Question Bank

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1. The parts of a reflex arc are illustrated in the form of a flow chart.

Fill in the
blank portions and complete the flow chart.



Time : 2 min, Score : 2

2. Appu was taken by fear, on seeing a snake on his way to school and ran back.
i) Which part of the autonomous nervous system controlled the body
activities of Appu in the above situation?
ii) What are the changes that take place in the intestine and eye during the
above situation.

Time : 2 min, Score : 2

3. Which of the following activities take place under the control of the
Urinary bladder contracts, glycogen is converted to glucose,
Gastric activities slow down, production of saliva increases.
Time : 2 min, Score : 1

4. The brain contains a fluid which is formed from and reabsorbed into the blood.
(a) Identify the fluid.
(b) What are the functions of that fluid?

5. A synapse is only the junction between two neurons. Do you agree with this
statement? Why?
2 min, Score : 2

6. Write down the action of the parasympathetic and the sympathetic system in
the following organs.
Eye ------------a--------------- -----------b--------------
Heart -------------c------------- ------------d-------------

Time : 2 min, Score : 2

7. The dorsal root and the ventral root play a significant role in the transmission of
impulses between spinal cord and different parts of the body. Do you agree with
this statement? Justify.
Time : 2 min, Score : 2
8. All reflex actions take place under the control of the spinal cord. Evalute the
statement and justify with suitable examples.
Time : 3 min, Score : 2
9. The flow chart given below indicates the transmission of impulse from one
neuron to another. Complete the flow chart using the data given in the box.
Cell body, neurotransmitter, axon,

synaptic nobe, axonite, dendron

Stimulus dendrite A B C



Time: 3, Score : 3
10. The causes of the diseases of the two syndrome x and y are given below
Accumulation of an Destruction of Destruction of insoluble protein in the
insoluble protein in the neural tissues of neural specialised ganglions in the brain
the brain

a, Idenify the first disease?
b,the deficiency of which neurotransmitter cause the disease in Y?
11. Identify A and B?
b,What is the role of A in the transmission of electric impulses?

12. The illustration of a nerve based on its function is given below.

A Impulses B A - Organ
B-Central nervous system
Identify the nerve that carries impulse to and from A and B?
Time : 2, Score : 2
13. The sympathetic nervous system stimulates all body activities. Its activity
the body to overcome emergency situations.
(a) Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer by citing suitable
Learning Outcome : Identifies the activities of the sympathetic nervous system
evaluates by citing examples. Time : 3 min, Score : 3
14. The illustration given below indicates the transmission of impulses from one
neuron to another. Observe the illustration and answer the following question.

A,identify the part in illustration?

B,which chemical substance was secreted from part A and give one example of
that chemical substance?
15. Analyse the illustration of impulse transmission through axon and answer the
following questions.

a. What are the changes that take place in illustration B when compared to A?
Give reason for this change.
b. Explain how this change brings about the transmission of impulses through
Learning Outcome : Explains the transmission of impulses through axon.
Time : 4 min, Score : 4
16. The disease symptoms of two individuals are given below.
Loss of memory. Inability to Loss of body balance. Irregular
recognize relatives and friends movements of the muscles, Shivering of
the body.

(a) Identify the diseases of idividuals A and B.

(b) Explain the causes of diseases in individual A.

17, Mohan lost his memory and paralyzed after he met with an accident.
a ,which part of mohan’s brain was affected?
B ,how is the brain is protected?
18. Observe the picture and answer the following.
a. Identify A.?
b. What are the peculiarities of the impulses which are transmitted through the
dorsal root and the ventral root?

19. The following figure shows the distribution of ions on either side of the
plasma membrane of the axon. Analyse the figure and answer the following

a) Why is there a difference in charge distribution on either side of the plasma

b) What changes do the stimulus create in the charges on either side of the
plasma membrane? How do these charges get transmitted through the axon as
20. Draw the diagram and label the following parts.
A ,the part which secretes acetylcholine?
B,the part which recives impulses from the adjacent neuron?
C ,the part which carries impulses from cell body to outside?

21. Draw the diagram and label the following parts.

a) The part that helps in the maintenance of homeostasis.

b) That acts as relay station of impulses to and from the cerebrum.
c) The second largest part of the brain.
22. Box A and Box B contains the parts of the brain and related informations
respectively. Analyse the informations in the boxes and complete the table as per
the model cited.
Situated behind the cerebrum
0Cerebellum Controls involuntary actions
Hypothalamus Maintains equilibrium of the body
Medulla oblongata Located near the cerebellum as a rod-shaped structure
maintains homeostasis
situated just below the thalamus

Acts as relay station of impulses

Situated below the cerebrum

HYPOTHALAMU Situated just below the Maintains homeostasis

23. Identify the word pair relationship and fill in the blanks:
1) Sensory nerve : Carries impulses to the spinal cord.
............................... : Carries impulses from the brain to various parts of the body
2,skull :brain
………… :Spinal cord
3,hypothalamus:maintains homeostasis
…………………….:control centre of involuntary actions
24. Identify the correct statements from those given below:
i) The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord.
ii) The peripheral nervous system consists of 31 pairs of cranial nerves and 12
pairs of spinal nerves.
iii) The sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system are parts of the
central nervous system.
iv) The autonomous nervous system which is a part of the peripheral nervous
system helps to overcome the emergency situations
25. Observe the illustration and answer the questions.
A,what action does the illustration depict?
B,identify the parts?
26. Identify the odd one. What is common about others?
a) Touch, light, hunger, sound.
b) Brain, gland, nerves, spinal cord.
c) Breathing, sight, intelligence, hearing.
27. Balu : In the spinal cord and the cerebrum, white matter is seen outside and
greymatter is seen inside.
Ramu : In the cerebrum, the grey matter is seen outside and the white matter is
seen inside,but the spinal cord,the white matter seen outside and grey matter
seen inside.
A ,whose opinoin do you agree with?
B,explain grey matter and white matter?
28,Some symptoms of a disease are given:
(i) Loss of memory
(ii) Inability to recognize friends and relatives
Identify the disease
What is the cause of the disease?
29, find out the correct pair from the following.
Thalamus- maintaince of homeostasis
Medulla oblongata-centre of thought ,intelligence etc
Cerebellum –co-ordinates muscular activities
Cerebrum-relaying of impulses
30, What are the changes that take place in the body during sudden
During an emergency situation During an normal situation
Heart beat inceases
Breathing rate decreses

1. A-Receptor
B- Sensory neuron
C-Inter neuron
D-Moto rneuron
2.i) sympathetic system and the
parasympathetic system.
ii) The pupil in the eye dilates and Peristalsis in the
intestine slows down.
3. Production of saliva increases , Urinary bladder
4.a)cerebrospinal fluid
b) The functions of the cerebrospinal fluid are to
provide nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the
brain, regulate the pressure inside the brain andto
protect the brain from injuries.
Synapse is only the junction between two neurons
or a neuron and a muscle cell or a neuron and a
glandular cell. Synapse helps to regulate the speed
and direction of impulses.
6.a-The pupil constricts.
b-The pupil in the eye dilates.
c-Heart beat becomes normal.
d-Heart beat increases.
Sensory impulses reach the spinal cord through
the dorsal root. Motor impulses go out of the spinal
cord through the ventral root. Impulses from
different parts of the body are transmitted to the
brain through the spinal cord. The spinal cord
coordinates the rapid and repeated movements
during walking, running etc.
8. No, all reflexes are not under the control of the
spinal corActivities that take place beyond the
conscious level are controlled by the autonomous
nervous system, a part of the peripheral nervous
system. The endocrine system is also associated
with the nervous system for performing this
b-cell body
e-synaptic knob
10.a, Alzheimer's
b, dopamine
11.A,a-mylein sheath
b-schawnn cell
B, The major functions of the myelin sheath are
to provide nutrients and oxygen to the axon,
accelerate impulses, act as an electric insulator and
protect the axon from external shocks.
12.Cranial nerves

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