path he. from PAF lua to mils & farther til femace is through (CAD/CAG of a last 2to 3 mils should be open Ensure outlet campers of other PA fan (lose (fw not in service} ara lnterconmestion doriper in oper condition (OC/FO} 8 lensure Pa ran moter cooing fan running [conditin.(DE/FO) 0 ‘start fen ensuring Keeping stance from "erminal boxF9} sTEAG Name) Signature OP) Name & Signatur) Ess 10 ae VEDANTA Ly gveaanta Te 4x so0im ur A ae oN stea “Weaparaerens —| FDFAN a Famer Yee] me Pex Chas ber. ae. [ote tre [saree | te aS S| | [eorewmd ment machinery near |, 1, |Ohec or outer ps da | ao —— 1 are) lex wan cose ect . Fev tr cating rd (essere. g 2 Finca exec) (etsF0}, Tigieped rg conn joveck equipement. om ” 2 | Ensure fan vibration normal(DeE/FO). cao 3 pest) rare motos of dacs & mummy omaml ge «iSaset weno) 4] meneame ee) | 1 uals |e fess. et iff started after 1 month of Seeergeeeaeace erie ical 5 |sorring ensure motor megering “|s Sect eee loneDet) sory anette | abe | yell sly elses and ir bear tewpate-s0me—~ | pifav | Ptemn'clned Derma) | ~ | | & [mts~-#2ms OED) Bees es eae 7 [eneck tor any at teakage (FO) wale 1 Ftc, Rs and ele stunts ea wero) _ rare not bare um eats | + [ence eran otestage 2 F (rertsonoetroy ei Taare can recreations [ae FOF ot tar eve normal st) [ae SS [retire water 17. & O/L valve one _ forte puma 0) [| aa Erste one ofthe HP purple lyptem) is in service & other pum? in} 1 |santby, tse Ho pum@ of fe fan o running [ndtsonDet/F0} ass ame 2 [Eire APH, scanner a fan are 1 eel [rine oeerro) a v Ee 3 Rieter damper closed 294 — ond ich minimums) 2620) |_| ss Rannig 4 IK. att ie Px el Rena » pyres St esyan ok, HO ees, Oo cond 18 Norv) and interconnection damper jn open condition (DEFOL Ensure al the protections and Jntertack and alarm valueshave |” 16 Tooon checked(Det) start fan ensuring keeping distance Irom terminal boxiFO} Tame & Geert) rane Sea sue se ey eneck outlet damper after APH of 14 Frecandary air duct open {De£/20) Ensure eatiet dampers of other Fotan ie cosed (Hf isnot 9 | | “Sar pert on FDF closed anc a Toe wre men @ machinery near fescrmnr0nl ter coupling sar 0 pee 0ceice FO) ee Ensute ne sbnocal sound rom Fon Parameter i. lan. [oi ring [sate | Tine ule ecpmentenrting condition Ensure fan vibration srml(DeE/F0) FLA s «juror lsd & Furnace peep holes cised. (DeE/FO) 30 mist mts (DeE/FO) ay | Hage iitantssared after 1 month of § |sooping ensure motor megarring lereDet) voto nding temp.~afer-10 mts i mts~60 mts (DeE/FO) \ INotor bearing tem ater-10 mis 30 mes--60 mts (DeE/FO) ‘per supply Healthiness and uton released (DeE/FO) é 2% | 4a |as | ” ‘fiir z = auges, transmitters, pressure heathy (DeE/FO) 1 Pswemetar bearing ot sump (evel is Leneck for any ct leakage (FO) S04(eE/FO) Eure FOF ot tank level normat [\F0) | ——J 2 ofthe HP punptoll in service & other pur 1 (its Ensure HP ol uo of fn in cunning ton|DeE/FO) 49H, scanner ac fan are 19 (Petro) Dutlet damper closed and Ph minimum<58) (DeE/20) Tre Race mmnnclact oY jaroar after APH oF eee) | | “ ho rsa oct daar of ther lroian i closed ff it not in A res) and interconnection dar fn ape candtion (DEMO) Exoure at the protections and Te lngeock nd aloe values have V een eneckedDeE) e % [ siggature(0?) a = igpaturetOP) Name & Stanature(sc) janta TR AEOW Daren, —— Ii he Ce Steag qa watts [enor sn Prenersiorcs | wets | rar Pos Checis [Ber |ath. Desired mimececaa |/)_ | Peeememme poet | Seas 1 peaerrcaes ren FONE) or sec | gt! eh a a pp TN ee cage sea rushes “| | leone no atnrma cana Sereno oa ree ae sre rnetor counting sirdn placeato |. 7 4 [frou fen vation 7 pxatoes 03 O | 14 mguas Tear | — a saa [44 | 3 pes i wt ng seontaciyroatinaminan |“| |, mietearwracenes| | Tg | reese (020) maseeeoy | 28 Reade ima es bs a ry anwemouneanres |=) |e Start | a2 | a9. low (Dee) nts (DeE/Z0) ig L anmaces season a ge iermnncmm conertse|-] || guwtnamtae | C-] v- ae Onieyerimmnion |_| a) © | aicrargebeion FO) | Eeconmsralat |, eee ees | end IGY closed| set towing sytem avaiable) ix | | 6 fontor sei ort sampercreeey : ‘check poner supply availability of cil pump (Dek/Fo) L~ |catlovnng MW opzn coneitionFO) [Era Aunilary steam header ro e [zag water IL & O/L valve open for Support & [guide bearing ad check the fow in view alas (FO) Ifter bor ight up ensure APH blowing tartedDet/r0) (Open the sation and decharge valves ofthe guide lpoeng ube ot pump for the APH to be takenin semicetFO) creck any steam teakages cserved from [oct biwng 0) ‘ran the seton and achaTge valves ofthe SpE berg ube oi pump forthe APH to be taken LH avis. 0) lec inteate APH guide bearing & support bearing tovl in 350% (FO) eck ndcate APH gearbox) ot evel in 20% (FO) J 1 that flue gas flat dampers (4 Nos.| of APH are Vet) sf AH secondary air outlet both dampers ae Net ae Tethat APH prmary ai culet damper fly 6) rhe avalaoty fe fitting tm FO) 1 RTOs (aS tranamiters, pressure switches ee i Mattuments neetiny Wee/FO) VENUS 2 [Jaan ce best od evans tat the ibe i pine dese lang of temperate 85°C le san por ene oh pp ed core hak Bis ee renter pene 0.4 [0.5 wPa.DetiFO) Local guuges, vansmterspresare switches, RTDs lind ld isumets heat (e/FO) 2 check al he ponies far the APH to be started are [raiabe(Dee) 2 ine mp amotar and start APH on at tor and levsure sracth runing of APH fom local (0.24 - 0.28, rpm) and then stopeE/FO) u "Start AP lesrie Nain olor Tom Toca Ran Tor 5 frintes Stop main motor. Scar AIK motor From Lea, & forse is running. FOrDeE) 2 [Star APH elect Mnin oor and pak aaeTry Matar lon imertock mac (auto standby. Stop main motor eneck aux Motor pickup in AutotDeE} [sure all he ratections and terlock and alarm {votes have been checked(DeE) a weet 210°) Name & Rjenatwe Remarks Sis Stas ti OATH Burned APH Rotation OK 8 S:B Pump Sad smh OK “ensured tending Waoterfoow throagh BOK. Pre Checks (ee heck — mi We lersre wark permit on APH closed and ng = Se | Farce Knwanted men & machinery near the ln Yes i ent (FO/DeE) cr ay uc sad cui 1 freeicy so 2 oo rr eoaTe | | ctr {ruse APH all manhole should bein closes ‘i eendtion(FO) el [ah Var lease obaeaF0) a emre motor coupling guard in pace(i0 degreeyroy | ia Fo) 3 Jory ease core 0) | eee freaermer canting conten teatmaroy fe | | haem stiowetecnavin | ) | Eee a8 V power supply is avalable to both APE [reoe Cowen ses] ve motor. (FO) \ | | sfeeremester he rast ne origin | fopesten 0) le sot owing sytem avatable (FO) ©] | 6 peat 2H 01 tempat - | t ie Ere ata seam ead jfotemessy tet of pie OHO) | asroaaieaaieri | ae Fry forever 8 orc vv open ocsupeer eu | |g tere ttopenne evtiwee | 7A fecaetexring and check the fo i ve ass FO) pares Tanne suction ane echarge valves cf the aude | g emtanemtetesentton |. - ) Jeera be el pup forthe APH io be taken Ja town 02 | ferce 0) [ta suction and aiscnarae valves ofthe

feenber) as ful Fre na ab primary avr outlet dare i primary on (F0) Fite theavataby ie tincna stem 0s fags wens press cre © Sleld instruments healthy (D9EF a of APH are .) __ ao ra ary aH AH pTITD TET 48 lemming condison.any dewatin tbe reperted to DEK] | [naineerF0) bart ete Bowring Ube a po ad 19 ocariog temperature 75°C, ot pres ‘star apport bearing Lie ol pnp and ensure that 20 the bearing of venpratre is 75 °, ol resure O47 [0.5 wraoetzr0) jersre ate | 204-05 | t Lact gouges, vansmities, pressure swiches, TD: 21 | sya strarents heathy (OeE/7O) {eck all the sermissne forthe APH tebe sated av | / 22|aahe(Det) ine wp iro’ aod wat Aon a oto and [esate arnt unm ot APA tom local (2.24 0.28 | 23 Ip) and then stopOW€/FO} sar AF elec Wain water a cal Ran Tors rimsts top main metor Start ux motor fom eal | 7 24 lesa ts toning. FOVDEE) [tart RAT acne Ran motor and pt aumlary moter mttrlock re (ut stand top math matr & 25 leneck aux Meter ple up a Ast{Det) Iv Teva ail te reece and weerion and ar 125 flues rave Deen cheese) Ly =o ae “ON 3 Rewards Alter Slashing ehh nyu « a) My Ennurach ATH Relative, Purp Ruwning Norwcl tend, Ven OK 6 SBA 8 ML

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