Kochi PMC Monthly Progress Report - June 2019

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Cochin Smart Mission Limited

PMC to Implement
Area Based Development


Kochi Smart City

June 2019
Monthly Progress Report

Monthly Progress Report

1565/MPR- 16(16/30)/June 2019/R0

Project Management Consultant (PMC)

to implement Area Based Development

Smart City Kochi

Cochin Smart Mission Limited, CSML

Cochin Smart Mission Limited, 9h Floor, Revenue Tower, KSHB, Opposite Ernakulam Boat
Jetty, Ernakulam

Project Management Consultant (PMC) to Implement Area

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Monthly Progress Report


This report (including any enclosures and attachments) has been prepared by IPE Global Limited (IPE Global) in JV with
Haskoning DHV Consulting Private Limited (HDC) for the exclusive use by Cochin Smart Mission Limited (CSML) and solely for
the purpose for which it is provided. IPE Global in JV with HDC does not accept any liability if this report is used for an alternative
purpose from which it is intended, nor to any third party in respect of this report. IPE Global

in JV with HDC has used reasonable skill and care in checking the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of information
obtained from the public domain or from external sources in the report. IPE Global in JV with HDC assumes no responsibility for
such information. IPE Global in JV with HDC does not accept responsibility for any legal, commercial or other consequences that
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Monthly Progress Report


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... 5

1 STATUS AS ON 30TH JUNE 2019.................................................................................................................. 8

1.1 STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS CONDUCTED ................................................................................................. 12

1.2 SITE VISITS .............................................................................................................................................. 14
1.3 BRIEF SUMMARY OF KEY MEETINGS ....................................................................................................... 19

2 STATUS OF ABD PROJECTS ...................................................................................................................... 21

2.1 STATUS OF ABD PROJECTS ...................................................................................................................... 21

2.1.1 DEVELOPMENT OF OTHER ROADS IN ERNAKULAM ............................................................................. 27
2.1.2 DEVELOPMENT OF SMART ROADS IN ERNAKULAM ............................................................................. 28
2.1.3 DEVELOPMENT OF SMART ROADS IN WEST KOCHI .............................................................................. 31
2.1.4 INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(ITMS) .................................................................... 33
2.1.5 SOLAR ROOFTOP PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS ............................................................. 36
2.1.6 HOUSEHOLD BINS AND BINS IN PUBLIC PLACES ............................................................................. 39
2.1.7 PUBLIC BIKE SHARING IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS .................................................................... 43
2.1.8 CANCER BLOCK- GENERAL HOSPITAL .............................................................................................. 49
2.1.9 E-HEALTH SOLUTION FOR GENERAL HOSPITAL ............................................................................... 50
2.1.10 INTEGRATED COMMAND CONTROL & COMMUNICATION CENTER ............................................ 56
2.2 UPDATED INTEGRATED PROJECTIVISATION ........................................................................................... 59
2.4 OVERALL PROGRESS ............................................................................................................................... 71
2.5 SECTOR PROGRESS ................................................................................................................................. 71
2.6 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................ 73

3 WAY FORWARD ...................................................................................................................................... 91

3.1 KEY CONCERNS ....................................................................................................................................... 91

3.2 ISSUES AND CONCERNS .......................................................................................................................... 91
3.3 IMMEDIATE SUPPORT REQUIRED ........................................................................................................... 91
3.4 WAY FORWARD FOR FEW PROJECTS ...................................................................................................... 94
3.5 OVERALL STAKEHOLDER ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................. 95

4 SMART CITY PROJECTS IN MEDIA COVERAGE .......................................................................................... 97

ANNEXURES ................................................................................................................................................. 100

ANNEXURE 1: STAKEHOLDER MEMOS............................................................................................................. 100

ANNEXURE 2: LIST OF PROJECTS UNDER IMPLEMENTATION BY SPV............................................................... 107

List of Tables

TABLE 1-1: STATUS OF PROJECTS IN PROGRESS ....................................................................................................... 8

TABLE 1-3 SUMMARY OF SITE VISITS CONDUCTED DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE 2019 ................................................. 14

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TABLE 2-1: ACTION FOR KMC TO ENABLE TENDERING BY END OF DECEMBER 2019 .................................................... 48
TABLE 3-1: PROJECTS REQUIRING STAKEHOLDER ASSISTANCE .................................................................................. 93
TABLE 3-2: PROJECTS PROPOSED TO BE DROPPED FROM CENTRAL MIS ................................................................ 94


FIGURE 1-1 ON STREET PARKING – SANMUGHAM ROAD .......................................................................................... 17

FIGURE 1-2 BUS STAND AT K.B JACOB ROAD FORT KOCHI ...................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 1-3 SMART ROAD PROJECT WORK UNDER PROGRESS AT JOS JN. .................................................................. 17
FIGURE 1-4 SITE CLEARANCE WORK AT ABRAHAM MADAMAKKAL ROAD..................................................................... 17
FIGURE 1-6 SMART ROAD PROJECT WORK UNDER PROGRESS AT JOS JN. .................................................................. 18
FIGURE 1-7 MIX DESIGN AND SAMPLE CUBE CASTED AT RMC PLAN ........................................................................... 18
FIGURE 1-9 DRAIN CLEANING WORK AT W EST KOCHI ............................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 1-10 UTILITY SHIFTING WORK AT W EST KOCHI ............................................................................................. 18
FIGURE 1-11 KICK OFF MEETING NETWORKING - E- HEALTH .................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 2-1 LOCATION MAP- SMART ROAD ERNAKULAM .......................................................................................... 31
FIGURE 2-2 SMART ROAD - W EST KOCHI ............................................................................................................... 33
FIGURE 2-3 INSTALLATION OF SOLAR PANEL AT GENERAL HOSPITAL ......................................................................... 38
FIGURE 2-4SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION W ORK AT FIRE STATION, GANDHINAGAR ....................................................... 38
FIGURE 2-5 PANEL INSTALLATION OF TOWN HALL.................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 2-6PANEL INSTALLATION OF CENTRAL OFFICE, KSEB ................................................................................. 38
FIGURE 2-7PANEL INSTALLATION OF CENTRAL OFFICE, KSEB ................................................................................ 38
FIGURE 2-8GOVT. HIGH SCHOOL, EDAPALLY .......................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 2-9 COURT COMPLEX ERNAKULAM ............................................................................................................. 38
FIGURE 2-10 HOUSEHOLD BINS ............................................................................................................................. 40
FIGURE 2-12 ERNAKULUM MARKET REDEVELOPMENT – PROJECT PLANNING ............................................................. 47
FIGURE 2-13 ACTION TO BE TAKEN PRIOR TO TENDERING OF THE PROJECT ................................................................ 47
FIGURE 2-14 LOCATION OF PROPOSED CANCER BLOCK ........................................................................................... 50
FIGURE 2-15 STRUCTURAL OUTLINE OF E-HEALTH SOLUTION ................................................................................... 52
FIGURE 2-16 IDENTIFICATION OF TOURISM PROJECTS .............................................................................................. 55
FIGURE 2-17 INTEGRATION OF SMART SOLUTIONS WITH IC4 .................................................................................... 58

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Monthly Progress Report

The smart city proposal of Kochi submitted for Smart Cities Challenges aims at integrating the
Fort Kochi & Mattancherry area with Central City Area through Water Metro. Thematic areas
for interventions under smart cities mission in Kochi are
• Seamless Mobility
• Reconstitution of Urban Form
• World Class Urban Services & Inclusive Development
• Revival of Identity and Culture

The Smart City proposal of Kochi has adopted retrofitting as the strategy for development
under the Mission. The vision for Kochi is to transform Kochi ABD, into a sustainable, inclusive
and economically vibrant city of opportunities with efficient urban services, traditional
hospitality and smart governance.
a) Area Based Development (ABD) projects

Area Based Development (ABD) as part of Smart City development consists of parts of five
wards west Kochi (1,2,3,4 and 5) and parts of three wards of mainland of KMC (62,66 & 67),
with a total area of 1024.16 acres. There are currently are 51 ABD projects under 18 modules
worth a total cost of Rs. 1218.46 Crores. Of these 13 projects are those where project scope
is being discussed and confirmed by the stakeholders

The overall status of ABD projects is as follows:

(Amount in INR Crore)

Source of funding / status Project Cost /SCP cost No of Projects

Under implementation by various other agencies
Other Sources 854.96 21
DPR Under Preparation (ABD) 83.75 10
DPR Under Preparation (PAN CITY) 621.00 1
Project Completed (ABD) 4.78 2
Project Completed (PAN CITY) 25.00 1
Tender Issued 96.00 2
Work order issued/Project Under Implementation 24.43 5
Under implementation by Smart City SPV
PPP 314.48 4
DPR Prepared 1.00 1
DPR Under Preparation 1.90 1
Projects Awarded/Under Implementation 10.00 1
Projects under Tender Evaluation 301.58 1
SCM 903.98 47
Convergence Housing 34.00 2
DPR Prepared 22.67 7
DPR Under Preparation 161.80 10
Feasibility stage 62.85 1

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Projects Awarded/Under Implementation 308.18 13

Projects under Tender Evaluation 220.10 4
Tender Cancelled 4.90 1
Tender Issued 60.44 2
To be re-tendered 29.04 7

Note: Detailed list provided in annexure. There are 13 projects where scope is under discussion with
stakeholders. Their cost and number not added above.

*information as per data provided by Tourism dept, KWA and KMC

Pan City projects

Pan city projects are convergence projects and being implemented by stakeholders. As part of SCP two projects
were proposed as Pan City projects. Smart Card - Kochi 1 is a PPP project and implemented by KMRL. 24 X 7
WATER SUPPLY is being taken up by KWA for implementation.

Source of Fund No of Projects Project Estimated Cost (If any) or SCP cost
Project Completed 1 25
Other Sources
DPR to be prepared 1 621
Grand Total 2 646
Note: * As data received from KWA

Status of Smart City Mission Kochi as on 30th June 2019

Central Assistance Central Assistance Released

Total Project Cost-
Rs. 196 cr
including convergence Approved
State Grant Released
Rs 2205.64 cr Rs. 500 cr Rs 200 cr

Tender Issued (Ongoing)- Work Order issued/under

SPV implementation - SPV

Projects 7 Projects 14
Cost Rs. 582.12 cr Cost Rs. 318.18 cr

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Monthly Progress Report DPR Revised BoQ/Estimates

(1 Report, May 2019) (3 Projects) (2- West Kochi Road–

Div.(1&2) and Div.(3,4 & 5))

Project (Stakeholder)
Boq/Estimates meetings Supervision - Site Visits
(1 combined for 2 (14 Nos) (35 Nos)

RFP Submitted
Site Visits
(2- West Kochi Road –
(8 Nos)
Div(1&2) and Div(3,4 & 5))


Situation Analysis Report Monthly Progress Reports Feasibility Reports

(1 Report) (19 Reports) (39 Projects)

Detailed Project Reports EoI & related Reports RFP/Tender Submitted

(34 Projects) (2 Projects) (30 Projects)

Tender Issued Draft BERs prepared Draft CERs prepared

(30 Projects) (24 Projects) (14 Projects)

Concept Note EIA Reports

(1 Project) (5 Projects)

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In the month of June, the Smart City team worked on Bid evaluation of the tendered
projects, BoQ preparation of Open Space & Playground and Museum of Freedom Struggle
and revision in BoQ for the West Kochi Road project (Div. 1&2 and Div 3,4 &5). Detailed
Project Report for Open Space, Anganwadi, and Museum for Freedom Struggle has been
The status of projects under Smart City is given below;
Table 1-1: Status of Projects in progress

Sl Project Name Cost in Status Date of Date of

No INR Cr. Submission Submission
of of DPR
1. Smart Water solutions - Smart 1.00 Feasibility report preparation
Metering and smart valves for all under progress.
connections in ABD
2. Rainwater structures in 13 Govt 0.75 Feasibility Report submitted 21-03-2018 Now under
bldgs & Institutions convergence
3. Improvements to sewer 154.50 Project Tendered 07-02-2018/ 20-02-2019/
collection system for West Kochi 11-09-2018 28-02-2019/
4. Improvements to sewer 34.50 Renamed - As Elamkulam
collection system for Mainland STP INR 13 Cr. taken up by
KWA. Scope for mainland to
be confirmed by KWA
5. Development of Other Roads in 43.60 LOA issued on 9th April 2019 10-08-2018 30-08-2018
Ernakulam ABD
6. Development of Other Roads in 60.20 Project to be Re-tendered 10-08-2018 30-08-2018
West Kochi
7. MLCP and at Kacheripady 6.16 Project to be re-tendered 06-02-2018/ 07-02-2019
8. Commercial complex at 5.00 Scope to be confirmed by
Kacheripady stakeholder
9. MLCP at GCDA 10.00 Scope to be confirmed by
stakeholder. Post confirmation
on scope work on proposal
shall begin
10. MLCP at KTDC 7.00 Scope to be confirmed by
stakeholder. Post confirmation
on scope work on proposal
shall begin
11. Smart Parking Solutions in ABD 1.90 DPR under preparation 07-10-2018
12. Development of Smart Roads in 61.53 LOA issued on 9th April 2019 10-08-2018 30-08-2018
13. Development of Smart Roads in 30.31 LOA issued on 9th April 2019 10-08-2018 30-08-2018
West Kochi
14. Intelligent Traffic Management 26.90 Contract Agreement signed on 02-02-2018 06-02-2018
Systems (ITMS) 16th May 2019
15. Road Signages for ABD 2.40 DPR Submitted 15-02-2019 18-02-2019
16. FOBs - West Kochi (3 Nos) 2.15 DPR under preparation 27-09-2018
17. Development of Smart Roads 63.40 Project to be re-tendered 10-08-2018 30-08-2018
electrical infrastructure in
Ernakulam & West Kochi under
Smart City Mission

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Sl Project Name Cost in Status Date of Date of

No INR Cr. Submission Submission
of of DPR
18. Implementation of Smart LED 32.09 Tender published and bids 12-02-2018 17-02-2018
lighting in ABD submitted. Bid evaluation
under progress
19. Intelligent Street Poles (PPP) 301.58 Tender has been floated. 08-02-2018/ 15-11-2018/
Technical Bid evaluation 01-03-2018 08-02-2019
under progress
20. Solar panels in Govt. buildings 5.70 Contract awarded. Project 02-02-2018 07-02-2018
under implementation.
21. Solar panels in canals and 0.50 Project to be developed with
backwaters Canal project proposals
22. Smart & Improved Secondary 4.4 Project to be re-tendered. 14-02-2018 20-03-2019
Storage & Transportation of
Solid Waste using Portable
Compactor Technology
23. Smart & Improved Battery- 1.00 DPR submitted 26-02-2018 28-02-2018
Operated Tricycles for Primary
Waste Collection at West Kochi
& Ernakulam in ABD Area
24. Smart & Improved Mechanised 3.2 Project to be re-tendered. 20-03-2018 20-03-2018
Street Sweeping at West Kochi
& Ernakulum in ABD area
25. Distribution of Household Bins & 0.67 LOA issued on 8th May 2019 07-02-2018 28-02-2018
Street Litter Bins for
improvement of waste
segregation in ABD Area
26. Public toilets in West Kochi & 1.80 Tender issued Technical Bid 27-09-2018 13-02-2019
Ernakulam evaluation under progress
27. Development of Open Space 2.50 DPR Prepared 26-03-2019 18-06-2019
and Playground in ABD
28. Improvements to Marine Drive 7.10 Tender issued 03-11-2018 11-11-2018/
Walkway Phase I 04-02-2019/

29. Mangalavanam Eco-restoration 1 Scope to be confirmed by

project stakeholder. Post confirmation
on scope work on proposal
shall begin
30. Restoration of Mullassery canal 1 DPR under preparation 02-03-2019
- including linking of
standardized area drains
31. Restoration of Market canal - 5 DPR under preparation 02-03-2019
Walkways and Market square
around the canal pond, Solar
paneled roofs, LED Lighting,
Light posts
32. Restoration of Kalvathy canal 20 DPR under preparation 02-03-2019
and area drain improvement -
Open spaces, Street furniture
and landscaping features
33. Restoration of Rameswaram- 15 DPR under preparation 02-03-2019
Kalvathy canal - Upto Cochin
college – Walkways and Linking
the Canal Bank Road
34. Bicycle Sharing (PPP) 10 Contract awarded. 02-03-2018
Work under implementation
35. Walkway from Ekm Jetty to 4.70 Word awarded
Metro station Under implementaion

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Sl Project Name Cost in Status Date of Date of

No INR Cr. Submission Submission
of of DPR
36. Integrated Command, Control 64.5 LoA has been issued. Project 15-05-2018 20-05-2018
and Communication Centre kick off meeting took place on
(IC4) 6th May 2019
37. Extend ‘Smart Wi-Fi bus 0.60 Scope to be confirmed by
shelters’ with LED bulbs, FM stakeholder. Post confirmation
radio, USB drive slots, on scope work on proposal
magazine/newspaper kiosks, shall begin
mobile charger units
38. Standard Wifi Enabled Bus 3 Scope to be confirmed by
Stands With Commercial space stakeholder. Post confirmation
development on scope work on proposal
shall begin
39. Integrated redevelopment of 46.85 KMC to confirm scope.
Slum housing Project preparation will require
time. Minimum 3-4 months for
DPR & tender preparation
depending on project scope.
Hence to enable tendering and
implementation within SCM
duration confirmation on
scope to be shared by KMC at
the earliest.R&R will require
additional time. With limited
SCM duration. Confirmation
on scope needs to be
40. Beneficiary LED Housing 13.00 KMC to confirm list of
beneficiares. KMC to share
gap funding required and final
list of beneficiaries.
41. Improvement of connectivity for 5.15 Bridge & social infrastructure 27-09-2018
Thuruthy through construction project proposed under SCM.
of Bridges & FOBs Feasibility report submitted.
In principle agreed in 1
December 18 meeting with
DUA. DPR under preparation
42. Construction of First tower at 21.00 KMC to share revised AS & TS
Thuruthy with CSML. Accordingly CSML
to confirm fund committed for
housing projects for KMC
43. Construction of Second tower at 35.00 KMC to confirm scope post
Thuruthy completion of household
surveys being conducted by
Project preparation will require
time. Minimum 3-4 months for
DPR & tender preparation
depending on project scope.
Hence to enable tendering and
implementation within SCM
duration confirmation on
scope to be shared by KMC at
the earliest.R&R will require
additional time. With limited
SCM duration. Confirmation
on scope needs to be
44. Broadway Street 10 Feasibility report submitted 15-10-2018

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Sl Project Name Cost in Status Date of Date of

No INR Cr. Submission Submission
of of DPR
DPR under preparation. KMC
to share list of hawkers and
carry out R&R.
45. Ernakulam Market 100 Feasibility report submitted 15-09-2018
Redevelopment+ Escalator DPR under preparation. KMC
FOBs+ Elevated Walkways and to share list of vendors &
Travelators hawkers and also identify land
for transit shops.
46. Mattancherry spice market Scope under discussion with
Redevelopment stakeholders. Soft
improvements already
proposed along with road
47. Standard Hawker zones in Fort 5.60 Petti kada draft design ready
Kochi + Standardize structures KMC to share final list of
for "Petti Kada" licensed hawkers. The Hawker
Zones Project is included
under Fort Kochi Beach
improvements project.
48. Scale up of GH into a Super- 26.00 LoA Issued to INKEL 10-07-2018
Specialty care centres (Cancer
49. New Block at Fort Kochi Taluk 4.65 Tender issued 28-02-2018 17-03-2018/
Hospital 30-10-2018

50. New Block of Mattancherry 4.57 Tender issued 28-02-2018 28-03-2018

Women & Children Hospital 13-11-2018

51. E-health solutions for selected 3.71 LoA issued. 15-09-2018 20-12-2018/
hospitals Contract Agreement to be 07-02-2019
52. Upgradation of Anganwadi 2.00 DPR under preparation 06-04-2019 26-06-2019
Centres in West Kochi
53. Higher secondary block, Central 4.67 Project to be re-tendered 28-02-2018 15-07-2018/
Calvathy GHSS, Fort Kochi 03-12-2018

54. Smart Classroom for 100 4.90 Tendered cancelled 05-02-2018 09-02-2018
classrooms PAN city
55. Safety & Security CCTV 14.56 DPR Submitted 21-01-2019 21-03-2019
56. Upgradation of Community 1.00 As per KMC to community
Centre at Mattancherry with centre avaialbe requiring
indoor sports facilities upgradation. Hence project
may be dropped. KMC to
confirm formally.
57. Open Air Theatre at Fort Kochi 1.30 Tender issued 14-Aug-18 06-02-2019
Zonal office Rev- 10-Oct-

58. Development of Dutch palace 1.10 20-12-2018 20-02-2019

node parking area and palace Tender issued
street entry
59. Fort Kochi Beach Front 1.71 28-02-2019
improvements - Part A Vasco Project to be re-tendered
60. Museums of Freedom Struggle 1.20 21-06-2019
Feasibility report Submitted.
61. Museum of Spices 1.50

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Sl Project Name Cost in Status Date of Date of

No INR Cr. Submission Submission
of of DPR
62. Development of Ethnic Food 1.00 28-02-2019
Hub & Dutch Quay Upgradation
63. Fort Kochi Beach Front 8.42
improvements - Part B Walkway
& Beach
64. Mattancherry Walkway 11.00
65. Art Installations in Kochi / 1.00 Feasibility report under
Cultural Corridor- PT Usha preparation
66. Spatial Mapping of assets and 0.40 Detailed Project Report 21-12-2018
SCADA systems for Information submitted on 21st December
gathering with monitoring 2018. KMC is taking up the
centres project based on scope
shared. KMC to tender the
project at the earliest.





294.97 294.97

200 128.07 128.07 126.83
5.77 5.77 5.77
0 1.9 1.9 3.47 5.6 5.6
Sept-Dec Jan- Mar Apr-June Jul- Sept Oct-Dec Jan- Mar Apri- Jul- Sept Oct-Dec Jan- Mar April - Jul-Sept
17 18 18 18 18 19 June 19 19 19 20 Jun 20 20


Stakeholder meetings conducted in the month of June are as follows:

Table 1-2: Summary on Stakeholder Consultations by PMC team during the month of June 2019

S. Date of Module Stakeholder Concerned Person Agenda Remarks

No Consultati Content Consultation in the Department Discussion by
on PMC Team
1. 07-06- Open KWA Mr. Anil Kumar, Discuss the Detailed Project
2019 Space Superintendent proposed Components &
Engineer, KWA development in interventions
water tank (Reconstruction of Guard
premises. room & Compound wall,
Lighting & Landscaping

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S. Date of Module Stakeholder Concerned Person Agenda Remarks

No Consultati Content Consultation in the Department Discussion by
on PMC Team
works) at water tank area
(Restricted area) and
getting a confirmation.
2. 07-06- Water KWA Mr. Anil Kumar, Smart Water Discuss regarding the
2019 Supply Superintendent meter implementation of Smart
Engineer, KWA Water Meter project and
to collect single line
diagram for Pipelines
3. 10.06.2019 Urban IG Office Officials from IG Handing over Visited IG Office to hand
Mobility Office the permission over the permission letter
4. 12-06- Education Fort Kochi Fort Kochi Zonal Kalwathy School To Submit the building
2019 Zonal Office Office Plan permit for Kalwathy
5. 12-06- UGSS KWA AEE, KWA Elamkulam STP To collect the data for an
2019 existing STP and
treatment plant
6. 13-06- Water KWA AEE, KWA Data related to Fund details for
2019 Supply fund details for convergence projects
convergence have been collected
7. 14-06- UGSS KWA AEE, KWA Collection of To collect the data related
2019 Data for Sewer to canal area and sewer
line line
8. 14-06- E-health General Superintendent, Network Discussion were made for
2019 Hospital Officials from implementation the implementation of
Keltron, BSNL, at General MPLSVPN Network and
Opterna Hospital no of nodes identified in
survey. Detailed minutes
of the Meeting were
attached in the annexure
9. 24-06- Urban Police DCP PBS locations & Detailed discussion were
2019 Mobility Department ITMS project made for ITMS project
and regarding location
permission for PBS
10. 24-06- CCTV Police IG of Police & DCP Discussed Detailed discussion were
2019 Department regarding CCTV done for scope of CCTV
project projects. IG informed that
new locations for
installation will be
provided by Police
Department. Detailed
minutes of the meeting
were attached in the
11. 25-06- Smart KMC Shiny Mathew Discussion Chairman, Town planning
2019 Poles regarding Smart Standing Committee,
Pole KMC, Mrs. Shiny Mathew
appreciated the proposal
for the implementation of
Smart Pole and
suggested that it should
be presented to the
council members for final
approval. A suitable time
for the same will be
12. 28-06- Smart KMRL Mr. Adarsh Kumar Traffic The proposal is good, for
2019 Road (Sr. DGM-UT) Management understanding the
measure and feasibility a discussion

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S. Date of Module Stakeholder Concerned Person Agenda Remarks

No Consultati Content Consultation in the Department Discussion by
on PMC Team
Bus Movement with the RTO for Fort
Reversal Kochi is required.
Measures at Fort The meeting with the RTO
Kochi - K. B. Office was arranged for
Jacob- Bellar- discussion of the
Amaravthi Road proposal.
13. 28-06- Smart RTO Office- Mr. Shaji Madhavan Traffic The proposal is feasible
2019 Road Mattancherry (Joint RTO) Management and can be taken up with
and Bus the other stakeholders for
Movement discussion and
Reversal implementation.
Measures at Fort
Kochi - K. B.
Jacob- Bellar-
Amaravthi Road.

Hard Copy of the

proposal was
submitted for
14. 29-06- Smart Hayat RTO, Ernakulam Junction Discussed regarding the
2019 Road improvement & Junction improvement &
Traffic Traffic improvement
improvement measure at High court
measure at High junction which is being
court Junction undertaken in Smart City


In the month of June following site visits and supervision visits have been taken up by PMC:

Table 1-3 Summary of site visits conducted during the month of June 2019

S Date Site Visited Agenda for Site visit Location Notes from site visit
03-06-2019 Jos junction to Taking over of site Ernakulam Site was not ready to be taken
1. Railway station from DMRC over as the drainage works were
not complete in LHS side.
Instruction given to DMRC
engineer for completing the
works and handing over of site
after removing C&D waste
06-06-2019 STP Location Site visit West Kochi Site visit with probable bidder.
2. West Kochi Explained the project at site and
detailed proposal
06-06-2019 Thammnam Prefabricated Ernakulam To see the prefabricated
3. Construction construction of the building at
Thammanam Pulleppady road.
07-06-2019 Shanmugham On-Site Parking Site Ernakulam On-Street parking is
4. Road Assessment predominant in the area and is
not organized. The stretch is to
be developed as smart road and
requires shifting of the on-street
parking to achieve the required
17-06-2019 K. B. Jacob Bus route- West Kochi The K. B. Jacob - Bellar Road
5. Road, Bus Stand Identification. has multiple conflicting zones
@ Fort Kochi, K. created by the movement of
B. Jacob & pedestrians, improper queuing

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S Date Site Visited Agenda for Site visit Location Notes from site visit
Amaravathi Identification of of Ro-Ro Commuters, Buses
Road - Bus number of auto waiting at the junction for
Route, Auto rickshaws parked in alighting and boarding, and
stand the auto stand. private vehicle movement.
The existing bus circulation in
the area was identified and
marked on the map.
General feedback on the existing
bus movement in the area was
noted from the conversation with
the bus drivers parked at the bus
The number of autos parked in
the area was observed and
20-06-2019 Shanmugham Pilot Survey Ernakulam On-Street parking (afternoon) -
6. Road Parking Shanmugham pilot survey

21-06-2019 Shanmugham Pilot Survey Ernakulam On-Street parking (morning) -

7. Road Parking Shanmugham pilot survey
Road The pilot survey was conducted
for 2 hours in the morning
25-06-2019 K. B. Jacob • Feasibility check on West Kochi • The K. B. Jacob - Bellar Road
Road, Bus Stand the proposed bus has multiple conflicting zones
@ Fort Kochi, K. reversal and created by the movement of
B. Jacob & rearrangement of pedestrians, improper queuing
Amaravathi the bus stand of Ro-Ro Commuters, Buses
Road - Bus facility waiting at the junction for
Circulation -
Auto Stand, • The feedback from alighting and boarding, and
the auto rickshaw private vehicle movement.
Junction, Veli operators on the • The traffic at Aspin
Junction existing facility. Wall Junction was found to be
• Trafficvolume at minimal.
AspinWall Junction • Veli Junction the existing bus
stop location needs to be
shifted. Multiple bus stops
along the stretch needs

Table 1-4 Summary of supervision of sites conducted during the month of June 19

S Date Site Visited Agenda for Site visit Location Notes from site visit
06-06-2019 KB Jacob Road Site meeting West Kochi Site meeting conducted with M/s
1. ABC builders for mobilizing and
starting the works.
12-06-2019 Karuvelipady To check the leakage West Kochi Leakage was reported due to
2. Hospital installation of Solar panels. The
same has been rectified by the
13-06-2019 RMC batching Mix design Ambalamugal Done the mix design and sample
3. plant, cube casted at RMC plant
13-6-2019 Jos Junction Site Supervision of Ernakulam • Initial levels taken upto ch 50
4. 15-6-2019 the construction of • Earth cutting and levelling
Footpath started
• Quarry muck laid to raise the
levels to the required limit.
• GSB laid till the drain top level

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S Date Site Visited Agenda for Site visit Location Notes from site visit
17-06-2019- Jos Junction Site Supervision of Ernakulam • GSB laid after ch 50
5. 22-06-2019 the construction of • GSB cutting for landscaping
Footpath ch 50
• Pit taken for fixing kerb stone
• GSB cutting for drop off zone
and bike parking
17-06-2019- Abraham Site supervision for Ernakulam Setting out of Pile as per the
6. 22-06-2019 Madamakkal Implementation of revised Pile layout completed for
Road Smart Road at outer piles. Tree cutting and
Ernakulam girth verified at site. Road
encroachment removal started
18-06-2019 Smart Roads Survey West Kochi Site inspection of survey works
7. West Kochi at KB Jacob road. Cross
checked the topo points.
Instruction given for closing the
traverse for KB Jacob road.
20-06-2019 Smart Roads Survey, drain West Kochi Site inspection of survey works
8. West kochi cleaning at KB Jacob road. Instructed to
set up TBM at every 100/200
meter chainage, supervision of
drain cleaning
21-06-2019 Smart Roads Utility shifting West Kochi Inspected the site with Utility
9. West Kochi expert to explore the
possibilities of starting the works
with minimal utility shifting. (KB
Jacob road and Amaravathy
24-6-19 Jos Junction Site Supervision of Ernakulam • Lamp pole position fixed
10. 29-6-19 the construction of • Manual excavation near HT
Footpath cable
• Excavation for gully pipe
• Excavation for light pole
24-06-2019- Abraham Site supervision for Ernakulam Checked the centre line of
11. 29-06-2019 Madamakkal Implementation of Road. Took the initial levels and
Road Smart Road at rejected. Eviction completed
Ernakulam between the bridge and High
court Jn.
25-06-2019 K. B. Jacob Cross checking the West Kochi Site inspection with Architect
12. Road, River contractor centreline and draftsman to plan the street
Road & marking scapping, utility temporary
Amaravathi shifting locations and street
Road furniture locations.
28-6-2019 Smart Roads Utility shifting , drain West Kochi Meeting with KSEB engineers
13. West Kochi cleaning and KWA engineers regarding
utility shifting. Supervision of
drain cleaning

Photographs for existing conditions of the sites visited.

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Figure 1-1 On Street Parking – Sanmugham Road

Figure 1-2 Bus Stand at K.B Jacob Road Fort Kochi

Figure 1-3 Smart Road project work under progress at Jos Jn .

Figure 1-4 Site clearance work at Abraham Madamakkal Road

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Figure 1-5 Centreline marking and cleaning work of existing Storm Water drain at West Kochi

Figure 1-6 Smart Road project work under progress at Jos Jn.

Figure 1-7 Mix design and sample cube casted at

RMC plan

Figure 1-8 Drain cleaning work at West Kochi Figure 1-9 Utility shifting work at West Kochi

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1. Kick-Off Meeting for Network for e-Health on 12 & 14th June, 2019.
The LoA for implementation of e-Health at General Hospital has been issued to KELTRON.
To implement e-Health solution which has been developed by the State, IT infrastructure
of the General Hospital, Ernakulam will be upgraded through this project. The two broad
components of the projects are as follows:
➢ Installation of MPLS VPN(GPON) Network.
➢ Procurement of Workstations and Computer Hardware for e- Health implementation.
KELTRON has awarded the work of installation of Network to BSNL. In this regard a kick
off meeting were held on 12th June & 14th June 2019.
Dr. Haneesh Meerasa, Asst. Surgeon General Hospital welcome the Officials and
suggested that the project should be completed within timelines. The key points for
implementation of network installation were discussed in detail which are as follows:
• On behalf of BSNL,Opterna Technologies will carry out a final survey at GH Ernakulam
for finalizing the networking locations and number of nodes.
• BSNL DGM has informed that they will start networking works after conducting final
survey and support required from GH Ernakulam for electrical connection.
• A technical team for coordinating the project implementation has been formed and
team comprises following members:
a. CSML & PMC - Binnya Joseph, Korath V.Mathew,
b. BSNL - Sudha Anandkumar, Harikrishnan K S
c. Keltron - Arun Hareendran, Ratheesh A.R
d. Opterna - Keshav Thampi
e. GH EKM - Dr.Anitha A, Dr.Cyriac P Joy, Dr.Junaid, Dinesh Kumar V
• CSML will bear the first-year payment for the networking and next year onwards BSNL
will provide an annual bill and hospital has to do the payment.
• It was suggested by Superintendent, General Hospital, a presentation should also be
given to the Doctors of General Hospital pertaining to project scope of work and also
feedback from Doctors should be taken for finalisation of Data & Voice Nodes.
A presentation was made to the Doctors of General Hospital on 14th June 2019 regarding
the installation of Network for implementation of e-Health. It was informed that GPON
network with backbone of OFC will be installed in the General Hospital through which e-
Health Solution will be implemented which is hosted at State Data Center. Initial survey in
this regard has already been carried out by the Opterna Technologies. The 460 network
nodes and 182 voice nodes have been identified. During the discussion, it is informed that
finalisation of nodes will be done with the consultation of Doctors from respective

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Figure 1-10 Kick Off Meeting Networking - E- Health

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This chapter provides an overview of all 80 projects listed in SCP for ABD. As envisioned
in SCP only part funding is met from Smart Cities mission fund. Remaining projects to be
funded from various sources such as convergence, PPP, CSR, loans etc. The status of
projects under convergence and under SPV are provided below. All costs provided are in
INR lakhs in this section.
Module 1 Water supply
There were total of 14 projects identified under this module with serial number 1.1 to 1.14.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kerala Water Authority in initial phase of the project
it was suggested by the authority that KWA will implement all projects. Therefore, these
projects are categorized as convergence projects. In the Stakeholder’s meeting, KWA has
requested to take up Smart Meter project for selected area as pilot basis. Hence only one
project Smart Water Meter project is under scope of SPV implementation. The project scope
is under discussion with KWA. It has been noted that under AMRUT RainWater Harvesting
project has been taken up.
1.1 Karuvelipady Pump house – Pumping augmentation
Clubbed / Remarks
S. Proposed SCP
No interventions Cost
Estimated Cost
To be taken up by KWA only after the sump and
Karuvelipady Pump pump house/pumping mains in Karuvelipady is
1.1 house – Pumping 100 completed under AMRUT scheme and TS
augmentation committee constituted. The AMRUT work will be
completed within 15 months

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.
1.2 West Kochi - Extension of pipelines from Maradu to Island to be extended to
West Kochi to supply 12 MLD
Clubbed / Remarks
Proposed interventions Segregated/
No Cost
Estimated Cost
Taken up under state plan and
West Kochi - Extension of pipelines
the works are completed.
1.2 from Maradu to Island to be
55 30 Work Completed.
extended to West Kochi to supply
Total Financial Progress: Rs
12 MLD
27.00 lakh

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list. The KWA has reported that the project has been completed.

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1.3 West Kochi - Replacement of pipelines from Perumanoor to Thevara and

Thoppumpady bridge to Karuvelipady
Clubbed / Remarks
Proposed interventions Segregated/
No Cost
Estimated Cost
The reach from Thoppumpady bridge to
Karuvekipady is taken up under state plan
West Kochi - Replacement
448 and the works are completed. Due to Road
of pipe lines from
1.3 cutting issues, the reach from Perumanoor
Perumanoor to Thevara 1100
to Thevara has not been taken up by KWA.
and Thoppumpady bridge
Work order issued for Rs 448.00
to Karuvelipady
Work Completed.
Total Financial Progress: Rs 365.00 lakh

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.

1.4 West Kochi - Dedicated pumping main

Clubbed / Remarks
S. Proposed SCP
No interventions Cost
Estimated Cost
Pumping main from Karuvelipadi pump house to
Kovampadam OHT will be taken up under AMRUT
West Kochi -
1.4 and the works have been awarded during Feb
Dedicated 350
2018. The work will be completed within 15
pumping main
Work under implementation.

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.

1.5 West Kochi - Storage capacity augmentation in Karuvelipady sump by 1.5

million litres
Clubbed / Remarks
Proposed interventions Segregated/
No Cost
Estimated Cost
Taken up under AMRUT. Work
West Kochi - Storage capacity awarded on Feb 2018. 36%
1.5 augmentation in Karuvelipady 800 288 physical progress has been
sump by 1.5 million litres made.
Financial Progress: 112.00 lakh

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.

1.6 West Kochi - Rejuvenation of the Three OH Tanks in the region (Modibath, Fort
Kochi and Koovapadam)

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Clubbed / Remarks
Proposed interventions Segregated/
No Cost
Estimated Cost
West Kochi - Rejuvenation of the Will be included in 24 X 7
1.6 Three OH Tanks in the region water supply proposal for
(Modibath, Fort Kochi and which KWA is preparing
Koovapadam) document

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.
1.7 West Kochi - Replacement of 20 kms of Distribution line with D.I. pipes
including Road cutting charges

Clubbed / Remarks
Proposed interventions Segregated/
No Cost
Estimated Cost
Will be included in 24 X 7
West Kochi - Replacement of 20 kms
water supply proposal for
1.7 of Distribution line with D.I. pipes 3500
which KWA is preparing
including Road cutting charges

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.

1.8 West Kochi - Replacement of Household connections (last mile) for across
10,000 HSCs with Smart Metering and isolation valves
Clubbed / Remarks
Proposed interventions Segregated/
No Cost
Estimated Cost
West Kochi - Replacement of Household Will be included in 24 X 7
connections (last mile) for across 10,000 water supply proposal for
1.8 2500
HSCs with Smart Metering and isolation which KWA is preparing
valves document

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project in being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.

1.9 West Kochi - Bulk Meters and Isolation valves with remote meter reading
Clubbed / Remarks
Proposed interventions Segregated/
No Cost
Estimated Cost
West Kochi - Bulk Meters and Will be included in 24 X 7 water
1.9 Isolation valves with remote 100 supply proposal for which KWA is
meter reading preparing document

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project in being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.

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1.10 Mainland - Rider line for increased water supply

Clubbed / Remarks
S. Proposed SCP
No interventions Cost
Estimated Cost
223 KWA has been taken up this project. Work
Mainland - Rider line
order issued for Rs 223 lakh. Pipelines
1.10 for increased water 1000
have been supplied. Road cutting sanction
yet to obtain.

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.

1.11 Mainland - Overhead Storage Reservoir + 1 Million Litre Sump + pump near
Ernakulam Ground

Clubbed / Remarks
S. SCP Segregated/
Proposed interventions
No Cost Estimated Cost

Will be included in 24 X 7
Mainland - Overhead Storage
water supply proposal for
1.11 Reservoir + 1 Million Litre Sump + 300
which KWA is preparing
pump near Ernakulam Ground

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.

1.12 Replacement of connections (last mile) for across 10,000 HSCs (Commercial
and Domestic) with Smart Metering and isolation valves- Mainland
REVISED Name of Clubbed / Remarks
S. Project SCP Segregated/
No Cost Estimated
Replacement of Project scope for
connections (last project being
Mainland - Replacement
mile) for across finalised in
of connections (last mile)
HSCs (Commercial consultation with
for across 10,000 HSCs
and Domestic) with KWA. CSML to fix
(Commercial and 2000 100
1.12 Smart Metering and a meeting with
Domestic) with Smart
isolation valves for KWA to finalise
Metering and isolation
selected Area scope. Also issue
a letter in this

In the Stakeholders meeting held on 19th September 2018 with Chief Engineer, KWA, it is
decided that the Smart Water Meter project for selected area will be taken up as on pilot
basis. A detail presentation was made regarding the various modules and the technologies
involved in Smart Water Management to KWA. The balance work of Smart Water Meter for
ABD will be taken up after the implementation of Pilot project.

1.13 Mainland - Bulk Meters and Isolation valves with remote meter reading

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Clubbed / Remarks
Proposed interventions Segregated/
No Cost
Estimated Cost
Mainland - Bulk Meters and Will be included in 24 X 7 water
1.13 Isolation valves with remote 150 supply proposal for which KWA
meter reading is preparing document

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list.
1.14 General - Rainwater structures in ~5000 households
REVISED Clubbed /
S. Proposed SCP
Name of Segregated/ Remarks
No interventions Cost
Project Estimated Cost
Rainwater Renamed due to Scope
harvesting change. KMC and other
structures in 13 stakeholders suggested that
General -
Govt. buildings the project may be done for
1.14 1125 75 Govt buildings instead of
structures in ~5000
Later it was found that RWH
project has been implemented
by KWA.

PAN City Project- 24x7 Water Supply

Clubbed /
S. Proposed SCP
Segregated/ Remarks
No interventions Cost
Estimated Cost
Being taken up by KWA. Has been included in 24
X 7 water supply proposal for which KWA has
24 X 7 WATER
62100 submitted a concept paper. The funding is yet to
be decided (ADB / KIIFB)
Detailed Project Report under progress.

This project has been classified as convergence project as the project is being
implemented by KWA. CSML/PMC will continue taking status from KWA regarding the
progress made for the project as project is part of overall projects identified under SCP
project list. However, it is being proposed by MoHUA that as 24x7 is a huge project and its
implementation timelines will not match Smart City timelines hence same may be removed
from central MIS.

Module 2 UGSS
There were total of 3 projects identified under this module with serial number 2.1 to 2.3.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kerala Water Authority and Kochi Municipal
Corporation 2 projects are under scope of SPV implementation. Further the project
“Improvements to Elamkulam STP and collection system Mainland (JNNURM scheme)”
has been segregated in two projects. The project “Improvement to Elamkulam STP” has
been taken up by KWA.

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Clubbed /
S. Proposed SCP Segregated/
Name of Remarks
No interventions Cost Estimated
Decentralized Sewerage 2200
Treatment and System for
collection West Kochi
The Sub Module 2.1 and 2.2 will be
2.1 system for West
planned together as the small-bore
Kochi under
sewer for on-site sanitation is part of
sewer collection system. These two
components will not be separated as
Small bore 11000
15450 two different works for design as well as
sewer/ Vacuum
execution. The project under the
system for
module would focus on ward nos. from
onsite sanitation
1 to 5 of Kochi Corporation
2.2 - Includes
Tender has been floated
storage facility
Technical Bid under evaluation
for treated water
use for
Improvements Improvements 7000 The module 2.3 involves mainly sewer
to Elamkulam to sewer collection system at mainland (central
STP and collection 5700 Kochi) and Improvements to
collection system for Elamkulam STP. Under AMRUT fund,
system Mainland Project Tendered.
Mainland Improvement CSML to write letter to KWA & KMC for
(JNNURM to Elamkulam confirmation on scope area to be
scheme) STP covered for provision of Sewer lines
2.3 Project preparation will require time.
Minimum 3-4 months for DPR & tender
preparation depending on project
scope. Hence to enable tendering and
implementation within SCM duration
confirmation on scope to be shared by
KMC at the earliest. With limited SCM
duration. Confirmation on scope needs
to be expedited.

Module 3 NMT Roads and Pedestrianized areas

There were total of 4 projects identified under this module with serial number 3.1 to 3.4
Three projects Relaying of roads, Standard Footpaths including signages and Restoration/
Rehabilitation of Storm water drains in the proposed area have been combined as these
components are part of right of way of the road itself and for coordinated implementation
need to be done together.
Clubbed /
S. Proposed REVISED Name of SCP
Segregated/ Remarks
No interventions Project Cost
Estimated Cost
3.1 Relaying of roads Development of 4200 LoA issued on 9th April,
Other Roads in 2019 to M/s Deens
Ernakulam under Group
Smart City Mission Work under progress
3.2 Standard Footpaths Development of 2853
including signages Other Roads in West
3.3 Restoration/ Kochi under Smart 2360 Project to be re-
Rehabilitation of City Mission tendered.
Stormwater drains in
the proposed area

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Clubbed /
S. Proposed REVISED Name of SCP
Segregated/ Remarks
No interventions Project Cost
Estimated Cost
3.4 MLCP and MLCP at 5000 No bids received.
Commercial complex Kacheripady 615 Project to be re
at Kacheripady tendered
MLCP at GCDA land Project scope to be
at Marine Drive confirmed by
10.0 stakeholder. Post that
DPR preparation will be
taken up
MLCP at KTDC Project scope to be
complex at Maneka confirmed by
7.0 stakeholder. Post that
DPR preparation will be
taken up
Smart Parking
solutions at various 1.90 DPR under preparation
location in ABD

Progress of the Project:


Project Profile/ Components:

Projects aims at providing Seamless mobility where possible and Safe pedestrian
❖ Other roads covered:
• Ernakulam – 40 roads – 13.32 km
Other Roads project involves construction of:
❖ Drainage – Reconstruction/repair of drain on both sides of roads as per
❖ Concrete Trench –as per availability of space by the side of drainage to
accommodate utilities.
❖ Footpath- Both side of roads 1 to 1.5m wide footpath.
❖ Landscaping – As per availability of space
❖ Streetlight – Foundation
❖ Provision of HDPE duct
❖ Surface Laying –
• BM BC road as per requirements.
• Interlocking tiles proposed for roads with width less than 7m (as per
Project cost: INR 43.60 Crores Duration: 15 Months
Project Start date: 09 April 2019 End date (expected): 09 July 2019
Contractor: M/s Deens Group
Current status:
❖ Surveys started
❖ Survey in Progress at Narakathara Road, Convent Road and Sheshadri Road
Any Challenges to be discussed:
❖ Handing over roads by the stakeholders to the Contractor.

Module 4 Main roads

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There were total of 5 projects identified under this module related to roads with serial
number 4.1 to 4.3. Projects 4.4 & 4.5 will be separate project.
S. REVISED Name SCP Segreg
Proposed interventions Remarks
No of Project Cost ated/
ed Cost
4.1 World class Arterial roads -- Development of 5,287 LoA issued on 9th April,
KB Jacob & Amravati Road/ Smart Roads 2019 to
Bellar Road in West/ -- Ernakulam M/s Deens Group in
Avenue, MG Rd, DH Rd, Consortium with Deens
Banerjee Rd, Abraham Constructions
Madamakkal road in Central Work under progress

4.2 Relaying of roads, Aesthetic Development of 1650

and improved Urban design Smart Roads in LoA issued on 9th April,
Pedestrian facilities with West Kochi 2019 to M/s ABC
Street furniture, Boulevards 3031 Builders
and urban greenery Work under progress
4.3 Utility ducting for SWD, Water 3300
supply, Sewerage, OFC etc
4.4 Signages, Junction Signages 97 Segregated as
improvement with Intelligent signages & ITMS have
Traffic management separate projects.
Junction improvement
240 taken up under Roads
combined project.
DPR has been
submitted for Approval.

Integrated Traffic Contract Agreement

Management signed on 16th May,
System 2019. Work
4.5 Escalator FOBs 240 DPR under preparation
for FOBs in Thuruthy

Progress of the projects:


Project Profile/ Components:

Roads covered
❖ Ernakulam Mainland: 5.41 Km Smart roads.
1. Banerji Road 0.91 km
2. Shanmugham Road & Park Avenue Road 2.36 km
3. Durbar Hall Road 0.53 km
4. Abraham Madamakkal Road 1.11 km
5. Swami Chinmayananda Road & South Railway Station Road 0.50 km
Projects aims are creating equitable organised safer roads space for all road users.

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Smart Roads project involves construction of:

❖ Drainage – Reconstruction of drain on both sides of roads as per design for the free
flow of stormwater, to avoid water stagnation
❖ Construction of underground utility trench - Concrete or HDPE for all electrical cables,
data cables and future provision for water supply distribution line.
❖ Footpath – On either side of the road, there will be footpath of 2m to 3m width, for
safe and comfortable movement of pedestrians and vulnerable road users.
❖ Cycle lane – dedicated cycle lane in Shanmugham Road, Abraham Madamakkal
Road and Swami Chinmayananda Road & South Railway Station Road on either side.
Cycle lane marked on the carriage way of Banerji Road and D.H.Road.
❖ Streetlight provision– Foundation for Street light poles.
❖ Landscaping – proposed in Abraham Madamakkal road, Shanmugham Road, Durbar
Hall Road and Swami Chinmayananda Road & South Railway Station Road.
❖ Bus bays – Shanmugham Road and Abraham Madamakkal Road
❖ Hawker Zone – Shanmugham Road
❖ Median- Shanmugham Road, Abraham Madamakkal Road and Banerji Road
❖ Surface Laying – road formation – road levelling by WMM and BM BC as per design
❖ Electrical/Street Light Components – New HT/LT Cables, providing New Smart
transformers, compact substations, RMU, feeder pillars, smart metering
❖ Provision of HDPE Under Ground Utility duct.
Project cost: INR 61.53 Crores Duration: 15 Months
Project Start date: 09 April 2019 End date (expected): 09 July 2019
Contractor: M/s Deens Group in Consortium with Deens Constructions
Current status:
❖ Contractor’s Temporary Site office (Container) established near the Proposed Bridge
in AM Road
❖ Location for Plant and Casting Yard identified; site clearance and development work
in progress. PMC made a visit to the location and was found suitable for establishing
the facilities.
❖ Aggregate Source at Kottapady was visited and the contractor was asked to submit
the quality reports of various aggregates from an NABL accredited lab.
❖ Contractor has submitted the implementation schedule for Smart roads. The shortfalls
of the submitted schedule was communicated to the contractor and a revised
schedule is to be submitted.
❖ Started mobilization of Sub Contractor and Equipment for Piling works

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❖ Piling drain work stared at Abraham Madamakkal Road.

❖ Position of test pile shifted due to presence of rubble at bed level.
❖ Reinforcement work for test pile completed. Casting pipe fabrication completed.
Casting of pre- cast drain is under progress at casting yard.
❖ Area clearance completed including shifting of electric pole and cable.
❖ Topo survey completed and initial levels taken at 10m interval for Abraham
Madamakkal Road and drawings including cross sections submitted.
❖ Topo Survey completed and drawings submitted for Jos Junction to Chittoor Junction
road. The GAD for the same is prepared.
❖ Topo Survey works for other roads in progress.
Material Selection and Approval
❖ Kerb stone and Paver tile samples submitted by Contractor was approved by PMC’s
Architect and are send for testing at NABL Accredited lab. Reports for Kerb was
received and the item was approved.
❖ Barricading board of approved size and design ready and 15nos brought to site.
❖ Random checking of supplied kerb stone; submitted on 15/06/2019 (to be tested at
GCDA lab)
❖ Kerb laying work from Jos Junction to Chittor Road started.
❖ GSB levelling work from Jos Junction to Chittor Road Started
❖ Underground and overhead utilities (KSEB, KWA & BSNL)
❖ Handing over roads by the stakeholders to the Contractor.
Location map

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Figure 2-1 Location Map- Smart Road Ernakulam


Project Profile/ Components:

Roads covered
❖ Fort Kochi & Mattancherry (West Kochi) 3.24 Km of Smart roads
❖ KB Jacob Road 1.08 km
❖ Bellar Road & River road 0.44 km
❖ Amaravathi Road & T M Muhammed Road 1.08 km
❖ Calvathy Road 0.64 km
Projects aims are creating equitable organised safer roads space for all road users.

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Smart Roads project involves construction of:

❖ Drainage – Reconstruction of drain on both sides of roads as per design for the free
flow of stormwater, to avoid water stagnation
❖ Construction of underground utility trench - Concrete or HDPE for all electrical cables,
data cables and future provision for water supply distribution line.
❖ Footpath – On either side of the road, there will be footpath of 2m to 3m width, for
safe and comfortable movement of pedestrians and vulnerable road users.
❖ Cycle lane – dedicated cycle lane on one side of K.B .Jacob Road.
❖ Streetlight provision– Foundation for Street light poles.
❖ Landscaping – proposed in K.B.Jacob Road.
❖ Surface Laying – road formation – road levelling by WMM and BM, BC as per design
❖ Electrical/Street Light Components – New HT/LT Cables, providing New Smart
transformers, compact substations, RMU, feeder pillars, smart metering
❖ Provision of HDPE Under Ground Utility duct.
Project cost: INR 30.31 Crores Duration: 15 Months
Project Start date: 09 April 2019 End date (expected): 09 July 2019
Contractor: M/s ABC Builders
Current status:
❖ Topo Survey works completed
❖ Traverse closing drawings completed
❖ Center line marking completed at KB Jacob Road
❖ Mix design submitted for concrete from RMC Plan. The tests were witnessed and
were found ok and hence approved.
❖ Trail cube testing done. Mix design is approved
❖ Site mobilization under progress
❖ Started desilting of drains in KB Jacob road
❖ Started taking cross section levels in KB Jacob road
❖ Center line marking completed for KB Jacob road
❖ Underground and overhead utilities (KSEB, KWA & BSNL)
❖ Handing over roads by the stakeholders to the Contractor.
Location map

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Figure 2-2 Smart Road - West Kochi


Project Profile:
❖ ITMS project was reconstituted as a pan city project as it would be effective only if it
was focused to a larger network than just few junctions and locations ABD.
❖ Based on the reconnaissance surveys, traffic data and discussions with the traffic
police, the locations were identified
❖ ITMS consists of several electronic equipment that work towards improving safety,
enforcement and traffic management
❖ ITMS can be segmented into 2 broad elements - Enforcement, and Traffic
❖ Enforcement deals with violation detection and fining
❖ Traffic Management deals with flow detection and optimization of signal controls.
❖ The other benefits that would accrue out of ITMS includes incident management and
better Information Dissemination.
❖ The Scope of Work Includes providing, installation, testing and commissioning of
ITMS Components and setting up the Traffic Control center.
❖ Components
• Vehicle Actuated Signals
• Pelican Signals
• Variable Message Boards with Gantry
• Red Light Violation System
• IP based PTZ and Traffic violation cameras with night vision
• Traffic Management Center (TMC components are as follows)
- Receiving real time information/data from VA traffic feeds including storage of the
- Provide control of traffic signal controller from the Control Center to enable
corridor management/ATCS overrides
- Processing of ANPR camera images

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- Traffic Surveillance camera – Beaming live images to allow for manual capture of
- A video wall for observation and discussion of traffic management, violations and
incidents for appropriate actions
- Provide controls for the PTZ camera’s
- RLVD traffic violation data processing and storage
- VMS to give real time traffic information to public
- Run the ATCS software to optimize traffic flow
- Challaning of Violations
Project cost: INR 26.90 Crores Duration: 12 Months
Project Start date: 18 May 2019 End date (expected, excl. O&M): 17 May
Contractor: M/s KELTRON
Current status:
❖ Agreement Signed, Bank Guarantee received, kick off meeting and Solution
document submitted on 18th May 2019
❖ Road cutting locations, Signal pole locations, VMS locations, Control box locations
and Camera pole locations, Pelican Signal locations, have been identified.
❖ Design Solution document submitted which is being reviewed.
Any Issues/ Challenges:
❖ Timely permissions from relevant stakeholders for ITMS components installation
which will require tasks such as road cutting.
Project components

Module 5 Energy Supply

There were total of 16 projects identified under this module with serial number 5.1 to 5.16.
Based on the meetings conducted with KMC, KSEB and PWD these all projects have been
combined into one as it will be implemented along with Smart Roads.

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Clubbed /
S. REVISED Name of SCP Segregated/
Proposed interventions Remarks
No Project Cost Estimated
5.1 Compact Secondary Development of 12,253 All projects have
– Substation (990 KVA) Electrical been clubbed
5.16 Underground HT Line Infrastructure in ABD The project has
Underground LT Line Area been re-
LT UG for Streetlights tendered.
AMR Metering - Single phase Technical Bid
AMR Metering - Three phase evaluation is
AMR Metering - HT completed and
RMU with Remote terminal submitted to the
units CSML along with
Distribution panel board Shortfall letter.
Installation of feeder pillars Financial bid to
Underground Cabling - 11 KV be opened.
LT UG Cabling
Installation of Transformers
(Compact Sub-stations)
Installation of Ring Main Units
with Remote terminal units
Smart Meters (AMR)
Installation of feeder pillars

The scope of projects is to implement System Improvement & Augmentation Scheme for
existing Electrical Network in various Smart Road area. The contractor’s scope of work
includes but not limited to: Survey, network design, manufacturing, Working testing,
inspection, packing, dispatching, loading, unloading and storage at site, transit/storage and
construction insurance, assembly, erection, civil structural work, complete pre-
commissioning checks, testing & commissioning at site, obtaining statutory clearance &
certification from State Electrical Inspectorate, Kerala State Electricity Board, Kochi
Municipal Corporation etc. and handing over to the Owner after satisfactory commissioning
of complete augmentation of existing Electrical Network in Cochin Smart Mission Limited
Project ABD.

Module 6 Energy efficiency

There were total of 2 projects identified under this module with serial number 6.1 to 6.2.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kerala State Electricity Board and Kochi Municipal
Corporation all projects are under scope of SPV implementation.
S. Proposed interventions REVISED SCP Clubbed / Remarks
No Name of Cost Segregated/
Project Estimated
6.1 Solar based LED with Smart Smart LED 1,250 3209 LoA issued to M/s
poles Lights in ABD Schnell Energy
area Equipment Private
Limited on 27th June
Intelligent 30160 (PPP) DPR submitted
Street Poles in Technical Bid
Kochi evaluation under
6.2 Solar panels in Households Solar panels in 1,758 570 Work awarded on
and Institutions - Grid Govt. buildings Nomination basis to
connected BHEL. Work under

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S. Proposed interventions REVISED SCP Clubbed / Remarks

No Name of Cost Segregated/
Project Estimated
Solar panels in 1178 Project proposed to be
public places taken up along with
Canal project.

In module 6: Solar based LED with Smart poles has been mentioned as one single project.
Smart Pole & Solar LED are two different entities hence should be considered as two
different projects. Smart poles are proposed to be implemented as a PPP project.
Progress of the Projects


The Contract agreement for the implementation of the project has signed on 24th
September 2018. The BHEL started site feasibility study and other paper works in the month
of December 2018. Clearance for installation of Solar panels has been given to BHEL for
26 buildings. The total capacity of solar panels in these buildings is 1010 KWp.
Project Profile/ Components:
❖ 26 government buildings selected pan city, for implementation of Solar Roof Top
❖ Design, development and supply of all components of the SPV power system
❖ Supply, transportation, unloading, installation, testing and commissioning of 1000
KWp grid connected solar roof system in various government buildings in Kochi
Municipality. The buildings are either with flat roof concrete structure or slope roof
GI structure.
❖ The scope includes minor strengthening of slope roof structure at additional cost to
install solar roof top system and access to roof top for maintenance.
❖ All clearance / approval required from KSEB / Electrical inspectorate or any
statutory Authorities shall be obtained by the contractor.
❖ Installation and commissioning of SPV Power system up to AC distribution board
along with Net metering with necessary arrangement for integration grid and
protection during absence of grid supply.
❖ Five years Warrantee from handing over of the Solar Roof Top System.
❖ Remote Operation and Maintenance including periodic cleaning of modules, and
with quarterly visit for five years from the date of handing over of the solar Roof
❖ Training of the staffs of client/owner.
Project cost: INR 5.70 Crores Duration: 6 months + 2 months EOT
Project Start date: 24 September 2018 End date (expected, excl. O&M): 31
August 2019
Contractor: M/s BHEL
Current status:
❖ M/s BHEL has completed installation of 765 KWp solar panels out of total 1000
KWp. Balance installation works are under progress.
❖ Liaising works with KSEBL and Electrical Inspectorate under progress for the
commissioning of the completed facilities

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❖ Contract period of 6 months and EOT of 2 months completed on 24/05/2019. BHEL

requested EOT upto 31/08/ 2019.
❖ Approval for Dwg and site inspection from Electrical Inspectorate (EI).
❖ Ladder with openable door installation for maintenance and EI inspection.
❖ Additional DB shall be installed for conversion of single phase to three phase
system for Paramara and Perumbotta Ground Buildings as a variation item.
Permanent electrical connection to be obtained by Excise Department for
completion of Solar System.
❖ Inadequate site supervision/ Frequent replacement of Site in charge by BHEL.
❖ For 14 buildings, the connected load is less than installed Solar capacity. Hence
Service wire need to be changed as extra item.
Way forward
❖ BHEL to increase the staff strength of the implementation team.
❖ BHEL to do rigorous follow-up with EI.
❖ Presence of BHEL’s experienced Site in charge till the completion of the Project
❖ Monthly project review Meeting between senior management team of BHEL with
❖ EOT may be approved considering approvals required from EI.
Project photographs

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Figure 2-3 Installation of Solar Panel at General Hospital

Figure 2-4Solar Panel installation Work at Fire station, Figure 2-5 Panel Installation of Town Hall

Figure 2-6Panel Installation of Central Office, KSEB Figure 2-7Panel Installation of Central Office, KSEB

Figure 2-8Govt. High School, Edapally Figure 2-9 Court Complex Ernakulam

Detail progress at each location is attached as annexure 5.

Module 7 Solid waste and Sanitation
There were total of 4 projects identified under this module with serial number 7.1 to 7.4.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Municipal Corporation all projects are under
scope of CSML implementation. Only one project was proposed to be dropped by KMC as
it was not successful in earlier attempts made by Govt. Authorities.

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S. Proposed REVISED Name of SCP Clubbed / Remarks

No interventions Project Cost Segregated/
7.1 Equipment including 600 Segregated
Smart Street
sweepers/ GPS
Supply, Operation and 440 Tender Cancelled due to
Maintenance of Portable technical disqualification
Compactor for of bidder
Secondary Storage &
Transportation of Solid
Smart & Improved 100 DPR submitted KMC
Battery-Operated concurrence awaited to
Tricycles for Primary proceed with tendering
Waste Collection at West
Kochi & Ernakulam in
ABD Area
Smart & Improved 320 Tender Cancelled due to
Mechanised Street technical disqualification
Sweeping at West Kochi of bidder
& Ernakulum in ABD
7.2 Bio-composting in all 5 Dropped as based on
Government previous experience KMC
institutions proposed not to take up
the listed project as it was
implemented at few
locations and was not
CSML to request for
formal confirmation from
7.3 Household 74 67 Bid Evaluation
segregated bins for completed. LOA issued to
Organic and M/s Nilkamal on 8th May,
inorganic wastes 2019
7.4 Public toilets with Fit- Renovation and 10 180 DPR Submitted. Tender
in Treatment facility Upgradation of existing has been floated.
for Decentralized Public Toilet Facilities in Technical Bid
STP in West Kochi ABD area evaluation under

Progress of the Projects


Project Profile/ Components:
Project includes procurement & supply of bins by the successful vendor for households
and public spaces.
• Stainless steel bins for public spaces - 75
• Total number of beneficiaries - 20081
• Number of bins per beneficiary - 2
• Material of bins - HM HDPE
❖ Intermediate storage of receipt bins by KMC

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❖ Distribution of bins shall take place by the KMC in consultation with ward sanitation
committee which includes ward councillor, junior health inspectors in coordination
with RWA & Kudumbashree
❖ Installation & fixation of street litter bins at reasonable distance of 40-80 m,
depending upon the footfall density across prominent public places of Fort-Kochi,
Parks, Marine Drive walkway for use by pedestrians
❖ Street Litter Bins shall be in a pair of 2 – with proper display information in both
local and regional language, easily rotatable with each of then having capacity of
60 litres
Project cost: INR 0.67 Crores Duration: 3 Months
Project Start date: 06 May 2019 End date (expected): 02 October 2019
Contractor: M/s Nilkamal Limited
Current status:
❖ Household Bin sample submitted
❖ Contractor to start supply of bins with changes proposed.
Any Challenges to be discussed:
❖ KMC to share final list of beneficiaries
❖ KMC to provide location for Storage of bins
❖ Distribution of bins shall take place by the KMC in consultation with ward sanitation
committee which includes ward councilor, junior health inspectors in coordination
with RWA & Kudumbashree
❖ Household Bin distribution to take place in ward sabha meetings.
❖ Designated employee from KMC to confirm location of street bins in parks and

Figure 2-10 Household Bins

Module 8 Parks and Open spaces

There were total of 4 projects identified under this module with serial number 8.1 to 8.4.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Municipal Corporation, Tourism Department
and forest Department all projects are under scope of SPV implementation except 8.1 which
is already taken up for implementation by Tourism Dept.

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S. Proposed REVISED SCP Clubbed / Remarks

No interventions Name of Cost Segregated/
Project Estimated
Convergence - project undertaken
Upgradation of by Tourism Department. The
8.1 200
Nehru Park project is under implementation by
Tourism Department.
250 Feasibility report submitted on 26th
Development of March 2019.
8.2 30
open spaces DPR Submitted on 18.06.2019

710 Feasibility Report is submitted on

3rd November 2018. Revised DPR
Marine Drive
has been submitted on 4th Feb
walkway phase I
and 28th March 2019
90 Project to be re-tendered.
690 Combined DPR has been
Marine Drive submitted on 8th November 2018.
walkway phase II For Phase II DPR will be revised
after stakeholder’s consultation.
Mangalavanam Proposed concept shared with
8.4 Eco-restoration 100 KMC & Forest Dept. Concurrence
project awaited on concept proposed

Module 9 Canal Restoration

There were total of 4 projects identified under this module with serial number 9.1 to 9.4.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Municipal Corporation all projects are under
scope of SPV implementation.
S. Proposed interventions REVISED SCP Clubbed / Status
No Name of Cost Segregated/
Project Estimated
9.1 Restoration of Mullassery canal - 100 Feasibility report
including linking of standardized area submitted on
drains 2nd March,
Stakeholders to
confirm length of
canal to be
covered. CSML
to carry out
surveys for
Feasibility to be
revised by
based on
revised length.

9.2 Restoration of Market canal - Walkways 500 Stakeholders to

and Market square around the canal confirm scope
pond, Solar panelled roofs, LED
Lighting, Light posts
9.3 Restoration of Kalvathy canal and area 2,000 Feasibility report
drain improvement - Open spaces, submitted on
Street furniture and landscaping 2nd March 2019
features Stakeholders to
9.4 Restoration of Rameswaram-Kalvathy 1,500 confirm length of
canal - Up to Cochin college – Walkways canal to be
and Linking the Canal Bank Road covered. CSML
to carry out

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S. Proposed interventions REVISED SCP Clubbed / Status

No Name of Cost Segregated/
Project Estimated
surveys for
Feasibility to be
revised by
based on
revised length

Based on combined stakeholder meeting held on 28 May 2019 for Canal project it has been
suggested by all stakeholders (KWA, KMC, Irrigation dept, Water metro) that entre stretch
of Canal may be taken for development. CSML to conduct surveys for stretches beyond
ABD and post that Feasibility report to be updated.

Module 10 Urban mobility

There were total of 9 projects identified under this module with serial number 10.1 to 10.9.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Metro Rail Limited and Kochi Municipal
Corporation 5 projects are under scope of SPV implementation and remaining 4 with KMRL
– Water Metro project.
S. Proposed interventions REVISED SCP Estimated Status
No Name of Cost Cost
Convergence - Project
under implementation by
Water transport infrastructure by Water Metro.
10.1 4,200 5600
(around 12 100 Pax boats) Project tendered.
Bid evaluation under
Electric Feeders, Bicycle Segregated
10.2 Sharing, Elevated Walkways 1,148
and Travellators
Electric 32 Convergence undertaken
Feeders by KMRL. Feeders also
proposed as part of
Broadway Street
Bicycle 1000 (PPP) Locations approved by
Sharing KMC. Contract to be
Elevated Part of Ernakulam market
Walkways project
Walkway from Ekm Jetty to 470 Under implementation
10.3 900
Metro station
10.4 Jetty improvement 800 Convergence - Being
undertaken by Water
Property development along 4000 Metro. Bid evaluation
10.5 720
jetties under progress
Boatyard and Command &
10.6 2,000
Control Centre
10.7 Dredging cost Marina 1,000 2000 Concept Stage
Extend ‘Smart Wi-Fi bus Prateeksha has been
10.8 60
shelters’ with LED bulbs, FM given the project of bus

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S. Proposed interventions REVISED SCP Estimated Status

No Name of Cost Cost
radio, USB drive slots, shelters on a 15-year lease
magazine/newspaper kiosks, (duration to be confirmed
mobile charger units by stakeholder) for PWD
roads. West Kochi bus
shelters have not been
covered. In West Kochi bus
shelters are sponsored for
improvement by various
stakeholders. Currently the
bus shelters are not wifi
enabled. In order to
develop these as smart
bus shelters CSML to write
to relevant authorities for
confirmation on project
scope/call for combined
Combined stakeholder
meeting & letter to
Standard Wifi Enabled Bus
stakeholders needed to
10.9 Stands with Commercial 300
confirm the scope of
space development
project to be taken up
under Smart City

Progress of the Project


Project Profile/ Components:
Cochin Smart City Mission Limited (CSML) along with KMRL are implementing the Kochi
Bicycle Sharing Scheme project in ABD (Area Based Development extent) and 2 km on
either side of the metro alignment from Aluva to Petta along a 25.6 km stretch. Capital
Cost and Operation Cost of the project will be borne by the service provider. Operations
contract will be issued to service providers for a period of 3 years. During this period
Service provider is entitled to collect Fare box revenue and Advertisement Revenue from
the given space for the system. Project to be implemented in two phases. Phase I
locations for docking stations identified
❖ Dock based or dock less system
❖ 1000 cycles
❖ Minimum 50 docking stations
❖ GPS Enabled Bicycles
❖ App based bicycle identification and management.
❖ Towing Vehicles for Redistribution
❖ Maintenance Center
Project cost: INR 10.00 Crores (PPP) Duration: 3 months
Project Start date: 14 March 2019 End date (expected, excl. O&M): 14
November 2019
Contractor: M/s Hero Youon Pvt. Ltd. (JV of Hero Cycles Ltd & Youon Technology
Pvt. Ltd.)
Current status:
❖ 15 docking locations identified & approved by KMC. Of these 13 locations are in
West Kochi and 3 in mainland
❖ Hexi has supplied 200 cycles.
❖ Prefabrication of docking stations is in progress

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❖ 2nd Phase 206 Locations approved by KMC. Detailed location Inspection under
progress. Phase 2 out of 206 locations 100 locations detailed inspection has been
completed by Hexi.
❖ Site visit completed along with Hexi team for 60 locations within KMC area
Any Issues/ Challenges to be discussed:
❖ Approval and finalisation of docking stations
❖ Implementation duration was expected to be 3 months. However, considering all
approvals required project is expected to complete by November 2019
❖ Integration with ongoing projects.
Location map/ project maps/project design/ pictures

Figure 2-11PBS locations (Base map by PMC and locations plotted by Smart-SUT)

Module 11 Housing

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There were total of 3 projects identified under this module with serial number 11.1 to 11.3.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Municipal Corporation and other stakeholders
below mentioned projects are under scope of SPV implementation. KMC has proposed to
take up some other project in place of Upgradation of infrastructure in Housing through
Credit linked schemes. The fund available under housing module is INR 100 Crores.
S. Proposed REVISED SCP Revised Status
No interventions Name of Cost Estimated
Project Cost
11. Integrated 14,14 6285 KMC to provide final list of
1 redevelopment of 0 beneficiaries and slums to be
Slum housing taken up under SCM. KMC
presently conducting surveys.
Once household surveys are
completed scope for the project
shall be confirmed by KKMC.
Project preparation will require
time. Minimum 3-4 months for
DPR & tender preparation
depending on project scope.
Hence to enable tendering and
implementation within SCM
duration confirmation on scope to
be shared by KMC at the earliest.
R&R will require additional time.
With limited SCM duration.
Confirmation on scope needs to
be expedited by KMC.
11. Upgradation of Beneficiary 2,435 1300 KMC proposing to revise the
2 infrastructure in Led Housing scope of component to
Housing through “Beneficiary Led housing”.
Credit linked schemes CSML has allocated Rs 13 cr. out
of which Rs 1.02 Cr has been
11. Construction & Construction of 7,424 2100 As per discussion held on on 26th
3 upgradation of 755 first tower at Dec 2018 for CSML to assist
DUs in Thuruthy, Thuruthy KMC in completing the
Kalvathy & Konchery construction of tower 1 under
colony RAY scheme by Gap funding
Gap funding to be disbursed by
CSML only after KMC provides
revised administrative sanction
from LSGD and tender out the
sewage treatment facilities and
waste management
Improvement 515 Feasibility Report Submitted on
of connectivity 27th September 2018 for bridges
for Thuruthy construction. DPR under
through preparation
construction of
Bridges &
11. Construction & 4791 Convergence –
4 upgradation of Project Under Implementation by
755 DUs in KMC
Kalvathy &
colony -KMC

Module 12 Economy and Employment

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There were total of 2 projects identified under this module with serial number 12.1 & 12.2.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Municipal Corporation, KMCC, Market
association and other stakeholders all projects are under scope of SPV implementation.
S. No Proposed REVISED Name of Project SCP Estimated Status
interventions Cost Cost

12.1 Broadway Market 11,000

and Ernakulam
and Mattancherry
spice market
Broadway Street 1000 Feasibility report
pedestrianisation submitted on 15th
October 2018
DPR Stage. KMC
to share list of
licensed hawkers
to be
along multi utility
zone proposed.
Ernakulam Market 10000 Feasibility report
Redevelopment submitted. DPR
Stage. KMC to
approve initiate
R&R asap.
Mattancherry spice market Segregated -
Redevelopment Streetscape
covered under
road project
12.2 Standard Hawker Standard Hawker zones in 500 560 Segregated -
zones in Fort Kochi Fort Kochi + Standardize Feasibility stage.
structures for "Petti Kada" KMC to share list
of approved
licensed hawkers
Hawker zone
included as part of
Fort Kochi Beach

Pedestrianisation of Broadway Street & other improvements: The proposal:

Pedestrianisation of Broadway Street for approx. 500m stretch.
Broadway Street Upgradation proposals proposes for a time bound
Pedestrianization of 500m stretch at an estimated cost of INR 10.0 Crores with other
supporting projects including pick up/drop off facility e-vehicles from Bus stops, metro,
water metro and MLCPs to offer smooth transition from parking to no parking zone.
Project proposal includes Pedestrianization of the Broadway street stretch in a time bound
manner from 12.00 pm to 8.00 pm allowing only E-rickshaw & emergency vehicle
movement. Pedestrian oriented street with partial canopy covering with regulated vehicular
access. Street is proposed as no parking zone.

Assistance required from KMC:

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KMC to share final list of eligible hawkers to enable Smart City team to accommodate the
licensed hawkers along multi utility zone with cart size requirement. Approval of traffic
management plan from beneficiaries, Co-ordination with all beneficiaries.
i. Final approved list of hawkers to be shared with smart city team at the earliest to enable
Smart city team to do detailing of the designs that include allocation of hawkers in Multi
utility zone.
ii. KMC to hold public consultation with the shop keepers along Broadway and take formal
approval for the proposed project and finalize design detail such as the canopy and road
Ernakulam Market redevelopment: The proposal
Ernakulam Market redevelopment proposal at an estimated cost of INR 100 Crores was
presented that proposed for development of Market area with a G+3 building, Basement
floor for parking, Developing market square in to a Multilevel car parking space, Solid waste
compactor, Banana Auction area, etc and solid waste compactor facilities, widening of an
existing bridge over market canal connecting to the market square and Skywalk.

Assistance required from KMC:

KMC to share final list of eligible shopkeepers with shop size requirement. Suggest on
Transit shelter strategy including confirmation on alternate land for relocation, expenditure
during relocation period, revision of rental rates for new building and negotiations, approval
of revised traffic management plan from beneficiaries, Co-ordination with all beneficiaries.
i. KMC to verify and compile final list of vendors and hawkers and share with smart city
team at the earliest to enable Smart city team to do detailing of the designs
ii. Confirmation for land for transit shelters at the earliest.
iii. KMC to confirm allotment of shops by zoning. Smart city to design accordingly

Figure 2-12 Ernakulum Market Redevelopment – Project Planning

Figure 2-13 Action to be taken prior to Tendering of the project

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Source: PMC

Table 2-1: Action for KMC to enable tendering by end of December 2019

TASK August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

Final list of
vendors &
Finalization of
proposal by CSML
Land for
Agreements with
vendors by KMC
Relocation &
Tender by CSML
Site clearance by
KMC & handover
Contract award by
18 months
period begins
Source: PMC
Timelines dependant on R&R confirmation.

Module 13 Health
There were total of 2 projects identified under this module with serial number 13.1 & 13.2.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Municipal Corporation, DMO and other
keyholders all projects are under scope of SPV implementation and have been segregated
into 4 projects

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S. No Proposed interventions REVISED Name of SCP Estimated Status

Project Cost Cost

13.1 Scale up of GH into a Super- Cancer Extension 2500 2600 LoA to INKEL
speciality care centres Block, General (Phase I) has been issued.
E-health solution 371 Segregated -
for General Revised DPR
Hospital has been
submitted on 7th
February. LoA
has been issued.
to M/s Keltron
13.2 Integrated development of 4 Outpatient & Admin 1,000 465 Revised DPR,
Hospitals in West Kochi - block, Fort Kochi Detailed
Excellence in Secondary taluk Hospital Estimate and
care Drawings
Tender issued
Technical bid
Outpatient & Admin 457 Revised DPR
block, Women & submitted on 13th
Child Hospital, November 2108.
Mattancherry Revised BoQ
and drawings
have been
Tender issued
Technical bid
under progress

Progress of Projects:


Project Profile/ Components:
The nature of upgradation required for General Hospital was identified by CSML & PMC
in numerous meetings conducted with KMC & DMO & GH team. During these meetings
the hospital management committee requested Smart City to construct a dedicated
Cancer Ward block as an extension for cancer centre adjacent to the existing cancer
LINAC block building with following facilities.
❖ Chemotherapy wards,
❖ Male & Female Oncology wards,
❖ ICU, Neutropenia ward,
❖ Stand-by dormitories
Projects intends to provide a dedicated cancer specialty ward block as an annex to the
Existing LINAC building under implementation by INKEL & General hospital. Considering
the above requirement, it is currently proposed to construct a 7 storeyed (1 Basement +
Ground floor + 6 floors) building with approximate plinth area of 4500 square meters and
a total of 109 beds and 32 beds for dormitories.
❖ Male ward of 33 beds
❖ Female ward of 34 beds
❖ Chemotherapy ward of 24 beds
❖ Neutropenia ward of 9 beds

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❖ ICU of 9 beds
❖ Dormitories (M&F of 16 beds each)
Project cost: INR 25.0 Crores Duration: 12 months
Project Start date: 27 February 2019 End date (expected): 27 February 2020
Contractor: M/s INKEL Limited
Current status:
❖ INKEL shared broad cost estimate with revised proposal (of plinth area, beds and
facilities to be provided). The proposal was reviewed and INKEL is requested to
provide revised proposal with block estimate of complete project.
❖ Final capacity including number beds and of number of floors to be shared by
INKEL in the revised proposal such that foundation design is proposed for the
maximum number of floors permissible as per municipal rules but finishing work
(including interior and medical equipment) shall be proposed based on the fund
availability for the project module. Post approval of proposal the contract will be
Location map

Figure 2-14 Location of proposed Cancer Block


Project Profile/ Components:
General Hospital at Ernakulam is one of the reputed Government Hospital which provides
effective medical care to the citizens of the Kochi Corporation and surrounding areas.
General Hospital has a very old and ineffective IT infrastructure which is an impediment
to its efficient functioning. This requires urgent upgradation. Concurrently e Health
solution is being developed and implemented by state Health department which
integrates all departments and government hospitals into an efficient Hospital Information
and Management system. It’s thus panned to upgrade the IT infrastructure of General

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Hospital under the smart city mission project. The project includes two broad
❖ Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Virtual Private Network (VPN) with
Redundancy to e- Health server hosted in State Data Center.
❖ Workstations and Computer Hardware for e- Health implementation
The detail of these components is as follows:
• MPLS VPN with Redundancy to e-Health server Hosted in State Data Center:
This involves the following:
- Passive Optical Fibre Network Internal LAN with IPPBX- The internal network
will be combination of LAN and with Wi-Fi- Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) backbone.
- MPSL VPN – Transfer of EMR (Electronic Medical Records) requires higher
bandwidth; accordingly, a high-speed internet line using Optical Fibre (Gigabit-
capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON)) is best suitable.
• Local Sever, Workstations and other Computer Hardware
- E- Health solutions requires additional Workstations, Printers, Scanners,
Biometric readers and other Computer Hardware for implementing the solution.
Project cost: INR 3.71 Crores Duration: 4 Months
Project Start date: 14 June, 2019 End date (expected, excl. O&M): 30
September 2019
Contractor: M/s KELTRON
Current status:
❖ The work for installation of GPON Network has been awarded to BSNL on 7th June,
❖ Survey of installation for Network has been completed. Total 460 network nodes
along with 182 (including 50 IP Phones) voice nodes have been identified.
❖ Diagram for Network Layout is under progress. The work for installation of Network
will commenced once the network layout is approved by a committee comprising
member from CSML, PMC, General Hospital, BSNL, Opterna & Keltron and
technically vetted by KLETRON
❖ Procurement of Computer Hardware is in tendering stage.
Issues/ Challenges:
❖ The second part of the project, which is procurement of Hardware is still under
tendering stage, which is delayed.
❖ KELTRON to expedite the tendering of Computer Hardware
❖ Delay from Keltron in taking timely action
Project design

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Figure 2-15 Structural outline of e-Health Solution

Module 14 Education
There were total of 3 projects identified under this module with serial number 14.1 & 14.2.
Tenders were floated, and bids received from the bidders for the Smart class room project.
However, KITE Mission of Government of Kerala informed that a similar project is being
implemented by them on State Level thus the SPV should not continue with the selection
process. Therefore, the project is now cancelled and revised number of projects I 2.
S. Proposed interventions REVISED Name of SCP Clubbed / Status
No Project Cost Segregated/
14.1 Upgradation of Anganwadis 100 91 Feasibility
submitted on
Submitted on
26th June
14.2 Upgradation of facilities - Higher secondary 450 467 DPR
Basic services, Digital block, Central Submitted on
classrooms, Libraries, Eco- Calvathy GHSS, 13.11.2108.
toilets, Sports kits, Biogas Fort Kochi Project to be
plant, Urban farming etc re-tendered.
Higher Educational
Smart Classroom 490 Segregated.
for 100 classrooms Tender has
PAN city been
cancelled by
the authority.

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The project will include rejuvenation of AWC in Fort Kochi & Mattancherry with state-of-the-
art facility for Preschool training with Mother & Child care. List of 52 AWC identified in Fort
Kochi & Mattancherry from CDPO. The proposal includes following components:
• Tangible (physical) upgradation in quality of environment for AWC functioning
in Govt premises,
• IT infrastructure for Smart class rooms at AWCs.

Calvathy School project intends to provide a higher secondary block for about 240 pupils
along with the labs and ancillary facilities required. The building would also provide admin
office required for lower primary section.

• The proposal includes following components:

• 4 classrooms of 60 capacity each and one digital classroom
• Chemistry, Physics and computer labs
• Staff rooms, admin rooms, for higher secondary & lower primary section.
• Auditorium of 250 capacity.
• Building would be a 4-story structure of total area of 1500 sq.mt built after
demolishing an existing single story old structure which is currently used as a
common activity area.
The Smart education project aims to bring in state of the art education to students through
classroom revolution which is to innovate education, teaching and evaluation methods, and
educational environments using information Technology.

Module 15 Safety and Security

There were total of 2 projects identified under this module with serial number 15.1 & 15.2.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Municipal Corporation and other
stakeholders, all projects are under scope of SPV implementation.
S. No Proposed REVISED SCP Clubbed / Status
interventions Name of Cost Segregated/
Project Estimated Cost
15.1 5 Rapid response boats Water 50 Convergence.
for water transport safety Ambulance Formal confirmation
from authority
15.2 Drone Surveillance Intelligent 30 1456 Feasibility report for
surveillance CCTV has been
System for submitted on 21st
Kochi January 2019. DPR
submitted. DPR is
being revised as
Police department
proposing new
locations along with
revised scope of work

Since it is learnt that KSINC is operating water ambulance (Rapid response boat), the
project is part of convergence.

Module 16 Other Social Infrastructure

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There were total of 2 projects identified under this module with serial number 16.1 & 16.2.
Based on the meetings conducted with Kochi Municipal Corporation, all projects are under
scope of SPV implementation.
S. No Proposed interventions SCP Clubbed / Status
Cost Segregated/
16.1 Upgradation of Community 100 Discussed with KMC various
Centre at Mattancherry with times. As there is no Community
indoor sports facilities centre available in Mattancherry
for upgradation KMC to confirm
dropping of the project
16.2 Standardize structures for 60 Clubbed - with Hawker zone.
"Petti Kada"

The scope of project at 16.1 is yet to be clarified by KMC.

Project 16.2 has been clubbed with project number 12.2 as petti kadas will be provided for
Hawker Zones identified. Broad designs have been made. After the hawkers are identified,
implementation of this project will be taken up accordingly.

Module 17 Identity and Culture

1 project identified under this module with serial number 17.1.
S. No Proposed REVISED Name of Project SCP Clubbed / Status
interventions Cost Segregated/
17.1 Fort Kochi and 3,000 Project not
Mattancherry preparation of Master
region Master plan as its already
plan for Tourism prepared. Project is to
implement individual
tourism projects
Open Air Theatre (OAT) at 110 Tender has been
Fort Kochi Zonal office issued. Technical
Bid evaluation under
Development of Dutch 110 Tender has been
palace node parking area issued. Technical
and palace street entry Bid evaluation under
Fort Kochi Beach Front 158 Project to be re-
improvements - Part A tendered
Vasco Square
Development of Ethnic 100(PPP) DPR Submitted
Food Hub & Dutch Quay
Museum of Freedom 44 Feasibility report
Struggle submitted on 20th
December 2018.
DPR submitted on
Museum of Spices history 150 Feasibility report
submitted on 20th
Fort Kochi Beach Front 800 December 2018
improvements - Part B
Walkway & Beach

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S. No Proposed REVISED Name of Project SCP Clubbed / Status

interventions Cost Segregated/
Mattancherry Walkway 1100

Cultural Corridor – PT Usha 100 Concept Stage


The project mentioned in the SCP project list is Master plan for Tourism. Tourism Project
will be taken up individually identified in the Tourism Master plan. Based on the meetings
conducted with Department of Tourism, KMC and other stakeholders the projects have
been identified.
Figure 2-16 Identification of Tourism Projects

Source: PMC

Module 18 Others
There was 1 project identified under this module with serial number 18.1. Based on the
meetings conducted with MoHUA, KMC, Town Planning Dept and other stakeholders the
project is under scope of SPV implementation. This project will be integrated with IC4
S. Proposed interventions REVISED SCP Clubbed / Status
No Name of Cost Segregated/
Project Estimated
Base Map 1,500 40 DPR have been
Spatial Mapping of assets and updation for submitted on 20th
SCADA systems for ABD Areas December, 2018.
Information gathering with scope submitted to
monitoring centres enable KMC to tender
at the earliest
Integrated 6450 LoA issued. Work under
Command, progress
18.2 Control and
Centre (IC4)

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Base Map Updation: The main objective of the project is to develop an updated detailed
GIS Base map on a scale of 1:1,000 for the Project area. The preliminary interpreted map
should be ground verified and the final map is to be prepared by incorporating the ground
truth data. These detailed maps consisting of the planimetric details, Plot boundaries micro
level Land use and utility services underground utilities as available from line departments
need to be generated by contact ground truth collection, updating of map and data linking.
Available data at CSML will be integrated with the Base Map in GIS during the survey
preparation of base map. The data will be collected in proper field data sheet format. The
base map prepared through on-screen digitization of imagery will be used for survey for the
updating purpose and finalization of layer wise Base Map with the attributes.
Final base map is to be prepared incorporating the data collected from survey and the data
for different entities. Hard copy base maps are to be prepared at 1: 1000 scale ward wise/
ABD area wise. The base maps will be prepared in various layers for ease of operation in
GIS. Layer and data structures can be modified depending on the local requirements of

KMC has proposed to implement the project. Scope of work based on DPR prepared by
CSML has been shared with KMC & Town Planning department for further action. KMC to
tender the project at the earliest.

Progress of the Project


Project Profile/ Components:
IC4 is the brain of the smart city, which gathers all the information of smart solutions of
different departments of the city using ICT (Information and communication technology).
IC4 is where information from different departments and various applications is collected
and analyzed for better planning of the city. It has Business Intelligence and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) engine which will process all the information and generate insights.
These insights will be helpful in managing incidents across the city and do a better
planning for the development. It also plays the role of decision support system.
Accordingly, CSML has embarked to implement the project.
Overview of the Scope of MSI are as below:
❖ The MSI will conduct a detail assessment
❖ Design a comprehensive technical architecture and project plan.
❖ Design and development of comprehensive Internet of Infrastructure (IoI) for city
command and control operations.
❖ IoI platform would have facility of comprehensive viewing and performing operations
there will be a provision for generating configurable reports through dashboard and
also real time monitoring.
❖ Design and develop the Mobile app.
❖ Development of GIS based citizen Portal.
❖ Development of Smart Application for Solid waste Management.
❖ Development of Project Management Services along with Email Server.
❖ Aadhaar Integration
❖ Integration with Akshaya.

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❖ Design and Construction of the City Command Control Room

Different Applications for Integration with IC4. There are different Applications of
smart city which are to be integrated to optimize the system.
❖ Applications hosted on cloud.
❖ SaaS based Applications.
❖ Existing solutions of Departments like e-Health of Kerala state, IT@school of
education Dept., Municipal information system, e-district application, Surveillance
system of Police etc.
❖ Command, Control and Communication Room (CCR).
❖ Some applications like citizen portal, mobile app, payment gateway, etc.
Project cost: INR 64.50 Crores Duration: 8 Months
Project Start date: 27 May 2019 End date (expected, excl. O&M): 27 January
Contractor: M/s Fluentgrid Limited in consortium with Bharat Electronics Limited
Current status:
❖ Offsite work started by MSI.
❖ MSI has submitted the design of Command and Control room layout. Comments on
the layout and alternative has been shared by PMC with MSI.
❖ Implementation of IC4 involves creation of respective application by each
department and extending API for integration.
❖ MSI has submitted the Inception report. Comments on the report has been shared
with MSI for revision in the report.
❖ The Technical Architecture document has been submitted by MSI. This is being
reviewed by PMC.
❖ MSI has sent a list of different stakeholders, who will be interacting with MSI for
integration of the respective departments. For this purpose, stakeholder meeting is
essential. Stakeholder meeting is expected to start after mobilization of MSI team.
Initial discussion with different stakeholders is under progress.
Any Issues/ Challenges to be discussed:
❖ On site project team yet to be mobilised post contract signing
❖ MSI to identify all SPOCs and share Identification of SPOC by stakeholders with
CMSL for confirmation
❖ Procurement of GIS map by CSML for pan city

Project features

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Figure 2-17 Integration of Smart Solutions with IC4

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SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
1 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.1 West Kochi - Karuvelipady Convergence 100 Concept stage
KOC- Pump house – Pumping
008 augmentation
2 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.2 West Kochi - Extension of Convergence 55 30 Work completed
KOC- pipelines from Maradu to Financial Progress :
009 Island to be extended to 0.27 cr
West Kochi to supply 12
3 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.3 West Kochi - Replacement Convergence 1100 448 Work completed
KOC- of pipe lines from Financial Progress :
010 Perumanoor to Thevara 3.65 cr
and Thoppumpady bridge
to Karuvelipady
4 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.4 West Kochi - Dedicated Convergence 350 Concept stage
KOC- pumping main
5 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.5 West Kochi - Storage Convergence 800 288 36% Physical
KOC- capacity augmentation in Progress.
012 Karuvelipady sump by 1.5 Financial Porgress:
million litres Rs 1.12 cr.
6 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.6 West Kochi - Rejuvenation Convergence 75 DPR Stage (part of
KOC- of the Three OH Tanks in 24x7 Water supply
013 the region (Modibath, Fort project)
Kochi and Koovapadam);
7 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.7 West Kochi - Replacement Convergence 3500
KOC- of 20 kms of Distribution
014 line with D.I. pipes including
Road cutting charges
8 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.8 West Kochi - Replacement Convergence 2500
KOC- of Household connections
015 (last mile) for across 10,000
HSCs with Smart Metering
and isolation valves

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SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
9 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.9 West Kochi - Bulk Meters Convergence 100
KOC- and Isolation valves with
016 remote meter reading
10 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.1 Mainland - Rider line for Convergence 1000 223 Under
KOC- increased water supply implementation
11 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.11 Mainland - Overhead Convergence 300 DPR Stage (part of
KOC- Storage Reservoir + 1 24x7 Water supply
018 Million Litre Sump + pump project)
near Ernakulam Ground
12 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.12 Mainland - Replacement of Smart Water 1 Mainland - Replacement of 2000 100 Project scope for
KOC- connections (last mile) for connections (last mile) for across project being
019 across 10,000 HSCs 10,000 HSCs (Commercial and finalised in
(Commercial and Domestic) Domestic) with Smart Metering consultation with
with Smart Metering and and isolation valves KWA. Concept
isolation valves prepared. CSML to
fix a meeting with
KWA to finalise
scope. Also issue a
letter in this regard.
13 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.13 Mainland - Bulk Meters and Convergence 150 DPR Stage
KOC- Isolation valves with remote
020 meter reading
14 KER- 1 Water Supply 1.14 General - Rainwater Convergence Rainwater harvesting structures 1125 75 Feasibility report
KOC- structures in ~5000 in 13 Govt bldgs & Institutions submitted.
021 households Project has been
taken uo by KWA
under Convergence
15 KER- 2 UGSS 2.1 Decentralized Treatment Waste Water & Reuse 2 Vacuum Sewer Network With 2200 15450 Tendered
KOC- and collection system for House Connections and Sewage Bid evaluation
022 West Kochi under ADB Treatment Plant under progress
16 KER- 2 UGSS 2.2 Small bore sewer/ Vacuum 11000
KOC- system for onsite sanitation
023 - Includes storage facility for
treated water use for

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SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
17 KER- 2 UGSS 2.3 Improvements to Waste Water & Reuse 3 Improvements to Sewer 7000 3450 Project scope to be
KOC- Elamkulam STP and collection system for Mainland confirmed with
024 collection system Mainland stakeholders (KWA)
(JNNURM scheme)
Convergence Elamkulam STP 1300
18 KER- 3 NMT Roads 3.1 Relaying of roads Improvement of Roads 4 Development of Other Roads in 4200 4360 Project awarded.
KOC- and Ernakulam Work under
025 Pedestrianized implementation
19 KER- 3 NMT Roads 3.2 Standard Footpaths 5 Development of Other Roads in 2853 6020 To be retendered
KOC- and including signages West Kochi
026 Pedestrianized
20 KER- 3 NMT Roads 3.3 Restoration/ Rehabilitation 2360
KOC- and of Stormwater drains in the
027 Pedestrianized proposed area
21 KER- 3 NMT Roads 3.4 MLCP and Commercial Transport 6 Parking management plan for 5000 690 EOI Published.
KOC- and complex at Kacheripady ABD area & Development of No EOI received.
028 Pedestrianized Multi Level Car Parking at Retendered. 2nd
areas Kacheripady time again no bid
received. Project to
be re-tendered
Transport 7 MLCP at GCDA land at Marine 19.9 Feasibility report
Drive prepared. DPR
8 MLCP at KTDC complex at preparation
Maneka ongoing. CSML
9 Smart Parking solutions at Board &
various location in ABD area stakeholders
approval required
to enable tendering
10 Commercial complex at 500
22 KER- 4 Main Roads 4.1 World class Arterial roads -- Smart Street Features 11 Development of Smart Roads in 5287 6153 Project Awarded.
KOC- KB Jacob & Amravati Road/ Ernakulam under Smart City Work under
029 Bazaar Road in West/ -- Mission progress
Avenue, MG Rd, DH Rd,
Banerjee Rd in Central city

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SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
23 KER- 4 Main Roads 4.2 Relaying of roads, Aesthetic 12 Development of Smart Roads in 1650 3031
KOC- and improved Urban design West Kochi under Smart City
030 Pedestrian facilities with Mission
Street furniture, Boulevards
and urban greenery
24 KER- 4 Main Roads 4.3 Utility ducting for SWD, 3300
KOC- Water supply, Sewerage,
031 OFC etc
25 KER- 4 Main Roads 4.4 Signages, Junction 13 Integrated Traffic Management 97 2690 Awarded
KOC- improvement with Systems (ITMS)
032 Intelligent Traffic
KER- 14 Road Signages 240 DPR submitted. To
KOC- be tendered post
086 initiation of road
construction work
26 KER- 4 Main Roads 4.5 Escalator FOBs Smart Street Features 15 FOBs - West Kochi (3 Nos) 240 215 Project scope being
KOC- finalised in
033 consultation with
27 KER- 5 Energy Supply 5.1 Compact Secondary Smart Street Features 16 Development of Roads electrical 180 6340 Re-tendered into 5
KOC- Substation (990 KVA) infrastructure in Ernakulam & packages (initially 2
049 West Kochi packages). Bids
submitted under
43 KER- 6 Energy 6.1 Solar based LED with Smart Street Features 17 Implementation of Smart LED 3206 LOA issued to M/s
KOC- Efficiency Smart poles lighting Schnell Energy
050 Enterprises limited
KER- Smart Telecom 18 Intelligent Street Poles 30160 PPP. Tendered.
KOC- Projects under
088 evaluation
44 KER- 6 Energy 6.2 Solar panels in Households Solar 19 Solar panels in Govt. buildings 570 Contract Awarded.
KOC- Efficiency and Institutions - Grid Work on-going
051 connected
Solar 20 Solar panels in public places Concept Stage.
(Canals, parks etc) May be clubbed
with Canals project.

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SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
45 KER- 7 Solid waste 7.1 Equipments including Smart Equipments including Smart 600
KOC- and Sanitation Street sweepers/ GPS Street sweepers/ GPS enabled
052 enabled Vehicles/compactors
Solid Waste 21 Smart & Improved Secondary 440 To be retendered
Management Storage & Transportation of Solid post discussions
Waste using Portable Compactor with KMC
Solid Waste 22 Smart & Improved Battery 100 DPR submitted. To
Management Operated Tricycles for Primary be tendered post
Waste Collection at West Kochi & KMC approval
Ernakulam in ABD Area
KER- Solid Waste 23 Smart & Improved Mechanised 320 To be retendered
KOC- Management Street Sweeping at West Kochi & post discussions
087 Ernakulum in ABD area with KMC
46 KER- 7 Solid waste 7.2 Bio-composting in all Solid Waste 5
KOC- and Sanitation Government institutions Management
47 KER- 7 Solid waste 7.3 Household segregated bins Solid Waste 24 Distribution of Household Bins & 74 67 Project Awarded
KOC- and Sanitation for Organic and inorganic Management Street
054 wastes Litter Bins for improvement of
waste segregation in ABD
48 KER- 7 Solid waste 7.4 Public toilets with Fit-in Other social 25 Renovation and Upgradation of 10 180 Project to be re-
KOC- and Sanitation Treatment facility for Infrastructure Existing Public Toilet Facilities in tender
055 Decentralized STP in West West Kochi & Ernakulam Market.
49 KER- 8 Parks and 8.1 Upgradation of Nehru Park Convergence 200 200 Under
KOC- Open spaces implementation
50 KER- 8 Parks and 8.2 Development of open Smart Placemaking 26 Development of Open spaces 30 250 DPR submitted
KOC- Open spaces spaces and playgrounds and playgrounds
51 KER- 8 Parks and 8.3 Open space corridor linking Smart Placemaking 27 Improvements to Marine Drive 90 710 Project to be re-
KOC- Open spaces DH Ground to walkway phase I tendered
058 Mangalavanam (depends
on ecological sensitivity)

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SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
52 KER- 8 Parks and 8.4 Mangalavanam Eco- Smart Placemaking 28 Mangalavanam Eco-restoration 100 100 Concept shared
KOC- Open spaces restoration project project with forest
059 department.
Multiple discussions
held. Confirmation
awaited from
stakeholder on
scope of work to
start work on
Feasibility report.
53 KER- 9 Canal 9.1 Restoration of Mullassery Smart Placemaking 29 Restoration of Mullassery canal - 100 100 Based on
KOC- Restoration canal - including linking of including linking of standardized stakeholder
060 standardized area drains area drains discussions held on
28 May 2019,
CSML to confirm
scope of project
(extended of the
canal under smart
city scope) for
feasibility report
54 KER- 9 Canal 9.2 Restoration of Market canal Smart Placemaking 30 Restoration of Market canal - 500 500 KMRL & CSML to
KOC- Restoration - Walkways and Market Walkways and Market square confirm whether
061 square around the canal around the canal pond, Solar CSML or KMRL to
pond, Solar paneled roofs, paneled roofs, LED Lighting, take up market
LED Lighting, Light posts Light posts canal works.
Thereafter FR will
be revised
55 KER- 9 Canal 9.3 Restoration of Kalvathy Smart Placemaking 31 Restoration of Kalvathy canal 2000 2000 Based on
KOC- Restoration canal and area drain and area drain improvement - stakeholder
062 improvement - Open Open spaces, Street furniture discussions held on
spaces, Street furniture and and landscaping features 28 May 2019,
landscaping features CSML to confirm
56 KER- 9 Canal 9.4 Restoration of Smart Placemaking 32 Restoration of Rameswaram- 1500 1500 scope of project
KOC- Restoration Rameswaram-Kalvathy Kalvathy canal - Upto Cochin (extended of the
063 canal - Upto Cochin college college – Walkways and Linking canal under smart
the Canal Bank Road city scope) for

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SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
– Walkways and Linking the feasibility report
Canal Bank Road revision
57 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.1 Water transport Convergence 4200 5600 Tender stage
KOC- (Multi Modal infrastructure (around 12
064 Transport) 100 pax boats)
58 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.2 Electric Feeders, Bicycle Convergence Electric Feeders 1148 32 Taken up by KMRL.
KOC- (Multi Modal Sharing, Elevated Also proposed as
065 Transport) Walkways and Travelators part of Broadway
KER- Transport 33 Public Bicycle Sharing 1000 Contract Awarded.
KOC- Work on-going
Elevated Walkways
and Travelators
clubbed with
Ernakulam Market.
Scope to be
finalised by
59 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.3 Walkway from Ekm Jetty to Smart Street Features 34 Walkway from Ekm Jetty to Metro 900 470 Under
KOC- (Multi Modal Metro station station Implementation
002 Transport)
60 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.4 Jetty improvement Convergence 800 4000 Tender Stage
KOC- (Multi Modal
007 Transport)
61 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.5 Property development Convergence 720
KOC- (Multi Modal along jetties
066 Transport)
62 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.6 Boatyard and Command & Convergence 2000
KOC- (Multi Modal Control Centre
067 Transport)
63 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.7 Dredging cost Convergence 1000
KOC- (Multi Modal
068 Transport)
64 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.8 Extend ‘Smart Wi-Fi bus Integrated Command 35 Extend ‘Smart Wi-Fi bus shelters’ 60 60 Combined
KOC- (Multi Modal shelters’ with LED bulbs, and Control Centre/ with LED bulbs, FM radio, USB stakeholder
069 Transport) FM radio, USB drive slots, Master Integrator drive slots, magazine/newspaper meeting & letter to
kiosks, mobile charger units stakeholders for

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Monthly Progress Report

SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
magazine/newspaper confirmation on
kiosks, mobile charger units project to be taken
up under Smart City
or not
65 KER- 10 Urban mobility 10.9 Standard Wifi Enabled Bus Integrated Command 36 Standard Wifi Enabled Bus 300 300 Combined
KOC- (Multi Modal Stands With Commercial and Control Centre/ Stands With Commercial space stakeholder
070 Transport) space development Master Integrator development meeting & letter to
stakeholders for
confirmation on
project to be taken
up under Smart City
or not
66 KER- 11 Housing 11.1 Integrated redevelopment Affordable Housing 37 Integrated redevelopment of 14140 6285* Letter to KMC to be
KOC- (Urban of Slum housing Slum housing sent from CSML
071 Planning) Project preparation
will require time.
Minimum 3-4
months for DPR &
tender preparation
depending on
project scope.
Hence to enable
tendering and
within SCM
confirmation on
scope to be shared
by KMC at the
R&R will require
additional time.
With limited SCM
Confirmation on
scope needs to be

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Monthly Progress Report

SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
67 KER- 11 Housing 11.2 Upgradation of Affordable Housing 38 Beneficiary Led housing scheme 2435 1300 CSML Transferring
KOC- (Urban infrastructure in Housing funds to KMC
072 Planning) through Credit linked
68 KER- 11 Housing 11.3 Construction & upgradation Affordable Housing 39 Improvement of connectivity 515 DPR Stage. Soil
KOC- (Urban of 755 DUs in Thuruthy, for Thuruthy through test conducted.
073 Planning) Kalvathy & Konchery colony construction of Bridges & Broad Estimate
shared with KMRL.
Soil test conducted
7424 Structural dwgs
under preparation.
40 Construction of Second tower at TBC by KMC.*
41 Construction of First tower at 2100 CSML Transferring
Thuruthy funds to KMC
69 KER- 12 Economy and 12.1 Broadway Market and Smart Placemaking & 42 Broadway Street 1000 1000 Feasibility report
KOC- Employment Ernakulam market PPP submitted. DPR
074 Redevelopment and Stage
Mattancherry spice market
43 Ernakulam Market 10000 10240 Feasibility report
Redevelopment+Escalator submitted. DPR
FOBs+Elevated Walkways and Stage. KMC to
Travelators approve initiate
R&R asap. KMC to
share final list of
shopkeepers with
shop size
Suggest on Transit
shelter strategy
confirmation on
alternate land for
expenditure during
relocation period,
revision of rental

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Monthly Progress Report

SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
rates for new
building and
approval of revised
traffic management
plan from
beneficiaries, Co-
ordination with all
i. KMC to verify and
compile final list of
vendors and
hawkers and share
with smart city team
at the earliest to
enable Smart city
team to do detailing
of the designs
ii. Confirmation for
land for transit
shelters at the
iii. KMC to confirm
allotment of shops
by zoning. Smart
city to design
Smart Placemaking Mattancherry spice market Taken under
Redevelopment streetscape
improvement as
part of road project
70 KER- 12 Economy and 12.2 Standard Hawker zones in Smart Placemaking 44 Standard Hawker zones in Fort 500 560 Feasibility Stage
KOC- Employment Fort Kochi Kochi + Standardize structures
075 (Central City for "Petti Kada"
Renewal &
Mkt Dev)

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Monthly Progress Report

SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
71 KER- 13 Health 13.1 Scale up of GH into a Health 45 Extension of Cancer Speciality 3000 2600 Project Awarded
KOC- Super-speciality care Block for General Hospital.
076 centres
KER- E-Health 46 E-health solutions for selected 371 Project Awarded.
KOC- hospitals Work under
090 implementation
72 KER- 13 Health 13.2 Integrated development of 4 Health 47 Out Patient & Admin block, Fort 1000 465 Tendered
KOC- Hospitals in West Kochi - Kochi taluk Hospital
077 Excellence in Secondary
KER- Health 48 Out Patient & Admin block, 457 Tendered
KOC- Women & Child Hospital,
089 Mattancherry
73 KER- 14 Education 14.1 Anganwadis and public Education 49 CIVIL – upgradation of 450 90 DPR Submitted
KOC- schools Anganwadies
079 Upgradation of facilities -
Basic services, Digital
classrooms, Libraries, Eco-
toilets, Sports kits , Biogas
plant, Urban farming etc
74 KER- 14 Education 14.2 Higher Educational Education 50 Higher secondary block, Central 100 467 Project to be
KOC- institutions Calvathy GHSS, Fort Kochi retendered
080 Upgradation of facilities -
Basic services, Digital
classrooms, Libraries, Eco-
toilets, Sports kits , Biogas
plant, Urban farming etc
E- Learning 51 Smart Classroom for 100 490 Tendered.
classrooms PAN city Cancelled
75 KER- 15 Safety and 15.1 5 Rapid response boats for Convergence 50 CSML to confirm
KOC- Security water transport safety with KMRL
76 KER- 15 Safety and 15.2 Drone Surveillance Integrated Command 52 Safety & Security CCTV 30 1436 DPR stage
KOC- Security and Control Centre/ Surveillance
082 Master Integrator
77 16 Other Social 16.1 Upgradation of Community Other Social 53 Upgradation of Community 100 100 Clarification on
Infrastructure Centre at Mattancherry with Infrastructure Centre at Mattancherry with scope needed from
indoor sports facilities indoor sports facilities KMC

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Monthly Progress Report

SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
78 16 Other Social 16.2 Standardize structures for 60
Infrastructure "Petti Kada"
79 KER- 17 Identity and 17.1 Fortkochi and Mattanchery Smart Placemaking Implementation of identified 3000 3000
KOC- Culture region Master plan for Tourism related projects in Fort
083 (Heritage & Tourism Kochi & Mattancherry
Tourism 17.1.1 54 Open Air Theatre at Fort Kochi 110 Tendered
Development) Zonal office Bid under
55 Museum of Freedom Struggle 44 DPR submitted
56 Museum of Spices history 150 Formal confirmation
on location required
from KMC
17.3 57 Development of Ethnic Food Hub
KER- 58 Development of Dutch palace 110 Tendered
KOC- node parking area and palace Bid under
092 street entry evaluation
KER- 59 Fort Kochi Beach Front 171 Project to be re-
KOC- improvements - Vasco Square tendered
60 Fort Kochi Beach Front 829 DPR stage
improvements - Phase II
61 Mattancherry Walkway 1100 Put on hold by
CSML till required
approvals are
17.2 Developing a Water & Adventure 110 DPR stage
sports center at Marine drive
62 Cultural Corridor PT Usha Road 100 Feasibility stage
17.1.9 Multimedia based Light & Sound Put on hold by
show CSML till required
approvals are
80 KER- 18 Others 18.1 Spatial Mapping of assets Convergence 63 Base map upgradation for ABD 1500 50 DPR submitted and
KOC- and SCADA systems for area scope submitted to
084 Information gathering with enable KMC to
monitoring centres tender at the

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SCP Project Module Module Name SCP SCP Project Name Category (as per Revised Revised Name of Project Original Estimated Stage of project
S. Code No. Project MoHUA) S. No. Project Cost (if (for Convergence
No. as per No. Cost as any) projects status
Central per has been provided
MIS SCP by respective
KER- Integrated Command 64 Integrated Command, Control 6450 Project Awarded
KOC- and Control Centre/ and Communication Centre (IC4)
004 Master Integrator


No of No of No of
Cost as Amount No of
Projec Revise Revised No of As No. of Amount Tender No of Amount
Sl Source of Per SCP of Work Expendit
ts as d Cost As issued- TS of TS ed Work of Work
No Funds ( Rs in Tendere Comp ure
per Projec ( Rs in Cr) Issued Amount Issued issued Projec Awarded Awarded
Cr d leted
SCP ts ts*
1 SPV 61 1007.19 28 565.09 26 541.68 22 573.21 11.00 290.68 5.50
80 1347.5
2 PPP 4 337.58 3 336.58 3 336.58 3 336.58 2.00 35.00 1 26.80
3 Convergence 2 646.000 20 860.27 0 0.00 9 168.79 10 169.11 7.00 60.11 2 6.70

Note * Total - Tendered Number & Amount: Projects not included which are awarded on nomination basis


Sl No Name of the No of Cost as No of Revised No. of Technical Total Total - Work Work Work Total -
Sector Projects Per SCP Revised Cost Technical Sanction Tendered Tendered Awarded Awarded Compl Expendit
as per ( Rs in Projects ( Rs in Sanction Issued - (Number) Amount - Number - Amount eted ure
SCP Cr) under SCP Cr) Issued Amount * (Rs in (Rs in cr) ( Rs in
Crore)* crore)
1 Water Supply 1 11.25 1 1 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 UGSS 3 202.00 2 189 1 143.3 1 143.3 0.0 0.0
3 NMT Roads 4 44.13 7 133.85 3 103 3 103.0 1.0 43.6
4 Main Roads 5 106.04 5 123.30 3 103.9 3 106.9 3.0 118.7
5 Energy Supply 16 122.44 1 63.4 1 0 1 63.4 0.0 0.0
6 Energy
2 30.08 4 339.84 3 343.28 2 333.7 2.0 37.8 3
7 Solid Waste
4 6.89 5 11.07 4 10.37 4 10.4 1.0 0.7
and Sanitation

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Sl No Name of the No of Cost as No of Revised No. of Technical Total Total - Work Work Work Total -
Sector Projects Per SCP Revised Cost Technical Sanction Tendered Tendered Awarded Awarded Compl Expendit
as per ( Rs in Projects ( Rs in Sanction Issued - (Number) Amount - Number - Amount eted ure
SCP Cr) under SCP Cr) Issued Amount * (Rs in (Rs in cr) ( Rs in
Crore)* crore)
8 Park & Open 2.20
4 3 10.6 1 7.1 1 7.1 0.0 0.0
9 Canal 41.00
4 4 41 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Urban Mobility 4 24.08 4 18.3 2 19 2 14.7 2 14.7 4.3
11 Housing 3 239.99 5 121 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Economy and 115.00
2 3 115.6 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Health 2 40.00 4 38.93 4 30.17 2 9.22 2 20.71
14 Education 2 5.50 3 10.48 2 4.67 1 4.67 0 0
15 Safety and 0.80
2 1 14.56 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Other Social 1.60
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Identity and 30.00
1 9 23.35 3 3.78 3 3.78 0 0
18 Others 1 15.00 2 64.5 1 84.69 1 84.7 1 64.5
Total -A 62 1138 64 1319.77 28 853.26 24 884.79 12 300.68 0 7.3
B- Project Under Convergence
19 Water Supply 13 120.3 12 80.64 4 9.88 4 9.88 4 9.88 2 5.04
20 UGSS 1 13.00 1 13 1 13 0 0
21 Park & Open
1 2.00 1 2.00 1 2 1 2 1 2 1.66
22 Urban Mobility 4 87.2 3 96.32 2 96 3 96.32 1 0.32
23 Housing 1 47.91 1 47.91 1 47.91 1 47.91
24 Safety &
1 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total- B 18 209.5 18 239.87 9 168.79 10 169.11 7 60.11 2 6.7
C- PAN City Project
25 Water Supply 1 621 1 621
1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25.00 1 25.00
Total -C 2 646 2 646 1 25 1 25 1 25.00 1.00 25.00
Grand Total -
82 1993.5 84 2205.64 38 1047.05 35 1078.9 20 385.79 3 39.00
Note * Total - Tendered Number & Amount: Projects not included which are awarded on nomination

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Monthly Progress Report


Based on the scope of the work, which is being finalised by consultation with stakeholders, PMC has assessed the timeline for submitting the
reports. The final timeline will be given for the projects once the scope of work will finalised. The implementation schedule for the projects is given
Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline
Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
Project scope for
project being
finalised in
Replacement of
Scope of work consultation with
connections (last mile)
is being 60 days KWA. Concept
for across 550 HSCs 30 days post 25 days post
clarified with 15 days post after prepared. CSML
(Commercial and 2000 100 confirmation of Scope confirmation of
consultation confirmation of DPR issuance to fix a meeting
Domestic) with Smart of Work Feasibility Report
with Stake of tender with KWA to
Metering and isolation
holders finalise
scope.Also issue
a letter in this
Improvements to sewer Tender issued 7-Feb-18
28-Feb-2019/ 08-Mar-2019 30-July-
collection system for 13200 15450 Bid evaluation Revised- 11-Sep-18 05-Mar-2019 2019
West Kochi under progress -
Project scope to
Improvements to sewer 7000 30 days post 30 days post 30 days post approval 60 days
Feasibility be confirmed with
collection system for 3450 confirmation of Scope confirmation of of DPR post
Stage stakeholders
Mainland of Work Feasibility Report tender
Development of Other 4200
LoA issued on 30-Aug-18 11-Oct-18/ 09-April-
Roads in Ernakulam 2853 4360 10-Aug-18
9th April 14-Feb-2019 2019
under Smart City Mission 2360

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Monthly Progress Report

Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline

Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
Development of Other 11-Oct-18/
Project re- 10-Aug-18 30-Aug-18 15-Oct- Project to be re-
Roads in West Kochi 6020 15-Feb-2019
tendered. 2019 tendered
under Smart City Mission
Revised FR – 15-Oct- Project to be re-
MLCP at Kacheripady 616 Tender issued 08-Feb-2019 08-March-2019
07-Oct-18 2019 tendered

Combined 30 days post

60 days Scope is being
Commercial complex at Feasibility confirmation of scope 15 days post approval
500 7-Oct-2018 post finalised with
Kacheripady report of work and land of DPR
tender Stakeholders
submitted– availability
Scope of work
30 days post
to be finalised 60 days Scope is being
MLCP at KTDC & GCDA 7-Oct-2018 confirmation of scope 15 days post approval
1700 with stake post finalised with
land at Marine Drive of work and land of DPR
holders tender Stakeholders
DPR under
Smart Parking Solutions 15-June- 14-Sept- 14-Aug- 13-Oct- 30-Dec- preparation in
190 DPR stage 7-Oct-2018
in ABD area 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 consultation with
Development of Smart
LoA issued on 10-Aug-18 30-Aug-18 11-Oct-18/ 09-April-
Roads in Ernakulam 5287 6153
9th April 14-Feb-19 2019
under Smart City Mission
Development of Smart 1650 LoA issued on 10-Aug-18 30-Aug-18 11-Oct-18/ 09-April-
Roads in West Kochi 3300 9th April 16-Feb-19 2019
Development of Smart Project re-
Roads electrical tendered 10-Aug-18 30-Aug-18 30-July-
12253 6340 16-Feb-19
infrastructure in Bid evaluation 2019
Ernakulam & West Kochi under progress

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Monthly Progress Report

Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline

Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
Integrated Traffic
2-Feb-18 6-Feb-18 24-Feb-18 22-Feb-
Management Systems 2690 LoA issued -
97 2019
15-Feb-19 28-Feb-2019 14-Oct-
Roads Signages 240 DPR submitted 14-Aug-2019 -
- 2019
Thuruthy 30 days post 90 days
FoBs(3 nos) –West 27-Sept-2019 15 days post approval
215 Project. Project confirmation of the post
Kochi of DPR
scope being scope of work tender
finalised in
Project Re-
Implementation of Smart tendered. 12-Feb-18 17-Feb-18 27-June-
3209 Re tendered- 26-12-18
LED Lighting in ABD Under 2019
1250 evaluation
15-Nov-2018/ 30-
Intelligent Street Poles 30158 Tender issued. 08-Feb-2019 07-Mar-2019 August-
Project under
Solar Panels in Govt.
1758 570 implementatio 2-Feb-18 7-Feb-18 24-Sep-18 - -
Supply, Operation and Tender
Maintenance of Portable cancelled. 14-Feb-18 20-Mar-18 Project to be re-
600 440 04-Apr-18 30-Oct-19
Compactor for Project to be tendered
Secondary Storage & re-tendered

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Monthly Progress Report

Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline

Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
Transportation of Solid
Smart & Improved
60 Days
Tricycles for Primary DPR 26-Feb-18 28-Feb-18 30 days post approval Approval awaited
100 post
Waste Collection at West Submitted of KMC from KMC
Kochi & Ernakulam in
ABD Area
Smart & Improved
Mechanised Street
cancelled. 20-Mar-18 20-Mar-18 04-Apr-18 Project to be re-
Sweeping at West Kochi 320 30-Oct-19
Project to be tendered
& Ernakulum in ABD
Distribution of
Household Bins & Street
LoA issued on 7-Feb-18 28-Feb-18 08-May-
Litter Bins for 74 67 04-Apr-18 -
8th May, 2019 19
improvement of waste
segregation in ABD
Public toilets in West
27-Sept-18 13-Feb-2019 14-Aug-
Kochi & Ernakulam 10 180 Tender issued 08-March-2019 -
Development of open DPR 26-Mar-2019 30-Sept-
30 250 18-June-2019 30-July-19
spaces and playgrounds Submitted 2019
Project to be re-
Marine Drive Walkway Project to be 03-Nov-18 04-Feb-19 30-Oct-
90 710 08-Mar-2019 tendered
Phase I re-tendered 27-Mar-2019 2019

Conceptualizat 30 days post approval 20 days post approval 20 days post approval 60 days
Mangalavanam Eco- Confirmation
100 100 ion Stage. on concept shared of Feasibility Report of post
restoration project awaited from
Various DPR tender

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Monthly Progress Report

Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline

Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
discussions stakeholder on
held. scope of work
awaited from
stakeholder on
scope of work
02-Mar-2019/ 45 days post revision 20 days post 60 days Feasibility report
Restoration of Rev- 30 days post of FR acceptance of DPR post date to be revised post
Mullassery canal - Feasibility completion of surveys of tender confirmation on
100 100 and data submission additional canal
including linking of Stage
standardized area drains stretch and
surveys by CSML

Restoration of Market 02-Mar-2019/ Convergence project Feasibility report

canal - Walkways and Rev- 30-July-2019 to be revised post
Market square around confirmation on
500 500 additional canal
the canal pond, Solar
paneled roofs, LED stretch and
Lighting, Light posts surveys by CSML

Restoration of Kalvathy 02-Mar-2019/ 45 days post revision 20 days post 60 days Feasibility report
canal and area drain Rev- 30 days post of FR acceptance of DPR post date to be revised post
improvement - Open Feasibility completion of surveys of tender confirmation on
2000 2000 and data submission additional canal
spaces, Street furniture Stage
and landscaping stretch and
features surveys by CSML
Restoration of 02-Mar-2019/ 45 days post revision 20 days post 60 days Feasibility report
Rameswaram-Kalvathy Feasibility Rev- 30 days post of FR acceptance of DPR post date to be revised post
1500 1500
canal - Upto Cochin Stage completion of surveys of tender confirmation on
college – Walkways and and data submission additional canal

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Monthly Progress Report

Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline

Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
Linking the Canal Bank stretch and
Road surveys by CSML
Work under
Bicycle Sharing 1148 1000 implementatio - 2-Mar-18 06-Mar-2018 -
Walkway from Ekm Jetty 30-Mar-
900 900 Implementatio
to Metro station 17
Extend ‘Smart Wi-Fi bus 30 days post 30 days post approval 15 days post approval 60 days
shelters’ with LED bulbs, confirmation of scope of feasibility report of DPR post
FM radio, USB drive of work tender Scope is being
Stage. Scope
slots, 60 60 finalised with
being finalised
magazine/newspaper Stakeholders
with KMC
kiosks, mobile charger
Standard Wifi Enabled Concept
30 days post 60 days Scope is being
Bus Stands with Stage. Scope 30 days post approval 15 days post approval
300 300 confirmation of scope post finalised with
Commercial space being finalised of feasibility report of DPR
of work tender Stake Holders
development with KMC
Integrated Scope to be 30 days post approval 90 days post approval 20 days post approval 60 days Scope to be
redevelopment of Slum 14140 6285 finalised by of Concept report of feasibility report of DPR post finalised by KMC
housing KMC tender
Transfer of
Construction of First fund by CSML.
tower at Thuruthy No scope for
7424 PMC
Scope being 30 days post approval 90 days post approval 20 days post approval 60 days
Construction of Second Scope to be
finalised with of Concept report of feasibility report of DPR post
tower at Thuruthy finalised by KMC
KMC tender

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Monthly Progress Report

Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline

Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
Construction &
upgradation of Feasibility
27-Sept-2019 15-June- 14-Aug- 15-July- 13-Sept- 30-Nov- Location approval
Infrastructure in 515 report
2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 awaited
Thuruthy, Construction submitted
of Bridges
R&R assistance
15-Oct-18 15-June- 30-Aug- required from
Broadway Street 11000 1000 Report TBD TBD TBD
- 2019 2019 KMC to complete
Ernakulam Market
R&R assistance
Redevelopment+Escalat Feasibility
19-Sep-18 15-June- 16-Sept- 15-July- 16-Oct- 16-Dec- required from
or FOBs+Elevated 10000 Report
2019 19 2019 19 2019 KMC to complete
Walkways and Submitted,
Standard Hawker zones
in Fort Kochi + 15-July- 30-July- 30-July- 16-Sept- 30-Nov- Scope of the work
500 560 Concept Stage 30-May-2019
Standardize structures 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 is being finalised
for "Petti Kada"
LoA Issued to
Cancer Extension Block, INKEL on 10-Jul-18 Contract given on
3000 2600
General Hospital. nomination nomination basis
Out Patient & Admin 17-Mar-18
28-Feb-18 15-June-
block, Fort Kochi taluk 1000 467 Tender issued Rev- 30-Oct-18 07-Mar-2019
Out Patient & Admin
27-Jul-18 15-June-
block, Women & Child 457 Tender issued 28-Feb-18 07-Mar-2019
Rev- 13-Nov-18 2019
Hospital, Mattancherry

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Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline

Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
20-Dec-18/ 27-Feb- Contract to be
E-health solutions for 2019
371 LoA issued 15-Sep-18 07-Feb-19 - awarded on
selected hospitals
nomination basis
Upgradation of DPR under 06-Apr-2019 30-June- 14-Aug- 30-Oct-
450 300 26-June 2019
Anganwadis progress 2019 19 2019
Higher secondary block, Submitted on 28-Feb- 15-07-2018/
30-Sept- Project to be re-
Central Calvathy GHSS, 100 467 Tender issued 18 03-12-2018 07-Mar-2019
2019 tender
Fort Kochi - -
Smart Classroom for 100 Tender 5-Feb-18 9-Feb-18
490 24-Feb-18 - -
classrooms PAN city cancelled
Intelligent Crime DPR 21-Jan-2019 21-Mar-2019 30-July- 30-Aug- 30-Oct-
30 1456
Surveillance system Submitted - - 2019 19 2019
30 days post 30 days post approval 20 days post approval 60 days KMC proposed to
Upgradation of
Clarification on confirmation of scope of Feasibility report of DPR post drop the project.
Community Centre at
100 100 scope needed of work tender Formal
Mattancherry with indoor
from KMC. confirmation
sports facilities
Implementation of
Master plan for
identified Tourism
3000 3000 Tourism
related projects in Fort
Kochi & Mattancherry
Tender issued 20-Aug-18
Open Air theatre at Fort 02-Feb-2019 30-July-
110 Bid under Rev- 10-Oct-18/ 07-Mar-2019
Kochi 2019
evaluation Rev- 06-Feb-2019
Museums of Freedom 20-Dec-2018 30-June- 16-Aug- RFP under
120 Report 21-June -2019 30-Oct-19
Struggle Jail 2019 19 preparation
Feasibility Building
20-Dec-2018 15-June- 15-June- 01-June- 15-July- 30-July-
Museums of spices 150 Report confirmation
2019 2019 2019 2019 2019
submitted awaited

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Original Clubbed / Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline Submission/Timeline

Project Segregated/ Feasibility Report DPR Tender Proposed
Name of Project - REVISED Cost as per Estimated Contract
Stage of project Proposed Proposed Proposed Remarks
SCP Projectivisation SCP Cost As per May As per May As per May Award
Revised Revised - Revised
(Rs. in (Rs. in 2019 2019 2019 timeline
Timeline Timeline Timeline
Lakh) Lakh)
Development of Ethnic 20-Feb-2019
(PPP) Report 20-Dec-2018
Food Hub
Development of Dutch
palace node parking 20-Dec-2018 20-Feb-2019 14-Aug-
110 Tender issued 7-Mar-2019
area and palace street 2019
Fort Kochi Beach Front Project to be 28-Feb-2019 30-Sept- Project to be re-
improvements - Vasco 158 re-tendered 07-Mar-2019
2019 tender
Feasibility 20-Dec-2018
Fort Kochi Beach Front report 28-Feb-2019 01-June- 30 June- 30-Aug-
improvements - Phase II Submitted 2019 2019 2019

Feasibility Approval awaited.

report 15-July- 14-Aug- 14-Aug- 17-Sep- 30-Nov- Stakeholder
Mattancherry Walkway 1100 20-Dec-2018
Submitted 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 consultations to
be conducted
Cultural Corridor - PT Feasibility 30-June- 30-Aug- 15-July- 30-Sept- 14-Aug- 13-Oct- 30- Dec- Scope is being
Usha Road Stage 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 finalised
Spatial Mapping of assets
and SCADA systems for DPR 21-Dec-
1500 50 - - To be tender by KMC
Information gathering with Submitted 2018
monitoring centres
Integrated Command,
15-May- 20-May-
Control and 26-Apr-18 28-Feb- 28-Feb
10000 6450 LoA issued 18 18 23- May-2018
Communication Centre 2019 2019

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Project planning

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• KMC to start with confirmation of land for rehabilitation and agreements with
vendors Ernakulam market area
• Confirmation from KMC regarding Broadway market project
• No progress made by KMC regarding housing project. Smart city has limited time
for implementation hence same needs to be expedited by KMC.


Identification of Project
•Projects & scope not yet identified
•PMC to carry out multiple meetings to identify & finalise scope of projects

Stakeholder management
•Once broad scope is identified stakeholders are informed
•Delayed response
•Continuous chasing required
•Change in project scope many times
•Multiple stakeholders within same organisation

KMC approvals & data

•List of beneficiaries
•List of hawkers
•List of slums
•Timely Site clearances

Tendered projects & to be awarded

•Process for taking permisisons requere purchase of forms, stamp papers for
affidavit. CSML to purchse these forms as other stakeholders have not
tendered thep rojects thus, unable show such costs
•Key agencies yet to appoint nodal person
•Nodal person to assist in provision of data, scope and approvals
•CSML to include nodal officers from key staekholder (owner of the project from
the signing of the contract so that hand over at time of completion is easy and
known to owner.


❖ Smart & Other Roads
1. General notification to be issued to the public regarding road work being
initiated and for disconnecting the existing illegal septage discharge
connected to drains

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2. Street vendors relocation & rehabilitation for all Roads under Smart City
1. Need for a corporation owned space for 10,000 household bins by 25 July
19. Preferably in West Kochi.
2. Respective health inspector to be in charge of the bins.
3. Beneficiary lists to be prepared by the respective Ward Councillors.
4. Meeting to be organised between the Councillors, Health Inspectors,
Suchitwa Mission and CSML for discussing bin distribution, awareness
campaigns and waste management strategies
5. Need to complete 50% distribution by 2 October 2019.
❖ Public Bike Sharing
Any suggestion on locations pan city
❖ IC4
1. Integration of data all e-governance data of KMC
2. GIS mapping status
❖ Housing – 2nd Tower at Thuruthy
1. Permission for geotechnical tests
2. Layout plan to be submitted next week for approval from KMC
❖ Intelligent Street Pole (Smart Pole)
1. In principle approval for the project from KMC Council
2. Proposal already presented to KMC
❖ Calvathy School
1. To expedite necessary orders for demolition of proposed block for
upgradation (Suggested during holiday time to avoid any disturbance to
students & teachers. KMC to plan accordingly).
❖ Marine Drive walkway
1. Handing over of land for construction
2. Removal of fencing that separates two parks for easier access to the
visitors. Provision of gate for time bound opening
❖ Ernakulam Market redevelopment
1. Market: Letter dated 8th July 2019 vide CSML/Broadway &

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❖ Request for official list of authorised licensed vendors from

2. Nodal officer from KMC may be nominated (Sub Committee may be
3. Stakeholder consultation to address grievance of stakeholders
4. Relocation & rehabilitation
Finalisation of project scope. As we will be entering another year of SCM we need to
expedite project scope with stakeholders at the earliest.
List of projects requiring CSML assistance in finalizing the scope and conducting
stakeholder meetings

Table 3-1: Projects requiring stakeholder assistance

Project name Approx. Assistance required

Broad cost
Smart water solutions - smart metering and 1.00 CSML to share letter with KWA requesting
smart valves for all connections in ABD meeting to finalise scope.
Restoration of Mullassery Canal - including 1.00 Confirmation on stretch of Canal to be taken up
linking of standardized area drains under Smart City scope. Surveys for additional
Restoration of Market Canal - walkways and 5.00 stretch to be carried by SPV.
market square around the canal pond, solar
paneled roofs, led lighting, light posts
Restoration of Kalvathy Canal and area drain 20.00
improvement - open spaces, street furniture
and landscaping features
Restoration of Rameswaram-Kalvathy canal 15.00
- upto cochin college – walkways and linking
the canal bank road
Broadway street upgradation 10.00 CSML conducting various meetings.
Ernakulam market redevelopment 100.00 CSML conducting various meetings. KMC to
lead with R&R
Standard hawker zones in Fort Kochi + 5.60 Combined stakeholder meeting based on draft
standardize structures for "petti kada" Feasibility report
MLCP at KTDC 7.00 Letter and meetings with stakeholders to
finalise locations for tendering
Museum of freedom struggle 1.20 Letter to KMC & Stakeholders regarding scope
of project formulated by CSML
Museum of spices history 1.50 Letter to KMC requesting for confirmation on
Mattancherry walkway 11.00 Combined stakeholder meeting
Cultural corridor - Pt Usha road 0.50 Letter to KMC regarding scope of project
formulated by CSML
Fort Kochi beach front improvements - part B 5.00 Combined stakeholder meeting & letter to
walkway & beach stakeholders
Development of open spaces 2.50 Letter to KMC for confirmation and approval of
open spaces and parks selected and proposals
Anganwadis 3.00 Letter to KMC & ICDS
Combined stakeholder meeting for
confirmation and approval of selected
Anganwadis and proposals

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Standard wifi enabled bus stands with TBC Combined stakeholder meeting & letter to
commercial space development stakeholders
Spatial mapping of assets 0.35 (ABD) Letter to KMC.
DPR shared, scope shared.
KMC to tender the project at the earliest.
CSML to follow. As of now no meeting
Smart & improved battery-operated tricycles 1.00 Letter to KMC on further action required
for primary waste collection at West Kochi &
Ernakulam in ABD area
Improvements to sewer collection system for TBC Letter to KWA & KMC
mainland Project preparation will require time. Minimum
3-4 months for DPR & tender preparation
depending on project scope. Hence to enable
tendering and implementation within SCM
duration confirmation on scope to be shared by
KMC at the earliest.
With limited SCM duration. Confirmation on
scope needs to be expedited.
Mangalavanam eco-restoration project 1.00 Combined stakeholder meeting & letter to
Extend ‘Smart wi-fi bus shelters’ with led 0.60 Combined stakeholder meeting & letter to
bulbs, FM radio, USB drive slots, stakeholders
magazine/newspaper kiosks, mobile charger
CSML to provide way forward on projects to be taken up based on funds available.


Following convergence & SCM projects are proposed to be dropped from Central MIS
maintained by MoHUA as per suggestion received from MoHUA on 13 June 2019

Table 3-2: Projects proposed to be dropped from CENTRAL MIS

Project name SCP cost Suggestion

24 X 7 WATER 621 Based on input received from MoHUA during Video conference held
SUPPLY - PAN for 100 Smart Cities, it is proposed that as implementation duration
CITY for 24x7 water supply project will not be in sync with Smart City
implementation duration hence the project may be dropped and
formal approval may be taken from all associated stakeholders.
Water supply Approx. 90 Water supply projects in ABD proposed to be implemented by KWA
projects in ABD Cr. under 24x7 water supply project
proposed to be
implemented by
KWA under 24x7
water supply
Upgradation of 1 As per KMC there is no community centre at Mattancherry requiring
community centre upgradation. Hence the project may be dropped.
at Mattancherry KMC to share final confirmation.
with indoor sports

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S. No. Stakeholder Responsibility

1. Kochi Municipal ► Council approval including review and suggestion on proposal
Corporation (KMC) ► Provision of rehabilitation land
► Conduct public consultations
► Relocation & rehabilitation (R&R) of existing vendors
► Carry out O&M post construction
► Event management
► Appointment of Nodal Officer for the Project

2. Cochin Port Trust ► Approval for the navigational area, as it should not interfere with inland
water routes etc.
► Approval for the projects within the jurisdiction of Cochin Port Trust

3. District Collector ► Suggestions and approval of related projects

4. Police Department ► Suggestions and approval of related projects

5. Kerala Water ► Integrating the proposed water metering & Sewerage system with KWA
Authority SCADA software
6. Kerala State
Electricity Board ► Approval of projects as applicable
► Approval and support in integrating the KSEB control room (APIs) with
IC4 project
► Inspection during implementation of net meters
7. RTO – Transport ► Sanctioning of permit and intermediate inspections
8. District Tourism ► Promotion of tourism projects and open spaces projects
Promotion Council
9. State Water ► Permission to go ahead with the pedestrian link between Ernakulam
Transport Jetty and Subhash Park
10. Revenue Department ► Suggestions and approval of related projects within the jurisdiction of
11. KMRL - Water Metro ► To incorporate continuous walkway through proposed boat jetties

12. Kerala Irrigation

Department ► Approval for utilizing canal surface for pumping stations
► Approval for discharging treated water into canal
13. Cochin Heritage ► Suggestion and approvals as required
Zone Conservation
14. Fire & Rescue ► Sanctioning of permit and intermediate inspections
15. Public, Residential ► Public Participation in events organized.
Associations, NGOs,
Social workers
16. Food Safety and ► Sanctioning of permit and intermediate inspections
Standards Authority
of India (FSSAI)
17. District Child Welfare ► Permission to go ahead with construction activity in Indira Priyadarshini
Society Children's Park

18. Vendor Associations ► Assistance with relocation & rehabilitation

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Following table provides an overview of projects and locations in ABD covered in media.
Sl Date News Paper Headlines Link Screenshot
1. 12-06-2019 Times of German agency https://timesofindia.indiatimes.c
India to help Kochi in om/city/kochi/german-agency-
reducing to-help-city-in-reducing-
emissions emissions/articleshow/6974756

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Sl Date News Paper Headlines Link Screenshot

2. 17-06-2019
2 The Hindu Traders continue https://www.thehindu.com/new
to wait for s/cities/Kochi/traders-continue-
development to-wait-for-

3. 18-06-2019
3 Times of Project to ensure https://timesofindia.indiatimes.c
India people’s role in om/city/kochi/project-to-ensure-

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Sl Date News Paper Headlines Link Screenshot

Kochi: Heading
4. 23-06-2019 Times of https://timesofindia.indiatimes.c
nowhere, our
India ‘Smart’ City om/city/kochi/heading-
project nowhere-our-smart-city-

5. 29-06-2019
4 The Hindu Proposal to https://www.thehindu.com/new
modernise s/cities/Kochi/proposal-to-
Ernakulam Market

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Date 07.06.2019

Office Visited Kerala Water Authority (KWA), Kochi

Need / Reason for • To discuss the proposed development in water tank premises.
Site visit
Location • Kerala Water Authority (KWA), Ernakulam, Kochi
Stakeholders met • Mr. Anil Kumar, Superintendent Engineer, KWA
discussion points • Aim of meeting was to explain the Project Components & interventions
(Reconstruction of Guard room & Compound wall, Lighting &
Landscaping works) at water tank area (Restricted area) and getting a
• Superintendent engineer Mr. Anil kumar provided design inputs.
• Required Proper solid compound wall of Minimum 1.5m Height with
entry gate
• Provide Guard room with toilet.
• Sending a official letter to KWA and Seeking permission for
reconstructing compound wall & Guard room.
• Requested to provide the Project Operation & Maintenance cost for the
proposal after defect liability period, with concern departments
(Finance) and get a confirmation.
List of Attendees 1. Ramanujam S, Associate Architect, IPE Global, Kochi smart city
from PMC PMC


e-Health e-Health Solution at General Hospital General Hospital,
KELTRON Ernakulam

SUBJECT: Kick off Meeting for Implementation of MPLSVPN Network at General Hospital

CSML / PMC General Hospital BSNL/Opterna KELTRON
1. Binnya Joseph, 1. Dr.Anitha A, 1 Sudha 1 Ratheesh A.R, Engineer
IT Manager, Superintendent, Anandkumar, Keltron
CSML General Hospital DGM, BSNL

2. Rajath R, IT 2 Dr.Asha K John, 2 Harikrishnan K 2. Sooraj C R, Engineer

Associate, Deputy S,AGM,BSNL Keltron
CSML Superintendent,
General Hospital
3. Korath 3 Dr.Cyriac P Kesav Thampi, 3. Arun Hareendran, Engineer
V.Mathew, IT Joy,RMO,General Opterna Keltron
Consultant Hospital

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4. Manish, MIS 4 Dr. Haneesh 4 Sharon Lawrence P,

expert, Meerasa,Asst.Sur Engineer Keltron

5 Sheena K 5 Ajith Seby, Engineer

Pappachan,Asst. Keltron
General Hospital

5. 6 Dinesh Kumar,
General Hospital
1. Agenda:
Kick off meeting for Installation of Network in General
Same was attended by the CSML, General Hospital,
Opetrna, BSNL, KELTRON and PMC Smart City.
2. Key points of internal discussions:
1. On behalf of BSNL ,Opterna Technologies will carry out
a final survey at GH Ernakulam for finalizing the
networking locations and number of nodes.

2. BSNL DGM has informed that they will start networking

works after conducting final survey and support
required from GH Ernakulam for electrical connection.

3. A technical team for coordinating the project

implementation has been formed and team comprises
following members

a. CSML - Korath V.Mathew, Binnya Joseph

b. BSNL - Sudha Anandkumar, Harikrishnan K S
c. Keltron - Arun Hareendran, Ratheesh A.R
d. Opterna - Kesav Thampi
e. GH EKM - Dr.Anitha A, Dr.Cyriac P Joy,
Dr.Junaid, Dinesh Kumar V

4. CSML will bear the first year payment for the networking
and next year onwards BSNL will provide an annual bill
and hospital has to do the payment.

5. It was suggested by Superintendent to arrange a

meeting with all doctors before finalizing networking
locations as they will get clarity about the project and
provide suggestions from their end. It was requested to
Opterna Technologies and Keltron to arrange a
Presentation about network infrastructure, locations
and GPoN Networking Installation .

Minutes of the joint meetings with KMC, Kudumbashree and CSML team held on 11 th and 13th
June 2019 in the conference hall Kudumbashree CDS office, Fort Kochi
Two joint meetings of KMC, Kudumashree CDS and CSML, chaired by the Standing meeting
chairman (Welfare) were held in the conference hall at Kudumbashree CDS office in Fort Kochi on
11th and 13th June 2019.

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The objective of the meetings were to finalise the list of slums to be surveyed and also to finalise the
strategies for slum level survey and household’s level socio-economic survey.
Following to the interactive sessions on slum survey methodology, questionnaires for slum level &
household level surveys, following decisions were made.
1. To carry out the survey in all the slums in ward 1-5 as per the list in annexure-I .In addition, upon
the request of Councilor , ward -2 it was decided to include GCDA colony, Koncheri Colony,
Municipal Colony and Puthiyaparambu Colony for the survey.
2. CSML team shared the questionnaire format for both slum surveys and household level survey
(Annexure- ii&iii). Subsequently detailed presentation was made on methodology ,
questionnaires for slum level & household level surveys,
3. It was decided to survey the all households residing in the cluster. The Chairman, SC- welfare
also suggest to collect the copy of ration card from the households during the survey. However
CSML also suggested to give a special indicator on the survey form of the households without
ration card/ any proper documentation
4. CSML team shall be cross verifying the completed survey forms randomly to ensure the quality
of data collected.
5. The CDS chairperson shall be the coordinator for surveys and data entry while at ward level
respective ADS will be responsible for distribution and collection of the questionnaires at the ward
6. After the discussion with the Kudumbashree team, Chairman, SC- welfare suggested that the
remuneration of slum survey and data entry shall be fixed at Rs.50 per form while the fee quoted
for household surveys data entry are Rs.15
Survey Rs.20. However the CSML team suggested to send a formal proposal to the MD, CSML
for the approval.
7. The next joint meeting of KMC, Kudumbashree and CSML will be scheduled after the completing
of slum level survey.

Standing Committee (Welfare)
Corporation of Kochi
List of Participates
1. A.B.Sabu Standing Committee Chairman KMC
2. T K Ashraf Councillor Ward-5 KMC
3. Seenath Rashid Councillor Ward-2 KMC
4. Bindu Levin Councillor Ward-2 KMC
5. E M Najeeb Kudumbasree Member Secretary UPAD, KMC
6. Jancy Joseph CDS Chairperson Kudumbasree
8. Farisa Saleem Member Kudumbasree
9. Sameena Anvar Member Kudumbasree
10. Jessy Augustine Member Kudumbasree
11. Sheela Mohanan Member Kudumbasree
12. Laila P.K Member Kudumbasree
13. Shakeela Member Kudumbasree
14. Riby R Mathew Urban Planner CSML
15. Anitha Mohandas Environmental Engineer CSML
16. Achuth Harikumar Research Intern CSML
17. Anand Nair Associate Architect PMC
18. Smitha IPE Global

Department Police Department

Division /Location Commissioner of Police Office, Ernakulum

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Date and Time 24-06-2019, 2.00 pm

Personnel met Vijay Sakhare, IGP & Commissioner of Police, G. POONGUZHALI. Dy

Commissioner of Police (L&O and Traffic)
Agenda Presentation about Intelligent Crime Surveillance System and discussion
about locations and Cameras
Summary IG recommended to archival of data for one year and instructed DCP to
finalize the locations.
Brief of meeting:
➢ The IT Expert from PMC gave a brief description about the project
➢ IG reviewed the entire Surveillance Solution and instructed the DCP to finalize the locations
for installation of the Surveillance Camera
➢ Details of the surveillance solution was presented, namely, the types of Surveillance Camera,
the network connectivity with cloud based Surveillance solution, the bandwidth charges, the
storage requirements, video analytics, video Managements System, Mobile application and
integration with ground teams etc., were discussed with Police team.
➢ It was clarified that the system is capable of integrating up to 10000 cameras and 400
surveillance cameras will be procured as part of this project., namely, 100 PTZ cameras and
300 fixed cameras
➢ During the discussion, IG Police has made important observation which are as follows:
1. Video Archiving: IG mentioned that one month storage will not suffice as inquiries may
linger on for more time. He wanted video archiving should be 1 year.
2. Archiving on the cloud and not on the edge: IG mentioned that due to safety reasons,
namely, to prevent data loss it is prudent to save the data on the cloud.
3. Bandwidth charges: Full HD archiving required on the cloud for subsequent analysis.
4. Finalisation of the locations for installation of cameras: IG instructed DCP to do the
ground survey and finalise the sites. He also mentioned that fixed cameras to be placed
at strategically located ITMS junctions.
List of Attendees from Kochi Smart City Team
S. No. Name Designation and Organization
1 Binnya Joseph IT Manager, CSML
2 Rajath IT Associates, CSML
3 Korath V Mathew IT & e- Governance Expert, Smart City, PMC
4 Arun Savi Senior Manager, IPE Global, Smart City, PMC
5 Manish MIS Specialist ,IPE Global,Smart City,PMC

Department KMC
Division /Location KMC

Date and Time 25-06-2019, 2.00 pm

Personnel met Mrs. Shiny Mathew, Chairman- Standing Committee, Town Planning
Agenda Implementation of Smart Pole
Summary Chairman TPSC has in principle approved and appreciated the proposal for
the implementation of Smart pole on PPP model, but mentioned that the
same has to be presented to the council for their acceptance.
Brief of meeting:
➢ The IT Expert from PMC gave a brief description about the project
➢ Chairman, Town planning Standing Committee, KMC, Mrs. Shiny Mathew appreciated the
proposal for the implementation of Smart Pole and suggested that it should be presented to
the council members for final approval. A suitable time for the same will be intimated.
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During the discussion, the following observations were made:

Sl.No Requests/Suggestions made to the KMC Decisions conveyed by Chairman

Town Planning Standing Committee
1. The project need to be presented to the
In principle approval for the project and council members for final approval.
recommendation from KMC Time and date for presentation will be
2. Waiver of KMBR Rules for erection of (9- It was understood that smart pole (9m-
12) m and (25-30) m smart pole. 12m) is likely to come up mostly in place
of 10% of the street light poles. Hence
It was requested to waive off KMBR charges KMBR charges may not be levied as in
for smart pole as (9-12) m smart pole is mostly case of streetlight poles. However, for
coming in place of street lights and a premium high mast (25m to 30m) KMBR charges
of minimum Rs12000 is being paid with 10% shall be applicable.
escalation every year.
Similarly for high mast (25m to 30 m) a The case will be put forward to council
minimum of Rs 50000/- premium is being paid for approval.
with 10% escalation. , as it which replaced the
street light pole.
3. Waiver of Road Restoration fee Chairman agreed to the point in
At present, Road restoration charges are principle.
being paid while laying optical fibre. It was However, it was suggested by
proposed that in the case of Concessionaire Chairman to make a comparative
the road restoration will be done by the analysis of the existing road restoration
Concessionaire wherever road cutting is charges and the
undertaken. The concessionaire also is Premium which is being paid to ensure
paying a premium and 3% of the total revenue that there is no loss to the Corporation.
It was requested to waive off the road A comparative analysis for the same is
restoration charges. required to be submitted.
4. Revenue from Advertisement It was advised by CTP that no
Smart Billboard is installed primarily for advertisement revenue should be
messaging to the city from the command considered against Smart Billboard.
control Room. Advertisement is only a However once installed, the
secondary benefit. A percentage of this concessionaire may take permission for
revenue will shared with corporation. advertisement and a percentage of
revenue can be shared with the
5. The loose cables on the roadside to be Chairman wanted a brief plan of actions
removed. for the removal of cables.
Chairman mentioned that the city is looking
ugly because of loose cables hanging from
various posts in a shabby manner. She
wanted the same to be removed.
It was noted that these cables belong to cable
TV, landline and ISPs .
The data passing through these cable can be
re -routed through the OFC, which is being laid
by the Concessionaire at much, cheaper
rates, as each fibre can transmit in excess of
10 Gbps.
Once the optical fibre is laid, then the
Companies were providing services can be
asked to remove the cable and reroute the
cable through OFC.
Once rerouting is completed, the cables can
be removed.
List of Attendees from Kochi Smart City Team
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S. No. Name Designation and Organization

1 Korath V Mathew IT & e- Governance Expert, Smart City, PMC
2 Arun Savi Senior Manager, IPE Global, Smart City, PMC
3 Manish MIS Specialist ,IPE Global,Smart City,PMC


CSML/HE Cancer block in GH Finalization of proposal for CSML Conference room
ALTH/201 Cancer block in Ernakulam 10th Floor
9/ General Hospital Date
PRESENT (Attached in Annexure-1)
INKEL Ernakulam General
1. Agenda:
Finalization of proposal for Cancer block in Ernakulam General
2. Key points discussed were:
CSML made it clear to INKEL that the proposal for new cancer block
shall be an independent building for municipal approval for Ground +
6 floors, with foundation provision for 2 additional floors as decided
in the meeting on 30th May 2019.
3. INKEL consultants expressed their unwillingness to change the
proposal citing hurdles in taking fire approval of the project pertaining
to the pump room location and access.
4. PMC and Dr. Haneesh in telephonic conversation with District Fire
officer asserted that the sump tank and pump room can be placed
underground with sufficient access by staircase to the pump room
from outside the building.

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Hence the area occupied by the tanks and pump rooms can be
utilized for parking.
5. Girija Madam from KMRL, requested to send the proposal as
requested by client, and if there are any issues with respect to
approval, the proposal can be amended at that stage.
6. CSML and Dr. Junaid requested INKEL to rework on their proposal
and come up with a solution of maximum utilization of space and
efficient utilization of the money being spent on the project.

7. INKEL consultants agreed to share the revised proposal based on INKEL

the recommendations in the meeting latest by the next working day.
Table 1: Action points
S.No. Action points Date agreed Remarks
1. INKEL to revise the proposal based on the discussion 28.06.2019
2. CSML, PMC to check the byelaws pertaining to fire
approval with District Fire officer
MOM issued by

Dated 27 June 2019
List of Attendees
1. Raji R General Manager CSML
2. Mr. Ajay Kumar S Team Leader PMC
3. Girija Devi Consultant KMRL
4. Anand Nair Associate Architect PMC
5. Dr. Junaid Ekm General Hospital
6. Dr. Haneesh ARMO Ekm General Hospital
7. Eunice Architect INKEL
8. Sheldon MEP Manager INKEL

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S No Module Module Fund Project Name Project Cost Feasibility DPR Status
No. (If any) or Report
SCP cost
1 10 Urban SCM Walkway from Ekm Jetty to 4.70 Projects
Mobility Metro station Awarded/Under
2 6 Energy SCM Solar panels in Govt. 5.70 Y Y Projects
Efficiency buildings Awarded/Under
3 10 Urban PPP Public Bicycle Sharing 10.00 Y Projects
Mobility Awarded/Under
4 4 Main SCM Intelligent Traffic 26.90 Y Y Projects
Roads Management Systems Awarded/Under
(ITMS) Implementation
5 13 Health SCM E-health solution for 3.71 Y Y Projects
General Hospital Awarded/Under
6 13 Health SCM Cancer Extension Block, 25.00 Y Y Projects
General Hospital Awarded/Under
7 18 Others SCM Integrated Command, 64.50 Y Y Projects
Control and Awarded/Under
Communication Centre Implementation
8 3 NMT SCM Development of Other 43.60 Y Y Projects
Roads Roads in Ernakulam ABD Awarded/Under
9 4 Main SCM Development of Smart 61.53 Y Y Projects
Roads Roads in Ernakulam ABD Awarded/Under
10 4 Main SCM Development of Smart 30.31 Y Y Projects
Roads Roads in West Kochi in Awarded/Under
ABD Implementation
11 7 Solid SCM Household and Street Bins 0.67 Y Y Projects
Waste and for Segregation of Organic Awarded/Under
Sanitation and Inorganic wastes Implementation
12 6 Energy SCM Implementation of Smart 32.06 Y Y Projects
Efficiency LED lighting Awarded/Under
13 13 Health SCM New Block at Fort Kochi 4.82 Y Y Projects
Taluk Hospital Awarded/Under
14 13 Health SCM New Block of Mattancherry 4.67 Y Y Projects
Women & Children Awarded/Under
Hospital Implementation
15 5 Energy SCM Development of Electrical 63.40 Y Y Projects under
Supply Infrastructure in ABD Tender
16 17 Identity SCM Upgradation of Dutch 1.10 Y Y Projects under
and Palace Entry Area Tender
Culture Evaluation
17 17 Identity SCM Open Air Theatre (OAT) at 1.10 Y Y Projects under
and Fort Kochi Tender
Culture Evaluation
18 6 Energy PPP Intelligent Street Pole 301.58 Y Y Projects under
Efficiency Tender
19 2 UGSS SCM Construction of Vacuum 154.50 Y Y Projects under
Sewer Network with House Tender
Connections and Sewer Evaluation
Treatment Plant
20 3 NMT SCM Development of Other 27.95 Y Y Tender Issued
Roads Roads in West Kochi Ward
21 3 NMT SCM Development of Other 32.49 Y Y Tender Issued
Roads Roads in West Kochi in
Ward 3 4 5

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22 7 Solid SCM Public Toilets in ABD 1.80 Y Y To be re-

Waste and tendered
23 7 Solid SCM Smart & Improved 4.40 Y Y To be re-
Waste and Secondary Storage & tendered
Sanitation Transportation of Solid
Waste using Portable
Compactor Technology
24 7 Solid SCM Smart & Improved 3.20 Y Y To be re-
Waste and Mechanised Street tendered
Sanitation Sweeping at West Kochi &
Ernakulum in ABD
25 17 Identity SCM Beach Front Upgradation 1.72 Y Y To be re-
and at Vasco Square in Fort tendered
Culture Kochi - Part A
26 8 Park and SCM Improvements to Marine 7.10 Y Y To be re-
Open Drive walkway - Phase I tendered
27 14 Education SCM Higher Secondary Block, 4.67 Y Y To be re-
Central Calvathy GHSS, tendered
Fort Kochi
28 3 NMT SCM Development of Multi Level 6.15 Y Y To be re-
Roads Car Parking at tendered
29 14 Education SCM Smart Classroom for 100 4.90 Y Y Tender
classrooms PAN city Cancelled
30 4 Main SCM Road Signages for ABD 2.40 Y Y DPR Prepared
31 17 Identity PPP Development of Ethnic 1.00 Y Y DPR Prepared
and Food Hub
32 15 Safety and SCM Safety & security - 14.56 Y Y DPR Prepared
Security Intelligent Crime
Surveillance System
33 8 Park and SCM Development of Open 2.75 Y Y DPR Prepared
Open spaces
34 17 Identity SCM Museum of Freedom 0.55 Y Y DPR Prepared
and Struggle
35 14 Education SCM Anganwadis 0.91 Y Y DPR Prepared
36 18 Others SCM Spatial Mapping of assets 0.50 N Y DPR Prepared
37 7 Solid SCM Smart & Improved Battery 1.00 Y Y DPR Prepared
Waste and Operated Tricycles for
Sanitation Primary Waste Collection
at West Kochi &
Ernakulam in ABD Area
38 9 Canal SCM Restoration of Mullassery 1.00 Y N DPR Under
Restoration canal - including linking of Preparation
standardized area drains
39 9 Canal SCM Restoration of Market 5.00 Y N DPR Under
Restoration canal - Walkways and Preparation
Market square around the
canal pond, Solar paneled
roofs, LED Lighting, Light
40 9 Canal SCM Restoration of Kalvathy 20.00 Y N DPR Under
Restoration canal and area drain Preparation
improvement - Open
spaces, Street furniture
and landscaping features
41 9 Canal SCM Restoration of 15.00 Y N DPR Under
Restoration Rameswaram-Kalvathy Preparation
canal - Upto Cochin
college – Walkways and
Linking the Canal Bank
42 12 Economy SCM Broadway Street 10.00 Y N DPR Under
and Upgradation Preparation
43 12 Economy SCM Ernakulam Market 100.00 Y N DPR Under
and Redevelopment Preparation

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44 3 NMT PPP Smart Parking Solutions in 1.90 Y N DPR Under
Roads ABD Preparation
45 17 Identity SCM Cultural Corridor - PT 0.50 N N DPR Under
and Usha Road Preparation
46 17 Identity SCM Fort Kochi Beach Front 5.00 Y N DPR Under
and improvements - Part B Preparation
Culture Walkway & Beach
47 4 Main SCM FOBs - West Kochi (3 Nos) 2.15 Y N DPR Under
Roads Preparation
48 11 Housing SCM Construction of Bridges in 3.15 Y N DPR Under
West Kochi Preparation
49 11 Housing SCM Beneficiary led housing 13.00 NA NA Convergence
50 11 Housing SCM Construction of First tower 21.00 NA NA Convergence
at Thuruthy Housing
51 11 Housing SCM Integrated redevelopment 62.85 N N Feasibility stage
of Slum housing
52 6 Energy Solar panels in canals and 0.50 N N To be taken up
Efficiency backwaters based on fund
53 17 Identity Museum of Spices history 1.50 Y N To be taken up
and based on fund
Culture availability
54 17 Identity Mattancherry Walkway 11.00 Y N To be taken up
and based on fund
Culture availability
55 3 NMT MLCP at GCDA 10.00 Y N To be taken up
Roads based on fund
56 3 NMT MLCP at KTDC 7.00 Y N Project scope to
Roads be confirmed by
57 1 Water Smart Water solutions - 1.00 N N Project scope to
Supply Smart Metering and smart be confirmed by
valves for all connections stakeholders
in ABD
58 2 UGSS Improvements to sewer 34.50 N N Project scope to
collection system for be confirmed by
Mainland stakeholders
59 3 NMT Kacheripady commercial 5.00 N N Project scope to
Roads complex be confirmed by
60 12 Economy Standard Hawker zones in 5.60 Y N Project scope to
and Fort Kochi + Standardize be confirmed by
Employme structures for "Petti Kada" stakeholders
61 10 Urban Extend ‘Smart Wi-Fi bus 0.60 N N Project scope to
Mobility shelters’ with LED bulbs, be confirmed by
FM radio, USB drive slots, stakeholders
kiosks, mobile charger
62 10 Urban Standard Wifi Enabled Bus 3.00 N N Project scope to
Mobility Stands With Commercial be confirmed by
space development stakeholders
63 8 Park and Mangalavanam Eco- 1.00 N N Project scope to
Open restoration project be confirmed by
Space stakeholders
64 16 Other Upgradation of Community 1.00 N N Project scope to
Social Centre at Mattancherry be confirmed by
Infrastructu with indoor sports facilities stakeholders

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