Heat Exchange in Subsea Flowline PDF
Heat Exchange in Subsea Flowline PDF
Heat Exchange in Subsea Flowline PDF
Yutaek Seo
Thermal analysis
q” : heat flux, Btu/(hr ft2) or W/m2, heat transfer rate in the x direction per
unit area;
k: thermal conductivity of material, Btu/(ft hr oF) or W/(m K);
dT/dx: temperature gradient in the x direction, oF/ft or oC/m.
• When the thermal conductivity of a material is constant along
the wall thickness, the temperature distribution is linear and the
heat flux becomes:
• By applying an energy balance to a 3D differential control
volume and temperature boundary condition, the temperature
distribution may be acquired from the heat diffusion equation:
q : heat generation rate per unit volume of the medium, Btu/(hr ft3) or
r: density of the medium, lb/ft3 or kg/m3;
cp: specific heat capacity, Btu/(lb oF) or kJ/(kg K);
x,y,z: coordinates, ft or m;
t: time, sec.
• For cylindrical coordinates, the heat diffusion equation may be
rewritten as:
r, z: radius and axial directions of cylindrical coordinates;
ϕ : angle in radius direction.
• For most flowline systems, the heat transfer along the axial and
circumferential directions may be ignored and, therefore,
transient heat conduction without a heat source will occur in the
radial direction of cylindrical coordinates.
• For a steady heat transfer, the right side of equation is equal to
• The total heat flow per unit length of cylinder is calculated by
following equation:
r1, r2: inner and outer radii of the cylinder medium, ft or m;
T1, T2: temperatures at corresponding points of r1, r2, oF or oC;
qr: heat flow rate per unit length of cylinder, Btu/(hr ft) or W/m.
Nui : Nusselt number, Nui = (hi Di) / kf
Rei : Reynolds number, Rei = (DiVf ρf) / μf;
Pri : Prandtl number, Pri = Cpf μi / kf ;
n: 0.4 if the fluid is being heated, and 0.3 if the fluid is being cooled;
hi, internal convection coefficient, Di, pipeline inside diameter, kf, thermal
conductivity of the fluid, Vf, velocity of the fluid, ρf , density of the fluid,
Cpf, specific heat capacity of the fluid, μi, viscosity of the fluid
• Therefore,
hi = 0.0255 Rei0.8 Prin kf / Di
which will be used to calculate U-value
• If the flow is laminar (i.e., Re i < 2100), hi may be calculated
using Hausen’s equation as follows:
where, Lo is the distance from the pipe inlet to the point of interest.
• In most pipeline cases, Di/Lo ≈ 0, therefore Equation (14-8)
• For the transition region (2100 < Rei < 104), the heat transfer
behavior in this region is always uncertain because of the
unstable nature of the flow, especially for multiphase flow in
pipeline systems.
• A correlation proposed by Gnielinski may be used to calculate
hi in this region:
where the fiction factor f may be obtained from the Moody diagram
• Typical ranges for internal convection coefficients for turbulent
• Thermal conductivities and specific heat capacities for a variety
of typical oils and gases.
External convection
• The correlation of average external convection coefficient
suggested by Hilpert is widely used in industry:
Nuo : Nusselt number, Nuo = (ho Do) / ko
Reo : Reynolds number, Reo = (DoVo ρo) / μo;
Pro : Prandtl number, Pro = Cpo μo / ko ;
ho, external convection coefficient, Do, pipeline outer diameter, ko, thermal
conductivity of the surrounding fluid, Vo, velocity of the surrounding fluid,
ρo , density of the surrounding fluid, Cpo, specific heat capacity of the
surrounding fluid, μo, viscosity of the surrounding fluid,
C, m: constants, dependent on the Re number range
• When the velocity of surrounding fluid is less than
approximately 0.05 m/s in water and 0.5 m/s in air, natural
convection will have the dominating influence and the following
values may be used:
Qi : convection heat transfer rate at internal surface, Btu/hr or W;
hi : internal convection coefficient, Btu/(ft2 hr oF) or W/(m2 K);
ri : internal radius of flowline, ft or m;
L: flowline length, ft or m;
Ai : internal area normal to the heat transfer direction, ft2 or m2;
Ti : internal fluid temperature, oF or oC;
T1: temperature of flowline internal surface, oF or oC.
• For external convection at the pipeline outer surface, the heat
transfer rate across the surface boundary to the environment is:
Qo : convection heat transfer rate at outer surface, Btu/hr or W;
ho : outer convection coefficient, Btu/(ft2 hr oF) or W/(m2 K);
ro : outer radius of flowline, ft or m;
L: flowline length, ft or m;
Ao: outer area normal to the heat transfer direction, ft2 or m2 ;
To : environment temperature, oF or oC;
T4: outer surface temperature of flowline, oF or oC.
• Conduction in the radial direction of a cylinder can be described
by Fourier’s equation in radial coordinates:
Qr : conduction heat transfer rate in radial direction, Btu/hr or W;
r: radius of cylinder, ft or m;
k: thermal conductivity of cylinder, Btu/(ft hr oF) or W/(m K);
𝜕𝑇/𝜕𝑟: temperature gradient, oF/ft or oC/m.
U: overall heat transfer coefficient based on the surface area A, Btu/ (ft2 hr
oF) or W/ (m2 K);
and the U-value based on the flowline outer surface area Ao is:
ro r ln(r /r ) r ln(r /r ) r ln(r /r ) 1
o 1 i o 2 1 o o 2
ri hi k1 k2 k3 ho
• U-value is a function of many factors, including the fluid
properties and fluid flow rates, the convection nature of the
surroundings, and the thickness and properties of the pipe
coatings and insulation.
• Insulation manufacturers typically use a U-value based on the
outside diameter of a pipeline, whereas pipeline designers use
a U-value based on the inside diameter.
• The relationship between these two U-values is:
Achievable U-Values